/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. // // FILE // // proxypolicies.cpp // // SYNOPSIS // // Defines the classes ProxyPolicy and ProxyPolicies. // // MODIFICATION HISTORY // // 02/10/2000 Original version. // 04/19/2000 SdoScopeItem::getSelf returns by value, not reference. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include ProxyPolicy::ProxyPolicy( SdoScopeItem& owner, ISdo* sdo ) : SdoResultItem(owner, sdo) { // Cache an integer ... self.getValue(PROPERTY_POLICY_MERIT, merit); // ... and string version of our merit. _ltow(merit, szMerit, 10); } Sdo& ProxyPolicy::getProfile() { if (!profile) { profile = getParent().getCxn().getProxyProfiles().find(name); } return profile; } ULONG ProxyPolicy::getToolbarFlags(const SnapInView& view) throw () { // Is the order reversed ? BOOL reversed = (view.getSortColumn() == 1) && (view.getSortOption() & RSI_DESCENDING); ULONG flags = reversed ? ORDER_REVERSED : 0; // Are we the highest priority policy? if (merit != 1) { flags |= reversed ? MOVE_DN_ALLOWED : MOVE_UP_ALLOWED; } // Are we the lowest priority policy? if (merit != parent.getNumItems()) { flags |= reversed ? MOVE_UP_ALLOWED : MOVE_DN_ALLOWED; } return flags; } void ProxyPolicy::setMerit(LONG newMerit) { // Check if it's dirty to save excessive writes to the SDOs. if (newMerit != merit) { merit = newMerit; _ltow(merit, szMerit, 10); self.setValue(PROPERTY_POLICY_MERIT, merit); self.apply(); } } PCWSTR ProxyPolicy::getDisplayName(int column) const throw () { return column ? szMerit : name; } HRESULT ProxyPolicy::addMenuItems( SnapInView& view, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK callback, long insertionAllowed ) { static ResourceString moveUp(IDS_POLICY_MOVE_UP); static ResourceString moveDown(IDS_POLICY_MOVE_DOWN); static ResourceString moveUpStatusBar(IDS_POLICY_MOVE_UP_STATUS_BAR); static ResourceString moveDownStatusBar(IDS_POLICY_MOVE_DOWN_STATUS_BAR); if (insertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP) { ULONG flags = getToolbarFlags(view); CONTEXTMENUITEM cmi; memset(&cmi, 0, sizeof(cmi)); cmi.lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP; cmi.strName = moveUp; cmi.strStatusBarText = moveUpStatusBar; cmi.lCommandID = 0; cmi.fFlags = (flags & MOVE_UP_ALLOWED) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED; callback->AddItem(&cmi); cmi.strName = moveDown; cmi.strStatusBarText = moveDownStatusBar; cmi.lCommandID = 1; cmi.fFlags = (flags & MOVE_DN_ALLOWED) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED; callback->AddItem(&cmi); } return S_OK; } int ProxyPolicy::compare( SnapInDataItem& item, int column ) throw () { if (column == 0) { return wcscmp(name, static_cast(item).name); } else { LONG merit2 = static_cast(item).merit; if (merit < merit2) { return -1; } if (merit > merit2) { return +1; } return 0; } } HRESULT ProxyPolicy::createPropertyPages( SnapInView& view, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK provider, LONG_PTR handle ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); ProxyPolicyPage* page = new ProxyPolicyPage( handle, (LPARAM)this, self, getProfile(), getParent().getCxn() ); page->addToMMCSheet(provider); return S_OK; } HRESULT ProxyPolicy::onDelete( SnapInView& view ) { HRESULT hr = SdoResultItem::onDelete(view); if (hr == S_OK) { getParent().getCxn().getProxyProfiles().remove(getProfile()); // We have to renumber the policies to refresh the view. view.updateAllViews(parent); } return hr; } HRESULT ProxyPolicy::onMenuCommand( SnapInView& view, long commandId ) { return getParent().movePolicy(view, *this, commandId); } HRESULT ProxyPolicy::onRename( SnapInView& view, LPCOLESTR newName ) { // Make sure we have the profile before we rename otherwise, we won't be // able to find it. getProfile(); HRESULT hr = SdoResultItem::onRename(view, newName); if (hr == S_OK) { self.setValue(PROPERTY_POLICY_PROFILE_NAME, name); self.apply(); profile.setName(name); profile.apply(); } return hr; } HRESULT ProxyPolicy::onToolbarButtonClick( SnapInView& view, int buttonId ) { return getParent().movePolicy(view, *this, buttonId); } HRESULT ProxyPolicy::onToolbarSelect( SnapInView& view, BOOL scopeItem, BOOL selected ) { if (selected) { // Attach the toolbar ... IToolbar* toolbar = view.attachToolbar(TOOLBAR_POLICY); // ... and set button state according to the toolbar flags. ULONG flags = getToolbarFlags(view); toolbar->SetButtonState( 0, ENABLED, ((flags & MOVE_UP_ALLOWED) ? TRUE : FALSE) ); toolbar->SetButtonState( 1, ENABLED, ((flags & MOVE_DN_ALLOWED) ? TRUE : FALSE) ); } else { // We're going away so detach. view.detachToolbar(TOOLBAR_POLICY); } return S_OK; } HRESULT ProxyPolicy::onContextHelp(SnapInView& view) throw () { return view.displayHelp(L"ias_ops.chm::/sag_ias_crp_policies.htm"); } int __cdecl ProxyPolicy::SortByMerit( const SdoResultItem* const* t1, const SdoResultItem* const* t2 ) throw () { return ((const ProxyPolicy*)*t1)->merit - ((const ProxyPolicy*)*t2)->merit; } UINT ProxyPolicy::mapResourceId(ResourceId id) const throw () { static UINT resourceIds[] = { IMAGE_PROXY_POLICY, IDS_POLICY_DELETE_CAPTION, IDS_POLICY_DELETE_LOCAL, IDS_POLICY_DELETE_REMOTE, IDS_POLICY_DELETE_LAST_LOCAL, IDS_POLICY_DELETE_LAST_REMOTE, IDS_POLICY_E_CAPTION, IDS_POLICY_E_RENAME, IDS_POLICY_E_NAME_EMPTY }; return resourceIds[id]; } ProxyPolicies::ProxyPolicies(SdoConnection& connection) : SdoScopeItem( connection, IDS_POLICY_NODE, IDS_POLICY_E_CAPTION, IDS_POLICY_MENU_TOP, IDS_POLICY_MENU_NEW, IDS_POLICY_MENU_STATUS_BAR ), nameColumn(IDS_POLICY_COLUMN_NAME), orderColumn(IDS_POLICY_COLUMN_ORDER) { } ProxyPolicies::~ProxyPolicies() throw () { } HRESULT ProxyPolicies::movePolicy( SnapInView& view, ProxyPolicy& policy, LONG commandId ) { // Get the current toolbar flags. ULONG flags = policy.getToolbarFlags(view); // Use the current merit as the starting point ... LONG newMerit = policy.getMerit(); // ... and adjust depending on the the button clicked. switch (commandId) { case 0: { if (!(flags & ProxyPolicy::MOVE_UP_ALLOWED)) { return S_FALSE; } (flags & ProxyPolicy::ORDER_REVERSED) ? ++newMerit : --newMerit; break; } case 1: { if (!(flags & ProxyPolicy::MOVE_DN_ALLOWED)) { return S_FALSE; } (flags & ProxyPolicy::ORDER_REVERSED) ? --newMerit : ++newMerit; break; } default: return S_FALSE; } // Swap their merits. ProxyPolicy& policy2 = getPolicyByMerit(newMerit); policy2.setMerit(policy.getMerit()); policy.setMerit(newMerit); // Re-sort our vector. items.sort(ProxyPolicy::SortByMerit); // If the view isn't sorted, ... if (view.getSortOption() & RSI_NOSORTICON) { // ... we'll sort by merit anyway. view.getResultData()->Sort(1, RSI_NOSORTICON, 0); } else { view.reSort(); } // Update the toolbar buttons based on the new state. policy.onToolbarSelect(view, FALSE, TRUE); // The configuration has changed, so tell IAS to reload. cxn.resetService(); return S_OK; } HRESULT ProxyPolicies::onContextHelp(SnapInView& view) throw () { return view.displayHelp(L"ias_ops.chm::/sag_ias_crp_policies.htm"); } SdoCollection ProxyPolicies::getSelf() { return cxn.getProxyPolicies(); } void ProxyPolicies::getResultItems(SdoEnum& src, ResultItems& dst) { // Convert the SDOs to ProxyPolicy objects. Sdo itemSdo; while (src.next(itemSdo)) { CComPtr newItem(new (AfxThrow) ProxyPolicy( *this, itemSdo )); dst.push_back(newItem); } // Sort by merit. dst.sort(ProxyPolicy::SortByMerit); // Normalize. LONG merit = 0; for (ResultIterator i = dst.begin(); i != dst.end(); ++i) { ((ProxyPolicy*)*i)->setMerit(++merit); } } void ProxyPolicies::insertColumns(IHeaderCtrl2* headerCtrl) { CheckError(headerCtrl->InsertColumn(0, nameColumn, LVCFMT_LEFT, 235)); CheckError(headerCtrl->InsertColumn(1, orderColumn, LVCFMT_LEFT, 100)); } HRESULT ProxyPolicies::onMenuCommand( SnapInView& view, long commandId ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // Fire up the wizard. NewPolicyWizard wizard(cxn, &view); if (wizard.DoModal() != IDCANCEL) { // We've changed every policy, so refresh the view. view.updateAllViews(*this); // Tell the service to reload cxn.resetService(); } return S_OK; } void ProxyPolicies::propertyChanged(SnapInView& view, IASPROPERTIES id) { if (id == PROPERTY_IAS_PROXYPOLICIES_COLLECTION) { view.updateAllViews(*this); } }