// ContRot.idl : IDL source for ContRot.dll // // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (ContRot.tlb) and marshalling code. [ object, uuid(b4e90800-b83c-11d0-8b40-00c0f00ae35a), dual, helpstring("IContentRotator Interface"), pointer_default(unique), oleautomation ] interface IContentRotator : IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl"; [id(3), helpstring("The ChooseContent method retrieves an HTML content string from the Content Schedule file.")] HRESULT ChooseContent([in] BSTR bstrDataFile, [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrRetVal); [id(4), helpstring("The GetAllContent method retrieves all of the HTML content strings from the Content Schedule file.")] HRESULT GetAllContent([in] BSTR bstrDataFile); }; [ uuid(b4e90801-b83c-11d0-8b40-00c0f00ae35a), version(1.0), helpstring("MSWC Content Rotator Object Library") ] library ContentRotator { importlib("stdole2.tlb"); [ uuid(b4e90802-b83c-11d0-8b40-00c0f00ae35a), helpstring("ContentRotator Class") ] coclass ContentRotator { [default] interface IContentRotator; }; };