//++ // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1987 - 1999 // // Module Name: // // nbtnm.c // // Abstract: // // Queries into network drivers // // Author: // // Anilth - 4-20-1998 // // Environment: // // User mode only. // Contains NT-specific code. // // Revision History: // // NSun - 9-03-1998 // //-- #include "precomp.h" #include "dhcptest.h" const TCHAR c_szPath[] = _T("\\Device\\NetBT_Tcpip_"); TCHAR pDeviceName[NBT_MAXIMUM_BINDINGS][MAX_NAME+1]; TCHAR * printable( IN TCHAR * string, IN TCHAR * StrOut ); //$REVIEW (nsun) previously using ReadNbtNameRegistry() see Bug 152014 LONG GetInterfaceList( IN OUT TCHAR pDeviceName[][MAX_NAME+1], IN OUT PUCHAR pScope ); NTSTATUS OpenNbt(IN char path[][MAX_NAME+1], OUT PHANDLE pHandle, int max_paths); NTSTATUS DeviceIoCtrl( IN HANDLE fd, IN PVOID ReturnBuffer, IN ULONG BufferSize, IN ULONG Ioctl, IN PVOID pInput, IN ULONG SizeInput ); /* ======================================================================= * name_type() -- describe NBT Name types * */ char * name_type(int t) { if (t & GROUP_NAME) return("GROUP"); else return("UNIQUE"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// //###### N b t N m T e s t () ###########################################// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Abstract: // // Test that the names // // <00> - wks svc name = NETBIOS computer name // // <03> - messenger svc name // // <20> - server svc name // // are present on all interfaces and that they are not in conflict // // Arguments: // // none // // Return value: // // TRUE - test passed // // FALSE - test failed // // Global variables used: // // none // // Revision History: // // List remote machines cache too - Rajkumar 06/30/98 // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// HRESULT NbtNmTest(NETDIAG_PARAMS* pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT* pResults) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR pScope[MAX_NAME + 1]; int index; HANDLE hNbt = (HANDLE) -1; ULONG BufferSize = sizeof(tADAPTERSTATUS); PVOID pBuffer = NULL; LONG lCount; int nNameProblemCnt = 0; BOOL is00, is03, is20, isGlobal00, isGlobal03, isGlobal20; tADAPTERSTATUS *pAdapterStatus; NAME_BUFFER *pNames; NTSTATUS status; TDI_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION QueryInfo; // // Variables for Netbios Name resolution option - Rajkumar // HKEY hkeyNetBTKey; HKEY hkeyNBTAdapterKey; DWORD valueType; DWORD valueLength; DWORD NetbiosOptions; INT err; // // For remote cache information // UCHAR* Addr; TCHAR HostAddr[20]; // // End of changes - Rajkumar 06/17/98 // PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 4, IDS_NBTNM_STATUS_MSG); //Init the global message link list InitializeListHead( &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput ); if (!pResults->Global.fHasNbtEnabledInterface) { AddMessageToList( &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput, Nd_Verbose, IDS_NBTNM_ALL_DISABELED); return S_OK; } // // get the names of all the interfaces from the registry // if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != GetInterfaceList( pDeviceName, pScope ) ) { //IDS_NBTNM_12201 " [FATAL] failed to read NBT interface info from the registry!\n" AddMessageToListId( &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_NBTNM_12201 ); hr = S_FALSE; goto end_NbtNmTest; } if ( *pScope == '\0') //IDS_NBTNM_12202 " No NetBT scope defined\n" AddMessageToListId( &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12202 ); else //IDS_NBTNM_12203 " NetBT scope: %s\n" AddMessageToList( &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12203, pScope ); // // loop through the interfaces and get the names on them // isGlobal00 = isGlobal03 = isGlobal20 = FALSE; for ( index = 0; index < NBT_MAXIMUM_BINDINGS && pDeviceName[index][0]; index++ ) { LPTSTR pszAdapterName; INTERFACE_RESULT* pIfResults; UINT c03NameProblem = 0; pIfResults = NULL; //try to find a match in the current interface list //$REVIEW It seems we should always find a match here. Maybe we need print // a FAIL message if cannot find a match. if( 0 == _tcsncmp(c_szPath, pDeviceName[index], _tcslen(c_szPath))) { // LPTSTR pszAdapterName; int i; pszAdapterName = _tcsdup( pDeviceName[index] + _tcslen(c_szPath)); for ( i=0; icNumInterfaces; i++) { if (_tcscmp(pResults->pArrayInterface[i].pszName, pszAdapterName) == 0) { pIfResults = pResults->pArrayInterface + i; break; } } Free(pszAdapterName); } if(NULL == pIfResults) { //we should be able to get the match. That is weird! DebugMessage("[WARNING] A NetBT interface is not in our TCPIP interface list!\n"); // We need a new interface result structure, grab one // (if it is free), else allocate more. if (pResults->cNumInterfaces >= pResults->cNumInterfacesAllocated) { PVOID pv; // Need to do a realloc to get more memory pv = Realloc(pResults->pArrayInterface, sizeof(INTERFACE_RESULT)*(pResults->cNumInterfacesAllocated+8)); if (pv == NULL) { DebugMessage(" Realloc memory failed. \n"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto end_NbtNmTest; } pResults->pArrayInterface = pv; pResults->cNumInterfacesAllocated += 8; } pIfResults = pResults->pArrayInterface + pResults->cNumInterfaces; pResults->cNumInterfaces++; ZeroMemory(pIfResults, sizeof(INTERFACE_RESULT)); pIfResults->pszName = _tcsdup(pszAdapterName); pIfResults->pszFriendlyName = _tcsdup(_T("Additional NetBT interface")); pIfResults->fActive = TRUE; pIfResults->NbtNm.fActive = TRUE; pIfResults->NbtNm.fQuietOutput = FALSE; } else { pIfResults->NbtNm.fActive = pIfResults->fActive; } if(!pIfResults->NbtNm.fActive || NETCARD_DISCONNECTED == pIfResults->dwNetCardStatus) continue; InitializeListHead( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput ); if (!pIfResults->fNbtEnabled) { AddMessageToList(&pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Verbose, IDS_NBTNM_IF_DISABLED); continue; } /* //$REVIEW Can we skip WAN adapters if ( _tcsstr( pDeviceName[index], "NdisWan" ) ) { // // let's not worry about WAN interfaces yet // continue; } */ // Strip off the "\Device\" off of the beginning of // the string //IDS_NBTNM_12204 " %s\n" AddMessageToList( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12204, MapGuidToServiceName(pDeviceName[index]+8)); status = OpenNbt( &pDeviceName[index], &hNbt, NBT_MAXIMUM_BINDINGS - index ); // // let's get the names on this interface // pBuffer = Malloc( BufferSize ); if ( !pBuffer ) { DebugMessage(" [FATAL] name table buffer allocation failed!\n" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CloseHandle( hNbt ); goto end_NbtNmTest; } ZeroMemory( pBuffer, BufferSize ); QueryInfo.QueryType = TDI_QUERY_ADAPTER_STATUS; // node status or whatever // // find the right buffer size // status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; while ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { //$REVIEW there should be a better way to decide the buffer size status = DeviceIoCtrl(hNbt, pBuffer, BufferSize, IOCTL_TDI_QUERY_INFORMATION, &QueryInfo, sizeof(TDI_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION) ); if ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { Free( pBuffer ); BufferSize *= 2; pBuffer = Malloc( BufferSize ); if ( !pBuffer ) { DebugMessage( " [FATAL] Buffer allocation for name table retrieval failed.\n" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CloseHandle( hNbt ); goto end_NbtNmTest; } ZeroMemory( pBuffer, BufferSize ); } } // // at this point we have the local name table in pBuffer // pAdapterStatus = (tADAPTERSTATUS *)pBuffer; if ( (pAdapterStatus->AdapterInfo.name_count == 0) || (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) ) { //IDS_NBTNM_12205 " No names have been found.\n" AddMessageToListId(&pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Verbose, IDS_NBTNM_12205 ); Free( pBuffer ); CloseHandle( hNbt ); continue; } pNames = pAdapterStatus->Names; lCount = pAdapterStatus->AdapterInfo.name_count; // // cycle thorugh the names // nNameProblemCnt = 0; is00 = is03 = is20 = FALSE; while( lCount-- ) { TCHAR szNameOut[NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE +4]; //$REVIEW (nsun) BUG227186 CliffV said problems with <03> name is not fatal. // Just need a warning message. BOOL f03Name = FALSE; if ( pNames->name[NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE-1] == 0x0 ) { isGlobal00 = TRUE; is00 = TRUE; if ( !(pNames->name_flags & GROUP_NAME) ) { // unique name memcpy( nameToQry, pNames->name, (NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE-1)); } } if ( pNames->name[NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE-1] == 0x3 ) { isGlobal03 = TRUE; is03 = TRUE; f03Name = TRUE; } if ( pNames->name[NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE-1] == 0x20 ) { isGlobal20 = TRUE; is20 = TRUE; } //IDS_NBTNM_12206 "\t%-15.15s<%02.2X> %-10s " AddMessageToList( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12206, printable(pNames->name, szNameOut), pNames->name[NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE-1], name_type(pNames->name_flags)); switch(pNames->name_flags & 0x0F) { case DUPLICATE_DEREG: //IDS_NBTNM_12207 "CONFLICT_DEREGISTERED" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12207 ); if(f03Name) c03NameProblem ++; else nNameProblemCnt++; break; case DUPLICATE: //IDS_NBTNM_12208 "CONFLICT" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12208 ); if(f03Name) c03NameProblem ++; else nNameProblemCnt++; break; case REGISTERING: //IDS_NBTNM_12209 "REGISTERING" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12209 ); if(f03Name) c03NameProblem ++; else nNameProblemCnt++; break; case DEREGISTERED: //IDS_NBTNM_12210 "DEREGISTERED" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12210 ); if(f03Name) c03NameProblem ++; else nNameProblemCnt++; break; case REGISTERED: //IDS_NBTNM_12211 "REGISTERED" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12211 ); break; default: //$REVIEW Should have a PM to review words and grammar of the output message, DONT_KNOW //IDS_NBTNM_12212 "DONT_KNOW" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12212 ); if(f03Name) c03NameProblem ++; else nNameProblemCnt++; break; } pNames++; //IDS_GLOBAL_EmptyLine "\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_GLOBAL_EmptyLine ); } /* while() all the names on a given interface */ if ( nNameProblemCnt != 0 ) { pIfResults->NbtNm.fQuietOutput = TRUE; //if not really verbose, the device name is not printed before. if( !pParams->fReallyVerbose) { //IDS_NBTNM_12204 " %s\n" AddMessageToList( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_NBTNM_12204, pDeviceName[index] ); } //IDS_NBTNM_12214 " [FATAL] At least one of your NetBT names is not registered properly!\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_NBTNM_12214 ); //IDS_NBTNM_12215 " You have a potential name conflict!\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_NBTNM_12215 ); //IDS_NBTNM_12216 " Please check that the machine name is unique!\n" AddMessageToList( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_NBTNM_12216 ); hr = S_FALSE; } else if( c03NameProblem != 0 ) { //if not really verbose, the device name is not printed before. if( !pParams->fReallyVerbose) { //IDS_NBTNM_12204 " %s\n" AddMessageToList( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_NBTNM_12204, pDeviceName[index] ); } //IDS_NBTNM_03PROBLEM " [WARNING] At least one of your <03> NetBT names is not registered properly!\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_NBTNM_03PROBLEM ); } if ( !(is00 && is03 && is20) ) { //if not really verbose, the device name is not printed before. if( !pParams->fReallyVerbose) { //IDS_NBTNM_12204 " %s\n" AddMessageToList( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12204, pDeviceName[index] ); } //IDS_NBTNM_12217 " [WARNING] At least one of the <00>, <03>, <20> names is missing!\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Verbose, IDS_NBTNM_12217 ); } nNameProblemCnt = 0; if (pParams->fReallyVerbose) { err = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NetBT\\Parameters\\Interfaces", &hkeyNetBTKey ); // if we are here , then we are working on a LAN card if( ERROR_SUCCESS != err ) { DebugMessage("Error Opening \\NetBT\\Parameters\\Interfaces Key\n"); goto continue_NbtNmTest; } err = RegOpenKey(hkeyNetBTKey, pDeviceName[index]+14, &hkeyNBTAdapterKey ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != err ) { DebugMessage2("Error Reading Adapter %s Key\n", pDeviceName[index]+14); goto continue_NbtNmTest; } valueLength = sizeof(DWORD); err = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyNBTAdapterKey, "NetbiosOptions", NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE)&NetbiosOptions, &valueLength ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != err) { DebugMessage("Error Reading NetbiosOptions\n"); goto continue_NbtNmTest; } //IDS_NBTNM_12218 "\n NetBios Resolution : " AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12218); switch( NetbiosOptions ) { case 0: //IDS_NBTNM_12219 "via DHCP \n\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12219); break; case 1: //IDS_NBTNM_12220 "Enabled\n\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12220); break; case 2: //IDS_NBTNM_12221 "Disabled\n\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12221); break; default: //IDS_NBTNM_12222 "Invalid Option Value!\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12222); break; } } continue_NbtNmTest: // // Start of code changes for dumping remote machine cache entries - Rajkumar // status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; while ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { status = DeviceIoCtrl(hNbt, pBuffer, BufferSize, IOCTL_NETBT_GET_REMOTE_NAMES, NULL, 0 ); if ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { Free( pBuffer ); BufferSize *= 2; pBuffer = Malloc( BufferSize ); if ( !pBuffer || (BufferSize == 0xFFFF) ) { DebugMessage( " [FATAL] Buffer allocation for name table retrieval failed.\n" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CloseHandle( hNbt ); goto end_NbtNmTest; } ZeroMemory( pBuffer, BufferSize ); } } pAdapterStatus = (tADAPTERSTATUS *)pBuffer; if ( (pAdapterStatus->AdapterInfo.name_count == 0) || (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) ) { //IDS_NBTNM_12224 " No remote names have been found.\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_Verbose, IDS_NBTNM_12224 ); CloseHandle( hNbt ); Free( pBuffer ); //$REVIEW Should we return S_FALSE here? continue; } pNames = pAdapterStatus->Names; lCount = pAdapterStatus->AdapterInfo.name_count; //IDS_NBTNM_12225 "\t\tNetbios Remote Cache Table\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12225); //IDS_NBTNM_12226 "\tName Type HostAddress Life [sec]\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12226); //IDS_NBTNM_12227 "\t--------------------------------------------------\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12227); if (lCount == 0) //IDS_NBTNM_12228 "\nNone\n\n" AddMessageToListId( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12228); while (lCount-- ) { TCHAR szNameOut[NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE +4]; //IDS_NBTNM_12229 "\t%-15.15s<%02.2X> %-10s " AddMessageToList( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12229, printable(pNames->name, szNameOut), pNames->name[NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE-1], name_type(pNames->name_flags)); Addr = &(UCHAR)((tREMOTE_CACHE *)pNames)->IpAddress; _stprintf( HostAddr, "%d.%d.%d.%d", Addr[3], Addr[2], Addr[1], Addr[0]); //IDS_NBTNM_12231 "%-20.20s %-d\n" AddMessageToList( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12231, HostAddr, ((tREMOTE_CACHE *)pNames)->Ttl); ((tREMOTE_CACHE *)pNames)++; } //IDS_GLOBAL_EmptyLine "\n" AddMessageToList( &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_GLOBAL_EmptyLine); Free(pBuffer); // // End of code changes // CloseHandle(hNbt); } /* for ( all the interfaces ) */ if ( !(isGlobal00 && isGlobal03 && isGlobal20) ) { //IDS_NBTNM_12233 " [WARNING] You don't have a single interface with the <00>, <03>, <20> names defined!\n" AddMessageToListId( &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_NBTNM_12233 ); } else { //IDS_NBTNM_12234 "\n PASS - your NetBT configuration looks OK\n" AddMessageToListId( &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12234 ); //IDS_NBTNM_12235 " there is at least one interface where the <00>, <03>, <20>\n" AddMessageToList( &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12235 ); //IDS_NBTNM_12236 " names are defined and they are not in conflict.\n" AddMessageToListId( &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_NBTNM_12236 ); } end_NbtNmTest: if ( FHrOK(hr) ) { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_GLOBAL_PASS_NL); } else { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_GLOBAL_FAIL_NL); } pResults->NbtNm.hrTestResult = hr; return hr; } /* END OF NbtNmTest() */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// //###### O p e n N b t () ###############################################// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Abstract: // // Opens a handle to the device // // Arguments: // // path - path to the driver // // pHandle - the handle that we return from this function // // max_paths - I think this is unused // // Return value: // // 0 if successful // // -1 otherwise // // Global variables used: // // none // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// NTSTATUS OpenNbt( IN TCHAR path[][MAX_NAME+1], OUT PHANDLE pHandle, int max_paths ) { HANDLE StreamHandle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; STRING name_string; UNICODE_STRING uc_name_string; NTSTATUS status; LONG index=0; assert( max_paths <= NBT_MAXIMUM_BINDINGS ); while ((path[index][0] != 0) && (index < max_paths)) { RtlInitString(&name_string, path[index]); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&uc_name_string, &name_string, TRUE); InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &uc_name_string, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, (HANDLE) NULL, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL ); status = NtCreateFile( &StreamHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN_IF, 0, NULL, 0); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&uc_name_string); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { *pHandle = StreamHandle; return(status); } ++index; } return (status); } /* END OF OpenNbt() */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// //###### D e v i c e I o C t r l () #####################################// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Abstract: // // Wrapper for NtDeviceIoControlFile // // Arguments: // // Return value: // // Global variables used: // // none // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// NTSTATUS DeviceIoCtrl( IN HANDLE fd, IN PVOID ReturnBuffer, IN ULONG BufferSize, IN ULONG Ioctl, IN PVOID pInput, IN ULONG SizeInput ) { NTSTATUS status; int retval; ULONG QueryType; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; status = NtDeviceIoControlFile( fd, // Handle NULL, // Event NULL, // ApcRoutine NULL, // ApcContext &iosb, // IoStatusBlock Ioctl, // IoControlCode pInput, // InputBuffer SizeInput, // InputBufferSize (PVOID) ReturnBuffer, // OutputBuffer BufferSize); // OutputBufferSize if (status == STATUS_PENDING) { status = NtWaitForSingleObject( fd, // Handle TRUE, // Alertable NULL); // Timeout if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = iosb.Status; } } return(status); } /* END OF DeviceIoCtrl() */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*++ Routine Description: This procedure converts non prinatble characaters to periods ('.') Arguments: string - the string to convert StrOut - ptr to a string to put the converted string into Return Value: a ptr to the string that was converted (Strout) --*/ TCHAR * printable( IN TCHAR * string, IN TCHAR * StrOut ) { unsigned char *Out; unsigned char *cp; LONG i; Out = StrOut; for (cp = string, i= 0; i < NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE; cp++,i++) { if (isprint(*cp)) { *Out++ = *cp; continue; } if (*cp >= 128) { /* extended characters are ok */ *Out++ = *cp; continue; } *Out++ = '.'; } return(StrOut); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTSTATUS GetInterfaceList( IN OUT TCHAR pDeviceName[][MAX_NAME+1], IN OUT PUCHAR pScope ) { HANDLE StreamHandle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; STRING name_string, AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING uc_name_string; NTSTATUS status; char pNbtWinsDeviceName[MAX_NAME] = "\\Device\\NetBt_Wins_Export"; PUCHAR SubKeyParms="system\\currentcontrolset\\services\\netbt\\parameters"; HKEY Key; LONG Type; ULONG size; CHAR pScopeBuffer[BUFF_SIZE]; PUCHAR Scope="ScopeId"; NETBT_INTERFACE_INFO *pInterfaceInfo; ULONG InterfaceInfoSize=10*sizeof(NETBT_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP)+sizeof(ULONG); PVOID pInput = NULL; ULONG SizeInput = 0; LONG i, index=0; pInterfaceInfo = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,InterfaceInfoSize); if (!pInterfaceInfo) { return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } RtlInitString(&name_string, pNbtWinsDeviceName); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&uc_name_string, &name_string, TRUE); InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &uc_name_string, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, (HANDLE) NULL, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL ); status = NtCreateFile (&StreamHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN_IF, 0, NULL, 0); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&uc_name_string); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { do { status = DeviceIoCtrl(StreamHandle, pInterfaceInfo, InterfaceInfoSize, IOCTL_NETBT_GET_INTERFACE_INFO, pInput, SizeInput); if (status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { LocalFree(pInterfaceInfo); InterfaceInfoSize *=2; pInterfaceInfo = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,InterfaceInfoSize); if (!pInterfaceInfo || (InterfaceInfoSize == 0xFFFF)) { NtClose(StreamHandle); DebugMessage("\nUnable to allocate packet"); return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } } else if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { LocalFree(pInterfaceInfo); NtClose(StreamHandle); return(status); } } while (status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); NtClose (StreamHandle); for (i=0; iNumAdapters; i++) { RtlInitString(&name_string, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&uc_name_string, pInterfaceInfo->Adapter[i].Name); if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&name_string, &uc_name_string, TRUE))) { size = (name_string.Length > MAX_NAME) ? MAX_NAME : name_string.Length; strncpy(pDeviceName[index], name_string.Buffer, size); pDeviceName[index][size] = '\0'; RtlFreeAnsiString (&name_string); index++; } } LocalFree(pInterfaceInfo); // // NULL out the next device string ptr // if (index < NBT_MAXIMUM_BINDINGS) { pDeviceName[index][0] = '\0'; } // // Read the ScopeId key! // size = BUFF_SIZE; *pScope = '\0'; // By default status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SubKeyParms, 0, KEY_READ, &Key); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // now read the Scope key status = RegQueryValueEx(Key, Scope, NULL, &Type, pScopeBuffer, &size); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { strcpy(pScope,pScopeBuffer); } status = RegCloseKey(Key); } status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { LocalFree(pInterfaceInfo); } return status; } /* //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// //###### R e a d R e g i s t r y () #####################################// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Abstract: // // Reads the names of the NetBT devices and the NetBT scope name form // // the registry. The names are stored in the Linkage/Export section // // under the NetBT key. // // Arguments: // // pScope - buffer where to store the scope string // // Return value: // // 0 if successful // // -1 otherwise // // Global variables used: // // none // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// LONG ReadNbtNameRegistry( IN OUT TCHAR pDeviceName[][MAX_NAME+1], IN OUT PUCHAR pScope ) { LPCTSTR c_szSubKeyParams = _T("system\\currentcontrolset\\services\\netbt\\parameters"); LPCTSTR c_szSubKeyLinkage = _T("system\\currentcontrolset\\services\\netbt\\linkage"); HKEY Key; LPCTSTR c_szScope = _T("ScopeId"); LPCTSTR c_szExport = _T("Export"); DWORD dwType; LONG status; LONG status2; DWORD size; LPBYTE pBuffer; size = BUFF_SIZE; status = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szSubKeyLinkage, 0, KEY_READ, &Key ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != status) { return status; } // now read the Export values status = RegQueryValueEx( Key, c_szExport, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &size ); pBuffer = Malloc(size); if( NULL == pBuffer) { DebugMessage("Out of Memory!\n"); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } ZeroMemory( pBuffer, size ); status = RegQueryValueEx( Key, c_szExport, NULL, &dwType, pBuffer, &size ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != status) { RegCloseKey(Key); return status; } if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LPBYTE curPtr = pBuffer; LONG index = 0; // // Copy over all the export keys // while( (*curPtr) && (index < NBT_MAXIMUM_BINDINGS) ) { _tcscpy( pDeviceName[index], curPtr ); ++index; curPtr += strlen(curPtr) + 1; } // // NULL out the next device string ptr // if ( index < NBT_MAXIMUM_BINDINGS ) { pDeviceName[index][0] = 0; } } Free(pBuffer); status = RegCloseKey( Key ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) DebugMessage("Error closing the Registry key\n"); status2 = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szSubKeyParams, 0, KEY_READ, &Key ); if ( status2 == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // now read the linkage values status2 = RegQueryValueEx( Key, c_szScope, NULL, &dwType, pScope, &size ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != status2) { // No ScopeId! *pScope = 0; } status2 = RegCloseKey(Key); } return status; } */ void NbtNmGlobalPrint(IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN OUT NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults) { if (pParams->fVerbose || pResults->NbtNm.hrTestResult != S_OK) { PrintNewLine(pParams, 2); PrintTestTitleResult(pParams, IDS_NBTNM_LONG, IDS_NBTNM_SHORT, pResults->Global.fHasNbtEnabledInterface ? TRUE : FALSE, pResults->NbtNm.hrTestResult, 0); } PrintMessageList(pParams, &pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput); } void NbtNmPerInterfacePrint(IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN OUT NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, IN INTERFACE_RESULT *pIfResults) { if (!pIfResults->NbtNm.fActive || NETCARD_DISCONNECTED == pIfResults->dwNetCardStatus) return; if(pParams->fVerbose || pIfResults->NbtNm.fQuietOutput) { PrintTestTitleResult(pParams, IDS_NBTNM_LONG, IDS_NBTNM_SHORT, pIfResults->fNbtEnabled ? TRUE : FALSE, pResults->NbtNm.hrTestResult, 8); } PrintMessageList(pParams, &pIfResults->NbtNm.lmsgOutput); } void NbtNmCleanup(IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN OUT NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults) { int i; MessageListCleanUp(&pResults->NbtNm.lmsgGlobalOutput); for(i = 0; i < pResults->cNumInterfaces; i++) { if(pResults->pArrayInterface[i].NbtNm.fActive) MessageListCleanUp(&pResults->pArrayInterface[i].NbtNm.lmsgOutput); } }