/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright(C) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved. // // Module: sdo.cpp // // Project: Everest // // Description: IAS Server Data Object Definition // // Author: TLP 1/23/98 // // When Who What // ---- --- ---- // 2/28/98 TLP Prepare for IDataStore2 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include <ias.h> #include "sdo.h" #include "sdohelperfuncs.h" #include "sdofactory.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSdo Class Implementation ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SDO CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CSdo::CSdo() : m_pParent(NULL), m_pDSObject(NULL), m_fSdoInitialized(FALSE), m_fPersistOnApply(FALSE), m_fIsPersisted(FALSE) { InternalAddRef(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CSdo::~CSdo() { InternalShutdown(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ISdo INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CSdo::GetPropertyInfo(LONG Id, IUnknown** ppSdoPropertyInfo) { CSdoLock theLock(*this); _ASSERT( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL; _ASSERT( NULL != ppSdoPropertyInfo ); if ( NULL == ppSdoPropertyInfo ) return E_POINTER; HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.find(Id); if ( p == m_PropertyMap.end() ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - GetProperty() - Property with ID = %d could not be found...", Id); hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } else { (*ppSdoPropertyInfo = ((*p).second)->GetPropertyInfo())->AddRef(); } } catch(_com_error theComError) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - GetPropertyInfo() - Caught COM exception..."); hr = theComError.Error(); } catch (...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - GetPropertyInfo() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CSdo::GetProperty(LONG Id, VARIANT *pValue) { CSdoLock theLock(*this); _ASSERT( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL; // Check function parameters // _ASSERT( NULL != pValue ); if ( NULL == pValue ) return E_POINTER; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; try { if ( PROPERTY_SDO_DATASTORE_NAME != Id ) { PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.find(Id); if ( p == m_PropertyMap.end() ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - GetProperty() - Property with ID = %d could not be found...", Id); hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } else { hr = InitializeProperty(Id); // Defer property initialization until property is requeted. if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) hr = ((*p).second)->GetValue(pValue); } } else { hr = GetDatastoreName(pValue); } } catch (...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - GetProperty() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CSdo::PutProperty(LONG Id, VARIANT * pValue) { CSdoLock theLock(*this); _ASSERT( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL; // Check function parameters // _ASSERT( NULL != pValue ); if ( NULL == pValue ) return E_POINTER; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; try { PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.find(Id); if ( p == m_PropertyMap.end() ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - PutProperty() - Property with ID = %d could not be found...", Id); hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } else { if ( ((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY ) { IASTracePrintf("SDO Property Error - Validate() - Tried to change a read only property..."); } else { hr = ValidateProperty((*p).second, pValue); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( PROPERTY_SDO_NAME == ((*p).second)->GetId() ) { if ( m_pParent ) { if ( lstrcmpi(V_BSTR(((*p).second)->GetValue()),V_BSTR(pValue)) ) { VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; hr = m_pParent->IsNameUnique(V_BSTR(pValue), &boolVal); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( VARIANT_TRUE == boolVal ) hr = ((*p).second)->PutValue(pValue); else hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else { hr = ((*p).second)->PutValue(pValue); } } } else { hr = ((*p).second)->PutValue(pValue); } } } } } catch(_com_error theComError) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - PutProperty() - Caught COM exception..."); hr = theComError.Error(); } catch (...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - GetProperty() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CSdo::ResetProperty(LONG Id) { CSdoLock theLock(*this); _ASSERT( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; try { PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.find(Id); if ( p == m_PropertyMap.end() ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - ResetProperty() - Property with ID = %d could not be found...", Id); hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } else { // Reset the property to its default value (if defined) // if ( ((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_HAS_DEFAULT ) { ((*p).second)->Reset(); ((*p).second)->SetUpdateValue(); } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - ResetProperty() - Property with ID = %d does not have a default value...", Id); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } } catch(_com_error theComError) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - ResetProperty() - Caught COM exception..."); hr = theComError.Error(); } catch (...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - ResetProperty() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CSdo::Apply() { CSdoLock theLock(*this); _ASSERT( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { if ( m_fPersistOnApply ) hr = Save(); } catch(_com_error theComError) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - Apply() - Caught COM exception..."); hr = theComError.Error(); } catch (...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - Apply() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CSdo::Restore() { CSdoLock theLock(*this); _ASSERT( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { if ( m_fPersistOnApply ) { // Just return S_OK if we've never persisted the object // if ( m_fIsPersisted ) { // Load the SDO properties from the persistent store // hr = Load(); } } } catch(_com_error theComError) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - Restore() - Caught COM exception..."); hr = theComError.Error(); } catch (...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - Restore() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP CSdo::get__NewEnum(IUnknown** ppEnumPropertyInfo) { CSdoLock theLock(*this); _ASSERT( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL; _ASSERT( NULL != ppEnumPropertyInfo ); if ( NULL == ppEnumPropertyInfo ) return E_POINTER; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; EnumVARIANT* newEnum = NULL; try { vector<_variant_t> properties; VARIANT property; VariantInit(&property); PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.begin(); while ( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ) { V_VT(&property) = VT_DISPATCH; V_DISPATCH(&property) = dynamic_cast<IDispatch*>(((*p).second)->GetPropertyInfo()); properties.push_back(property); p++; } newEnum = new (std::nothrow) CComObject<EnumVARIANT>; if ( newEnum == NULL ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - get__NewEnum() - Out of memory..."); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hr = newEnum->Init( properties.begin(), properties.end(), static_cast<IUnknown*>(this), AtlFlagCopy ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { (*ppEnumPropertyInfo = newEnum)->AddRef(); return S_OK; } } catch(...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - get__NewEnum() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; } if ( newEnum ) delete newEnum; return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SDO Base Class Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::InternalInitialize( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszSdoName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszSdoProgId, /*[in]*/ ISdoMachine* pAttachedMachine, /*[in]*/ IDataStoreObject* pDSObject, /*[in]*/ ISdoCollection* pParent, /*[in]*/ bool fInitNew ) { // Check precondtions // _ASSERT( NULL != lpszSdoProgId && NULL != pAttachedMachine ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) { try { // Get the SDO schema class for lpszSdoClassId // CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnknown; CComPtr<ISdoSchema> pSdoSchema; hr = pAttachedMachine->GetSDOSchema(&pUnknown); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_ISdoSchema, (void**)&pSdoSchema); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); pUnknown.Release(); _bstr_t classId = lpszSdoProgId; hr = pSdoSchema->GetClass(classId, &pUnknown); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); CComPtr<ISdoClassInfo> pSdoClassInfo; hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_ISdoClassInfo, (void**)&pSdoClassInfo); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); // Initialize the SDO's properties from the schema class // AllocateProperties(pSdoClassInfo); // Set the SDO's class // PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.find(PROPERTY_SDO_CLASS); _ASSERT( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ); _variant_t vtClass = ::GetDataStoreClass(lpszSdoProgId); ((*p).second)->PutValue(&vtClass); // Set the SDO's name (if provided) // if ( lpszSdoName ) { _variant_t vtName = lpszSdoName; hr = PutPropertyInternal(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME, &vtName); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); } // Save a reference to the parent object // if ( pParent ) { m_pParent = pParent; // m_pParent->AddRef(); Weak reference for now } // Save a reference to the data store object used to persist this objects state // if ( pDSObject ) { m_pDSObject = pDSObject; m_pDSObject->AddRef(); m_fPersistOnApply = TRUE; } hr = FinalInitialize(fInitNew, pAttachedMachine); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); // Set the SDO's state to "initialized" // m_fSdoInitialized = TRUE; } catch(_com_error theError) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - InternalInitialize() - Caught com_error exception..."); InternalShutdown(); hr = theError.Error(); } catch(...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - InternalInitialize() - Caught unknown exception..."); InternalShutdown(); hr = E_FAIL; } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::InternalInitialize( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszSdoName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszSdoProgId, /*[in]*/ ISdoSchema* pSdoSchema, /*[in]*/ IDataStoreObject* pDSObject, /*[in]*/ ISdoCollection* pParent, /*[in]*/ bool fInitNew ) { // Check precondtions // _ASSERT( NULL != lpszSdoProgId && NULL != pSdoSchema ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) { try { // Get the SDO schema class for lpszSdoClassId // CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnknown; _bstr_t classId = lpszSdoProgId; hr = pSdoSchema->GetClass(classId, &pUnknown); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); CComPtr<ISdoClassInfo> pSdoClassInfo; hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_ISdoClassInfo, (void**)&pSdoClassInfo); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); // Initialize the SDO's properties from the schema class // AllocateProperties(pSdoClassInfo); // Set the SDO's class // PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.find(PROPERTY_SDO_CLASS); _ASSERT( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ); _variant_t vtClass = ::GetDataStoreClass(lpszSdoProgId); ((*p).second)->PutValue(&vtClass); // Set the SDO's name (if provided) // if ( lpszSdoName ) { _variant_t vtName = lpszSdoName; hr = PutPropertyInternal(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME, &vtName); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); } // Save a reference to the parent object // if ( pParent ) { m_pParent = pParent; // m_pParent->AddRef(); Weak reference for now... } // Save a reference to the data store object used to persist this objects state // if ( pDSObject ) { m_pDSObject = pDSObject; m_pDSObject->AddRef(); m_fPersistOnApply = TRUE; } hr = FinalInitialize(fInitNew, NULL); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); // Set the SDO's state to "initialized" // m_fSdoInitialized = TRUE; } catch(_com_error theError) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - InternalInitialize() - Caught com_error exception..."); InternalShutdown(); hr = theError.Error(); } catch(...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - InternalInitialize() - Caught unknown exception..."); InternalShutdown(); hr = E_FAIL; } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::FinalInitialize( /*[in]*/ bool fInitNew, /*[in]*/ ISdoMachine* pAttachedMachine ) { if ( fInitNew ) return S_OK; else return LoadProperties(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CSdo::InternalShutdown() { if ( m_pParent ) { // m_pParent->Release(); Weak reference for now... m_pParent = NULL; } if ( m_pDSObject ) { m_pDSObject->Release(); m_pDSObject = NULL; } FreeProperties(); m_fSdoInitialized = FALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CSdo::AllocateProperties( /*[in]*/ ISdoClassInfo* pSdoClassInfo ) throw (_com_error) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("Allocating properties for the SDO at $%p...",this); do { CComPtr<IEnumVARIANT> pPropertyEnum; hr = ::SDOGetClassPropertyEnumerator(PROPERTY_SET_REQUIRED, pSdoClassInfo, &pPropertyEnum); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - AllocateProperties() - Could not get required property enumerator failed..."); throw _com_error(hr); } CComPtr<ISdoPropertyInfo> pSdoPropertyInfo; hr = ::SDONextPropertyFromClass(pPropertyEnum, &pSdoPropertyInfo); while ( S_OK == hr ) { { auto_ptr<SDOPROPERTY> pProperty (new CSdoProperty(pSdoPropertyInfo, SDO_PROPERTY_MANDATORY)); pair<PropertyMapIterator, bool> thePair = m_PropertyMap.insert(PropertyMap::value_type(pProperty->GetId(), pProperty.get())); if ( false == thePair.second ) throw _com_error(E_FAIL); pProperty.release(); SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_3("Allocated property '%ls' of type %d for the SDO at $%p ", pProperty->GetName(), pProperty->GetType(), this); } pSdoPropertyInfo.Release(); hr = ::SDONextPropertyFromClass(pPropertyEnum, &pSdoPropertyInfo); } if ( S_FALSE == hr ) { pPropertyEnum.Release(); hr = ::SDOGetClassPropertyEnumerator(PROPERTY_SET_OPTIONAL, pSdoClassInfo, &pPropertyEnum); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - AllocateProperties() - Could not get optional property enumerator failed..."); throw _com_error(hr); } hr = ::SDONextPropertyFromClass(pPropertyEnum, &pSdoPropertyInfo); while ( S_OK == hr ) { { auto_ptr<SDOPROPERTY> pProperty (new CSdoProperty(pSdoPropertyInfo)); pair<PropertyMapIterator, bool> thePair = m_PropertyMap.insert(PropertyMap::value_type(pProperty->GetId(), pProperty.get())); if ( false == thePair.second ) throw _com_error(E_FAIL); pProperty.release(); SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_3("Allocated property '%ls' of type %d for the SDO at $%p ", pProperty->GetName(), pProperty->GetType(), this); } pSdoPropertyInfo.Release(); hr = ::SDONextPropertyFromClass(pPropertyEnum, &pSdoPropertyInfo); } if ( S_FALSE != hr ) throw _com_error(hr); } else { throw _com_error(hr); } } while ( FALSE ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CSdo::FreeProperties(void) { PropertyMapIterator p; SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("Releasing properties for the SDO at $%p...",this); // Delete the properties we've allocated // p = m_PropertyMap.begin(); while ( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ) { SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_3("Released property '%ls' of type %d from the SDO at $%p...",((*p).second)->GetName(),((*p).second)->GetType(), this); delete (*p).second; // Invokes ~CSdoProperty() p = m_PropertyMap.erase(p); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::LoadProperties() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Check preconditions // _ASSERT ( NULL != m_pDSObject ); SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("Loading properties for the SDO at $%p...",this); // The state of the object before the LoadProperties() operation // should be preserved in the event of a load failure. Thus, if // any single property fails to load then the entire load // operation fails and the state of the object remains unchanged. PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.begin(); while ( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ) { // Load only persistent properties // if ( ! ( ((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_NO_PERSIST ) ) { // Get the property value from the data store object // if ( ((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_MULTIVALUED ) hr = m_pDSObject->GetValueEx(((*p).second)->GetName(), ((*p).second)->GetUpdateValue()); else hr = m_pDSObject->GetValue(((*p).second)->GetName(), ((*p).second)->GetUpdateValue()); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_3("Loaded property '%ls' of type %d for the SDO at $%p...", ((*p).second)->GetName(), ((*p).second)->GetType(), this); } else { // If a mandatory property fails to load and we don't have a default value for it // then we have an error condition // if ( ((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_MANDATORY ) { if ( ((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_HAS_DEFAULT ) { SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("SDO - LoadProperties() - GetValue('%ls') failed...",((*p).second)->GetName()); } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - LoadProperties() - Mandatory property '%ls' failed to load...", ((*p).second)->GetName()); break; } } else { SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("SDO - LoadProperties() - GetValue('%ls') failed...",((*p).second)->GetName()); } ((*p).second)->Reset(); hr = S_OK; } } p++; } // Use the newly loaded values and flag the object as // persisted so that it can be restored via ISdo::Restore() // if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { p = m_PropertyMap.begin(); while ( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ) { if ( ! (((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_NO_PERSIST) ) ((*p).second)->SetUpdateValue(); p++; } m_fIsPersisted = TRUE; } else { while ( p != m_PropertyMap.begin() ) { if ( ! (((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_NO_PERSIST) ) VariantClear(((*p).second)->GetUpdateValue()); p--; } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::SaveProperties() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Check preconditions // _ASSERT ( NULL != m_pDSObject ); SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("Saving properties for the SDO at $%p...",this); // Put the SDO property values into the underlying data store // PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.begin(); while ( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ) { // Make sure we're supposed to persist this property // if ( ! ( ((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_NO_PERSIST) ) { // Empty properties don't get persisted // if ( VT_EMPTY == V_VT(((*p).second)->GetValue()) ) { // Mandatory properties cannot be empty // if ( ((*p).second)->GetFlags() & SDO_PROPERTY_MANDATORY ) { _ASSERT(FALSE); // Contractual Error (precondition violation) hr = E_FAIL; break; } } // Persist the property // hr = m_pDSObject->PutValue(((*p).second)->GetName(), ((*p).second)->GetValue()); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - SaveProperties() - Could not persist SDO changes because PutValue() failed for property '%ls'...", ((*p).second)->GetName()); break; } SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_3("Saved property '%ls' of type %d from the SDO at $%p...", ((*p).second)->GetName(), ((*p).second)->GetType(), this); } p++; } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Now persist the changes // hr = m_pDSObject->Update(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Flag the object as persisted so that it can be restored via ISdo::Restore() // m_fIsPersisted = TRUE; } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - SaveProperties() - Could not persist the SDO changes because Update() failed..."); } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::GetPropertyInternal( /*[in]*/ LONG lPropertyId, /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pValue ) throw() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.find(lPropertyId); _ASSERT( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ); if ( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ) { hr = ((*p).second)->GetValue(pValue); _ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - GetPropertyInternal() - GetValue() failed...\n"); } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - GetPropertyInternal() - Invalid property Id...\n"); } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::PutPropertyInternal( /*[in]*/ LONG lPropertyId, /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pValue ) throw() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.find(lPropertyId); _ASSERT( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ); if ( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ) { hr = ((*p).second)->PutValue(pValue); _ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - PutPropertyInternal() - PutValue() failed...\n"); } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - PutPropertyInternal() - Invalid property Id...\n"); } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::ChangePropertyDefaultInternal( /*[in]*/ LONG lPropertyId, /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pValue ) throw() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; PropertyMapIterator p = m_PropertyMap.find(lPropertyId); _ASSERT( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ); if ( p != m_PropertyMap.end() ) { hr = ((*p).second)->PutDefault(pValue); _ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - ChangePropertyDefault() - PutDefault() failed...\n"); } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - ChangePropertyDefault() - Invalid property Id...\n"); } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::InitializeCollection( LONG CollectionPropertyId, LPCWSTR lpszCreateClassId, ISdoMachine* pSdoMachine, IDataStoreContainer* pDSContainer, size_t maxSize ) throw () { ISdoCollection* pSdoCollection = ::MakeSDOCollection( lpszCreateClassId, pSdoMachine, pDSContainer, maxSize ); if ( NULL == pSdoCollection ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - InitializeCollection() - MakeSDOCollection failed..."); return E_FAIL; } _variant_t vtDispatch; V_VT(&vtDispatch) = VT_DISPATCH; HRESULT hr = pSdoCollection->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&vtDispatch.pdispVal); pSdoCollection->Release(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - InitializeCollection() - QueryInterface(IDispatch) failed..."); return hr; } hr = PutPropertyInternal(CollectionPropertyId, &vtDispatch); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::Load(void) { return LoadProperties(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::Save(void) { return SaveProperties(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CSdo::NoPersist(void) { if ( m_pDSObject ) { m_pDSObject->Release(); m_pDSObject = NULL; m_fPersistOnApply = FALSE; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::ValidateProperty( /*[in]*/ PSDOPROPERTY pProperty, /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pValue ) { return pProperty->Validate(pValue); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CSdo::GetDatastoreName(VARIANT* pDSName) { HRESULT hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; if ( m_pDSObject ) { BSTR bstrDSName; hr = m_pDSObject->get_Name(&bstrDSName); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { VariantInit(pDSName); V_VT(pDSName) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(pDSName) = bstrDSName; } else { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO - GetDatastoreName() - get_Name() failed..."); } } return hr; }