//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Script to manage file that are written offline // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // var c_sdfiles = "sd files -d "; //used to get the local files that need to get added recurively var c_sdwhere = "sd where "; //used to get local sd mappings var c_defaultpath = ".\\"; //var c_sdscorch = "del ";//used to add a file to sd, requires filename to be appended var c_test = false; var c_help = "Command Line Help for sd_scortch.js\r\n\r\n" + "This file will DELETE all files that are not checked in" + "cscript.exe sd_scortch.js [directory] [options]\r\n\r\n" + "directory Directory to search( must end with '\' )\r\n\r\n " + "options:\r\n"+ "test Display Actions with out doing them( short form 't' )"; var g_allerrors = ""; var g_fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ); var g_sdfilelist; var g_shell = new ActiveXObject( "Wscript.Shell" ); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // function ProcessCommandArgs( ) { var i =0; try { if( WScript.Arguments.Length>0 ) { if( WScript.Arguments( 0 ) =="-?"||WScript.Arguments( 0 ) =="/?" ) { WScript.Echo( c_help ); WScript.Quit( 0 ); } for( i=0;i