/*++ Copyright(c) 1998,99 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: wlbscfg.h Abstract: Windows Load Balancing Service (WLBS) Notifier object - Provide the functionality of notifier object Author: fengsun --*/ #pragma once #include #include "wlbsparm.h" #define WLBS_MAX_PASSWORD 16 struct NETCFG_WLBS_PORT_RULE { TCHAR virtual_ip_addr [CVY_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR + 1]; // Virtual IP Address DWORD start_port; // Starting port number. DWORD end_port; // Ending port number. DWORD mode; // Filtering mode. WLBS_PORT_RULE_XXXX DWORD protocol; // WLBS_TCP, WLBS_UDP or WLBS_TCP_UDP union { struct { DWORD priority; // Mastership priority: 1..32 or 0 for not-specified. } single; // Data for single server mode. struct { WORD equal_load; // TRUE - Even load distribution. WORD affinity; // WLBS_AFFINITY_XXX DWORD load; // Percentage of load to handle locally 0..100. } multi; // Data for multi-server mode. } mode_data; // Data for appropriate port group mode. }; /* This is not visible from the UI, but we need it to correct some bad configuration on binding. */ struct NETCFG_WLBS_BDA_TEAMING { WCHAR team_id[CVY_MAX_BDA_TEAM_ID + 1]; /* The team ID - MUST be a GUID. */ ULONG active; /* On write, this flag determines whether to create BDATeaming key - BDA on/off switch. */ ULONG master; /* Boolean indication of master status. */ ULONG reverse_hash; /* Sets direction of hashing - forward (normal) or reverse. */ }; struct NETCFG_WLBS_CONFIG { DWORD dwHostPriority; // Host priority ID. DWORD dwPersistedStates; // The states that will be persisted across reboot. DWORD dwInitialState; // The states that will be persisted across reboot. bool fRctEnabled; // TRUE - remote control enabled. bool fMcastSupport; // TRUE - multicast mode, FALSE - unicast mode. bool fIGMPSupport; // TRUE - IGMP enabled. bool fIpToMCastIp; // TRUE - derive multicast IP from cluster IP. WCHAR szMCastIpAddress[CVY_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR + 1]; // The multicast IP address, if user-specified. TCHAR cl_mac_addr[CVY_MAX_NETWORK_ADDR + 1]; // Cluster MAC address. TCHAR cl_ip_addr[CVY_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR + 1]; // Cluster IP address. TCHAR cl_net_mask[CVY_MAX_CL_NET_MASK + 1]; // Netmask for cluster IP. TCHAR ded_ip_addr[CVY_MAX_DED_IP_ADDR + 1]; // Dedicated IP address or "" for none. TCHAR ded_net_mask[CVY_MAX_DED_NET_MASK + 1]; // Netmask for dedicated IP address or "" for none. TCHAR domain_name[CVY_MAX_DOMAIN_NAME + 1]; // Full Qualified Domain Name of the cluster. bool fChangePassword; // Whether to change password, valid for SetAdapterConfig only. TCHAR szPassword[CVY_MAX_RCT_CODE + 1]; // Remote control password, valid for SetAdapterConfig only. bool fConvertMac; // Whether the mac address is generated from IP. DWORD dwMaxHosts; // Maximum # hosts allowed. DWORD dwMaxRules; // Maximum # port group rules allowed. DWORD dwNumRules; // # active port group rules NETCFG_WLBS_BDA_TEAMING bda_teaming; /* The BDA teaming config, which is NOT visible in the UI. */ NETCFG_WLBS_PORT_RULE port_rules[CVY_MAX_RULES]; // Port rules }; class CNetcfgCluster; struct WlbsApiFuncs; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class CWlbsConfig // // Description: Provide the functionality for the notifier object. // It would be used by TCPIP notifier if WLBS UI merged with TCPIP // // History: fengsun Created Header 2/11/00 // //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CWlbsConfig { public: CWlbsConfig(VOID); ~CWlbsConfig(VOID); STDMETHOD (Initialize) (IN INetCfg* pINetCfg, IN BOOL fInstalling); STDMETHOD (ReadAnswerFile) (PCWSTR szAnswerFile, PCWSTR szAnswerSections); STDMETHOD (Upgrade) (DWORD, DWORD); STDMETHOD (Install) (DWORD); STDMETHOD (Removing) (); STDMETHOD (QueryBindingPath) (DWORD dwChangeFlag, INetCfgComponent * pAdapter); STDMETHOD (NotifyBindingPath) (DWORD dwChangeFlag, INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp); STDMETHOD (GetAdapterConfig) (const GUID & AdapterGuid, NETCFG_WLBS_CONFIG * pClusterConfig); STDMETHOD (SetAdapterConfig) (const GUID & AdapterGuid, NETCFG_WLBS_CONFIG * pClusterConfig); STDMETHOD_(void, SetDefaults) (NETCFG_WLBS_CONFIG * pClusterConfig); STDMETHOD (ApplyRegistryChanges) (); STDMETHOD (ApplyPnpChanges) (); STDMETHOD (ValidateProperties) (HWND hwndSheet, GUID adapterGUID, NETCFG_WLBS_CONFIG * adapterConfig); STDMETHOD (CheckForDuplicateCLusterIPAddresses) (GUID adapterGUID, NETCFG_WLBS_CONFIG * adapterConfig); STDMETHOD (CheckForDuplicateBDATeamMasters) (GUID adapterGUID, NETCFG_WLBS_CONFIG * adapterConfig); #ifdef DEBUG void AssertValid(); #endif protected: CNetcfgCluster * GetCluster (const GUID& AdapterGuid); HRESULT LoadAllAdapterSettings (bool fUpgradeFromWin2k); vector m_vtrCluster; // List of clusters. HANDLE m_hDeviceWlbs; // Handle to the WLBS device object. enum ENUM_WLBS_SERVICE { WLBS_SERVICE_NONE, WLBS_SERVICE_INSTALL, WLBS_SERVICE_REMOVE, WLBS_SERVICE_UPGRADE }; ENUM_WLBS_SERVICE m_ServiceOperation; // Operations to be applied INetCfgComponent * m_pWlbsComponent; // Wlbs Component. public: HRESULT IsBoundTo (INetCfgComponent* pAdapter); ULONG CountNLBBindings (); // // To avoid link with wlbsctrl.dll, which only shiped in adavanced server // Can not put them as global variables, because multiple instance of this // object could exist // INetCfg * m_pNetCfg; HINSTANCE m_hdllWlbsCtrl; WlbsApiFuncs * m_pWlbsApiFuncs; };