#include "stdafx.h" #include #undef UNICODE #include "iadm.h" #define UNICODE #include "iiscnfg.h" #include "mdkey.h" #include "mdentry.h" #include "utils.h" #include "regctrl.h" #include "userenv.h" #include "userenvp.h" GUID g_SMTPGuid = { 0x475e3e80, 0x3193, 0x11cf, 0xa7, 0xd8, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5f, 0x48, 0xa1, 0x35 }; static TCHAR szShortSvcName[] = _T("SMTP"); INT Register_iis_smtp_nt5(BOOL fUpgrade, BOOL fReinstall) { INT err = NERR_Success; CString csBinPath; BOOL fSvcExist = FALSE; BOOL fIISADMINExists = DetectExistingIISADMIN(); if (fReinstall) return err; do { // set up registry values CRegKey regMachine = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SMTPSVC\Parameters InsertSetupString( (LPCSTR) REG_SMTPPARAMETERS ); // Software\Microsoft\Keyring\Parameters CString csSmtpkeyDll; CRegKey regKeyring( REG_KEYRING, regMachine ); if ((HKEY) regKeyring ) { csSmtpkeyDll = theApp.m_csPathInetsrv; csSmtpkeyDll += _T("\\smtpkey.dll"); regKeyring.SetValue( szShortSvcName, csSmtpkeyDll ); } // If we are upgrading, we will first delete the service and re-register if (fUpgrade) { InetDeleteService(SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME); InetRegisterService( theApp.m_csMachineName, SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME, &g_SMTPGuid, 0, 25, FALSE ); } // Create or Config SMTP service CString csDisplayName; CString csDescription; MyLoadString( IDS_SMTPDISPLAYNAME, csDisplayName ); MyLoadString(IDS_SMTPDESCRIPTION, csDescription); csBinPath = theApp.m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\inetinfo.exe") ; err = InetCreateService(SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME, (LPCTSTR)csDisplayName, (LPCTSTR)csBinPath, theApp.m_fSuppressSmtp ? SERVICE_DISABLED : SERVICE_AUTO_START, SZ_SVC_DEPEND, (LPCTSTR)csDescription); if ( err != NERR_Success ) { if (err == ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS) { fSvcExist = TRUE; err = InetConfigService(SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME, (LPCTSTR)csDisplayName, (LPCTSTR)csBinPath, SZ_SVC_DEPEND, (LPCTSTR)csDescription); if (err != NERR_Success) { SetErrMsg(_T("SMTP InetConfigService failed"), err); } } } if (fIISADMINExists) { // Migrate registry keys to the metabase. Or create from default values // if fresh install MigrateIMSToMD(theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME, _T("SMTP_REG"), MDID_SMTP_ROUTING_SOURCES, fUpgrade); SetAdminACL_wrap(_T("LM/SMTPSVC/1"), (MD_ACR_READ | MD_ACR_ENUM_KEYS), TRUE); SetAdminACL_wrap(_T("LM/SMTPSVC"), (MD_ACR_READ | MD_ACR_ENUM_KEYS), TRUE); } // Create key \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Performance: // Add the following values: // Library = smtpctrs.DLL // Open = OpenSMTPPerformanceData // Close = CloseSMTPPerformanceData // Collect = CollectSMTPPerformanceData InstallPerformance(REG_SMTPPERFORMANCE, _T("smtpctrs.DLL"), _T("OpenSmtpPerformanceData"), _T("CloseSmtpPerformanceData"), _T("CollectSmtpPerformanceData")); InstallPerformance(REG_NTFSPERFORMANCE, _T("snprfdll.DLL"), _T("NTFSDrvOpen"), _T("NTFSDrvClose"), _T("NTFSDrvCollect")); // // We used to register the SMTPB agent here. Now we unregister it in // case we're upgrading since it's no longer supported // RemoveAgent( SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME ); // Create key \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System\SmtpSvc: // Add the following values: // EventMessageFile = ..\smtpmsg.dll // TypesSupported = 7 csBinPath = theApp.m_csPathInetsrv + _T("\\smtpsvc.dll"); AddEventLog( SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME, csBinPath, 0x07 ); if (!fSvcExist) { InetRegisterService( theApp.m_csMachineName, SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME, &g_SMTPGuid, 0, 25, TRUE ); } // Unload the counters and then reload them err = unlodctr( SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME ); err = unlodctr( SZ_NTFSDRVSERVICENAME ); err = lodctr(_T("smtpctrs.ini")); err = lodctr(_T("ntfsdrct.ini")); // register OLE objects SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__SYSDIR"), theApp.m_csSysDir); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__INETSRV"), theApp.m_csPathInetsrv); err = (INT)RegisterOLEControlsFromInfSection(theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], _T("SMTP_REGISTER"), TRUE); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__SYSDIR"), NULL); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__INETSRV"), NULL); // Server Events: We are clean installing MCIS, so we make sure we set up // everything, including the source type and event types. RegisterSEOForSmtp(TRUE); } while ( 0 ); return err; } INT Unregister_iis_smtp() { CRegKey regMachine = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; INT err = NERR_Success; // Unregister all of the NNTP sources in the SEO binding database UnregisterSEOSourcesForSMTP(); // Unregister the OLE objets SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__SYSDIR"), theApp.m_csSysDir); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__INETSRV"), theApp.m_csPathInetsrv); err = (INT)RegisterOLEControlsFromInfSection(theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], _T("SMTP_K2_UNREGISTER"), FALSE); err = RegisterOLEControlsFromInfSection(theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], _T("SMTP_UNREGISTER"), FALSE); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__SYSDIR"), NULL); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__INETSRV"), NULL); // Bug 51537: Remove MIB from K2 SMTP RemoveAgent( SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME ); RemoveEventLog( SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME ); err = unlodctr( SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME ); err = unlodctr( SZ_NTFSDRVSERVICENAME ); InetDeleteService(SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME); InetRegisterService( theApp.m_csMachineName, SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME, &g_SMTPGuid, 0, 25, FALSE ); // Blow away the Services\SMTPSVC registry key CRegKey RegSvcs(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_SERVICES); if ((HKEY)RegSvcs) { RegSvcs.DeleteTree(SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME); RegSvcs.DeleteTree(SZ_NTFSDRVSERVICENAME); } // Blow away SMTP key manager CRegKey regKeyring( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEYRING ); if ((HKEY) regKeyring ) { regKeyring.DeleteValue(szShortSvcName); } // remove LM/SMTPSVC in the metabase if (DetectExistingIISADMIN()) { CMDKey cmdKey; cmdKey.OpenNode(_T("LM")); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE)cmdKey ) { cmdKey.DeleteNode(SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME); cmdKey.Close(); } } // remove K2 items from the program groups RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MAIL_SMTP_WEBADMIN, FALSE); RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MAIL_README, FALSE); RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MAIL_README_K2, FALSE); RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MCIS_MAIL_README, TRUE); RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MAIL_SMTP_WEBADMIN, TRUE); // // remove the one and only webadmin link from "administrative tools" // RemoveNt5InternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MAIL_SMTP_WEBADMIN); return(err); } INT Upgrade_iis_smtp_nt5_fromk2(BOOL fFromK2) { // This function handles upgrade from NT4 K2, or MCIS 2.0 INT err = NERR_Success; CString csBinPath; DebugOutput(_T("Upgrading from %s to B3 ..."), (fFromK2)? _T("NT4 K2") : _T("MCIS 2.0")); BOOL fSvcExist = FALSE; BOOL fIISADMINExists = DetectExistingIISADMIN(); // set up registry values CRegKey regMachine = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SMTPSVC\Parameters InsertSetupString( (LPCSTR) REG_SMTPPARAMETERS ); if (fIISADMINExists) { // Migrate registry keys to the metabase. Or create from default values // if fresh install MigrateIMSToMD(theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME, _T("SMTP_REG_UPGRADEK2"), MDID_SMTP_ROUTING_SOURCES, TRUE); // bugbug: x5 bug 72284, nt bug 202496 Uncomment this when NT // is ready to accept these changes SetAdminACL_wrap(_T("LM/SMTPSVC/1"), (MD_ACR_READ | MD_ACR_ENUM_KEYS), TRUE); SetAdminACL_wrap(_T("LM/SMTPSVC"), (MD_ACR_READ | MD_ACR_ENUM_KEYS), TRUE); } // Unload the counters and then reload them err = unlodctr( SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME ); err = unlodctr( SZ_NTFSDRVSERVICENAME ); err = lodctr(_T("smtpctrs.ini")); err = lodctr(_T("ntfsdrct.ini")); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__SYSDIR"), theApp.m_csSysDir); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__INETSRV"), theApp.m_csPathInetsrv); err = (INT)RegisterOLEControlsFromInfSection(theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], _T("SMTP_K2_UNREGISTER"), FALSE); err = (INT)RegisterOLEControlsFromInfSection(theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], _T("SMTP_REGISTER"), TRUE); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__SYSDIR"), NULL); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__INETSRV"), NULL); // Server Events: We are clean installing MCIS, so we make sure we set up // everything, including the source type and event types. RegisterSEOForSmtp(TRUE); if (fFromK2) { // upgrade from K2, remove those K2 links RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MAIL_SMTP_WEBADMIN, FALSE); RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MAIL_README, FALSE); RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MAIL_README_K2, FALSE); } else { // upgrade from MCIS 2.0, remove those MCIS links RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MCIS_MAIL_README, TRUE); RemoveInternetShortcut(MC_IMS, IDS_PROGITEM_MAIL_SMTP_WEBADMIN, TRUE); RemoveISMLink(); } return err; } INT Upgrade_iis_smtp_nt5_fromb2(BOOL fFromB2) { INT err = NERR_Success; DebugOutput(_T("Upgrading from NT5 %s to B3 ..."), (fFromB2)? _T("B2") : _T("B3")); // If it's just upgrades between B3 bits, don't need to do any metabase operations. if (!fFromB2) return err; BOOL fIISADMINExists = DetectExistingIISADMIN(); // set the K2 Upgrade key to true. if (fIISADMINExists) { MigrateIMSToMD( theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], NULL, _T("SMTP_REG_K2_TO_EE"), 0, FALSE, TRUE ); MigrateIMSToMD( theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], SZ_SMTPSERVICENAME, _T("SMTP_REG_UPGRADEB2"), MDID_SMTP_ROUTING_SOURCES, FALSE ); SetAdminACL_wrap(_T("LM/SMTPSVC/1"), (MD_ACR_READ | MD_ACR_ENUM_KEYS), TRUE); SetAdminACL_wrap(_T("LM/SMTPSVC"), (MD_ACR_READ | MD_ACR_ENUM_KEYS), TRUE); } SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__SYSDIR"), theApp.m_csSysDir); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__INETSRV"), theApp.m_csPathInetsrv); err = (INT)RegisterOLEControlsFromInfSection(theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], _T("SMTP_K2_UNREGISTER"), FALSE); err = (INT)RegisterOLEControlsFromInfSection(theApp.m_hInfHandle[MC_IMS], _T("SMTP_REGISTER"), TRUE); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__SYSDIR"), NULL); SetEnvironmentVariable(_T("__INETSRV"), NULL); // Server Events: We are upgrading from K2, so we will register the // default site (instance) and the MBXSINK binding. RegisterSEOForSmtp(FALSE); // System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SMTPSVC\Parameters InsertSetupString( (LPCSTR) REG_SMTPPARAMETERS ); return err; }