//================================================================================ // Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation // Author: RameshV // Description: these are the exported dhcp client api function definitions //================================================================================ #ifndef APIAPPL_H_INCLUDED #define APIAPPL_H_INCLUDED #ifndef DHCPAPI_PARAMS_DEFINED #define DHCPAPI_PARAMS_DEFINED typedef struct _DHCPAPI_PARAMS { // use this structure to request params ULONG Flags; // for future use ULONG OptionId; // what option is this? BOOL IsVendor; // is this vendor specific? LPBYTE Data; // the actual data DWORD nBytesData; // how many bytes of data are there in Data? } DHCPAPI_PARAMS, *PDHCPAPI_PARAMS, *LPDHCPAPI_PARAMS; #endif DHCPAPI_PARAMS_DEFINED DWORD // win32 status DhcpAcquireParameters( // acquire/renew a lease IN LPWSTR AdapterName // adapter to acquire lease on ); DWORD // win32 status DhcpReleaseParameters( // release an existing lease IN LPWSTR AdapterName // adpater to release lease for ); DWORD // win32 status DhcpEnableDynamicConfic( // convert from static to dhcp IN LPWSTR AdapterName // convert for this adapter ); DWORD // win32 status DhcpDisableDynamicConfig( // convert from dhcp to static IN LPWSTR AdapterName // convert this adapter ); DWORD // win32 status DhcpStaticRefreshParams( // some registry parameters may have changed, refresh them IN LPWSTR AdapterName ); DWORD APIENTRY // Request client for options.. and get the options. DhcpRequestOptions( LPWSTR AdapterName, BYTE *pbRequestedOptions, DWORD dwNumberOfOptions, BYTE **ppOptionList, // out param DWORD *pdwOptionListSize, // out param BYTE **ppbReturnedOptions, // out param DWORD *pdwNumberOfAvailableOptions // out param ); DWORD APIENTRY // Register with the client to get Event for notification. DhcpRegisterOptions( LPWSTR AdapterName , // Null implies ALL adapters. LPBYTE OptionList , // The list of options to check. DWORD OptionListSz, // The size of the above list HANDLE *pdwHandle // the handle of an event to wait for. ); // returns an event. DWORD APIENTRY // Deregister with the client.. DhcpDeRegisterOptions( HANDLE Event // This MUST be the one returned by above fn. ); DWORD // win32 status APIENTRY DhcpRequestParameters( // request parameters of client IN LPWSTR AdapterName, // adapter name to request for IN LPBYTE ClassId, // byte stream of class id to use IN DWORD ClassIdLen, // # of bytes of class id to use IN PDHCPAPI_PARAMS SendParams, // parameters to send to server IN DWORD nSendParams, // size of above array IN DWORD Flags, // must be zero, reserved IN OUT PDHCPAPI_PARAMS RecdParams, // fill this array with received params IN OUT LPDWORD pnRecdParamsBytes // i/p: size of above in BYTES, o/p required bytes or filled up # of elements ); // returns ERROR_MORE_DATA if o/p buffer is of insufficient size, and fills in reqd size in # of bytes DWORD // win32 status APIENTRY DhcpRegisterParameterChangeNofitication( // notify if a parameter has changed IN LPWSTR AdapterName, // adapter of interest IN LPBYTE ClassId, // byte stream of class id to use IN DWORD ClassIdLen, // # of bytes of class id IN PDHCPAPI_PARAMS Params, // params of interest IN DWORD nParams, // # of elts in above array IN DWORD Flags, // must be zero, reserved IN OUT PHANDLE hEvent // handle to event that will be SetEvent'ed in case of param change ); DWORD APIENTRY DhcpDeRegisterParameterChangeNofitication( // undo the registration IN HANDLE Event // handle to event returned by DhcpRegisterParameterChangeNotification, NULL ==> everything ); DWORD // win32 status APIENTRY DhcpPersistentRequestParams( // parameters to request persistently IN LPWSTR AdapterName, // adapter name to request for IN LPBYTE ClassId, // byte stream of class id to use IN DWORD ClassIdLen, // # of bytes of class id IN PDHCPAPI_PARAMS SendParams, // persistent parameters IN DWORD nSendParams, // size of above array IN DWORD Flags, // must be zero, reserved IN LPWSTR AppName // the name of the app that is to be used for this instance ); DWORD // win32 status APIENTRY DhcpDelPersistentRequestParams( // undo the effect of a persistent request -- currently undo from registry IN LPWSTR AdapterName, // the name of the adpater to delete for IN LPWSTR AppName // the name used by the app ); #endif APIAPPL_H_INCLUDED