//#-------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: rascommain.cpp // // Synopsis: this is the main Source File for the RAS Server // COM component DLL // // // History: 2/10/98 MKarki Created // 8/04/98 MKarki Changes for Dynamic Config // // Copyright (C) 1997-98 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- // // Note: Proxy/Stub Information // To build a separate proxy/stub DLL, // run nmake -f radprotops.mk in the project directory. #include "rascominclude.h" #include "crascom.h" CComModule _Module; BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(ObjectMap) OBJECT_ENTRY(__uuidof(IasHelper), CRasCom) END_OBJECT_MAP() // // globals // IRecvRequest *g_pIRecvRequest = NULL; ISdoService *g_pISdoService = NULL; BOOL g_bInitialized = FALSE; CRITICAL_SECTION g_SrvCritSect; // // ProgID of SdoService component // const WCHAR SERVICE_PROG_ID[] = L"IAS.SdoService"; // // ProgID for IasHelper component // const WCHAR HELPER_PROG_ID[] = L"IAS.IasHelper"; //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DllMain // // Synopsis: Disabling thread calls // // Arguments: [in] HINSTANCE - module handle // [in] DWORD - reason for call // reserved // // Returns: BOOL - sucess/failure // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { InitializeCriticalSection (&g_SrvCritSect); _Module.Init(ObjectMap, hInstance); DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance); } else if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { DeleteCriticalSection (&g_SrvCritSect); _Module.Term(); } return (TRUE); } // end of DllMain method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DllCanUnloadNow // // Synopsis: Used to determine if the DLL can be unloaded // // Arguments: NONE // // Returns: HRESULT // // // History: MKarki Created 8/20/97 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow( VOID ) { return (_Module.GetLockCount()==0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } // end of DllCanUnloadNow method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DllGetClassObject // // Synopsis: Returns a class factory to create an object // of the requested type // // Arguments: [in] REFCLSID // [in] REFIID // [out] LPVOID - class factory // // Returns: HRESULT // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI DllGetClassObject( REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv ) { return (_Module.GetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv)); } // end of DllGetClassObject method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DllRegisterServer // // Synopsis: Add entries to the system registry // // Arguments: NONE // // Returns: HRESULT // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI DllRegisterServer( VOID ) { // // registers object, typelib and all interfaces in typelib // return (_Module.RegisterServer(TRUE)); } // end of DllRegisterServer method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DllUnregisterServer // // Synopsis: Removes entries from the system registry // // Arguments: NONE // // Returns: HRESULT // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI DllUnregisterServer( VOID ) { _Module.UnregisterServer(); return (S_OK); } // end of DllUnregisterServer method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: AllocateAttributes // // Synopsis: This API allocates the number of attributes spefied // and returns them in the PIASATTRIBUTE array // // Arguments: // [in] DWORD - number of attributes // [out] PIASATTRIBUTE* array // // Returns: HRESULT // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI AllocateAttributes ( DWORD dwAttributeCount, PIASATTRIBUTE *ppIasAttribute ) { DWORD dwRetVal = 0; // // can only allocate attributes after initialization // if (FALSE == g_bInitialized) { IASTracePrintf ( "InitializeIas method needs to has not been called before" "allocating attributes" ); return (E_FAIL); } // // check if arguments are correct // if ((0 == dwAttributeCount) || (NULL == ppIasAttribute)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Inivalid arguments passed in to AllocateAttributes method" ); return (E_INVALIDARG); } // // allocate attributes now // dwRetVal = ::IASAttributeAlloc (dwAttributeCount, ppIasAttribute); if (0 != dwRetVal) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to allocate memory in AllocateAttributes method" ); return (E_FAIL); } return (S_OK); } // end of AllocateAttributes method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: FreeAttributes // // Synopsis: This API frees the number of attributes spefied // // Arguments: // [in] DWORD - number of attributes // [in] PIASATTRIBUTE array // // Returns: HRESULT // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI FreeAttributes ( DWORD dwAttributeCount, PIASATTRIBUTE *ppIasAttribute ) { DWORD dwCount = 0; // // can only free attributes after initialization // if (FALSE == g_bInitialized) { IASTracePrintf ( "InitializeIas needs to be called before freeing attributes" ); return (E_FAIL); } // // check if correct attributes have been passed in // if (NULL == ppIasAttribute) { IASTracePrintf ( "Invalid arguments passed in to FreeAttributes method" ); return (E_INVALIDARG); } // // free the attributes now // for (dwCount = 0; dwCount < dwAttributeCount; dwCount++) { ::IASAttributeRelease (ppIasAttribute[dwCount]); } return (S_OK); } // end of FreeAttributes method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DoRequest // // Synopsis: This is the API that is called to send request // to the pipeline // // Arguments: // [in] DWORD - number of attributes // [in] PIASATTRIBUTE* // [in] IASREQUEST // [out] IASRESPONSE // // Returns: HRESULT - status // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI DoRequest ( DWORD dwInAttributeCount, PIASATTRIBUTE *ppInIasAttribute, PDWORD pdwOutAttributeCount, PIASATTRIBUTE **pppOutIasAttribute, LONG IasRequest, LONG *pIasResponse, IASPROTOCOL IasProtocol, PLONG plReason, BOOL bProcessVSA ) { DWORD dwRetVal = 0; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // can only make request to pipeline after initialization // if (FALSE == g_bInitialized) { IASTracePrintf ( "InitializeIas needs to be called before Request processing" ); return (E_FAIL); } // // check the arguments passed in // if ( (NULL == ppInIasAttribute) || (NULL == pdwOutAttributeCount) || (NULL == pppOutIasAttribute) || (NULL == pIasResponse) || (NULL == plReason) ) { IASTracePrintf ( "Invalid arguments passed in to DoRequest method" ); return (E_INVALIDARG); } // // make the request to the IASHelper COM Object interface // hr = g_pIRecvRequest->Process ( dwInAttributeCount, ppInIasAttribute, pdwOutAttributeCount, pppOutIasAttribute, IasRequest, pIasResponse, IasProtocol, plReason, bProcessVSA ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Surrogate failed in processing request... hr =%x", hr); } return (hr); } // end of DoRequest method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: InitializeIas // // Synopsis: This is the API that is called to Initialize the // IasHlpr Component // // Arguments: none // // Returns: HRESULT - status // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI InitializeIas ( BOOL bComInit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CLSID clsid; __try { EnterCriticalSection (&g_SrvCritSect); // // check if we are already initialized // if (TRUE == g_bInitialized) { __leave; } IASTraceInitialize(); IASTracePrintf ("Initializing Surrogate..."); // // check if our threads are COM enabled // if (FALSE == bComInit) { IASTracePrintf ( "Thread calling InitializeIas need to be COM enabled" ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; __leave; } // // convert SdoService ProgID to CLSID // hr = CLSIDFromProgID (SERVICE_PROG_ID, &clsid); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to get SDO service ID" ); __leave; } // // Create the SdoComponent // hr = CoCreateInstance ( clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof (ISdoService), reinterpret_cast (&g_pISdoService) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to create Surrogate COM component"); __leave; } // // Initialize the Service first // hr = g_pISdoService->InitializeService (SERVICE_TYPE_RAS); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to initialize SDO COM component"); __leave; } // // Start the IAS service now // hr = g_pISdoService->StartService (SERVICE_TYPE_RAS); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to start SDO component"); // // got to do a shutdown if could not start the sevice // HRESULT hr1 = g_pISdoService->ShutdownService (SERVICE_TYPE_RAS); if (FAILED (hr1)) { IASTracePrintf("Unable to shutdown SDO compnent"); } __leave; } // // convert IasHelper ProgID to CLSID // hr = CLSIDFromProgID (HELPER_PROG_ID, &clsid); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf("Unable to obtain Surrogate ID"); __leave; } // // Create the IasHelper component // hr = CoCreateInstance ( clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof (IRecvRequest), reinterpret_cast (&g_pIRecvRequest) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf("Unable to create Surrogate component"); __leave; } // // initialization complete // g_bInitialized = TRUE; } __finally { if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ("Surrogate failed initialization."); // // do cleanup // if (NULL != g_pIRecvRequest) { g_pIRecvRequest->Release (); g_pIRecvRequest = NULL; } if (NULL != g_pISdoService) { g_pISdoService->Release (); g_pISdoService = NULL; } IASTraceUninitialize(); } else { IASTracePrintf ("Surrogate initialized."); } LeaveCriticalSection (&g_SrvCritSect); } return (hr); } // end of InitializeIas method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ShutdownIas // // Synopsis: This is the API used to shutdown the // IasHlpr Component // // Arguments: none // // Returns: VOID // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" VOID WINAPI ShutdownIas ( VOID ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EnterCriticalSection (&g_SrvCritSect); IASTracePrintf ("Shutting down Surrogate...."); // // stop the components first // if (FALSE == g_bInitialized) { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_SrvCritSect); return; } else { // // don't let any requests come through now // g_bInitialized = FALSE; } // // release the reference to the interface // if (NULL != g_pIRecvRequest) { g_pIRecvRequest->Release (); g_pIRecvRequest = NULL; } if (NULL != g_pISdoService) { // // stop the service // hr = g_pISdoService->StopService (SERVICE_TYPE_RAS); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ("Unable to stop SDO component"); } // // shutdown the service // hr = g_pISdoService->ShutdownService (SERVICE_TYPE_RAS); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ("Unable to shutdown SDO component"); } g_pISdoService->Release (); g_pISdoService = NULL; } IASTracePrintf ("Surrogate Shutdown complete."); IASTraceUninitialize(); LeaveCriticalSection (&g_SrvCritSect); return; } // end of ShutdownIas method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ConfigureIas // // Synopsis: This is the API that is called to reload the // IAS configuration information // // Arguments: none // // Returns: HRESULT - status // // History: MKarki Created 09/04/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI ConfigureIas ( VOID ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EnterCriticalSection (&g_SrvCritSect); IASTracePrintf ("Configuring Surrogate."); if (FALSE == g_bInitialized) { IASTracePrintf ( "InitializeIas needs to be called before configuring surrogate" ); } else if (NULL != g_pISdoService) { hr = g_pISdoService->ConfigureService (SERVICE_TYPE_RAS); } LeaveCriticalSection (&g_SrvCritSect); return (hr); } // end of ConfigureIas method //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: MemAllocIas // // Synopsis: This is the API used to allocate dynamic memory // // Arguments: none // // Returns: PVOID - address of allocated memory // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" PVOID WINAPI MemAllocIas ( DWORD dwSize ) { return (::CoTaskMemAlloc (dwSize)); } // end of MemAllocIas API //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: MemFreeIas // // Synopsis: This is the API to free the dynamic memory // allocated through MemAllocIas // // Arguments: PVOID - address of allocated memory // // Returns: VOID // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" VOID WINAPI MemFreeIas ( PVOID pAllocMem ) { ::CoTaskMemFree (pAllocMem); } // end of MemFreeIas API //++-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: MemReallocIas // // Synopsis: This is the API to reallocate the already allocate // dynamic memory allocated through MemAllocIas // // Arguments: PVOID - address of allocated memory // DWORD - new size // // Returns: PVOID - adress of new memory // // History: MKarki Created 2/10/98 // //---------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" PVOID WINAPI MemReallocIas ( PVOID pAllocMem, DWORD dwNewSize ) { return (::CoTaskMemRealloc (pAllocMem, dwNewSize)); } // end of MemReallocIas API #include