/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ipconfig.cxx Abstract: CIpConfig class implementation Contents: CIpAddress::GetAddress CIpAddressList::Find CIpAddressList::Add(CIpAddress *) CIpAddressList::Add(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD) CIpAddressList::GetAddress CIpAddressList::ThrowOutUnfoundEntries CAdapterInterface::CAdapterInterface CAdapterInterface::~CAdapterInterface CIpConfig::CIpConfig CIpConfig::~CIpConfig CIpConfig::GetRouterAddress CIpConfig::GetDnsAddress CIpConfig::IsKnownIpAddress CIpConfig::Refresh (CIpConfig::GetAdapterList) (CIpConfig::LoadEntryPoints) (CIpConfig::UnloadEntryPoints) (CIpConfig::FindOrCreateInterface) (CIpConfig::FindInterface) (CIpConfig::ThrowOutUnfoundEntries) WsControl (WinNtWsControl) (OpenTcpipDriverHandle) (CloseTcpipDriverHandle) (GetEntityList) [InternetMapEntity] [InternetMapInterface] Author: Richard L Firth (rfirth) 29-Oct-1996 Environment: Win32 user-mode DLL Notes: In order to operate correctly, we require the Microsoft Winsock implementation (WSOCK32.DLL) and the Microsoft TCP/IP stack to be loaded Revision History: 29-Oct-1996 rfirth Created 15-Jul-1998 arthurbi Resurrected from the dead --*/ #include #include "aproxp.h" #include // // manifests // #define MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH 128 // arbitrary //#define DEFAULT_MINIMUM_ENTITIES MAX_TDI_ENTITIES // // macros // // // IS_INTERESTING_ADAPTER - TRUE if the type of this adapter (IFEntry) is NOT // loopback. Loopback (corresponding to local host) is the only one we filter // out right now // #define IS_INTERESTING_ADAPTER(p) (!((p)->if_type == IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK)) #define IS_INTERESTING_ADAPTER_NT5(p) (!((p)->Type == IF_TYPE_RFC877_X25)) // // globals // const char SERVICES_KEY_NAME[] = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"; HKEY TcpipLinkageKey = NULL;// = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HKEY ServicesKey = NULL; // = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL CIpConfig::m_Loaded; // // private prototypes // PRIVATE DWORD WinNtWsControl( DWORD dwProtocol, DWORD dwRequest, LPVOID lpInputBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwInputBufferLength, LPVOID lpOutputBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwOutputBufferLength ); PRIVATE DWORD OpenTcpipDriverHandle( VOID ); PRIVATE VOID CloseTcpipDriverHandle( VOID ); PRIVATE DWORD GetEntityList( OUT TDIEntityID * * lplpEntities ); // // private debug prototypes // PRIVATE LPCSTR InternetMapEntity( IN INT EntityId ); PRIVATE LPCSTR InternetMapInterface( IN DWORD InterfaceType ); PRIVATE LPCSTR InternetMapInterfaceOnNT5( IN DWORD InterfaceType ); // // private data // // // NTDLL info - if the platform is NT then we use the following entry points in // NTDLL.DLL to talk to the TCP/IP device driver // PRIVATE VOID (* _I_RtlInitUnicodeString)(PUNICODE_STRING, PCWSTR) = NULL; PRIVATE NTSTATUS (* _I_NtCreateFile)(PHANDLE, ACCESS_MASK, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK, PLARGE_INTEGER, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG, ULONG, PVOID, ULONG ) = NULL; PRIVATE ULONG (* _I_RtlNtStatusToDosError)(NTSTATUS) = NULL; PRIVATE DLL_ENTRY_POINT NtDllEntryPoints[] = { DLL_ENTRY_POINT_ELEMENT(RtlInitUnicodeString), DLL_ENTRY_POINT_ELEMENT(NtCreateFile), DLL_ENTRY_POINT_ELEMENT(RtlNtStatusToDosError) }; PRIVATE DLL_INFO NtDllInfo = DLL_INFO_INIT("NTDLL.DLL", NtDllEntryPoints); PRIVATE HANDLE TcpipDriverHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // // Iphlpapi - Ip Helper APIs only found on NT 5 and Win 98, must dynaload, // Used to gather information on what adapters are avaible on the machine // PRIVATE DWORD (PASCAL FAR * _I_GetAdaptersInfo)(PIP_ADAPTER_INFO, PULONG ) = NULL; PRIVATE DLL_ENTRY_POINT IpHlpApiEntryPoints[] = { DLL_ENTRY_POINT_ELEMENT(GetAdaptersInfo) }; PRIVATE DLL_INFO IpHlpApiDllInfo = DLL_INFO_INIT("IPHLPAPI.DLL", IpHlpApiEntryPoints); // // DhcpcSvc - DHCP dll, Only found on Win'98 and NT 5. This function does almost all the // work for us using the native DHCP services found on these cool new OSes. // PRIVATE DWORD (__stdcall * _I_DhcpRequestParams)(DWORD, LPVOID, LPWSTR, LPDHCPCAPI_CLASSID, DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY, DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY, LPBYTE, LPDWORD, LPWSTR ) = NULL; PRIVATE DLL_ENTRY_POINT DhcpcSvcEntryPoints[] = { DLL_ENTRY_POINT_ELEMENT(DhcpRequestParams) }; PRIVATE DLL_INFO DhcpcSvcDllInfo = DLL_INFO_INIT("DHCPCSVC.DLL", DhcpcSvcEntryPoints); // // global data // // none. // // methods // // // public CIpAddress methods // BOOL CIpAddress::GetAddress( OUT LPBYTE lpbAddress, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwAddressLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the IP address from this CIpAddress Arguments: lpbAddress - pointer to returned address lpdwAddressLength - size of IP address Return Value: BOOL TRUE - address copied FALSE - address not copied (buffer not large enough) --*/ { if (*lpdwAddressLength >= sizeof(DWORD)) { *(LPDWORD)lpbAddress = m_dwIpAddress; *lpdwAddressLength = sizeof(DWORD); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // // public CIpAddressList methods // BOOL CIpAddressList::IsContextInList( IN DWORD dwContext ) { for (CIpAddress * pEntry = m_List; pEntry != NULL; pEntry = pEntry->m_Next) { if (pEntry->Context() == dwContext) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } CIpAddress * CIpAddressList::Find( IN DWORD dwIpAddress, IN DWORD dwIpMask ) /*++ Routine Description: Finds the CIpAddress object corresponding to (dwIpAddress, dwIpMask) Arguments: dwIpAddress - IP address to find dwIpMask - IP address mask, or INADDR_ANY (0) if we don't care Return Value: CIpAddress * Success - pointer to found object Failure - NULL --*/ { for (CIpAddress * pEntry = m_List; pEntry != NULL; pEntry = pEntry->m_Next) { if ((pEntry->IpAddress() == dwIpAddress) && ((dwIpMask == INADDR_ANY) || (pEntry->IpMask() == dwIpMask))) { break; } } return pEntry; } VOID CIpAddressList::Add( IN CIpAddress * pAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Adds an IP address entry to the list Arguments: pAddress - pointer to CIpAddress to add Return Value: None. --*/ { INET_ASSERT(pAddress->m_Next == NULL); CIpAddress * pEntry = (CIpAddress *)&m_List; while (pEntry->m_Next != NULL) { pEntry = pEntry->m_Next; } pEntry->m_Next = pAddress; } BOOL CIpAddressList::Add( IN DWORD dwIpAddress, IN DWORD dwIpMask, IN DWORD dwContext ) /*++ Routine Description: Adds an IP address entry to the list Arguments: dwIpAddress - IP address to add dwIpMask - IP subnet mask dwContext - unique interface context value Return Value: BOOL TRUE - item added FALSE - out of memory --*/ { CIpAddress * pIpAddress = new CIpAddress(dwIpAddress, dwIpMask, dwContext); if (pIpAddress != NULL) { Add(pIpAddress); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL CIpAddressList::GetAddress( IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwIndex, OUT LPBYTE lpbAddress, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwAddressLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the *lpdwIndex'th address from the list Arguments: lpdwIndex - which address to return. Updated on output lpbAddress - pointer to returned address lpdwAddressLength - pointer to returned address length Return Value: BOOL TRUE - address returned FALSE - address not returned --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Bool, "CIpAddressList::GetAddress", "%#x [%d], %#x, %#x [%d]", lpdwIndex, *lpdwIndex, lpbAddress, lpdwAddressLength, *lpdwAddressLength )); CIpAddress * p = m_List; for (DWORD i = 0; (i < *lpdwIndex) && (p != NULL); ++i) { p = p->m_Next; } BOOL found; if (p != NULL) { found = p->GetAddress(lpbAddress, lpdwAddressLength); if (found) { ++*lpdwIndex; } } else { found = FALSE; } DEBUG_LEAVE(found); return found; } PRIVATE BOOL CIpAddressList::ThrowOutUnfoundEntries( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Throws out (deletes) any addresses that are marked not-found Arguments: None. Return Value: BOOL TRUE - interfaces thrown out FALSE - " not " " --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Bool, "CIpAddressList::ThrowOutUnfoundEntries", NULL )); CIpAddress * pLast = (CIpAddress *)&m_List; CIpAddress * pEntry; BOOL bThrownOut = FALSE; for (pEntry = m_List; pEntry != NULL; pEntry = pEntry->m_Next) { if (!pEntry->IsFound()) { pLast->m_Next = pEntry->m_Next; delete pEntry; bThrownOut = TRUE; pEntry = pLast; } else { pLast = pEntry; } } DEBUG_LEAVE(bThrownOut); return bThrownOut; } // // public CAdapterInterface methods // CAdapterInterface::CAdapterInterface( IN DWORD dwIndex, IN DWORD dwType, IN DWORD dwSpeed, IN LPSTR lpszDescription, IN DWORD dwDescriptionLength, IN LPBYTE lpPhysicalAddress, IN DWORD dwPhysicalAddressLength ) /*++ Routine Description: CAdapterInterface constructor Arguments: dwIndex - unique adapter interface index dwType - type of interface dwSpeed - speed of interface lpszDescription - pointer to descriptive name of adapter dwDescriptionLength - length of lpszDescription lpPhysicalAddress - dwPhysicalAddressLength - Return Value: None. --*/ { if ((lpszDescription != NULL) && (dwDescriptionLength != 0)) { m_lpszDescription = new char[dwDescriptionLength + 1]; if (m_lpszDescription != NULL) { memcpy(m_lpszDescription, lpszDescription, dwDescriptionLength); } else { dwDescriptionLength = 0; } } if ((lpPhysicalAddress != NULL) && (dwPhysicalAddressLength != 0)) { m_lpPhysicalAddress = new BYTE[dwPhysicalAddressLength]; if ( m_lpPhysicalAddress != NULL ) { memcpy(m_lpPhysicalAddress, lpPhysicalAddress, dwPhysicalAddressLength); } else { dwPhysicalAddressLength = 0; } } switch( dwType ) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET: m_dwPhysicalAddressType = HARDWARE_TYPE_10MB_EITHERNET; break; case IF_TYPE_TOKENRING: case IF_TYPE_FDDI: m_dwPhysicalAddressType = HARDWARE_TYPE_IEEE_802; break; case IF_TYPE_OTHER: m_dwPhysicalAddressType = HARDWARE_ARCNET; break; case IF_TYPE_PPP: m_dwPhysicalAddressType = HARDWARE_PPP; break; case IF_TYPE_IEEE1394: m_dwPhysicalAddressType = HARDWARE_IEEE1394; break; default: m_dwPhysicalAddressType = HARDWARE_ARCNET; break; } m_dwPhysicalAddressLength = dwPhysicalAddressLength; m_dwDescriptionLength = dwDescriptionLength; m_lpszAdapterName = NULL; m_dwIndex = dwIndex; m_dwType = dwType; m_dwSpeed = dwSpeed; m_Flags.Word = 0; SetFound(TRUE); } CAdapterInterface::~CAdapterInterface( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: CAdapterInterface destructor Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { if (m_lpszDescription != NULL) { delete m_lpszDescription; } if (m_lpPhysicalAddress != NULL) { delete m_lpPhysicalAddress; } if ( m_lpszAdapterName != NULL) { FREE_MEMORY(m_lpszAdapterName); } } BOOL CAdapterInterface::DhcpDoInformNT5( OUT LPSTR * ppszAutoProxyUrl ) /*++ Routine Description: For a given Interface, this nifly little method uses the new wizbang NT 5/Win'98 specific API to do the DHCP Inform request and determine an auto-proxy Url that we can use. Kinda of nice when we're on NT 5, otherwise we need to pull in the kitchen sink equivlent of DHCP code that has been ripped off from the NT 4/Win'95 code base Arguments: lpszAutoProxyUrl - a piece of memory where we can stuff our new auto-proxy URL dwAutoProxyUrlLength - size of the space to store the string above Return Value: BOOL TRUE - successfully talked to server and got Url FALSE - failed to allocate memory or failure talking to TCP/IP or failure to get an Url needed to continue --*/ { DWORD error; WCHAR wszAdapterName[(MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 6)]; int len; LPSTR lpszAutoProxyUrl = NULL; len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, // flags GetAdapterName(), -1, // assume null-terminated wszAdapterName, (MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 6) ); if ( len == 0 ) { return FALSE; // failed to convert string } if (_I_DhcpRequestParams == NULL) { return FALSE; } DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY SendParams; DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY RecvParams; DHCPAPI_PARAMS WpadParam; BYTE * pBuffer = NULL; BYTE Buffer[400]; DWORD dwBufferSize = sizeof(Buffer); ZeroMemory(&WpadParam, sizeof(WpadParam)); WpadParam.OptionId = OPTION_WPAD_URL; WpadParam.IsVendor = FALSE; SendParams.nParams = 0; SendParams.Params = NULL; RecvParams.nParams = 1; RecvParams.Params = &WpadParam; error = _I_DhcpRequestParams( DHCPCAPI_REQUEST_SYNCHRONOUS, NULL, wszAdapterName, NULL, SendParams, RecvParams, Buffer, &dwBufferSize, NULL ); if (error == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { dwBufferSize += 400; pBuffer = new BYTE[dwBufferSize]; if (pBuffer != NULL) { ZeroMemory(&WpadParam, sizeof(WpadParam)); WpadParam.OptionId = OPTION_WPAD_URL; WpadParam.IsVendor = FALSE; SendParams.nParams = 0; SendParams.Params = NULL; RecvParams.nParams = 1; RecvParams.Params = &WpadParam; error = _I_DhcpRequestParams( DHCPCAPI_REQUEST_SYNCHRONOUS, NULL, wszAdapterName, NULL, SendParams, RecvParams, pBuffer, &dwBufferSize, NULL ); } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS && WpadParam.Data != NULL && WpadParam.nBytesData != 0) { lpszAutoProxyUrl = NewString((LPCSTR)WpadParam.Data, WpadParam.nBytesData); if (lpszAutoProxyUrl) { *ppszAutoProxyUrl = lpszAutoProxyUrl; } } if (pBuffer) delete [] pBuffer; return (lpszAutoProxyUrl != NULL); } BOOL CAdapterInterface::CopyAdapterInfoToDhcpContext( PDHCP_CONTEXT pDhcpContext ) { memset ((void *) pDhcpContext, 0, sizeof(DHCP_CONTEXT)); // hardware address, length, and type pDhcpContext->HardwareAddressType = m_dwPhysicalAddressType; pDhcpContext->HardwareAddress = m_lpPhysicalAddress; pDhcpContext->HardwareAddressLength = m_dwPhysicalAddressLength; if (m_IpList.m_List) { // Selected IpAddress, NetworkOrder. htonl // note: assumed to be in network order pDhcpContext->IpAddress = ((m_IpList.m_List)->IpAddress()); pDhcpContext->IpInterfaceContext = ((m_IpList.m_List)->Context()); } if (m_DhcpList.m_List) { // Selected DHCP server address. Network Order. htonl // note: assumed to be in network order pDhcpContext->DhcpServerAddress = ((m_DhcpList.m_List)->IpAddress()); } pDhcpContext->ClientIdentifier.fSpecified = FALSE; pDhcpContext->T2Time = 0; // when was the last time an inform was sent? pDhcpContext->LastInformSent = 0; // seconds passed since boot. pDhcpContext->SecondsSinceBoot = 0; // the list of options to send and the list of options received InitializeListHead(&pDhcpContext->RecdOptionsList); InitializeListHead(&pDhcpContext->SendOptionsList); // the class this adapter belongs to if ( m_lpszAdapterName ) { pDhcpContext->ClassId = (unsigned char *) m_lpszAdapterName; pDhcpContext->ClassIdLength = lstrlen(m_lpszAdapterName); } else { pDhcpContext->ClassId = NULL; pDhcpContext->ClassIdLength = 0; } // Message buffer to send and receive DHCP message. pDhcpContext->MessageBuffer = (PDHCP_MESSAGE) pDhcpContext->szMessageBuffer; memset(pDhcpContext->szMessageBuffer, 0, sizeof(pDhcpContext->szMessageBuffer)); //LocalInfo = (PLOCAL_CONTEXT_INFO)((*pDhcpContext)->LocalInformation); //LocalInfo->IpInterfaceContext = IpInterfaceContext; //LocalInfo->IpInterfaceInstance = IpInterfaceInstance; // IpInterfaceInstance is filled in make context pDhcpContext->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; pDhcpContext->State.Plumbed = TRUE; pDhcpContext->State.ServerReached = FALSE; pDhcpContext->State.AutonetEnabled= FALSE; pDhcpContext->State.HasBeenLooked = FALSE; pDhcpContext->State.DhcpEnabled = FALSE; pDhcpContext->State.AutoMode = FALSE; pDhcpContext->State.MediaState = FALSE; pDhcpContext->State.MDhcp = FALSE; pDhcpContext->State.PowerResumed = FALSE; pDhcpContext->State.Broadcast = FALSE; return TRUE; } // // public CIpConfig methods // CIpConfig::CIpConfig( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: CIpConfig constructor - initializes the object & loads the requird DLLs if not already loaded Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "CIpConfig::CIpConfig", NULL )); InitializeListHead(&m_List); m_dwNumberOfInterfaces = 0; DWORD error = LoadEntryPoints(); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { #ifndef unix GetAdapterList(); #endif /* unix */ } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } CIpConfig::~CIpConfig() /*++ Routine Description: CIpConfig destructor - destroys this object and unloads (or reduces the reference count on) the DLLs Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "CIpConfig::~CIpConfig", NULL )); while (!IsListEmpty(&m_List)) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&m_List); // // BUGBUG - need CONTAINING_RECORD() if m_List is not @ start of // CAdapterInterface // CAdapterInterface * pInterface = (CAdapterInterface *)pEntry; delete pInterface; } CloseTcpipDriverHandle(); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } BOOL CIpConfig::GetRouterAddress( IN LPBYTE lpbInterfaceAddress OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwInterfaceAddressLength, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwIndex, OUT LPBYTE lpbAddress, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwAddressLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the *lpdwIndex'th router address belonging to the interface corresponding to the address in lpbInterfaceAddress Arguments: lpbInterfaceAddress - pointer to interface address dwInterfaceAddressLength - length of interface address lpdwIndex - index of router address to return lpbAddress - returned router address lpdwAddressLength - length of router address Return Value: BOOL TRUE - *lpdwIndex'th router address returned for requested interface FALSE - requested address not returned --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpbInterfaceAddress); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwInterfaceAddressLength); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpdwIndex); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpbAddress); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpdwAddressLength); DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Bool, "CIpConfig::GetRouterAddress", "%#x, %d, %#x [%d], %#x, %#x [%d]", lpbInterfaceAddress, dwInterfaceAddressLength, lpdwIndex, *lpdwIndex, lpbAddress, lpdwAddressLength, *lpdwAddressLength )); // // for now, we default to 1st interface // INET_ASSERT(lpbInterfaceAddress == NULL); INET_ASSERT(dwInterfaceAddressLength == sizeof(DWORD)); BOOL found; // // no one uses this any more // INET_ASSERT(FALSE); //if (!IsListEmpty(&m_List)) { // found = ((CAdapterInterface *)m_List.Flink)->m_RouterList.GetAddress( // lpdwIndex, // lpbAddress, // lpdwAddressLength // ); //} else { found = FALSE; //} DEBUG_LEAVE(found); return found; } BOOL CIpConfig::GetDnsAddress( IN LPBYTE lpbInterfaceAddress OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwInterfaceAddressLength, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwIndex, OUT LPBYTE lpbAddress, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwAddressLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the *lpdwIndex'th DNS address belonging to the interface corresponding to the address in lpbInterfaceAddress Arguments: lpbInterfaceAddress - pointer to interface address dwInterfaceAddressLength - length of interface address lpdwIndex - index of DNS address to return lpbAddress - returned DNS address lpdwAddressLength - length of DNS address Return Value: BOOL TRUE - *lpdwIndex'th DNS address returned for requested interface FALSE - requested address not returned --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpbInterfaceAddress); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwInterfaceAddressLength); DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Bool, "CIpConfig::GetDnsAddress", "%#x, %d, %#x [%d], %#x, %#x [%d]", lpbInterfaceAddress, dwInterfaceAddressLength, lpdwIndex, *lpdwIndex, lpbAddress, lpdwAddressLength, *lpdwAddressLength )); // // for now, we only return the global DNS info // INET_ASSERT(lpbInterfaceAddress == NULL); INET_ASSERT(dwInterfaceAddressLength == sizeof(DWORD)); BOOL found; if (!m_DnsList.IsEmpty()) { found = m_DnsList.GetAddress(lpdwIndex, lpbAddress, lpdwAddressLength ); } else { found = FALSE; } DEBUG_LEAVE(found); return found; } BOOL CIpConfig::IsKnownIpAddress( IN LPBYTE lpbInterfaceAddress OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwInterfaceAddressLength, IN LPBYTE lpbAddress, IN DWORD dwAddressLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Return TRUE if lpbAddress is a known interface address Arguments: lpbInterfaceAddress - pointer to interface address dwInterfaceAddressLength - length of interface address lpbAddress - pointer to address to check dwAddressLength - length of address Return Value: BOOL --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpbInterfaceAddress); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwInterfaceAddressLength); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwAddressLength); DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Bool, "CIpConfig::IsKnownIpAddress", "%#x, %d, %#x, %d", lpbInterfaceAddress, dwInterfaceAddressLength, lpbAddress, dwAddressLength )); BOOL found = FALSE; for (CAdapterInterface * pEntry = (CAdapterInterface *)m_List.Flink; pEntry != (CAdapterInterface *)&m_List.Flink; pEntry = (CAdapterInterface *)pEntry->m_List.Flink) { if (pEntry->FindIpAddress(*(LPDWORD)lpbAddress)) { found = TRUE; break; } } DEBUG_LEAVE(found); return found; } BOOL CIpConfig::Refresh( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Refreshes the interface information - re-reads the interfaces and IP addresses Arguments: None. Return Value: BOOL TRUE - interfaces or IP address changed FALSE - nothing changed --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Bool, "CIpConfig::Refresh", NULL )); BOOL bChanged; GetAdapterList(&bChanged); if (bChanged) { //dprintf("flushing hostent cache\n"); // FlushHostentCache(); } DEBUG_LEAVE(bChanged); return bChanged; } // // private CIpConfig methods // PRIVATE BOOL CIpConfig::GetAdapterList( OUT LPBOOL lpbChanged ) /*++ Routine Description: Builds a list of interfaces corresponding to physical and logical adapters, Uses Win'95 and NT 4 private VxD driver/registry entry points to get this data. Arguments: lpbChanged - if present, returns interface changed state Return Value: BOOL TRUE - successfully built list FALSE - failed to allocate memory or failure talking to TCP/IP --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Bool, "CIpConfig::GetAdapterList", "%#x", lpbChanged )); TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX req; TDIObjectID id; UINT numberOfEntities; TDIEntityID* pEntity; TDIEntityID* entityList = NULL; IPRouteEntry* routeTable = NULL; LPVOID buffer = NULL; DWORD status; DWORD inputLen; DWORD outputLen; BOOL ok = FALSE; UINT i; // major loop index UINT j; // minor loop index BOOL bChanged = FALSE; // // default is interfaces unchanged // if (lpbChanged) { *lpbChanged = FALSE; } // // On NT 5 we override and use a different method for // getting network settings. // if ( GlobalPlatformVersion5 ) { return GetAdapterListOnNT5(); } // // get the list of entities supported by TCP/IP then make 2 passes on the // list. Pass 1 scans for IF_ENTITY's (interface entities perhaps?) which // describe adapter instances (physical and virtual). Once we have our list // of adapters, on pass 2 we look for CL_NL_ENTITY's (connection-less // network layer entities peut-etre?) which will give us the list of IP // addresses for the adapters we found in pass 1 // numberOfEntities = GetEntityList(&entityList); if (numberOfEntities == 0) { INET_ASSERT(entityList == NULL); DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("GetAdapterList: failed to get entity list\n" )); goto quit; } // // first off, mark all the current interfaces (if any), including current // IP addresses, as not found // SetNotFound(); // // pass 1 // for (i = 0, pEntity = entityList; i < numberOfEntities; ++i, ++pEntity) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("Pass 1: Entity %#x (%s) Instance #%d\n", pEntity->tei_entity, InternetMapEntity(pEntity->tei_entity), pEntity->tei_instance )); if (pEntity->tei_entity != IF_ENTITY) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("Entity %#x (%s) Instance #%d not IF_ENTITY - skipping\n", pEntity->tei_entity, InternetMapEntity(pEntity->tei_entity), pEntity->tei_instance )); continue; } // // IF_ENTITY: this entity/instance describes an adapter // DWORD isMib; BYTE info[sizeof(IFEntry) + MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH + 1]; IFEntry* pIfEntry = (IFEntry*)info; int len; // // find out if this entity supports MIB requests // memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); id.toi_entity = *pEntity; id.toi_class = INFO_CLASS_GENERIC; id.toi_type = INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER; id.toi_id = ENTITY_TYPE_ID; req.ID = id; inputLen = sizeof(req); outputLen = sizeof(isMib); status = WsControl(IPPROTO_TCP, WSCNTL_TCPIP_QUERY_INFO, (LPVOID)&req, &inputLen, (LPVOID)&isMib, &outputLen ); // // BUGBUG - this returns 0 as outputLen // // if ((status != TDI_SUCCESS) || (outputLen != sizeof(isMib))) { if (status != TDI_SUCCESS) { // // unexpected results - bail out // DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("WsControl(ENTITY_TYPE_ID): status = %d, outputLen = %d\n", status, outputLen )); goto error_exit; } if (isMib != IF_MIB) { // // entity doesn't support MIB requests - try another // DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, WARNING, ("Entity %#x, Instance #%d doesn't support MIB (%#x)\n", id.toi_entity.tei_entity, id.toi_entity.tei_instance, isMib )); continue; } // // MIB requests supported - query the adapter info // id.toi_class = INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL; id.toi_id = IF_MIB_STATS_ID; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.ID = id; inputLen = sizeof(req); outputLen = sizeof(info); status = WsControl(IPPROTO_TCP, WSCNTL_TCPIP_QUERY_INFO, (LPVOID)&req, &inputLen, (LPVOID)info, &outputLen ); if (status != TDI_SUCCESS) { // // unexpected results - bail out // DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("WsControl(IF_MIB_STATS_ID) returns %d\n", status )); goto error_exit; } // // we only want physical adapters // if (!IS_INTERESTING_ADAPTER(pIfEntry)) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("ignoring adapter #%d [%s]\n", pIfEntry->if_index, InternetMapInterface(pIfEntry->if_type) )); continue; } // // got this adapter info ok. Find or create an interface object and fill // in what we can // CAdapterInterface * pInterface; len = min(MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH, (size_t)pIfEntry->if_physaddrlen); pInterface = FindOrCreateInterface(pIfEntry->if_index, pIfEntry->if_type, pIfEntry->if_speed, (LPSTR)pIfEntry->if_descr, pIfEntry->if_descrlen, (LPBYTE)pIfEntry->if_physaddr, (DWORD) len ); if (pInterface == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("failed to allocate memory for CAdapterInterface\n" )); goto error_exit; } } // // pass 2 // for (i = 0, pEntity = entityList; i < numberOfEntities; ++i, ++pEntity) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("Pass 2: Entity %#x (%s) Instance %d\n", pEntity->tei_entity, InternetMapEntity(pEntity->tei_entity), pEntity->tei_instance )); if (pEntity->tei_entity != CL_NL_ENTITY) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("Entity %#x (%s) Instance %d - not CL_NL_ENTITY - skipping\n", pEntity->tei_entity, InternetMapEntity(pEntity->tei_entity), pEntity->tei_instance )); continue; } IPSNMPInfo info; DWORD type; // // first off, see if this network layer entity supports IP // memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); id.toi_entity = *pEntity; id.toi_class = INFO_CLASS_GENERIC; id.toi_type = INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER; id.toi_id = ENTITY_TYPE_ID; req.ID = id; inputLen = sizeof(req); outputLen = sizeof(type); status = WsControl(IPPROTO_TCP, WSCNTL_TCPIP_QUERY_INFO, (LPVOID)&req, &inputLen, (LPVOID)&type, &outputLen ); // // BUGBUG - this returns 0 as outputLen // // if ((status != TDI_SUCCESS) || (outputLen != sizeof(type))) { if (status != TDI_SUCCESS) { // // unexpected results - bail out // DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("WsControl(ENTITY_TYPE_ID): status = %d, outputLen = %d\n", status, outputLen )); goto error_exit; } if (type != CL_NL_IP) { // // nope, not IP - try next one // DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("CL_NL_ENTITY #%d not CL_NL_IP - skipping\n", pEntity->tei_instance )); continue; } // // okay, this NL provider supports IP. Let's get them addresses: First // we find out how many by getting the SNMP stats and looking at the // number of addresses supported by this interface // memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); id.toi_class = INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL; id.toi_id = IP_MIB_STATS_ID; req.ID = id; inputLen = sizeof(req); outputLen = sizeof(info); status = WsControl(IPPROTO_TCP, WSCNTL_TCPIP_QUERY_INFO, (LPVOID)&req, &inputLen, (LPVOID)&info, &outputLen ); if ((status != TDI_SUCCESS) || (outputLen != sizeof(info))) { // // unexpected results - bail out // DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("WsControl(IP_MIB_STATS_ID): status = %d, outputLen = %d\n", status, outputLen )); goto error_exit; } // // get the IP addresses & subnet masks // if (info.ipsi_numaddr != 0) { // // this interface has some addresses. What are they? // UINT numberOfAddresses; IPAddrEntry* pAddr; outputLen = info.ipsi_numaddr * sizeof(IPAddrEntry); buffer = (LPVOID)ALLOCATE_MEMORY(outputLen); if (buffer == NULL) { // // unexpected results - bail out // DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("failed to allocate %d bytes\n", outputLen )); goto error_exit; } memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); id.toi_id = IP_MIB_ADDRTABLE_ENTRY_ID; req.ID = id; inputLen = sizeof(req); status = WsControl(IPPROTO_TCP, WSCNTL_TCPIP_QUERY_INFO, (LPVOID)&req, &inputLen, (LPVOID)buffer, &outputLen ); if (status != TDI_SUCCESS) { // // unexpected results - bail out // DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("WsControl(IP_MIB_ADDRTABLE_ENTRY_ID): status = %d, outputLen = %d\n", status, outputLen )); goto error_exit; } // // now loop through this list of IP addresses, applying them // to the correct adapter // numberOfAddresses = min((UINT)(outputLen / sizeof(IPAddrEntry)), (UINT)info.ipsi_numaddr ); DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("%d IP addresses\n", numberOfAddresses )); pAddr = (IPAddrEntry *)buffer; for (j = 0; j < numberOfAddresses; ++j, ++pAddr) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("IP address %d.%d.%d.%d, index %d, context %d\n", ((LPBYTE)&pAddr->iae_addr)[0] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&pAddr->iae_addr)[1] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&pAddr->iae_addr)[2] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&pAddr->iae_addr)[3] & 0xff, pAddr->iae_index, pAddr->iae_context )); CAdapterInterface * pInterface = FindInterface(pAddr->iae_index); if (pInterface != NULL) { CIpAddress * pIpAddress; pIpAddress = pInterface->m_IpList.Find(pAddr->iae_addr, pAddr->iae_mask ); if (pIpAddress == NULL) { pInterface->m_IpList.Add(pAddr->iae_addr, pAddr->iae_mask, pAddr->iae_context ); // // added an address - interface is changed // //dprintf("adding IP address %d.%d.%d.%d - changed\n", // ((LPBYTE)&pAddr->iae_addr)[0] & 0xff, // ((LPBYTE)&pAddr->iae_addr)[1] & 0xff, // ((LPBYTE)&pAddr->iae_addr)[2] & 0xff, // ((LPBYTE)&pAddr->iae_addr)[3] & 0xff // ); bChanged = TRUE; } else { INET_ASSERT(pAddr->iae_context == pIpAddress->Context()); pIpAddress->SetFound(TRUE); } } } INET_ASSERT(buffer); FREE_MEMORY(buffer); buffer = NULL; } } // // add the DNS servers, read from registry or DHCP depending on platform. // Even if we don't get any DNS servers, we deem that this function has // succeeded // char dnsBuffer[1024]; // arbitrary (how many DNS entries?) UINT error; error = SockGetSingleValue(CONFIG_NAME_SERVER, (LPBYTE)dnsBuffer, sizeof(dnsBuffer) ); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //m_DnsList.Clear(); char ipString[4 * 4]; LPSTR p = dnsBuffer; DWORD buflen = (DWORD)lstrlen(dnsBuffer); do { if (SkipWhitespace(&p, &buflen)) { i = 0; while ((*p != '\0') && (*p != ',') && (buflen != 0) && (i < sizeof(ipString)) && !isspace(*p)) { ipString[i++] = *p++; --buflen; } ipString[i] = '\0'; DWORD ipAddress = _I_inet_addr(ipString); if (IS_VALID_NON_LOOPBACK_IP_ADDRESS(ipAddress)) { CIpAddress * pIpAddress; pIpAddress = m_DnsList.Find(ipAddress); if (pIpAddress == NULL) { m_DnsList.Add(ipAddress); // // added a DNS address - interface is changed // //dprintf("adding DNS address %d.%d.%d.%d - changed\n", // ((LPBYTE)&ipAddress)[0] & 0xff, // ((LPBYTE)&ipAddress)[1] & 0xff, // ((LPBYTE)&ipAddress)[2] & 0xff, // ((LPBYTE)&ipAddress)[3] & 0xff // ); bChanged = TRUE; } else { pIpAddress->SetFound(TRUE); } } while ((*p == ',') && (buflen != 0)) { ++p; --buflen; } } else { break; } } while (TRUE); } // // Refresh registry settings of DHCP server stuff // and figure out what DHCP server we have // GetAdapterInfo(); // // throw out any adapter interfaces which were not found this time. This may // happen if we support PnP devices that are unplugged // BOOL bThrownOut; bThrownOut = ThrowOutUnfoundEntries(); if (!bChanged) { bChanged = bThrownOut; } INET_ASSERT(entityList != NULL); FREE_MEMORY(entityList); ok = TRUE; // // return the change state of the interfaces, if required // if (lpbChanged) { *lpbChanged = bChanged; } quit: if (routeTable != NULL) { FREE_MEMORY(routeTable); } if (buffer != NULL) { FREE_MEMORY(buffer); } DEBUG_LEAVE(ok); return ok; error_exit: // // here because of an error. Throw out all interfaces // SetNotFound(); ThrowOutUnfoundEntries(); INET_ASSERT(!ok); goto quit; } PRIVATE BOOL CIpConfig::GetAdapterListOnNT5( OUT LPBOOL lpbChanged ) /*++ Routine Description: Builds a list of interfaces corresponding to physical and logical adapters using the new NT 5 and Win98 APIs. Arguments: lpbChanged - if present, returns interface changed state Return Value: BOOL TRUE - successfully built list FALSE - failed to allocate memory or failure talking to TCP/IP --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Bool, "CIpConfig::GetAdapterListOnNT5", "%#x", lpbChanged )); BOOL ok = FALSE; BOOL bChanged = FALSE; int len; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo = NULL; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfoAllocation = NULL; DWORD dwError; ULONG uSize; // // Load the IPHLPAPI DLL, cause we need this function find adapter info on NT 5/Win98 // if (_I_GetAdaptersInfo == NULL ) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("GetAdapterListOnNT5: IPHLPAPI dll could not be found with correct entry point\n" )); goto quit; } // // get the list of adapters supported by TCP/IP // uSize = sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO) * 5; pAdapterInfoAllocation = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *) ALLOCATE_FIXED_MEMORY(uSize); // Alias the pAdapterInfoAllocation pointer. pAdapterInfo will be used // to traverse the list of adapter info records. We need the // pAdapterInfoAllocation pointer in order to free the memory block at // the end of this function. pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfoAllocation; if (pAdapterInfo == NULL) { goto quit; } dwError = _I_GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &uSize); if (dwError == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { pAdapterInfoAllocation = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *) ResizeBuffer(pAdapterInfoAllocation, uSize, FALSE); pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfoAllocation; if (pAdapterInfo == NULL) { goto quit; } dwError = _I_GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &uSize); } if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("GetAdapterListOnNT5: failed to get adapters list\n" )); goto quit; } // // first off, mark all the current interfaces (if any), including current // IP addresses, as not found // SetNotFound(); // // pass 1 // for (; pAdapterInfo; pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("Adapter Pass: [#%u] Adapter name=%s, description=%s\n", pAdapterInfo->Index, pAdapterInfo->AdapterName, pAdapterInfo->Description )); // // we only want physical adapters // if (!IS_INTERESTING_ADAPTER_NT5(pAdapterInfo)) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("ignoring adapter #%u [%s]\n", pAdapterInfo->Index, InternetMapInterfaceOnNT5(pAdapterInfo->Type) )); continue; } // // got this adapter info ok. Find or create an interface object and fill // in what we can // CAdapterInterface * pInterface; len = min(MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH, (size_t)pAdapterInfo->AddressLength); pInterface = FindOrCreateInterface(pAdapterInfo->Index, pAdapterInfo->Type, 0, // speed pAdapterInfo->Description, lstrlen(pAdapterInfo->Description), pAdapterInfo->Address, (DWORD) len ); if (pInterface == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("failed to allocate memory for CAdapterInterface\n" )); goto error_exit; } // // Update the Adapter Name, this is the critical glue to make the new NT 5 DHCP Apis work, // as they need this Adapter name as an ID to work. // if ( pInterface->GetAdapterName() == NULL ) { pInterface->SetAdapterName(pAdapterInfo->AdapterName); } else { INET_ASSERT(lstrcmpi(pInterface->GetAdapterName(), pAdapterInfo->AdapterName) == 0 ); } // // Update the IP address found in the structure, as we're not getting anything back with this filled in. // if ( pAdapterInfo->CurrentIpAddress == NULL ) { pAdapterInfo->CurrentIpAddress = &pAdapterInfo->IpAddressList; } else { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); // want to know about this case. } // // Gather the IP addresses from the structure, doing all the necessary, // IP string to network-ordered DWORD thingie usable for winsock. // // BUGBUG [arthurbi] do we really need to do this anymore? As the // the new NT 5 APIs can handle themselves without IP addresses... // if ( pAdapterInfo->CurrentIpAddress->IpAddress.String && pAdapterInfo->CurrentIpAddress->IpMask.String ) { DWORD dwAddress = _I_inet_addr(pAdapterInfo->CurrentIpAddress->IpAddress.String); DWORD dwMask = _I_inet_addr(pAdapterInfo->CurrentIpAddress->IpMask.String); DWORD dwContext = pAdapterInfo->CurrentIpAddress->Context; if ( dwAddress != INADDR_NONE && dwMask != INADDR_NONE ) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("IP address %d.%d.%d.%d, index %d, context %d\n", ((LPBYTE)&dwAddress)[0] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&dwAddress)[1] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&dwAddress)[2] & 0xff, ((LPBYTE)&dwAddress)[3] & 0xff, pAdapterInfo->Index, dwContext )); INET_ASSERT(pInterface != NULL); CIpAddress * pIpAddress; pIpAddress = pInterface->m_IpList.Find(dwAddress, dwMask ); if (pIpAddress == NULL) { pInterface->m_IpList.Add(dwAddress, dwMask, dwContext ); // // added an address - interface is changed // bChanged = TRUE; } else { INET_ASSERT(dwContext == pIpAddress->Context()); pIpAddress->SetFound(TRUE); } } } // // Gather DHCP server addresses to use, once again do we need this info on NT 5? // if ( pAdapterInfo->DhcpEnabled ) { PIP_ADDR_STRING pDhcpServer; INET_ASSERT(pInterface != NULL); for ( pDhcpServer = &pAdapterInfo->DhcpServer; pDhcpServer; pDhcpServer = pDhcpServer->Next ) { DWORD dwAddress = _I_inet_addr(pDhcpServer->IpAddress.String); DWORD dwMask = _I_inet_addr(pDhcpServer->IpMask.String); DWORD dwContext = pDhcpServer->Context; if ( dwAddress != INADDR_NONE ) { CIpAddress * pIpAddress; pInterface->SetDhcp(); pIpAddress = pInterface->m_DhcpList.Find(dwAddress, dwMask ); if (pIpAddress == NULL) { pInterface->m_DhcpList.Add(dwAddress, dwMask, dwContext ); // // added an address - interface is changed // bChanged = TRUE; } else { INET_ASSERT(dwContext == pIpAddress->Context()); pIpAddress->SetFound(TRUE); } } } } } // // add the DNS servers, read from registry or DHCP depending on platform. // Even if we don't get any DNS servers, we deem that this function has // succeeded // char dnsBuffer[1024]; // arbitrary (how many DNS entries?) UINT error; error = SockGetSingleValue(CONFIG_NAME_SERVER, (LPBYTE)dnsBuffer, sizeof(dnsBuffer) ); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //m_DnsList.Clear(); char ipString[4 * 4]; LPSTR p = dnsBuffer; DWORD buflen = (DWORD)lstrlen(dnsBuffer); do { if (SkipWhitespace(&p, &buflen)) { int i = 0; while ((*p != '\0') && (*p != ',') && (buflen != 0) && (i < sizeof(ipString)) && !isspace(*p)) { ipString[i++] = *p++; --buflen; } ipString[i] = '\0'; DWORD ipAddress = _I_inet_addr(ipString); if (IS_VALID_NON_LOOPBACK_IP_ADDRESS(ipAddress)) { CIpAddress * pIpAddress; pIpAddress = m_DnsList.Find(ipAddress); if (pIpAddress == NULL) { m_DnsList.Add(ipAddress); // // added a DNS address - interface is changed // bChanged = TRUE; } else { pIpAddress->SetFound(TRUE); } } while ((*p == ',') && (buflen != 0)) { ++p; --buflen; } } else { break; } } while (TRUE); } // // throw out any adapter interfaces which were not found this time. This may // happen if we support PnP devices that are unplugged // // Do we need to still do this ??? // BOOL bThrownOut; bThrownOut = ThrowOutUnfoundEntries(); if (!bChanged) { bChanged = bThrownOut; } ok = TRUE; // // return the change state of the interfaces, if required // if (lpbChanged) { *lpbChanged = bChanged; } quit: if (pAdapterInfoAllocation) { FREE_MEMORY(pAdapterInfoAllocation); } DEBUG_LEAVE(ok); return ok; error_exit: // // here because of an error. Throw out all interfaces // SetNotFound(); ThrowOutUnfoundEntries(); INET_ASSERT(!ok); goto quit; } BOOL CIpConfig::DoInformsOnEachInterface( OUT LPSTR * ppszAutoProxyUrl ) { for (CAdapterInterface * pEntry = (CAdapterInterface *)m_List.Flink; pEntry != (CAdapterInterface *)&m_List.Flink; pEntry = (CAdapterInterface *)pEntry->m_List.Flink) { if ( pEntry->IsDhcp() ) { BOOL fSuccess; if ( GlobalPlatformVersion5 ) { fSuccess = pEntry->DhcpDoInformNT5(ppszAutoProxyUrl); } else { fSuccess = DhcpDoInform( // send an inform packet if necessary pEntry, FALSE, ppszAutoProxyUrl ); } if ( fSuccess ) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /******************************************************************************* * * GetAdapterInfo * * Gets a list of all adapters to which TCP/IP is bound and reads the per- * adapter information that we want to display. Most of the information now * comes from the TCP/IP stack itself. In order to keep the 'short' names that * exist in the registry to refer to the individual adapters, we read the names * from the registry then match them to the adapters returned by TCP/IP by * matching the IPInterfaceContext value with the adapter which owns the IP * address with that context value * * ENTRY nothing * * EXIT nothing * * RETURNS pointer to linked list of ADAPTER_INFO structures * * ASSUMES * ******************************************************************************/ VOID CIpConfig::GetAdapterInfo() { LPSTR* boundAdapterNames = NULL; DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (GlobalPlatformType == PLATFORM_TYPE_WINNT) { if ( ServicesKey == NULL ) { err = REGOPENKEY(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SERVICES_KEY_NAME, &ServicesKey ); } if ( err == ERROR_SUCCESS && TcpipLinkageKey == NULL ) { err = REGOPENKEY(ServicesKey, "Tcpip\\Linkage", //"Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces", &TcpipLinkageKey ); } if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS && (NULL != (boundAdapterNames = GetBoundAdapterList(TcpipLinkageKey)))) { int i; // // apply the short name to the right adapter info by comparing // the IPInterfaceContext value in the adapter\Parameters\Tcpip // section with the context values read from the stack for the // IP addresses // for (i = 0; boundAdapterNames[i]; ++i) { LPSTR name; DWORD context; HKEY key; name = boundAdapterNames[i]; if (!OpenAdapterKey(KEY_TCP, name, &key)) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("GetAdapterInfo cannot open %s\n", name )); goto quit; } if (!ReadRegistryDword(key, "IPInterfaceContext", &context )) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("GetAdapterInfo: IPInterfaceContext failed\n")); goto quit; } REGCLOSEKEY(key); // // now search through the list of adapters, looking for the one // that has the IP address with the same context value as that // just read. When found, apply the short name to that adapter // for (CAdapterInterface * pEntry = (CAdapterInterface *)m_List.Flink; pEntry != (CAdapterInterface *)&m_List.Flink; pEntry = (CAdapterInterface *)pEntry->m_List.Flink) { if ( pEntry->IsContextInIPAddrList(context) ) { pEntry->SetAdapterName(name); GetDhcpServerFromDhcp(pEntry); break; } } } } else { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, ERROR, ("GetAdapterInfo failed\n")); } } else { // // Win95: search through the list of adapters, gather DHCP server names // for each. // for (CAdapterInterface * pEntry = (CAdapterInterface *)m_List.Flink; pEntry != (CAdapterInterface *)&m_List.Flink; pEntry = (CAdapterInterface *)pEntry->m_List.Flink) { GetDhcpServerFromDhcp(pEntry); } } quit: if (boundAdapterNames != NULL ) { FREE_MEMORY(boundAdapterNames); } return; } PRIVATE DWORD CIpConfig::LoadEntryPoints( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Loads IPHLPAPI.DLL and DHCPCSVC.DLL entry points if platform is Windows 2000 (or later), or NTDLL.DLL entry points if Windows NT. Arguments: None. Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Dword, "CIpConfig::LoadEntryPoints", NULL )); DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!m_Loaded) { if (GlobalDataInitCritSec.Lock()) { if (!m_Loaded) { INET_ASSERT(GlobalPlatformType == PLATFORM_TYPE_WINNT); if (GlobalPlatformVersion5) { INET_ASSERT(_I_GetAdaptersInfo == NULL); error = LoadDllEntryPoints(&IpHlpApiDllInfo, 0); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { error = LoadDllEntryPoints(&DhcpcSvcDllInfo, 0); } } else { INET_ASSERT(_I_RtlInitUnicodeString == NULL); error = LoadDllEntryPoints(&NtDllInfo, 0); } m_Loaded = (error == ERROR_SUCCESS); } GlobalDataInitCritSec.Unlock(); } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; } DWORD CIpConfig::UnloadEntryPoints( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Unloads NTDLL.DLL if platform is Windows NT Arguments: None. Return Value: DWORD --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Dword, "CIpConfig::UnloadEntryPoints", NULL )); DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (m_Loaded) { if (GlobalDataInitCritSec.Lock()) { if (m_Loaded) { if (GlobalPlatformVersion5) { if (_I_GetAdaptersInfo != NULL) { error = UnloadDllEntryPoints(&IpHlpApiDllInfo, FALSE); } if (_I_DhcpRequestParams != NULL) { error = UnloadDllEntryPoints(&DhcpcSvcDllInfo, FALSE); } } else { error = UnloadDllEntryPoints(&NtDllInfo, FALSE); } m_Loaded = FALSE; } GlobalDataInitCritSec.Unlock(); } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; } // // UnloadAutoProxy() // // Called from GlobalDataTerminate to unload IPHLPAPI.DLL & DHCPCSVC.DLL (Win2K+) // or NTDLL.DLL (NT4) if necessary. // void UnloadAutoProxy() { CIpConfig::UnloadEntryPoints(); } PRIVATE CAdapterInterface * CIpConfig::FindOrCreateInterface( IN DWORD dwIndex, IN DWORD dwType, IN DWORD dwSpeed, IN LPSTR lpszDescription, IN DWORD dwDescriptionLength, IN LPBYTE lpPhysicalAddress, IN DWORD dwPhysicalAddressLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns a pointer to the CAdapterInterface object corresponding to dwIndex. If none found in the list, a new entry is created Arguments: dwIndex - unique interface identifier to find or create dwType - type of adapter dwSpeed - adapter media speed lpszDescription - name of this interface dwDescriptionLength - length of the name Return Value: CAdapterInterface * Success - pointer to found or created object Failure - NULL --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Pointer, "CIpConfig::FindOrCreateInterface", "%d, %s (%d), %d, %.*q, %d, %x, (%u)", dwIndex, InternetMapInterface(dwType), dwType, dwSpeed, dwDescriptionLength, lpszDescription, dwDescriptionLength, lpPhysicalAddress, dwPhysicalAddressLength )); CAdapterInterface * pInterface = FindInterface(dwIndex); if (pInterface == NULL) { pInterface = new CAdapterInterface(dwIndex, dwType, dwSpeed, lpszDescription, dwDescriptionLength, lpPhysicalAddress, dwPhysicalAddressLength ); if (pInterface != NULL) { InsertHeadList(&m_List, &pInterface->m_List); ++m_dwNumberOfInterfaces; } } DEBUG_LEAVE(pInterface); return pInterface; } PRIVATE CAdapterInterface * CIpConfig::FindInterface( IN DWORD dwIndex ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns a pointer to the CAdapterInterface object corresponding to dwIndex Arguments: dwIndex - unique interface identifier to find Return Value: CAdapterInterface * Success - pointer to found object Failure - NULL --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Pointer, "CIpConfig::FindInterface", "%d", dwIndex )); CAdapterInterface * pInterface = NULL; for (PLIST_ENTRY pEntry = m_List.Flink; pEntry != (PLIST_ENTRY)&m_List; pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { if (((CAdapterInterface *)pEntry)->m_dwIndex == dwIndex) { ((CAdapterInterface *)pEntry)->SetFound(TRUE); // // ASSUMES: pEntry == &CAdapterInterface // pInterface = (CAdapterInterface *)pEntry; break; } } DEBUG_LEAVE(pInterface); return pInterface; } PRIVATE BOOL CIpConfig::ThrowOutUnfoundEntries( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Throws out (deletes) any entries that are marked not-found Arguments: None. Return Value: BOOL TRUE - interfaces thrown out FALSE - " not " " --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Bool, "CIpConfig::ThrowOutUnfoundEntries", NULL )); // // ASSUMES: CAdapterInterface.m_List.Flink is first element in structure // PLIST_ENTRY pPrevious = (PLIST_ENTRY)&m_List.Flink; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry = m_List.Flink; BOOL bThrownOut = FALSE; while (pEntry != (PLIST_ENTRY)&m_List) { CAdapterInterface * pInterface = (CAdapterInterface *)pEntry; if (!pInterface->IsFound()) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, WARNING, ("adapter index %d (%q) not located in list\n", pInterface->m_dwIndex, pInterface->m_lpszDescription )); RemoveEntryList(&pInterface->m_List); --m_dwNumberOfInterfaces; INET_ASSERT((int)m_dwNumberOfInterfaces >= 0); delete pInterface; bThrownOut = TRUE; } else { // // throw out any IP addresses // bThrownOut |= pInterface->m_IpList.ThrowOutUnfoundEntries(); //bThrownOut |= pInterface->m_RouterList.ThrowOutUnfoundEntries(); //bThrownOut |= pInterface->m_DnsList.ThrowOutUnfoundEntries(); pPrevious = pEntry; } pEntry = pPrevious->Flink; } DEBUG_LEAVE(bThrownOut); return bThrownOut; } // // public functions // DWORD WsControl( IN DWORD dwProtocol, IN DWORD dwRequest, IN LPVOID lpInputBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwInputBufferLength, OUT LPVOID lpOutputBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwOutputBufferLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Makes device-dependent driver call based on O/S Arguments: dwProtocol - ignored dwRequest - ignored lpInputBuffer - pointer to request buffer lpdwInputBufferLength - pointer to DWORD: IN = request buffer length lpOutputBuffer - pointer to output buffer lpdwOutputBufferLength - pointer to DWORD: IN = length of output buffer; OUT = length of returned data Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Dword, "WsControl", "%d, %d, %#x, %#x [%d], %#x, %#x [%d]", dwProtocol, dwRequest, lpInputBuffer, lpdwInputBufferLength, *lpdwInputBufferLength, lpOutputBuffer, lpdwOutputBufferLength, *lpdwOutputBufferLength )); DWORD error; if (GlobalPlatformType == PLATFORM_TYPE_WINNT) { error = WinNtWsControl(dwProtocol, dwRequest, lpInputBuffer, lpdwInputBufferLength, lpOutputBuffer, lpdwOutputBufferLength ); } else { error = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; } // // private functions // PRIVATE DWORD WinNtWsControl( DWORD dwProtocol, DWORD dwRequest, LPVOID lpInputBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwInputBufferLength, LPVOID lpOutputBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwOutputBufferLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Handles WsControl() functionality on NT platform. Assumes NTDLL.DLL has already been loaded Arguments: dwProtocol - unused dwRequest - unused lpInputBuffer - contains driver request structure lpdwInputBufferLength - pointer to length of InputBuffer lpOutputBuffer - pointer to buffer where results written lpdwOutputBufferLength - pointer to length of OutputBuffer. Updated with returned data length on successful return Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Dword, "WinNtWsControl", "%d, %d, %#x, %#x [%d], %#x, %#x [%d]", dwProtocol, dwRequest, lpInputBuffer, lpdwInputBufferLength, *lpdwInputBufferLength, lpOutputBuffer, lpdwOutputBufferLength, *lpdwOutputBufferLength )); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwProtocol); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwRequest); DWORD error; if (TcpipDriverHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { error = OpenTcpipDriverHandle(); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; } } DWORD bytesReturned; BOOL ok; ok = DeviceIoControl(TcpipDriverHandle, IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX, lpInputBuffer, *lpdwInputBufferLength, lpOutputBuffer, *lpdwOutputBufferLength, &bytesReturned, NULL ); if (!ok) { error = GetLastError(); } else { *lpdwOutputBufferLength = bytesReturned; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; } PRIVATE DWORD OpenTcpipDriverHandle( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Opens handle to TCP/IP device driver Arguments: None. Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - --*/ { DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (TcpipDriverHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; UNICODE_STRING string; NTSTATUS status; _I_RtlInitUnicodeString(&string, DD_TCP_DEVICE_NAME); InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, &string, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL ); status = _I_NtCreateFile(&TcpipDriverHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_EXECUTE, &objectAttributes, &iosb, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN_IF, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0 ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { error = _I_RtlNtStatusToDosError(status); } } return error; } PRIVATE VOID CloseTcpipDriverHandle( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Closes TCP/IP device driver handle Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { if (TcpipDriverHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(TcpipDriverHandle); TcpipDriverHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } PRIVATE DWORD GetEntityList( OUT TDIEntityID * * lplpEntities ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocates a buffer for, and retrieves, the list of entities supported by the TCP/IP device driver Arguments: lplpEntities - pointer to allocated returned list of entities. Caller must free Return Value: UINT - number of entities returned --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_SOCKETS, Int, "GetEntityList", "%#x", lplpEntities )); TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX req; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.ID.toi_entity.tei_entity = GENERIC_ENTITY; req.ID.toi_entity.tei_instance = 0; req.ID.toi_class = INFO_CLASS_GENERIC; req.ID.toi_type = INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER; req.ID.toi_id = ENTITY_LIST_ID; DWORD inputLen = sizeof(req); DWORD outputLen = sizeof(TDIEntityID) * DEFAULT_MINIMUM_ENTITIES; TDIEntityID * pEntity = NULL; DWORD status = TDI_SUCCESS; // // this is over-engineered - its very unlikely that we'll ever get >32 // entities returned, never mind >64K's worth // // Go round this loop a maximum of 4 times - length of list shouldn't // change between calls. Stops us getting stuck in infinite loop if // something bad happens with outputLen // for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { DWORD previousOutputLen = outputLen; pEntity = (TDIEntityID *)ResizeBuffer(pEntity, outputLen, FALSE); if (pEntity == NULL) { outputLen = 0; break; } status = WsControl(IPPROTO_TCP, WSCNTL_TCPIP_QUERY_INFO, (LPVOID)&req, &inputLen, (LPVOID)pEntity, &outputLen ); // // TDI_SUCCESS is returned if all data is not returned: driver // communicates all/partial data via outputLen // if (status == TDI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("GENERIC_ENTITY required length = %d\n", outputLen )); if (outputLen && (outputLen <= previousOutputLen)) { break; } } else { outputLen = 0; } } if ((status != TDI_SUCCESS) && (pEntity != NULL)) { ResizeBuffer(pEntity, 0, FALSE); } DEBUG_PRINT(UTIL, INFO, ("%d entities returned in %#x\n", (outputLen / sizeof(TDIEntityID)), pEntity )); *lplpEntities = pEntity; DEBUG_LEAVE((UINT)(outputLen / sizeof(TDIEntityID))); return (UINT)(outputLen / sizeof(TDIEntityID)); } // // private debug functions // #if INET_DEBUG PRIVATE LPCSTR InternetMapEntity( IN INT EntityId ) { switch (EntityId) { case CO_TL_ENTITY: return "CO_TL_ENTITY"; case CL_TL_ENTITY: return "CL_TL_ENTITY"; case ER_ENTITY: return "ER_ENTITY"; case CO_NL_ENTITY: return "CO_NL_ENTITY"; case CL_NL_ENTITY: return "CL_NL_ENTITY"; case AT_ENTITY: return "AT_ENTITY"; case IF_ENTITY: return "IF_ENTITY"; } return "*** UNKNOWN ENTITY ***"; } PRIVATE LPCSTR InternetMapInterface( IN DWORD InterfaceType ) { switch (InterfaceType) { case IF_TYPE_OTHER: return "other"; case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET: return "ethernet"; case IF_TYPE_TOKENRING: return "token ring"; case IF_TYPE_FDDI: return "FDDI"; case IF_TYPE_PPP: return "PPP"; case IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK: return "loopback"; } return "???"; } PRIVATE LPCSTR InternetMapInterfaceOnNT5( IN DWORD InterfaceType ) { switch (InterfaceType) { case IF_TYPE_OTHER: return "other"; case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: return "ethernet"; case IF_TYPE_ISO88025_TOKENRING: return "token ring"; case IF_TYPE_FDDI: return "FDDI"; case IF_TYPE_PPP: return "PPP"; case IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK: return "loopback"; case IF_TYPE_SLIP: return "SLIP"; default: break; } return "???"; } #endif