/*==========================================================================; * * Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: halexe.c * Content: Direct3D HAL execute calles *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * * $Id: halexe.c,v 1.1 1995/11/21 15:12:37 sjl Exp $ * * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 07/11/95 stevela Initial rev. * 12/11/95 stevela Lock surface before calling HAL's execute. * 29/08/96 stevela Just bit test instead of calling IsLost() *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/ #include "pch.cpp" #pragma hdrstop #include "commdrv.hpp" #include "genpick.hpp" #include "d3dfei.h" #include "clipfunc.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CHECK(ddrval, str) \ if (ddrval != DD_OK) \ { \ D3D_ERR(str); \ return (ddrval); \ } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- __inline BOOL DDSurfaceLost(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE s) { return ((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)s)->lpLcl->dwFlags & DDRAWISURF_INVALID; } #ifdef USE_INTERNAL_LOCK __inline HRESULT DDLockSurface(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE s) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT lpInt; lpInt = (LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)s; return DDInternalLock(lpInt->lpLcl); } __inline HRESULT DDUnockSurface(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE s) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT lpInt; lpInt = (LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)s; return DDInternalUnlock(lpInt->lpLcl); } #endif __inline BOOL DDCheckSurfaceCaps(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE s, DWORD flag) { LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT lpInt = (LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)s; return lpInt->lpLcl->ddsCaps.dwCaps & flag; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CHECKLOST(lpDevI) \ { \ if (DDSurfaceLost(lpDevI->lpDDSTarget) || \ (lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer && DDSurfaceLost(lpDevI->lpDDSZBuffer))) \ { \ D3D_WARN(0, "Render-target or ZBuffer surface lost"); \ lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_LOSTSURFACES; \ return DDERR_SURFACELOST; \ } \ } #define NEXTINSTRUCTION(ptr, type, num) \ ptr = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)ptr + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION) + \ (num * sizeof(type))) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DBG int validateTriangleFlags(LPD3DINSTRUCTION ins, LPD3DTRIANGLE tri) { int count = ins->wCount; int v1,v2,v3; int flat; int flat_count; unsigned flags; D3D_INFO(5, "Start %d triangle instruction", count); flat = 0; flat_count = 0; for (; count; count--) { flags = tri->wFlags; flags &= 0x1f; switch (flags) { case D3DTRIFLAG_START: v1 = tri->v1; v2 = tri->v2; v3 = tri->v3; D3D_INFO(9, " triangle %d is START", ins->wCount - count); break; case D3DTRIFLAG_ODD: v1 = v3; v2 = v2; v3 = tri->v3; if ((v1 != tri->v1) || (v2 != tri->v2)) { D3D_WARN(1, " triangle %d is not an odd triangle", ins->wCount - count); return FALSE; } break; case D3DTRIFLAG_EVEN: v1 = v1; v2 = v3; v3 = tri->v3; if ((v1 != tri->v1) || (v2 != tri->v2)) { D3D_WARN(1, " triangle %d is not an even triangle", ins->wCount - count); return FALSE; } break; default: /* (flags > 0) && (flags < 30) */ v1 = tri->v1; v2 = tri->v2; v3 = tri->v3; D3D_INFO(9, " triangle %d is START FLAT of %d", ins->wCount - count, flags); flat_count = flags; break; } tri = (D3DTRIANGLE*) ((char*) tri + ins->bSize); } return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- D3DVERTEXTYPE GetVertexType(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI) { if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_TLVERTEX) return D3DVT_TLVERTEX; else if (lpDevI->dwFlags & D3DPV_LIGHTING) return D3DVT_VERTEX; else return D3DVT_LVERTEX; } #endif // DBG //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns TRUE, if driver should be notified about the state BOOL trackState(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, LPD3DSTATE state) { DWORD type = (DWORD) state->drstRenderStateType; D3D_INFO(9, "trackState: state = %d", state->drstRenderStateType); if (IS_OVERRIDE(type)) { DWORD override = GET_OVERRIDE(type); if (state->dwArg[0]) { D3D_INFO(9, "trackState: setting override for state %d", override); STATESET_SET(lpDevI->renderstate_overrides, override); } else { D3D_INFO(9, "trackState: clearing override for state %d", override); STATESET_CLEAR(lpDevI->renderstate_overrides, override); } return TRUE; } if (STATESET_ISSET(lpDevI->renderstate_overrides, type)) { D3D_INFO(9, "trackState: state %d is overridden, ignoring", type); return FALSE; } /* Save latest state for GetRenderState(). This will break if someone actually implements the Execute in DDI i.e. when D3DHAL_Execute{Un}Clipped calls us. */ SetDeviceRenderState(lpDevI, state->drstRenderStateType, state->dwArg[0]); return TRUE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function does not copy the data if pIn = pOut // void ConvertColorsToRamp(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, D3DTLVERTEX *pIn, D3DTLVERTEX *pOut, DWORD count) { RAMP_RANGE_INFO RampInfo; BOOL theSameInAndOut = pIn == pOut; CallRampService(lpDevI, RAMP_SERVICE_FIND_LIGHTINGRANGE, (ULONG_PTR)&RampInfo, 0); D3DVALUE colorScale = D3DVAL(max(min((INT32)RampInfo.size - 1, 0x7fff), 0)); for (DWORD i=count; i; i--) { const D3DVALUE B_SCALE = 1.000f / 255.0f; // Convert diffuse color to shade value D3DVALUE color = RGBA_GETBLUE (pIn->color)*B_SCALE; if (RampInfo.specular) { // Convert specular color to shade value D3DVALUE specular = RGBA_GETBLUE (pIn->specular)*B_SCALE; color = 0.75f*color*(1.0f - specular) + specular; } DWORD outColor = (DWORD)(color * colorScale) + RampInfo.base; if (theSameInAndOut) { pIn->color = CI_MAKE(RGBA_GETALPHA(pIn->color), outColor, 0); pIn->specular = PtrToUlong(RampInfo.pTexRampMap); } else { pOut->color = CI_MAKE(RGBA_GETALPHA(pIn->color), outColor, 0); pOut->specular = PtrToUlong(RampInfo.pTexRampMap); pOut->sx = pIn->sx; pOut->sy = pIn->sy; pOut->sz = pIn->sz; pOut->rhw = pIn->rhw; pOut->tu = pIn->tu; pOut->tv = pIn->tv; pOut++; } pIn++; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void WaitForFlip(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDS) { if (DDCheckSurfaceCaps(lpDDS, DDSCAPS_FLIP)) { HRESULT ret; D3D_WARN(4, "Waiting for flip"); do { ret = lpDDS->GetFlipStatus(DDGFS_ISFLIPDONE); } while (ret == DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // DrawPrim for execute buffers using RenderPrimitive // This function is called by the clipper // HRESULT CDirect3DDeviceIHW::DrawExeBuf() { D3DHAL_RENDERPRIMITIVEDATA data; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDS = this->lpDDSTarget; HRESULT ret; WORD wFirstPointIndex; memset(&data, 0, sizeof data); data.dwhContext = this->dwhContext; data.dwStatus = this->iClipStatus; data.dwTLOffset = 0; if (this->dwFlags & D3DPV_CLIPPERPRIM) { // For clipped primitive vertices are generated in ClipperState.clipBuf data.lpTLBuf = this->ClipperState.clipBuf.GetDDS(); data.lpExeBuf = this->ClipperState.clipBufPrim.GetDDS(); data.dwOffset = 0; wFirstPointIndex = 0; } else { data.lpTLBuf = this->TLVbuf.GetDDS(); if (this->primType == D3DPT_POINTLIST) { data.lpExeBuf = this->ClipperState.clipBufPrim.GetDDS(); data.dwOffset = 0; wFirstPointIndex = (WORD)(((BYTE*)this->lpvOut - (BYTE*)this->TLVbuf.GetAddress()) >> 5); } else { data.lpExeBuf = this->ClipperState.lpDDExeBuf; data.dwOffset = (DWORD) ((BYTE*)this->lpwIndices - (BYTE*)this->ClipperState.lpvExeBufMem); } } switch (this->primType) { case D3DPT_POINTLIST: { D3DPOINT *pPoint = (D3DPOINT*)this->ClipperState.clipBufPrim.GetAddress(); // Size of TLVERTEX is 32 pPoint->wFirst = wFirstPointIndex; pPoint->wCount = (WORD)this->dwNumVertices; data.diInstruction.bOpcode = D3DOP_POINT; data.diInstruction.bSize = sizeof(D3DPOINT); data.diInstruction.wCount = 1; break; } case D3DPT_LINELIST: { data.diInstruction.bOpcode = D3DOP_LINE; data.diInstruction.bSize = sizeof(D3DLINE); D3DLINE *pLine= (D3DLINE*)this->ClipperState.clipBufPrim.GetAddress(); if (this->dwFlags & D3DPV_CLIPPERPRIM) { // Clipped line is not indexed pLine->v1 = 0; pLine->v2 = 1; data.diInstruction.wCount = 1; } else data.diInstruction.wCount = (WORD)(this->dwNumIndices >> 1); break; } case D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN: case D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST: { data.diInstruction.bOpcode = D3DOP_TRIANGLE; data.diInstruction.bSize = sizeof(D3DTRIANGLE); D3DTRIANGLE *pTri = (D3DTRIANGLE*) this->ClipperState.clipBufPrim.GetAddress(); if (this->dwFlags & D3DPV_CLIPPERPRIM) { // Clipped triangle is non-indexed triangle fan // We have to convert it to indexed triangle list and compute // edge flags ClipVertex **clip = this->ClipperState.current_vbuf; pTri->wFlags = D3DTRIFLAG_STARTFLAT((WORD)this->dwNumPrimitives); if (clip[0]->clip & CLIPPED_ENABLE) pTri->wFlags |= D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE1; DWORD i; for (i=1; i <= this->dwNumPrimitives; i++) { pTri->v1 = 0; pTri->v2 = (WORD)i; pTri->v3 = (WORD)(i+1); if (clip[i]->clip & CLIPPED_ENABLE) pTri->wFlags |= D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE2; pTri++; pTri->wFlags = D3DTRIFLAG_EVEN; // All except first are EVEN } pTri--; // Edge 3 is enabled only for the last triangle in the fan // Not that "i" points to the last clip vertex if (clip[i]->clip & CLIPPED_ENABLE) pTri->wFlags |= D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE3; data.diInstruction.wCount = (WORD)this->dwNumPrimitives; } else data.diInstruction.wCount = (WORD)this->dwNumPrimitives; break; } } #ifndef WIN95 if((ret = CheckContextSurfaceNOLOCK(this)) != D3D_OK) return (D3DERR_EXECUTE_FAILED); #endif //WIN95 #if _D3D_FORCEDOUBLE CD3DForceFPUDouble ForceFPUDouble(this); #endif //_D3D_FORCEDOUBLE CALL_HALONLY_NOLOCK(ret, this, RenderPrimitive, &data); if (ret != DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED) { D3D_ERR("HAL failed to handle RenderPrimitive call from Execute API"); return (D3DERR_EXECUTE_FAILED); } this->iClipStatus = data.dwStatus; if (data.ddrval != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("HAL error in RenderPrimitive call from Execute API"); return (data.ddrval); } return (D3D_OK); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT DIRECT3DDEVICEI::PickExeBuf() { LPD3DTRIANGLE tri; DWORD i; LPD3DRECT pick_region = &this->pick_data.pick; D3DVALUE result; LPD3DTLVERTEX lpTLV; HRESULT ret; if (this->dwFlags & D3DPV_CLIPPERPRIM) { // For clipped primitive vertices are generated in ClipperState.clipBuf lpTLV = (D3DTLVERTEX*)this->ClipperState.clipBuf.GetAddress(); D3DTRIANGLE tri; tri.v1 = 0; for (i=1; i <= this->dwNumPrimitives; i++) { tri.v2 = (WORD)i; tri.v3 = (WORD)(i+1); tri.wFlags = D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLETRIANGLE; if (GenPickTriangle(this, lpTLV, &tri, pick_region, &result)) { if ((ret = GenAddPickRecord(this, D3DOP_TRIANGLE, this->dwClipIns_offset, result)) != D3D_OK) return ret; } } } else { lpTLV = (D3DTLVERTEX*)this->TLVbuf.GetAddress(); tri = (LPD3DTRIANGLE)this->lpwIndices; for (i = this->dwNumPrimitives; i; i--, tri++) { if (GenPickTriangle(this, lpTLV, tri, pick_region, &result)) { if ((ret = GenAddPickRecord(this, D3DOP_TRIANGLE, (DWORD)((BYTE*)tri - (BYTE*)this->lpbClipIns_base), result)) != D3D_OK) return ret; } } } return D3D_OK; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Points */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT D3DFEClipPointsHW(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, D3DPOINT *point, DWORD dwCount) { DWORD icount = dwCount; HRESULT ret; lpDevI->primType = D3DPT_LINELIST; lpDevI->lpwIndices = 0; // Points are not indexed for (; icount; icount--) { lpDevI->dwNumVertices = point->wCount; lpDevI->lpvOut = &((D3DTLVERTEX*)lpDevI->TLVbuf.GetAddress())[point->wFirst]; WORD *lpClipFlagsOld = lpDevI->lpClipFlags; lpDevI->lpClipFlags = &lpDevI->lpClipFlags[point->wFirst]; ret = ProcessClippedPoints(lpDevI); if (ret != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("ProcessClippedPoints failed!"); return ret; } lpDevI->lpClipFlags = lpClipFlagsOld; point++; } return D3D_OK; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Lines */ /*************************************************************************/ inline HRESULT D3DFEClipLinesHW(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, D3DLINE *line, DWORD dwCount) { HRESULT ret; lpDevI->primType = D3DPT_LINELIST; lpDevI->dwNumIndices = dwCount << 1; lpDevI->dwNumPrimitives = dwCount; lpDevI->lpvOut = lpDevI->TLVbuf.GetAddress(); lpDevI->lpwIndices = (WORD*)line; ret = ProcessClippedIndexedLine(lpDevI); return ret; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Triangles */ /*************************************************************************/ inline HRESULT D3DFEClipTrianglesHW(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, D3DTRIANGLE *tri, DWORD dwCount) { HRESULT ret; lpDevI->primType = D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST; lpDevI->dwNumPrimitives = dwCount; lpDevI->lpvOut = lpDevI->TLVbuf.GetAddress(); lpDevI->dwNumIndices = dwCount * 3; lpDevI->lpwIndices = (WORD*)tri; ret = ProcessClippedIndexedTriangleList(lpDevI); return ret; } /*************************************************************************/ /* Pick triangles */ /*************************************************************************/ inline HRESULT GenPickTriangles(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, D3DTRIANGLE *tri, DWORD dwCount) { HRESULT ret; lpDevI->primType = D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST; lpDevI->dwNumIndices = dwCount * 3; lpDevI->dwNumPrimitives = dwCount; lpDevI->lpvOut = lpDevI->TLVbuf.GetAddress(); lpDevI->lpwIndices = (WORD*)tri; ret = ProcessClippedIndexedTriangleList(lpDevI); return ret; }/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Instruction emulation. */ HRESULT D3DHELInst_D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, DWORD dwCount, LPD3DMATRIXLOAD lpMatLoad) { LPD3DMATRIXI lpSrcMat; LPD3DMATRIXI lpDestMat; DWORD i; HRESULT ret; D3DFE_TRANSFORM& TRANSFORM = lpDevI->transform; for (i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { D3DMATRIXHANDLE hSrc = lpMatLoad[i].hSrcMatrix; D3DMATRIXHANDLE hDst = lpMatLoad[i].hDestMatrix; lpSrcMat = HANDLE_TO_MAT(lpDevI, hSrc); lpDestMat = HANDLE_TO_MAT(lpDevI, hDst); if (lpSrcMat == NULL || lpDestMat == NULL) return (DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS); memcpy (lpDestMat, lpSrcMat, offsetof(D3DMATRIXI, link)); if (hDst == TRANSFORM.hWorld) ret = D3DFE_SetMatrixWorld(lpDevI, (D3DMATRIX*)lpSrcMat); else if (hDst == TRANSFORM.hView) ret = D3DFE_SetMatrixView(lpDevI, (D3DMATRIX*)lpSrcMat); else if (hDst == TRANSFORM.hProj) ret = D3DFE_SetMatrixProj(lpDevI, (D3DMATRIX*)lpSrcMat); if (ret != D3D_OK) return (DDERR_GENERIC); } return (D3D_OK); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT D3DHELInst_D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, DWORD dwCount, LPD3DMATRIXMULTIPLY lpMmult) { LPD3DMATRIXI lpMat1, lpMat2; LPD3DMATRIXI result; DWORD i; D3DFE_TRANSFORM& TRANSFORM = lpDevI->transform; for (i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { D3DMATRIXHANDLE hSrc1 = lpMmult[i].hSrcMatrix1; D3DMATRIXHANDLE hSrc2 = lpMmult[i].hSrcMatrix2; D3DMATRIXHANDLE hDst = lpMmult[i].hDestMatrix; lpMat1 = HANDLE_TO_MAT(lpDevI, hSrc1); lpMat2 = HANDLE_TO_MAT(lpDevI, hSrc2); result = HANDLE_TO_MAT(lpDevI, hDst); if (!lpMat1 || !lpMat2) { return (DDERR_GENERIC); } MatrixProduct(result, lpMat1, lpMat2); if (hDst == TRANSFORM.hWorld) { D3DFE_SetMatrixWorld(lpDevI, (D3DMATRIX*)result); } else if (hDst == TRANSFORM.hView) { D3DFE_SetMatrixView(lpDevI, (D3DMATRIX*)result); } else if (hDst == TRANSFORM.hProj) { D3DFE_SetMatrixProj(lpDevI, (D3DMATRIX*)result); } } return (D3D_OK); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT D3DHELInst_D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, DWORD count, LPD3DSTATE lpMset) { DWORD i; D3DFE_TRANSFORM& TRANSFORM = lpDevI->transform; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { DWORD type = (DWORD) lpMset[i].dtstTransformStateType; D3D_INFO(9, "HEL D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM: state = %d", type); if (IS_OVERRIDE(type)) { DWORD override = GET_OVERRIDE(type); if (lpMset[i].dwArg[0]) { D3D_WARN(5, "HEL D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM: setting override for state %d", override); STATESET_SET(lpDevI->transformstate_overrides, override); } else { D3D_WARN(5, "HEL D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM: clearing override for state %d", override); STATESET_CLEAR(lpDevI->transformstate_overrides, override); } continue; } if (STATESET_ISSET(lpDevI->transformstate_overrides, type)) { D3D_WARN(5, "HEL D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM: state %d is overridden, ignoring", type); continue; } D3DMATRIXHANDLE hSrc = lpMset[i].dwArg[0]; D3DMATRIX *lpSrcMat = (D3DMATRIX*)HANDLE_TO_MAT(lpDevI, hSrc); if (lpSrcMat == NULL) { // In DX5 days, this error was not propagated back. if (lpDevI->dwVersion <= 2) return D3D_OK; else { D3D_ERR("NULL srcMat in D3DHELInst_D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM"); return (DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS); } } switch (type) { case D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_WORLD: D3DFE_SetMatrixWorld(lpDevI, lpSrcMat); TRANSFORM.hWorld = hSrc; break; case D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW: D3DFE_SetMatrixView(lpDevI, lpSrcMat); TRANSFORM.hView = hSrc; break; case D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_PROJECTION: D3DFE_SetMatrixProj(lpDevI, lpSrcMat); TRANSFORM.hProj = hSrc; break; default: D3D_ERR("Bad State in D3DopStateTransform emulation."); return DDERR_GENERIC; } } return (D3D_OK); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if DBG HRESULT validateProcessVertices(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, LPD3DPROCESSVERTICES data) { LPD3DHAL_GLOBALDRIVERDATA lpGlob = lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData; unsigned int vnum; vnum = (unsigned int)(lpGlob->dwNumVertices ? lpGlob->dwNumVertices : D3DHAL_DEFAULT_TL_NUM); if (data->wDest >= vnum) { D3D_ERR("Dest index to large for Execute Buffer."); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } else if ((data->wDest + data->dwCount) > vnum) { D3D_ERR("Process vertices exceeds Execute Buffer size."); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } return D3D_OK; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT D3DHELInst_D3DOP_TRANSFORM(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, DWORD count, LPD3DPROCESSVERTICES data, LPD3DEXECUTEBUFFERDESC eb) { LPD3DTLVERTEX lpTlv; DWORD i; DWORD op; HRESULT ret = DD_OK; lpDevI->primType = D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST; lpDevI->dwOutputSize = sizeof(D3DVERTEX); lpDevI->position.dwStride = sizeof(D3DVERTEX); lpDevI->nTexCoord = 1; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { #if DBG if ((ret = validateProcessVertices(lpDevI, data))) return ret; #endif int nVertices = data->wDest+data->dwCount; lpTlv = (LPD3DTLVERTEX)lpDevI->TLVbuf.GetAddress(); lpDevI->dwNumVertices = data->dwCount; lpDevI->position.lpvData = ((char*)eb->lpData) + data->wStart * sizeof(D3DVERTEX); lpDevI->lpvOut = lpTlv + data->wDest; /* * Transform the vertices */ op = data->dwFlags & D3DPROCESSVERTICES_OPMASK; if (op == D3DPROCESSVERTICES_COPY) { lpDevI->dwVIDIn = d3dVertexToFVF[D3DVT_TLVERTEX]; memcpy(lpDevI->lpvOut, lpDevI->position.lpvData, data->dwCount * sizeof(D3DVERTEX)); D3DFE_updateExtents(lpDevI); D3D_INFO(4, "TLVERTEX encountered. Will not clip."); lpDevI->dwFEFlags |= D3DFE_TLVERTEX; // Apply ramp post-lighting stuff only for D3DTLVERTEX. // For other vertex types this is done in the transformation loop // if (lpDevI->pfnRampService != NULL) { ConvertColorsToRamp(lpDevI, (D3DTLVERTEX*)lpDevI->lpvOut, (D3DTLVERTEX*)lpDevI->lpvOut, data->dwCount); } lpDevI->iClipStatus &= ~D3DSTATUS_CLIPINTERSECTIONALL; } else { if (op == D3DPROCESSVERTICES_TRANSFORMLIGHT) { lpDevI->dwVIDIn = d3dVertexToFVF[D3DVT_VERTEX]; lpDevI->dwFlags |= D3DPV_LIGHTING; } else { lpDevI->dwVIDIn = d3dVertexToFVF[D3DVT_LVERTEX]; } if (lpDevI->dwFlags & D3DDP_DONOTCLIP) { D3DFE_ProcessVertices(lpDevI); lpDevI->iClipStatus &= ~D3DSTATUS_CLIPINTERSECTIONALL; } else { lpDevI->lpClipFlags = (D3DFE_CLIPCODE*)lpDevI->HVbuf.GetAddress() + data->wDest; D3DFE_ProcessVertices(lpDevI); D3DFE_UpdateClipStatus(lpDevI); D3D_INFO(4, "Status Change -> Clip flags. status = %08x", lpDevI->iClipStatus); // Restore initial value for lpClipFlags lpDevI->lpClipFlags = (D3DFE_CLIPCODE*)lpDevI->HVbuf.GetAddress(); } } /* update stats */ lpDevI->D3DStats.dwVerticesProcessed += data->dwCount; data++; } //out_of_here: return (ret); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT GrowTLandHbuffers(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, DWORD dwUsedVertexCount) { HRESULT ddrval; if (dwUsedVertexCount > 4096) dwUsedVertexCount = 4096; else if (dwUsedVertexCount < lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData->hwCaps.dwMaxVertexCount) dwUsedVertexCount = lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData->hwCaps.dwMaxVertexCount; ddrval = lpDevI->TLVbuf.CheckAndGrow(lpDevI, dwUsedVertexCount << 5); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed to check and grow TLVbuf in Execute"); return ddrval; } ddrval = lpDevI->HVbuf.CheckAndGrow(dwUsedVertexCount*sizeof(D3DFE_CLIPCODE)); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed to check and grow HVbuf in Execute"); return ddrval; } return D3D_OK; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // #define WAIT_FOR_FLIP() \ if (!waitedForFlip) \ { \ WaitForFlip(lpDDS); \ waitedForFlip = TRUE; \ } HRESULT CDirect3DDeviceIHW::ExecuteI(LPD3DI_EXECUTEDATA lpExData, DWORD mode) { BOOL waitedForFlip = FALSE; D3DINSTRUCTION* lpIns; D3DHAL_RENDERSTATEDATA stateData; D3DHAL_RENDERPRIMITIVEDATA primitiveData; D3DEXECUTEBUFFERDESC debDesc; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDS = this->lpDDSTarget; LPBYTE prim; D3DFE_TRANSFORM *transform = &this->transform; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDExeBuf; HRESULT ddrval; CHECKLOST(this); // Do we need to map new texture stage operations to DX5 renderstates? if(this->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_MAP_TSS_TO_RS) { MapTSSToRS(); this->dwFEFlags &= ~D3DFE_MAP_TSS_TO_RS; // Reset request bit } /* Update textures */ UpdateTextures(); if (mode == D3DEXECUTE_UNCLIPPED) this->dwFlags |= D3DDP_DONOTCLIP; else if (mode != D3DEXECUTE_CLIPPED) return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; /* * If the driver can process triangles while the hardware has a * pending page-flip such as the 3Dfx voodoo chipset, then we * don't need to call WaitForFlip. We pretend that it has already * been called to keep the code simple. */ if (this->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData->hwCaps.dwDevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_CANRENDERAFTERFLIP) { waitedForFlip = TRUE; } /* * Lock the HAL for the duration. */ LOCK_HAL(ddrval, this); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed to lock HAL in Execute"); return (ddrval); } #if _D3D_FORCEDOUBLE CD3DForceFPUDouble ForceFPUDouble(this); #endif //_D3D_FORCEDOUBLE /* * Execute the buffer through the HAL */ { LPD3DHAL_EXDATA hexData = (LPD3DHAL_EXDATA) lpExData->dwHandle; debDesc.lpData = SURFACE_MEMORY(hexData->lpDDS); lpDDExeBuf = hexData->lpDDS; } memset(&stateData, 0, sizeof(D3DHAL_RENDERSTATEDATA)); stateData.dwhContext = this->dwhContext; stateData.lpExeBuf = lpDDExeBuf; memset(&primitiveData, 0, sizeof(D3DHAL_RENDERPRIMITIVEDATA)); primitiveData.dwhContext = this->dwhContext; primitiveData.lpExeBuf = lpDDExeBuf; primitiveData.dwTLOffset = 0L; this->ClipperState.lpDDExeBuf = lpDDExeBuf; this->ClipperState.lpvExeBufMem = debDesc.lpData; // Modify driver funcs for EB case PFN_DRAWPRIM pfnOldDrawPrim = this->pfnDrawPrim; PFN_DRAWPRIM pfnOldDrawIndexedPrim = this->pfnDrawIndexedPrim; this->pfnDrawPrim = &DIRECT3DDEVICEI::DrawExeBuf; this->pfnDrawIndexedPrim = &DIRECT3DDEVICEI::DrawExeBuf; /* * The first instruction. */ lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)debDesc.lpData + lpExData->dwInstructionOffset); ddrval = GrowTLandHbuffers(this, lpExData->dwVertexCount); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) goto execute_failed; // do this after CheckAndGrow, because TL buffer could be re-created primitiveData.lpTLBuf = this->TLVbuf.GetDDS(); while (lpIns->bOpcode != D3DOP_EXIT) { prim = (LPBYTE)lpIns + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION); D3D_INFO(5, "HAL parsing instruction %d", lpIns->bOpcode); /* * Parse the instruction. */ switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DMATRIXLOAD)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DMATRIXLOAD, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DMATRIXMULTIPLY)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DMATRIXMULTIPLY, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_TRANSFORM (this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DPROCESSVERTICES)prim, &debDesc); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DPROCESSVERTICES, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DSTATE)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_STATELIGHT: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_STATELIGHT for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_STATELIGHT(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DSTATE)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_STATELIGHT failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD: { D3DBRANCH* branch = (D3DBRANCH*)prim; LPBYTE target; BOOL isTaken = FALSE; D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD"); if (branch->bNegate) { if ((branch->dwMask & this->iClipStatus) != branch->dwValue) { D3D_INFO(4, "Taking forward branch"); if (branch->dwOffset) { isTaken = TRUE; target = (LPBYTE)lpIns + branch->dwOffset; } else { D3D_INFO(4, "branch says to exit."); goto execute_done; } } } else { if ((branch->dwMask & this->iClipStatus) == branch->dwValue) { D3D_INFO(4, "Taking forward branch"); if (branch->dwOffset) { isTaken = TRUE; target = (LPBYTE)lpIns + branch->dwOffset; } else { D3D_INFO(2, "branch says to exit."); goto execute_done; } } } if (isTaken) { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: branch taken"); lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION) target; } else { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: branch not taken"); NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DBRANCH, lpIns->wCount); } break; } case D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DTEXTURELOAD)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DTEXTURELOAD, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_STATERENDER: { LPD3DSTATE lpState; DWORD i,j,statek,valuek; lpState = (LPD3DSTATE) (lpIns + 1); for (i = 0,j=0,statek=(DWORD)-1; i < lpIns->wCount; i++) { trackState(this, &lpState[i]); } stateData.dwOffset = (DWORD)(prim - (LPBYTE) debDesc.lpData); stateData.dwCount = lpIns->wCount; CALL_HALONLY_NOLOCK(ddrval, this, RenderState, &stateData); if (stateData.ddrval != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("HAL error in RenderState call from Execute API"); ddrval = stateData.ddrval; goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_SETSTATUS: { LPD3DSTATUS status = (LPD3DSTATUS)prim; if (status->dwFlags & D3DSETSTATUS_STATUS) this->iClipStatus = status->dwStatus; if (status->dwFlags & D3DSETSTATUS_EXTENTS) { this->rExtents.x1 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.x1); this->rExtents.y1 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.y1); this->rExtents.x2 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.x2); this->rExtents.y2 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.y2); } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATUS, lpIns->wCount); break; } default: if (mode == D3DEXECUTE_UNCLIPPED || this->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_TLVERTEX) { switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_POINT: case D3DOP_LINE: case D3DOP_SPAN: case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: { if (lpIns->wCount == 0) goto noprim; #if DBG switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_POINT: Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_POINTLIST, GetVertexType(this)); break; case D3DOP_LINE: Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_LINELIST, GetVertexType(this)); break; case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, GetVertexType(this)); break; } #endif // DBG if (!waitedForFlip) { WaitForFlip(lpDDS); waitedForFlip = TRUE; } primitiveData.dwOffset = (DWORD)(prim - (LPBYTE) debDesc.lpData); primitiveData.dwStatus = this->iClipStatus; primitiveData.diInstruction = *lpIns; #ifndef WIN95 if((ddrval = CheckContextSurfaceNOLOCK (this)) != D3D_OK) { goto execute_failed; } #endif //WIN95 CALL_HALONLY_NOLOCK(ddrval, this, RenderPrimitive, &primitiveData); if (primitiveData.ddrval != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("HAL error in RenderPrimitive call from Execute API"); ddrval = primitiveData.ddrval; goto execute_failed; } switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { int i; case D3DOP_LINE: this->D3DStats.dwLinesDrawn += lpIns->wCount; break; case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: #if DBG if (!validateTriangleFlags(lpIns, (LPD3DTRIANGLE) prim)) { ddrval = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; goto execute_failed; } #endif this->D3DStats.dwTrianglesDrawn += lpIns->wCount; break; case D3DOP_POINT: { LPD3DPOINT point = (LPD3DPOINT)prim; for (i = 0; i < lpIns->wCount; i++) { this->D3DStats.dwPointsDrawn += point->wCount; point++; } } break; case D3DOP_SPAN: { LPD3DSPAN span = (LPD3DSPAN)prim; for (i = 0; i < lpIns->wCount; i++) { this->D3DStats.dwSpansDrawn += span->wCount; span++; } } break; } this->iClipStatus = primitiveData.dwStatus; noprim: lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)lpIns + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION) + (lpIns->bSize * lpIns->wCount)); break; } default: D3D_ERR("HAL detected invalid instruction opcode in Execute"); goto execute_failed; } } else { switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: if (lpIns->wCount == 0) { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DTRIANGLE, lpIns->wCount); break; } Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, GetVertexType(this)); WAIT_FOR_FLIP(); #if DBG if (!validateTriangleFlags(lpIns, (LPD3DTRIANGLE) prim)) { ddrval = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; goto execute_failed; } #endif this->D3DStats.dwTrianglesDrawn += lpIns->wCount; D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_TRIANGLE for HAL and clipping"); ddrval = D3DFEClipTrianglesHW(this, (LPD3DTRIANGLE)prim, lpIns->wCount); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("D3DFEClipTrianglesHW failed"); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DTRIANGLE, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_LINE: if (lpIns->wCount == 0) { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DLINE, lpIns->wCount); break; } Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_LINELIST, GetVertexType(this)); WAIT_FOR_FLIP(); D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_LINE for HAL and clipping"); this->D3DStats.dwLinesDrawn += lpIns->wCount; ddrval = D3DFEClipLinesHW(this, (LPD3DLINE)prim, lpIns->wCount); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("D3DFEClipLinesHW failed"); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DLINE, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_POINT: WAIT_FOR_FLIP(); Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_POINTLIST, GetVertexType(this)); D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_POINT for HAL and clipping"); { LPD3DPOINT point = (LPD3DPOINT) prim; int i; for (i = 0; i < lpIns->wCount; i++) { this->D3DStats.dwPointsDrawn += point->wCount; point++; } } if ((ddrval = D3DFEClipPointsHW(this, (LPD3DPOINT)prim, lpIns->wCount)) != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed D3DFEClipPointsHW"); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DPOINT, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_SPAN: { LPD3DSPAN span = (LPD3DSPAN)prim; D3DHAL_RENDERPRIMITIVEDATA primitiveData; int i; WAIT_FOR_FLIP(); memset(&primitiveData, 0, sizeof(D3DHAL_RENDERPRIMITIVEDATA)); primitiveData.dwhContext = this->dwhContext; primitiveData.lpExeBuf = lpDDExeBuf; primitiveData.dwTLOffset = 0L; primitiveData.lpTLBuf = this->TLVbuf.GetDDS(); primitiveData.dwOffset = (DWORD)(prim - (LPBYTE) debDesc.lpData); primitiveData.dwStatus = this->iClipStatus; primitiveData.diInstruction = *lpIns; #ifndef WIN95 if((ddrval = CheckContextSurfaceNOLOCK(this)) != D3D_OK) goto execute_failed; #endif //WIN95 CALL_HALONLY_NOLOCK(ddrval, this, RenderPrimitive, &primitiveData); if (primitiveData.ddrval != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("HAL error in RenderPrimitive call from Execute API"); ddrval = primitiveData.ddrval; goto execute_failed; } for (i = 0; i < lpIns->wCount; i++) { this->D3DStats.dwSpansDrawn += span->wCount; span++; } this->iClipStatus = primitiveData.dwStatus; lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)lpIns + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION) + (lpIns->bSize * lpIns->wCount)); break; } default: D3D_ERR("HAL detected invalid instruction opcode in Execute"); goto execute_failed; } ClampExtents(this); } } } execute_done: ddrval = D3D_OK; D3DFE_ConvertExtent(this, &this->rExtents, &lpExData->dsStatus.drExtent); lpExData->dsStatus.dwStatus = this->iClipStatus; execute_failed: UNLOCK_HAL(this); // Restore driver funcs this->pfnDrawIndexedPrim = pfnOldDrawIndexedPrim; this->pfnDrawPrim = pfnOldDrawPrim; return ddrval; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TrackAllStates(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, LPD3DINSTRUCTION lpIns, LPD3DINSTRUCTION lpEnd) { while (lpIns->bOpcode != D3DOP_EXIT && (lpEnd == NULL || lpIns < lpEnd)) { LPBYTE prim = (LPBYTE)lpIns + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION); switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD: { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DMATRIXLOAD, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY: { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DMATRIXMULTIPLY, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES: { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DPROCESSVERTICES, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM: { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_STATELIGHT: { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD: { D3DBRANCH* branch = (D3DBRANCH*)prim; LPBYTE target; BOOL isTaken = FALSE; if (branch->bNegate) { if ((branch->dwMask & lpDevI->iClipStatus) != branch->dwValue) { if (branch->dwOffset) { isTaken = TRUE; target = (LPBYTE)lpIns + branch->dwOffset; } else { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: branch says to exit."); break; } } } else { if ((branch->dwMask & lpDevI->iClipStatus) == branch->dwValue) { if (branch->dwOffset) { isTaken = TRUE; target = (LPBYTE)lpIns + branch->dwOffset; } else { break; } } } if (isTaken) { lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION) target; } else { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DBRANCH, lpIns->wCount); } break; } case D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD: { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DTEXTURELOAD, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_SETSTATUS: { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATUS, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_STATERENDER: { LPD3DSTATE lpState; DWORD i,j,statek,valuek; lpState = (LPD3DSTATE) (lpIns + 1); for (i = 0,j=0,statek=(DWORD)-1; i < lpIns->wCount; i++) { trackState(lpDevI, &lpState[i]); } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); } break; case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DTRIANGLE, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_LINE: NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DLINE, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_POINT: NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DPOINT, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_SPAN: // This case is NOOP since we do not implement spans in DP2 DDI { lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)lpIns + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION) + (lpIns->bSize * lpIns->wCount)); break; } default: D3D_ERR("Invalid instruction opcode in TrackAllStates"); break; } // switch } // while } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // New execute for DP2 HAL // HRESULT CDirect3DDeviceIDP2::ExecuteI(LPD3DI_EXECUTEDATA lpExData, DWORD mode) { BOOL waitedForFlip = FALSE; D3DINSTRUCTION* lpIns; D3DEXECUTEBUFFERDESC debDesc; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDS = this->lpDDSTarget; LPBYTE prim; D3DFE_TRANSFORM *transform = &this->transform; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDExeBuf; HRESULT ddrval, dp2dataddrval; CHECKLOST(this); /* Update textures */ UpdateTextures(); if (mode == D3DEXECUTE_UNCLIPPED) this->dwFlags |= D3DDP_DONOTCLIP; else if (mode != D3DEXECUTE_CLIPPED) return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; /* * If the driver can process triangles while the hardware has a * pending page-flip such as the 3Dfx voodoo chipset, then we * don't need to call WaitForFlip. We pretend that it has already * been called to keep the code simple. */ if (this->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData->hwCaps.dwDevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_CANRENDERAFTERFLIP) { waitedForFlip = TRUE; } /* * Lock the HAL for the duration. */ LOCK_HAL(ddrval, this); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed to lock HAL in Execute"); return (ddrval); } /* * Execute the buffer through the HAL */ LPD3DHAL_EXDATA hexData = (LPD3DHAL_EXDATA) lpExData->dwHandle; debDesc.lpData = SURFACE_MEMORY(hexData->lpDDS); lpDDExeBuf = hexData->lpDDS; /* * The first instruction. */ lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)debDesc.lpData + lpExData->dwInstructionOffset); // Fill up common part of dp2Data this->dp2data.dwVertexType = D3DFVF_TLVERTEX; this->dp2data.dwVertexSize = sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX); this->dp2data.dwVertexOffset = 0; ddrval = GrowTLandHbuffers(this, lpExData->dwVertexCount); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) goto execute_failed; this->dwOutputSize = sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX); // Start new primitive batch ddrval= StartPrimVB(this->TLVbuf.GetVBI(), 0); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { UNLOCK_HAL(this); D3D_ERR("Failed to start new primitve batch in Execute"); return ddrval; } // Since many legacy apps do not bother to set the dwVertexLength correctly, we estimate // the vertex length here to be thse size of buffer allocated. This atleast guarantees // that the memory is valid. It may still contain garbage data which the driver needs // to protect itself from this->dp2data.dwVertexLength = this->TLVbuf.GetSize() >> 5; // divide by sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX) this->ClipperState.lpDDExeBuf = lpDDExeBuf; this->ClipperState.lpvExeBufMem = debDesc.lpData; while (lpIns->bOpcode != D3DOP_EXIT) { prim = (LPBYTE)lpIns + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION); D3D_INFO(5, "HAL parsing instruction %d", lpIns->bOpcode); /* * Parse the instruction. */ switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DMATRIXLOAD)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DMATRIXLOAD, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DMATRIXMULTIPLY)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DMATRIXMULTIPLY, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_TRANSFORM (this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DPROCESSVERTICES)prim, &debDesc); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DPROCESSVERTICES, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DSTATE)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_STATELIGHT: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_STATELIGHT for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_STATELIGHT(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DSTATE)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_STATELIGHT failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD: { D3DBRANCH* branch = (D3DBRANCH*)prim; LPBYTE target; BOOL isTaken = FALSE; D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD"); if (branch->bNegate) { if ((branch->dwMask & this->iClipStatus) != branch->dwValue) { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: Taking forward branch"); if (branch->dwOffset) { isTaken = TRUE; target = (LPBYTE)lpIns + branch->dwOffset; } else { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: branch says to exit."); goto execute_done; } } } else { D3D_INFO(5, "dwMask = %lx, iClipStatus = %lx, dwValue = %lx", branch->dwMask, this->iClipStatus, branch->dwValue); if ((branch->dwMask & this->iClipStatus) == branch->dwValue) { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: Taking forward branch"); if (branch->dwOffset) { isTaken = TRUE; target = (LPBYTE)lpIns + branch->dwOffset; } else { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: branch says to exit."); goto execute_done; } } } if (isTaken) { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: branch taken"); lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION) target; } else { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: branch not taken"); NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DBRANCH, lpIns->wCount); } break; } case D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD: { D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD(this, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DTEXTURELOAD)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD failed."); goto execute_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DTEXTURELOAD, lpIns->wCount); break; } case D3DOP_SETSTATUS: { LPD3DSTATUS status = (LPD3DSTATUS)prim; if (status->dwFlags & D3DSETSTATUS_STATUS) this->iClipStatus = status->dwStatus; if (status->dwFlags & D3DSETSTATUS_EXTENTS) { this->rExtents.x1 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.x1); this->rExtents.y1 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.y1); this->rExtents.x2 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.x2); this->rExtents.y2 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.y2); } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATUS, lpIns->wCount); break; } default: if ((this->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_TLVERTEX) || (mode == D3DEXECUTE_UNCLIPPED)) { switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_STATERENDER: case D3DOP_POINT: case D3DOP_LINE: case D3DOP_SPAN: // ATTENTION // We need to disallow SPAN from going through since the new DDI spec // does not account for spans. We probably want to deprecate spans in // any case so them being slower might not be too bad. Right now, though // we are passing them to the driver. case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: #if DBG switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_POINT: Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_POINTLIST, GetVertexType(this)); break; case D3DOP_LINE: Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_LINELIST, GetVertexType(this)); break; case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, GetVertexType(this)); break; } #endif // DBG if (lpIns->wCount == 0) { lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)lpIns + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION) + (lpIns->bSize * lpIns->wCount)); break; } if (!waitedForFlip) { WaitForFlip(lpDDS); waitedForFlip = TRUE; } this->dp2data.dwVertexType = D3DFVF_TLVERTEX; this->dp2data.dwVertexSize = sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX); this->dp2data.lpDDCommands = ((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)lpDDExeBuf)->lpLcl; this->dp2data.dwCommandOffset = (DWORD)((LPBYTE)lpIns - (LPBYTE) debDesc.lpData); this->dp2data.dwCommandLength = lpExData->dwInstructionOffset + lpExData->dwInstructionLength - this->dp2data.dwCommandOffset; // Can't swap command buffer in this case this->dp2data.dwFlags &= ~(D3DHALDP2_SWAPCOMMANDBUFFER | D3DHALDP2_SWAPVERTEXBUFFER); this->dp2data.lpdwRStates = this->rstates; #ifndef WIN95 if (!IS_DX7HAL_DEVICE(this)) { if((ddrval = CheckContextSurfaceNOLOCK (this)) != D3D_OK) { goto execute_failed; } } #endif //WIN95 // and tell driver to update lpdwRStates this->dp2data.dwFlags |= D3DHALDP2_EXECUTEBUFFER; // Spin waiting on the driver do { CALL_HAL3ONLY_NOLOCK(ddrval, this, DrawPrimitives2, &this->dp2data); if (ddrval != DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED) { D3D_ERR ( "Driver not handled in DrawPrimitives2" ); // Need sensible return value in this case, // currently we return whatever the driver stuck in here. goto execute_failed; } } while (dp2data.ddrval == DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING); // restore right value of dwVertexSize as it is a union with ddrval dp2dataddrval = this->dp2data.ddrval; #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501 this->dp2data.dwVertexSize = sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX); #endif // clear this bit in case drawprimitive calls after this this->dp2data.dwFlags &= ~D3DHALDP2_EXECUTEBUFFER; if (dp2dataddrval != DD_OK) { if (dp2dataddrval == D3DERR_COMMAND_UNPARSED) { LPD3DINSTRUCTION lpStart = lpIns; lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)(this->dp2data.dwErrorOffset + (LPBYTE)debDesc.lpData); TrackAllStates(this, lpStart, lpIns); break; // Continue parsing } else { D3D_ERR("HAL error in DrawPrimitives2 call from Execute API"); ddrval = dp2dataddrval; goto execute_failed; } } else { TrackAllStates(this, lpIns, NULL); goto execute_done; } default: D3D_ERR("HAL detected invalid instruction opcode in Execute"); goto execute_failed; } // switch } // if unclipped else { // Execute Clipped switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_STATERENDER: // We do not track state. This means GetRenderState needs a DDI to // work. More importantly, state overrides will get ignored. To fix // this, the ParseUnknownCommand function needs to be called by the // driver if it cannot understand the state change value. // This function should examine if the renderstate had an override, // and if so, inform the driver to request the runtime to parse the EB { LPD3DSTATE lpState; DWORD i,j,statek,valuek; lpState = (LPD3DSTATE) (lpIns + 1); for (i = 0,j=0,statek=(DWORD)-1; i < lpIns->wCount; i++) { // This call also calls SetDeviceRenderState which // is not required. But this is an optimization which // can wait till later (if required) if (trackState(this, &lpState[i])) this->SetRenderStateI(lpState[i].drstRenderStateType, lpState[i].dwArg[0]); } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); } break; case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: if (lpIns->wCount == 0) { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DTRIANGLE, lpIns->wCount); break; } Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, GetVertexType(this)); WAIT_FOR_FLIP(); #if DBG if (!validateTriangleFlags(lpIns, (LPD3DTRIANGLE) prim)) { ddrval = DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; goto execute_failed; } #endif this->D3DStats.dwTrianglesDrawn += lpIns->wCount; D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_TRIANGLE for HAL and clipping"); if (this->rstates[D3DRENDERSTATE_ZVISIBLE]) { this->iClipStatus &= ~D3DSTATUS_ZNOTVISIBLE; } else { ddrval = D3DFEClipTrianglesHW(this, (LPD3DTRIANGLE)prim, lpIns->wCount); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("D3DFEClipLinesHW failed"); goto execute_failed; } } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DTRIANGLE, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_LINE: if (lpIns->wCount == 0) { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DLINE, lpIns->wCount); break; } Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_LINELIST, GetVertexType(this)); WAIT_FOR_FLIP(); D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_LINE for HAL and clipping"); this->D3DStats.dwLinesDrawn += lpIns->wCount; if (this->rstates[D3DRENDERSTATE_ZVISIBLE]) { this->iClipStatus &= ~D3DSTATUS_ZNOTVISIBLE; } else { ddrval = D3DFEClipLinesHW(this, (LPD3DLINE)prim, lpIns->wCount); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("D3DFEClipLinesHW failed"); goto execute_failed; } } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DLINE, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_POINT: WAIT_FOR_FLIP(); Profile(PROF_EXECUTE, D3DPT_POINTLIST, GetVertexType(this)); D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_POINT for HAL and clipping"); { LPD3DPOINT point = (LPD3DPOINT) prim; int i; for (i = 0; i < lpIns->wCount; i++) { this->D3DStats.dwPointsDrawn += point->wCount; point++; } } if (this->rstates[D3DRENDERSTATE_ZVISIBLE]) { this->iClipStatus &= ~D3DSTATUS_ZNOTVISIBLE; } else { ddrval = D3DFEClipPointsHW(this, (LPD3DPOINT)prim, lpIns->wCount); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("D3DFEClipPointsHW failed"); goto execute_failed; } } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DPOINT, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_SPAN: // This case is NOOP since we do not implement spans in DP2 DDI { lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)lpIns + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION) + (lpIns->bSize * lpIns->wCount)); break; } default: D3D_ERR("HAL detected invalid instruction opcode in Execute"); goto execute_failed; } // switch ClampExtents(this); } // Execute Clipped } // switch } // while execute_done: D3DFE_ConvertExtent(this, &this->rExtents, &lpExData->dsStatus.drExtent); lpExData->dsStatus.dwStatus = this->iClipStatus; ddrval = D3D_OK; execute_failed: // Restore Command Buffer in case of Unclipped EB if ((this->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_TLVERTEX) || (mode == D3DEXECUTE_UNCLIPPED)) { this->dp2data.lpDDCommands = ((LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT)this->lpDDSCB1)->lpLcl; this->dp2data.dwCommandOffset = 0; this->dp2data.dwCommandLength = 0; this->dp2data.dwFlags |= D3DHALDP2_SWAPCOMMANDBUFFER; } this->dwFlags &= ~D3DPV_WITHINPRIMITIVE; UNLOCK_HAL(this); return ddrval; #undef WAIT_FOR_FLIP } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT D3DHAL_ExecutePick(LPDIRECT3DDEVICEI lpDevI, LPD3DI_PICKDATA lpPickData) { LPD3DI_EXECUTEDATA lpExData = lpPickData->exe; D3DRECT* pick_rect = &lpPickData->pick; D3DINSTRUCTION* lpIns; D3DEXECUTEBUFFERDESC debDesc; LPBYTE prim; LPD3DDEVICEDESC_V1 halCaps = &lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData->hwCaps; BOOL bMustDoTransform = halCaps->dwFlags & D3DDD_TRANSFORMCAPS; D3DI_PICKDATA* pdata = &lpDevI->pick_data; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDExeBuf; HRESULT ddrval; D3DFE_TRANSFORM *transform = &lpDevI->transform; DWORD i; LPD3DSTATE lpState; D3D_INFO(3, "ExecutePick called.%d"); /* * Clear all the old pick records. */ pdata->pick_count = 0; if (pdata->records) D3DFree(pdata->records); pdata->records = NULL; //Flush the cached states ddrval = lpDevI->FlushStates(); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Error trying to render batched commands in D3DHAL_ExecutePick"); return ddrval; } // Grow internal buffers to hold vertices ddrval = lpDevI->TLVbuf.CheckAndGrow (lpDevI, lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData->hwCaps.dwMaxVertexCount << 5); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed to check and grow TLVbuf in ExecutePick"); return ddrval; } ddrval = lpDevI->HVbuf.CheckAndGrow (lpDevI->lpD3DHALGlobalDriverData->hwCaps.dwMaxVertexCount*sizeof(D3DFE_CLIPCODE)); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Failed to check and grow HVbuf in ExecutePick"); return ddrval; } /* * Execute the buffer through the HAL */ D3D_INFO(4, "Locking execute buffer for execution"); memset(&debDesc, 0, sizeof(D3DEXECUTEBUFFERDESC)); debDesc.dwSize = sizeof(D3DEXECUTEBUFFERDESC); ddrval = D3DHAL_LockBuffer(lpDevI, lpExData->dwHandle, &debDesc, &lpDDExeBuf); CHECK(ddrval, "Lock of execute buffer for execution failed"); // Modify driver funcs for EB pick case PFN_DRAWPRIM pfnOldDrawPrim = lpDevI->pfnDrawPrim; PFN_DRAWPRIM pfnOldDrawIndexedPrim = lpDevI->pfnDrawIndexedPrim; lpDevI->pfnDrawPrim = &DIRECT3DDEVICEI::PickExeBuf; lpDevI->pfnDrawIndexedPrim = &DIRECT3DDEVICEI::PickExeBuf; /* * Calculate the instruction that could not be handled. */ lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)debDesc.lpData + lpExData->dwInstructionOffset); lpDevI->lpbClipIns_base = (unsigned char*)lpIns; while (lpIns->bOpcode != D3DOP_EXIT) { prim = (LPBYTE)(lpIns + 1); /* * Parse the instruction, passing rasterisation calls to HAL. */ switch (lpIns->bOpcode) { /* * Instructions that must be emulated. */ case D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD: D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD(lpDevI, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DMATRIXLOAD)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD failed."); goto executePick_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DMATRIXLOAD, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY: D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY(lpDevI, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DMATRIXMULTIPLY)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY failed."); goto executePick_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DMATRIXMULTIPLY, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_STATERENDER: lpState = (LPD3DSTATE) (lpIns + 1); { D3DHAL_RENDERSTATEDATA stateData; DWORD j,statek,valuek; stateData.dwhContext = lpDevI->dwhContext; stateData.lpExeBuf = lpDDExeBuf; stateData.dwOffset = (DWORD)((ULONG_PTR)lpIns - (ULONG_PTR)debDesc.lpData + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION)); stateData.dwCount = lpIns->wCount; CALL_HALONLY(ddrval, lpDevI, RenderState, &stateData); if (stateData.ddrval != DD_OK) { D3D_ERR("HAL error in RenderState call from ExecutePick API"); ddrval = stateData.ddrval; goto executePick_failed; } } for (i = 0; i < lpIns->wCount; i++) { trackState(lpDevI, &lpState[i]); } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM: D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM for HAL"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM(lpDevI, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DSTATE)prim); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM failed."); goto executePick_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATE, lpIns->wCount); break; /* * Operations that require clipping. */ case D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES: D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES for HAL and clipping"); ddrval = D3DHELInst_D3DOP_TRANSFORM (lpDevI, lpIns->wCount, (LPD3DPROCESSVERTICES)prim, &debDesc); if (ddrval != D3D_OK) { D3D_ERR("Emulated D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES failed."); goto executePick_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DPROCESSVERTICES, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: if (!lpDevI->rstates[D3DRENDERSTATE_ZVISIBLE]) { D3D_INFO(5, "Picking D3DOP_TRIANGLE for HAL and clipping"); lpDevI->pick_data.pick = *pick_rect; HRESULT ret; if (lpDevI->dwFEFlags & D3DFE_TLVERTEX) { lpDevI->primType = D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST; lpDevI->dwNumIndices = lpIns->wCount * 3; lpDevI->dwNumPrimitives = lpIns->wCount; lpDevI->lpvOut = lpDevI->TLVbuf.GetAddress(); lpDevI->lpwIndices = (WORD*)prim; ret = lpDevI->PickExeBuf(); } else ret = GenPickTriangles(lpDevI, (LPD3DTRIANGLE)prim, lpIns->wCount); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto executePick_failed; } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DTRIANGLE, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_SETSTATUS: { LPD3DSTATUS status = (LPD3DSTATUS)prim; if (status->dwFlags & D3DSETSTATUS_STATUS) lpDevI->iClipStatus = status->dwStatus; if (status->dwFlags & D3DSETSTATUS_EXTENTS) { lpDevI->rExtents.x1 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.x1); lpDevI->rExtents.y1 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.y1); lpDevI->rExtents.x2 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.x2); lpDevI->rExtents.y2 = D3DVAL(status->drExtent.y2); } } NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DSTATUS, lpIns->wCount); break; case D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD: { D3DBRANCH* branch = (D3DBRANCH*)prim; LPBYTE target; BOOL isTaken = FALSE; D3D_INFO(5, "Emulating D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD for HAL."); if (branch->bNegate) { if ((branch->dwMask & lpDevI->iClipStatus) != branch->dwValue) { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: Taking forward branch"); if (branch->dwOffset) { isTaken = TRUE; target = (LPBYTE)lpIns + branch->dwOffset; } else goto early_out; } } else { if ((branch->dwMask & lpDevI->iClipStatus) == branch->dwValue) { D3D_INFO(5, "D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD instruction: Taking forward branch"); if (branch->dwOffset) { isTaken = TRUE; target = (LPBYTE)lpIns + branch->dwOffset; } else goto early_out; } } if (isTaken) lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)target; else { NEXTINSTRUCTION(lpIns, D3DBRANCH, lpIns->wCount); } } break; default: D3D_INFO(4, "Skipping instruction %d in ExecutePick", lpIns->bOpcode); lpIns = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)((LPBYTE)lpIns + sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION) + (lpIns->wCount * lpIns->bSize)); break; } } early_out: D3DHAL_UnlockBuffer(lpDevI, lpExData->dwHandle); D3DFE_ConvertExtent(lpDevI, &lpDevI->rExtents, &lpExData->dsStatus.drExtent); lpExData->dsStatus.dwStatus = lpDevI->iClipStatus; // Restore driver funcs lpDevI->pfnDrawIndexedPrim = pfnOldDrawIndexedPrim; lpDevI->pfnDrawPrim = pfnOldDrawPrim; return (D3D_OK); executePick_failed: D3D_ERR("ExecutePick Failed."); D3DHAL_UnlockBuffer(lpDevI, lpExData->dwHandle); // Restore driver funcs lpDevI->pfnDrawIndexedPrim = pfnOldDrawIndexedPrim; lpDevI->pfnDrawPrim = pfnOldDrawPrim; return ddrval; }