/*============================ ==============================================; * * Copyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: pvone.mcp * Content: Clipping and vertex processing in one loop * ***************************************************************************/ #define DEBUG_PIPELINE #include "pch.cpp" #pragma hdrstop #include "light.h" #include "clipper.h" #include "drawprim.hpp" #include "clipfunc.h" #include "pvvid.h" include(`pvvid.mh') dnl extern DWORD g_DebugFlags; // defined in pvvid.mcp //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bits describing a vertex // Set if vertex participates in a completely inside triangle const __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE = 1; const __2_VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE = 1 << 5; const __3_VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE = 1 << 10; // Set if vertex participates in a triangle, which requires clipping const __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE = 2; const __2_VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE = 2 << 5; const __3_VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE = 2 << 10; // The following two bits are set for the first vertex of every triangle // in the triangle strip. const __TRIANGLE_OUTSIDE = 4; const __TRIANGLE_CLIP = 8; const __TRIANGLE_INSIDE = 16; const __3_TRIANGLE_OUTSIDE = 4 << 10; const __3_TRIANGLE_CLIP = 8 << 10; const __2_TRIANGLE_OUTSIDE = 4 << 5; const __2_TRIANGLE_CLIP = 8 << 5; const __3_TRIANGLE_INSIDE = 16 << 10; const __2_TRIANGLE_INSIDE = 16 << 5; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TransformVertexMakeClipCode // // Transforms vertex coordinates to the clipping space and computes clip code // // Arguments: // pInp - input pointer (D3DVERTEX) // pOut - output pointer (ClipVertex) // Output: // Returns clip code // Transformed coordinates are written to the clip vertex (hx, hy, hz, hw, clip) // DWORD TransformVertexMakeClipCode(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES *pv, D3DVERTEX* pInp, ClipVertex* pOut) { D3DVALUE x,y,z,w; DWORD clip; d_TransformVertex(1, pInp, (&pv->mCTM), x,y,z,w) d_ComputeClipCode(1) if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_GUARDBAND) { d_ComputeClipCodeGB(2) } pOut->hx = x; pOut->hy = y; pOut->hz = z; pOut->hw = w; pOut->clip = clip; return clip; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ComputeScreenCoordinates // // Computes screen coordinates for the ClipVertex // Arguments: // pOut - pointer to the ClipVertex // inline void ComputeScreenCoordinates(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES *pv, ClipVertex* pInp, D3DVECTORH *pOut) { D3DVALUE xs, ys, zs, w; w = D3DVAL(1)/pInp->hw; d_ComputeScreenCoordinatesNoOutput(1,pInp->hx,pInp->hy,pInp->hz,w,xs,ys,zs) pOut->x = xs; pOut->y = ys; pOut->z = zs; pOut->w = w; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void UpdateVertexBatch(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES *pv, DWORD dwVertexBaseOrg) { DDASSERT(pv->dwVertexBase >= dwVertexBaseOrg); pv->dwDP2VertexCount = pv->dwVertexBase; pv->dwVertexPoolSize = (pv->dwVertexBase - dwVertexBaseOrg) * pv->dwOutputSize; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update input and output pointers to start from dwStartVertexIndex // inline void SetInputAndOutputPointers(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES *pv, DWORD dwStartVertexIndex) { // Update output pointer pv->lpvOut = (char*)pv->lpvOut + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->dwOutputSize; // Update input pointers pv->position.lpvData = (char*)pv->position.lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->position.dwStride; if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_STRIDE) { pv->normal.lpvData = (char*)pv->normal.lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->normal.dwStride; pv->diffuse.lpvData = (char*)pv->diffuse.lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->diffuse.dwStride; pv->specular.lpvData = (char*)pv->specular.lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->specular.dwStride; if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_FVF || pv->dwFlags & D3DPV_VBCALL) { for (DWORD i=0; i < pv->nTexCoord; i++) pv->textures[i].lpvData = (char*)pv->textures[i].lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->textures[i].dwStride; } else { if (pv->nTexCoord) { DWORD i = pv->dwTextureIndexToCopy; pv->textures[i].lpvData = (char*)pv->textures[i].lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->textures[i].dwStride; } } } } dnl//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dnl// d_TransformVertexMakeClipCode dnl// dnl// Transforms vertex coordinates to the clipping space and computes clip code dnl// dnl// Arguments: dnl// $1 - margin count dnl// $2 - input pointer (D3DVERTEX) dnl// $3 - output pointer (ClipVertex) dnl// Output: dnl// x,y,z,w should be defined as float dnl// clip should be defined as DWORD dnl// define(`d_TransformVertexMakeClipCode',`dnl d_empty_($1)d_TransformVertex($1, $2, m, x,y,z,w) d_margin($1)d_ComputeClipCode($1) d_margin($1)if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_GUARDBAND) d_margin($1){ d_margin($1) d_ComputeClipCodeGB($1+1) d_margin($1)} d_margin($1)$3->hx = x; d_margin($1)$3->hy = y; d_margin($1)$3->hz = z; d_margin($1)$3->hw = w; d_margin($1)$3->clip = clip;') dnl dnl//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dnl// Copies processed vertex to the output FVF buffer dnl// dnl// Input: dnl// $1 - Margin count dnl// $2 - output buffer dnl// Notes: dnl// Output vertex pointer is moved to the next vertex dnl// define(`d_CopyToOutputVertex',`dnl d_empty_($1)// copy to the output vertex d_margin($1)$2->sx = x; d_margin($1)$2->sy = y; d_margin($1)$2->sz = z; d_margin($1)$2->rhw = w; d_margin($1)DWORD *pOut = (DWORD*)((char*)$2 + pv->diffuseOffsetOut); d_margin($1)if (pv->dwVIDOut & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) d_margin($1) *pOut++ = pv->lighting.outDiffuse; d_margin($1)if (pv->dwVIDOut & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) d_margin($1) *pOut++ = pv->lighting.outSpecular; d_margin($1)d_CopyTextureCoord($1, pOut) d_margin($1)$2 = (D3DTLVERTEX*)((BYTE*)$2 + pv->dwOutputSize);')dnl dnl//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dnl// Copies processed vertex to the clip vertex dnl// dnl// Input: dnl// $1 - Margin count dnl// $2 - clip vertex address dnl// define(`d_CopyToClipVertex',`dnl d_empty_($1)if (($2->clip & pv->dwClipMaskOffScreen) == 0) d_margin($1){ // Copy screen coordinates d_margin($1) $2->sx = x; d_margin($1) $2->sy = y; d_margin($1) $2->sz = z; d_margin($1) $2->rhw = w; d_margin($1)} d_margin($1)$2->color = pv->lighting.outDiffuse; d_margin($1)$2->specular= pv->lighting.outSpecular; d_margin($1)d_CopyTextureCoord($1, $2->tex)') dnl dnl//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- define(`d_ProcessPrimitive',`dnl d_empty_($1){ d_margin($1) this->ProcessVertices(pv); d_margin($1) if (pv->dwClipIntersection) d_margin($1) return D3D_OK; d_margin($1) return (DoDrawPrimitive(pv)); d_margin($1)}')dnl //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clipping and lighting a non-indexed triangle list in one pass // HRESULT D3DFE_PVFUNCS::ProcessTriangleList(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES *pv) { #ifdef DEBUG_PIPELINE if (g_DebugFlags & __DEBUG_ONEPASS) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) #endif if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_DONOTCLIP) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) pv->dwFirstClippedVertex = 0xFFFFFFFF; pv->dwFlags |= D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; this->ProcessVertices(pv); int primitiveCount = 0; // Number of triangles in the current unclipped part BYTE *startVertex = (BYTE*)pv->lpvOut; DWORD dwVertexBaseOrg = pv->dwVertexBase; if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex != 0xFFFFFFFF) { dwVertexBaseOrg = pv->dwVertexBase; if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex > 3) { // Compute number of unclipped primitives primitiveCount = pv->dwFirstClippedVertex / 3; // Index of the first vertex to process DWORD dwStartVertexIndex = primitiveCount * 3; DWORD dwVertexCount = dwStartVertexIndex; // Compute new number of primitives to process pv->dwNumPrimitives = pv->dwNumPrimitives - primitiveCount; SetInputAndOutputPointers(pv, dwStartVertexIndex); } } else { pv->dwFlags &= ~D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; if (pv->dwClipIntersection) return D3D_OK; return (DoDrawPrimitive(pv)); } HRESULT ret = D3D_OK; D3DTLVERTEX*lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)pv->lpvOut; ClipVertex cv[3]; DWORD dwClipMaskOffScreen = pv->dwClipMaskOffScreen; LPD3DMATRIXI m = &pv->mCTM; D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT EyeSpaceData; d_Setup() cv[0].next = &cv[1]; cv[1].next = &cv[2]; for (DWORD i = pv->dwNumPrimitives; i; i--) { ClipVertex *out = cv; D3DVERTEX *lpInpVer = (D3DVERTEX*)in; // First we transform three vertices and compute the clip codes dwClipUnion = 0; dwClipIntersection = ~0; for (DWORD i=3; i; i--) { DWORD clip = TransformVertexMakeClipCode(pv, lpInpVer, out); out++; dwClipUnion |= clip; dwClipIntersection &= clip; lpInpVer = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpVer + dwInpVerSize); } pv->dwClipUnion |= dwClipUnion; pv->dwClipIntersection &= dwClipIntersection; // Now we can check where the triangle is if (!dwClipIntersection) { if (!(dwClipUnion & dwClipMaskOffScreen)) { // The triangle does not require clipping ClipVertex *lpXfmVer = cv; primitiveCount++; for (DWORD i=3; i; i--) { D3DVALUE x,y,z,w; w = D3DVAL(1)/lpXfmVer->hw; d_ComputeScreenCoordinates(5, lpXfmVer->hx, lpXfmVer->hy, lpXfmVer->hz, w, lpOutVer) d_DoLightingAndFog(5, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular, lpOutVer) D3DVALUE *pOutTexture = (D3DVALUE*)((BYTE*)lpOutVer + pv->texOffsetOut); d_CopyTextureCoordUpdateInputPointers(5, pOutTexture) lpXfmVer = lpXfmVer->next; lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpOutVer + dwOutVerSize); } } else { // The triangle requires clipping if (primitiveCount) { // first draw the ones that didn't need clipping DWORD vertexCount = primitiveCount*3; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, startVertex, vertexCount, primitiveCount); pv->dwVertexBase += vertexCount; startVertex = (BYTE*)lpOutVer; if (ret) goto l_Exit; } primitiveCount = 0; ClipVertex *lpXfmVer = cv; for (DWORD i=3; i; i--) { if ((lpXfmVer->clip & dwClipMaskOffScreen) == 0) { float x,y,z; float w = D3DVAL(1)/lpXfmVer->hw; d_ComputeScreenCoordinates(6, lpXfmVer->hx, lpXfmVer->hy, lpXfmVer->hz, w, lpXfmVer) } d_ComputeOutputColors(5, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular) if (pv->dwVIDOut & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) lpXfmVer->color = pv->lighting.outDiffuse; if (pv->dwVIDOut & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) lpXfmVer->specular = pv->lighting.outSpecular; d_CopyTextureCoordUpdateInputPointers(5, lpXfmVer->tex) lpXfmVer++; } ret = Clip(pv, &cv[0], &cv[1], &cv[2]); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; } } else { // Triangle is outside // Update input pointers d_UpdateInputPointers(3) d_UpdateInputPointers(3) d_UpdateInputPointers(3) } } // draw final batch, if any if (primitiveCount) { DWORD dwVertexCount = primitiveCount*3; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, startVertex, dwVertexCount, primitiveCount); pv->dwVertexBase += dwVertexCount; } l_Exit: d_UpdateExtents() UpdateVertexBatch(pv, dwVertexBaseOrg); return ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clipping and lighting a non-indexed triangle fan in one pass // HRESULT D3DFE_PVFUNCS::ProcessTriangleFan(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES *pv) { #ifdef DEBUG_PIPELINE if (g_DebugFlags & __DEBUG_ONEPASS) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) #endif if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_DONOTCLIP) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) // TRUE, if the current triangle is the first in the unclipped part of the primitive BOOL bFirstInsideTriangle = TRUE; // Index of a vertex to start processing from DWORD dwStartVertexIndex = 0; int primitiveCount = 0; // Number of triangles in the current unclipped part // Start vertex for the current unclipped part of the triangle fan BYTE *startVertex = (BYTE*)pv->lpvOut; // Current pointer to the output vertex buffer D3DTLVERTEX*lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)startVertex; DWORD dwVertexBaseOrg; // Original vertex base. It is used to compute number of vertices // in the unclipped part of the primitive DWORD dwVertexCount = 1; // Number of processed vertices (first vertex is processed // outside of the vretx loop) DWORD dwInsideVertexCount= 0; // Number of vertices, put to the lpVout buffer pv->dwFirstClippedVertex = 0xFFFFFFFF; pv->dwFlags |= D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; this->ProcessVertices(pv); if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex == 0xFFFFFFFF) { pv->dwFlags &= ~D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; if (pv->dwClipIntersection) return D3D_OK; return (DoDrawPrimitive(pv)); } else { dwVertexBaseOrg = pv->dwVertexBase; if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex >= 3) { bFirstInsideTriangle = FALSE; // First vertex is already copied to the output // We process again the last unclipped vertex dwStartVertexIndex = pv->dwFirstClippedVertex - 1; // Update output pointer pv->lpvOut = (char*)pv->lpvOut + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->dwOutputSize; lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)pv->lpvOut; primitiveCount = dwStartVertexIndex - 2; dwVertexCount += pv->dwFirstClippedVertex; dwInsideVertexCount += pv->dwFirstClippedVertex; } } HRESULT ret; ClipVertex cv1; ClipVertex *cv2; // Vertex to process ClipVertex *cv3; // Vertex to transform ClipVertex *cv; // Previous to cv2. Used for clipping D3DVERTEX *lpInpStart; // Next input vertex to transform DWORD dwClipMaskOffScreen = pv->dwClipMaskOffScreen; // Mask for guard band bits LPD3DMATRIXI m = &pv->mCTM; // Vertex flags has 5 bits per vertex // Bits 0 - 4 - vertex cv2 // Bits 5 - 9 - vertex cv3 DWORD vf = 0; D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT EyeSpaceData; lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)pv->position.lpvData; d_Setup() // This is the loop count. We use "+1", because the processed vertex is behind the // transformed one. DWORD i = pv->dwNumPrimitives + 1; { // Transform, process and keep the first vertex DWORD clip = TransformVertexMakeClipCode(pv, lpInpStart, &cv1); // PSGP could transform vertices with different precision. It is possible that // PSGP detects that a vertex is inside, but we here mark it as the outside. // We force the clipping code to be zero in case when we re-transform vertices if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex >= 3) { clip = 0; } if ((clip & dwClipMaskOffScreen) == 0) { ComputeScreenCoordinates(pv, &cv1, (D3DVECTORH*)&cv1.sx); } d_ComputeOutputColors(2, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular) cv1.color = pv->lighting.outDiffuse; cv1.specular = pv->lighting.outSpecular; d_CopyTextureCoordUpdateInputPointers(2, ((DWORD*)(cv1.tex))) lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)in; } cv2 = &pv->clipVer[0]; // Next output vertex for process cv3 = &pv->clipVer[1]; // Next output vertex for transform // In case when there were unclipped part, we have to update pointers // to start from dwStartVertex if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex >= 3) { // Update input pointers in = (D3DVECTOR*)((char*)pv->position.lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->position.dwStride); if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_STRIDE) { inNormal = (D3DVECTOR*)((char*)pv->normal.lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->normal.dwStride); inDiffuse = (DWORD*)((char*)pv->diffuse.lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->diffuse.dwStride); inSpecular = (DWORD*)((char*)pv->specular.lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->specular.dwStride); if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_FVF || pv->dwFlags & D3DPV_VBCALL) { for (DWORD i=0; i < pv->nTexCoord; i++) inTexture[i] = (D3DVALUE*)((char*)pv->textures[i].lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->textures[i].dwStride); } else { if (pv->nTexCoord) { DWORD i = pv->dwTextureIndexToCopy; inTexture[i] = (D3DVALUE*)((char*)pv->textures[i].lpvData + dwStartVertexIndex * pv->textures[i].dwStride); } } } else { inNormal = (D3DVECTOR*) ((char*)in + pv->normalOffset); inDiffuse = (DWORD*) ((char*)in + pv->diffuseOffset); inSpecular = (DWORD*) ((char*)in + pv->specularOffset); inTexture[0] = (D3DVALUE*) ((char*)in + pv->texOffset); } // Process the last unclipped vertex and copy it to the cv2 // This vertex will be copied to the output buffer later TransformVertexMakeClipCode(pv, (D3DVERTEX*)in, cv2); // Transformed vertex is ahead by one vertex lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)in + dwInpVerSize); i = i-pv->dwFirstClippedVertex + 2; // New loop count cv2->clip = 0; // Fixes potential PSGP precision problem goto l_InsideLoop; } // Transformed vertex will be ahead of the processed one, because we want // to know where is the triangle when processing a vertex { TransformVertexMakeClipCode(pv, lpInpStart, cv2); lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpStart + dwInpVerSize); } dwClipUnion |= cv1.clip | cv2->clip; dwClipIntersection &= cv1.clip & cv2->clip; float x,y,z,w; int clip; l_ClippedLoop: d_TransformVertexMakeClipCode(1, lpInpStart, cv3) dwClipUnion |= clip; dwClipIntersection &= clip; l_ClippedLoop2: // Set status for cv1, cv2, cv3 vertices based on their clip codes if (!(cv1.clip & cv2->clip & cv3->clip)) { if (!((cv1.clip | cv2->clip | cv3->clip) & dwClipMaskOffScreen)) vf |= __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE |__2_VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __2_TRIANGLE_INSIDE; else vf |= __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE | __2_VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE | __2_TRIANGLE_CLIP; } else vf |= __2_TRIANGLE_OUTSIDE; l_ClippedLoopProcessOnly: if ((cv2->clip & pv->dwClipMaskOffScreen) == 0) { // vertex is inside the guardband or frustum // Compute screen coordinates w = D3DVAL(1)/cv2->hw; d_ComputeScreenCoordinatesNoOutput(2, cv2->hx, cv2->hy, cv2->hz, w, x,y,z) } if (vf & (__VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE)) { // Compute colors d_ComputeOutputColors(2, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular) } if (vf & __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE) { if (vf & __TRIANGLE_OUTSIDE) { if (primitiveCount > 0) { DWORD dwVerCount = primitiveCount+2; // Draw batched primitive if (dwInsideVertexCount < dwVertexCount) { ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, startVertex, dwVerCount, primitiveCount); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; // Prepare for the next part of the primitive pv->dwVertexBase += dwVerCount; // Required by DP2 batching code startVertex += dwVerCount * pv->dwOutputSize; } else { // Suppose we have a fan with 5 vertices. When there is the // following sequence of triangles: // "inside" - "outside" - "inside", 6 vertices will be put to // the vertex buffer, but space was allocated only for 5. // To prevent similar cases draw the previous primitive as clipped // and re-use vertex buffer space pv->dwFlags |= D3DPV_NONCLIPPED; ret = DRAW_CLIPPED_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, startVertex, dwVerCount, primitiveCount); pv->dwFlags &= ~D3DPV_NONCLIPPED; dwInsideVertexCount -= dwVerCount; lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)startVertex; if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; } primitiveCount = 0; bFirstInsideTriangle = TRUE; } } if (bFirstInsideTriangle) { // For the first completely inside triangle we have to // write the first vertex to the output MAKE_TL_VERTEX_FVF(pv, (BYTE*)lpOutVer, &cv1); lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpOutVer + pv->dwOutputSize); bFirstInsideTriangle = FALSE; dwInsideVertexCount++; } d_CopyToOutputVertex(2, lpOutVer) dwInsideVertexCount++; } if (vf & __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE) { d_CopyToClipVertex(2, cv2) } if (vf & __TRIANGLE_INSIDE) { // Triangle is inside the frustum primitiveCount++; } else { if (primitiveCount > 0) { // Draw batched primitive DWORD dwVerCount = primitiveCount+2; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, startVertex, dwVerCount, primitiveCount); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; // Prepare for the next part of the primitive pv->dwVertexBase += dwVerCount; // Required by DP2 batching code startVertex += dwVerCount * pv->dwOutputSize; primitiveCount = 0; bFirstInsideTriangle = TRUE; } if (vf & __TRIANGLE_CLIP) { // The triangle requires clipping // Clip prev triangle - cv1, cv, cv2 HRESULT ret = Clip(pv, cv, cv2, &cv1); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; } } d_UpdateInputPointers(1); lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpStart + dwInpVerSize); cv = cv2; cv2 = cv3; cv3 = cv3->next; vf >>= 5; dwVertexCount++; if (--i > 1) { if (dwClipUnion == 0 && primitiveCount == 1) { // If all vertices are inside the frustum we use the optimized loop goto l_InsideLoop; } goto l_ClippedLoop; } // For the last vertex we have to do processing only if (i) goto l_ClippedLoopProcessOnly; goto l_Exit; l_InsideLoop: d_TransformVertex(1, lpInpStart, m, x,y,z,w) d_ComputeClipCode(1) cv3->hx = x; cv3->hy = y; cv3->hz = z; cv3->hw = w; cv3->clip = 0; if (clip) goto l_ExitInsideLoop; lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpStart + dwInpVerSize); l_InsideLoopProcessOnly: { w = D3DVAL(1)/cv2->hw; d_ComputeScreenCoordinatesNoOutput(2, cv2->hx, cv2->hy, cv2->hz, w, x,y,z) d_ComputeOutputColors(2, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular) d_CopyToOutputVertex(2, lpOutVer) d_UpdateInputPointers(2) primitiveCount++; cv2 = cv3; cv3 = cv3->next; dwVertexCount++; dwInsideVertexCount++; if (--i > 1) goto l_InsideLoop; if (i) goto l_InsideLoopProcessOnly; } goto l_Exit; l_ExitInsideLoop: { // For the last transforem vertex (cv3) we computed only clip code // without guardband d_ComputeClipCodeGB(2) cv3->clip = clip; dwClipUnion |= clip; // We have to set status for the cv2 vertex vf |= __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __TRIANGLE_INSIDE; goto l_ClippedLoop2; } l_Exit: if (primitiveCount > 0) { // Draw batched primitive DWORD dwVertexCount = primitiveCount+2; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, startVertex, dwVertexCount, primitiveCount); pv->dwVertexBase += dwVertexCount; } d_UpdateExtents() pv->dwClipUnion = dwClipUnion; pv->dwClipIntersection = dwClipIntersection; UpdateVertexBatch(pv, dwVertexBaseOrg); return D3D_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clipping and lighting a non-indexed triangle strip in one pass // // Vertices cv1 cv2 cv3 cv4 cv5 // Next to Next to // process transform // | | | | // * * * * * * * * // HRESULT D3DFE_PVFUNCS::ProcessTriangleStrip(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES *pv) { pv->dwFlags |= D3DPV_WITHINPRIMITIVE; #ifdef DEBUG_PIPELINE if (g_DebugFlags & __DEBUG_ONEPASS) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) #endif if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_DONOTCLIP) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) int primitiveCount; // Number of triangles in the current unclipped part DWORD dwTriIndex; // Index of the current triangle in the primitive // Start vertex for the current unclipped part of the triangle strip BYTE *startVertex = (BYTE*)pv->lpvOut; // Vertex flags has 5 bits per vertex // Bits 0 - 4 - vertex cv3 // Bits 5 - 9 - vertex cv4 // Bits 10 - 14 - vertex cv5 DWORD vf = 0; DWORD dwVertexBaseOrg; // Original vertex base. It is used to compute number of vertices // in the unclipped part of the primitive D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT EyeSpaceData; pv->dwFirstClippedVertex = 0xFFFFFFFF; pv->dwFlags |= D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; this->ProcessVertices(pv); if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex == 0xFFFFFFFF) { pv->dwFlags &= ~D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; if (pv->dwClipIntersection) return D3D_OK; return (DoDrawPrimitive(pv)); } else { primitiveCount = 0; dwTriIndex = 0; dwVertexBaseOrg = pv->dwVertexBase; if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex > 3) { DWORD dwStartVertexIndex = pv->dwFirstClippedVertex - 2; primitiveCount = dwStartVertexIndex - 2; dwTriIndex = dwStartVertexIndex; SetInputAndOutputPointers(pv, dwStartVertexIndex); } } HRESULT ret = D3D_OK; // Current pointer to the output vertex buffer D3DTLVERTEX*lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)pv->lpvOut; ClipVertex *cv1; // First vertex of delayed clipped triangle ClipVertex *cv2; // Second vertex of delayed clipped triangle ClipVertex *cv4; ClipVertex *cv3; // Vertex to process ClipVertex *cv5; // Vertex to transform D3DVERTEX *lpInpStart; // Next input vertex to transform DWORD dwClipMaskOffScreen = pv->dwClipMaskOffScreen; // Mask for guard band bits LPD3DMATRIXI m = &pv->mCTM; DWORD dwOddVertexRenderState; // Cull state used for a sub-strip, //started from an odd index DWORD dwOrgCullRenderState; // Original cull state DWORD dwNumPrimitives = pv->dwNumPrimitives; DWORD i; d_Setup() // Determine the cull state for sub-strips, started fron an odd triangle index dwOrgCullRenderState = pv->lpdwRStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE]; switch (dwOrgCullRenderState) { case D3DCULL_NONE: dwOddVertexRenderState = D3DCULL_NONE; break; case D3DCULL_CW: dwOddVertexRenderState = D3DCULL_CCW; break; case D3DCULL_CCW: dwOddVertexRenderState = D3DCULL_CW; break; } lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)pv->position.lpvData; cv1 = NULL; cv2 = NULL; cv3 = pv->clipVer; cv5 = pv->clipVer; cv4 = cv3->next; // Transform first two vertices and copy them to the clip buffer for (DWORD j=2; j; j--) { DWORD clip = TransformVertexMakeClipCode(pv, lpInpStart, cv5); dwClipUnion |= clip; dwClipIntersection &= clip; cv5 = cv5->next; lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpStart + dwInpVerSize); } float x,y,z,w; int clip; if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex > 3) { // Force clip code to be zero to fix potential PSGP precision problem cv3->clip = 0; cv4->clip = 0; dwClipIntersection = 0; // We have to set status for the cv3 and cv4 vertices vf |= __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE |__2_VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __TRIANGLE_INSIDE | __2_TRIANGLE_INSIDE; goto l_InsideLoop; } dwClipUnion |= cv3->clip | cv4->clip; dwClipIntersection &= cv3->clip & cv4->clip; l_ClippedLoop: d_TransformVertexMakeClipCode(1, lpInpStart, cv5) dwClipUnion |= clip; dwClipIntersection &= clip; l_ClippedLoop2: // Set status for cv3, cv4, cv5 vertices based on their clip codes if (!(cv3->clip & cv4->clip & cv5->clip)) { if (!((cv3->clip | cv4->clip | cv5->clip) & dwClipMaskOffScreen)) vf |= __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE |__2_VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __3_VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __3_TRIANGLE_INSIDE; else vf |= __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE | __2_VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE | __3_VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE | __3_TRIANGLE_CLIP; } else vf |= __3_TRIANGLE_OUTSIDE; l_ProcessOnly: // When we process a vertex, its status is completely defined if ((cv3->clip & pv->dwClipMaskOffScreen) == 0) { // vertex is inside the guardband or frustum // Compute screen coordinates w = D3DVAL(1)/cv3->hw; d_ComputeScreenCoordinatesNoOutput(2, cv3->hx, cv3->hy, cv3->hz, w, x,y,z) } if (vf & (__VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE)) { // Compute colors d_ComputeOutputColors(2, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular) } if (vf & __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE) { d_CopyToOutputVertex(2, lpOutVer) } if (vf & __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE) { d_CopyToClipVertex(2, cv3) } if (vf & __TRIANGLE_INSIDE) { primitiveCount++; if (primitiveCount == 1) { // Start new primitive if (dwTriIndex & 1) { // First triangle has an odd index if (dwOddVertexRenderState != pv->lpdwRStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE]) { pv->lpdwRStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE] = dwOddVertexRenderState; pv->SetRenderStateI(D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, dwOddVertexRenderState); } } else { // First triangle has an even index if (dwOrgCullRenderState != pv->lpdwRStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE]) { pv->lpdwRStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE] = dwOrgCullRenderState; pv->SetRenderStateI(D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, dwOrgCullRenderState); } } } } else { if (primitiveCount > 0) { // Draw batched primitive DWORD dwVerCount = primitiveCount+2; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, startVertex, dwVerCount, primitiveCount); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; // Prepare for the next part of the primitive pv->dwVertexBase += dwVerCount; // Required by DP2 batching code startVertex += dwVerCount * pv->dwOutputSize; primitiveCount = 0; // If next triangle is inside, we have to re-use the last vertex // of just rendered part of the triangle strip if (vf & __2_TRIANGLE_INSIDE) { pv->dwVertexBase--; // Required by DP2 batching code startVertex -= pv->dwOutputSize; } } if (vf & __TRIANGLE_CLIP) { // The triangle requires clipping // Clip prev triangle - cv1, cv2, cv3 if (dwOrgCullRenderState != pv->lpdwRStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE]) { pv->lpdwRStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE] = dwOrgCullRenderState; pv->SetRenderStateI(D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, dwOrgCullRenderState); } HRESULT ret; if (dwTriIndex & 1) ret = Clip(pv, cv1, cv3, cv2); else ret = Clip(pv, cv1, cv2, cv3); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; } } d_UpdateInputPointers(1); lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpStart + dwInpVerSize); cv1 = cv2; cv2 = cv3; cv3 = cv4; cv4 = cv5; cv5 = cv5->next; dwTriIndex++; vf >>= 5; if (dwTriIndex < dwNumPrimitives) { if (dwClipUnion == 0 && primitiveCount == 1) { // If all vertices are inside the frustum we use the optimized loop goto l_InsideLoop; } goto l_ClippedLoop; } // We still have to process the last two vertices. They are already transformed if (dwTriIndex < dwNumPrimitives + 2) goto l_ProcessOnly; goto l_Exit; l_InsideLoop: d_TransformVertex(1, lpInpStart, m, x,y,z,w) d_ComputeClipCode(1) cv5->hx = x; cv5->hy = y; cv5->hz = z; cv5->hw = w; cv5->clip = 0; if (clip) goto l_ExitInsideLoop; lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpStart + dwInpVerSize); l_InsideLoopProcessOnly: { // Because "primitiveCount" is now in sync with the transformed vertex // (not processed one as it should be), it is greater by 2 then the actual // primitive count primitiveCount++; w = D3DVAL(1)/cv3->hw; d_ComputeScreenCoordinatesNoOutput(2, cv3->hx, cv3->hy, cv3->hz, w, x,y,z) d_ComputeOutputColors(2, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular) d_CopyToOutputVertex(2, lpOutVer) dwTriIndex++; cv3 = cv3->next; cv5 = cv5->next; d_UpdateInputPointers(2); if (dwTriIndex < dwNumPrimitives) { goto l_InsideLoop; } // We still have to process the last two vertices. They are already transformed if (dwTriIndex < dwNumPrimitives + 2) goto l_InsideLoopProcessOnly; } goto l_Exit; l_ExitInsideLoop: { // For the last transforem vertex (cv5) we computed only clip code // without guardband d_ComputeClipCodeGB(2) cv5->clip = clip; dwClipUnion |= clip; // We have to set status for the cv3 and cv4 vertices vf |= __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE |__2_VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __TRIANGLE_INSIDE | __2_TRIANGLE_INSIDE; cv4 = cv3->next; goto l_ClippedLoop2; } l_Exit: if (primitiveCount > 0) { // Draw batched primitive DWORD dwVertexCount = primitiveCount+2; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, startVertex, dwVertexCount, primitiveCount); pv->dwVertexBase += dwVertexCount; } pv->dwClipUnion = dwClipUnion; pv->dwClipIntersection = dwClipIntersection; UpdateVertexBatch(pv, dwVertexBaseOrg); d_UpdateExtents() // Restore the original D3DRENDERSTATE_CULL state if (dwOrgCullRenderState != pv->lpdwRStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE]) { pv->lpdwRStates[D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE] = dwOrgCullRenderState; pv->SetRenderStateI(D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, dwOrgCullRenderState); } pv->dwFlags &= ~D3DPV_WITHINPRIMITIVE; return ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clipping and lighting a non-indexed line list in one pass // HRESULT D3DFE_PVFUNCS::ProcessLineList(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES *pv) { #ifdef DEBUG_PIPELINE if (g_DebugFlags & __DEBUG_ONEPASS) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) #endif if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_DONOTCLIP) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) pv->dwFirstClippedVertex = 0xFFFFFFFF; pv->dwFlags |= D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; this->ProcessVertices(pv); int primitiveCount = 0; // Number of triangles in the current unclipped part BYTE *startVertex = (BYTE*)pv->lpvOut; DWORD dwVertexBaseOrg; // Original vertex base. It is used to compute number of vertices // in the unclipped part of the primitive if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex != 0xFFFFFFFF) { dwVertexBaseOrg = pv->dwVertexBase; if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex > 2) { // Compute number of unclipped primitives primitiveCount = pv->dwFirstClippedVertex >> 1; // Index of the first vertex to process DWORD dwStartVertexIndex = primitiveCount << 1; DWORD dwVertexCount = dwStartVertexIndex; // Compute new number of primitives to process pv->dwNumPrimitives = pv->dwNumPrimitives - primitiveCount; SetInputAndOutputPointers(pv, dwStartVertexIndex); } } else { pv->dwFlags &= ~D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; if (pv->dwClipIntersection) return D3D_OK; return (DoDrawPrimitive(pv)); } HRESULT ret = D3D_OK; D3DTLVERTEX*lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)pv->lpvOut; ClipVertex cv[2]; DWORD dwClipMaskOffScreen = pv->dwClipMaskOffScreen; LPD3DMATRIXI m = &pv->mCTM; D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT EyeSpaceData; d_Setup() cv[0].next = &cv[1]; for (DWORD n = pv->dwNumPrimitives; n; n--) { ClipVertex *out = cv; D3DVERTEX *lpInpVer = (D3DVERTEX*)in; // First we transform three vertices and compute the clip codes dwClipUnion = 0; dwClipIntersection = ~0; for (DWORD i=2; i; i--) { DWORD clip = TransformVertexMakeClipCode(pv, lpInpVer, out); out++; dwClipUnion |= clip; dwClipIntersection &= clip; lpInpVer = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpVer + dwInpVerSize); } pv->dwClipUnion |= dwClipUnion; pv->dwClipIntersection &= dwClipIntersection; // Now we can check where the triangle is if (!dwClipIntersection) { if (!(dwClipUnion & dwClipMaskOffScreen)) { // The line does not require clipping ClipVertex *lpXfmVer = cv; primitiveCount++; for (DWORD i=2; i; i--) { ComputeScreenCoordinates(pv, lpXfmVer, (D3DVECTORH*)lpOutVer); d_DoLightingAndFog(5, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular, lpOutVer) D3DVALUE *pOutTexture = (D3DVALUE*)((BYTE*)lpOutVer + pv->texOffsetOut); d_CopyTextureCoordUpdateInputPointers(5, pOutTexture) lpXfmVer = lpXfmVer->next; lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpOutVer + dwOutVerSize); } } else { // The line requires clipping if (primitiveCount) { // first draw the ones that didn't need clipping DWORD vertexCount = primitiveCount << 1; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_LINELIST, startVertex, vertexCount, primitiveCount); pv->dwVertexBase += vertexCount; startVertex = (BYTE*)lpOutVer; if (ret) goto l_Exit; } primitiveCount = 0; ClipVertex *lpXfmVer = cv; for (DWORD i=2; i; i--) { if ((lpXfmVer->clip & dwClipMaskOffScreen) == 0) { ComputeScreenCoordinates(pv, lpXfmVer, (D3DVECTORH*)&lpXfmVer->sx); } d_ComputeOutputColors(5, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular) if (pv->dwVIDOut & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) lpXfmVer->color = pv->lighting.outDiffuse; if (pv->dwVIDOut & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) lpXfmVer->specular = pv->lighting.outSpecular; d_CopyTextureCoordUpdateInputPointers(5, lpXfmVer->tex) lpXfmVer++; } ret = ClipLine(pv, &cv[0], &cv[1]); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; } } else { // Line is outside // Update input pointers d_UpdateInputPointers(3) d_UpdateInputPointers(3) } } // draw final batch, if any if (primitiveCount) { DWORD dwVertexCount = primitiveCount << 1; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_LINELIST, startVertex, dwVertexCount, primitiveCount); pv->dwVertexBase += dwVertexCount; } l_Exit: d_UpdateExtents() UpdateVertexBatch(pv, dwVertexBaseOrg); return ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clipping and lighting a non-indexed triangle line in one pass // // Vertices cv1 cv2 cv3 // Next to Next to // process transform // | | | // * * * * * * * // HRESULT D3DFE_PVFUNCS::ProcessLineStrip(D3DFE_PROCESSVERTICES *pv) { #ifdef DEBUG_PIPELINE if (g_DebugFlags & __DEBUG_ONEPASS) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) #endif if (pv->dwDeviceFlags & D3DDEV_DONOTCLIP) d_ProcessPrimitive(1) int primitiveCount; // Number of triangles in the current unclipped part DWORD dwTriIndex; // Index of the current triangle in the primitive // Start vertex for the current unclipped part of the triangle strip BYTE *startVertex = (BYTE*)pv->lpvOut; // Vertex flags has 5 bits per vertex // Bits 0 - 4 - vertex cv2 // Bits 5 - 9 - vertex cv3 DWORD vf = 0; DWORD dwVertexBaseOrg; // Original vertex base. It is used to compute number of vertices // in the unclipped part of the primitive D3DLIGHTINGELEMENT EyeSpaceData; pv->dwFirstClippedVertex = 0xFFFFFFFF; pv->dwFlags |= D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; this->ProcessVertices(pv); if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex == 0xFFFFFFFF) { pv->dwFlags &= ~D3DPV_ONEPASSCLIPPING; if (pv->dwClipIntersection) return D3D_OK; return (DoDrawPrimitive(pv)); } else { primitiveCount = 0; dwTriIndex = 0; dwVertexBaseOrg = pv->dwVertexBase; if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex > 2) { DWORD dwStartVertexIndex = pv->dwFirstClippedVertex - 1; primitiveCount = dwStartVertexIndex - 1; dwTriIndex = dwStartVertexIndex; // We have to set status for the cv2 vertex vf |= __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __TRIANGLE_INSIDE; SetInputAndOutputPointers(pv, dwStartVertexIndex); } } HRESULT ret = D3D_OK; // Current pointer to the output vertex buffer D3DTLVERTEX*lpOutVer = (D3DTLVERTEX*)pv->lpvOut; ClipVertex *cv1; // First vertex of delayed clipped line ClipVertex *cv2; // Vertex to process ClipVertex *cv3; // Vertex to transform D3DVERTEX *lpInpStart; // Next input vertex to transform DWORD dwClipMaskOffScreen = pv->dwClipMaskOffScreen; // Mask for guard band bits LPD3DMATRIXI m = &pv->mCTM; DWORD dwNumPrimitives = pv->dwNumPrimitives; DWORD i; d_Setup() lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)pv->position.lpvData; cv1 = NULL; cv2 = pv->clipVer; cv3 = pv->clipVer; { // Transform first vertex and copy it to the clip buffer DWORD clip = TransformVertexMakeClipCode(pv, lpInpStart, cv3); dwClipUnion |= clip; dwClipIntersection &= clip; cv3 = cv3->next; lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpStart + dwInpVerSize); } dwClipUnion |= cv2->clip; dwClipIntersection &= cv2->clip; float x,y,z,w; int clip; if (pv->dwFirstClippedVertex > 2) { // Force clip code to be zero to fix potential PSGP precision problem cv2->clip = 0; dwClipIntersection = 0; goto l_InsideLoop; } l_ClippedLoop: clip = TransformVertexMakeClipCode(pv, lpInpStart, cv3); dwClipUnion |= clip; dwClipIntersection &= clip; l_ClippedLoop2: // Set status for cv2, cv3 vertices based on their clip codes if (!(cv2->clip & cv3->clip)) { if (!((cv2->clip | cv3->clip) & dwClipMaskOffScreen)) vf |= __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE |__2_VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __2_TRIANGLE_INSIDE; else vf |= __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE | __2_VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE | __2_TRIANGLE_CLIP; } else vf |= __2_TRIANGLE_OUTSIDE; l_ProcessOnly: // When we process a vertex, its status is completely defined if ((cv2->clip & pv->dwClipMaskOffScreen) == 0) { // vertex is inside the guardband or frustum // Compute screen coordinates w = D3DVAL(1)/cv2->hw; d_ComputeScreenCoordinatesNoOutput(2, cv2->hx, cv2->hy, cv2->hz, w, x,y,z) } if (vf & (__VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE)) { // Compute colors d_ComputeOutputColors(2, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular) } if (vf & __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE) { d_CopyToOutputVertex(2, lpOutVer) } if (vf & __VERTEX_IN_CLIPTRIANGLE) { d_CopyToClipVertex(2, cv2) } if (vf & __TRIANGLE_INSIDE) { primitiveCount++; } else { if (primitiveCount > 0) { // Draw batched primitive DWORD dwVerCount = primitiveCount+1; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_LINESTRIP, startVertex, dwVerCount, primitiveCount); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; // Prepare for the next part of the primitive pv->dwVertexBase += dwVerCount; // Required by DP2 batching code startVertex += dwVerCount * pv->dwOutputSize; primitiveCount = 0; } if (vf & __TRIANGLE_CLIP) { // The line requires clipping // Clip prev triangle - cv1, cv2 HRESULT ret; ret = ClipLine(pv, cv1, cv2); if (ret != D3D_OK) goto l_Exit; } } d_UpdateInputPointers(1); lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpStart + dwInpVerSize); cv1 = cv2; cv2 = cv3; cv3 = cv3->next; dwTriIndex++; vf >>= 5; if (dwTriIndex < dwNumPrimitives) { if (dwClipUnion == 0 && primitiveCount == 1) { // If all vertices are inside the frustum we use the optimized loop goto l_InsideLoop; } goto l_ClippedLoop; } // We still have to process one last vertex. It is already transformed if (dwTriIndex < dwNumPrimitives + 1) goto l_ProcessOnly; goto l_Exit; l_InsideLoop: d_TransformVertex(1, lpInpStart, m, x,y,z,w) d_ComputeClipCode(1) cv3->hx = x; cv3->hy = y; cv3->hz = z; cv3->hw = w; cv3->clip = 0; if (clip) goto l_ExitInsideLoop; lpInpStart = (D3DVERTEX*)((BYTE*)lpInpStart + dwInpVerSize); l_InsideLoopProcessOnly: { // Because "primitiveCount" is now in sync with the transformed vertex // (not processed one as it should be), it is greater by 1 then the actual // primitive count primitiveCount++; w = D3DVAL(1)/cv2->hw; d_ComputeScreenCoordinatesNoOutput(2, cv2->hx, cv2->hy, cv2->hz, w, x,y,z) d_ComputeOutputColors(2, in, inNormal, inDiffuse, inSpecular) d_CopyToOutputVertex(2, lpOutVer) dwTriIndex++; cv2 = cv2->next; cv3 = cv3->next; d_UpdateInputPointers(2); if (dwTriIndex < dwNumPrimitives) { goto l_InsideLoop; } // We still have to process one last two vertex. It is already transformed if (dwTriIndex < dwNumPrimitives + 1) goto l_InsideLoopProcessOnly; } goto l_Exit; l_ExitInsideLoop: { // For the last transforem vertex (cv3) we computed only clip code // without guardband d_ComputeClipCodeGB(2) cv3->clip = clip; dwClipUnion |= clip; // We have to set status for the cv3 and cv4 vertices vf |= __VERTEX_IN_INSIDETRIANGLE | __TRIANGLE_INSIDE ; goto l_ClippedLoop2; } l_Exit: if (primitiveCount > 0) { // Draw batched primitive DWORD dwVertexCount = primitiveCount+1; ret = DRAW_PRIM(pv, D3DPT_LINESTRIP, startVertex, dwVertexCount, primitiveCount); pv->dwVertexBase += dwVertexCount; } pv->dwClipUnion = dwClipUnion; pv->dwClipIntersection = dwClipIntersection; d_UpdateExtents() UpdateVertexBatch(pv, dwVertexBaseOrg); return ret; }