#ifndef _GLOBALS_H_INCLUDED_ #define _GLOBALS_H_INCLUDED_ // // This is the statistics index to use for unrecognized services. They do // not get included in the statistics information. // #define CACHE_STATS_UNUSED_INDEX (LAST_PERF_CTR_SVC) typedef struct { INETA_CACHE_STATISTICS Stats[LAST_PERF_CTR_SVC+1]; } CONFIGURATION; extern CONFIGURATION Configuration; extern BOOL g_fCacheSecDesc; extern BOOL g_fDisableCaching; inline UINT64 FILETIMEToUINT64( const FILETIME & FileTime ) { ULARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger; LargeInteger.HighPart = FileTime.dwHighDateTime; LargeInteger.LowPart = FileTime.dwLowDateTime; return LargeInteger.QuadPart; } inline FILETIME UINT64ToFILETIME( UINT64 Int64Value ) { ULARGE_INTEGER LargeInteger; LargeInteger.QuadPart = Int64Value; FILETIME FileTime; FileTime.dwHighDateTime = LargeInteger.HighPart; FileTime.dwLowDateTime = LargeInteger.LowPart; return FileTime; } #endif /* _GLOBALS_H_INCLUDED_ */