/*++ Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name : idlg.cpp Abstract: Inheritance Dialog Author: Ronald Meijer (ronaldm) Project: Internet Services Manager Revision History: --*/ // // Include Files // #include "stdafx.h" #include "common.h" #include "iisdebug.h" #include "idlg.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define new DEBUG_NEW extern HINSTANCE hDLLInstance; // // Inheritance dialog // // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CInheritanceDlg::CInheritanceDlg( IN DWORD dwMetaID, IN BOOL fWrite, IN CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo, OPTIONAL IN LPCTSTR lpstrMetaRoot, IN CStringList & strlMetaChildNodes, IN LPCTSTR lpstrPropertyName, OPTIONAL IN CWnd * pParent OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Inheritance dialog constructor. This constructor assumes GetDataPaths() has already been called. Arguments: DWORD dwMetaID : Meta ID BOOL fWrite : TRUE from write, FALSE from delete CIISServer * pAuthInfo : Auth info object or NULL LPCTSTR lpstrMetaRoot : Meta root CStringList & strlMetaChildNodes : List of child nodes from GetDataPaths LPCTSTR lpstrPropertyName : Optional text string for the property CWnd * pParent : Optional parent window Return Value: None --*/ : m_fWrite(fWrite), m_fEmpty(TRUE), m_fUseTable(TRUE), m_strMetaRoot(lpstrMetaRoot), m_strPropertyName(lpstrPropertyName ? lpstrPropertyName : _T("")), m_mk(pAuthInfo), CDialog(CInheritanceDlg::IDD, pParent) { m_strlMetaChildNodes = strlMetaChildNodes; VERIFY(CMetaKey::GetMDFieldDef( dwMetaID, m_dwMDIdentifier, m_dwMDAttributes, m_dwMDUserType, m_dwMDDataType )); Initialize(); } CInheritanceDlg::CInheritanceDlg( IN DWORD dwMetaID, IN BOOL fWrite, IN CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo, OPTIONAL IN LPCTSTR lpstrMetaRoot, IN LPCTSTR lpstrPropertyName, OPTIONAL IN CWnd * pParent OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Inheritance dialog constructor. This constructor will call GetDataPaths(). Arguments: DWORD dwMetaID : Meta ID BOOL fWrite : TRUE from write, FALSE from delete CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo : Auth info or NULL LPCTSTR lpstrMetaRoot : Meta root LPCTSTR lpstrPropertyName : Optional text string for the property CWnd * pParent : Optional parent window Return Value: None --*/ : m_fWrite(fWrite), m_fEmpty(TRUE), m_fUseTable(TRUE), m_strMetaRoot(lpstrMetaRoot), m_strlMetaChildNodes(), m_strPropertyName(lpstrPropertyName ? lpstrPropertyName : _T("")), m_mk(pAuthInfo), CDialog(CInheritanceDlg::IDD, pParent) { // // Specify the resources to use // HINSTANCE hOldRes = AfxGetResourceHandle(); AfxSetResourceHandle(hDLLInstance); VERIFY(CMetaKey::GetMDFieldDef( dwMetaID, m_dwMDIdentifier, m_dwMDAttributes, m_dwMDUserType, m_dwMDDataType )); // // Need to do our own GetDataPaths() // CError err(GetDataPaths()); if (!err.MessageBoxOnFailure(m_hWnd)) { Initialize(); } // // Restore the resources // AfxSetResourceHandle(hOldRes); } CInheritanceDlg::CInheritanceDlg( IN BOOL fTryToFindInTable, IN DWORD dwMDIdentifier, IN DWORD dwMDAttributes, IN DWORD dwMDUserType, IN DWORD dwMDDataType, IN LPCTSTR lpstrPropertyName, IN BOOL fWrite, IN CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo, OPTIONAL IN LPCTSTR lpstrMetaRoot, IN CWnd * pParent OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Inheritance dialog constructor. This constructor will call GetDataPaths(), and will use the specified parameters if the property ID does not exist in the property table Arguments: BOOL fTryToFindInTable : If TRUE, first look in table DWORD dwMDIdentifier : Metadata identifier DWORD dwMDAttributes : Metadata attributes DWORD dwMDUserType : Metadata user type DWORD dwMDDataType : Metadata data type LPCTSTR lpstrPropertyName : Text string for the property BOOL fWrite : TRUE from write, FALSE from delete CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo : Authentication info or NULL. LPCTSTR lpstrMetaRoot : Meta root CWnd * pParent : Optional parent window Return Value: None --*/ : m_fWrite(fWrite), m_fEmpty(TRUE), m_fUseTable(FALSE), m_strMetaRoot(lpstrMetaRoot), m_strlMetaChildNodes(), m_mk(pAuthInfo), CDialog(CInheritanceDlg::IDD, pParent) { // // Specify the resources to use // HINSTANCE hOldRes = AfxGetResourceHandle(); AfxSetResourceHandle(hDLLInstance); if (fTryToFindInTable && !CMetaKey::GetMDFieldDef( dwMDIdentifier, m_dwMDIdentifier, m_dwMDAttributes, m_dwMDUserType, m_dwMDDataType )) { // // Did not exist in the table, use specified parameters // m_dwMDIdentifier = dwMDIdentifier; m_dwMDAttributes = dwMDAttributes; m_dwMDUserType = dwMDUserType; m_dwMDDataType = dwMDDataType; m_strPropertyName = lpstrPropertyName; } // // Need to do our own GetDataPaths() // CError err(GetDataPaths()); if (!err.MessageBoxOnFailure(m_hWnd)) { Initialize(); } // // Restore the resources // AfxSetResourceHandle(hOldRes); } HRESULT CInheritanceDlg::GetDataPaths() /*++ Routine Description: GetDataPaths() Arguments: None Return Value: HRESULT --*/ { //ASSERT(!m_strServer.IsEmpty()); CError err(m_mk.QueryResult()); if (err.Succeeded()) { err = m_mk.GetDataPaths( m_strlMetaChildNodes, m_dwMDIdentifier, m_dwMDDataType, m_strMetaRoot ); } return err; } void CInheritanceDlg::Initialize() /*++ Routine Description: Initialize data members. Set the m_fEmpty flag to determine if it is necessary to proceed. Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CInheritanceDlg) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT CMetabasePath::CleanMetaPath(m_strMetaRoot); if (m_fUseTable && !CMetaKey::IsPropertyInheritable(m_dwMDIdentifier)) { // // No point in displaying non-inheritable properties // return; } switch(m_dwMDIdentifier) { // // Ignore these properties, even though they are inheritable // case MD_VR_PATH: case MD_DOWNLEVEL_ADMIN_INSTANCE: case MD_APP_ISOLATED: case MD_APP_FRIENDLY_NAME: return; } // // Check to see if the current metabase path contains an instance // CString strTmp; m_fHasInstanceInMaster = FriendlyInstance(m_strMetaRoot, strTmp); // // If property name was not specified in the constructor, load default // one from table. // if (m_strPropertyName.IsEmpty()) { ASSERT(m_fUseTable); // // Specify the resources to use // HINSTANCE hOldRes = AfxGetResourceHandle(); AfxSetResourceHandle(hDLLInstance); VERIFY(CMetaKey::GetPropertyDescription( m_dwMDIdentifier, m_strPropertyName )); AfxSetResourceHandle(hOldRes); } // // Go through the list of metapaths, and clean them // up. // POSITION pos = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CString & strMetaPath = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetNext(pos); CMetabasePath::CleanMetaPath(strMetaPath); } // // If the special info key (lm/service/info) is in the list, remove it. // We only need to this if the key that is getting the // change (m_strMetaRoot) is the service master property (lm/service). // If it is anything else, then the special "info" key cannot be below // it so we don't need to check. Thus the first test is to see if there // is only one "/" character. If there is only one, then we know it is // the service and we can go ahead and do the test. In some ways, // mfc is a pain, so we limited to the CString methods to do this // copy the root into the temp string. // int iSlash = m_strMetaRoot.ReverseFind(SZ_MBN_SEP_CHAR); if (iSlash >= 0) { strTmp = m_strMetaRoot.Left(iSlash); // // Now make sure that there aren't any more slashes // if (strTmp.Find(SZ_MBN_SEP_CHAR) == -1) { // // Now build the path to the special info key by adding it // to the meta root // strTmp = m_strMetaRoot + SZ_MBN_SEP_CHAR + IIS_MD_SVC_INFO_PATH; TRACEEOLID("Removing any descendants of " << strTmp); // // Search the list for the info key and remove it if we find it // pos = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { POSITION pos2 = pos; CString & strMetaPath = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetNext(pos); TRACEEOLID("Checking " << strMetaPath); if (strTmp.CompareNoCase( strMetaPath.Left(strTmp.GetLength())) == 0) { TRACEEOLID("Removing service/info metapath from list"); m_strlMetaChildNodes.RemoveAt(pos2); } } } } // // Remove the first item if it's the current metapath // pos = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetHeadPosition(); if (pos) { TRACEEOLID("Stripping " << m_strMetaRoot); CString & strMetaPath = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetAt(pos); if (strMetaPath.CompareNoCase(m_strMetaRoot) == 0) { TRACEEOLID("Removing current metapath from list"); m_strlMetaChildNodes.RemoveHead(); } } TRACEEOLID("ID=" << m_dwMDIdentifier << " Prop=" << m_strPropertyName); m_fEmpty = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetCount() == 0; } /* virtual */ INT_PTR //int CInheritanceDlg::DoModal() /*++ Routine Description: Display the dialog. Arguments: None Return Value: IDOK if the OK button was pressed, IDCANCEL otherwise. --*/ { // // Specify the resources to use // HINSTANCE hOldRes = AfxGetResourceHandle(); AfxSetResourceHandle(hDLLInstance); INT_PTR answer = CDialog::DoModal(); // // restore the resources // AfxSetResourceHandle(hOldRes); return answer; } void CInheritanceDlg::DoDataExchange( IN CDataExchange * pDX ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialise/Store control data Arguments: CDataExchange * pDX - DDX/DDV control structure Return Value: None --*/ { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CInheritanceDlg) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_CHILD_NODES, m_list_ChildNodes); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } // // Message Map // BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CInheritanceDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CInheritanceDlg) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_SELECT_ALL, OnButtonSelectAll) ON_BN_CLICKED(ID_HELP, OnHelp) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() BOOL CInheritanceDlg::FriendlyInstance( IN CString & strMetaRoot, OUT CString & strFriendly ) /*++ Routine Description: Replace the instance number with its descriptive name. Arguments: CString & strMetaRoot : Metabase path CString & strFriendly : Converted output friendly path. Return Value: TRUE if the path contained an instance number. --*/ { // // Break into fields // // CODEWORK: make static like BuildMetaPath // LPCTSTR lp = _tcschr(strMetaRoot, SZ_MBN_SEP_CHAR); // lm if (lp != NULL) { LPCTSTR lp2 = lp; CString strService(++lp2); lp = _tcschr(++lp, SZ_MBN_SEP_CHAR); // service name if (lp == NULL) { // // Master Instance (can never be a descendant) // //strFriendly = m_strWebMaster; return FALSE; } else { strService.ReleaseBuffer(DIFF(lp - lp2)); } TRACEEOLID(strService); CString keyType; HRESULT hr = m_mk.Open(METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, strMetaRoot); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_mk.QueryValue(MD_KEY_TYPE, keyType); if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; } else { // Succeeded, // but check if this is a keytype that // we want to get the friendlyname for if ( 0 == keyType.CompareNoCase(IIS_CLASS_WEB_SERVER_W) && 0 == keyType.CompareNoCase(IIS_CLASS_FTP_SERVER_W) && 0 == keyType.CompareNoCase(IIS_CLASS_WEB_VDIR_W) && 0 == keyType.CompareNoCase(IIS_CLASS_WEB_DIR_W) && 0 == keyType.CompareNoCase(IIS_CLASS_WEB_FILE_W) && 0 == keyType.CompareNoCase(IIS_CLASS_FTP_VDIR_W) ) { return FALSE; } } m_mk.Close(); } DWORD dwInstance = _ttol(++lp); TRACEEOLID(dwInstance); lp = _tcschr(lp, SZ_MBN_SEP_CHAR); // Instance # BOOL bThisIsTheRootDir = FALSE; if (lp != NULL) { lp = _tcschr(++lp, SZ_MBN_SEP_CHAR); // Skip "ROOT" if (!lp) { bThisIsTheRootDir = TRUE; } } hr = m_mk.Open( METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, CMetabasePath(strService, dwInstance) ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CString strComment; hr = m_mk.QueryValue(MD_SERVER_COMMENT, strComment); m_mk.Close(); if (FAILED(hr) || strComment.IsEmpty()) { strFriendly.Format( SZ_MBN_MACHINE SZ_MBN_SEP_STR _T("%s") SZ_MBN_SEP_STR _T("%d"), (LPCTSTR)strService, dwInstance ); } else { strFriendly.Format( SZ_MBN_MACHINE SZ_MBN_SEP_STR _T("%s") SZ_MBN_SEP_STR _T("%s"), (LPCTSTR)strService, (LPCTSTR)strComment ); } TRACEEOLID(strFriendly); // // Append the rest of the path // if (lp != NULL) { strFriendly += lp; } else { if (bThisIsTheRootDir) { strFriendly += SZ_MBN_SEP_CHAR; } } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } CString & CInheritanceDlg::CleanDescendantPath( IN OUT CString & strMetaPath ) /*++ Routine Description: Clean the descendant metabase path. The path is shown as a descendant of the current metabase root, and instance numbers are replaced with their description names. Arguments: CString & strMetaPath : Metabase path to be treated Return Value: Reference to the cleaned-up path. --*/ { // // This better be a descendant! // ASSERT(strMetaPath.GetLength() >= m_strMetaRoot.GetLength()); ASSERT(!::_tcsnicmp(strMetaPath, m_strMetaRoot, m_strMetaRoot.GetLength())); // we do care only about something below LM CString machine_path; CMetabasePath::GetMachinePath(strMetaPath, machine_path); if (machine_path.CompareNoCase(SZ_MBN_MACHINE) == 0) { if (!m_fHasInstanceInMaster) { // // Need to replace the instance number with the friendly // name. // CString strTmp; if (FriendlyInstance(strMetaPath, strTmp)) { strMetaPath = strTmp; } } strMetaPath = strMetaPath.Mid(m_strMetaRoot.GetLength() + 1); } return strMetaPath; } // // Message Handlers // // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BOOL CInheritanceDlg::OnInitDialog() /*++ Routine Description: WM_INITDIALOG handler. Initialize the dialog. Arguments: None. Return Value: TRUE if focus is to be set automatically, FALSE if the focus is already set. --*/ { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // // Get friendly name for the property, and set the text. // CString strPrompt; CComBSTR bstrFmt; VERIFY(bstrFmt.LoadString(hDLLInstance, IDS_INHERITANCE_PROMPT)); strPrompt.Format(bstrFmt, (LPCTSTR)m_strPropertyName); GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_PROMPT)->SetWindowText(strPrompt); // // Turn inherited nodes into friendly paths, and add them // to the listbox. Note the "current" node should have been // deleted at this stage. // POSITION pos = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CString strNode = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetNext(pos); m_list_ChildNodes.AddString(CleanDescendantPath(strNode)); } return TRUE; } void CInheritanceDlg::OnButtonSelectAll() /*++ Routine Description: 'Select All' button handler Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { // // Select all entries // if (m_list_ChildNodes.GetCount() == 1) { // // SelItemRange refuses to do a single member // m_list_ChildNodes.SetSel(0, TRUE); } else { m_list_ChildNodes.SelItemRange( TRUE, 0, m_list_ChildNodes.GetCount() - 1 ); } } void CInheritanceDlg::OnOK() { // // Now delete the property for all selected child nodes. // Grab from the orginal list, and not the listbox // as the latter have been frienly-fied, and is no longer // usable. // int cItems = m_list_ChildNodes.GetCount(); ASSERT(cItems > 0); CString strMetaPath; CError err(m_mk.QueryResult()); if (err.Succeeded()) { int i = 0; POSITION pos = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { strMetaPath = m_strlMetaChildNodes.GetNext(pos); if (m_list_ChildNodes.GetSel(i++) > 0) { TRACEEOLID("Deleting property on " << strMetaPath); err = m_mk.Open(METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE, strMetaPath); if (err.Failed()) { break; } err = m_mk.DeleteValue(m_dwMDIdentifier); m_mk.Close(); if (err.Failed()) { break; } } } } if (!err.MessageBoxOnFailure(m_hWnd)) { // // Dialog can be dismissed // CDialog::OnOK(); } } const LPCTSTR g_cszInetMGRBasePath = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\InetMGR"); const LPCTSTR g_cszParameters = _T("Parameters"); const LPCTSTR g_cszHelpPath = _T("HelpLocation"); void CInheritanceDlg::OnHelp() { CString strKey, path; strKey.Format(_T("%s\\%s"), g_cszInetMGRBasePath, g_cszParameters); CRegKey rk; rk.Create(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey); DWORD len = MAX_PATH; rk.QueryValue(path.GetBuffer(len), g_cszHelpPath, &len); path.ReleaseBuffer(-1); path += _T("\\inetmgr.hlp"); DebugTraceHelp(0x20000 + CInheritanceDlg::IDD); ::WinHelp(m_hWnd, path, HELP_CONTEXT, 0x20000 + CInheritanceDlg::IDD); }