/*++ Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation Module Name: WmiGateway.h Abstract: The file contains the the class definition for CWmiGateway. CWmiGateway is a class that extracts information from WMI, --*/ #pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #ifndef WMIGATEWAY_H #define WMIGATEWAY_H // Defines which interface the client is using to communicate with us // typedef enum { NO_INTERFACE = 0, COM_INTERFACE = 1, NETSH_INTERFACE = 2, }INTERFACE_TYPE; // A cache for all the repositories opened. We cache this information since it can take a long time // to connect to a repository through WMI. // typedef map > WbemServiceCache; struct Property { public: void SetProperty(LPCTSTR pszwPropertyName, BOOLEAN bPropertyFlags) { if( pszwPropertyName ) { pszwName = new WCHAR[lstrlen(pszwPropertyName) + 1]; if( pszwName ) { lstrcpy(pszwName,pszwPropertyName); } } else { pszwName = NULL; } bFlags = bPropertyFlags; } public: Property() { pszwName = NULL; } Property(const Property *ref):Value(ref->Value) { if( ref != this ) { SetProperty(ref->pszwName,ref->bFlags); } } Property(const Property &ref):Value(ref.Value) { if( &ref != this ) { SetProperty(ref.pszwName,ref.bFlags); } } Property(LPCTSTR pszwPropertyName, BOOLEAN bPropertyFlags = 0) { SetProperty(pszwPropertyName,bPropertyFlags); } void Clear() { if ( pszwName ) { delete pszwName; pszwName = NULL; } Value.clear(); } ~Property() { Clear(); } public: LPTSTR pszwName; BOOLEAN bFlags; typedef vector< _variant_t > Values; Values Value; }; typedef list< Property > EnumProperty; struct WbemProperty: public Property { public: void SetWbemProperty(LPCTSTR pszwWbemRepository = NULL, LPCTSTR pszwWbemNamespace = NULL) { if( pszwWbemRepository != NULL ) { pszwRepository = new WCHAR[lstrlen(pszwWbemRepository) + 1]; if( pszwRepository ) { lstrcpy(pszwRepository,pszwWbemRepository); } } else { pszwRepository = NULL; } if( pszwWbemNamespace != NULL ) { pszwNamespace = new WCHAR[lstrlen(pszwWbemNamespace) + 1]; if( pszwNamespace ) { lstrcpy(pszwNamespace,pszwWbemNamespace); } } else { pszwNamespace = NULL; } } public: WbemProperty() { pszwRepository = NULL; pszwNamespace = NULL; } WbemProperty(const WbemProperty * ref):Property(ref->pszwName,ref->bFlags) { if( ref != this ) { SetWbemProperty(ref->pszwRepository,ref->pszwNamespace); } } WbemProperty(const WbemProperty & ref): Property(ref.pszwName,ref.bFlags) { if( &ref != this ) { SetWbemProperty(ref.pszwRepository,ref.pszwNamespace); } } WbemProperty(LPCTSTR pszwPropertyName, BOOLEAN bPropertyFlags = 0, LPCTSTR pszwWbemRepository = NULL, LPCTSTR pszwWbemNamespace = NULL): Property(pszwPropertyName,bPropertyFlags) { SetWbemProperty(pszwWbemRepository,pszwWbemNamespace); } ~WbemProperty() { if ( pszwRepository ) { delete pszwRepository; } if ( pszwNamespace ) { delete pszwNamespace; } pszwRepository = NULL; pszwNamespace = NULL; } LPTSTR pszwRepository; LPTSTR pszwNamespace; }; typedef list< WbemProperty > EnumWbemProperty; class CWmiGateway /*++ Class Description TBD --*/ { public: CWmiGateway(); void SetCancelOption(HANDLE hTerminateThread) { m_hTerminateThread = hTerminateThread; m_bTerminate = FALSE; } inline BOOL CWmiGateway::ShouldTerminate(); private: HANDLE m_hTerminateThread; BOOL m_bTerminate; wstring m_wstrMachine; public: BOOL WbemInitialize(INTERFACE_TYPE bInterface); VOID SetMachine(WCHAR *pszwMachine); void EmptyCache(); IWbemServices * GetWbemService( IN LPCTSTR pszService ); IEnumWbemClassObject * GetEnumWbemClassObject( IN LPCTSTR pszwService, IN LPCTSTR pszwNameSpace ); IWbemClassObject * GetWbemClassObject( IN LPCTSTR pszwService, IN LPCTSTR pszwNameSpace, IN const int nInstance = 0 ); HRESULT CWmiGateway::GetWbemProperties( IN OUT EnumWbemProperty &EnumProp ); void ReleaseAll( IN IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumWbemClassObject, IN IWbemClassObject *pWbemClassObject[], IN int nInstance ); ~CWmiGateway(); wstring m_wstrWbemError; private: IWbemLocator *m_pWbemLocater; WbemServiceCache m_WbemServiceCache; }; #endif