#include #include "ErrCtrl.h" #include "utils.h" #include "hash.h" //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRIVATE HASH FUNCTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Matches the keys one against the other. UINT // [RET] number of matching chars HshPrvMatchKeys( LPWSTR wszKey1, // [IN] key 1 LPWSTR wszKey2) // [IN] key 2 { UINT i = 0; while (*wszKey1 != L'\0' && *wszKey1 == *wszKey2) { wszKey1++; wszKey2++; i++; } return i; } // deletes all the pHash tree - doesn't touch the pObjects from // within (if any) VOID HshDestructor( PHASH_NODE pHash) // [IN] hash tree to delete { // pHash should not be NULL -- but who knows what the caller is doing! if (pHash != NULL) { while(!IsListEmpty(&(pHash->lstDown))) { PHASH_NODE pChild; pChild = CONTAINING_RECORD(pHash->lstDown.Flink, HASH_NODE, lstHoriz); HshDestructor(pChild); } RemoveEntryList(&(pHash->lstHoriz)); MemFree(pHash->wszKey); MemFree(pHash); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PUBLIC HASH FUNCTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Initializes a HASH structure DWORD HshInitialize(PHASH pHash) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (pHash != NULL) { __try { InitializeCriticalSection(&(pHash->csMutex)); pHash->bValid = TRUE; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErr = GetExceptionCode(); } pHash->pRoot = NULL; } else dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; SetLastError(dwErr); return dwErr; } // Cleans all resources referenced by a HASH structures VOID HshDestroy(PHASH pHash) { HshDestructor(pHash->pRoot); if (pHash->bValid) { DeleteCriticalSection(&(pHash->csMutex)); pHash->bValid = FALSE; } } // Inserts an opaque object into the cache. The object is keyed on a wstring // The call could alter the structure of the hash, hence it returns the reference // to the updated hash. DWORD // [RET] win32 error code HshInsertObjectRef( PHASH_NODE pHash, // [IN] hash to operate on LPWSTR wszKey, // [IN] key of the object to insert LPVOID pObject, // [IN] object itself to insert in the cache PHASH_NODE *ppOutHash) // [OUT] pointer to the updated hash { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; _Asrt(ppOutHash != NULL, L"No output hash expected??"); _Asrt(wszKey != NULL, L"Key info should not be NULL"); // if the node passed in is NULL this means a new node // has to be created if (pHash == NULL) { // this node is definitely not in the hash // allocate the new node pHash = MemCAlloc(sizeof(HASH_NODE)); if (pHash == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto exit; } // allocate mem for the new key pHash->wszKey = MemCAlloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(wcslen(wszKey)+1)); if (pHash->wszKey == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); MemFree(pHash); goto exit; } // copy the new key wcscpy(pHash->wszKey, wszKey); // initialize the horizontal and down lists InitializeListHead(&(pHash->lstHoriz)); InitializeListHead(&(pHash->lstDown)); // copy the reference to the object associated with the key pHash->pObject = pObject; // at this point we have a standalone newly created node: // no links are defined either on the horizontal, downwards or upwards // these will be set up (if needed) by the caller. *ppOutHash = pHash; } // if the node passed in is not NULL, we need to match as many // characters between wszKey and the node's key. Based on who's shorter // we decide to either set the reference (if keys identical) or // break the branch (if wszKey is shorter than the current one) or // to recurse down the insertion. else { UINT nMatch; PHASH_NODE pChild; enum { MATCH, SUBSET, SUPERSET, UNDECIDED, RECURSE} nAnalysis; nMatch = HshPrvMatchKeys(wszKey, pHash->wszKey); // analyze the given key with respect to the current node; if (wszKey[nMatch] == L'\0' && pHash->wszKey[nMatch] == L'\0') // the key matches the current node nAnalysis = MATCH; else if (wszKey[nMatch] == L'\0') // the key is a subset of the current node nAnalysis = SUBSET; else { // so far undecided - further see if this translates to SUPERSET // or even better, if SUPERSET can be handled by a child, hence // RECURSE. nAnalysis = UNDECIDED; if (pHash->wszKey[nMatch] == L'\0') { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; // the new key is a superset of the current nod nAnalysis = SUPERSET; // the new key could be covered by one of the existent children. // check then if it is the case to send the work down to some child for (pEntry = pHash->lstDown.Flink; pEntry != &(pHash->lstDown); pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { pChild = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, HASH_NODE, lstHoriz); if (wszKey[nMatch] == pChild->wszKey[0]) { // the child to follow up has been located and saved // in pChild. Set nAnalysis to UNDECIDED and break; nAnalysis = RECURSE; break; } } } } // if the key matches exactly the current node // then is only a matter of setting the object's reference if (nAnalysis == MATCH) { // if the node is already referencing an object.. if (pHash->pObject != NULL) { // signal out ERROR_DUPLICATE_TAG dwErr = ERROR_DUPLICATE_TAG; } else { // just insert the reference and get out with success. pHash->pObject = pObject; // save the Out hash pointer *ppOutHash = pHash; } } // if a child has been identified, let pChild (saved previously) // to follow up else if (nAnalysis == RECURSE) { dwErr = HshInsertObjectRef( pChild, wszKey+nMatch, pObject, ppOutHash); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) *ppOutHash = pHash; } // if any of SUBSET, SUPERSET or UNDECIDED else { PHASH_NODE pParent = NULL; LPWSTR wszTrailKey = NULL; UINT nTrailLen = 0; // [C = common part; c = current key; n = new key] // (SUBSET) (UNDECIDED) // current: CCCCCccc or current: CCCCCccc // new: CCCCC new: CCCCCnnnnn // // In both cases, the current node splits. // Create first a new node, containing just CCCCC if (nAnalysis != SUPERSET) { // get the number of chars in pHash's key that are not matching nTrailLen = wcslen(pHash->wszKey) - nMatch; // create first the trailing part of the key (allocate the number of // chars from the current node that didn't match) wszTrailKey = MemCAlloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(nTrailLen+1)); if (wszTrailKey == NULL) { // if anything went wrong, just go out with the error. // hash hasn't been modified. dwErr = GetLastError(); goto exit; } // wcsncpy doesn't append the null terminator but the string // is already nulled out and it has the right size wcsncpy(wszTrailKey, pHash->wszKey+nMatch, nTrailLen); // create then the node that will act as the common parent pHash->wszKey[nMatch] = L'\0'; dwErr = HshInsertObjectRef( NULL, // request a new node to be created pHash->wszKey, // common part of the current keys NULL, // this node is not referencing any object &pParent); // get back the newly created pointer. pHash->wszKey[nMatch] = wszTrailKey[0]; // in case anything went wrong, the hash has not been altered, // we just need to bubble up the error. if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MemFree(wszTrailKey); goto exit; } // set the new parent up link pParent->pUpLink = pHash->pUpLink; } // (SUPERSET) (UNDECIDED) // current: CCCCC or current: CCCCCccccc // new: CCCCCnnn new: CCCCCnnn // In both cases a new node has to be created for the "nnn" part. if (nAnalysis != SUBSET) { dwErr = HshInsertObjectRef( NULL, wszKey + nMatch, pObject, &pChild); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // second creation failed, clean up everything and bail out MemFree(wszTrailKey); if (pParent != NULL) { MemFree(pParent->wszKey); MemFree(pParent); } // hash structure is not altered at this point. goto exit; } // link it up to the corresponding parent. pChild->pUpLink = (nAnalysis == SUPERSET) ? pHash : pParent; } // NO WAY BACK FROM NOW ON - hash is about to be altered // success is guaranteed // at this point, pChild is a non null pointer, with all the // LIST_ENTRIES from within the HASH_NODE initialized correctly. // (SUBSET) (UNDECIDED) // current: CCCCCccccc or current: CCCCCccccc // new: CCCCC new: CCCCCnnn // if the node has split, put the new parent in its place if (nAnalysis != SUPERSET) { // set the current key to the shrinked unmatched trailing part MemFree(pHash->wszKey); pHash->wszKey = wszTrailKey; // set the current upLink to the new pParent node pHash->pUpLink = pParent; // insert the new parent into its place InsertHeadList(&(pHash->lstHoriz), &(pParent->lstHoriz)); // remove the node from its previous parent RemoveEntryList(&(pHash->lstHoriz)); // reset the current node's list InitializeListHead(&(pHash->lstHoriz)); // insert the node to its new parent down list. InsertHeadList(&(pParent->lstDown), &(pHash->lstHoriz)); } // (SUPERSET) (UNDECIDED) // current: CCCCC or current: CCCCCccccc // new: CCCCCnnn new: CCCCCnnn // if a new child node has been created, link it in the hash if (nAnalysis != SUBSET) { // if the given key was either a superset of the // current key or derived from the current key, // there is a separated node for it. Insert it in the down list if (nAnalysis == SUPERSET) { InsertTailList(&(pHash->lstDown), &(pChild->lstHoriz)); } else { InsertTailList(&(pParent->lstDown), &(pChild->lstHoriz)); } } else { // set the new parent's reference to this data. pParent->pObject = pObject; } *ppOutHash = (nAnalysis == SUPERSET) ? pHash : pParent; // and that's all - we're done successfully! } } exit: SetLastError(dwErr); return dwErr; } // Retrieves an object from the hash. The hash structure is not touched in // any manner. DWORD // [RET] win32 error code HshQueryObjectRef( PHASH_NODE pHash, // [IN] hash to operate on LPWSTR wszKey, // [IN] key of the object to retrieve PHASH_NODE *ppHashNode) // [OUT] hash node referencing the queried object { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; INT nDiff; if (wszKey == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; } if (pHash == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto exit; } nDiff = wcscmp(wszKey, pHash->wszKey); if (nDiff == 0) { // The key is identical with the one in this node if (pHash->pObject != NULL) { if (ppHashNode != NULL) { *ppHashNode = pHash; } dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // If there is no object in this node, this means // the query failed with FILE_NOT_FOUND } else if (nDiff > 0) { // The key is larger than the current node's key UINT nTrail = wcslen(pHash->wszKey); PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; // The trailing part of the key could be covered by one of // the children nodes. Scan then the Down list. for (pEntry = pHash->lstDown.Flink; pEntry != &(pHash->lstDown); pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { PHASH_NODE pChild; pChild = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, HASH_NODE, lstHoriz); if (wszKey[nTrail] == pChild->wszKey[0]) { // the child to follow up has been located and saved // in pChild. Try to match the trailing key against this node dwErr = HshQueryObjectRef(pChild, wszKey+nTrail, ppHashNode); break; } } // if no child has been located, dwErr is the default FILE_NOT_FOUND } // if nDiff < 0 - meaning key is included in the current node's key then // dwErr is the default FILE_NOT_FOUND which is good. exit: SetLastError(dwErr); return dwErr; } // Removes the object referenced by the pHash node. This could lead to one or // more hash node removals (if a leaf node on an isolated branch) but it could // also let the hash node untouched (i.e. internal node). // It is the caller's responsibility to clean up the object pointed by ppObject DWORD // [RET] win32 error code HshRemoveObjectRef( PHASH_NODE pHash, // [IN] hash to operate on PHASH_NODE pRemoveNode, // [IN] hash node to clear the reference to pObject LPVOID *ppObject, // [OUT] pointer to the object whose reference has been cleared PHASH_NODE *ppOutHash) // [OUT] pointer to the updated hash { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; PHASH_NODE pNewRoot = NULL; _Asrt(ppObject != NULL, L"No output object expected??"); _Asrt(ppOutHash != NULL, L"No output hash expected??"); _Asrt(pRemoveNode != NULL, L"No node to remove??"); // if the node contains no reference, return FILE_NOT_FOUND if (pRemoveNode->pObject == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto exit; } // remove the reference to the object at this moment *ppObject = pRemoveNode->pObject; pRemoveNode->pObject = NULL; // now climb the tree up to the root (!! - well it's a reversed tree) and merge // whatever nodes can be merged. // Merging: A node not referencing any object and having 0 or at most 1 // successor can be deleted from the hash tree structure. while ((pRemoveNode != NULL) && (pRemoveNode->pObject == NULL) && (pRemoveNode->lstDown.Flink->Flink == &(pRemoveNode->lstDown))) { PHASH_NODE pUp = pRemoveNode->pUpLink; // if there is exactly 1 successor, its key needs to be prefixed with // the key of the node that is about to be removed. The successor also // needs to replace its parent in the hash tree structure. if (!IsListEmpty(&(pRemoveNode->lstDown))) { PHASH_NODE pDown; LPWSTR wszNewKey; pDown = CONTAINING_RECORD(pRemoveNode->lstDown.Flink, HASH_NODE, lstHoriz); wszNewKey = MemCAlloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(wcslen(pRemoveNode->wszKey)+wcslen(pDown->wszKey)+1)); if (wszNewKey == NULL) { // if the allocation failed, bail out with the error code. // the reference had already been removed, the hash might // not be compacted but it is still valid! dwErr = GetLastError(); goto exit; } wcscpy(wszNewKey, pRemoveNode->wszKey); wcscat(wszNewKey, pDown->wszKey); MemFree(pDown->wszKey); pDown->wszKey = wszNewKey; // now raise the child node as a replacement of its parent pDown->pUpLink = pRemoveNode->pUpLink; InsertHeadList(&(pRemoveNode->lstHoriz), &(pDown->lstHoriz)); pNewRoot = pDown; } // remove the current node RemoveEntryList(&(pRemoveNode->lstHoriz)); // cleanup all its memory MemFree(pRemoveNode->wszKey); MemFree(pRemoveNode); // finally go and check the upper level node (if there is any) pRemoveNode = pUp; } // if pRemoveNode ended up to be NULL, this means either the whole hash has been cleared // or a "brother" took the role of the root. pNewRoot has the right value in both cases // if pRemoveNode is not NULL, since it walked up the chain constantly it means pHash (the // original root) was not affected. Hence, return it out. *ppOutHash = (pRemoveNode == NULL) ? pNewRoot : pHash; exit: SetLastError(dwErr); return dwErr; }