/*++ Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: hinet.cxx Abstract: contains methods for INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE class Contents: HANDLE_OBJECT::HANDLE_OBJECT() HANDLE_OBJECT::HANDLE_OBJECT() HANDLE_OBJECT::Reference() HANDLE_OBJECT::Dereference() HANDLE_OBJECT::IsValid() INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE(LPCSTR, ...) INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE(INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE*) INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::~INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE() INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::SetAbortHandle(ICSocket) INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::ResetAbortHandle() INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::AbortSocket() INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::SetProxyInfo() INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::GetProxyInfo(LPVOID, LPDWORD) INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::GetProxyInfo(INTERNET_SCHEME, LPINTERNET_SCHEME, LPSTR *, LPDWORD, LPINTERNET_PORT) Author: Madan Appiah (madana) 16-Nov-1994 Environment: User Mode - Win32 Revision History: Sophia Chung (sophiac) 14-Feb-1995 (added FTP and Archie class impl.) (code adopted from madana) --*/ #include #include #include "../http/cookiejar.h" // // private manifests // #define PROXY_REGISTRY_STRING_LENGTH (4 K) // // methods // HANDLE_OBJECT::HANDLE_OBJECT( IN HANDLE_OBJECT * Parent ) /*++ Routine Description: HANDLE_OBJECT constructor Arguments: Parent - pointer to parent HANDLE_OBJECT Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "HANDLE_OBJECT", "%#x", this )); //InitializeListHead(&_List); _Parent = Parent; if (_Parent) _Parent->Reference(); _Status = AllocateHandle(this, &_Handle); _ObjectType = TypeGenericHandle; _ReferenceCount = 1; _Invalid = FALSE; _Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; _Signature = OBJECT_SIGNATURE; _Context = NULL; #if INET_DEBUG if (!InsertAtTailOfSerializedList(&GlobalObjectList, &_List)) _Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; #endif // // if AllocateHandle() failed then we cannot create this handle object. // Invalidate it ready for the destructor // if (_Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _Invalid = TRUE; _ReferenceCount = 0; } DEBUG_PRINT(OBJECTS, INFO, ("handle %#x created; address %#x; %d objects\n", _Handle, this, ElementsOnSerializedList(&GlobalObjectList) )); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } HANDLE_OBJECT::~HANDLE_OBJECT(VOID) /*++ Routine Description: HANDLE_OBJECT destructor. Virtual function Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "~HANDLE_OBJECT", "%#x", this )); #if INET_DEBUG // // remove this object from global object list // if (LockSerializedList(&GlobalObjectList)) { // should always succeed since we already have the lock RemoveFromSerializedList(&GlobalObjectList, &_List); UnlockSerializedList(&GlobalObjectList); } #endif INET_DEBUG_ASSERT((_List.Flink == NULL) && (_List.Blink == NULL)); // // inform the app that this handle is completely closed // LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo(); if (lpThreadInfo != NULL) { HINTERNET hCurrent = _InternetGetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo); HINTERNET hCurrentMapped = _InternetGetMappedObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo); _InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, _Handle, (HINTERNET)this); HINTERNET hTemp = _Handle; InternetIndicateStatus(WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING, (LPVOID)&hTemp, sizeof(hTemp) ); _InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, hCurrent, hCurrentMapped); } if (_Parent != NULL) _Parent->Dereference(); // // now we can free up the API handle value // if (_Handle != NULL) { _Status = FreeHandle(_Handle); INET_ASSERT(_Status == ERROR_SUCCESS); } // // set the signature to a value that indicates the handle has been // destroyed (not useful in debug builds) // _Signature = DESTROYED_OBJECT_SIGNATURE; INET_ASSERT((_ReferenceCount == 0) && _Invalid); DEBUG_PRINT(OBJECTS, INFO, ("handle %#x destroyed; type %s; address %#x; %d objects\n", _Handle, InternetMapHandleType(_ObjectType), this, ElementsOnSerializedList(&GlobalObjectList) )); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } DWORD HANDLE_OBJECT::Reference( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Increases the reference count on the HANDLE_OBJECT Arguments: None. Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Handle has already been invalidated ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Handle object is being destroyed, cannot use it --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, Dword, "HANDLE_OBJECT::Reference", "{%#x}", _Handle )); DWORD error; if (_Invalid) { DEBUG_PRINT(OBJECTS, INFO, ("handle object %#x [%#x] is invalid\n", _Handle, this )); error = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // // even if the handle has been invalidated (i.e. closed), we allow it // to continue to be referenced. The caller should return the fact // that the handle has been invalidated, but may require information // from the object in order to do so (e.g. in async thread) // do { LONG lRefCountBeforeIncrement = _ReferenceCount; // // refcount is > 0 means that the object's destructor has not been called yet // if (lRefCountBeforeIncrement > 0) { // // try to increment the refcount using compare-exchange // #ifndef _WIN64 LONG lRefCountCurrent = (LONG)SHInterlockedCompareExchange((LPVOID*)&_ReferenceCount, (LPVOID)(lRefCountBeforeIncrement + 1), (LPVOID)lRefCountBeforeIncrement); #else // // can't use SHInterlockedCompareExchange on win64 because the values are really LONG's (32-bits) but they // are treated as pointers (64-bits) because SHInterlockedCompareExchange should really be called // SHInterlockedCompareExchangePointer (sigh...). // LONG lRefCountCurrent = InterlockedCompareExchange(&_ReferenceCount, lRefCountBeforeIncrement + 1, lRefCountBeforeIncrement); #endif if (lRefCountCurrent == lRefCountBeforeIncrement) { // // since SHInterlockedCompareExchange returns the value in _ReferenceCount // before the exchange, we know the exchange sucessfully took place (i.e. we // sucessfully incremented the refrence count of the object by one) // INET_ASSERT(lRefCountCurrent > 0); break; } } else { // // the refcount dropped to zero before we could increment it, // so the object is being destroyed. // error = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; break; } } while (TRUE); DEBUG_PRINT(REFCOUNT, INFO, ("handle object %#x [%#x] ReferenceCount = %d\n", _Handle, this, _ReferenceCount )); DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; } BOOL HANDLE_OBJECT::Dereference( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Reduces the reference count on the HANDLE_OBJECT, and if it goes to zero, the object is deleted Arguments: None. Return Value: BOOL TRUE - this object was deleted FALSE - this object is still valid --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, Bool, "HANDLE_OBJECT::Dereference", "{%#x}", _Handle )); // // by the time we get here, the reference count should not be 0. There // should be 1 call to Dereference() for each call to Reference() // INET_ASSERT(_ReferenceCount != 0); BOOL deleted = FALSE; if (InterlockedDecrement(&_ReferenceCount) == 0) { deleted = TRUE; } if (deleted) { // // if we are calling the destructor, the handle had better be invalid! // INET_ASSERT(_Invalid); // // this handle has now been closed. If there is no activity on it // then it will be destroyed // DEBUG_PRINT(REFCOUNT, INFO, ("handle object %#x [%#x] ReferenceCount = %d\n", _Handle, this, _ReferenceCount )); delete this; } else { DEBUG_PRINT(REFCOUNT, INFO, ("handle object %#x [%#x] ReferenceCount = %d\n", _Handle, this, _ReferenceCount )); } DEBUG_LEAVE(deleted); return deleted; } DWORD HANDLE_OBJECT::IsValid( IN HINTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE ExpectedHandleType ) /*++ Routine Description: Checks a HANDLE_OBJECT for validity Arguments: ExpectedHandleType - type of object we are testing for. Can be TypeWildHandle which matches any valid handle Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE The handle object is invalid ERROR_WINHTTP_INCORRECT_HANDLE_TYPE The handle object is valid, but not the type we want --*/ { DWORD error; // // test handle object within try..except in case we are given a bad address // __try { if (_Signature == OBJECT_SIGNATURE) { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; // // check handle type if we are asked to do so. // if (ExpectedHandleType != TypeWildHandle) { if (ExpectedHandleType != this->GetHandleType()) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INCORRECT_HANDLE_TYPE; } } } else { error = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { error = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } ENDEXCEPT return error; } INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE( LPCSTR UserAgent, DWORD AccessMethod, LPSTR ProxyServerList, LPSTR ProxyBypassList, DWORD Flags ) : HANDLE_OBJECT(NULL) /*++ Routine Description: Creates the handle object for InternetOpen() Arguments: UserAgent - name of agent (user-agent string for HTTP) AccessMethod - DIRECT, PROXY or PRECONFIG ProxyServerList - one or more proxy servers. The string has the form: [=]["://"][":"][";"*] ProxyBypassList - zero or more addresses which if matched will result in requests NOT going via the proxy (only if PROXY access). The string has the form: bp_entry ::= ["://"][":"] bp_macro ::= "" bp_list ::= [<> | bp_entry bp_macro][";"*] Flags - various open flags: WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC - not support in WinHttpX Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE", NULL )); // // if the HANDLE_OBJECT constructor failed then bail out now // if (_Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_PRINT(OBJECTS, ERROR, ("early-exit: _Status = %d\n", _Status )); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); return; } _PPContext = 0; _fDisableTweener = TRUE; _fDisableKeyring = TRUE; _ThreadToken = 0; _IsCopy = FALSE; _UserAgent = (LPSTR)UserAgent; _ProxyInfo = NULL; _dwInternetOpenFlags = Flags; _WinsockLoaded = FALSE; _Context = NULL; _MaxConnectionsPerServer = WINHTTP_CONNS_PER_SERVER_UNLIMITED; _MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = WINHTTP_CONNS_PER_SERVER_UNLIMITED; // // set _Async based on the WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC supplied to InternetOpen() // _dwCodePage = CP_UTF8; _Async = (Flags & WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC) ? TRUE : FALSE; // // no data available yet // SetAvailableDataLength(0); // // not yet end of file // ResetEndOfFile(); // // no status callback by default // _StatusCallback = NULL; _StatusCallbackType = FALSE; _dwStatusCallbackFlags = 0; SetObjectType(TypeInternetHandle); _ProxyInfoResourceLock.Initialize(); _Status = SetProxyInfo(AccessMethod, ProxyServerList, ProxyBypassList); // // if _pICSocket is not NULL then this is the socket that this object handle // is currently working on. We close it to cancel the operation // _pICSocket = NULL; if (::OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, FALSE, &_ThreadToken ) == FALSE) { _ThreadToken = 0; } // // load winsock now. // if (_Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _Status = LoadWinsock(); _WinsockLoaded = (_Status == ERROR_SUCCESS); if ( _Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LONG lOpenHandleCnt; LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo(); if ( lpThreadInfo ) { lOpenHandleCnt = InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&GlobalInternetOpenHandleCount); if ( lOpenHandleCnt == 0 ) { DWORD fAlreadyInInit = (DWORD) InterlockedExchange((LPLONG) &GlobalAutoProxyInInit, TRUE); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(fAlreadyInInit); INET_ASSERT (! fAlreadyInInit ); g_pGlobalProxyInfo->ReleaseQueuedRefresh(); InterlockedExchange((LPLONG)&GlobalAutoProxyInInit, FALSE); } } } } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE( INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE *INetObj ) : HANDLE_OBJECT((HANDLE_OBJECT*)INetObj) /*++ Routine Description: Constructor for derived handle object. We are creating this handle as part of an INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT Arguments: INetObj - pointer to INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE to copy Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE", "{IsCopy}" )); _PPContext = INetObj->_PPContext; _fDisableTweener = INetObj->_fDisableTweener; _fDisableKeyring = INetObj->_fDisableKeyring; _ThreadToken = INetObj->_ThreadToken; _IsCopy = TRUE; // // copy user agent string // // // BUGBUG - compiler generated copy constructor (no new string) // _UserAgent = INetObj->_UserAgent; // // do not inherit the proxy info - code must go to parent handle // _ProxyInfo = NULL; _ProxyInfoResourceLock.Initialize(); _dwInternetOpenFlags = INetObj->_dwInternetOpenFlags; // // creating this handle didn't load winsock // _WinsockLoaded = FALSE; // // inherit the context, async flag and status callback from // the parent object handle // _Context = INetObj->_Context; _MaxConnectionsPerServer = INetObj->_MaxConnectionsPerServer; _MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = INetObj->_MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server; _dwCodePage = INetObj->_dwCodePage; _Async = INetObj->_Async; // // inherit callback function // SetAvailableDataLength(0); ResetEndOfFile(); _StatusCallback = INetObj->_StatusCallback; _StatusCallbackType = INetObj->_StatusCallbackType; _dwStatusCallbackFlags = INetObj->_dwStatusCallbackFlags; // // no socket operation to abort yet // _pICSocket = NULL; // // BUGBUG - this overwrites status set above? // _Status = INetObj->_Status; DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::~INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE destructor Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::~INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE", "" )); if (_ProxyInfo && !IsProxyGlobal() && (_ProxyInfo != PROXY_INFO_DIRECT)) { DEBUG_PRINT(OBJECTS, INFO, ("Free-ing ProxyInfo\n" )); delete _ProxyInfo; _ProxyInfo = NULL; } // // if this handle is not a copy (i.e., it is a Session handle), then delete // the Passport context // if (!IsCopy()) { DEBUG_PRINT(OBJECTS, INFO, ("Not a Copy...\n" )); if (_PPContext) { ::PP_FreeContext(_PPContext); } // // don't unload winsock. There really is no need to unload separately // from process detach and if we do unload, we first have to terminate // async support. Dynaloading and unloading winsock is vestigial // //if (_WinsockLoaded) { // UnloadWinsock(); //} if (_ThreadToken) { ::CloseHandle(_ThreadToken); _ThreadToken = NULL; } } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } DWORD INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::ExchangeStatusCallback( LPWINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK lpStatusCallback, BOOL fType, DWORD dwFlags ) { DWORD error; WINHTTP_STATUS_CALLBACK callback; // exchange new and current callbacks callback = _StatusCallback; _StatusCallback = *lpStatusCallback; *lpStatusCallback = callback; _StatusCallbackType = fType; _dwStatusCallbackFlags = dwFlags; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; return error; } VOID INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::SetAbortHandle( IN ICSocket * Socket ) /*++ Routine Description: Associates with this request handle the ICSocket object currently being used for network I/O Arguments: Socket - pointer to ICSocket Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS | DBG_SOCKETS, None, "INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::SetAbortHandle", "{%#x} %#x [sock=%#x ref=%d]", GetPseudoHandle(), Socket, Socket ? Socket->GetSocket() : 0, Socket ? Socket->ReferenceCount() : 0 )); INET_ASSERT(Socket != NULL); // // first off, increase the socket reference count to stop any other threads // killing it whilst we are performing the socket operation. The only way // another thread can dereference the socket is by calling our AbortSocket() // method // Socket->Reference(); // // now associate the socket object with this handle object. We should not // have a current association // ICSocket * pSocket; pSocket = (ICSocket *) InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID*)&_pICSocket, Socket); // // because ConnectSocket() can call this method multiple times without // intervening calls to ResetAbortHandle(), pSocket can legitimately be // non-NULL at this point // //INET_ASSERT(pSocket == NULL); // // if the handle was invalidated on another thread before we got // chance to set the socket to close, then abort the request now // // // BUGBUG - screws up normal FTP close handle processing - we // have to communicate with the server in order to // drop the connection // //if (IsInvalidated()) { // AbortSocket(); //} DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } VOID INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::ResetAbortHandle( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Disassociates this request handle and the ICSocket object when the network operation has completed Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS | DBG_SOCKETS, None, "INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::ResetAbortHandle", "{%#x}", GetPseudoHandle() )); // // there really should be a ICSocket associated with this object, otherwise // our handle close/invalidation logic is broken // // // however, we can call ResetAbortHandle() from paths where we completed // early, not having called SetAbortHandle() // //INET_ASSERT(pSocket != NULL); // // so if there was a ICSocket associated with this object then remove the // reference added in SetAbortHandle() // ICSocket * pICSocket; pICSocket = (ICSocket *)InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID*)&_pICSocket, NULL); if (pICSocket != NULL) { DEBUG_PRINT(SOCKETS, INFO, ("socket=%#x ref=%d\n", pICSocket->GetSocket(), pICSocket->ReferenceCount() )); pICSocket->Dereference(); } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } VOID INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::AbortSocket( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: If there is a ICSocket associated with this handle object then abort it. This forces the current network operation aborted and the request to complete with ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS | DBG_SOCKETS, None, "INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::AbortSocket", "{%#x, %#x [sock=%#x, ref=%d]}", GetPseudoHandle(), (_pICSocket != NULL) ? (LPVOID)_pICSocket : (LPVOID)_pICSocket, _pICSocket ? _pICSocket->GetSocket() : (_pICSocket ? _pICSocket->GetSocket() : 0), _pICSocket ? _pICSocket->ReferenceCount() : (_pICSocket ? _pICSocket->ReferenceCount() : 0) )); // // get the associated ICSocket. It may have already been removed by a call // to ResetAbortHandle() // // // if there is an associated ICSocket then abort it (close the socket handle) // which will complete the current network I/O (if active) with an error. // Once the ICSocket is aborted, we reduce the reference count that was added // in SetAbortHandle(). This may cause the ICSocket to be deleted // LPVOID pAddr; pAddr = (LPVOID)InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID*)&_pICSocket, NULL); if (pAddr != NULL) { ICSocket * pSocket = (ICSocket *)pAddr; //dprintf(">>>>>>>> %#x AbortSocket %#x [%#x]\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), pSocket, pSocket->GetSocket()); pSocket->Abort(); pSocket->Dereference(); } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } DWORD INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::Refresh() /*++ Routine Description: Refreshes the proxy info on an InternetOpen() HINTERNET based on the parameters Assumes: 1. The parameters have already been validated in the API that calls this method (i.e. InternetOpen(), InternetSetOption()) Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Reload the proxy info from registry into the GlobalProxyInfo object, // unless it was changed in-process to something else. // if (!g_pGlobalProxyInfo->IsModifiedInProcess()) { return LoadProxySettings(); } else { // // not using global proxy or it has been set to something other // than the registry contents. Just return success // return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } DWORD INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::SetProxyInfo( IN DWORD dwAccessType, IN LPCSTR lpszProxy OPTIONAL, IN LPCSTR lpszProxyBypass OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets the proxy info on an InternetOpen() HINTERNET based on the parameters Assumes: 1. The parameters have already been validated in the API that calls this method (i.e. InternetOpen(), InternetSetOption()) Arguments: dwAccessType - type of proxy access required lpszProxy - pointer to proxy server list lpszProxyBypass - pointer to proxy bypass list Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER The lpszProxy or lpszProxyBypass list was bad ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Failed to create an object or allocate space for a list, etc. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Dword, "INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::SetProxyInfo", "%s (%d), %#x (%q), %#x (%q)", InternetMapOpenType(dwAccessType), dwAccessType, lpszProxy, lpszProxy, lpszProxyBypass, lpszProxyBypass )); // // Session and HTTP Request objects can have proxy information // INET_ASSERT((GetHandleType()==TypeInternetHandle) || (GetHandleType()==TypeHttpRequestHandle)); /* We are setting the proxy information for an InternetOpen() handle. Based on the current and new settings we do the following (Note: the handle is initialized to DIRECT operation): current access +--------------------------------------------------------------- new | DIRECT | PROXY | PRECONFIG access | | | +-----------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------- | DIRECT | No action | Delete proxy info | Remove reference to | | | | global proxy info +-----------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------- | PROXY | Set new proxy info | Delete proxy info. | Remove reference to | | | Set new proxy info | global proxy info. | | | | Set new proxy info +-----------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------- | PRECONFIG | Set proxy info to | Delete proxy info. | No action | | global proxy info | Set proxy info to | | | | global proxy info | +-----------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------- */ DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; PROXY_INFO * proxyInfo = NULL; // // acquire proxy info for exclusive access // if (!AcquireProxyInfo(TRUE)) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; } if (IsProxy()) { // // delete private proxy info, or unlink from global proxy info // SafeDeleteProxyInfo(); } switch (dwAccessType) { case WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY: proxyInfo = PROXY_INFO_DIRECT; break; case WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NAMED_PROXY: { INET_ASSERT(!IsProxy()); INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT * pSession; if (IsCopy()) { pSession = GetRootHandle(this); } else { pSession = static_cast(this); INET_ASSERT(pSession->IsValid(TypeInternetHandle) == ERROR_SUCCESS); } proxyInfo = New PROXY_INFO; if (proxyInfo != NULL) { proxyInfo->InitializeProxySettings(); proxyInfo->SetSessionObject(pSession); error = proxyInfo->GetError(); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS && lpszProxy ) { INTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.dwStructSize = sizeof(info); info.dwFlags = (PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT | PROXY_TYPE_PROXY); info.lpszProxy = lpszProxy; info.lpszProxyBypass = lpszProxyBypass; error = proxyInfo->SetProxySettings(&info, TRUE /*modified*/); } if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete proxyInfo; proxyInfo = NULL; } } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } break; } case WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY: { INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT * pSession; if (IsCopy()) { pSession = GetRootHandle(this); } else { pSession = static_cast(this); INET_ASSERT(pSession->IsValid(TypeInternetHandle) == ERROR_SUCCESS); } // Refresh global proxy info. Refresh(); proxyInfo = New PROXY_INFO; if (proxyInfo != NULL) { proxyInfo->InitializeProxySettings(); proxyInfo->SetSessionObject(pSession); error = proxyInfo->GetError(); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { INTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.dwStructSize = sizeof(info); INET_ASSERT(g_pGlobalProxyInfo != NULL); error = g_pGlobalProxyInfo->GetProxySettings(&info, FALSE); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { error = proxyInfo->SetProxySettings(&info, TRUE /*modified*/); if (info.lpszProxy) { FREE_MEMORY(info.lpszProxy); } if (info.lpszProxyBypass) { FREE_MEMORY(info.lpszProxyBypass); } } } if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete proxyInfo; proxyInfo = NULL; } } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } break; } default: proxyInfo = NULL; break; } SetProxyInfo(proxyInfo); ReleaseProxyInfo(); quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; } DWORD INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::GetProxyStringInfo( OUT LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the current proxy information for this INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE Arguments: lpBuffer - pointer to buffer where WINHTTP_PROXY_INFOA will be written, and any proxy strings (if sufficient space) lpdwBufferLength - IN: number of bytes in lpBuffer OUT: number of bytes returned in lpBuffer Return Value: DWORD Success - ERROR_SUCCESS Failure - ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER lpBuffer doesn't have enough space to hold the proxy information. *lpdwBufferLength has the required size --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Dword, "INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::GetProxyStringInfo", "%#x, %#x [%d]", lpBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, lpdwBufferLength ? *lpdwBufferLength : 0 )); INET_ASSERT(!IsCopy()); AcquireProxyInfo(FALSE); DWORD error; if (IsProxy()) { error = _ProxyInfo->GetProxyStringInfo(lpBuffer, lpdwBufferLength); } else { if (*lpdwBufferLength >= sizeof(WINHTTP_PROXY_INFOA)) { WINHTTP_PROXY_INFOA * lpInfo = (WINHTTP_PROXY_INFOA *)lpBuffer; lpInfo->dwAccessType = WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY; lpInfo->lpszProxy = NULL; lpInfo->lpszProxyBypass = NULL; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } *lpdwBufferLength = sizeof(WINHTTP_PROXY_INFOA); } ReleaseProxyInfo(); DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; } DWORD INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::GetProxyInfo( IN AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG **ppQueryForProxyInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns all proxy information based on a protocol scheme Arguments: tProtocol - protocol to get proxy info for lptScheme - returned scheme lplpszHostName - returned proxy name lpdwHostNameLength - returned length of proxy name lpHostPort - returned proxy port Return Value: BOOL Success - TRUE Failure - FALSE --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Dword, "INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::GetProxyInfo", "%#x", ppQueryForProxyInfo )); INET_ASSERT((GetHandleType() == TypeInternetHandle) || (GetHandleType() == TypeHttpRequestHandle)); DWORD error; AcquireProxyInfo(FALSE); if ( _ProxyInfo && _ProxyInfo != PROXY_INFO_DIRECT ) { error = _ProxyInfo->QueryProxySettings(ppQueryForProxyInfo); } else { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; (*ppQueryForProxyInfo)->SetUseProxy(FALSE); } ReleaseProxyInfo(); DEBUG_LEAVE(error); return error; } BOOL INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::RedoSendRequest( IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwError, IN DWORD dwSecureStatus, IN AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG *pQueryForProxyInfo, IN CServerInfo *pOriginServer, IN CServerInfo *pProxyServer ) { INET_ASSERT(!IsCopy()); BOOL rc; AcquireProxyInfo(FALSE); if ( _ProxyInfo ) { rc = _ProxyInfo->RedoSendRequest( lpdwError, dwSecureStatus, pQueryForProxyInfo, pOriginServer, pProxyServer ); } else { rc = FALSE; } ReleaseProxyInfo(); return rc; } INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT (LPCSTR ua, DWORD access, LPSTR proxy, LPSTR bypass, DWORD flags) : INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE (ua, access, proxy, bypass, flags) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT", NULL )); InterlockedIncrement(&g_cSessionCount); if (g_pAsyncCount) { if (flags & WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC) { _Status = g_pAsyncCount->AddRef(); } } else { RIP(FALSE); } InitializeSerializedList(&_ServerInfoList); // // WinHttpX supports session cookies. Each session has it's own // cookie jar, instead of a shared global cookie jar as in WinInet. // _CookieJar = NULL; _pOptionalParams = NULL; _pSessionCertCache = NULL; _pAutoProxy = NULL; _hAPBinding = NULL; _pResolverCache = New CResolverCache(&_Status); if (!_pResolverCache) { _Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } if (_Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _CookieJar = CreateCookieJar(); if (_CookieJar == NULL) _Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } if (_Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _pSessionCertCache = New SECURITY_CACHE_LIST; if (!_pSessionCertCache || !_pSessionCertCache->Initialize()) { _Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; if (_pSessionCertCache) { delete _pSessionCertCache; _pSessionCertCache = NULL; } } } if (_Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _pAutoProxy = New CAutoProxy(this); if (!_pAutoProxy || !_pAutoProxy->Initialize()) { _Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); }; INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::~INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT ( ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::~INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT", NULL )); PurgeServerInfoList(TRUE); TerminateSerializedList(&_ServerInfoList); if (_pResolverCache) { _pResolverCache->EmptyHandlesList(); delete _pResolverCache; } delete _pOptionalParams; _pOptionalParams = NULL; // Delete Cookie Jar CloseCookieJar(_CookieJar); _CookieJar = NULL; if (_hAPBinding) { ::RpcBindingFree(&_hAPBinding); _hAPBinding = NULL; } if (_pSessionCertCache) _pSessionCertCache->Release(); if (_pAutoProxy) delete _pAutoProxy; if (g_pAsyncCount) { if (_Async) g_pAsyncCount->Release(); } else { RIP(FALSE); } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } // // This function walks up to the InternetOpen handle from either // a connect handle (child) or a request handle (grandchild). // We only go one or two hops rather than recurse. // INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT* GetRootHandle (HANDLE_OBJECT* pHandle) { pHandle = (HANDLE_OBJECT*) pHandle->GetParent(); INET_ASSERT (pHandle); if (pHandle->GetHandleType() == TypeInternetHandle) return (INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT*) pHandle; pHandle = (HANDLE_OBJECT*) pHandle->GetParent(); INET_ASSERT (pHandle); INET_ASSERT (pHandle->GetHandleType() == TypeInternetHandle); return (INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT*) pHandle; } BOOL INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::ClearPassportCookies(PSTR pszUrl) { BOOL fRetVal = FALSE; char * pchRDomain = NULL; char * pchPath = NULL; BOOL fSecure; if (!PathAndRDomainFromURL(pszUrl, &pchRDomain, &pchPath, &fSecure, FALSE)) { return fRetVal; } CCookieJar* pcj = _CookieJar; if (pcj->_csCookieJar.Lock()) { FILETIME ftNow; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftNow); CCookieLocation *pLocation = pcj->GetCookies(pchRDomain, pchPath, NULL, &ftNow); while (pLocation) { CCookie *pCookie = NULL; if (NULL != (pCookie = pLocation->GetCookie("MSPAuth", FALSE))) { pCookie->SetValue(NULL); } if (NULL != (pCookie = pLocation->GetCookie("MSPProf", FALSE))) { pCookie->SetValue(NULL); } if (NULL != (pCookie = pLocation->GetCookie("MSPProfC", FALSE))) { pCookie->SetValue(NULL); } if (NULL != (pCookie = pLocation->GetCookie("MSPSec", FALSE))) { pCookie->SetValue(NULL); } pLocation = pcj->GetCookies(pchRDomain, pchPath, pLocation, &ftNow); } // while (pLocation) pcj->_csCookieJar.Unlock(); } // if pcj->_csCookieJar.Lock() fRetVal = TRUE; if (pchRDomain) { FREE_MEMORY(pchRDomain); } if (pchPath) { FREE_MEMORY(pchPath); } return fRetVal; } // // //INTERNET_HANDLE_BASE::SetDwordOption() and HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT::SetDwordOption() //maintain DWORD options with the following semantics: // 1) Settings affect behavior of request and are per-request configureable. // 2) Defaults for new requests are stored in the session and those defaults are per-session configureable. // // /* * When called from API functions, * caller should SetLastError() in case of failure */ BOOL INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::SetDwordOption( IN DWORD dwDwordOption, IN DWORD dwDwordValue ) { BOOL bRetval = TRUE; if (!_pOptionalParams) { _pOptionalParams = New OPTIONAL_SESSION_PARAMS(); if (!_pOptionalParams) { bRetval = FALSE; goto quit; } } switch (dwDwordOption) { case WINHTTP_OPTION_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT: _pOptionalParams->dwResolveTimeout = dwDwordValue; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: _pOptionalParams->dwConnectTimeout = dwDwordValue; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES: _pOptionalParams->dwConnectRetries = dwDwordValue; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT: _pOptionalParams->dwSendTimeout = dwDwordValue; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT: _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveTimeout = dwDwordValue; // Ensure that the ReceiveResponse timeout is not less than the Receive timeout _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveResponseTimeout = max(dwDwordValue, _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveResponseTimeout); break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: // Ensure that the ReceiveResponse timeout is not less than the Receive timeout _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveResponseTimeout = max(dwDwordValue, _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveTimeout); break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_REDIRECT_POLICY: _pOptionalParams->dwRedirectPolicy = dwDwordValue; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_AUTOLOGON_POLICY: _pOptionalParams->dwAutoLogonPolicy = dwDwordValue; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_HTTP_AUTOMATIC_REDIRECTS: _pOptionalParams->dwMaxHttpAutomaticRedirects = dwDwordValue; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE: _pOptionalParams->dwMaxHttpStatusContinues = dwDwordValue; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE: _pOptionalParams->dwMaxResponseHeaderSize = dwDwordValue; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_RESPONSE_DRAIN_SIZE: _pOptionalParams->dwMaxResponseDrainSize = dwDwordValue; break; default: INET_ASSERT(0); bRetval = FALSE; } quit: return bRetval; } /* * When called from API functions, * caller should SetLastError() in case of failure */ BOOL INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::SetTimeout( IN DWORD dwTimeoutOption, IN DWORD dwTimeoutValue ) { switch (dwTimeoutOption) { case WINHTTP_OPTION_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT: case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES: case WINHTTP_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT: case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT: case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: return SetDwordOption( dwTimeoutOption, dwTimeoutValue); default: INET_ASSERT(0); return FALSE; } } /* * When called from API functions, * caller should SetLastError() in case of failure */ BOOL INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::SetTimeouts( IN DWORD dwResolveTimeout, IN DWORD dwConnectTimeout, IN DWORD dwSendTimeout, IN DWORD dwReceiveTimeout ) { BOOL bRetval = TRUE; if (!_pOptionalParams) { _pOptionalParams = New OPTIONAL_SESSION_PARAMS(); if (!_pOptionalParams) { bRetval = FALSE; goto quit; } } _pOptionalParams->dwResolveTimeout = dwResolveTimeout; _pOptionalParams->dwConnectTimeout = dwConnectTimeout; _pOptionalParams->dwSendTimeout = dwSendTimeout; _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveTimeout = dwReceiveTimeout; // Ensure that the ReceiveResponse timeout is not less than the Receive timeout _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveResponseTimeout = max(dwReceiveTimeout, _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveResponseTimeout); quit: return bRetval; } /* * When called from API functions, * caller should SetLastError() in case of failure */ BOOL INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::GetDwordOption( IN DWORD dwDwordOption, OUT DWORD* pdwDwordValue ) { BOOL bRetval = TRUE; if (!_pOptionalParams) { _pOptionalParams = New OPTIONAL_SESSION_PARAMS(); if (!_pOptionalParams) { bRetval = FALSE; goto quit; } } switch (dwDwordOption) { case WINHTTP_OPTION_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwResolveTimeout; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwConnectTimeout; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwConnectRetries; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwSendTimeout; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveTimeout; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwReceiveResponseTimeout; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_REDIRECT_POLICY: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwRedirectPolicy; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_AUTOLOGON_POLICY: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwAutoLogonPolicy; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_HTTP_AUTOMATIC_REDIRECTS: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwMaxHttpAutomaticRedirects; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwMaxHttpStatusContinues; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwMaxResponseHeaderSize; break; case WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_RESPONSE_DRAIN_SIZE: *pdwDwordValue = _pOptionalParams->dwMaxResponseDrainSize; break; default: INET_ASSERT(0); bRetval = FALSE; break; } quit: return bRetval; } /* * When called from API functions, * caller should SetLastError() in case of failure */ BOOL INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT::GetTimeout( IN DWORD dwTimeoutOption, OUT DWORD* pdwTimeoutValue ) { switch (dwTimeoutOption) { case WINHTTP_OPTION_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT: case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: case WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES: case WINHTTP_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT: case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT: case WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: return GetDwordOption( dwTimeoutOption, pdwTimeoutValue); default: INET_ASSERT(0); return FALSE; } }