#if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 template< class Key, class T, class ExtractKey, class CompareKey, class Allocator> class RBTree { public: // Types typedef RBTree< Key, T, ExtractKey, CompareKey, Allocator> tree_type; typedef Allocator allocator_type; typedef Key key_type; typedef typename allocator_type::value_type value_type; typedef CompareKey key_compare; typedef ExtractKey key_extract; typedef typename allocator_type::pointer pointer; typedef typename allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef typename allocator_type::reference reference; typedef typename allocator_type::const_reference const_reference; typedef typename allocator_type::size_type size_type; typedef typename allocator_type::difference_type difference_type; protected: // Types struct tree_node; typedef typename Allocator::rebind< tree_node>::other tree_node_allocator_type; typedef typename tree_node_allocator_type::pointer tree_node_pointer; typedef typename tree_node_allocator_type::const_pointer tree_node_const_pointer; struct tree_node { tree_node_pointer m_pLeft; tree_node_pointer m_pParent; tree_node_pointer m_pRight; value_type m_Value; bool m_bRed; tree_node( const tree_node_pointer& pP, const value_type& v, bool bRed) :m_pLeft( NULL), m_pParent( pP), m_pRight( NULL), m_Value( v), m_bRed( bRed) { } ~tree_node() { } }; template< class TPointer> struct NextInOrderNode: public unary_function< TPointer, TPointer> { result_type operator()( argument_type Arg, const bool bCouldBeEnd) const { if( bCouldBeEnd&& Arg->m_bRed&& Arg->m_pParent->m_pParent== Arg) Arg= Arg->m_pLeft; else if( Arg->m_pRight!= NULL) { Arg= Arg->m_pRight; while( Arg->m_pLeft!= NULL) Arg= Arg->m_pLeft; } else { TPointer pP; while( Arg== (pP= Arg->m_pParent)->m_pRight) Arg= pP; if( bCouldBeEnd|| Arg->m_pRight!= pP) Arg= pP; } return Arg; } }; template< class TPointer> struct PrevInOrderNode: public unary_function< TPointer, TPointer> { result_type operator()( argument_type Arg, const bool bCouldBeEnd) const { if( bCouldBeEnd&& Arg->m_bRed&& Arg->m_pParent->m_pParent== Arg) Arg= Arg->m_pRight; else if( Arg->m_pLeft!= NULL) { Arg= Arg->m_pLeft; while( Arg->m_pRight!= NULL) Arg= Arg->m_pRight; } else { TPointer pP; while( Arg== (pP= Arg->m_pParent)->m_pLeft) Arg= pP; if( bCouldBeEnd|| Arg->m_pLeft!= pP) Arg= pP; } return Arg; } }; public: // Types class iterator; class const_iterator; class reverse_iterator; class const_reverse_iterator; friend class iterator; class iterator { public: // Types typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef value_type value_type; typedef difference_type difference_type; typedef pointer pointer; typedef reference reference; friend class const_iterator; friend class reverse_iterator; friend class const_reverse_iterator; friend class RBTree< Key, T, ExtractKey, CompareKey, Allocator>; protected: tree_node_pointer m_pNode; NextInOrderNode< tree_node_pointer> m_fnNext; PrevInOrderNode< tree_node_pointer> m_fnPrev; public: iterator() { } explicit iterator( const tree_node_pointer& pN) :m_pNode( pN) { } iterator( const iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } iterator( const reverse_iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } reference operator*() const { return m_pNode->m_Value; } pointer operator->() const { return &**this; } iterator& operator++() { // end()++ is not valid. m_pNode= m_fnNext( m_pNode, false); return (*this); } iterator operator++( int) { iterator Temp( *this); ++(*this); return Temp; } iterator& operator--() { // end()-- is valid. m_pNode= m_fnPrev( m_pNode, true); return (*this); } iterator operator--( int) { iterator Temp( *this); --(*this); return (Temp); } bool operator==( const iterator& Other) const { return m_pNode== Other.m_pNode; } bool operator!=( const iterator& Other) const { return m_pNode!= Other.m_pNode; } }; friend class const_iterator; class const_iterator { public: // Types typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef value_type value_type; typedef difference_type difference_type; typedef const_pointer pointer; typedef const_reference reference; friend class const_reverse_iterator; friend class RBTree< Key, T, ExtractKey, CompareKey, Allocator>; protected: tree_node_const_pointer m_pNode; NextInOrderNode< tree_node_const_pointer> m_fnNext; PrevInOrderNode< tree_node_const_pointer> m_fnPrev; public: const_iterator() { } explicit const_iterator( const tree_node_const_pointer& pN) :m_pNode( pN) { } const_iterator( const iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } const_iterator( const const_iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } const_iterator( const reverse_iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } const_iterator( const const_reverse_iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } reference operator*() const { return m_pNode->m_Value; } pointer operator->() const { return &**this; } const_iterator& operator++() { // end()++ is not valid. m_pNode= m_fnNext( m_pNode, false); return (*this); } const_iterator operator++( int) { iterator Temp( *this); ++(*this); return Temp; } const_iterator& operator--() { // end()-- is valid. m_pNode= m_fnPrev( m_pNode, true); return (*this); } const_iterator operator--( int) { iterator Temp( *this); --(*this); return (Temp); } bool operator==( const const_iterator& Other) const { return m_pNode== Other.m_pNode; } bool operator!=( const const_iterator& Other) const { return m_pNode!= Other.m_pNode; } }; friend class reverse_iterator; class reverse_iterator { public: // Types typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef value_type value_type; typedef difference_type difference_type; typedef pointer pointer; typedef reference reference; friend class iterator; friend class const_iterator; friend class const_reverse_iterator; friend class RBTree< Key, T, ExtractKey, CompareKey, Allocator>; protected: tree_node_pointer m_pNode; PrevInOrderNode< tree_node_pointer> m_fnNext; NextInOrderNode< tree_node_pointer> m_fnPrev; public: reverse_iterator() { } explicit reverse_iterator( const tree_node_pointer& pN) :m_pNode( pN) { } reverse_iterator( const iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } reverse_iterator( const reverse_iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } reference operator*() const { return m_pNode->m_Value; } pointer operator->() const { return &**this; } reverse_iterator& operator++() { // rend()++ is not valid. m_pNode= m_fnNext( m_pNode, false); return (*this); } reverse_iterator operator++( int) { iterator Temp( *this); ++(*this); return Temp; } reverse_iterator& operator--() { // rend()-- is valid. m_pNode= m_fnPrev( m_pNode, true); return (*this); } reverse_iterator operator--( int) { iterator Temp( *this); --(*this); return (Temp); } bool operator==( const reverse_iterator& Other) const { return m_pNode== Other.m_pNode; } bool operator!=( const reverse_iterator& Other) const { return m_pNode!= Other.m_pNode; } }; friend class const_reverse_iterator; class const_reverse_iterator { public: // Types typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef value_type value_type; typedef difference_type difference_type; typedef const_pointer pointer; typedef const_reference reference; friend class const_iterator; friend class RBTree< Key, T, ExtractKey, CompareKey, Allocator>; protected: tree_node_const_pointer m_pNode; PrevInOrderNode< tree_node_const_pointer> m_fnNext; NextInOrderNode< tree_node_const_pointer> m_fnPrev; public: const_reverse_iterator() { } explicit const_reverse_iterator( const tree_node_const_pointer& pN) :m_pNode( pN) { } const_reverse_iterator( const iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } const_reverse_iterator( const const_iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } const_reverse_iterator( const reverse_iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } const_reverse_iterator( const const_reverse_iterator& Other) :m_pNode( Other.m_pNode) { } reference operator*() const { return m_pNode->m_Value; } pointer operator->() const { return &**this; } const_reverse_iterator& operator++() { // rend()++ is not valid. m_pNode= m_fnNext( m_pNode, false); return (*this); } const_reverse_iterator operator++( int) { iterator Temp( *this); ++(*this); return Temp; } const_reverse_iterator& operator--() { // rend()-- is valid. m_pNode= m_fnPrev( m_pNode, true); return (*this); } const_reverse_iterator operator--( int) { iterator Temp( *this); --(*this); return (Temp); } bool operator==( const const_reverse_iterator& Other) const { return m_pNode== Other.m_pNode; } bool operator!=( const const_reverse_iterator& Other) const { return m_pNode!= Other.m_pNode; } }; protected: // Variables tree_node_pointer m_pHead; size_type m_uiNodes; key_compare m_key_compare; key_extract m_key_extract; tree_node_allocator_type m_allocator; protected: // Functions void BuildHeadNode() { m_pHead= m_allocator.allocate( 1); new (&m_pHead->m_pLeft) tree_node_pointer( m_pHead); new (&m_pHead->m_pParent) tree_node_pointer( NULL); new (&m_pHead->m_pRight) tree_node_pointer( m_pHead); new (&m_pHead->m_bRed) bool( true); } void DestroyHeadNode() { m_pHead->m_pLeft.~list_node_pointer(); m_pHead->m_pParent.~list_node_pointer(); m_pHead->m_pRight.~list_node_pointer(); m_allocator.deallocate( m_pHead, 1); } void RotateLeft( tree_node_pointer pX) { tree_node_pointer pY( pX->m_pRight); pX->m_pRight= pY->m_pLeft; if( pY->m_pLeft!= NULL) pY->m_pLeft->m_pParent= pX; pY->m_pParent= pX->m_pParent; if( pX== m_pHead->m_pParent) m_pHead->m_pParent= pY; else if( pX== pX->m_pParent->m_pLeft) pX->m_pParent->m_pLeft= pY; else pX->m_pParent->m_pRight= pY; pY->m_pLeft= pX; pX->m_pParent= pY; } void RotateRight( tree_node_pointer pX) { tree_node_pointer pY( pX->m_pLeft); pX->m_pLeft= pY->m_pRight; if( pY->m_pRight!= NULL) pY->m_pRight->m_pParent= pX; pY->m_pParent= pX->m_pParent; if( pX== m_pHead->m_pParent) m_pHead->m_pParent= pY; else if( pX== pX->m_pParent->m_pRight) pX->m_pParent->m_pRight= pY; else pX->m_pParent->m_pLeft= pY; pY->m_pRight= pX; pX->m_pParent= pY; } void RecDelete( tree_node_pointer pX) { for( tree_node_pointer pY( pX); pY!= NULL; pX= pY) { RecDelete( pY->m_pRight); pY= pY->m_pLeft; m_allocator.destroy( pX); m_allocator.deallocate( pX, 1); } } tree_node_pointer lowerbound( const key_type& k) const { tree_node_pointer pX( m_pHead->m_pParent); tree_node_pointer pY( m_pHead); while( pX!= NULL) { if( m_key_compare( m_key_extract( pX->m_Value), k)) pX= pX->m_pRight; else { pY= pX; pX= pX->m_pLeft; } } return pY; } tree_node_pointer upperbound( const key_type& k) const { tree_node_pointer pX( m_pHead->m_pParent); tree_node_pointer pY( m_pHead); while( pX!= NULL) { if( m_key_compare( k, m_key_extract( pX->m_Value))) { pY= pX; pX= pX->m_pLeft; } else pX= pX->m_pRight; } return pY; } iterator Insert( tree_node_pointer pX, tree_node_pointer pY, const value_type& V) { tree_node_pointer pZ( m_allocator.allocate( 1)); m_allocator.construct( pZ, tree_node( pY, V, true)); ++m_uiNodes; if( pY== m_pHead|| pX!= NULL|| m_key_compare( m_key_extract( V), m_key_extract( pY->m_Value))) { pY->m_pLeft= pZ; if( pY== m_pHead) { m_pHead->m_pParent= pZ; m_pHead->m_pRight= pZ; } else if( pY== m_pHead->m_pLeft) m_pHead->m_pLeft= pZ; } else { pY->m_pRight= pZ; if( pY== m_pHead->m_pRight) m_pHead->m_pRight= pZ; } for( pX= pZ; pX!= m_pHead->m_pParent&& pX->m_pParent->m_bRed; ) { if( pX->m_pParent== pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_pLeft) { pY= pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_pRight; if( pY!= NULL&& pY->m_bRed) { pX->m_pParent->m_bRed= false; pY->m_bRed= false; pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_bRed= true; pX= pX->m_pParent->m_pParent; } else { if( pX== pX->m_pParent->m_pRight) { pX= pX->m_pParent; RotateLeft( pX); } pX->m_pParent->m_bRed= false; pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_bRed= true; RotateRight( pX->m_pParent->m_pParent); } } else { pY= pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_pLeft; if( pY!= NULL&& pY->m_bRed) { pX->m_pParent->m_bRed= false; pY->m_bRed= false; pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_bRed= true; pX= pX->m_pParent->m_pParent; } else { if( pX== pX->m_pParent->m_pLeft) { pX= pX->m_pParent; RotateRight( pX); } pX->m_pParent->m_bRed= false; pX->m_pParent->m_pParent->m_bRed= true; RotateLeft( pX->m_pParent->m_pParent); } } } m_pHead->m_pParent->m_bRed= false; return iterator( pZ); } public: // Functions iterator begin() { return iterator( m_pHead->m_pLeft); } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator( m_pHead->m_pLeft); } iterator end() { return iterator( m_pHead); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator( m_pHead); } reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator( m_pHead->m_pRight); } const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator( m_pHead->m_pRight); } reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator( m_pHead); } const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator( m_pHead); } size_type size() const { return m_uiNodes; } size_type max_size() const { return m_allocator.max_size(); } bool empty() const { return 0== size(); } key_compare key_comp() const { return m_key_compare; } explicit RBTree( const CompareKey& CmpKey= CompareKey(), const ExtractKey& ExKey= ExtractKey(), const Allocator& A= Allocator()): m_pHead( NULL), m_uiNodes( 0), m_key_compare( CmpKey), m_key_extract( ExKey), m_allocator( A) { BuildHeadNode(); } RBTree( const tree_type& Other): m_pHead( NULL), m_uiNodes( 0), m_key_compare( Other.m_key_compare), m_key_extract( Other.m_key_extract), m_allocator( Other.m_allocator) { BuildHeadNode(); try { *this= Other; } catch( ... ) { clear(); DestroyHeadNode(); throw; } } ~RBTree() { clear(); DestroyHeadNode(); } tree_type& operator=( const tree_type& x) { if( this!= &x) { erase( begin(), end()); m_key_compare= x.m_key_compare; m_key_extract= x.m_key_extract; insert_equal( x.begin(), x.end()); } return (*this); } allocator_type get_allocator() const { return m_allocator; } void swap( const tree_type& x) { swap( m_key_compare, x.m_key_compare); swap( m_key_extract, x.m_key_extract); if( m_allocator== x.m_allocator) { swap( m_pHead, x.m_pHead); swap( m_uiNodes, x.m_uiNodes); } else { tree_type Temp( *this); *this= x; x= Temp; } } // // Global ::swap was always called instead of this method. Now that we always instantiate it, // as required by the Standard, it confilcts with the global definition // // An overload (see the end of this file) is now called instead of this friend function // // friend void swap( tree_type& x, tree_type& y) // { x.swap( y); } pair< iterator, bool> insert_unique( const value_type& x) { tree_node_pointer pA( m_pHead->m_pParent); tree_node_pointer pB( m_pHead); const key_type XKey( m_key_extract( x)); bool bCmp( true); while( pA!= NULL) { pB= pA; bCmp= m_key_compare( XKey, m_key_extract( pA->m_Value)); pA= (bCmp? pA->m_pLeft: pA->m_pRight); } iterator itP( pB); if( bCmp) { if( itP== begin()) return pair< iterator, bool>( Insert( pA, pB, x), true); else --itP; } if( m_key_compare( m_key_extract( itP.m_pNode->m_Value), XKey)) return pair< iterator, bool>( Insert( pA, pB, x), true); return pair< iterator, bool>( itP, false); } iterator insert_unique( iterator pP, const value_type& x) { return insert_unique( x).first; } template< class ForwardIterator> void insert_unique( ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l) { while( f!= l) { insert_unique( *f); ++f; } } iterator insert_equal( const value_type& x) { tree_node_pointer pA( m_pHead->m_pParent); tree_node_pointer pB( m_pHead); const key_type XKey( m_key_extract( x)); bool bCmp( true); while( pA!= NULL) { pB= pA; bCmp= m_key_compare( XKey, m_key_extract( pA->m_Value)); pA= (bCmp? pA->m_pLeft: pA->m_pRight); } return iterator( Insert( pA, pB, x)); } iterator insert_equal( iterator pP, const value_type& x) { return insert_equal( x); } template< class ForwardIterator> void insert_equal( ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l) { while( f!= l) { insert_equal( *f); ++f; } } iterator erase( iterator itDel) { tree_node_pointer pW; tree_node_pointer pX; tree_node_pointer pY( itDel.m_pNode); tree_node_pointer pZ( pY); ++itDel; if( pY->m_pLeft== NULL) pX= pY->m_pRight; else if( pY->m_pRight== NULL) pX= pY->m_pLeft; else { pY= pY->m_pRight; while( pY->m_pLeft!= NULL) pY= pY->m_pLeft; pX= pY->m_pRight; } tree_node_pointer pXParent( pY); if( pY!= pZ) { pZ->m_pLeft->m_pParent= pY; pY->m_pLeft= pZ->m_pLeft; if( pY== pZ->m_pRight) (pX!= NULL? pX->m_pParent= pXParent= pY: pXParent= pY); else { (pX!= NULL? pX->m_pParent= pXParent= pY->m_pParent: pXParent= pY->m_pParent); pY->m_pParent->m_pLeft= pX; pY->m_pRight= pZ->m_pRight; pZ->m_pRight->m_pParent= pY; } if( m_pHead->m_pParent== pZ) m_pHead->m_pParent= pY; else if( pZ->m_pParent->m_pLeft== pZ) pZ->m_pParent->m_pLeft= pY; else pZ->m_pParent->m_pRight= pY; pY->m_pParent= pZ->m_pParent; const bool bTmp( pY->m_bRed); pY->m_bRed= pZ->m_bRed; pZ->m_bRed= bTmp; pY= pZ; } else { (pX!= NULL? pX->m_pParent= pXParent= pY->m_pParent: pXParent= pY->m_pParent); if( m_pHead->m_pParent== pZ) m_pHead->m_pParent= pX; else if( pZ->m_pParent->m_pLeft== pZ) pZ->m_pParent->m_pLeft= pX; else pZ->m_pParent->m_pRight= pX; if( m_pHead->m_pLeft== pZ) { if( pZ->m_pRight== NULL) m_pHead->m_pLeft= pZ->m_pParent; else { m_pHead->m_pLeft= pX; while( m_pHead->m_pLeft->m_pLeft!= NULL) m_pHead->m_pLeft= m_pHead->m_pLeft->m_pLeft; } } if( m_pHead->m_pRight== pZ) { if( pZ->m_pLeft== NULL) m_pHead->m_pRight= pZ->m_pParent; else { m_pHead->m_pRight= pX; while( m_pHead->m_pRight->m_pRight!= NULL) m_pHead->m_pRight= m_pHead->m_pRight->m_pRight; } } } if( !pY->m_bRed) { while( pX!= m_pHead->m_pParent&& (pX== NULL|| !pX->m_bRed)) { if( pX== pXParent->m_pLeft) { pW= pXParent->m_pRight; if( pW->m_bRed) { pW->m_bRed= false; pXParent->m_bRed= true; RotateLeft( pXParent); pW= pXParent->m_pRight; } if( (pW->m_pLeft== NULL|| !pW->m_pLeft->m_bRed)&& (pW->m_pRight== NULL|| !pW->m_pRight->m_bRed) ) { pW->m_bRed= true; pX= pXParent; pXParent= pXParent->m_pParent; } else { if( pW->m_pRight== NULL|| !pW->m_pRight->m_bRed) { pW->m_pLeft->m_bRed= false; pW->m_bRed= true; RotateRight( pW); pW= pXParent->m_pRight; } pW->m_bRed= pXParent->m_bRed; pXParent->m_bRed= false; pW->m_pRight->m_bRed= false; RotateLeft( pXParent); break; } } else { pW= pXParent->m_pLeft; if( pW->m_bRed) { pW->m_bRed= false; pXParent->m_bRed= true; RotateRight( pXParent); pW= pXParent->m_pLeft; } if( (pW->m_pLeft== NULL|| !pW->m_pLeft->m_bRed)&& (pW->m_pRight== NULL|| !pW->m_pRight->m_bRed) ) { pW->m_bRed= true; pX= pXParent; pXParent= pXParent->m_pParent; } else { if( pW->m_pLeft== NULL|| !pW->m_pLeft->m_bRed) { pW->m_pRight->m_bRed= false; pW->m_bRed= true; RotateLeft( pW); pW= pXParent->m_pLeft; } pW->m_bRed= pXParent->m_bRed; pXParent->m_bRed= false; pW->m_pLeft->m_bRed= false; RotateRight( pXParent); break; } } } if( pX!= NULL) pX->m_bRed= false; } m_allocator.destroy( pY); m_allocator.deallocate( pY, 1); --m_uiNodes; return itDel; } iterator erase( iterator f, iterator l) { if( 0== size()|| f!= begin() || l!= end()) { while( f!= l) f= erase( f); return f; } clear(); return begin(); } size_type erase( const key_type& k) { const pair< iterator, iterator> EqRng( equal_range( k)); size_type n( 0); iterator itCur( EqRng.first); while( itCur!= EqRng.second) { ++itCur; ++n; } erase( EqRng.first, EqRng.second); return n; } void clear() { RecDelete( m_pHead->m_pParent); m_uiNodes= 0; m_pHead->m_pParent= NULL; m_pHead->m_pRight= m_pHead->m_pLeft= m_pHead; } iterator find( const key_type& k) { iterator itLB( lower_bound( k)); return( itLB== end()|| m_key_compare( k, m_key_extract( itLB.m_pNode->m_Value))? end(): itLB); } const_iterator find( const key_type& k) const { const_iterator itLB( lower_bound( k)); return( itLB== end()|| m_key_compare( k, m_key_extract( itLB.m_pNode->m_Value))? end(): itLB); } size_type count( const key_type& k) const { const pair< const_iterator, const_iterator> EqRng( equal_range( k)); size_type n( 0); const_iterator itCur( EqRng.first); while( itCur!= EqRng.second) { ++itCur; ++n; } return n; } iterator lower_bound( const key_type& k) { return iterator( lowerbound( k)); } const_iterator lower_bound( const key_type& k) const { return const_iterator( lowerbound( k)); } iterator upper_bound( const key_type& k) { return iterator( upperbound( k)); } const_iterator upper_bound( const key_type& k) const { return const_iterator( upperbound( k)); } pair< iterator, iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k) { return pair< iterator, iterator>( lower_bound( k), upper_bound( k)); } pair< const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k) const { return pair< const_iterator, const_iterator>( lower_bound( k), upper_bound( k)); } #if 0 pair< bool, int> InValid( tree_node_pointer pNode, tree_node_pointer pParent, bool bParentRed) { pair< bool, int> RightRet( false, 1); if( pNode->m_pRight!= NULL) RightRet= InValid( pNode->m_pRight, pNode, pNode->m_bRed); pair< bool, int> LeftRet( false, 1); if( pNode->m_pLeft!= NULL) LeftRet= InValid( pNode->m_pLeft, pNode, pNode->m_bRed); return pair< bool, int>( pNode->m_pParent!= pParent|| RightRet.first|| LeftRet.first|| RightRet.second!= LeftRet.second|| (bParentRed&& pNode->m_bRed), RightRet.second+ (pNode->m_bRed? 0: 1)); } bool valid() { if( m_pHead->m_pParent!= NULL) { bool bInvalid( InValid( m_pHead->m_pParent, m_pHead, m_pHead->m_bRed).first); tree_node_pointer pChk= m_pHead->m_pParent; while( pChk->m_pLeft!= NULL) pChk= pChk->m_pLeft; bInvalid|= (pChk!= m_pHead->m_pLeft); pChk= m_pHead->m_pParent; while( pChk->m_pRight!= NULL) pChk= pChk->m_pRight; bInvalid|= (pChk!= m_pHead->m_pRight); return !bInvalid; } else return true; } #endif }; template< class Key, class T, class ExtractKey, class CompareKey, class Allocator> void swap(RBTree& x, RBTree& y) { x.swap(y); }