/*++ Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name : updateini.h Abstract: High level function to update the ini with new values Author: Christopher Achille (cachille) Project: URLScan Update Revision History: March 2002: Created --*/ #define SETTINGS_MAXLINES 10 #define SECTIONS_MAXLINES 40 struct sURLScan_Settings { LPWSTR szSection; LPWSTR szSettingName; LPWSTR szLines[SETTINGS_MAXLINES]; }; struct sURLScan_Items { LPWSTR szSection; LPWSTR szSettingName; LPWSTR szLines[SETTINGS_MAXLINES]; }; struct sURLScan_Sections { LPWSTR szSection; LPWSTR szLines[SECTIONS_MAXLINES]; }; BOOL UpdateIni( LPTSTR szUrlScanPath ); BOOL GetIniPath( LPTSTR szDllPath, LPTSTR szIniPath, DWORD dwIniLen );