/*++ Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: chunkflt.cxx Abstract: Contains a filter for encoding and decoding chunked transfers. Contents: FILTER_LIST::Insert FILTER_LIST::RemoveAll FILTER_LIST::Decode ChunkFilter::Reset ChunkFilter::Decode ChunkFilter::Encode ChunkFilter::RegisterContext ChunkFilter::UnregisterContext Revision History: Created 13-Feb-2001 --*/ #include // Global lookup table to map 0x0 - 0x7f bytes for obtaining mapping to its // token value. All values above 0x7f are considered to be data. const BYTE g_bChunkTokenTable[] = { /* 0x00 */ CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_LF, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_CR, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, /* 0x10 */ CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, /* 0x20 */ CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, /* 0x30 */ CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_COLON, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, /* 0x40 */ CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, /* 0x50 */ CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, /* 0x60 */ CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, /* 0x70 */ CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA, CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA }; // Look-up table to map a token in a given state to the next state const CHUNK_DECODE_STATE g_eMapChunkTokenToNextState[CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_LAST+1][CHUNK_TOKEN_LAST+1] = { /* |---------DIGIT----------|-------------CR-------------|-------------LF------------|----------COLON----------|-----------DATA----------| */ // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_START CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE_CRLF,CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_EXT, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_EXT, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE_CRLF CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE_CRLF,CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_DATA, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_EXT CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_EXT, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE_CRLF,CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_EXT, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_EXT, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_DATA CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_DATA_CRLF,CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_DATA, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_DATA_CRLF CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_DATA_CRLF,CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_NAME CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_NAME, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FINAL_CRLF, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_VALUE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_NAME, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_VALUE CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_VALUE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_CRLF, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_VALUE, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_VALUE, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_CRLF CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FINAL_CRLF, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_NAME, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FINAL_CRLF CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FINAL_CRLF, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FINISHED, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_QUOTED_DATA -- go until next quote, then manually revert to m_eQuoteExitState CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_QUOTED_DATA, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_QUOTED_DATA, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_QUOTED_DATA, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_QUOTED_DATA, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_QUOTED_DATA, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, // CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FINISHED -- force client to reset before reuse CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR, CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR }; // Helper macros // Where to next? #define MAP_CHUNK_TOKEN_TO_NEXT_STATE(eCurState, chToken) \ (g_eMapChunkTokenToNextState[(eCurState)][(chToken)]) // Given a byte, what does it represent w/regards to chunked responses #define GET_CHUNK_TOKEN(ch) ((ch) & 0x80 ? CHUNK_TOKEN_DATA : g_bChunkTokenTable[ch]) // Should only be used with digit tokens. // Expects byte in range 0x30-0x39 (digits), 0x41-0x46 (uppercase hex), // or 0x61-0x66 (lowercase hex) #define GET_VALUE_FROM_ASCII_HEX(ch) ((ch) - ((ch) & 0xf0) + (((ch) & 0x40) ? 9 : 0)) HRESULT ChunkFilter::Reset(DWORD_PTR dwContext) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "ChunkFilter::Reset", "%#x", dwContext )); if (dwContext) (reinterpret_cast(dwContext))->Reset(); DEBUG_LEAVE(TRUE); return S_OK; } HRESULT ChunkFilter::Decode( DWORD_PTR dwContext, IN OUT LPBYTE pInBuffer, IN DWORD dwInBufSize, IN OUT LPBYTE *ppOutBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD pdwOutBufSize, OUT LPDWORD pdwBytesRead, OUT LPDWORD pdwBytesWritten ) /*++ Routine Description: Decode downloaded chunked data based on the inputted context and its current state Arguments: dwContext - registered encode/decode context for this filter pInBuffer - input data buffer to be processed dwInBufSize - byte count of pInBuffer ppOutBuffer - allocated buffer containing encoded/decoded data if not done in place with pInBuffer. pdwOutBufSize - size of allocated output buffer, or 0 if pInBuffer holds the processed data pdwBytesRead - Number of input buffer bytes used pdwBytesWritten - Number of output buffer bytes written Return Value: HRESULT Success - S_OK Failure - E_FAIL --*/ { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; LPBYTE pCurrentLoc = pInBuffer; LPBYTE pStartOfChunk = pInBuffer; ChunkDecodeContext * pCtx = reinterpret_cast(dwContext); CHUNK_DECODE_STATE ePreviousState; BYTE chToken; DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "ChunkFilter::Decode", "%x, [%x, %.10q], %u, %x, %u, %x, %x", dwContext, pInBuffer, pInBuffer, dwInBufSize, ppOutBuffer, pdwOutBufSize, pdwBytesRead, pdwBytesWritten )); if (!dwContext) { hResult = E_INVALIDARG; goto quit; } else if (!pdwBytesRead || !pdwBytesWritten || !pInBuffer || (ppOutBuffer && !pdwOutBufSize)) { hResult = E_POINTER; goto quit; } *pdwBytesRead = 0; *pdwBytesWritten = 0; while (*pdwBytesRead < dwInBufSize && pCtx->GetState() != CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR) { bool fUseTransitionMatrix = false; chToken = (BYTE)GET_CHUNK_TOKEN(*pCurrentLoc); ePreviousState = pCtx->GetState(); pCtx->CheckStateSize(); pCtx->IncrementStateSize(); DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("ChunkFilter::Decode: %q, %q, %u/%u\n", InternetMapChunkState(ePreviousState), InternetMapChunkToken((CHUNK_TOKEN_VALUE)chToken), *pdwBytesRead, dwInBufSize )); INET_ASSERT(pCurrentLoc < pInBuffer + dwInBufSize); switch (pCtx->GetState()) { case CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_START: pCtx->Reset(); pCtx->SetState(CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE); // fall through case CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE: { if (chToken == CHUNK_TOKEN_DIGIT) { if (pCtx->m_dwParsedSize & 0xF0000000) { // Don't allow overflow if by some chance // the server is trying to send a chunk over // 0x0FFFFFFF bytes worth in size. pCtx->SetState(CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR); break; } pCtx->m_dwParsedSize <<= 4; pCtx->m_dwParsedSize += GET_VALUE_FROM_ASCII_HEX(*pCurrentLoc); } else { fUseTransitionMatrix = true; } break; } case CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_SIZE_CRLF: // Handle the zero case which can take us to the footer or final CRLF // If it's the final CRLF, then this should be the end of the data. if (pCtx->m_dwParsedSize == 0 && chToken == CHUNK_TOKEN_LF) { pCtx->SetState(CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_NAME); } else { fUseTransitionMatrix = true; } break; case CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_DATA: { INET_ASSERT(pCtx->m_dwParsedSize); // account for EOB if (pCurrentLoc + pCtx->m_dwParsedSize <= pInBuffer + dwInBufSize) { const DWORD dwParsedSize = pCtx->m_dwParsedSize; // Move or skip the parsed size and crlf, if needed. // The start of the chunk could be equal this time if // spread across multiple decode calls. if (pStartOfChunk != pCurrentLoc) { MoveMemory(pStartOfChunk, pCurrentLoc, dwParsedSize); } // -1 so we can look at the first byte after the data // in the next pass. pCurrentLoc += dwParsedSize - 1; *pdwBytesRead += dwParsedSize - 1; *pdwBytesWritten += dwParsedSize; pStartOfChunk += dwParsedSize; pCtx->m_dwParsedSize = 0; pCtx->IncrementStateSize(dwParsedSize-1); // Should be CRLF terminated pCtx->SetState(CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_DATA_CRLF); } else { const DWORD dwSlice = dwInBufSize - (DWORD)(pCurrentLoc - pInBuffer); // We're reaching the end of the buffer before // the end of the chunk. Update the parsed // size remaining, so it will be carried over // to the next call. if (pStartOfChunk != pCurrentLoc) { // Skip over preceding size info. MoveMemory(pStartOfChunk, pCurrentLoc, dwSlice); } // -1 so we can look at the first byte after the data // in the next pass. Offset should never be bigger than DWORD since // since that's the biggest chunk we can handle. *pdwBytesWritten += dwSlice; pCtx->m_dwParsedSize -= dwSlice; *pdwBytesRead += dwSlice - 1; pCurrentLoc = pInBuffer + dwInBufSize - 1; pCtx->IncrementStateSize(dwSlice-1); } break; } case CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_EXT: case CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_FOOTER_VALUE: if( (char)*pCurrentLoc == '"') pCtx->SetStateEnterQuotedData(); else fUseTransitionMatrix = true; break; case CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_QUOTED_DATA: if( (char)*pCurrentLoc == '"') pCtx->SetStateLeaveQuotedData(); else fUseTransitionMatrix = true; break; // All remaining states simply parse over the value and // change state, depending on the token. default: { fUseTransitionMatrix = true; break; } } if( fUseTransitionMatrix) { pCtx->SetState(MAP_CHUNK_TOKEN_TO_NEXT_STATE( ePreviousState, chToken)); } (*pdwBytesRead)++; pCurrentLoc++; } if (pCtx->GetState() == CHUNK_DECODE_STATE_ERROR) { DEBUG_PRINT(HTTP, INFO, ("ChunkFilter::Decode entered error state\n" )); hResult = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(pCtx->m_dwError); } quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(hResult == S_OK ? TRUE : FALSE); return hResult; } HRESULT ChunkFilter::Encode( DWORD_PTR dwContext, IN OUT LPBYTE pInBuffer, IN DWORD dwInBufSize, IN OUT LPBYTE *ppOutBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD pdwOutBufSize, OUT LPDWORD pdwBytesRead, OUT LPDWORD pdwBytesWritten ) /*++ Routine Description: Chunk data for uploading based on the inputted context and current state Arguments: dwContext - registered encode/decode context for this filter pInBuffer - input data buffer to be processed dwInBufSize - byte count of pInBuffer ppOutBuffer - allocated buffer containing encoded/decoded data if not done in place with pInBuffer. pdwOutBufSize - size of allocated output buffer, or 0 if pInBuffer holds the processed data pdwBytesRead - Number of input buffer bytes used pdwBytesWritten - Number of output buffer bytes written Return Value: HRESULT E_NOTIMPL - currently no chunked upload support --*/ { // We don't support chunked uploads...yet UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwContext); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pInBuffer); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwInBufSize); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ppOutBuffer); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pdwOutBufSize); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pdwBytesRead); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pdwBytesWritten); return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT ChunkFilter::RegisterContext(OUT DWORD_PTR *pdwContext) { INET_ASSERT(0); // return RegisterContextEx(pdwContext, (DWORD)-1); } HRESULT ChunkFilter::RegisterContextEx(OUT DWORD_PTR *pdwContext, DWORD dwMaxHeaderSize) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "ChunkFilter::RegisterContext", "%#x", pdwContext )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!pdwContext || IsBadWritePtr(pdwContext, sizeof(DWORD_PTR))) { hr = E_POINTER; goto quit; } *pdwContext = (DWORD_PTR) New ChunkDecodeContext(dwMaxHeaderSize); if (!*pdwContext) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(hr == S_OK ? TRUE : FALSE); return hr; } HRESULT ChunkFilter::UnregisterContext(IN DWORD_PTR dwContext) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "ChunkFilter::UnregisterContext", "%#x", dwContext )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!dwContext) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto quit; } delete reinterpret_cast(dwContext); quit: DEBUG_LEAVE(hr == S_OK ? TRUE : FALSE); return hr; } // Always inserts as the beginning of the list BOOL FILTER_LIST::Insert(IN BaseFilter *pFilter, IN DWORD_PTR dwContext) { LPFILTER_LIST_ENTRY pNewEntry; pNewEntry = New FILTER_LIST_ENTRY; if (pNewEntry != NULL) { pNewEntry->pFilter = pFilter; pNewEntry->dwContext = dwContext; pNewEntry->pNext = _pFilterEntry; _pFilterEntry = pNewEntry; _uFilterCount++; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } VOID FILTER_LIST::ClearList() { LPFILTER_LIST_ENTRY pEntry = _pFilterEntry; while (pEntry) { pEntry->pFilter->UnregisterContext(pEntry->dwContext); pEntry = pEntry->pNext; delete _pFilterEntry; _pFilterEntry = pEntry; } _uFilterCount = 0; } DWORD FILTER_LIST::Decode( IN OUT LPBYTE pInBuffer, IN DWORD dwInBufSize, IN OUT LPBYTE *ppOutBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD pdwOutBufSize, OUT LPDWORD pdwBytesRead, OUT LPDWORD pdwBytesWritten ) { LPFILTER_LIST_ENTRY pEntry = _pFilterEntry; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; LPBYTE pLocalInBuffer = pInBuffer; DWORD dwLocalInBufSize = dwInBufSize; *pdwBytesRead = 0; *pdwBytesWritten = 0; // Loop through filters which should be in the proper order while (pEntry) { dwBytesRead = 0; dwBytesWritten = 0; // At a minimum, we're guaranteed the decode method parses // the input buffer until one of the following is met: // // - Input buffer is fully parsed and processed // - Output buffer is filled up // - Decoder reaches a finished state // - Error occurs while processing input data // // Currently, only 1, 3, and 4 are possible since chunked // transfers are decoded in place. We also don't need // to loop since chunked decoding is always fully done // in the first pass. do { pLocalInBuffer = pLocalInBuffer + dwBytesRead; dwLocalInBufSize = dwLocalInBufSize - dwBytesRead; dwBytesWritten = 0; dwBytesRead = 0; hr = pEntry->pFilter->Decode(pEntry->dwContext, pLocalInBuffer, dwLocalInBufSize, ppOutBuffer, pdwOutBufSize, &dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten ); *pdwBytesWritten += dwBytesWritten; *pdwBytesRead += dwBytesRead; if (hr == S_OK && dwBytesRead < dwLocalInBufSize) { // Given the current requirements we shouldn't be here // if there's still input buffer data to process. RIP(FALSE); hr = E_FAIL; goto quit; } } while (hr == S_OK && dwLocalInBufSize > 0 && dwBytesRead < dwLocalInBufSize); pEntry = pEntry->pNext; } INET_ASSERT(hr != S_OK || dwBytesRead == dwLocalInBufSize); quit: switch (hr) { case S_OK: return ERROR_SUCCESS; case E_OUTOFMEMORY: return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; case HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_WINHTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE): return ERROR_WINHTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE; case HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_WINHTTP_CHUNKED_ENCODING_HEADER_SIZE_OVERFLOW): return ERROR_WINHTTP_CHUNKED_ENCODING_HEADER_SIZE_OVERFLOW; default: return ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; } }