// irda.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #define MAX_ATTRIB_LEN (64) CHAR* Hint1[]={"PnP", "PDA", "Computer", "Printer", "Modem", "Fax", "Lan", "Extension" }; CHAR* Hint2[]={"Phone", "File server", "IrCOMM", "Message", "HTTP", "OBEX", "Unknown1", "Extension" }; char* Classes[]={"IrDA:IrCOMM", "IrTranPv1", "IrDA:IrCOMM", "OBEX:IrXfer", "OBEX", "JetSend", "IrNetv1", "IrModem", "IrLAN", "IrLPT", "IrLPT", "IrTranPv1" }; char* Attributes[]={"IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel", "IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel", "IrDA:IRLMP:LsapSel", "IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel", "IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel", "IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel", "IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel", "IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel", "IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel", "IrDA:IrLMP:LsapSel", "IrDA:IrLMP:lsapSel", "IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel" }; typedef enum { CLASS_IRCOMM, CLASS_OBEX, CLASS_Netv1, CLASS_IrModem } IRDA_CLASSES; int QueryIASForBinaryData( SOCKET QuerySock, u_char *pirdaDeviceID, char *pClassName, char *pAttribute, BYTE *Buffer, ULONG *BufferLength ) { IAS_QUERY IASQuery; int QueryLength=sizeof(IASQuery); int Result; ZeroMemory(&IASQuery,sizeof(IASQuery)); lstrcpyA( IASQuery.irdaClassName, pClassName ); lstrcpyA( IASQuery.irdaAttribName, pAttribute ); CopyMemory( &IASQuery.irdaDeviceID[0], pirdaDeviceID, 4 ); Result=getsockopt( QuerySock, SOL_IRLMP, IRLMP_IAS_QUERY, (char*)&IASQuery, &QueryLength ); if (Result == SOCKET_ERROR) { return Result; } if (IASQuery.irdaAttribType != IAS_ATTRIB_OCTETSEQ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; } if (IASQuery.irdaAttribute.irdaAttribOctetSeq.Len > *BufferLength) { return SOCKET_ERROR; } CopyMemory( Buffer, &IASQuery.irdaAttribute.irdaAttribOctetSeq.OctetSeq[0], IASQuery.irdaAttribute.irdaAttribOctetSeq.Len ); *BufferLength=IASQuery.irdaAttribute.irdaAttribOctetSeq.Len; return 0; } int QueryIASForInteger(SOCKET QuerySock, u_char *pirdaDeviceID, char *pClassName, char *pAttribute, int *pValue) { BYTE IASQueryBuff[sizeof(IAS_QUERY) - 3 + MAX_ATTRIB_LEN]; int IASQueryLen = sizeof(IASQueryBuff); PIAS_QUERY pIASQuery = (PIAS_QUERY) &IASQueryBuff; RtlCopyMemory(&pIASQuery->irdaDeviceID[0], pirdaDeviceID, 4); lstrcpyA(&pIASQuery->irdaClassName[0], pClassName); lstrcpyA(&pIASQuery->irdaAttribName[0], pAttribute); if (getsockopt(QuerySock, SOL_IRLMP, IRLMP_IAS_QUERY, (char *) pIASQuery, &IASQueryLen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { #if 0 printf("IRMON: IAS Query [\"%s\",\"%s\"] failed\n", pIASQuery->irdaClassName, pIASQuery->irdaAttribName ); #endif return SOCKET_ERROR; } if (pIASQuery->irdaAttribType != IAS_ATTRIB_INT) { printf("IRMON: IAS Query [\"%s\",\"%s\"] irdaAttribType not int (%d)\n", pIASQuery->irdaClassName, pIASQuery->irdaAttribName, pIASQuery->irdaAttribType ); return SOCKET_ERROR; } *pValue = pIASQuery->irdaAttribute.irdaAttribInt; return(0); } int QueryIASForString(SOCKET QuerySock, u_char *pirdaDeviceID, char *pClassName, char *pAttribute, char *pValue, int *pValueLen) // including trailing NULL { BYTE IASQueryBuff[sizeof(IAS_QUERY) - 3 + MAX_ATTRIB_LEN]; int IASQueryLen = sizeof(IASQueryBuff); PIAS_QUERY pIASQuery = (PIAS_QUERY) &IASQueryBuff; RtlCopyMemory(&pIASQuery->irdaDeviceID[0], pirdaDeviceID, 4); lstrcpyA(&pIASQuery->irdaClassName[0], pClassName); lstrcpyA(&pIASQuery->irdaAttribName[0], pAttribute); if (getsockopt(QuerySock, SOL_IRLMP, IRLMP_IAS_QUERY, (char *) pIASQuery, &IASQueryLen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { // DEBUGMSG(("IRMON: IAS Query [\"%s\",\"%s\"] failed %ws\n", // pIASQuery->irdaClassName, // pIASQuery->irdaAttribName, // GetLastErrorText())); return SOCKET_ERROR; } if (pIASQuery->irdaAttribType != IAS_ATTRIB_STR) { // DEBUGMSG(("IRMON: IAS Query [\"%s\",\"%s\"] irdaAttribType not string (%d)\n", // pIASQuery->irdaClassName, // pIASQuery->irdaAttribName, // pIASQuery->irdaAttribType)); return SOCKET_ERROR; } if (pIASQuery->irdaAttribute.irdaAttribUsrStr.CharSet != LmCharSetASCII) { // DEBUGMSG(("IRMON: IAS Query [\"%s\",\"%s\"] CharSet not ASCII (%d)\n", // pIASQuery->irdaClassName, // pIASQuery->irdaAttribName, // pIASQuery->irdaAttribute.irdaAttribUsrStr.CharSet)); return SOCKET_ERROR; } // set ValueLen to data bytes to copy, allow room for NULL if (pIASQuery->irdaAttribute.irdaAttribUsrStr.Len + 1 >= (unsigned) *pValueLen) { // allow room for NULL (*pValueLen)--; } else { *pValueLen = pIASQuery->irdaAttribute.irdaAttribUsrStr.Len; } RtlCopyMemory(pValue, pIASQuery->irdaAttribute.irdaAttribUsrStr.UsrStr, *pValueLen); // append NULL pValue[(*pValueLen)++] = 0; return(0); } int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { SOCKET SocketHandle=INVALID_SOCKET; WORD WSAVerReq = MAKEWORD(2,0); WSADATA WSAData; INT Result; UCHAR Temp[4096]; PDEVICELIST DeviceList=(PDEVICELIST)Temp; int DeviceListSize=sizeof(Temp); UINT i; Result=WSAStartup( WSAVerReq, &WSAData ); if (Result != 0) { printf("WSAStartUp() Failed %d\n",Result); goto CleanUp; } SocketHandle=socket( AF_IRDA, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if (SocketHandle == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("socket() faled %d\n",WSAGetLastError()); } Result=getsockopt( SocketHandle, SOL_IRLMP, IRLMP_ENUMDEVICES, (char*)DeviceList, &DeviceListSize ); if (Result == SOCKET_ERROR) { goto CleanUp; } printf("\n%d Irda devices found\n\n",DeviceList->numDevice); for (i=0; i< DeviceList->numDevice; i++) { PIRDA_DEVICE_INFO DeviceInfo=&DeviceList->Device[i]; PULONG DeviceId=(PULONG)&DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceID; int LsapSel=-1; UINT j; int k; if ((DeviceInfo->irdaCharSet == 0xff)) { wprintf(L"Device Name(UNICODE): %s\n",&DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceName[0]); } else { printf("Device Name(ANSI): %s\n",&DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceName[0]); } printf("Hints:\n"); for (j=0; j<7; j++) { if ( DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceHints1 & (1 << j)) { printf("\t%s\n",Hint1[j]); } } for (j=0; j<7; j++) { if ( DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceHints2 & (1 << j)) { printf("\t%s\n",Hint2[j]); } } printf("\nDoing IAS queries\n"); for (j=0; jirdaDeviceID[0], Classes[j], Attributes[j], &LsapSel ); if (Result == 0) { printf("\tResult for %13s -- %s : %d\n",Classes[j],Attributes[j],LsapSel); } } if ((DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceHints2 & 4) || (DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceHints1 & LM_HB1_Printer)) { BYTE Buffer[4096]; ULONG BufferLength=sizeof(Buffer); CHAR InstanceName[256]; int InstanceLength; printf("\nChecking for IrComm Parameters\n"); Result=QueryIASForBinaryData( SocketHandle, &DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceID[0], Classes[0], "Parameters", &Buffer[0], &BufferLength ); if (Result == 0) { ULONG k; for (k=0; k < BufferLength; ) { switch (Buffer[k]) { case 0: printf("\tServiceType- %s, %s, %s, %s\n", Buffer[k+2] & 1 ? "3 Wire raw" : "", Buffer[k+2] & 2 ? "3 Wire" : "", Buffer[k+2] & 4 ? "9 Wire" : "", Buffer[k+2] & 8 ? "Centronics" : "" ); break; case 1: printf("\tPort Type- %s, %s\n", Buffer[k+2] & 1 ? "Serial" : "", Buffer[k+2] & 2 ? "Parallel" : "" ); break; case 2: printf("\tPort Name- %s\n",&Buffer[k+2]); break; default: printf("\tPI=%x, pl=%d\n",Buffer[k],Buffer[k+1]); break; } k+=Buffer[k+1]+2; } } InstanceLength=sizeof(InstanceName); Result=QueryIASForString( SocketHandle, &DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceID[0], Classes[0], "IrDA:IrLMP:InstanceName", &InstanceName[0], &InstanceLength ); if (Result == 0) { printf("\tInstanceName: %s\n",InstanceName); } } if (1) { //if (DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceHints1 & LM_HB1_PnP) { CHAR DeviceId[100]; int BufferSize=sizeof(DeviceId); int CompatIds=0; printf("\nChecking PnP parameters\n"); Result=QueryIASForString( SocketHandle, &DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceID[0], "PnP", "Name", DeviceId, &BufferSize ); if (Result == 0) { printf("\tName: %s\n",DeviceId); } BufferSize=sizeof(DeviceId); Result=QueryIASForString( SocketHandle, &DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceID[0], "PnP", "Manufacturer", DeviceId, &BufferSize ); if (Result == 0) { printf("\tManufactured by: %s\n",DeviceId); } BufferSize=sizeof(DeviceId); Result=QueryIASForString( SocketHandle, &DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceID[0], "PnP", "DeviceID", DeviceId, &BufferSize ); if (Result == 0) { printf("\tPnP device id is %s\n",DeviceId); } Result=QueryIASForInteger( SocketHandle, &DeviceInfo->irdaDeviceID[0], "PnP", "CompCnt", &CompatIds ); if (Result == 0) { printf("\tDevice has %d compatible ids\n",CompatIds); } for (k=0; kirdaDeviceID[0], "PnP", Attribute, DeviceId, &BufferSize ); if (Result == 0) { printf("\tCompatible id for %s, device id is %s\n",Attribute,DeviceId); } else { printf("\tcould not get Compatible id for %s\n",Attribute); } } } printf("\n"); } CleanUp: return 0; }