/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. // // FILE // // sdowrap.h // // SYNOPSIS // // Declares various wrapper classes for manipulating SDOs. // // MODIFICATION HISTORY // // 02/10/2000 Original version. // 04/19/2000 Support for using wrappers across apartment boundaries. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef SDOWRAP_H #define SDOWRAP_H #if _MSC_VER >= 1000 #pragma once #endif #include #include class CIASAttrList; class SdoCollection; class SdoConnection; class SnapInView; ////////// // Helper function to trim the whitespace from the beginning and end of a BSTR. // Useful when setting the SDO name. ////////// VOID WINAPI SdoTrimBSTR( CComBSTR& bstr ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SdoException // // DESCRIPTION // // Extends COleException to indicate that this error specifically came from // a failure to access the datastore. If you use the wrapper classes, you // should never have to throw this exception yourself, but if you need to, // use the SdoThrowException function below. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SdoException : public COleException { public: enum Type { CONNECT_ERROR, READ_ERROR, WRITE_ERROR }; Type getType() const throw () { return type; } virtual BOOL GetErrorMessage( LPWSTR lpszError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT pnHelpContext = NULL ); protected: friend VOID WINAPI SdoThrowException(HRESULT, Type); SdoException(HRESULT hr, Type errorType) throw (); private: Type type; }; VOID WINAPI SdoThrowException( HRESULT hr, SdoException::Type errorType ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // Sdo // // DESCRIPTION // // Wraps ISdo. Instances of this class may not be accessed from multiple // apartments; instead use the SdoStream class to marshal the wrapper // across the apartment boundary. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Sdo { public: Sdo() throw () { } Sdo(IUnknown* unk); Sdo(ISdo* p) throw () : self(p) { } Sdo(const Sdo& s) throw () : self(s.self) { } Sdo& operator=(ISdo* p) throw () { self = p; return *this; } Sdo& operator=(const Sdo& s) throw () { self = s.self; return *this; } operator ISdo*() const throw () { return self; } void release() throw () { self.Release(); } void getName(CComBSTR& value) const { getValue(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME, value); } // Sets the name of the SDO. Returns 'false' if the name is not unique. bool setName(BSTR value); void clearValue(LONG id); void getValue(LONG id, bool& value) const; void getValue(LONG id, bool& value, bool defVal) const; void getValue(LONG id, LONG& value) const; void getValue(LONG id, LONG& value, LONG defVal) const; void getValue(LONG id, CComBSTR& value) const; void getValue(LONG id, CComBSTR& value, PCWSTR defVal) const; void getValue(LONG id, VARIANT& value) const; void getValue(LONG id, SdoCollection& value) const; void setValue(LONG id, bool value); void setValue(LONG id, LONG value); void setValue(LONG id, BSTR value); void setValue(LONG id, const VARIANT& val); void apply(); void restore(); typedef ISdo Interface; protected: bool getValue(LONG id, VARTYPE vt, VARIANT* val, bool mandatory) const; friend class SdoConnection; private: mutable CComPtr self; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SdoEnum // // DESCRIPTION // // Wraps an IEnumVARIANT that's being used to iterate through an SDO // collection. Instances of this class may not be accessed from multiple // apartments; instead use the SdoStream class to marshal the wrapper // across the apartment boundary. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SdoEnum { public: SdoEnum() throw () { } SdoEnum(IUnknown* unk); SdoEnum(IEnumVARIANT* p) throw () : self(p) { } SdoEnum(const SdoEnum& s) throw () : self(s.self) { } SdoEnum& operator=(IEnumVARIANT* p) throw () { self = p; return *this; } SdoEnum& operator=(const SdoEnum& s) throw () { self = s.self; return *this; } operator IEnumVARIANT*() const throw () { return self; } void release() throw () { self.Release(); } bool next(Sdo& s); void reset(); typedef IEnumVARIANT Interface; private: mutable CComPtr self; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SdoCollection // // DESCRIPTION // // Wraps ISdoCollection. Instances of this class may not be accessed from // multiple apartments; instead use the SdoStream class to marshal the // wrapper across the apartment boundary. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SdoCollection { public: SdoCollection() throw () { } SdoCollection(IUnknown* unk); SdoCollection(ISdoCollection* p) throw () : self(p) { } SdoCollection(const SdoCollection& s) throw () : self(s.self) { } SdoCollection& operator=(ISdoCollection* p) throw () { self = p; return *this; } SdoCollection& operator=(const SdoCollection& s) throw () { self = s.self; return *this; } operator ISdoCollection*() const throw () { return self; } void release() throw () { self.Release(); } // Add an existing SDO to the collection. void add(ISdo* sdo); LONG count() throw (); // Create a new SDO in the collection with the given name. Sdo create(BSTR name = NULL); // Tries to create a new SDO in the collection with the given name. Returns // null if the SDO can't be created due to licensing restrictions. Sdo tryCreate(BSTR name = NULL); // Find an SDO in the collection. Returns an empty Sdo if the item doesn't // exist. Sdo find(BSTR name); SdoEnum getNewEnum(); bool isNameUnique(BSTR name); void reload(); void remove(ISdo* sdo); void removeAll(); typedef ISdoCollection Interface; private: mutable CComPtr self; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SdoDictionary // // DESCRIPTION // // Wraps ISdoDictionaryOld. Instances of this class may not be accessed from // multiple apartments. You can use the SdoStream class to marshal the // wrapper across the apartment boundary, but it's often easier to pass an // SdoConnection reference instead and retrieve a new dictionary object in // the other apartment. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SdoDictionary { public: SdoDictionary() throw () { } SdoDictionary(IUnknown* unk); SdoDictionary(ISdoDictionaryOld* p) throw () : self(p) { } SdoDictionary(const SdoDictionary& s) throw () : self(s.self) { } SdoDictionary& operator=(ISdoDictionaryOld* p) throw () { self = p; return *this; } SdoDictionary& operator=(const SdoDictionary& s) throw () { self = s.self; return *this; } operator ISdoDictionaryOld*() const throw () { return self; } void release() throw () { self.Release(); } // Struct representing an (id, name) pair. struct IdName { LONG id; CComBSTR name; }; Sdo createAttribute(ATTRIBUTEID id) const; // The caller must delete[] the returned IdName array. The return value is // the number of elements in the array. ULONG enumAttributeValues(ATTRIBUTEID id, IdName*& values); typedef ISdoDictionaryOld Interface; private: mutable CComPtr self; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SdoMachine // // DESCRIPTION // // Wraps ISdoMachine. You should generally not use this class directly since // all the necessary machine functionality can be more easily accessed // through SdoConnection. // // Instances of this class may not be accessed from multiple apartments; // instead use the SdoStream class to marshal the wrapper across the // apartment boundary. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SdoMachine { public: SdoMachine() throw () { } SdoMachine(IUnknown* unk); SdoMachine(ISdoMachine* p) throw () : self(p) { } SdoMachine(const SdoMachine& s) throw () : self(s.self) { } SdoMachine& operator=(ISdoMachine* p) throw () { self = p; return *this; } SdoMachine& operator=(const SdoMachine& s) throw () { self = s.self; return *this; } operator ISdoMachine*() const throw () { return self; } void release() throw () { self.Release(); } // Attach to the designated machine. This will create the SDO first if // necessary. void attach(BSTR machineName = NULL); // Explicitly create the machine SDO. void create(); // Get the IAS service SDO. Sdo getIAS(); // Get the dictionary SDO. SdoDictionary getDictionary(); typedef ISdoMachine Interface; private: mutable CComPtr self; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SdoConsumer // // DESCRIPTION // // Abstract interface implemented by consumers of an SdoConnection if they // need to receive refresh notifications. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SdoConsumer { public: // Called when a property changes. virtual void propertyChanged(SnapInView& view, IASPROPERTIES id); // Return true to allow the refresh, and false to block it. virtual bool queryRefresh(SnapInView& view); // Called after the refresh is complete. virtual void refreshComplete(SnapInView& view); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SdoConnection // // DESCRIPTION // // Encapsulates the state associated with an SDO connection to a particular // machine. Unlike the other wrapper classes an instance of SdoConnection // may be freely shared across apartments without marshalling. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SdoConnection { public: SdoConnection() throw (); ~SdoConnection() throw (); BSTR getMachineName() const throw () { return machineName; } bool isLocal() const throw () { return !machineName || !machineName[0]; } // Methods for adding and removing consumers. void advise(SdoConsumer& obj); void unadvise(SdoConsumer& obj); // Retrieve various interesting SDOs. SdoDictionary getDictionary(); SdoCollection getProxyPolicies(); SdoCollection getProxyProfiles(); SdoCollection getServerGroups(); // Connect to a machine. If computerName is NULL, connects locally. void connect(PCWSTR computerName = NULL); // Dispatch a property changed notification to all consumers. void propertyChanged(SnapInView& view, IASPROPERTIES id); // Refresh the connection. Returns 'true' if allowed. bool refresh(SnapInView& view); // Resets the service being managed. void resetService(); CIASAttrList* getCIASAttrList(); // Prototype of an action to be executed in the MTA. typedef void (SdoConnection::*Action)(); protected: // Retrieve the service SDO for the current apartment. Sdo getService(); // Various actions that must be performed in the MTA. void mtaConnect(); void mtaDisconnect(); void mtaRefresh(); // Schedule the specified action to be executed in the MTA. void executeInMTA(Action action); // Callback routine for MTA thread. static DWORD WINAPI actionRoutine(PVOID parameter) throw (); private: CComPtr git; CComBSTR machineName; SdoMachine machine; // Only accessed from MTA. DWORD dictionary; // GIT cookie for ISdoDictionaryOld. DWORD service; // GIT cookie for ISdo on the IAS service. DWORD control; // GIT cookie for ISdoServiceControl CPtrArray consumers; CIASAttrList* attrList; // Not implemented. SdoConnection(SdoConnection&); SdoConnection& operator=(SdoConnection&); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SdoProfile // // DESCRIPTION // // Wraps an collection of profile attributes. This class is *not* // multithread safe. Furthermore, instances of this class may not be // accessed from multiple apartments; instead use the SdoStream class to // marshal the wrapper across the apartment boundary. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SdoProfile { public: SdoProfile(SdoConnection& connection); SdoProfile(SdoConnection& connection, Sdo& profile); // Assign a new profile to the object. Note the connection can not be // changed after the object is constructed. SdoProfile& operator=(Sdo& profile); // These allow an SdoProfile to be stored in an SdoStream. SdoProfile& operator=(ISdoCollection* p); operator ISdoCollection*() const throw () { return self; } // Removes all attributes from the profile. void clear(); Sdo find(ATTRIBUTEID id) const; void clearValue(ATTRIBUTEID id); bool getValue(ATTRIBUTEID id, bool& value) const; bool getValue(ATTRIBUTEID id, LONG& value) const; bool getValue(ATTRIBUTEID id, CComBSTR& value) const; bool getValue(ATTRIBUTEID id, VARIANT& value) const; void setValue(ATTRIBUTEID id, bool value); void setValue(ATTRIBUTEID id, LONG value); void setValue(ATTRIBUTEID id, BSTR value); void setValue(ATTRIBUTEID id, const VARIANT& val); typedef ISdoCollection Interface; protected: ISdo* getAlways(ATTRIBUTEID id); ISdo* getExisting(ATTRIBUTEID id) const; typedef ObjectVector SdoVector; private: SdoConnection& cxn; SdoCollection self; SdoVector attrs; // Not implemented. SdoProfile(const SdoProfile&); SdoProfile& operator=(const SdoProfile&); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // InterfaceStream // // DESCRIPTION // // Helper class for storing an interface in a stream. This class is suitable // for standalone use; however, when marshalling the SDO wrapper classes, // you should use the type safe SdoStream instead. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class InterfaceStream { public: InterfaceStream() throw () : stream(NULL) { } ~InterfaceStream() throw () { if (stream) { stream->Release(); } } // Marshal an interface into the stream. void marshal(REFIID riid, LPUNKNOWN pUnk); // Retrieve the marshalled interface. void get(REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv); private: IStream* stream; // Not implemented. InterfaceStream(const InterfaceStream&); InterfaceStream& operator=(const InterfaceStream&); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SdoStream // // DESCRIPTION // // Class for storing an SDO wrapper in a stream. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template class SdoStream { public: SdoStream() throw () { } SdoStream(T& s) { marshal(s); } void marshal(T& s) { stream.marshal(__uuidof(T::Interface), (T::Interface*)s); } void get(T& s) { CComPtr p; stream.get(__uuidof(T::Interface), (PVOID*)&p); s = p; } private: InterfaceStream stream; // Not implemented. SdoStream(const SdoStream&); SdoStream& operator=(const SdoStream&); }; #endif // SDOWRAP_H