/*=================================================================== Microsoft Denali Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Component: misc File: util.h Owner: AndrewS This file contains random useful utility macros. ===================================================================*/ #ifndef _UTIL_H #define _UTIL_H #include #include // Generally useful #define PPVOID VOID ** #define BOOLB BYTE /* S E R V E R _ G E T * * Get a server variable from ISAPI. Automatically queries for the buffer * size and increases the BUFFER object. * * Usage: * DWORD dwLen; * char *szValue = SERVER_GET(, , bufferObj, &dwLen) * * bufferObj is a STACK_BUFFER object than can be dynamically resized as necessary * * On return, * bufferObj.QueryPtr() points to data. dwLen is the real length of the variable. */ class CIsapiReqInfo; BOOL Server_FindKey(CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq, char *szBuffer, DWORD *dwBufLen, const char *szKey); inline BOOL SERVER_GET(CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq, const char *szKey, BUFFER *pBuffer, DWORD *pdwBufLen) { DWORD dwBufLen = pBuffer->QuerySize(); if (Server_FindKey(pIReq, (char *)pBuffer->QueryPtr(), &dwBufLen, szKey)) { *pdwBufLen = dwBufLen; return TRUE; } if (!pBuffer->Resize(dwBufLen)) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } *pdwBufLen = dwBufLen; return Server_FindKey(pIReq, (char *)pBuffer->QueryPtr(), pdwBufLen, szKey); } /* V a r i a n t R e s o l v e D i s p a t c h * * Convert an IDispatch pointer to a Variant by calling IDispatch::Invoke * on dispid(0) repeatedly until a non-IDispatch Variant is returned */ HRESULT VariantResolveDispatch(VARIANT *pVarOut, VARIANT *pVarIn, const GUID &iidObj, int nObjId); /* V a r i a n t G e t B S T R * * Get BSTR from a variant when available */ BSTR VariantGetBSTR(const VARIANT *pvar); /* F i n d A p p l i c a t i o n P a t h * * Find the application path for this request. */ HRESULT FindApplicationPath(CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq, TCHAR *szPath, int cbPath); /* N o r m a l i z e * * Convert filenames to a uniform format */ int Normalize(TCHAR *szSrc); #ifdef DBG BOOLB IsNormalized(const TCHAR* sz); #endif // DBG /* H T M L E n c o d e L e n * * Returns the storage requirements to HTML encode a string. */ int HTMLEncodeLen(const char *szSrc, UINT uCodePage, BSTR bstrIn, BOOL fEncodeExtCharOnly = FALSE); /* H T M L E n c o d e * * HTML encoeds a string. */ char *HTMLEncode(char *szDest, const char *szSrc, UINT uCodePage, BSTR bstrIn, BOOL fEncodeExtCharOnly = FALSE); /* U R L E n c o d e L e n * * Returns the storage requirements to URL encode a string */ int URLEncodeLen(const char *szSrc); /* U R L E n c o d e * * Hex escape non alphanumeric characters and change spaces to '+'. */ char *URLEncode(char *szDest, const char *szSrc); /* D B C S E n c o d e L e n * * Returns the storage requirements to DBCS encode a string */ int DBCSEncodeLen(const char *szSrc); /* D B C S E n c o d e * * Hex escape characters with the upper bit set - this will encode DBCS. */ char *DBCSEncode(char *szDest, const char *szSrc); /* U R L P a t h E n c o d e L e n * * Returns the storage requirements to URL path encode a string */ int URLPathEncodeLen(const char *szSrc); /* U R L P a t h E n c o d e * * Hex escape non alphanumeric or syntax characters until a ? is reached. */ char *URLPathEncode(char *szDest, const char *szSrc); /* s t r c p y E x * * Like strcpy() but returns a pointer to the NUL character on return */ char *strcpyExA(char *szDest, const char *szSrc); /* w c s c p y E x * * strcpyEx for wide strings */ wchar_t *strcpyExW(wchar_t *szDest, const wchar_t *szSrc); #if UNICODE #define strcpyEx strcpyExW #else #define strcpyEx strcpyExA #endif /* G e t B r a c k e t i n g P a i r * * searches an ordered array and returns the bracketing pair of 'n', i.e. * the largest value <= 'n', and the smallest value >= 'n', or points * to end() if no bracketing pair exists. * * Note: STL is not supported with NT build - when such support is added, * replace this function with either 'lower_bound' or 'upper_bound'. */ template void GetBracketingPair(const ValType &value, EleType *pBegin, EleType *pEnd, Ordering FIsLess, EleType **ppLB, EleType **ppUB) { EleType *pT1, *pT2; if (ppLB == NULL) ppLB = &pT1; if (ppUB == NULL) ppUB = &pT2; *ppLB = pBegin; // Temporary use to see if we've moved pBegin *ppUB = pEnd; // Temporary use to see if we've moved pEnd while (pBegin < pEnd) { EleType *pMidpt = &pBegin[(pEnd - pBegin) >> 1]; if (FIsLess(*pMidpt, value)) pBegin = pMidpt + 1; else if (FIsLess(value, *pMidpt)) pEnd = pMidpt; else { *ppLB = *ppUB = pMidpt; return; } } if (pBegin == *ppUB) // at end, no upper bound { if (pBegin == *ppLB) // low bound was initially equal to upper bound *ppLB = NULL; // lower bound does not exits else *ppLB = pEnd - 1; // lower bound is pEnd - 1 *ppUB = NULL; } else if (pBegin != *ppLB) // pBegin was moved; pBegin-1 is the lower bound { *ppLB = pBegin - 1; *ppUB = pBegin; } else // pBegin was not moved - no lower bound exists { *ppLB = NULL; *ppUB = pBegin; } } /* V a r i a n t D a t e T o C T i m e * * Converts a timestamp stored as a Variant date to the format C && C++ use. */ HRESULT VariantDateToCTime(DATE dt, time_t *ptResult); /* C T i m e T o V a r i a n t D a t e * * Converts a timestamp stored as a time_t to a Variant Date */ HRESULT CTimeToVariantDate(const time_t *ptNow, DATE *pdtResult); /* C T i m e T o S t r i n g G M T * * Converts a C language time_t value to a string using the format required for * the internet */ const DATE_STRING_SIZE = 30; // date strings will not be larger than this size HRESULT CTimeToStringGMT(const time_t *ptNow, char szBuffer[DATE_STRING_SIZE], BOOL fFunkyCookieFormat = FALSE); //DeleteInterfaceImp calls 'delete' and NULLs the pointer #define DeleteInterfaceImp(p)\ {\ if (NULL!=p)\ {\ delete p;\ p=NULL;\ }\ } //ReleaseInterface calls 'Release' and NULLs the pointer #define ReleaseInterface(p)\ {\ if (NULL!=p)\ {\ p->Release();\ p=NULL;\ }\ } /* * String handling stuff */ HRESULT SysAllocStringFromSz(CHAR *sz, DWORD cch, BSTR *pbstrRet, UINT lCodePage = CP_ACP); /* * A simple class to convert WideChar to Multibyte. Uses object memory, if sufficient, * else allocates memory from the heap. Intended to be used on the stack. */ class CWCharToMBCS { private: LPSTR m_pszResult; char m_resMemory[256]; INT m_cbResult; public: CWCharToMBCS() { m_pszResult = m_resMemory; m_cbResult = 0; } ~CWCharToMBCS(); // Init(): converts the widechar string at pWSrc to an MBCS string in memory // managed by CWCharToMBCS HRESULT Init(LPCWSTR pWSrc, UINT lCodePage = CP_ACP, int cch = -1); // GetString(): returns a pointer to the converted string. Passing TRUE // gives the ownership of the memory to the caller. Passing TRUE has the // side effect of clearing the object's contents with respect to the // converted string. Subsequent calls to GetString(). after which a TRUE // value was passed, will result in a pointer to an empty string being // returned. LPSTR GetString(BOOL fTakeOwnerShip = FALSE); // returns the number of bytes in the converted string - NOT including the // NULL terminating byte. Note that this is the number of bytes in the // string and not the number of characters. INT GetStringLen() { return (m_cbResult ? m_cbResult - 1 : 0); } }; /* * A simple class to convert Multibyte to Widechar. Uses object memory, if sufficient, * else allocates memory from the heap. Intended to be used on the stack. */ class CMBCSToWChar { private: LPWSTR m_pszResult; WCHAR m_resMemory[256]; INT m_cchResult; public: CMBCSToWChar() { m_pszResult = m_resMemory; m_cchResult = 0; } ~CMBCSToWChar(); // Init(): converts the MBCS string at pSrc to a Wide string in memory // managed by CMBCSToWChar HRESULT Init(LPCSTR pSrc, UINT lCodePage = CP_ACP, int cch = -1); // GetString(): returns a pointer to the converted string. Passing TRUE // gives the ownership of the memory to the caller. Passing TRUE has the // side effect of clearing the object's contents with respect to the // converted string. Subsequent calls to GetString(). after which a TRUE // value was passed, will result in a pointer to an empty string being // returned. LPWSTR GetString(BOOL fTakeOwnerShip = FALSE); // returns the number of WideChars in the converted string, not bytes. INT GetStringLen() { return (m_cchResult ? m_cchResult - 1 : 0); } }; /* * Output Debug String should occur in Debug only */ inline void DebugOutputDebugString(LPCSTR x) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, x)); } inline void __cdecl DebugFilePrintf(LPCSTR fname, LPCSTR fmt, ...) { #ifdef DBG FILE *f = fopen(fname, "a"); if (f) { va_list marker; va_start(marker, fmt); vfprintf(f, fmt, marker); va_end(marker); fclose(f); } #endif } /* * Duplicate CHAR String using proper malloc (moved from error.h) */ CHAR *StringDupA(CHAR *pszStrIn, BOOL fDupEmpty = FALSE); /* * Duplicate WCHAR String using proper malloc */ WCHAR *StringDupW(WCHAR *pwszStrIn, BOOL fDupEmpty = FALSE); #if UNICODE #define StringDup StringDupW #else #define StringDup StringDupA #endif /* * Duplicate WCHAR String into a UTF-8 string */ CHAR *StringDupUTF8(WCHAR *pwszStrIn, BOOL fDupEmpty = FALSE); /* * The same using macro to allocate memory from stack: WSTR_STACK_DUP ( wsz -- string to copy buf -- user supplied buffer (to use before trying alloca()) pwszDup -- [out] the pointer to copy (could be buffer or alloca()) ) * */ inline HRESULT WSTR_STACK_DUP(WCHAR *wsz, BUFFER *buf, WCHAR **ppwszDup) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cbwsz = wsz && *wsz ? (wcslen(wsz)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) : 0; *ppwszDup = NULL; if (cbwsz == 0); else if (!buf->Resize(cbwsz)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { *ppwszDup = (WCHAR *)buf->QueryPtr(); memcpy(*ppwszDup, wsz, cbwsz); } return hr; } /* * String length (in bytes) of a WCHAR String */ DWORD CbWStr(WCHAR *pwszStrIn); /* * Parent path support function */ BOOL DotPathToPath(TCHAR *szDest, const TCHAR *szFileSpec, const TCHAR *szParentDirectory); /* * Check if is global.asa */ BOOL FIsGlobalAsa(const TCHAR *szPath, DWORD cchPath = 0); /* * Encode/decode cookie */ HRESULT EncodeSessionIdCookie(DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2, DWORD dw3, char *pszCookie); HRESULT DecodeSessionIdCookie(const char *pszCookie, DWORD *pdw1, DWORD *pdw2, DWORD *pdw3); /* * Typelibrary name from the registry */ HRESULT GetTypelibFilenameFromRegistry(const char *szUUID, const char *szVersion, LCID lcid, char *szName, DWORD cbName); /* * Get security descriptor for file */ DWORD GetSecDescriptor(LPCTSTR lpFileName, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppSecurityDescriptor, DWORD *pnLength); /* * Get File Attributes (Ex) */ HRESULT AspGetFileAttributes (LPCTSTR szFileName, HANDLE hFile = NULL, FILETIME *pftLastWriteTime = NULL, DWORD *pdwFileSize = NULL, DWORD* pdwFileAttributes = NULL); /* * Is the file a UNC file (it has a \\ or a \\?\UNC\ prefix to it) */ BOOL IsFileUNC (LPCTSTR str, HRESULT& hr); /* * Appends \\?\ and \\?\UNC\ to the filename so that no canonicalization takes place. */ HANDLE AspCreateFile (LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile); /* * Fix for UTF8 CharNext */ char *AspCharNextA(WORD wCodePage, const char *pchNext); VOID AspDoRevertHack( HANDLE * phToken ); VOID AspUndoRevertHack( HANDLE * phToken ); VOID SetExplicitAccessSettings( EXPLICIT_ACCESS* pea, DWORD dwAccessPermissions, ACCESS_MODE AccessMode, PSID pSID); DWORD AllocateAndCreateWellKnownSid( WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE SidType, PSID* ppSid); VOID FreeWellKnownSid( PSID* ppSid ); /* * Surrogate pair encoding */ inline BOOL IsSurrogateHigh(WORD ch) { return (ch >= 0xd800 && ch <= 0xdbff); } inline BOOL IsSurrogateLow(WORD ch) { return (ch >= 0xdc00 && ch <= 0xdfff); } #endif // _UTIL_H