/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name : odbcconn.hxx Abstract: This module declares the class ODBC_CONNECTION used for odbc connectivity. It also declares the class ODBC_PARAMETER for parameter markers used for insertion of data. Author: Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 16-Feb-1995 Environment: User Mode Project: Internet Services Common DLL Revision History: MuraliK 08-Jan-1995 Split Dynamic Load ODBC module. --*/ # ifndef _ODBCCONN_HXX_ # define _ODBCCONN_HXX_ /************************************************************ * Include Headers ************************************************************/ // // SQL-ODBC interface headers // # include "sql.h" # include "sqlext.h" /************************************************************ * Macros Definitions ************************************************************/ // // Default connection pool timeout // #define IDC_POOL_TIMEOUT 30 // // Support Old users of LoadODBC // inline BOOL LoadODBC( VOID ) { return TRUE; } // LoadODBC() /************************************************************ * Type Definitions ************************************************************/ /*++ class ODBC_PARAMETER This class encapsulates data related to ODBC parameter markers to be used for binding purposes. Information about a parameter include: Parameter Number - Index of the parameter in the columns of table. Parameter Type - Indicates direction of data tfr(In, Out, In/Out) C Type - Specifies the C Equivalent data struct. Sql Type - Specifies the SQL Equivalent data struct. Precision - Gives the precision of the column Scale - Gives the scale for display of parameter values Value - Specifies the pointer to memory containing the value of the parameter MaxCbValue - Specifies the maximum bytes of data that can be stored in the value buffer CbValue - Provides a counter for bytes of data used up in the binding process. --*/ class ODBC_PARAMETER { public: ODBC_PARAMETER( IN WORD iParameter, IN SWORD fParamType, IN SWORD CType, IN SWORD sqlType, IN UDWORD cbPrecision = 0 ) : m_iParameter ( iParameter ), m_paramType ( fParamType ), m_CType ( CType ), m_SqlType ( sqlType ), m_cbColPrecision( cbPrecision ), m_ibScale ( 0 ), m_pValue ( NULL ), m_cbValue ( 0 ), m_cbValueMax ( 0 ) {} ~ODBC_PARAMETER( ) { if ( m_pValue != NULL ) { delete[] m_pValue; m_pValue = NULL; } } HRESULT SetValueBuffer( IN SDWORD cbMaxSize, IN SDWORD cbValue ) { m_pValue = ( PTR ) new CHAR[ cbMaxSize ]; if ( m_pValue != NULL) { memset( m_pValue, 0, cbMaxSize); m_cbValueMax = cbMaxSize; m_cbValue = cbValue; return S_OK; } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } // SetValueBuffer() HRESULT CopyValue( IN PVOID pvValue, IN SDWORD cbValue ) { if ( cbValue <= m_cbValueMax ) { memcpy( m_pValue, pvValue, cbValue ); } else { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); } return S_OK; } // CopyValue() HRESULT CopyValue( IN LPCSTR pszValue ) { // // always copy including the null character // return ( CopyValue( ( PVOID ) pszValue, strlen( pszValue ) + 1 ) ); } HRESULT CopyValue( IN LPCWSTR pwszValue ); HRESULT CopyValue( IN LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime ); HRESULT CopyValue( IN DWORD dwValue ) { return ( CopyValue( ( PVOID ) &dwValue, sizeof( DWORD ) ) ); } WORD QueryParamNumber( VOID ) const { return ( m_iParameter ); } SWORD QueryParamType( VOID ) const { return ( m_paramType ); } SWORD QueryCType( VOID ) const { return ( m_CType ); } SWORD QuerySqlType( VOID ) const { return ( m_SqlType); } UDWORD QueryPrecision( VOID ) const { return ( m_cbColPrecision ); } SWORD QueryScale( VOID ) const { return ( m_ibScale ); } PTR QueryValue( VOID ) const { return ( m_pValue ); } SQLLEN QueryMaxCbValue( VOID ) const { return ( m_cbValueMax ); } SQLLEN QueryCbValue( VOID ) const { return ( m_cbValue ); } SQLLEN & QueryCbValueRef( VOID ) { // // return a reference to count of bytes rx // return ( m_cbValue ); } RETCODE Bind( IN HSTMT hStmt ); #if DBG VOID Print( VOID ) const; #endif // DBG private: // // index or the parameter number // WORD m_iParameter; // // type of the parameter // SWORD m_paramType; // // the C data type for this parameter // SWORD m_CType; // // the SQL data type for this parameter // SWORD m_SqlType; // // precision of the column // UDWORD m_cbColPrecision; // // scale of the column // SWORD m_ibScale; // // pointer to the value // PTR m_pValue; // // max bytes allowed in pValue // SQLLEN m_cbValueMax; // // count of bytes of value // SQLLEN m_cbValue; }; // class ODBC_PARAMETER typedef ODBC_PARAMETER * PODBC_PARAMETER; // // Forwards Declaration // class ODBC_CONNECTION; /*++ class ODBC_STATEMENT: This class declares an interface for statements using ODBC connection. m_hstmt Statement used for execution m_rc Return code for last ODBC call m_fPreparedStmt is the statement prepared --*/ #define ODBC_STATEMENT_SIGNATURE 'TSDO' #define ODBC_STATEMENT_FREE_SIGNATURE 'fSDO' class ODBC_STATEMENT { public: ODBC_STATEMENT( IN ODBC_CONNECTION * pOdbcConnection, IN HSTMT hStmt ) : m_dwSignature ( ODBC_STATEMENT_SIGNATURE ), m_hStmt ( hStmt ), m_pOdbcConnection( pOdbcConnection ), m_fPreparedStmt ( FALSE ), m_rc ( SQL_SUCCESS ), m_astrColNames ( NULL ), m_astrValues ( NULL ), m_acbValue ( NULL ), m_cCols ( 0 ) {} ~ODBC_STATEMENT(); BOOL CheckSignature( VOID ) const { return m_dwSignature == ODBC_STATEMENT_SIGNATURE; } RETCODE QueryErrorCode( VOID ) const { return ( m_rc ); } BOOL IsValid( VOID ) const { return ( m_fPreparedStmt ); } HRESULT PrepareStatement( IN LPCSTR pszStatement ); HRESULT PrepareStatement( IN LPCWSTR pwszStatement ); HRESULT BindParameter( IN PODBC_PARAMETER pOdbcParam ); // // Executes the prepared statement // HRESULT ExecuteStatement( VOID ); HRESULT ExecDirect( IN LPCSTR pszSqlCommand, IN DWORD cchSqlCommand ); HRESULT ExecDirect( IN LPCWSTR pszSqlCommand, IN DWORD cchSqlCommand ); HRESULT QueryRowCount( OUT SQLLEN *pRows ); inline BOOL GetLastErrorText( OUT STRA * pstrError ); inline BOOL GetLastErrorTextAsHtml( OUT STRA * pstrError ); // // These allocate an array (0 to cCols-1) containing the row // name of the result column and the string value of the current // position in the result set. Each successive call to // QueryValuesAsStr gets the next row in the result set. // HRESULT QueryColNames( OUT STRA * * apstrCols, OUT DWORD * cCols, IN DWORD cchMaxFieldSize, OUT BOOL * pfIsSelect ); HRESULT QueryValuesAsStr( OUT STRA * * apstrValues, OUT DWORD * * apcbValues, OUT BOOL * pfLast ); HRESULT MoreResults( BOOL * pfMoreResults ); # if DBG VOID Print( VOID ) const; # endif // DBG VOID FreeColumnMemory( VOID ); VOID * operator new( size_t size ) { DBG_ASSERT( size == sizeof( ODBC_STATEMENT ) ); DBG_ASSERT( sm_pachOdbcStatements != NULL ); return sm_pachOdbcStatements->Alloc(); } VOID operator delete( VOID * pOdbcStatement ) { DBG_ASSERT( pOdbcStatement != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( sm_pachOdbcStatements != NULL ); DBG_REQUIRE( sm_pachOdbcStatements->Free( pOdbcStatement ) ); } static HRESULT Initialize( VOID ); static VOID Terminate( VOID ); private: // // Signature of the class // DWORD m_dwSignature; // // back pointer to connection // ODBC_CONNECTION * m_pOdbcConnection; // // set after stmt is prepared // BOOL m_fPreparedStmt; HSTMT m_hStmt; RETCODE m_rc; // // Contains buffers used by QueryColNames and QueryValuesAsStr // WORD m_cCols; STRA * m_astrColNames; // // Memory for destination of fetched data // STRA * m_astrValues; // // Array of byte counts of data placed in m_astrValues // SQLLEN * m_acbValue; // // Lookaside // static ALLOC_CACHE_HANDLER * sm_pachOdbcStatements; }; // ODBC_STATEMENT() typedef ODBC_STATEMENT * PODBC_STATEMENT; /*++ class ODBC_CONNECTION: This class specifies a logical class to contain the ODBC nuances and encapsulates relevant data for using ODBC to talk to a database system. Data encapsulated includes: m_henv Environment handle for ODBC connection. m_hdbc Database connection handle. m_rc Return code for last ODBC call. --*/ class ODBC_CONNECTION { public: ODBC_CONNECTION() : m_henv ( SQL_NULL_HENV ), m_hdbc ( SQL_NULL_HDBC ), m_fValid ( FALSE ), m_rc ( SQL_SUCCESS ) {} ~ODBC_CONNECTION(); // // Returns the text for the last error that occurred // BOOL GetLastErrorText( OUT STRA * pstrError, IN HSTMT hstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT, IN RETCODE rc = SQL_SUCCESS ) const; BOOL GetLastErrorTextAsHtml( OUT STRA * pstrError, IN HSTMT hstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT, IN RETCODE rc = SQL_SUCCESS ) const; static BOOL Success( IN RETCODE rc ) { return ( ( rc == SQL_SUCCESS ) || ( rc == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) ); } BOOL IsValid( VOID ) const { return ( m_fValid ); } RETCODE QueryErrorCode( VOID ) const { return ( m_rc ); } HRESULT Open( IN LPCSTR pszDataSource, IN LPCSTR pszUserName, IN LPCSTR pszPassword ); HRESULT Open( IN LPCWSTR pwszDataSource, IN LPCWSTR pwszUserName, IN LPCWSTR pwszPassword ); HRESULT Close( VOID ); PODBC_STATEMENT AllocStatement( VOID ); HRESULT SetConnectOption( IN UWORD Option, IN SQLULEN Param ); BOOL GetInfo( IN DWORD fInfoType, IN PVOID rgbInfoValue, IN DWORD cbInfoValueMax, IN OUT DWORD * pcbInfoValue ); static DWORD DisplaySize( SWORD ColType, DWORD cchColLength ); #if DBG VOID Print( VOID ) const; #endif // DBG private: // // ODBC specific data members. // HENV m_henv; HDBC m_hdbc; RETCODE m_rc; BOOL m_fValid; }; // ODBC_CONNECTION typedef ODBC_CONNECTION * PODBC_CONNECTION; /************************************************************ * Inline Functions ************************************************************/ inline BOOL ODBC_STATEMENT::GetLastErrorText( OUT STRA * pstrError ) { return ( m_pOdbcConnection->GetLastErrorText( pstrError, m_hStmt, m_rc ) ); } // ODBC_STATEMENT::GetLastErrorText() inline BOOL ODBC_STATEMENT::GetLastErrorTextAsHtml( OUT STRA * pstrError ) { return ( m_pOdbcConnection->GetLastErrorTextAsHtml( pstrError, m_hStmt, m_rc ) ); } // ODBC_STATEMENT::GetLastErrorText() # endif // _ODBCCONN_HXX_