/*++ Copyright (c) 2000-2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Macroes.h Abstract: This module contains definitions of commonly used macroes Author: Mohammad Shabbir Alam (MAlam) 3-30-2000 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _MACROES_H_ #define _MACROES_H_ #ifdef OLD_LOGGING #define MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH 300 // // Debug Flags // #define DBG_ENABLE_DBGPRINT 0x00000001 #define DBG_DRIVER_ENTRY 0x00000002 #define DBG_INIT_PGM 0x00000004 #define DBG_DEBUG_REF 0x00000008 #define DBG_PNP 0x00000010 #define DBG_TDI 0x00000020 #define DBG_ADDRESS 0x00000040 #define DBG_CONNECT 0x00000080 #define DBG_QUERY 0x00000100 #define DBG_SEND 0x00000200 #define DBG_RECEIVE 0x00000400 #define DBG_FILEIO 0x00000800 #define DBG_FEC 0x00001000 // // DbgPrint macroes // enum eSEVERITY_LEVEL { PGM_LOG_DISABLED, // No logging! PGM_LOG_CRITICAL_ERROR, // Major errors which can seriously affect functionality PGM_LOG_ERROR, // Common errors which do not affect the system as a whole PGM_LOG_INFORM_STATUS, // Mostly to verify major functionality was executed PGM_LOG_INFORM_ALL_FUNCS, // 1 per function to allow path tracking (not req if printing all code paths) PGM_LOG_INFORM_PATH, // Interspersed throughout function to trace If paths PGM_LOG_INFORM_DETAIL, // while loops, etc PGM_LOG_INFORM_REFERENCES, // PGM_LOG_EVERYTHING }; #endif // OLD_LOGGING #ifdef FILE_LOGGING #define WPP_CONTROL_GUIDS WPP_DEFINE_CONTROL_GUID(CtlGuid,(681507e2,356e,4e18,8d5a,a8eddedadf5d), \ WPP_DEFINE_BIT(LogCriticalError) \ WPP_DEFINE_BIT(LogError) \ WPP_DEFINE_BIT(LogStatus) \ WPP_DEFINE_BIT(LogFec) \ WPP_DEFINE_BIT(LogAllFuncs) \ WPP_DEFINE_BIT(LogPath) \ WPP_DEFINE_BIT(LogReferences) \ WPP_DEFINE_BIT(LogEverything) \ ) #else #if DBG enum eLOGGING_LEVEL { LogDisabled, // No logging! LogCriticalError, // Major errors which can seriously affect functionality LogError, // Common errors which do not affect the system as a whole LogStatus, // Mostly to verify major functionality was executed LogFec, // FEC LogAllFuncs, // 1 per function to allow path tracking (not req if printing all code paths) LogPath, // Interspersed throughout function to trace If paths LogReferences, // LogEverything }; #define PgmTrace(X,Y) \ if (X <= PgmLoggingLevel) \ { \ DbgPrint ("RMCast."); \ DbgPrint Y; \ } #else #define PgmTrace(X,Y) #endif // DBG #endif // FILE_LOGGING #if DBG // // ASSERT // #undef ASSERT #define ASSERT(exp) \ if (!(exp)) \ { \ DbgPrint("Assertion \"%s\" failed at file %s, line %d\n", #exp, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); \ if (!PgmDynamicConfig.DoNotBreakOnAssert) \ { \ DbgBreakPoint(); \ } \ } #endif // DBG // // Data/pointer verification // #define PGM_VERIFY_HANDLE(p, V) \ ((p) && (p->Verify == V)) #define PGM_VERIFY_HANDLE2(p, V1, V2) \ ((p) && ((p->Verify == V1) || (p->Verify == V2))) #define PGM_VERIFY_HANDLE3(p, V1, V2, V3) \ ((p) && ((p->Verify == V1) || (p->Verify == V2) || (p->Verify == V3))) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sequence number macroes // #define SEQ_LT(a,b) ((SIGNED_SEQ_TYPE)((a)-(b)) < 0) #define SEQ_LEQ(a,b) ((SIGNED_SEQ_TYPE)((a)-(b)) <= 0) #define SEQ_GT(a,b) ((SIGNED_SEQ_TYPE)((a)-(b)) > 0) #define SEQ_GEQ(a,b) ((SIGNED_SEQ_TYPE)((a)-(b)) >= 0) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Definitions: // #define IS_MCAST_ADDRESS(IpAddress) ((((PUCHAR)(&IpAddress))[3]) >= ((UCHAR)0xe0)) #define CLASSD_ADDR(a) (( (*((uchar *)&(a))) & 0xf0) == 0xe0) // // Alloc and Free macroes // #define PGM_TAG(x) (((x)<<24)|'\0mgP') #define PgmAllocMem(_Size, _Tag) \ ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, (_Size),(_Tag)) #define PgmFreeMem(_Ptr) ExFreePool(_Ptr) // // Misc Ke + Ex macroes // #define PgmGetCurrentIrql KeGetCurrentIrql #define PgmInterlockedInsertTailList(_pHead, _pEntry, _pStruct) \ ExInterlockedInsertTailList(_pHead, _pEntry, &(_pStruct)->LockInfo.SpinLock); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PgmAcquireResourceExclusive (Resource, Wait) // /*++ Routine Description: Acquires the Resource by calling an executive support routine. Arguments: Return Value: None --*/ // // Resource Macros // #define PgmAcquireResourceExclusive( _Resource, _Wait ) \ KeEnterCriticalRegion(); \ ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(_Resource,_Wait); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PgmReleaseResource (Resource) // /*++ Routine Description: Releases the Resource by calling an excutive support routine. Arguments: Return Value: None --*/ #define PgmReleaseResource( _Resource ) \ ExReleaseResourceLite(_Resource); \ KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //++ // // LARGE_INTEGER // PgmConvert100nsToMilliseconds( // IN LARGE_INTEGER HnsTime // ); // // Routine Description: // // Converts time expressed in hundreds of nanoseconds to milliseconds. // // Arguments: // // HnsTime - Time in hundreds of nanoseconds. // // Return Value: // // Time in milliseconds. // //-- #define SHIFT10000 13 static LARGE_INTEGER Magic10000 = {0xe219652c, 0xd1b71758}; #define PgmConvert100nsToMilliseconds(HnsTime) \ RtlExtendedMagicDivide((HnsTime), Magic10000, SHIFT10000) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Lock Macroes // #if DBG #define PgmInitLock(_Struct, _N) \ KeInitializeSpinLock (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock); \ (_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber = _N; #else #define PgmInitLock(_Struct, _N) \ KeInitializeSpinLock (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock); #endif // DBG typedef KIRQL PGMLockHandle; #if DBG #define PgmLock(_Struct, _OldIrqLevel) \ { \ ULONG CurrProc; \ ExAcquireSpinLock (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock, &(_OldIrqLevel)); \ CurrProc = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(); \ ASSERT ((_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber > PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc]); \ PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc] |= (_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber; \ (_Struct)->LockInfo.LastLockLine = __LINE__; \ } #define PgmLockAtDpc(_Struct) \ { \ ULONG CurrProc; \ ExAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock); \ CurrProc = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(); \ ASSERT ((_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber > PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc]); \ PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc] |= (_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber; \ (_Struct)->LockInfo.LastLockLine = __LINE__; \ } #define PgmUnlock(_Struct, _OldIrqLevel) \ { \ ULONG CurrProc = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(); \ ASSERT (PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc] & (_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber); \ PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc] &= ~((_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber); \ (_Struct)->LockInfo.LastUnlockLine = __LINE__; \ ExReleaseSpinLock (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock, _OldIrqLevel); \ } // ASSERT ((_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber > PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc]); #define PgmUnlockAtDpc(_Struct) \ { \ ULONG CurrProc = KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(); \ ASSERT (PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc] & (_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber); \ PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc] &= ~((_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber); \ (_Struct)->LockInfo.LastUnlockLine = __LINE__; \ ExReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock); \ } // ASSERT ((_Struct)->LockInfo.LockNumber > PgmDynamicConfig.CurrentLockNumber[CurrProc]); \ #else #define PgmLock(_Struct, _OldIrqLevel) \ ExAcquireSpinLock (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock, &(_OldIrqLevel)); #define PgmLockAtDpc(_Struct) \ ExAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock); #define PgmUnlock(_Struct, _OldIrqLevel) \ ExReleaseSpinLock (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock, _OldIrqLevel); \ #define PgmUnlockAtDpc(_Struct) \ ExReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel (&(_Struct)->LockInfo.SpinLock); \ #endif // DBG // // Memory management macroes // #define PgmZeroMemory RtlZeroMemory #define PgmMoveMemory RtlMoveMemory #define PgmCopyMemory RtlCopyMemory #define PgmEqualMemory(_a, _b, _n) memcmp(_a,_b,_n) // // Timer Macroes // #define MILLISEC_TO_100NS 10000 #define PgmInitTimer(_PgmTimer) \ KeInitializeTimer (&((_PgmTimer)->t_timer)); #define PgmStartTimer(_PgmTimer, _DeltaTimeInMilliSecs, _TimerExpiryRoutine, _Context) \ { \ LARGE_INTEGER Time; \ Time.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64 (_DeltaTimeInMilliSecs, MILLISEC_TO_100NS); \ Time.QuadPart = -(Time.QuadPart); \ KeInitializeDpc (&((_PgmTimer)->t_dpc), (PVOID)_TimerExpiryRoutine, _Context); \ KeSetTimer (&((_PgmTimer)->t_timer), Time, &((_PgmTimer))->t_dpc); \ } #define PgmStopTimer(_PgmTimer) \ ((int) KeCancelTimer(&((_PgmTimer)->t_timer))) // // Referencing and dereferencing macroes // #define PGM_REFERENCE_DEVICE( _pPgmDevice, _RefContext, _fLocked) \ { \ PGMLockHandle OldIrq; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmLock (_pPgmDevice, OldIrq); \ } \ ASSERT (PGM_VERIFY_HANDLE (_pPgmDevice, PGM_VERIFY_DEVICE)); \ ASSERT (++_pPgmDevice->ReferenceContexts[_RefContext]); \ ++_pPgmDevice->RefCount; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmUnlock (_pPgmDevice, OldIrq); \ } \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t++pPgmDevice[%x]=<%x:%d->%d>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _RefContext, _pPgmDevice,_pPgmDevice->RefCount,(_pPgmDevice->RefCount+1),__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_REFERENCE_CONTROL( _pControl, _RefContext, _fLocked) \ { \ PGMLockHandle OldIrq; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmLock (_pControl, OldIrq); \ } \ ASSERT (PGM_VERIFY_HANDLE (_pControl, PGM_VERIFY_CONTROL)); \ ASSERT (++_pControl->ReferenceContexts[_RefContext]); \ ++_pControl->RefCount; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmUnlock (_pControl, OldIrq); \ } \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t++pControl[%x]=<%x:%d->%d>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _RefContext, _pControl,_pControl->RefCount,(_pControl->RefCount+1),__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_REFERENCE_ADDRESS( _pAddress, _RefContext, _fLocked) \ { \ PGMLockHandle OldIrq; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmLock (_pAddress, OldIrq); \ } \ ASSERT (PGM_VERIFY_HANDLE (_pAddress, PGM_VERIFY_ADDRESS)); \ ASSERT (++_pAddress->ReferenceContexts[_RefContext]); \ ++_pAddress->RefCount; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmUnlock (_pAddress, OldIrq); \ } \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t++pAddress[%x]=<%x:%d->%d>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _RefContext, _pAddress,_pAddress->RefCount,(_pAddress->RefCount+1),__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_REFERENCE_SEND_DATA_CONTEXT( _pSendDC, _fLocked) \ { \ PGMLockHandle OldIrq; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmLock (_pSendDC->pSend, OldIrq); \ } \ ASSERT (PGM_VERIFY_HANDLE (_pSendDC, PGM_VERIFY_SEND_DATA_CONTEXT)); \ ++_pSendDC->RefCount; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmUnlock (_pSendDC, OldIrq); \ } \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t++pSendDataContext[%x]=<%x:%d->%d>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _RefContext, _pSendDC,_pSendDC->RefCount,(_pSendDC->RefCount+1),__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_REFERENCE_SESSION( _pSession, _Verify, _RefContext, _fLocked) \ { \ PGMLockHandle OldIrq; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmLock (_pSession, OldIrq); \ } \ ASSERT (PGM_VERIFY_HANDLE2 (_pSession, _Verify, PGM_VERIFY_SESSION_DOWN)); \ ASSERT (++_pSession->ReferenceContexts[_RefContext]); \ ++_pSession->RefCount; \ if (!_fLocked) \ { \ PgmUnlock (_pSession, OldIrq); \ } \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t++pSession[%x]=<%x:%d->%d>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _RefContext, _pSession,_pSession->RefCount,(_pSession->RefCount+1),__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_REFERENCE_SESSION_SEND( _pSend, _RefContext, _fLocked) \ PGM_REFERENCE_SESSION (_pSend, PGM_VERIFY_SESSION_SEND, _RefContext, _fLocked) #define PGM_REFERENCE_SESSION_RECEIVE( _pRcv, _RefContext, _fLocked)\ PGM_REFERENCE_SESSION (_pRcv, PGM_VERIFY_SESSION_RECEIVE, _RefContext, _fLocked) #define PGM_REFERENCE_SESSION_UNASSOCIATED( _pRcv, _RefContext, _fLocked)\ PGM_REFERENCE_SESSION (_pRcv, PGM_VERIFY_SESSION_UNASSOCIATED, _RefContext, _fLocked) // // Dereferencing ... // #define PGM_DEREFERENCE_DEVICE( _pDevice, _RefContext) \ { \ PgmDereferenceDevice (_pDevice, _RefContext); \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t--pDevice[%x]=<%x:%d->%d>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _RefContext, _pDevice,_pDevice->RefCount,(_pDevice->RefCount-1),__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_DEREFERENCE_CONTROL( _pControl, _RefContext) \ { \ PgmDereferenceControl (_pControl, _RefContext); \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t--pControl[%x]=<%x:%d->%d>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _RefContext, _pControl,_pControl->RefCount,(_pControl->RefCount-1),__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_DEREFERENCE_ADDRESS( _pAddress, _RefContext) \ { \ PgmDereferenceAddress (_pAddress, _RefContext); \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t--pAddress[%x]=<%x:%d->%d>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _RefContext, _pAddress,_pAddress->RefCount,(_pAddress->RefCount-1),__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_DEREFERENCE_SEND_CONTEXT( _pSendDC) \ { \ PgmDereferenceSendContext (_pSendDC); \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t--pSendDC=<%x:%d->%d>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _pSendDC,_pSendDC->RefCount,(_pSendDC->RefCount-1),__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_DEREFERENCE_SESSION( _pSession, _Verify, _RefContext) \ { \ PgmDereferenceSessionCommon (_pSession, _Verify, _RefContext); \ } /* PgmTrace (LogPath, ( \ "\t--pSession[%x]=<%x:%d->%d>, Verify=<%x>, <%d:%s>\n", \ _RefContext, _pSession,_pSession->RefCount,(_pSession->RefCount-1),_Verify,__LINE__,__FILE__)); \ */ #define PGM_DEREFERENCE_SESSION_SEND( _pSession, _RefContext) \ PGM_DEREFERENCE_SESSION (_pSession, PGM_VERIFY_SESSION_SEND, _RefContext) #define PGM_DEREFERENCE_SESSION_RECEIVE( _pSession, _RefContext) \ PGM_DEREFERENCE_SESSION (_pSession, PGM_VERIFY_SESSION_RECEIVE, _RefContext) #define PGM_DEREFERENCE_SESSION_UNASSOCIATED( _pSession, _RefContext) \ PGM_DEREFERENCE_SESSION (_pSession, PGM_VERIFY_SESSION_UNASSOCIATED, _RefContext) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PgmAttachFsp() // /*++ Routine Description: This macro attaches a process to the File System Process to be sure that handles are created and released in the same process Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ #if(WINVER > 0x0500) #define PgmAttachProcess(_pEProcess, _pApcState, _pAttached, _Context)\ { \ if (PsGetCurrentProcess() != _pEProcess) \ { \ KeStackAttachProcess(PsGetProcessPcb(_pEProcess), _pApcState); \ *_pAttached = TRUE; \ } \ else \ { \ *_pAttached = FALSE; \ } \ } #else #define PgmAttachProcess(_pEProcess, _pApcState, _pAttached, _Context)\ { \ if (PsGetCurrentProcess() != _pEProcess) \ { \ KeStackAttachProcess(&_pEProcess->Pcb, _pApcState); \ *_pAttached = TRUE; \ } \ else \ { \ *_pAttached = FALSE; \ } \ } #endif // WINVER #define PgmAttachFsp(_pApcState, _pAttached, _Context) \ PgmAttachProcess (PgmStaticConfig.FspProcess, _pApcState, _pAttached, _Context) #define PgmAttachToProcessForVMAccess(_pSend, _pApcState, _pAttached, _Context) \ PgmAttachProcess (PgmStaticConfig.FspProcess, _pApcState, _pAttached, _Context) // PgmAttachProcess ((_pSend)->Process, _pAttached, _Context) // // PgmDetachFsp() // /*++ Routine Description: This macro detaches a process from the File System Process if it was ever attached Arguments: Return Value: --*/ #define PgmDetachProcess(_pApcState, _pAttached, _Context) \ { \ if (*_pAttached) \ { \ KeUnstackDetachProcess(_pApcState); \ } \ } #define PgmDetachFsp PgmDetachProcess //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif _MACROES_H_