The UDDI Version 2 BETA has concluded. Thank you for your participation in the BETA. Please visit either of the Microsoft® operator public UDDI nodes at Microsoft® UDDI Business Registry (UBR) Node or the Microsoft® UDDI Test Node.
The UDDI Business Registry (UBR) Node replicates with the other UBR Operator Nodes. Available for querying and publishing public UDDI entities, this site supports Version 1 and V2 of the UDDI API sets. You can access this node at the following access points:
  • UDDI Web User Interface:
  • UDDI API Inquiry interface:
  • UDDI API Publish Interface:

The Development Test Site is a fully functional environment where you can safely develop and test your software without impacting other UDDI users. This site supports Version 1 and V2 of the UDDI API sets. You can access this node at the following access points:
  • UDDI Web User Interface:
  • UDDI API Inquiry interface:
  • UDDI API Publish Interface:

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