//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file contains texture read functions. // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- include(`m4hdr.mh')dnl #include "rgb_pch.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "ctxrd_mh.h" // Names are read LSB to MSB, so B5G6R5 means five bits of blue starting // at the LSB, then six bits of green, then five bits of red. dnl dnl d_DoTex dnl dnl Calls the macro in $1 with all options to generate differentiated texture dnl read functions dnl define(`d_DoTex', `d_Null($1(NoBorder, NoColorKey)) d_Null($1(NoBorder, ColorKey)) d_Null($1(Border, NoColorKey)) d_Null($1(Border, ColorKey))')dnl dnl dnl d_DoBorder dnl dnl Inserts conditional border code dnl define(`d_DoBorder', `ifelse(`$1', `NoBorder', `', ` if ((iU < 0) || (iV < 0)) { return pTex->BorderColor; }')')dnl dnl dnl d_DoColorKey dnl dnl Inserts conditional color key code dnl $1 the function type, $2 is the thing to test against the Transparent color, dnl and $3 is its type. dnl define(`d_DoColorKey', `ifelse(`$1', `NoColorKey', `', ` if ($2 == $3pTex->TransparentColor) { Color &= 0xffffff; }')')dnl dnl define(`d_B8G8R8', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_B8G8R8_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_DoBorder(`$1') UINT32 uTexel = ((UINT32*)pBits)[iU | (iV << iShiftU)]; D3DCOLOR Color = uTexel | 0xff000000; d_DoColorKey(`$2', uTexel) return Color; }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_B8G8R8') dnl define(`d_B8G8R8A8', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_B8G8R8A8_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_DoBorder(`$1') D3DCOLOR Color = ((D3DCOLOR*)pBits)[iU | (iV << iShiftU)]; d_DoColorKey(`$2', Color) return Color; }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_B8G8R8A8') dnl define(`d_B5G6R5', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_B5G6R5_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_DoBorder(`$1') UINT16 uTexel = ((UINT16*)pBits)[iU | (iV << iShiftU)]; D3DCOLOR Color = RGBA_MAKE(( uTexel >> 8 ) & 0xf8, (( uTexel >> 3) & 0xfc ), (( uTexel << 3) & 0xf8 ), 0xff); d_DoColorKey(`$2', uTexel, `(UINT16)') return Color; }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_B5G6R5') dnl define(`d_B5G5R5', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_B5G5R5_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_DoBorder(`$1') UINT16 uTexel = ((UINT16*)pBits)[iU | (iV << iShiftU)]; D3DCOLOR Color = RGBA_MAKE(( uTexel >> 7 ) & 0xf8, (( uTexel >> 2) & 0xf8 ), (( uTexel << 3) & 0xf8 ), 0xff); d_DoColorKey(`$2', uTexel, `(UINT16)') return Color; }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_B5G5R5') dnl define(`d_B5G5R5A1', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_B5G5R5A1_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_DoBorder(`$1') INT16 iTexel = ((INT16*)pBits)[iU | (iV << iShiftU)]; D3DCOLOR Color = RGBA_MAKE(( iTexel >> 7 ) & 0xf8, (( iTexel >> 2) & 0xf8 ), (( iTexel << 3) & 0xf8 ), (iTexel >> 15) & 0xff); d_DoColorKey(`$2', iTexel, `(INT16)') return Color; }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_B5G5R5A1') dnl define(`d_B4G4R4A4', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_B4G4R4A4_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_DoBorder(`$1') INT16 iTexel = ((INT16*)pBits)[iU | (iV << iShiftU)]; INT16 iAlpha = ( iTexel >> 12 ) & 0xf; D3DCOLOR Color = RGBA_MAKE((( iTexel >> 4 ) & 0xf0), (( iTexel >> 0) & 0xf0 ), (( iTexel << 4) & 0xf0 ), (iAlpha << 4) | iAlpha ); d_DoColorKey(`$2', iTexel, `(INT16)') return Color; }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_B4G4R4A4') dnl define(`d_L8', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_L8_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_DoBorder(`$1') UINT8 uTexel = ((UINT8*)pBits)[iU | (iV << iShiftU)]; D3DCOLOR Color = RGBA_MAKE(uTexel, uTexel, uTexel, 0xff ); d_DoColorKey(`$2', uTexel, `(UINT8)') return Color; }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_L8') dnl define(`d_L8A8', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_L8A8_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_DoBorder(`$1') UINT16 uTexel = ((UINT16*)pBits)[iU | (iV << iShiftU)]; UINT16 uAlpha = ( uTexel >> 8 ) & 0xff; UINT16 uTexel8 = uTexel & 0xff; D3DCOLOR Color = RGBA_MAKE(uTexel8, uTexel8, uTexel8, uAlpha ); d_DoColorKey(`$2', uTexel, `(UINT16)') return Color; }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_L8A8') dnl dnl dnl dnl d_CheckPalette4 dnl dnl Index computation for palette4, otherwise just retrieve iTexel for palette8 dnl $1 the function type, dnl define(`d_CheckPalette4', `ifelse(eval(d_index(`$1', `Palette4') >= 0), `1', ` INT32 iTexel = pBits[iIndex>>1]; if ((iIndex & 1) == 0) { iTexel &= 0xf; } else { iTexel >>= 4; }', ` INT32 iTexel = pBits[iIndex];')')dnl dnl dnl dnl dnl d_DoPaletteAlpha dnl dnl Check if palette has alpha dnl $1 the function type, dnl define(`d_DoPaletteAlpha', `ifelse(eval(d_index(`$1', `A') >= 0), `1', ` Color = RGBA_MAKE((Color & 0xff), (Color >> 8) & 0xff, (Color >> 16) & 0xff, (Color >> 24) & 0xff);', ` Color = RGBA_MAKE((Color & 0xff), (Color >> 8) & 0xff, (Color >> 16) & 0xff, 0xff);')')dnl dnl define(`d_Palette', ` d_DoBorder(`$1') INT32 iIndex = iU | (iV << iShiftU); d_CheckPalette4(`$3') D3DCOLOR Color = pTex->pPalette[iTexel]; // RL palette is BGR - flip the channels into RGB d_DoPaletteAlpha(`$3') d_DoColorKey(`$2', iTexel, `(INT32)') return Color; ')dnl dnl define(`d_Palette8', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_Palette8_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_Palette($1, $2, Palette8) }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_Palette8') define(`d_Palette4', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_Palette4_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_Palette($1, $2, Palette4) }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_Palette4') dnl define(`d_Palette8A', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_Palette8A_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_Palette($1, $2, Palette8A) }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_Palette8A') define(`d_Palette4A', ` D3DCOLOR C_TexRead_Palette4A_$1_$2(INT32 iU, INT32 iV, INT32 iShiftU, PUINT8 pBits, PD3DI_SPANTEX pTex) { d_Palette($1, $2, Palette4A) }')dnl d_DoTex(`d_Palette4A')