;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. ;// ;// FILE ;// ;// pop3msg.mc ;// ;// SYNOPSIS ;// ;// This file defines the messages for the Server Appliance web UI for ;// the POP3 Mail Add-in. ;// ;// MODIFICATION HISTORY ;// ;// 11/07/2001 Original version. ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ;// please choose one of these severity names as part of your messages ; SeverityNames = ( Success = 0x0:SA_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational = 0x1:SA_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning = 0x2:SA_SEVERITY_WARNING Error = 0x3:SA_SEVERITY_ERROR ) ; ;// The Facility Name identifies the ID range to be used by ;// the specific component. For each new message you add choose the ;// facility name corresponding to your component. If none of these ;// correspond to your component add a new facility name with a new ;// value and name FacilityNames = ( Facility_Information = 0x001:SA_FACILITY_INFORMATION ) ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// messages defined ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Common strings (1-31) (0x1-0x1F) (multiple files) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x8 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKS Language = English Tasks . MessageId = 0x10 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_E_UNEXPECTED Language = English An unexpected error occurred: (0x%1). . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// Tabs (0x20-0x7F) (tabs.reg) ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x20 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TABCAPTION_MAILSERVER Language = English E-Mail . MessageId = 0x28 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TABDESCRIPTION_MAILSERVER Language = English Specify settings for the E-Mail Server. . MessageId = 0x30 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TABCAPTION_SERVER Language = English Server Properties . MessageId = 0x38 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TABDESCRIPTION_SERVER Language = English Configure the E-Mail Server's general settings. . MessageId = 0x40 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TABCAPTION_DOMAINS Language = English Domains and Mailboxes . MessageId = 0x48 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TABDESCRIPTION_DOMAINS Language = English Manage the list of domains and mailboxes installed on this server. . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// General Settings Page (0x80-0xFF) (mail_mastersettings.asp) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x80 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_MASTERSETTINGS Language = English Server Properties . MessageId = 0x88 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MASTERSETTINGS_AUTHENTICATION Language = English Authentication Method: . MessageId = 0x90 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_AUTHENTICATION_ACTIVEDIRECTORY Language = English Active Directory Integrated . MessageId = 0x98 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_AUTHENTICATION_WINDOWSACCOUNTS Language = English Local Windows Accounts . MessageId = 0xA0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_AUTHENTICATION_FILE Language = English Encrypted Password File . MessageId = 0xB0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MASTERSETTINGS_PORT Language = English Server Port: . MessageId = 0xB8 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MASTERSETTINGS_LOGGING Language = English Logging Level: . MessageId = 0xC0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_LOGGING_NONE Language = English None . MessageId = 0xC8 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_LOGGING_MINIMUM Language = English Minimum . MessageId = 0xD0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_LOGGING_MEDIUM Language = English Medium . MessageId = 0xD8 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_LOGGING_MAXIMUM Language = English Maximum . MessageId = 0xE0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MASTERSETTINGS_MAILROOT Language = English Root Mail Directory: . MessageId = 0xE8 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MASTERSETTINGS_CREATEUSERS Language = English Always create an associated user for new mailboxes . MessageId = 0xF0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_MAILROOTCONFIRM Language = English Warning: Changing the root mail directory will cause existing domains to stop receiving mail. You will need to migrate the domain directories into the new mail root directory. Are you sure you want to change the mail root? . MessageId = 0xF1 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_SERVICERESTART_POP3SVC Language = English The Microsoft POP3 Service needs to be restarted for this change to take effect. Do you want to restart the service now? . MessageId = 0xF2 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_SERVICERESTART_POP3SVC_SMTP Language = English The Microsoft POP3 Service and the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) service need to be restarted for this change to take effect. Do you want to restart the services now? . MessageId = 0xF8 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_E_INVALIDPORT Language = English The specified port is invalid. The port must be a number between 1 and 65535. . MessageId = 0x10 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MASTERSETTINGS_REQUIRESPA Language = English Require Secure Password Authentication (SPA) for all client connections. . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Domains OTS (0x100-1FF) ;// (mail_domains.asp) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x100 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_DOMAINS Language = English Domains . MessageId = 0x108 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TABLECAPTION_DOMAINS Language = English Select a domain from the table, and then choose a task. To view the mailboxes for the selected domain, click Mailboxes. . ;// Tasks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x110 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASK_DOMAINS_NEW Language = English New . MessageId = 0x118 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKCAPTION_DOMAINS_NEW Language = English Create a new mail domain for this server . MessageId = 0x120 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASK_DOMAINS_DELETE Language = English Delete . MessageId = 0x128 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKCAPTION_DOMAINS_DELETE Language = English Delete the selected domains . MessageId = 0x130 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASK_DOMAINS_MAILBOXES Language = English Mailboxes . MessageId = 0x138 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKCAPTION_DOMAINS_MAILBOXES Language = English View the mailboxes for the selected domain . MessageId = 0x140 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASK_DOMAINS_LOCK Language = English Lock . MessageId = 0x148 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKCAPTION_DOMAINS_LOCK Language = English Prevent users from viewing their mail on the selected domains . MessageId = 0x150 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASK_DOMAINS_UNLOCK Language = English Unlock . MessageId = 0x158 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKCAPTION_DOMAINS_UNLOCK Language = English Allow users to view their mail on the selected domains . ;// Columns //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x160 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_COL_DOMAIN_NAME Language = English Name . MessageId = 0x168 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_COL_DOMAIN_MAILBOXES Language = English Mailboxes . MessageId = 0x170 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_COL_DOMAIN_SIZE Language = English Size . MessageId = 0x178 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_COL_DOMAIN_MESSAGES Language = English Messages . MessageId = 0x180 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_COL_DOMAIN_LOCKED Language = English Locked . ;// Other ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x188 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_DOMAIN_LOCKED_YES Language = English Yes . MessageId = 0x190 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_DOMAIN_LOCKED_NO Language = English No . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Domains - New (0x200-24F) (mail_domains_new.asp) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x200 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_DOMAINS_NEW Language = English Add Domain . MessageId = 0x208 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_DOMAINS_NEW_NAME Language = English Domain name: . MessageId = 0x210 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_DOMAINS_NEW_CREATEUSERS Language = English Always create an associated user for new mailboxes in this domain . MessageId = 0x218 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_DOMAINS_NEW_SETAUTH Language = English Before adding your first domain, be sure to first select the authentication method the E-Mail Service should use. To select the authentication type, click Server Properties. . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Domains - Delete (0x250-29F) (mail_domains_delete.asp) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x250 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_DOMAINS_DELETE Language = English Delete Domain . MessageId = 0x258 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_DOMAINS_DELETE Language = English Are you sure you want to delete the following domains: . MessageId = 0x260 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_DOMAINS_DELETEERROR Language = English Delete Domain Error . MessageId = 0x268 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_DOMAINS_DELETEERROR Language = English Could not delete the following domains: . MessageId = 0x270 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_DOMAINS_DELETERETRY Language = English Click OK to retry, or click Cancel to end. . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Domains - Lock/Unlock (0x2A0-2FF) (mail_domains_lock.asp) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x2A0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_DOMAINS_LOCKERROR Language = English Domain Lock Error . MessageId = 0x2A8 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_DOMAINS_LOCKERROR Language = English Could not lock the following domains: . MessageId = 0x2B0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_DOMAINS_UNLOCKERROR Language = English Domain Unlock Error . MessageId = 0x2B8 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_DOMAINS_UNLOCKERROR Language = English Could not unlock the following domains: . MessageId = 0x2C0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_DOMAINS_LOCKRETRY Language = English Click OK to retry, or click Cancel to end. . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Mailboxes OTS (0x300-3FF) ;// (mail_mailboxes.asp) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x300 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_MAILBOXES Language = English Mailboxes in %1 . MessageId = 0x308 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TABLECAPTION_MAILBOXES Language = English Select a mailbox from the table, and then choose a task. To create a new mailbox, click New. . ;// Tasks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x310 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASK_MAILBOXES_NEW Language = English New . MessageId = 0x318 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKCAPTION_MAILBOXES_NEW Language = English Create a new mailbox for this domain . MessageId = 0x320 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASK_MAILBOXES_DELETE Language = English Delete . MessageId = 0x328 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKCAPTION_MAILBOXES_DELETE Language = English Delete the selected mailboxes . MessageId = 0x330 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASK_MAILBOXES_LOCK Language = English Lock . MessageId = 0x338 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKCAPTION_MAILBOXES_LOCK Language = English Prevent users from viewing their mail in the selected mailboxes . MessageId = 0x340 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASK_MAILBOXES_UNLOCK Language = English Unlock . MessageId = 0x348 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_TASKCAPTION_MAILBOXES_UNLOCK Language = English Allow users to view their mail in the selected mailboxes . ;// Columns //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x350 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_COL_MAILBOX_NAME Language = English Name . MessageId = 0x358 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_COL_MAILBOX_SIZE Language = English Size (MB) . MessageId = 0x360 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_COL_MAILBOX_MESSAGES Language = English Messages . MessageId = 0x368 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_COL_MAILBOX_LOCKED Language = English Locked . ;// Other ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x370 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_MAILBOX_LOCKED_YES Language = English Yes . MessageId = 0x378 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_MAILBOX_LOCKED_NO Language = English No . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Mailboxes - New (0x400-47F) (mail_mailboxes_new.asp) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x400 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_MAILBOXES_NEW Language = English Add Mailbox . MessageId = 0x408 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MAILBOXES_NEW_NAME Language = English User name: . MessageId = 0x410 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MAILBOXES_NEW_PASSWORD Language = English Password: . MessageId = 0x418 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MAILBOXES_NEW_CONFIRMPASSWORD Language = English Confirm Password: . MessageId = 0x420 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MAILBOXES_NEW_CREATEUSERS Language = English Create associated user for this mailbox . MessageId = 0x428 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_E_PASSWORDMISMATCH Language = English The passwords you typed do not match. Type the new password in both text boxes. . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Mailboxes - Delete (0x480-4FF) (mail_mailboxes_delete.asp) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x480 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_MAILBOXES_DELETE Language = English Delete Mailboxes . MessageId = 0x488 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_MAILBOXES_DELETE Language = English Are you sure you want to delete the following mailboxes: . MessageId = 0x490 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_MAILBOXES_DELETEERROR Language = English Delete Mailboxes Error . MessageId = 0x498 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_MAILBOXES_DELETEERROR Language = English Could not delete the following mailboxes: . MessageId = 0x4A0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_MAILBOXES_DELETERETRY Language = English Click OK to retry, or click Cancel to end. . MessageId = 0x4A8 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_CAPTION_MAILBOXES_DELETEUSER Language = English Delete associated user for this mailbox . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Mailboxes - Lock/Unlock (0x500-54F) (mail_mailboxes_lock.asp) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x500 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_MAILBOXES_LOCKERROR Language = English Mailbox Lock Error . MessageId = 0x508 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_MAILBOXES_LOCKERROR Language = English Could not lock the following mailboxes: . MessageId = 0x510 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PAGETITLE_MAILBOXES_UNLOCKERROR Language = English Mailbox Unlock Error . MessageId = 0x518 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_MAILBOXES_UNLOCKERROR Language = English Could not unlock the following mailboxes: . MessageId = 0x520 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_PROMPT_MAILBOXES_LOCKRETRY Language = English Click OK to retry, or click Cancel to end. . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Misc.. (0x600-64F) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x600 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_FACTOR_MB Language = English MB . MessageId = 0x608 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_FACTOR_KB Language = English KB . ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// ;// Help Strings (0x1000-) ;// ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MessageId = 0x1000 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_EMAIL Language = English E-Mail . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_SERVERPROPERTIES Language = English Server Properties . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_DOMAINSMAILBOXES Language = English Domains and Mailboxes . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_AUTHMETHOD Language = English Authentication Method . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_PORT Language = English Server Port . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_LOGGING Language = English Logging Level . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_SPA Language = English Secure Password Authentication . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_MAILSTORE Language = English Mail Store . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_DOMAINCREATE Language = English Create a Domain . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_DOMAINDELETE Language = English Delete a Domain . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_DOMAINLOCK Language = English Lock a Domain . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_DOMAINUNLOCK Language = English Unlock a Domain . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_MAILBOXES Language = English Mailboxes . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_MAILBOXCREATE Language = English Create a Mailbox . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_MAILBOXDELETE Language = English Delete a Mailbox . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_MAILBOXLOCK Language = English Lock a Mailbox . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_MAILBOXUNLOCK Language = English Unlock a Mailbox . MessageId = Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Information SymbolicName = POP3_HELP_DISKQUOTAS Language = English Disk Quotas .