/*++ Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: headers.h Abstract: This file contains the well-known HTTP/MIME request/response headers. For each header, two manifests are defined. HTTP_*_SZ contains the header name, immediatly followed by a colon. HTTP_*_LEN is the strlen of the corresponding HTTP_*_SZ, which does not include the terminating '\0'. Author: Keith Moore (keithmo) 16-Nov-1994 Revision History: --*/ #define CSTRLEN(str) (sizeof(str)-1) #ifndef _HEADERS_H_ #define _HEADERS_H_ struct KnownHeaderType { LPSTR Text; INT Length; DWORD Flags; DWORD HashVal; }; #define MAX_HEADER_HASH_SIZE 153 #define HEADER_HASH_SEED 1291949 extern const BYTE GlobalHeaderHashs[]; extern const struct KnownHeaderType GlobalKnownHeaders[]; DWORD FASTCALL CalculateHashNoCase( IN LPCSTR lpszString, IN DWORD dwStringLength ); // // Various other header defines for different HTTP headers. // #define HTTP_ACCEPT_RANGES_SZ "Accept-Ranges:" #define HTTP_ACCEPT_RANGES_LEN CSTRLEN(HTTP_ACCEPT_RANGES_SZ) #define HTTP_DATE_SZ "Date:" #define HTTP_DATE_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_DATE_SZ) - 1) #define HTTP_EXPIRES_SZ "Expires:" #define HTTP_EXPIRES_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_EXPIRES_SZ) - 1) #define HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_SZ "Content-Disposition:" #define HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_SZ) - 1) #define HTTP_LAST_MODIFIED_SZ "Last-Modified:" #define HTTP_LAST_MODIFIED_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_LAST_MODIFIED_SZ) - 1) // nuke? #define HTTP_UNLESS_MODIFIED_SINCE_SZ "Unless-Modified-Since:" #define HTTP_UNLESS_MODIFIED_SINCE_LEN CSTRLEN(HTTP_UNLESS_MODIFIED_SINCE_SZ) #define HTTP_SERVER_SZ "Server:" #define HTTP_SERVER_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_SERVER_SZ) - 1) #define HTTP_CONNECTION_SZ "Connection:" #define HTTP_CONNECTION_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_CONNECTION_SZ) - 1) #define HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION_SZ "Proxy-Connection:" #define HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION_SZ) - 1) #define HTTP_SET_COOKIE_SZ "Set-Cookie:" #define HTTP_SET_COOKIE_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_SET_COOKIE_SZ)-1) // // Miscellaneous header goodies. // #define CHUNKED_SZ "chunked" #define CHUNKED_LEN (sizeof(CHUNKED_SZ) - 1) #define IDENTITY_SZ "identity" #define IDENTITY_LEN (sizeof(IDENTITY_SZ) - 1) #define KEEP_ALIVE_SZ "Keep-Alive" #define KEEP_ALIVE_LEN (sizeof(KEEP_ALIVE_SZ) - 1) #define CLOSE_SZ "Close" #define CLOSE_LEN (sizeof(CLOSE_SZ) - 1) #define BYTES_SZ "bytes" #define BYTES_LEN CSTRLEN(BYTES_SZ) #define HTTP_VIA_SZ "Via:" #define HTTP_VIA_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_VIA_SZ) - 1) #define HTTP_DATE_SIZE 40 // Cache control defines: #define HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL_SZ "Cache-Control:" #define HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL_LEN CSTRLEN(HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL_SZ) #define HTTP_AGE_SZ "Age:" #define HTTP_AGE_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_AGE_SZ)-1) #define HTTP_VARY_SZ "Vary:" #define HTTP_VARY_LEN (sizeof(HTTP_VARY_SZ)-1) #define NO_CACHE_SZ "no-cache" #define NO_CACHE_LEN (sizeof(NO_CACHE_SZ) -1) #define NO_STORE_SZ "no-store" #define NO_STORE_LEN (sizeof(NO_STORE_SZ) -1) #define MUST_REVALIDATE_SZ "must-revalidate" #define MUST_REVALIDATE_LEN (sizeof(MUST_REVALIDATE_SZ) -1) #define MAX_AGE_SZ "max-age" #define MAX_AGE_LEN (sizeof(MAX_AGE_SZ) -1) #define PRIVATE_SZ "private" #define PRIVATE_LEN (sizeof(PRIVATE_SZ) - 1) #define POSTCHECK_SZ "post-check" #define POSTCHECK_LEN (sizeof(POSTCHECK_SZ) -1) #define PRECHECK_SZ "pre-check" #define PRECHECK_LEN (sizeof(PRECHECK_SZ) -1) #define FILENAME_SZ "filename" #define FILENAME_LEN (sizeof(FILENAME_SZ) - 1) #define USER_AGENT_SZ "user-agent" #define USER_AGENT_LEN (sizeof(USER_AGENT_SZ) - 1) #endif // _HEADERS_H_