/* * C A L D B G . C * * Debugging Utilities * * Copyright 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ #pragma warning(disable:4206) /* empty source file */ #ifdef DBG #pragma warning(disable:4001) /* single line comments */ #pragma warning(disable:4001) /* single line comments */ #pragma warning(disable:4050) /* different code attributes */ #pragma warning(disable:4100) /* unreferenced formal parameter */ #pragma warning(disable:4115) /* named type definition in parentheses */ #pragma warning(disable:4115) /* named type definition in parentheses */ #pragma warning(disable:4127) /* conditional expression is constant */ #pragma warning(disable:4201) /* nameless struct/union */ #pragma warning(disable:4206) /* translation unit is empty */ #pragma warning(disable:4209) /* benign typedef redefinition */ #pragma warning(disable:4214) /* bit field types other than int */ #pragma warning(disable:4514) /* unreferenced inline function */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Global debugging indicators ----------------------------------------------- // // Values for Assert flags #define ASSERTFLAG_UNINITIALIZED 0xffffffff #define ASSERTFLAG_DEFAULT 0x00000000 #define ASSERTFLAG_IF_DEBUGGING 0x00000001 #define ASSERTFLAG_POPUP 0x00000002 #define ASSERTFLAG_KD_SAFE 0x00000004 // Values for TraceError() settings (these are NOT flags!) #define TRACEERROR_UNINITIALIZED 0xffffffff #define TRACEERROR_NONE 0x00000000 #define TRACEERROR_FAILED_SCODE 0x00000001 #define TRACEERROR_NATURAL 0x00000002 #define TRACEERROR_FAILING_EC 0x00000003 #define TRACEERROR_ALWAYS 0x00000004 // Trace buffer size and popup buffer size #define TRACE_BUF_SIZE 4096 #define POP_BUF_SIZE 512 static BOOL g_fTraceEnabled = -1; static BOOL g_fUseEventLog = -1; static BOOL g_fAssertLeaks = -1; static DWORD g_dwAssertFlags = ASSERTFLAG_UNINITIALIZED; static DWORD g_dwDefaultAssertFlags = ASSERTFLAG_DEFAULT; static DWORD g_dwErrorTraceLevel = TRACEERROR_UNINITIALIZED; // Debug strings ------------------------------------------------------------- // const CHAR gc_szDbgEventLog[] = "EventLog"; const CHAR gc_szDbgGeneral[] = "General"; const CHAR gc_szDbgLogFile[] = "LogFile"; const CHAR gc_szDbgTraces[] = "Traces"; const CHAR gc_szDbgUseVirtual[] = "UseVirtual"; const CHAR gc_szDbgDebugTrace[] = "DebugTrace"; const CHAR gc_szDbgErrorTrace[] = "Error"; const CHAR gc_szDbgPopupAsserts[] = "PopupAsserts"; const CHAR gc_szDebugAssert[] = "Debug Assert"; const CHAR gc_cchDebugAssert = sizeof(gc_szDebugAssert) - sizeof(CHAR); // Debugging routines -------------------------------------------------------- // typedef BOOL (WINAPI *REPORTEVENT)(HANDLE, WORD, WORD, DWORD, PSID, WORD, DWORD, LPCTSTR *, LPVOID); typedef HANDLE (WINAPI *REGISTEREVENTSOURCEA)(LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR); typedef NET_API_STATUS (WINAPI *NAREFN)(TCHAR *, ADMIN_OTHER_INFO *, ULONG, TCHAR *); #define MAX_LINE 256 // LogIt() ------------------------------------------------------------------- // VOID LogIt (LPSTR plpcText, BOOL fUseAlert) { LPSTR llpcStr[2]; static HANDLE hEventSource = NULL; static REPORTEVENT pfnReportEvent = NULL; static REGISTEREVENTSOURCEA pfnRegisterEventSourceA = NULL; if (pfnRegisterEventSourceA == NULL) { // This handle is not important as the lib will be // freed on exit (and it's debug only) // HINSTANCE lhLib; lhLib = LoadLibraryA("advapi32.dll"); if (!lhLib) return; pfnRegisterEventSourceA = (REGISTEREVENTSOURCEA) GetProcAddress(lhLib, "RegisterEventSourceA"); pfnReportEvent = (REPORTEVENT) GetProcAddress(lhLib, "ReportEventA"); if (!pfnRegisterEventSourceA || !pfnReportEvent) return; } if (!hEventSource) hEventSource = pfnRegisterEventSourceA(NULL, "Caligula Debug"); llpcStr[0] = "Caligula Debug Log"; llpcStr[1] = plpcText; pfnReportEvent(hEventSource, /* handle of event source */ EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, /* event type */ 0, /* event category */ 0, /* event ID */ NULL, /* current user's SID */ 2, /* strings in lpszStrings */ 0, /* no bytes of raw data */ llpcStr, /* array of error strings */ NULL); /* no raw data */ // The code for raising an alert was taken from code in the // admin tree. It needs to be UNICODE // if (fUseAlert) { BYTE rgb[sizeof(ADMIN_OTHER_INFO) + (sizeof(WCHAR) * MAX_LINE)]; ADMIN_OTHER_INFO * poi = (ADMIN_OTHER_INFO *) rgb; WCHAR * pch = (WCHAR *)(rgb + sizeof(ADMIN_OTHER_INFO)); /*lint -esym(550,nas) */ NET_API_STATUS nas; WCHAR wsz[MAX_LINE * 3 + 1]; INT cb, cch; static NAREFN fnNetAlertRaiseEx = NULL; // Load the alert library, and as before, unloading is taken // care of when the DLL goes away. // if (!fnNetAlertRaiseEx) { HINSTANCE lhLib; lhLib = LoadLibrary("NETAPI32.DLL"); if (!lhLib) return; fnNetAlertRaiseEx = (NAREFN)GetProcAddress(lhLib, "NetAlertRaiseEx"); if (!fnNetAlertRaiseEx) return; } poi->alrtad_errcode = (DWORD) -1; poi->alrtad_numstrings = 1; cb = (INT)(strlen(plpcText)); if (MAX_LINE * 3 < cb) cb = MAX_LINE * 3; cch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, plpcText, cb + 1, wsz, MAX_LINE * 3 + 1); if (cch) { cch--; if (MAX_LINE <= cch) cch = MAX_LINE - 1; memcpy(pch, wsz, cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); pch[cch] = L'\0'; nas = fnNetAlertRaiseEx ((TCHAR *)L"ADMIN", poi, sizeof(ADMIN_OTHER_INFO) + (cch + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), (TCHAR *)L"Caligula Assert"); } } } // DebugOutputNoCRLFFn() ----------------------------------------------------- // void DebugOutputNoCRLFFn(char *psz) { if (g_fTraceEnabled == -1) { g_fTraceEnabled = GetPrivateProfileIntA (gc_szDbgGeneral, gc_szDbgDebugTrace, FALSE, gc_szDbgIni); g_fUseEventLog = GetPrivateProfileIntA (gc_szDbgGeneral, gc_szDbgEventLog, FALSE, gc_szDbgIni); } if (!g_fTraceEnabled) return; if (g_fUseEventLog) LogIt (psz, FALSE); OutputDebugStringA(psz); } // DebugOutputFn() ----------------------------------------------------------- // void DebugOutputFn(char *psz) { static CHAR szCRLF[] = "\r\n"; DebugOutputNoCRLFFn(psz); //Temporarily disabled until we yank out all the "\n"s from the calling code. //OutputDebugStringA(szCRLF); } // DebugTrapFn() ------------------------------------------------------------- // typedef struct _MBCONTEXT { char * sz1; char * sz2; UINT rgf; int iResult; } MBCONTEXT; DWORD WINAPI MessageBoxFnThreadMain(MBCONTEXT *pmbc) { if (g_fUseEventLog) { LogIt (pmbc->sz1, TRUE); pmbc->iResult = IDIGNORE; } else { pmbc->iResult = MessageBoxA (NULL, pmbc->sz1, pmbc->sz2, pmbc->rgf | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } return (0); } INT MessageBoxFn(char *sz1, char *sz2, UINT rgf) { HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwThreadId; MBCONTEXT mbc; // To preserve last error over tracing calls DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); mbc.sz1 = sz1; mbc.sz2 = sz2; mbc.rgf = rgf; mbc.iResult = IDRETRY; hThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, (PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)MessageBoxFnThreadMain, &mbc, 0, &dwThreadId); if (hThread != NULL) { WaitForSingleObject (hThread, INFINITE); CloseHandle (hThread); } SetLastError(dwErr); return mbc.iResult; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // DebugTrapFn // // Main Assert/DebugTrap handling routine. // // Meanings of the g_dwAssertFlags: // //#define ASSERTFLAG_IF_DEBUGGING 0x00000001 //#define ASSERTFLAG_POPUP 0x00000002 //#define ASSERTFLAG_KD_SAFE 0x00000004 // // 0 -- (default if no inifile or unrecognized value in inifile) // Default behavior -- DebugBreak() and then dump our strings. // NOTE: HTTPEXT needs this to remain their default because // of the way that IIS runs their stress testing. DO NOT CHANGE THIS! // ASSERTFLAG_IF_DEBUGGING // -- use MessageBox asserts only if no debugger attached. // Why not use MessageBox everywhere? // Because MessageBox lets all the other threads keep going, // so we lose some amount of the state of the assert. // If this flag is NOT set, or a debugger is NOT connected, // we obey the other flags. // ASSERTFLAG_POPUP // -- use MessageBox asserts. Our MessageBox has three buttons: // Abort,Retry,Ignore do "*(0)=1",DebugBreak,go // ASSERTFLAG_KD_SAFE // -- use HardCrash instead of DebugBreak // Use hard-av if debugger is attached. // (Option for devs with CDB and no KD attached, or for anyone // who wants to do ALL their debugging in KD! ;-) // Why not just DebugBreak() if a debugger is attached? // Because DebugBreak() will catch in the kernel debugger first -- // so if I have a both kd and cdb hooked up, DebugBreak() will // hit in the kd, even though this is user-mode code. // // Alternate code for IsDebuggerPresent() // peb = NtCurrentPeb(); // if (peb->BeingDebugged) ... // INT EXPORTDBG __cdecl DebugTrapFn (int fFatal, char *pszFile, int iLine, char *pszFormat, ...) { char sz[POP_BUF_SIZE]; int cb = POP_BUF_SIZE; const char * pszT; int cbT; int cbWritten; va_list vl; int id; static BOOL s_fBuiltDebugStrings = FALSE; static char s_rgchMessageBoxTitle[MAX_PATH]; // To preserve last error over tracing calls DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ASSERTFLAG_UNINITIALIZED == g_dwAssertFlags) { // Check the ini file. // Pass in our default flags -- if there's no inifile, we'll // get back our default. // g_dwAssertFlags = GetPrivateProfileIntA (gc_szDbgGeneral, gc_szDbgPopupAsserts, g_dwDefaultAssertFlags, gc_szDbgIni); } // Check our static flag to see if we've already built the // title string for our Asserts/DebugTraces. // if (!s_fBuiltDebugStrings) { char * pch; int cbDebugStrings = MAX_PATH; if (gc_cchDbgIni < cbDebugStrings) { // Copy including termination // memcpy(s_rgchMessageBoxTitle, gc_szDbgIni, gc_cchDbgIni + 1); cbDebugStrings -= gc_cchDbgIni; } else { // Copy as much as we can and terminate // memcpy(s_rgchMessageBoxTitle, gc_szDbgIni, cbDebugStrings - 1); s_rgchMessageBoxTitle[MAX_PATH - 1] = '\0'; cbDebugStrings = 1; } pch = strchr (s_rgchMessageBoxTitle, '.'); if (pch) { cbDebugStrings = MAX_PATH - (INT)(pch - s_rgchMessageBoxTitle) - 1; *pch = ' '; } if (gc_cchDebugAssert < cbDebugStrings) { // Copy including termination // memcpy(s_rgchMessageBoxTitle + MAX_PATH - cbDebugStrings, gc_szDebugAssert, gc_cchDebugAssert + 1); } else { memcpy(s_rgchMessageBoxTitle + MAX_PATH - cbDebugStrings, gc_szDebugAssert, cbDebugStrings); s_rgchMessageBoxTitle[MAX_PATH - 1] = '\0'; } s_fBuiltDebugStrings = TRUE; } // Build the assert strings and dump the first line // pszT = "++++ "; cbT = sizeof("++++ ") - sizeof(char); if (cbT < cb) { memcpy(sz, pszT, cbT + 1); cb -= cbT; cbT = (int)(strlen(s_rgchMessageBoxTitle)); if (cbT < cb) { memcpy(sz + POP_BUF_SIZE - cb, s_rgchMessageBoxTitle, cbT + 1); cb -= cbT; pszT = " ("; cbT = sizeof(" (") - sizeof(char); if (cbT < cb) { char szDateTime[POP_BUF_SIZE]; memcpy(sz + POP_BUF_SIZE - cb, pszT, cbT + 1); cb -= cbT; // POP_BUF_SIZE should always be sufficient for the date // _strdate (szDateTime); cbT = (int)(strlen(szDateTime)); if (cbT < cb) { memcpy(sz + POP_BUF_SIZE - cb, szDateTime, cbT + 1); cb -= cbT; pszT = " "; cbT = sizeof(" ") - sizeof(char); if (cbT < cb) { memcpy(sz + POP_BUF_SIZE - cb, pszT, cbT + 1); cb -= cbT; // POP_BUF_SIZE should always be sufficient for the date // _strtime (szDateTime); cbT = (int)(strlen(szDateTime)); if (cbT < cb) { memcpy(sz + POP_BUF_SIZE - cb, szDateTime, cbT + 1); cb -= cbT; pszT = ")\n"; cbT = sizeof(")\n") - sizeof(char); if (cbT < cb) { memcpy(sz + POP_BUF_SIZE - cb, pszT, cbT + 1); } } } } } } } DebugOutputFn(sz); // Reset the buffer and fill it once more // cb = POP_BUF_SIZE; va_start(vl, pszFormat); cbWritten = _vsnprintf(sz, POP_BUF_SIZE, pszFormat, vl); va_end(vl); if ((-1 == cbWritten) || (POP_BUF_SIZE == cbWritten)) { sz[POP_BUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } else { cb -= cbWritten; cbWritten = _snprintf(sz + POP_BUF_SIZE - cb, cb, "\n[File %s, Line %d]\n\n", pszFile, iLine); if ((-1 == cbWritten) || (cb == cbWritten)) { sz[POP_BUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } } // Check our assert flags // // See if MessageBoxes are desired.... // // If the "msg-box-if-no-debugger" flag is set, // and there is no debugger -- give 'em message boxes! // If they specifically requested message boxes, give 'em message boxes. // if (((ASSERTFLAG_IF_DEBUGGING & g_dwAssertFlags) && !IsDebuggerPresent()) || (ASSERTFLAG_POPUP & g_dwAssertFlags)) { // Use MessageBox asserts // UINT uiFlags = MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE; if (fFatal) uiFlags |= MB_DEFBUTTON1; else uiFlags |= MB_DEFBUTTON3; DebugOutputFn(sz); // Always act as if we are a service (why not?) // uiFlags |= MB_ICONSTOP | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION; id = MessageBoxFn (sz, s_rgchMessageBoxTitle, uiFlags); if (id == IDABORT) { *((LPBYTE)NULL) = 0; } else if (id == IDRETRY) DebugBreak(); } else if (ASSERTFLAG_KD_SAFE & g_dwAssertFlags) { // Hard-av and then dump our string. // *((LPBYTE)NULL) = 0; DebugOutputFn(sz); } else { // Do the default behavior: // DebugBreak() and then dump our string. // DebugBreak(); DebugOutputFn(sz); } SetLastError(dwErr); return 0; } // DebugTraceFn() ------------------------------------------------------------ // INT EXPORTDBG __cdecl DebugTraceFn(char *pszFormat, ...) { char sz[TRACE_BUF_SIZE]; int cb; va_list vl; // To preserve last error over tracing calls DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (*pszFormat == '~') { pszFormat += 1; } va_start(vl, pszFormat); cb = _vsnprintf(sz, TRACE_BUF_SIZE, pszFormat, vl); va_end(vl); if ((-1 == cb) || (TRACE_BUF_SIZE == cb)) { sz[TRACE_BUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } DebugOutputFn(sz); SetLastError(dwErr); return(0); } INT EXPORTDBG __cdecl DebugTraceNoCRLFFn(char *pszFormat, ...) { char sz[TRACE_BUF_SIZE]; int cb; va_list vl; // To preserve last error over tracing calls DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); va_start(vl, pszFormat); cb = _vsnprintf(sz, TRACE_BUF_SIZE, pszFormat, vl); va_end(vl); if ((-1 == cb) || (TRACE_BUF_SIZE == cb)) { sz[TRACE_BUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } DebugOutputNoCRLFFn(sz); SetLastError(dwErr); return(0); } INT EXPORTDBG __cdecl DebugTraceCRLFFn(char *pszFormat, ...) { char sz[TRACE_BUF_SIZE]; int cb; va_list vl; // To preserve last error over tracing calls DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); va_start(vl, pszFormat); cb = _vsnprintf(sz, TRACE_BUF_SIZE, pszFormat, vl); va_end(vl); if ((-1 == cb) || (TRACE_BUF_SIZE == cb)) { sz[TRACE_BUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; } DebugOutputNoCRLFFn(sz); DebugOutputNoCRLFFn("\r\n"); SetLastError(dwErr); return(0); } // TraceErrorFn() ------------------------------------------------------------ // INT EXPORTDBG __cdecl TraceErrorFn (DWORD error, char *pszFunction, char *pszFile, int iLine, BOOL fEcTypeError) // defaults to FALSE { BOOL fTraceIt = FALSE; if (TRACEERROR_UNINITIALIZED == g_dwErrorTraceLevel) { g_dwErrorTraceLevel = GetPrivateProfileIntA (gc_szDbgGeneral, gc_szDbgErrorTrace, FALSE, gc_szDbgIni); } if (TRACEERROR_NONE == g_dwErrorTraceLevel) return 0; // Logic for trace error levels: // Error tracing, like all our tracing, is OFF by default. // TRACEERROR_NONE -- don't trace errors // TRACEERROR_FAILED_SCODE -- trace only if FAILED(error) // TRACEERROR_NATURAL -- if fEcTypeError, use if (error) // -- if !fEcTypeError, use if (FAILED(error)) // TRACEERROR_FAILING_EC -- trace only if (error) // TRACEERROR_ALWAYS -- always trace // switch (g_dwErrorTraceLevel) { case TRACEERROR_FAILED_SCODE: if (FAILED(error)) fTraceIt = TRUE; break; case TRACEERROR_FAILING_EC: if (0 != error) fTraceIt = TRUE; break; case TRACEERROR_ALWAYS: fTraceIt = TRUE; break; case TRACEERROR_NATURAL: if (fEcTypeError) fTraceIt = (0 != error); else fTraceIt = (FAILED(error)); break; default: break; } if (fTraceIt) { char pszFormat[] = "%hs Error Trace: 0x%08x from function %hs (%hs line %d)\r\n"; DebugTraceNoCRLFFn (pszFormat, gc_szDbgIni, error, pszFunction, pszFile, iLine); } return 0; } #else #if defined(_AMD64_) // // ****** temporary ****** // int DebugTrapFn ( int fFatal, char *pszFile, int iLine, char *pszFormat, ... ) { return 0; } int DebugTraceFn ( char *pszFormat, ... ) { return 0; } int DebugTraceCRLFFn ( char *pszFormat, ... ) { return 0; } int DebugTraceNoCRLFFn ( char *pszFormat, ... ) { return 0; } #endif #endif // DBG