//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) Micorosoft Confidential 1997 // Author: RameshV // Description: Option related registry handling -- common between NT and VxD //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "aproxp.h" #ifndef OPTREG_H #define OPTREG_H //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function definitions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POPTION // option from which more appends can occur DhcpAppendSendOptions( // append all configured options IN OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // this is the context to append for IN PLIST_ENTRY SendOptionsList, IN LPBYTE ClassName, // current class IN DWORD ClassLen, // len of above in bytes IN LPBYTE BufStart, // start of buffer IN LPBYTE BufEnd, // how far can we go in this buffer IN OUT LPBYTE SentOptions, // BoolArray[OPTION_END+1] to avoid repeating options IN OUT LPBYTE VSentOptions, // to avoid repeating vendor specific options IN OUT LPBYTE VendorOpt, // Buffer[OPTION_END+1] Holding Vendor specific options OUT LPDWORD VendorOptLen // the # of bytes filled into that ); DWORD // status DhcpDestroyOptionsList( // destroy a list of options, freeing up memory IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionsList, // this is the list of options to destroy IN PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList // this is where to remove classes off ); DWORD // win32 status DhcpClearAllOptions( // remove all turds from off registry IN OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext // the context to clear for ); #endif OPTREG_H // internal private function that takes the lock on OPTIONS_LIST DWORD // status DhcpRegClearOptDefs( // clear all standard options IN LPTSTR AdapterName // clear for this adapter ); // // options related lists // LIST_ENTRY DhcpGlobalRecvFromList; LPSTR DhcpGlobalClientClassInfo = NULL; LPBYTE // ptr to buf loc where more appends can occur DhcpAppendParamRequestList( // append the param request list option IN PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // the context to append for IN PLIST_ENTRY SendOptionsList,// look thru this list IN LPBYTE ClassName, // which class does this belong to? IN DWORD ClassLen, // size of above in bytes IN LPBYTE BufStart, // where to start adding this option IN LPBYTE BufEnd // limit for this option ) { BYTE Buffer[OPTION_END+1]; LPBYTE Tmp; DWORD FirstSize; DWORD Size; PLIST_ENTRY ThisEntry; PDHCP_OPTION ThisOpt; DWORD i, j; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(DhcpContext); Size = FirstSize = 0; Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_SUBNET_MASK; // standard requested options Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME; Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_ROUTER_ADDRESS; Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS; Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_NETBIOS_NAME_SERVER; Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_NETBIOS_NODE_TYPE; Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_NETBIOS_SCOPE_OPTION; Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_VENDOR_SPEC_INFO; Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_USER_CLASS; Buffer[Size++] = OPTION_WPAD_URL; ThisEntry = SendOptionsList->Flink; while( ThisEntry != SendOptionsList ) { ThisOpt = CONTAINING_RECORD(ThisEntry, DHCP_OPTION, OptionList); ThisEntry = ThisEntry->Flink; if( ThisOpt->IsVendor) continue; if( ThisOpt->ClassLen ) { if( ThisOpt->ClassLen != ClassLen ) continue; if( ThisOpt->ClassName != ClassName ) continue; // this option is not used for this client } if( OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST != ThisOpt->OptionId ) { // // only if the option is param_request_list do we request.. // continue; } for( i = 0; i < ThisOpt->DataLen ; i ++ ) { for( j = 0; j < Size; j ++ ) if( ThisOpt->Data[i] == Buffer[j] ) break; if( j < Size ) continue; // option already plugged in Buffer[Size++] = ThisOpt->Data[i]; // add this option } if( 0 == FirstSize ) FirstSize = Size; } if( 0 == FirstSize ) FirstSize = Size; Tmp = BufStart; BufStart = (LPBYTE)DhcpAppendOption( // now add the param request list (POPTION)BufStart, (BYTE)OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST, Buffer, (BYTE)Size, BufEnd ); if( Tmp == BufStart ) { // did not really add the option BufStart = (LPBYTE)DhcpAppendOption( // now try adding the first request we saw instead of everything (POPTION)BufStart, (BYTE)OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST, Buffer, (BYTE)FirstSize, BufEnd ); } return BufStart; } POPTION // option from which more appends can occur DhcpAppendSendOptions( // append all configured options IN OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // this is the context to append for IN PLIST_ENTRY SendOptionsList, IN LPBYTE ClassName, // current class IN DWORD ClassLen, // len of above in bytes IN LPBYTE BufStart, // start of buffer IN LPBYTE BufEnd, // how far can we go in this buffer IN OUT LPBYTE SentOptions, // BoolArray[OPTION_END+1] to avoid repeating options IN OUT LPBYTE VSentOptions, // to avoid repeating vendor specific options IN OUT LPBYTE VendorOpt, // Buffer[OPTION_END+1] Holding Vendor specific options OUT LPDWORD VendorOptLen // the # of bytes filled into that ) { PLIST_ENTRY ThisEntry; PDHCP_OPTION ThisOpt; DhcpAssert(FALSE == SentOptions[OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST]); BufStart = DhcpAppendParamRequestList( DhcpContext, SendOptionsList, ClassName, ClassLen, BufStart, BufEnd ); SentOptions[OPTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST] = TRUE; ThisEntry = SendOptionsList->Flink; while( ThisEntry != SendOptionsList ) { ThisOpt = CONTAINING_RECORD(ThisEntry, DHCP_OPTION, OptionList); ThisEntry = ThisEntry->Flink; if( ThisOpt->IsVendor ? VSentOptions[ThisOpt->OptionId] : SentOptions[ThisOpt->OptionId] ) continue; // if( ThisOpt->IsVendor) continue; // No vendor specific information this round through if( ThisOpt->ClassLen ) { if( ThisOpt->ClassLen != ClassLen ) continue; if( ThisOpt->ClassName != ClassName ) continue; // this option is not used for this client } if( !ThisOpt->IsVendor ) { // easy to add non-vendor spec options SentOptions[ThisOpt->OptionId] = TRUE; BufStart = (LPBYTE)DhcpAppendOption( (POPTION)BufStart, ThisOpt->OptionId, ThisOpt->Data, (BYTE)ThisOpt->DataLen, BufEnd ); } else { // ENCAPSULATE vendor specific options if( SentOptions[OPTION_VENDOR_SPEC_INFO] ) continue; // Vendor spec info already added VSentOptions[ThisOpt->OptionId] = TRUE; if( ThisOpt->DataLen + 2 + *VendorOptLen > OPTION_END ) continue; // this option overflows the buffer VendorOpt[(*VendorOptLen)++] = ThisOpt->OptionId; VendorOpt[(*VendorOptLen)++] = (BYTE)ThisOpt->DataLen; memcpy(&VendorOpt[*VendorOptLen], ThisOpt->Data, ThisOpt->DataLen); (*VendorOptLen) += ThisOpt->DataLen; } } return (POPTION)BufStart; } DWORD // status DhcpDestroyOptionsList( // destroy a list of options, freeing up memory IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionsList, // this is the list of options to destroy IN PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList // this is where to remove classes off ) { PLIST_ENTRY ThisEntry; PDHCP_OPTION ThisOption; DWORD Error; DWORD LastError; LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; while(!IsListEmpty(OptionsList) ) { // for each element of this list ThisEntry = RemoveHeadList(OptionsList); ThisOption = CONTAINING_RECORD(ThisEntry, DHCP_OPTION, OptionList); if( NULL != ThisOption->ClassName ) { // if there is a class, deref it Error = DhcpDelClass( ClassesList, ThisOption->ClassName, ThisOption->ClassLen ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Error ) { DhcpAssert( ERROR_SUCCESS == Error); LastError = Error; } } DhcpFreeMemory(ThisOption); // now really free this } return LastError; } DWORD // win32 status DhcpClearAllOptions( // clear all the options information IN OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext // the context to clear for ) { PLIST_ENTRY ThisEntry; PDHCP_OPTION ThisOption; //(void) DhcpRegClearOptDefs(DhcpContext->AdapterName)); ThisEntry = DhcpContext->RecdOptionsList.Flink; while(ThisEntry != &DhcpContext->RecdOptionsList) { ThisOption = CONTAINING_RECORD(ThisEntry, DHCP_OPTION, OptionList); ThisEntry = ThisEntry->Flink; // bug bug, need to return space? ThisOption->Data = NULL; ThisOption->DataLen = 0; //LocalError = DhcpMarkParamChangeRequests( // DhcpContext->AdapterName, // ThisOption->OptionId, // ThisOption->IsVendor, // ThisOption->ClassName //); DhcpAssert(ERROR_SUCCESS == LocalError); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } POPTION // buffer after filling option DhcpAppendClassIdOption( // fill class id if exists IN OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // the context to fillfor OUT LPBYTE BufStart, // start of message buffer IN LPBYTE BufEnd // end of message buffer ) { DWORD Size; Size = (DWORD)(BufEnd - BufStart); if( DhcpContext->ClassId ) { DhcpAssert(DhcpContext->ClassIdLength); BufStart = (LPBYTE)DhcpAppendOption( (POPTION)BufStart, OPTION_USER_CLASS, DhcpContext->ClassId, (BYTE)DhcpContext->ClassIdLength, BufEnd ); } return (POPTION) BufStart; } LPOPTION DhcpAppendOption( LPOPTION Option, BYTE OptionType, PVOID OptionValue, ULONG OptionLength, LPBYTE OptionEnd ) /*++ Routine Description: This function writes a DHCP option to message buffer. Arguments: Option - A pointer to a message buffer. OptionType - The option number to append. OptionValue - A pointer to the option data. OptionLength - The lenght, in bytes, of the option data. OptionEnd - End of Option Buffer. Return Value: A pointer to the end of the appended option. --*/ { DWORD i; if ( OptionType == OPTION_END ) { // // we should alway have atleast one BYTE space in the buffer // to append this option. // DhcpAssert( (LPBYTE)Option < OptionEnd ); Option->OptionType = OPTION_END; return( (LPOPTION) ((LPBYTE)(Option) + 1) ); } if ( OptionType == OPTION_PAD ) { // // add this option only iff we have enough space in the buffer. // if(((LPBYTE)Option + 1) < (OptionEnd - 1) ) { Option->OptionType = OPTION_PAD; return( (LPOPTION) ((LPBYTE)(Option) + 1) ); } DhcpPrint(("DhcpAppendOption failed to append Option " "%ld, Buffer too small.\n", OptionType )); return Option; } // // add this option only iff we have enough space in the buffer. // if(((LPBYTE)Option + 2 + OptionLength) >= (OptionEnd - 1) ) { DhcpPrint(("DhcpAppendOption failed to append Option " "%ld, Buffer too small.\n", OptionType )); return Option; } if( OptionLength <= 0xFF ) { // simple option.. no need to use OPTION_MSFT_CONTINUED Option->OptionType = OptionType; Option->OptionLength = (BYTE)OptionLength; memcpy( Option->OptionValue, OptionValue, OptionLength ); return( (LPOPTION) ((LPBYTE)(Option) + Option->OptionLength + 2) ); } // option size is > 0xFF --> need to continue it using multiple ones.. // there are OptionLenght / 0xFF occurances using 0xFF+2 bytes + one // using 2 + (OptionLength % 0xFF ) space.. // check to see if we have the space first.. if( 2 + (OptionLength%0xFF) + 0x101*(OptionLength/0xFF) + (LPBYTE)Option >= (OptionEnd - 1) ) { DhcpPrint(("DhcpAppendOption failed to append Option " "%ld, Buffer too small.\n", OptionType )); return Option; } // first finish off all chunks of 0xFF size that we can do.. i = OptionLength/0xFF; while(i) { Option->OptionType = OptionType; Option->OptionLength = 0xFF; memcpy(Option->OptionValue, OptionValue, 0xFF); OptionValue = 0xFF+(LPBYTE)OptionValue; Option = (LPOPTION)(0x101 + (LPBYTE)Option); OptionType = OPTION_MSFT_CONTINUED; // all but the first use this ... OptionLength -= 0xFF; } // now finish off the remaining stuff.. DhcpAssert(OptionLength <= 0xFF); Option->OptionType = OPTION_MSFT_CONTINUED; Option->OptionLength = (BYTE)OptionLength; memcpy(Option->OptionValue, OptionValue, OptionLength); Option = (LPOPTION)(2 + OptionLength + (LPBYTE)Option); DhcpAssert((LPBYTE)Option < OptionEnd); return Option; } LPBYTE DhcpAppendMagicCookie( LPBYTE Option, LPBYTE OptionEnd ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine appends magic cookie to a DHCP message. Arguments: Option - A pointer to the place to append the magic cookie. OptionEnd - End of Option buffer. Return Value: A pointer to the end of the appended cookie. Note : The magic cookie is : -------------------- | 99 | 130 | 83 | 99 | -------------------- --*/ { DhcpAssert( (Option + 4) < (OptionEnd - 1) ); if( (Option + 4) < (OptionEnd - 1) ) { *Option++ = (BYTE)DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE_BYTE1; *Option++ = (BYTE)DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE_BYTE2; *Option++ = (BYTE)DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE_BYTE3; *Option++ = (BYTE)DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE_BYTE4; } return( Option ); } LPOPTION DhcpAppendClientIDOption( LPOPTION Option, BYTE ClientHWType, LPBYTE ClientHWAddr, BYTE ClientHWAddrLength, LPBYTE OptionEnd ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine appends client ID option to a DHCP message. History: 8/26/96 Frankbee Removed 16 byte limitation on the hardware address Arguments: Option - A pointer to the place to append the option request. ClientHWType - Client hardware type. ClientHWAddr - Client hardware address ClientHWAddrLength - Client hardware address length. OptionEnd - End of Option buffer. Return Value: A pointer to the end of the newly appended option. Note : The client ID option will look like as below in the message: ----------------------------------------------------------------- | OpNum | Len | HWType | HWA1 | HWA2 | ..... | HWAn | ----------------------------------------------------------------- --*/ { #pragma warning(push) // save current warning state #pragma warning(disable : 4200) // disable 0-sized array warning struct _CLIENT_ID { BYTE bHardwareAddressType; BYTE pbHardwareAddress[0]; } *pClientID; #pragma warning(pop) // restore previous warning state LPOPTION lpNewOption; pClientID = (_CLIENT_ID *) DhcpAllocateMemory( sizeof( struct _CLIENT_ID ) + ClientHWAddrLength ); // // currently there is no way to indicate failure. simply return unmodified option // list // if ( !pClientID ) return Option; pClientID->bHardwareAddressType = ClientHWType; memcpy( pClientID->pbHardwareAddress, ClientHWAddr, ClientHWAddrLength ); lpNewOption = DhcpAppendOption( Option, OPTION_CLIENT_ID, (LPBYTE)pClientID, (BYTE)(ClientHWAddrLength + sizeof(BYTE)), OptionEnd ); DhcpFreeMemory( pClientID ); return lpNewOption; } // data locks on ClassesList must be taken before calling this function PDHCP_CLASSES PRIVATE // the required classes struct DhcpFindClass( // find a specified class IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList, // list of classes to srch in IN LPBYTE Data, // non-NULL data bytes IN DWORD Len // # of bytes of above, > 0 ) { PLIST_ENTRY ThisEntry; PDHCP_CLASSES ThisClass; ThisEntry = ClassesList->Flink; // first element in list while( ThisEntry != ClassesList ) { // search the full list ThisClass = CONTAINING_RECORD( ThisEntry, DHCP_CLASSES, ClassList ); ThisEntry = ThisEntry->Flink; if( ThisClass->ClassLen == Len ) { // lengths must match if( ThisClass->ClassName == Data ) // data ptrs can match OR data can match return ThisClass; if( 0 == memcmp(ThisClass->ClassName, Data, Len) ) return ThisClass; } } return NULL; } // locks on ClassesList should be taken when using this function LPBYTE // data bytes, or NULL DhcpAddClass( // add a new class IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList, // list to add to IN LPBYTE Data, // input class name IN DWORD Len // # of bytes of above ) { PDHCP_CLASSES Class; DWORD MemSize; // amt of memory reqd if( NULL == ClassesList ) { // invalid parameter DhcpAssert( NULL != ClassesList ); return NULL; } if( 0 == Len || NULL == Data ) { // invalid parameters DhcpAssert(0 != Len && NULL != Data ); return NULL; } Class = DhcpFindClass(ClassesList,Data,Len); // already there in list? if(NULL != Class) { // yes, found Class->RefCount++; // increase ref-count return Class->ClassName; } MemSize = sizeof(*Class)+Len; // amt of memory reqd Class = (PDHCP_CLASSES) DhcpAllocateMemory(MemSize); if( NULL == Class ) { // not enough memory DhcpAssert( NULL != Class); return NULL; } Class->ClassLen = Len; Class->RefCount = 1; Class->ClassName = ((LPBYTE)Class) + sizeof(*Class); memcpy(Class->ClassName, Data, Len); InsertHeadList(ClassesList, &Class->ClassList); return Class->ClassName; } // locks on ClassesList must be taken before calling this function DWORD // status DhcpDelClass( // de-refernce a class IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList, // the list to delete off IN LPBYTE Data, // the data ptr IN DWORD Len // the # of bytes of above ) { PDHCP_CLASSES Class; if( NULL == ClassesList ) { DhcpAssert( NULL != ClassesList ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if( 0 == Len || NULL == Data ) { // invalid parameter DhcpAssert( 0 != Len && NULL != Data ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Class = DhcpFindClass(ClassesList,Data,Len); if( NULL == Class ) { // did not find this class? DhcpAssert( NULL != Class ); return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } Class->RefCount --; if( 0 == Class->RefCount ) { // all references removed RemoveEntryList( &Class->ClassList ); // remove this from the list DhcpFreeMemory(Class); // free it } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // locks on ClassesList must be taken before calling this function VOID // always succeed DhcpFreeAllClasses( // free each elt of the list IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList // input list of classes ) { PDHCP_CLASSES ThisClass; PLIST_ENTRY ThisEntry; if( NULL == ClassesList ) { DhcpAssert( NULL != ClassesList && "DhcpFreeAllClasses" ); return ; } while( !IsListEmpty(ClassesList) ) { ThisEntry = RemoveHeadList(ClassesList); ThisClass = CONTAINING_RECORD(ThisEntry, DHCP_CLASSES, ClassList); if( ThisClass->RefCount ) { DhcpPrint(("Freeing with refcount = %ld\n", ThisClass->RefCount)); } DhcpFreeMemory(ThisClass); } InitializeListHead(ClassesList); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // exported functions, options //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // data locks need to be taken on OptionsList before calling this function PDHCP_OPTION // the reqd structure or NULL DhcpFindOption( // find a specific option IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionsList, // the list of options to search IN BYTE OptionId, // the option id to search for IN BOOL IsVendor, // is it vendor specific? IN LPBYTE ClassName, // is there a class associated? IN DWORD ClassLen // # of bytes of above parameter ) { PLIST_ENTRY ThisEntry; PDHCP_OPTION ThisOption; if( NULL == OptionsList ) { DhcpAssert( NULL != OptionsList ); return NULL; } ThisEntry = OptionsList->Flink; while( ThisEntry != OptionsList ) { // search the set of options ThisOption = CONTAINING_RECORD( ThisEntry, DHCP_OPTION, OptionList ); ThisEntry = ThisEntry->Flink; if( ThisOption->OptionId != OptionId ) continue; if( ThisOption->IsVendor != IsVendor ) continue; if( ThisOption->ClassLen != ClassLen ) continue; if( ClassLen && ThisOption->ClassName != ClassName ) continue; // mismatched so far return ThisOption; // found the option } return NULL; // did not find any match } // locks on OptionsList need to be taken before calling this function DWORD // status DhcpDelOption( // remove a particular option IN PDHCP_OPTION ThisOption // option to delete ) { if( NULL == ThisOption) // nope, did not find this option return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; RemoveEntryList( &ThisOption->OptionList); // found it. remove and free DhcpFreeMemory(ThisOption); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // locks on OptionsList need to be taken before calling this function DWORD // status DhcpAddOption( // add a new option IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionsList, // list to add to IN BYTE OptionId, // option id to add IN BOOL IsVendor, // is it vendor specific? IN LPBYTE ClassName, // what is the class? IN DWORD ClassLen, // size of above in bytes IN LPBYTE Data, // data for this option IN DWORD DataLen, // # of bytes of above IN time_t ExpiryTime // when the option expires ) { PDHCP_OPTION ThisOption; DWORD MemSize; if( NULL == OptionsList ) { DhcpAssert( NULL != OptionsList && "DhcpAddOption" ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if( 0 != ClassLen && NULL == ClassName ) { DhcpAssert( 0 == ClassLen || NULL != ClassName && "DhcpAddOption" ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if( 0 != DataLen && NULL == Data ) { DhcpAssert( 0 == DataLen || NULL != Data && "DhcpAddOption" ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } MemSize = sizeof(DHCP_OPTION) + DataLen ; ThisOption = (PDHCP_OPTION) DhcpAllocateMemory(MemSize); if( NULL == ThisOption ) // could not allocate memory return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ThisOption->OptionId = OptionId; ThisOption->IsVendor = IsVendor; ThisOption->ClassName = ClassName; ThisOption->ClassLen = ClassLen; ThisOption->ExpiryTime = ExpiryTime; ThisOption->DataLen = DataLen; ThisOption->Data = ((LPBYTE)ThisOption) + sizeof(DHCP_OPTION); memcpy(ThisOption->Data, Data, DataLen); InsertHeadList( OptionsList, &ThisOption->OptionList ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //================================================================================ // end of file //================================================================================