Notes about using AcWebSvc.dll ------------------------------ In order for AcWebSvc.dll to hook a process, two things must happen: - AcWebSvc.dll must be copied into the %windir%\apppatch directory. - An entry must be made in the App Compat database. To create the entry in the App Compat database, it's necessary to create an xml file describing the process to be hooked. Below is sample xml that describes a pretty contrived scenario. It basically hooks notepad.exe and associates it with an IIS application called "Notepad IIS App!". This fake application includes two ISAPI extensions called, GetClientInfo.dll and ReadEntity.dll, which are installed in a path that can be acquired by reading a key from the registry. It has a dependency on its own ISAPI extensions and also something (that is also made up) called IISASP60. Finally, the sample uses a setup indicator file, called "file.txt" to determine whether the app is installed or not (note that this entry is optional in the xml, and if a SetupIndicatorFile is not present, the shim will use the presence of any of the listed extensions to determine if the shimmed process installed or uninstalled.) Finally, the shim is able to force enable all dependencies of this application, including both its own extensions and any dependent applications. To do this, set the "HonorDisabledExtensionsAndApplications" setting to "FALSE". Note that this violates our suggested best practices for app installation, and will enable all dependencies even if the administrator for the server intentionally disabled them for security reasons. To insert the xml into the database, first create a database file by running the following command, which produces a file called notepad.sdb: shimdbc custom notepad.xml notepad.sdb Finally, to include the notepad.sdb file into the database, run the following command: sdbinst notepad.sdb Once these steps are done, any processes called "notepad.exe" will inject AcWebSvc.dll and hook on process exit. To remove the entry from the AppCompat database, run the following command: sdbinst -u notepad.exe For more information about creating xml to describe a "real" application, see the following: http://winwebsites/AppCompat/Development. For more information about how the DATA tags work with the IIS lockdown mechanism, see section of the following: http://iis6/Specs/SecurityConsoleMetadata.doc -----Sample XML----- -----Sample XML-----