/*++ Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: openurl.c Abstract: Tests InternetOpenUrl() Author: Richard L Firth (rfirth) 29-May-1995 Revision History: 29-May-1995 rfirth Created --*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _CRTAPI1 #define _CRTAPI1 #endif #define IS_ARG(c) (((c) == '-') || ((c) == '/')) #define VERSION_STRING "1.0" #define URL_CONTEXT 0x55785875 // UxXu #define DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH 1021 // odd number for fun! // // prototypes // void _CRTAPI1 main(int, char**); void usage(void); void _CRTAPI1 my_cleanup(void); void my_callback(HINTERNET, DWORD, DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD); void default_url_test(LPSTR, DWORD, DWORD); void open_urls(LPSTR*, int, LPSTR, DWORD, DWORD); void get_url_data(HINTERNET); void ftp_find(HINTERNET); void gopher_find(HINTERNET); void read_data(HINTERNET); void get_request_flags(HINTERNET); // // data // BOOL Verbose = FALSE; HINTERNET InternetHandle = NULL; INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK PreviousCallback; HINTERNET hCancel; BOOL AsyncMode = FALSE; HANDLE AsyncEvent = NULL; DWORD AsyncResult; DWORD AsyncError; BOOL UseQueryData = FALSE; BOOL NoDump = FALSE; DWORD BufferLength = DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH; DWORD ReadLength = DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH; LPSTR default_urls[] = { // // WEB // "http://www.microsoft.com", "http://www.microsoft.com/pages/misc/whatsnew.htm", // // gopher // "gopher://gopher.microsoft.com", "gopher://gopher.microsoft.com/11/msft/", "gopher://gopher.microsoft.com/00\\welcome.txt", "gopher://gopher.tc.umn.edu/11Information%20About%20Gopher%09%09%2B", "gopher://spinaltap.micro.umn.edu/11/computer", "gopher://mudhoney.micro.umn.edu:4325/7", "gopher://mudhoney.micro.umn.edu:4325/7%09gopher", "gopher://spinaltap.micro.umn.edu/7mindex:lotsoplaces%09gopher%09%2b", // // FTP // "ftp://ftp.microsoft.com", "ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/MSNBRO.TXT", "ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Services/" }; #define NUMBER_OF_DEFAULT_URLS (sizeof(default_urls)/sizeof(default_urls[0])) // // functions // void _CRTAPI1 main(int argc, char** argv) { BOOL ok; LPSTR urls[64]; int numberOfUrls = 0; BOOL fCallback = FALSE; LPSTR headers = NULL; BOOL expectingHeaders = FALSE; DWORD accessMethod = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG; LPSTR proxyServer = NULL; BOOL expectingProxy = FALSE; DWORD context = 0; DWORD flags = 0; LPSTR endptr; printf("\n" "OpenUrl Version " VERSION_STRING " " __DATE__ "\n" "\n" ); for (--argc, ++argv; argc; --argc, ++argv) { if (IS_ARG(**argv)) { switch (tolower(*++*argv)) { case '?': usage(); break; case 'a': ++*argv; if (**argv == 'l') { accessMethod = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; } else if (**argv == 'p') { accessMethod = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY; if (*++*argv) { proxyServer = *argv; } else { expectingProxy = TRUE; } } else { printf("error: unrecognised access type: '%c'\n", **argv); usage(); } break; case 'b': BufferLength = (DWORD)strtol(++*argv, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr == 'K' || *endptr == 'k') { BufferLength *= 1024; } break; case 'c': fCallback = TRUE; break; case 'd': NoDump = TRUE; break; case 'e': flags |= INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT; break; case 'h': if (*++*argv) { headers = *argv; } else { expectingHeaders = TRUE; } break; case 'l': ReadLength = (DWORD)strtol(++*argv, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr == 'K' || *endptr == 'k') { ReadLength *= 1024; } break; case 'n': flags |= INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE; break; case 'p': flags |= INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE; break; case 'q': UseQueryData = TRUE; break; case 'r': flags |= INTERNET_FLAG_RAW_DATA; break; case 'v': Verbose = TRUE; break; case 'x': context = URL_CONTEXT; break; case 'y': AsyncMode = TRUE; break; default: printf("unknown command line flag: '%c'\n", **argv); usage(); } } else if (expectingProxy) { proxyServer = *argv; expectingProxy = FALSE; } else if (expectingHeaders) { headers = *argv; expectingHeaders = FALSE; } else { if (numberOfUrls == sizeof(urls)/sizeof(urls[0]) - 1) { break; } urls[numberOfUrls++] = *argv; } } if (BufferLength < ReadLength) { BufferLength = ReadLength; } // // exit function // atexit(my_cleanup); if (AsyncMode) { // // create an auto-reset, initially unsignalled event // AsyncEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!AsyncEvent) { print_error("OpenUrl", "CreateEvent()"); exit(1); } } // // get a handle to the internet - local, gateway or CERN proxy // InternetHandle = InternetOpen("OpenUrl", accessMethod, proxyServer, NULL, AsyncMode ? INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC : 0 ); if (InternetHandle == NULL) { print_error("openurl()", "InternetOpen()"); exit(1); } if (Verbose) { printf("InternetOpen() returns handle %x\n", InternetHandle); } // // let's have a status callback // if (fCallback) { PreviousCallback = InternetSetStatusCallback(InternetHandle, my_callback); if (Verbose) { printf("previous Internet callback = %x\n", PreviousCallback); } } if (numberOfUrls == 0) { default_url_test(headers, flags, context); } else { open_urls(urls, numberOfUrls, headers, flags, context); } if (Verbose) { printf("closing InternetHandle (%x)\n", InternetHandle); } ok = InternetCloseHandle(InternetHandle); if (!ok) { print_error("openurl()", "InternetClose(%x)", InternetHandle); exit(1); } else { InternetHandle = NULL; } printf("Done.\n"); exit(0); } void usage() { printf("\n" "usage: openurl [-a{l|p}[[ ]{server[:port]}] [-b#] [-c] [-d] [-h[ ]{headers}]\n" " [-l#] [-n] [-p] [-q] [-r] [-v] [-x] [-y] [url]*\n" "\n" "where: -al = local internet access\n" " -ap = CERN proxy internet access\n" " -b = buffer size\n" " -c = enable status callbacks\n" " -d = don't dump data\n" " -e = use existing connection\n" " -h = headers\n" " -l = read length\n" " -n = don't use cache\n" " -p = PASSIVE mode (FTP transfers)\n" " -q = use InternetQueryDataAvailable\n" " -r = raw data. Default is HTML for FTP and gopher directories\n" " -v = Verbose mode\n" " -x = use context value when calling InternetOpenUrl()\n" " -y = Async mode\n" "\n" " server = gateway server or proxy server name\n" " :port = (optional) CERN proxy port\n" " url = one or more URLs to open\n" "\n" "Default internet access is pre-configured (i.e. use settings in registry)\n" ); exit(1); } void _CRTAPI1 my_cleanup() { if (InternetHandle != NULL) { if (Verbose) { printf("closing Internet handle %x\n", InternetHandle); } if (!InternetCloseHandle(InternetHandle)) { print_error("my_cleanup", "InternetCloseHandle(%x)", InternetHandle); } } } VOID my_callback( HINTERNET hInternet, DWORD Context, DWORD Status, LPVOID Info, DWORD Length ) { char* type$; DWORD handleType; DWORD size; size = sizeof(handleType); if (!InternetQueryOption(hInternet, INTERNET_OPTION_HANDLE_TYPE, (LPVOID)&handleType, &size)) { print_error("my_callback", "InternetQueryOption(HANDLE_TYPE)"); } else { switch (handleType) { case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_INTERNET: type$ = "Internet"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_FTP: type$ = "FTP Connect"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_GOPHER: type$ = "Gopher Connect"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_HTTP: type$ = "HTTP Connect"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FIND: type$ = "FTP Find"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FIND_HTML: type$ = "FTP Find HTML"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FILE: type$ = "FTP File"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FILE_HTML: type$ = "FTP File HTML"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_GOPHER_FIND: type$ = "Gopher Find"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_GOPHER_FIND_HTML: type$ = "Gopher Find HTML"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_GOPHER_FILE: type$ = "Gopher File"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_GOPHER_FILE_HTML: type$ = "Gopher File HTML"; type$ = "Internet"; break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_HTTP_REQUEST: type$ = "HTTP Request"; break; default: type$ = "???"; } printf("callback: handle %x = %s\n", hInternet, type$); } switch (Status) { case INTERNET_STATUS_RESOLVING_NAME: type$ = "RESOLVING NAME"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_NAME_RESOLVED: type$ = "NAME RESOLVED"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTING_TO_SERVER: type$ = "CONNECTING TO SERVER"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTED_TO_SERVER: type$ = "CONNECTED TO SERVER"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_SENDING_REQUEST: type$ = "SENDING REQUEST"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_SENT: type$ = "REQUEST SENT"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_RECEIVING_RESPONSE: type$ = "RECEIVING RESPONSE"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: type$ = "RESPONSE RECEIVED"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CLOSING_CONNECTION: type$ = "CLOSING CONNECTION"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTION_CLOSED: type$ = "CONNECTION CLOSED"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED: type$ = "HANDLE CREATED"; hCancel = *(LPHINTERNET)Info; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING: type$ = "HANDLE CLOSING"; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE: type$ = "REQUEST COMPLETE"; AsyncResult = ((LPINTERNET_ASYNC_RESULT)Info)->dwResult; AsyncError = ((LPINTERNET_ASYNC_RESULT)Info)->dwError; break; default: type$ = "???"; break; } if (Verbose) { printf("callback: handle %x [context %x [%s]] %s ", hInternet, Context, (Context == URL_CONTEXT) ? "UrlContext" : "???", type$ ); if (Info) { if ((Status == INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED) || (Status == INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING)) { printf("%x", *(LPHINTERNET)Info); } else if (Length == sizeof(DWORD)) { printf("%d", *(LPDWORD)Info); } else if (Status != INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE) { printf(Info); } } putchar('\n'); } if (Status == INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE) { if (AsyncMode) { SetEvent(AsyncEvent); } else { printf("error: INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE received when not async\n"); } } } void default_url_test(LPSTR headers, DWORD flags, DWORD context) { open_urls(default_urls, NUMBER_OF_DEFAULT_URLS, headers, flags, context); } void open_urls(LPSTR* purls, int nurls, LPSTR headers, DWORD flags, DWORD context) { HINTERNET handle; if (headers) { LPSTR h; for (h = headers; *h; ++h) { if (*h == '\\' && *(h + 1) == 'n') { *h++ = '\r'; *h = '\n'; } } } while (nurls--) { if (Verbose) { printf("\nopening URL \"%s\"\n\n", *purls); } handle = InternetOpenUrl(InternetHandle, *purls, headers, headers ? -1 : 0, flags, context ); if ((handle == NULL) && AsyncMode) { DWORD err; err = GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if (Verbose) { printf("waiting for async InternetOpenUrl()...\n"); } WaitForSingleObject(AsyncEvent, INFINITE); handle = (HINTERNET)AsyncResult; SetLastError(AsyncError); } } else if (AsyncMode && Verbose) { printf("async InternetOpenUrl() returns sync result\n"); } if (handle == NULL) { print_error("open_urls", "InternetOpenUrl(%s)", *purls); } else { if (Verbose) { printf("InternetOpenUrl() returns handle %x\n", handle); } get_request_flags(handle); get_url_data(handle); } ++purls; } } void get_url_data(HINTERNET handle) { DWORD handleType; DWORD handleTypeLen; handleTypeLen = sizeof(handleType); if (InternetQueryOption(handle, INTERNET_OPTION_HANDLE_TYPE, (LPVOID)&handleType, &handleTypeLen )) { switch (handleType) { case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_INTERNET: printf("error: get_url_data: HANDLE_TYPE_INTERNET?\n"); break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_FTP: printf("error: get_url_data: INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_FTP?\n"); break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_GOPHER: printf("error: get_url_data: INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_GOPHER?\n"); break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_HTTP: printf("error: get_url_data: INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_HTTP?\n"); break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FIND: ftp_find(handle); break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_GOPHER_FIND: gopher_find(handle); break; case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FIND_HTML: case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FILE: case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FILE_HTML: case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_GOPHER_FIND_HTML: case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_GOPHER_FILE: case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_GOPHER_FILE_HTML: case INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_HTTP_REQUEST: read_data(handle); break; default: printf("error: get_url_data: handleType == %d?\n", handleType); break; } if (Verbose) { printf("closing Internet handle %x\n", handle); } if (!InternetCloseHandle(handle)) { print_error("get_url_data", "InternetCloseHandle(%x)", handle); } } else { print_error("get_url_data", "InternetQueryOption()"); } } void ftp_find(HINTERNET handle) { WIN32_FIND_DATA data; BOOL ok; do { SYSTEMTIME systemTime; ok = InternetFindNextFile(handle, (LPVOID)&data); if (!ok) { if (AsyncMode) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if (Verbose) { printf("waiting for async InternetFindNextFile()...\n"); } WaitForSingleObject(AsyncEvent, INFINITE); ok = (BOOL)AsyncResult; SetLastError(AsyncError); } } } if (ok && !NoDump) { if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&data.ftLastWriteTime, &systemTime)) { print_error("ftp_find", "FileTimeToSystemTime()"); } printf("%2d-%02d-%04d %2d:%02d:%02d %15d bytes %-s%-s%-s %s\n", systemTime.wMonth, systemTime.wDay, systemTime.wYear, systemTime.wHour, systemTime.wMinute, systemTime.wSecond, data.nFileSizeLow, (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) ? "Normal " : "", (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) ? "ReadOnly " : "", (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? "Directory " : "", data.cFileName ); } } while (ok); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { print_error("ftp_find", "InternetFindNextFile()"); } } void gopher_find(HINTERNET handle) { GOPHER_FIND_DATA data; BOOL ok; int i; i = 0; do { ok = InternetFindNextFile(handle, (LPVOID)&data); if (!ok) { if (AsyncMode) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if (Verbose) { printf("waiting for async InternetFindNextFile()...\n"); } WaitForSingleObject(AsyncEvent, INFINITE); ok = (BOOL)AsyncResult; SetLastError(AsyncError); } } } if (ok && !NoDump) { LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA p; SYSTEMTIME systemTime; char timeBuf[9]; char sizeBuf[32]; p = (LPGOPHER_FIND_DATA)&data; if ((p->LastModificationTime.dwLowDateTime != 0) && (p->LastModificationTime.dwHighDateTime != 0)) { FileTimeToSystemTime(&p->LastModificationTime, &systemTime); sprintf(timeBuf, "%02d-%02d-%02d", systemTime.wMonth, systemTime.wDay, systemTime.wYear % 100 ); sprintf(sizeBuf, "%d", p->SizeLow); } else { timeBuf[0] = '\0'; sizeBuf[0] = '\0'; } printf("%5d %c %7s %10s %8s %s\n", i, (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_GOPHER_PLUS) ? '+' : ' ', (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_TEXT_FILE) ? "Text" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_DIRECTORY) ? "Dir" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_CSO) ? "Phone" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_ERROR) ? "Error" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_MAC_BINHEX) ? "MAC" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_DOS_ARCHIVE) ? "Archive" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_UNIX_UUENCODED) ? "UNIX" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_INDEX_SERVER) ? "Index" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_TELNET) ? "Telnet" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_BINARY) ? "Binary" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_REDUNDANT) ? "Backup" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_TN3270) ? "TN3270" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_GIF) ? "GIF" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_IMAGE) ? "Image" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_BITMAP) ? "Bitmap" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_MOVIE) ? "Movie" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_SOUND) ? "Sound" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_HTML) ? "HTML" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_PDF) ? "PDF" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_CALENDAR) ? "Cal" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_INLINE) ? "Inline" : (p->GopherType & GOPHER_TYPE_UNKNOWN) ? "Unknown" : "\a????", sizeBuf, timeBuf, p->DisplayString ); ++i; } } while (ok); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { print_error("gopher_find", "InternetFindNextFile()"); } } void read_data(HINTERNET handle) { char* buf; DWORD nread; BOOL ok; int mode; buf = (char*)malloc(BufferLength); if (!buf) { printf("error: failed to allocate %d bytes for buffer\n", BufferLength); return; } mode = _setmode(1, _O_BINARY); do { DWORD avail; int i; if (UseQueryData) { ok = InternetQueryDataAvailable(handle, &avail, 0, 0); if (!ok) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if (Verbose) { printf("waiting for async InternetQueryDataAvailable()...\n"); } WaitForSingleObject(AsyncEvent, INFINITE); ok = (BOOL)AsyncResult; SetLastError(AsyncError); } } if (!ok) { print_error("read_file", "InternetQueryDataAvailable()"); break; } if (Verbose) { printf("InternetQueryDataAvailable() returns %d bytes\n", avail); } } else { avail = BufferLength; } avail = min(avail, ReadLength); for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { memset(buf, '@', avail); ok = InternetReadFile(handle, buf, avail, &nread); if (!ok) { if (AsyncMode) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if (Verbose) { printf("waiting for async InternetFindNextFile()...\n"); } WaitForSingleObject(AsyncEvent, INFINITE); ok = (BOOL)AsyncResult; SetLastError(AsyncError); } } else { break; } if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if (i == 1) { printf("error: failed to read %d bytes in 2 attempts\n", nread); goto quit; } // // second attempt with all buffer // avail = BufferLength; } else { break; } } } if (ok && !NoDump) { if (!nread) { printf("=== end of file ===\n"); } else { _write(1, buf, nread); } } else if (ok && NoDump && Verbose) { printf("InternetReadFile() returns %d bytes\n", nread); } } while (ok && nread); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) { print_error("read_file", "InternetReadFile()"); } quit: free(buf); _setmode(1, mode); } void get_request_flags(HINTERNET hInternet) { DWORD dwFlags; DWORD len = sizeof(dwFlags); if (InternetQueryOption(hInternet, INTERNET_OPTION_REQUEST_FLAGS, &dwFlags, &len)) { char buf[256]; char * p = buf; p += sprintf(p, "REQUEST_FLAGS = %08x\n", dwFlags); p += sprintf(p, "\tRetrieved from: %s\n", (dwFlags & INTERNET_REQFLAG_FROM_CACHE) ? "Cache" : "Network"); p += sprintf(p, "\tNo Headers: %s\n", (dwFlags & INTERNET_REQFLAG_NO_HEADERS) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); p += sprintf(p, "\tVia Proxy: %s\n", (dwFlags & INTERNET_REQFLAG_VIA_PROXY) ? "YES" : "NO"); printf(buf); } else { print_error("get_request_flags()", "InternetQueryOption()"); } }