/* Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation Module Name: zcdblog.h Abstract: This module contains text messages used to generate event-log entries by ZeroConf service. Revision History: huis, July 30 2001, Created --*/ #define ZCDB_LOG_BASE 3000 #define WZCSVC_SERVICE_STARTED (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+1) /* * Wireless Configuration service was started successfully */ #define WZCSVC_SERVICE_FAILED (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+2) /* * Wireless Configuration service failed to start. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_INIT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+3) /* * Adding interface %1. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_HARDRESET (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+4) /* * Hard resetting interface. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_SOFTRESET (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+5) /* * Initiating scanning for wireless networks. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_DELAY_SR (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+6) /* * Driver failed scanning, rescheduling another scan in 5sec. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_QUERY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+7) /* * Scan completed. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_QUERY_NOCHANGE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+8) /* * No configuration change. Still associated to %1. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_ITERATE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+9) /* * Plumbing configuration SSID: %1, Network Type: %2!d!. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_ITERATE_NONET (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+10) /* * No configurations left in the selection list. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_FAILED (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+11) /* * Failed to associated to any wireless network. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_CFGREMOVE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+12) /* * Deleting configuration %1 and moving on. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_CFGPRESERVE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+13) /* * Skipping configuration %1 for now, attempt authentication later. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_NOTIFY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+14) /* * Wireless interface successfully associated to %1 [MAC %2]. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_CFGHDKEY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+15) /* * Configuration %1 has a default random WEP key. Authentication is disabled. Assuming invalid configuration. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_ADD (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+16) /* * Received Device Arrival notification for %1. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_REMOVE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+17) /* * Received Device Removal notification for %1. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_CONNECT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+18) /* * Received Media Connect notification. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_DISCONNECT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+19) /* * Received Media Disconnect notification. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_TIMEOUT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+20) /* * Received Timeout notification. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_CMDREFRESH (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+21) /* * Processing user command Refresh. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_CMDRESET (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+22) /* * Processing user command Reset. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_CMDCFGNEXT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+23) /* * Processing command Next Configuration. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_CMDCFGDELETE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+24) /* * Processing command Remove Configuration. */ #define WZCSVC_EVENT_CMDCFGNOOP (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+25) /* * Processing command Update data. */ #define WZCSVC_SM_STATE_CFGSKIP (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+26) /* * Deleting configuration %1 and moving on. If no better match is found, the configuration will be revived. */ #define WZCSVC_USR_CFGCHANGE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+27) /* * Wireless configuration has been changed via an administrative call. */ #define WZCSVC_DETAILS_FLAGS (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+28) /* * [Enabled=%1; Fallback=%2; Mode=%3; Volatile=%4; Policy=%5%]%n */ #define WZCSVC_DETAILS_WCONFIG (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+29) /* * {Ssid=%1; Infrastructure=%2; Privacy=%3; [Volatile=%4%; Policy=%5%]}.%n */ #define WZCSVC_ERR_QUERRY_BSSID (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+30) /* * Failed to get the MAC address of the remote endpoint. Error code is %1!d!. */ #define WZCSVC_ERR_GEN_SESSION_KEYS (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+31) /* * Failed to generate the initial session keys. Error code is %1!d!. */ #define WZCSVC_BLIST_CHANGED (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+32) /* * The list of blocked networks has changed. It contains now %1!d! network(s). */ #define WZCSVC_ERR_CFG_PLUMB (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+33) /* * Failed to plumb the configuration %1. Error code is %2!d!. */ #define EAPOL_STATE_TRANSITION (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+34) /* * EAPOL State Transition: [%1!ws!] to [%2!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_STATE_TIMEOUT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+35) /* * EAPOL State Timeout: [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_MEDIA_CONNECT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+36) /* * Processing media connect event for [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_MEDIA_DISCONNECT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+37) /* * Processing media disconnect event for [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_INTERFACE_ADDITION (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+38) /* * Processing interface addition event for [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_INTERFACE_REMOVAL (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+39) /* * Processing interface removal event for [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_NDISUIO_BIND (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+40) /* * Processing adapter bind event for [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_NDISUIO_UNBIND (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+41) /* * Processing adapter unbind event for [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_USER_LOGON (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+42) /* * Processing user logon event for interface [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_USER_LOGOFF (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+43) /* * Processing user logoff event for interface [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_PARAMS_CHANGE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+44) /* * Processing 802.1X configuration parameters change event for [%1!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_USER_NO_CERTIFICATE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+45) /* * Unable to find a valid certificate for 802.1X authentication */ #define EAPOL_ERROR_GET_IDENTITY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+46) /* * Error in fetching %1!ws! identity 0x%2!0x! */ #define EAPOL_ERROR_AUTH_PROCESSING (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+47) /* * Error in authentication protocol processing 0x%1!0x! */ #define EAPOL_PROCESS_PACKET_EAPOL (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+48) /* * Packet %1!ws!: Dest:[%2!ws!] Src:[%3!ws!] EAPOL-Pkt-type:[%4!ws!] */ #define EAPOL_PROCESS_PACKET_EAPOL_EAP (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+49) /* * Packet %1!ws!:%n Dest:[%2!ws!]%n Src:[%3!ws!]%n EAPOL-Pkt-type:[%4!ws!]%n Data-length:[%5!ld!]%n EAP-Pkt-type:[%6!ws!]%n EAP-Id:[%7!ld!]%n EAP-Data-Length:[%8!ld!]%n %9!ws!%n */ #define EAPOL_DESKTOP_REQUIRED_IDENTITY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+50) /* * Interactive desktop required for user credentials selection */ #define EAPOL_DESKTOP_REQUIRED_LOGON (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+51) /* * Interactive desktop required to process logon information */ #define EAPOL_CANNOT_DESKTOP_MACHINE_AUTH (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+52) /* * Cannot interact with desktop during machine authentication */ #define EAPOL_WAITING_FOR_DESKTOP_LOAD (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+53) /* * Waiting for user interactive desktop to be loaded */ #define EAPOL_WAITING_FOR_DESKTOP_IDENTITY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+54) /* * Waiting for 802.1X user module to fetch user credentials */ #define EAPOL_WAITING_FOR_DESKTOP_LOGON (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+55) /* * Waiting for 802.1X user module to process logon information */ #define EAPOL_ERROR_DESKTOP_IDENTITY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+56) /* * Error in 802.1X user module while fetching user credentials 0x%1!0x! */ #define EAPOL_ERROR_DESKTOP_LOGON (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+57) /* * Error in 802.1X user module while process logon information 0x%1!0x! */ #define EAPOL_PROCESSING_DESKTOP_RESPONSE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+58) /* * Processing response received from 802.1X user module */ #define EAPOL_STATE_DETAILS (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+59) /* * EAP-Identity:[%1!S!]%n State:[%2!ws!]%n Authentication type:[%3!ws!]%n Authentication mode:[%4!ld!]%n EAP-Type:[%5!ld!]%n Fail count:[%6!ld!]%n */ #define EAPOL_INVALID_EAPOL_KEY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+60) /* * Invalid EAPOL-Key message */ #define EAPOL_ERROR_PROCESSING_EAPOL_KEY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+61) /* * Error processing EAPOL-Key message %1!ld! */ #define EAPOL_INVALID_EAP_TYPE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+62) /* * Invalid EAP-type=%1!ld! packet received. Expected EAP-type=%2!ld! */ #define EAPOL_NO_CERTIFICATE_USER (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+63) /* * Unable to find a valid user certificate for 802.1X authentication */ #define EAPOL_NO_CERTIFICATE_MACHINE (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+64) /* * Unable to find a valid machine certificate for 802.1X authentication */ #define EAPOL_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCEEDED (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+65) /* * 802.1X client authentication completed successfully with server */ #define EAPOL_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_DEFAULT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+66) /* * No 802.1X authentication performed since there was no response from server for 802.1X packets. Entering AUTHENTICATED state. */ #define EAPOL_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+67) /* * 802.1X client authentication failed. The error code is 0x%1!0x! */ #define EAPOL_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_DEFAULT (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+68) /* * 802.1X client authentication failed. Network connectivity issues with authentication server were experienced. */ #define EAPOL_CERTIFICATE_DETAILS (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+69) /* * A %1!ws! certificate was used for 802.1X authentication%n * * Version: %2!ws!%n * Serial Number: %3!ws!%n * Issuer: %4!ws!%n * Friendly Name: %5!ws!%n * UPN: %6!ws!%n * Enhanced Key Usage: %7!ws!%n * Valid From: %8!ws!%n * Valid To: %9!ws!%n * Thumbprint: %10!ws! */ #define EAPOL_POLICY_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+70) /* * Received policy change notification from Policy Engine */ #define EAPOL_POLICY_UPDATED (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+71) /* * Updated local policy settings with changed settings provided by Policy Engine */ #define EAPOL_NOT_ENABLED_PACKET_REJECTED (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+72) /* * 802.1X is not enabled for the current network setting. Packet received has been rejected. */ #define EAPOL_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_ACQUIRED (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+73) /* * 802.1X client authentication failed. Possible errors are: * 1. Invalid username was entered * 2. Invalid certificate was chosen * 3. User account does not have privileges to authenticate * * Contact system administrator for more details */ #define EAPOL_NOT_CONFIGURED_KEYS (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+74) /* * No keys have been configured for the Wireless connection. Re-keying functionality will not work. */ #define EAPOL_NOT_RECEIVED_XMIT_KEY (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+75) /* * No transmit WEP key was received for the Wireless connection after 802.1x authentication. The current setting has been marked as failed and the Wireless connection will be disconnected. */ #define ZCDB_LOG_BASE_END (ZCDB_LOG_BASE+999) /* end. */