/*++ Copyright (c) 1989-1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Namesrv.c Abstract: This file contains the name service functions called by other parts of the NBT code. (QueryNameOnNet, FindName, RegisterName). It also contains the completion routines for the timeouts associated with these functions. The pScope values that are passed around from one routine to the next point to the scope string for the name. If there is no scope then the pScope ptr points at a single character '\0' - signifying a string of zero length. Therefore the check for scope is "if (*pScope != 0)" Author: Jim Stewart (Jimst) 10-2-92 Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" #include "namesrv.tmh" // // function prototypes for completion routines that are local to this file // NTSTATUS AddToPendingList( IN PCHAR pName, OUT tNAMEADDR **ppNameAddr ); VOID MSnodeCompletion( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ); VOID MSnodeRegCompletion( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ); VOID SetWinsDownFlag( tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext ); VOID ReleaseCompletion( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ); VOID NextRefresh( IN PVOID pNameAdd, IN NTSTATUS status ); VOID GetNextName( IN tNAMEADDR *pNameAddrIn, OUT tNAMEADDR **ppNameAddr ); NTSTATUS StartRefresh( IN tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr, IN tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker, IN CTELockHandle *pJointLockOldIrq, IN BOOLEAN ResetDevice ); VOID NextKeepAlive( IN tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker, IN NTSTATUS statuss, IN ULONG Info ); VOID GetNextKeepAlive( tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext, tDEVICECONTEXT **ppDeviceContextOut, tLOWERCONNECTION *pLowerConnIn, tLOWERCONNECTION **ppLowerConnOut, tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker ); VOID WinsDownTimeout( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ); BOOL AppropriateNodeType( IN PCHAR pName, IN ULONG NodeType ); BOOL IsBrowserName( IN PCHAR pName ); #if DBG unsigned char Buff[256]; unsigned char Loc; #endif //******************* Pageable Routine Declarations **************** #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma CTEMakePageable(PAGE, DelayedSessionKeepAlive) #endif //******************* Pageable Routine Declarations **************** //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS AddToPendingList( IN PCHAR pName, OUT tNAMEADDR **ppNameAddr ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine Adds a name query request to the PendingNameQuery list. Arguments: Return Value: The function value is the status of the operation. --*/ { tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr; ASSERT(NbtConfig.lNumPendingNameQueries >= 0); if (NbtConfig.lNumPendingNameQueries > NbtConfig.lMaxNumPendingNameQueries) { return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } pNameAddr = NbtAllocMem(sizeof(tNAMEADDR),NBT_TAG('R')); if (pNameAddr) { CTEZeroMemory(pNameAddr,sizeof(tNAMEADDR)); CTEMemCopy(pNameAddr->Name,pName,NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE); pNameAddr->NameTypeState = STATE_RESOLVING | NBT_UNIQUE; pNameAddr->Verify = REMOTE_NAME; pNameAddr->TimeOutCount = NbtConfig.RemoteTimeoutCount; NBT_REFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pNameAddr, REF_NAME_QUERY_ON_NET); InsertTailList(&NbtConfig.PendingNameQueries, &pNameAddr->Linkage); InterlockedIncrement(&NbtConfig.lNumPendingNameQueries); *ppNameAddr = pNameAddr; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS QueryNameOnNet( IN PCHAR pName, IN PCHAR pScope, IN USHORT uType, IN tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTrackerClientContext, IN PVOID pClientCompletion, IN ULONG LocalNodeType, IN tNAMEADDR *pNameAddrIn, IN tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext, IN CTELockHandle *pJointLockOldIrq ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine attempts to resolve a name on the network either by a broadcast or by talking to the NS depending on the type of node. (M,P or B) Arguments: Return Value: The function value is the status of the operation. Called By: ProxyQueryFromNet() in proxy.c, NbtConnect() in name.c --*/ { ULONG Timeout; USHORT Retries; NTSTATUS status; PVOID pCompletionRoutine; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTrackerQueryNet; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr; LPVOID pContext2 = NULL; CHAR cNameType = pName[NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE-1]; BOOL SendFlag = TRUE; LONG IpAddr = 0; ULONG Flags; status = GetTracker(&pTrackerQueryNet, NBT_TRACKER_QUERY_NET); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return(status); } if (pTrackerClientContext) // This will be NULL for Proxy requests { pTrackerClientContext->pTrackerWorker = pTrackerQueryNet; } // // put the name in the remote cache to keep track of it while it resolves... // pNameAddr = NULL; if (!pNameAddrIn) { status = AddToPendingList(pName,&pNameAddr); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { FreeTracker(pTrackerQueryNet,RELINK_TRACKER); return(status); } // fill in the record with the name and IpAddress pNameAddr->NameTypeState = (uType == NBT_UNIQUE) ? NAMETYPE_UNIQUE : NAMETYPE_GROUP; } else { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; pNameAddr = pNameAddrIn; pNameAddr->RefCount = 1; } CHECK_PTR(pNameAddr); pNameAddr->NameTypeState &= ~NAME_STATE_MASK; pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= STATE_RESOLVING; pNameAddr->Ttl = NbtConfig.RemoteHashTtl; // // put a pointer to the tracker here so that other clients attempting to // query the same name at the same time can tack their trackers onto // the end of this one. - i.e. This is the tracker for the // datagram send, or connect, not the name query. // pNameAddr->pTracker = pTrackerClientContext; pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; #ifdef PROXY_NODE // // If the node type is PROXY, it means that the request is being sent // as a result of hearing a name registration or a name query on the net. // // If the node type is not == PROXY (i.e. it is MSNODE | PROXY, // PNODE | PROXY, MSNODE, PNODE, etc, then the request is being sent as // a result of a client request // // Refer: RegOrQueryFromNet in Proxy.c // // This field is used in QueryFromNet() to determine whether or not // to revert to Broadcast // #endif if(LocalNodeType & PROXY) { pNameAddr->ProxyReqType = (LocalNodeType & PROXY_REG)? NAMEREQ_PROXY_REGISTRATION: NAMEREQ_PROXY_QUERY; LocalNodeType &= (~PROXY_REG); // Turn it off for safe } else { pNameAddr->ProxyReqType = NAMEREQ_REGULAR; LocalNodeType = AppropriateNodeType( pName, LocalNodeType ); } // keep a ptr to the Ascii name so that we can remove the name from the // hash table later if the query fails. CHECK_PTR(pTrackerQueryNet); pTrackerQueryNet->pNameAddr = pNameAddr; pTrackerQueryNet->SendBuffer.pDgramHdr = NULL; // set to NULL to catch any erroneous frees. pTrackerQueryNet->pDeviceContext = pDeviceContext; // // set the ref count high enough so that a pdu from the wire cannot // free the tracker while UdpSendNsBcast is running - i.e. between starting // the timer and actually sending the datagram. // pTrackerQueryNet->RefCount = 2; #ifdef MULTIPLE_WINS // Set the info for the Extra Name Servers (in addition to Pri & Sec WINs) pTrackerQueryNet->NSOthersLeft = pDeviceContext->lNumOtherServers; pTrackerQueryNet->NSOthersIndex = pDeviceContext->lLastResponsive; #endif // // Set a few values as a precursor to registering the name either by // broadcast or with the name server // #ifdef PROXY_NODE IF_PROXY(LocalNodeType) { pCompletionRoutine = ProxyTimerComplFn; pContext2 = pTrackerClientContext; pTrackerClientContext = NULL; if ((pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress == LOOP_BACK) || pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown) { Retries = pNbtGlobConfig->uNumBcasts; Timeout = (ULONG)pNbtGlobConfig->uBcastTimeout; pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = NBT_BROADCAST; } else { Retries = (USHORT)pNbtGlobConfig->uNumRetries; Timeout = (ULONG)pNbtGlobConfig->uRetryTimeout; pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER; } } else #endif if (NbtConfig.UseDnsOnly) { IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_NAMESRV) KdPrint (("Nbt.QueryNameOnNet: Shorting out Query path to do DNS only for %16.16s<%X>\n", pName,pName[15])); // // Short out query over wire // Retries = 1; Timeout = 10; SendFlag = FALSE; pCompletionRoutine = MSnodeCompletion; // // For BNODE or MSNODE, the last stage is Broadcast // if (LocalNodeType & (BNODE | MSNODE)) { pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = NBT_BROADCAST; } // // For PNODE or MNODE, the last stage is Secondary Wins server // else { pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP; } pTrackerClientContext->ResolutionContextFlags = 0xff; } else if ((pTrackerClientContext->pFailedIpAddresses) && (pTrackerClientContext->ResolutionContextFlags)) { // // We are reattempting the query after the previous attempt failed! // pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = pTrackerClientContext->ResolutionContextFlags; pTrackerQueryNet->NSOthersIndex = pTrackerClientContext->NSOthersIndex; pTrackerQueryNet->NSOthersLeft = pTrackerClientContext->NSOthersLeft; // // Set the Retries to 1 by default so that we can immediately proceed // to the next stage in the querying process // Retries = 1; Timeout = 10; SendFlag = FALSE; pCompletionRoutine = MSnodeCompletion; } else { Retries = pNbtGlobConfig->uNumRetries; Timeout = (ULONG)pNbtGlobConfig->uRetryTimeout; pCompletionRoutine = MSnodeCompletion; pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER; // use broadcast if no name server address for MSNODE or Wins down, // or it is Bnode,Mnode. // for Pnode, just allow it to do the name query on the loop back // address // if ((LocalNodeType & (MNODE | BNODE)) || ((LocalNodeType & MSNODE) && ((pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress == LOOP_BACK) || pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown))) { Retries = pNbtGlobConfig->uNumBcasts; Timeout = (ULONG)pNbtGlobConfig->uBcastTimeout; pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = NBT_BROADCAST; } else if ((pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress == LOOP_BACK) || (pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown)) { // // short out timeout when no wins server configured -for PNODE // Retries = 1; Timeout = 10; pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP; } // // no sense doing a name query out an adapter with no Ip address // if (pTrackerClientContext) { Flags = pTrackerClientContext->Flags; } else { Flags = 0; } if ((pDeviceContext->IpAddress == 0) || (IpAddr = Nbt_inet_addr(pName, Flags))) { Retries = 1; Timeout = 10; pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = NBT_BROADCAST; SendFlag = FALSE; if (LocalNodeType & (PNODE | MNODE)) { pTrackerQueryNet->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP; } } } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,*pJointLockOldIrq); // do a name query... will always return status pending... // the pNameAddr structure cannot get deleted out from under us since // only a timeout on the send (3 retries) will remove the name. Any // response from the net will tend to keep the name (change state to Resolved) // // // Bug: 22542 - prevent broadcast of remote adapter status on net view of limited subnet b'cast address. // In order to test for subnet broadcasts, we need to match against the subnet masks of all adapters. This // is expensive and not done. // Just check for the limited bcast. // if (IpAddr == 0xffffffff) { KdPrint(("Nbt.QueryNameOnNet: Query on Limited broadcast - failed\n")); status = STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; } else { status = UdpSendNSBcast(pNameAddr, pScope, pTrackerQueryNet, pCompletionRoutine, pTrackerClientContext, pClientCompletion, Retries, Timeout, eNAME_QUERY, SendFlag); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { NbtTrace(NBT_TRACE_NAMESRV, ("UdpSendNSBcast return %!status! for %!NBTNAME!<%02x>", status, pNameAddr->Name, (unsigned)pNameAddr->Name[15])); } } // a successful send means, Don't complete the Irp. Status Pending is // returned to ntisol.c to tell that code not to complete the irp. The // irp will be completed when this send either times out or a response // is heard. In the event of an error in the send, allow that return // code to propagate back and result in completing the irp - i.e. if // there isn't enough memory to allocate a buffer or some such thing // CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,*pJointLockOldIrq); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER (pTrackerQueryNet, TRUE); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { LOCATION(0x49); // this return must be here to avoid freeing the tracker below. status = STATUS_PENDING; } else { LOCATION(0x50); IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_NAMESRV) KdPrint(("Nbt.QueryNameOnNet: Query failed - bad retcode from UdpSendNsBcast = %X\n", status)); // // UdpSendNsBcast should not fail AND start the timer, therefore there // is no need to worry about stopping the timer here. // CHECK_PTR(pNameAddr); pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; if (pTrackerClientContext) { pTrackerClientContext->pTrackerWorker = NULL; } // // This will free the tracker // NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER (pTrackerQueryNet, TRUE); NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pNameAddr, REF_NAME_QUERY_ON_NET, TRUE); InterlockedDecrement(&NbtConfig.lNumPendingNameQueries); } return(status); } #ifdef MULTIPLE_WINS //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS ContinueQueryNameOnNet( IN tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker, IN PUCHAR pName, IN tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext, IN PVOID QueryCompletion, IN OUT BOOLEAN *pfNameReferenced ) /*++ Routine Description This routine handles re-querying a name on the network. Arguments: Return Values: NTSTATUS - status of the request --*/ { CTELockHandle OldIrq2; ULONG lNameType; NTSTATUS status; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr; tIPADDRESS IpAddress; ASSERT (!IsDeviceNetbiosless(pDeviceContext)); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq2); // // Name and Tracker should be currently Referenced! // ASSERT (NBT_VERIFY_HANDLE (pTracker, NBT_VERIFY_TRACKER)); ASSERT (NBT_VERIFY_HANDLE2(pTracker->pNameAddr, LOCAL_NAME, REMOTE_NAME)); // // If no one else is referencing the name, then delete it from // the hash table. // pTracker->pNameAddr->NameTypeState &= ~NAME_STATE_MASK; pTracker->pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= STATE_RELEASED; if ((pTracker->pNameAddr->Verify == REMOTE_NAME) && (pTracker->pNameAddr->NameTypeState & STATE_RESOLVED) && (pTracker->pNameAddr->RefCount == 2)) { NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pTracker->pNameAddr, REF_NAME_REMOTE, TRUE); } NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pTracker->pNameAddr, REF_NAME_CONNECT, TRUE); pTracker->pNameAddr = NULL; *pfNameReferenced = FALSE; // // no sense re-doing a name query if: // the request has been cancelled, or // adapter has no Ip address, or // the name given is itself an IP address! // the previous query had finished querying all the WINS servers // if ((pTracker->Flags & TRACKER_CANCELLED) || (!pDeviceContext->IpAddress) || (Nbt_inet_addr(pName, SESSION_SETUP_FLAG)) || (pTracker->ResolutionContextFlags == 0xff)) { CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq2); return (STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH); } // // Save the last Ip address we tried as bad! // if (!pTracker->pFailedIpAddresses) { if (!(pTracker->pFailedIpAddresses = NbtAllocMem ((MAX_FAILED_IP_ADDRESSES) * sizeof(tIPADDRESS), NBT_TAG2('04')))) { CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq2); return (STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } CTEZeroMemory(pTracker->pFailedIpAddresses,(MAX_FAILED_IP_ADDRESSES) * sizeof(tIPADDRESS)); } pTracker->pFailedIpAddresses[pTracker->LastFailedIpIndex] = pTracker->RemoteIpAddress; pTracker->LastFailedIpIndex = (pTracker->LastFailedIpIndex+1) % MAX_FAILED_IP_ADDRESSES; // check the Remote table to see if the name has been resolved // by someone else // if ((pNameAddr = FindNameRemoteThenLocal(pTracker, &IpAddress, &lNameType)) && (IpAddress) && (pNameAddr->NameTypeState & STATE_RESOLVED) && (IpAddress != pTracker->RemoteIpAddress)) { // // We have another address to try! // NBT_REFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pNameAddr, REF_NAME_CONNECT); *pfNameReferenced = TRUE; pNameAddr->TimeOutCount = NbtConfig.RemoteTimeoutCount; pTracker->pNameAddr = pNameAddr; // set the session state to NBT_CONNECTING CHECK_PTR(pTracker->pConnEle); SET_STATE_UPPER (pTracker->pConnEle, NBT_CONNECTING); pTracker->pConnEle->BytesRcvd = 0;; pTracker->pConnEle->ReceiveIndicated = 0; // keep track of the other end's ip address pTracker->pConnEle->pLowerConnId->SrcIpAddr = htonl(IpAddress); SET_STATE_LOWER (pTracker->pConnEle->pLowerConnId, NBT_CONNECTING); pTracker->pTrackerWorker = NULL; IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_NAMESRV) KdPrint(("Nbt.NbtConnectCommon: Setting Up Session(cached entry!!) to %16.16s <%X>\n", pNameAddr->Name,pNameAddr->Name[15])); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq2); // // Now, setup the Tcp connection // status = TcpSessionStart (pTracker, IpAddress, (tDEVICECONTEXT *)pTracker->pDeviceContext, SessionStartupContinue, pTracker->DestPort); } else { status = QueryNameOnNet (pName, NbtConfig.pScope, NBT_UNIQUE, pTracker, QueryCompletion, NodeType & NODE_MASK, NULL, pDeviceContext, &OldIrq2); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq2); } return (status); } #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID MSnodeCompletion( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is called by the timer code when the timer expires. It must decide if another name query should be done, and if not, then it calls the client's completion routine (in completion2). This routine handles the broadcast portion of the name queries (i.e. those name queries that go out as broadcasts). Arguments: Return Value: The function value is the status of the operation. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker; CTELockHandle OldIrq; COMPLETIONCLIENT pClientCompletion; ULONG Flags; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pClientTracker; ULONG LocalNodeType; pTracker = (tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *)pContext; LocalNodeType = AppropriateNodeType( pTracker->pNameAddr->Name, NodeType ); // // check if the client completion routine is still set. If not then the // timer has been cancelled and this routine should just clean up its // buffers associated with the tracker. // if (!pTimerQEntry) { // return the tracker block to its queue pTracker->pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; InterlockedDecrement(&NbtConfig.lNumPendingNameQueries); NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pTracker->pNameAddr, REF_NAME_QUERY_ON_NET, TRUE); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, TRUE); return; } // // to prevent a client from stopping the timer and deleting the // pNameAddr, grab the lock and check if the timer has been stopped // CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); ASSERT (NBT_VERIFY_HANDLE (pTracker->pNameAddr, REMOTE_NAME)); // // StopTimer could have been called before we acquired the lock, so // check for this // Bug#: 229616 // if (!pTimerQEntry->ClientCompletion) { pTracker->pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; InterlockedDecrement(&NbtConfig.lNumPendingNameQueries); NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pTracker->pNameAddr, REF_NAME_QUERY_ON_NET, TRUE); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, TRUE); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); return; } if (pTimerQEntry->Flags & TIMER_RETIMED) { pTimerQEntry->Flags &= ~TIMER_RETIMED; pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; // // if we are not bound to this card than use a very short timeout // if (!pTracker->pDeviceContext->IpAddress) { pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = 10; } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); return; } pClientTracker = (tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *)pTimerQEntry->ClientContext; // // if the tracker has been cancelled, don't do any more queries // if (pClientTracker->Flags & TRACKER_CANCELLED) { IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_NAMESRV) KdPrint(("Nbt.MSnodeCompletion: tracker flag cancelled\n")); // // In case the timer has been stopped, we coordinate // through the pClientCompletionRoutine Value with StopTimer. // pClientCompletion = pTimerQEntry->ClientCompletion; // // remove from the PendingNameQueries list // RemoveEntryList(&pTracker->pNameAddr->Linkage); InitializeListHead(&pTracker->pNameAddr->Linkage); // remove the link from the name table to this timer block CHECK_PTR(((tNAMEADDR *)pTimerQEntry->pCacheEntry)); ((tNAMEADDR *)pTimerQEntry->pCacheEntry)->pTimer = NULL; // // to synch. with the StopTimer routine, Null the client completion // routine so it gets called just once. // CHECK_PTR(pTimerQEntry); pTimerQEntry->ClientCompletion = NULL; // // remove the name from the hash table, since it did not // resolve // CHECK_PTR(pTracker->pNameAddr); pTracker->pNameAddr->NameTypeState &= ~NAME_STATE_MASK; pTracker->pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= STATE_RELEASED; pTracker->pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; InterlockedDecrement(&NbtConfig.lNumPendingNameQueries); NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pTracker->pNameAddr, REF_NAME_QUERY_ON_NET, TRUE); pTracker->pNameAddr = NULL; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // there can be a list of trackers Q'd up on this name // query, so we must complete all of them! // CompleteClientReq(pClientCompletion, pClientTracker, STATUS_CANCELLED); // return the tracker block to its queue LOCATION(0x51); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, FALSE); return; } // if number of retries is not zero then continue trying to contact the // Name Server. // if (!(--pTimerQEntry->Retries)) { // set the retry count again // pTimerQEntry->Retries = NbtConfig.uNumRetries; Flags = pTracker->Flags; pTracker->Flags &= ~(NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP #ifdef MULTIPLE_WINS | NBT_NAME_SERVER_OTHERS #endif | NBT_NAME_SERVER | NBT_BROADCAST); if ((Flags & NBT_BROADCAST) && (LocalNodeType & MNODE) && (pTracker->pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress != LOOP_BACK) && !pTracker->pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown) { LOCATION(0x44); // *** MNODE ONLY *** // // Can't Resolve through broadcast, so try the name server // pTracker->Flags |= NBT_NAME_SERVER; // set a different timeout for name resolution through WINS // pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = NbtConfig.uRetryTimeout; } else if ((Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER) && !(LocalNodeType & BNODE)) { LOCATION(0x47); // *** NOT BNODE *** // // Can't reach the name server, so try the backup // pTracker->Flags |= NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP; // // short out the timeout if no backup name server // if ((pTracker->pDeviceContext->lBackupServer == LOOP_BACK) || pTracker->pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown) { pTimerQEntry->Retries = 1; pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = 10; } } #ifdef MULTIPLE_WINS else if ((Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP) && !(LocalNodeType & BNODE)) { // // Main backup and possibly some of the "others" have // failed, see if there are any (more) "others" left // USHORT Index = pTracker->NSOthersIndex; USHORT NumBackups = pTracker->pDeviceContext->lNumOtherServers; pTracker->Flags |= NBT_NAME_SERVER_OTHERS; if (Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER_OTHERS) // not 1st time here { // so, move to next server pTracker->NSOthersLeft--; if (Index >= NumBackups-1) { Index = 0; } else { Index++; } } while ((pTracker->NSOthersLeft > 0) && (LOOP_BACK == pTracker->pDeviceContext->lOtherServers[Index])) { pTracker->NSOthersLeft--; if (Index >= NumBackups-1) { Index = 0; } else { Index++; } } pTracker->NSOthersIndex = Index; // // short out the timeout if we did not find any "other" name servers // if (0 == pTracker->NSOthersLeft) // UdpSendNSBcast will do LOOP_BACK { pTimerQEntry->Retries = 1; pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = 10; } else { pTracker->Flags |= NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP; // Try next "other" server on timeout } } else if ((Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER_OTHERS) #else else if ((Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP) #endif && (LocalNodeType & MSNODE)) { LOCATION(0x46); // *** MSNODE ONLY *** // // Can't reach the name server(s), so try broadcast name queries // pTracker->Flags |= NBT_BROADCAST; // set a different timeout for broadcast name resolution // pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = NbtConfig.uBcastTimeout; pTimerQEntry->Retries = NbtConfig.uNumBcasts; // // Set the WinsIsDown Flag and start a timer so we don't // try wins again for 15 seconds or so...only if we failed // to reach WINS, rather than WINS returning a neg response. // if (!(Flags & WINS_NEG_RESPONSE)) { SetWinsDownFlag(pTracker->pDeviceContext); } } else { BOOLEAN bFound = FALSE; LOCATION(0x45); #ifdef MULTIPLE_WINS // Signal termination of WINs server queries pTracker->ResolutionContextFlags = NAME_RESOLUTION_DONE; #endif // // see if the name is in the lmhosts file, if it ISN'T the // proxy making the name query request!! // status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; // // In case the timer has been stopped, we coordinate // through the pClientCompletionRoutine Value with StopTimer. // pClientCompletion = pTimerQEntry->ClientCompletion; // // the timeout has expired on the broadcast name resolution // so call the client // // // remove from the PendingNameQueries list // RemoveEntryList(&pTracker->pNameAddr->Linkage); InitializeListHead(&pTracker->pNameAddr->Linkage); // remove the link from the name table to this timer block CHECK_PTR(((tNAMEADDR *)pTimerQEntry->pCacheEntry)); ((tNAMEADDR *)pTimerQEntry->pCacheEntry)->pTimer = NULL; // // to synch. with the StopTimer routine, Null the client completion // routine so it gets called just once. // CHECK_PTR(pTimerQEntry); pTimerQEntry->ClientCompletion = NULL; if (((NbtConfig.EnableLmHosts) || (NbtConfig.ResolveWithDns && !(pTracker->Flags & NO_DNS_RESOLUTION_FLAG))) && (pTracker->pNameAddr->ProxyReqType == NAMEREQ_REGULAR)) { // only do this if the client completion routine has not // been run yet. // if (pClientCompletion) { status = LmHostQueueRequest(pTracker, pTimerQEntry->ClientContext, pClientCompletion, pTracker->pDeviceContext); } } CHECK_PTR(pTimerQEntry); CHECK_PTR(pTimerQEntry->pCacheEntry); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { // if it is successfully queued to the Worker thread, // then Null the ClientCompletion routine in the timerQ // structure, letting // the worker thread handle the rest of the name query // resolution. Also null the timer ptr in the // nameAddr entry in the name table. // CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); } else { // // remove the name from the hash table, since it did not // resolve // CHECK_PTR(pTracker->pNameAddr); pTracker->pNameAddr->NameTypeState &= ~NAME_STATE_MASK; pTracker->pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= STATE_RELEASED; pTracker->pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; InterlockedDecrement(&NbtConfig.lNumPendingNameQueries); NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pTracker->pNameAddr, REF_NAME_QUERY_ON_NET, TRUE); pTracker->pNameAddr = NULL; pClientTracker = (tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *)pTimerQEntry->ClientContext; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // there can be a list of trackers Q'd up on this name // query, so we must complete all of them! // CompleteClientReq(pClientCompletion, pClientTracker, STATUS_TIMEOUT); // return the tracker block to its queue LOCATION(0x51); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, FALSE); } return; } } LOCATION(0x48); NBT_REFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker); pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); status = UdpSendNSBcast(pTracker->pNameAddr, NbtConfig.pScope, pTracker, NULL,NULL,NULL, 0,0, eNAME_QUERY, TRUE); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, FALSE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID SetWinsDownFlag( tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine sets the WinsIsDown flag if its not already set and its not a Bnode. It starts a 15 second or so timer that un sets the flag when it expires. This routine must be called while holding the Joint Lock. Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { NTSTATUS status; tTIMERQENTRY *pTimer; if ((!pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown) && !(NodeType & BNODE)) { status = StartTimer(WinsDownTimeout, NbtConfig.WinsDownTimeout, pDeviceContext, // context value NULL, NULL, NULL, pDeviceContext, &pTimer, 1, // retries TRUE); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown = TRUE; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID WinsDownTimeout( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is called by the timer code when the timer expires. It just sets the WinsIsDown boolean to False so that we will try WINS again. In this way we will avoid talking to WINS during this timeout. Arguments: Return Value: --*/ { tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext = (tDEVICECONTEXT *)pContext; CTELockHandle OldIrq; if (!pTimerQEntry) { return; } // // Hold the Joint Lock while traversing the list of devices // CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); if (IsEntryInList (&pDeviceContext->Linkage, &NbtConfig.DeviceContexts)) { pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown = FALSE; } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_NAMESRV) KdPrint(("Nbt.WinsDownTimeout: WINS DOWN Timed Out - Up again\n")); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID CompleteClientReq( COMPLETIONCLIENT pClientCompletion, tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker, NTSTATUS status ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is called by completion routines to complete the client request. It may involve completing several queued up requests. Arguments: Return Value: The function value is the status of the operation. --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTrack; tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext = NULL; CTELockHandle OldIrq; LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; InitializeListHead (&ListEntry); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // // set up a new list head for any queued name queries. // since we may need to do a new name query below. // The Proxy hits this routine with a Null Tracker, so check for that. // if (pTracker) { pDeviceContext = pTracker->pDeviceContext; if( !IsListEmpty(&pTracker->TrackerList)) { ListEntry.Flink = pTracker->TrackerList.Flink; ListEntry.Flink->Blink = &ListEntry; ListEntry.Blink = pTracker->TrackerList.Blink; ListEntry.Blink->Flink = &ListEntry; InitializeListHead (&pTracker->TrackerList); } } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); (*pClientCompletion)(pTracker,status); while (!IsListEmpty(&ListEntry)) { pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&ListEntry); pTrack = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry,tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING,TrackerList); // // if the name query failed and there is another requested queued on // a different device context, re-attempt the name query // if ((pTrack->pDeviceContext != pDeviceContext) && (status != STATUS_SUCCESS)) { // // setup the correct back link since this guy is now the list // head. The Flink is ok unless the list is empty now. // pTrack->TrackerList.Blink = ListEntry.Blink; pTrack->TrackerList.Blink->Flink = &pTrack->TrackerList; if (pTrack->TrackerList.Flink == &ListEntry) { pTrack->TrackerList.Flink = &pTrack->TrackerList; } // do a name query on the next name in the list // and then wait for it to complete before processing any more // names on the list. CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); status = QueryNameOnNet (pTrack->pDestName, NbtConfig.pScope, NBT_UNIQUE, //use this as the default (PVOID)pTrack, pTrack->CompletionRoutine, NodeType & NODE_MASK, NULL, pTrack->pDeviceContext, &OldIrq); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); break; } else { // // get the completion routine for this tracker since it may be // different than the tracker tied to the timer block. i.e. // pCompletionClient passed to this routine. // pClientCompletion = pTrack->CompletionRoutine; (*pClientCompletion)(pTrack,status); } } // while } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS NbtRegisterName( IN enum eNbtLocation Location, IN ULONG IpAddress, IN PCHAR pName, IN tNAMEADDR *pNameAddrIn, IN tCLIENTELE *pClientEle, IN PVOID pClientCompletion, IN USHORT uAddressType, IN tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine registers a name from local or from the network depending on the value of Location. (i.e. local node uses this routine as well as the proxy code.. although it has only been tested with the local node registering names so far - and infact the remote code has been removed... since it is not used. All that remains is to remove the Location parameter. Arguments: Return Value: NTSTATUS - success or not --*/ { ULONG Timeout; USHORT Retries; NTSTATUS status; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr; USHORT uAddrType; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pSentList= NULL; CTELockHandle OldIrq1; ULONG PrevNameTypeState; ULONG LocalNodeType; LocalNodeType = AppropriateNodeType( pName, NodeType ); if ((uAddressType == (USHORT)NBT_UNIQUE ) || (uAddressType == (USHORT)NBT_QUICK_UNIQUE)) { uAddrType = NBT_UNIQUE; } else { uAddrType = NBT_GROUP; } CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); if (IpAddress) { status = AddToHashTable (pNbtGlobConfig->pLocalHashTbl, pName, NbtConfig.pScope, IpAddress, uAddrType, NULL, &pNameAddr, pDeviceContext, 0); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } pNameAddr->RefreshMask = 0; } else { // in this case the name is already in the table, we just need // to re-register it // status = FindInHashTable (pNbtGlobConfig->pLocalHashTbl, pName, NbtConfig.pScope, &pNameAddr); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); return(status); } ASSERT (pNameAddr == pNameAddrIn); } CHECK_PTR(pNameAddr); if ((uAddressType != (USHORT)NBT_UNIQUE ) && (uAddressType != (USHORT)NBT_QUICK_UNIQUE)) { // this means group name so use Bcast Addr - UdpSendDgram changes this // value to the Broadcast address of the particular adapter // when is sees the 0. So when we send to a group name that is // also registered on this node, it will go out as a broadcast // to the subnet as well as to this node. pNameAddr->IpAddress = 0; } #ifdef _NETBIOSLESS if (IsDeviceNetbiosless(pDeviceContext)) // The Smb Device is not adapter specific { pNameAddr->NameFlags |= NAME_REGISTERED_ON_SMBDEV; } else #endif { // // start with the refreshed bit not set // pNameAddr->RefreshMask &= ~pDeviceContext->AdapterMask; pNameAddr->AdapterMask |= pDeviceContext->AdapterMask; // turn on the adapter bit in the Mask } pClientEle->pAddress->pNameAddr = pNameAddr; // save the local name ptr in the address element pNameAddr->pAddressEle = pClientEle->pAddress; // store a back ptr to the address element pNameAddr->Ttl = NbtConfig.MinimumTtl; // set to 2 minutes until we hear differently from the Name Server PrevNameTypeState = pNameAddr->NameTypeState; pNameAddr->NameTypeState &= ~(NAME_TYPE_MASK | NAME_STATE_MASK); pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= (uAddrType == NBT_UNIQUE) ? NAMETYPE_UNIQUE : NAMETYPE_GROUP; if ((PrevNameTypeState & NAMETYPE_QUICK) || (uAddressType >= (USHORT)NBT_QUICK_UNIQUE)) { pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= NAMETYPE_QUICK; } // // for "quick" adds, do not register the name on the net! // however the name will get registered with the name server and // refreshed later....if this is an MS or M or P node. // if ((pNameAddr->NameTypeState & NAMETYPE_QUICK) || (pName[0] == '*') || // broadcast netbios name does not get claimed on network (IpAddress == LOOP_BACK) || // If no IP address, pretend the registration succeeded (pDeviceContext->IpAddress == 0) || // names will be registered when we get an address (IsDeviceNetbiosless (pDeviceContext))) { pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= STATE_RESOLVED; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (NT_SUCCESS(status = GetTracker(&pSentList, NBT_TRACKER_REGISTER_NAME))) { pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= STATE_RESOLVING; InitializeListHead(&pSentList->Linkage); // there is no list of things sent yet // keep a ptr to the name so we can update the state of the name // later when the registration completes pSentList->pNameAddr = pNameAddr; pSentList->pDeviceContext = pDeviceContext; pSentList->RefCount = 2; // tracker can be deref'ed by a pdu from wire before UdpSendNsBcast is done #ifdef MULTIPLE_WINS pSentList->NSOthersIndex = 0; // Initialize for Name Server Queries pSentList->NSOthersLeft = 0; #endif // the code must now register the name on the network, depending on the type of node Retries = pNbtGlobConfig->uNumBcasts + 1; Timeout = (ULONG)pNbtGlobConfig->uBcastTimeout; pSentList->Flags = NBT_BROADCAST; if (LocalNodeType & (PNODE | MSNODE)) { // talk to the NS only to register the name // ( the +1 does not actually result in a name reg, it // is just compatible with the code for M node above since // it uses the same completion routine). // Retries = (USHORT)pNbtGlobConfig->uNumRetries + 1; Timeout = (ULONG)pNbtGlobConfig->uRetryTimeout; pSentList->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER; // // if there is no Primary WINS server short out the timeout // so it completes faster. For Hnode this means to go broadcast. // if ((pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress == LOOP_BACK) || pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown) { if (LocalNodeType & MSNODE) { pSentList->Flags = NBT_BROADCAST; Retries = (USHORT)pNbtGlobConfig->uNumBcasts + 1; Timeout = (ULONG)pNbtGlobConfig->uBcastTimeout; IncrementNameStats(NAME_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS, FALSE); // not name server register } else // its a Pnode { IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_NAMESRV) KdPrint(("Nbt.NbtRegisterName: WINS DOWN - shorting out registration\n")); Retries = 1; Timeout = 10; pSentList->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP; } } } // the name itself has a reference count too. // make the count 2, so that pNameAddr won't get released until // after NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER is called below, since it writes to // pNameAddr. Note that we must increment here rather than set = 2 // since it could be a multihomed machine doing the register at // the same time we are sending a datagram to that name. // NBT_REFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pNameAddr, REF_NAME_REGISTER); pDeviceContext->DeviceRefreshState |= NBT_D_REFRESHING_NOW; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); // start the timer in this routine. status = UdpSendNSBcast(pNameAddr, NbtConfig.pScope, pSentList, (PVOID) MSnodeRegCompletion, pClientEle, pClientCompletion, Retries, Timeout, eNAME_REGISTRATION, TRUE); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); CHECK_PTR(pNameAddr); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER (pSentList, TRUE); // possibly frees the tracker NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pNameAddr, REF_NAME_REGISTER, TRUE); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = STATUS_PENDING; } else // We failed to allocate resources, or the timer failed to start { IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_NAMESRV) KdPrint(("Nbt.NbtRegisterName: UdpSendNsBcast returned ERROR = %x\n", status)); NbtTrace(NBT_TRACE_NAMESRV, ("UdpSendNSBcast return %!status! for %!NBTNAME!<%02x>", status, pNameAddr->Name, (unsigned)pNameAddr->Name[15])); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER (pSentList, TRUE); } } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (!IsDeviceNetbiosless(pDeviceContext)) // The Smb Device is not adapter specific { pNameAddr->AdapterMask &= (~pDeviceContext->AdapterMask); // turn off the adapter bit in the Mask } pNameAddr->NameTypeState = PrevNameTypeState; } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); return(status); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID MSnodeRegCompletion( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is called by the timer code when the timer expires. It must decide if another name registration should be done, and if not, then it calls the client's completion routine (in completion2). It first attempts to register a name via Broadcast, then it attempts NameServer name registration. Arguments: Return Value: The function value is the status of the operation. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker; ULONG Flags; CTELockHandle OldIrq; enum eNSTYPE PduType; ULONG LocalNodeType; pTracker = (tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *)pContext; PduType = eNAME_REGISTRATION; LocalNodeType = AppropriateNodeType( pTracker->pNameAddr->Name, NodeType ); // // check if the client completion routine is still set. If not then the // timer has been cancelled and this routine should just clean up its // buffers associated with the tracker. // if (!pTimerQEntry) { // return the tracker block to its queue LOCATION(0x55); pTracker->pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, TRUE); return; } // // to prevent a client from stopping the timer and deleting the // pNameAddr, grab the lock and check if the timer has been stopped // CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); if (pTimerQEntry->Flags & TIMER_RETIMED) { pTimerQEntry->Flags &= ~TIMER_RETIMED; pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; if ((!pTracker->pDeviceContext->IpAddress) || (pTracker->Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER) && (pTracker->pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress == LOOP_BACK)) { // when the address is loop back there is no wins server // so shorten the timeout. // pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = 10; } else if ((pTracker->Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP) && (pTracker->pDeviceContext->lBackupServer == LOOP_BACK)) { // when the address is loop back there is no wins server // so shorten the timeout. // pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = 10; } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); return; } if (!pTimerQEntry->ClientCompletion) { NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, TRUE); // Bug #: 230925 CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); return; } // if number of retries is not zero then continue trying to contact the Name Server // if (--pTimerQEntry->Retries) { // change the name reg pdu to a name overwrite request for the // final broadcast ( turn off Recursion Desired bit) // if (pTimerQEntry->Retries == 1) { if (pTracker->Flags & NBT_BROADCAST) { // do a broadcast name registration... on the last broadcast convert it to // a Name OverWrite Request by clearing the "Recursion Desired" bit // in the header // PduType = eNAME_REGISTRATION_OVERWRITE; } else if (LocalNodeType & (PNODE | MSNODE)) { // we want the Pnode to timeout again, right away and fall // through to handle Timed out name registration - i.e. it // does not do the name overwrite demand like the B,M,&MS nodes // pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = 5; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); return; } } } else { Flags = pTracker->Flags; pTracker->Flags &= ~(NBT_BROADCAST | NBT_NAME_SERVER); // set a different timeout for nameserver name registration // pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = NbtConfig.uRetryTimeout; pTimerQEntry->Retries = NbtConfig.uNumRetries + 1; if ((Flags & NBT_BROADCAST) && (LocalNodeType & MNODE)) { // // Registered through broadcast, so try the name server now. IncrementNameStats(NAME_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS, FALSE); // not name server register pTracker->Flags |= NBT_NAME_SERVER; if ((pTracker->pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress == LOOP_BACK) || pTracker->pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown) { pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = 10; pTimerQEntry->Retries = 1; } } else if ((Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER) && !(LocalNodeType & BNODE)) { // // Can't reach the name server, so try the backup pTracker->Flags |= NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP; // // short out the timer if no backup server // if ((pTracker->pDeviceContext->lBackupServer == LOOP_BACK) || pTracker->pDeviceContext->WinsIsDown) { pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = 10; pTimerQEntry->Retries = 1; } } else if ((LocalNodeType & MSNODE) && !(Flags & NBT_BROADCAST)) { if (Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP) { // the msnode switches to broadcast if all else fails // pTracker->Flags |= NBT_BROADCAST; IncrementNameStats(NAME_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS, FALSE); // not name server register // // change the timeout and retries since broadcast uses a shorter timeout // pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = NbtConfig.uBcastTimeout; pTimerQEntry->Retries = (USHORT)pNbtGlobConfig->uNumBcasts + 1; } } else { if (LocalNodeType & BNODE) { IncrementNameStats(NAME_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS, FALSE); // not name server register } // // the timeout has expired on the name registration // so call the client // // return the tracker block to its queue LOCATION(0x54); // // start a timer to stop using WINS for a short period of // time. Do this only if we had sent the last registration // to a Wins server // if (!(Flags & NBT_BROADCAST) && pTracker->pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress != LOOP_BACK) { SetWinsDownFlag(pTracker->pDeviceContext); } NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, TRUE); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; InterlockedCallCompletion(pTimerQEntry,status); return; } } NBT_REFERENCE_TRACKER (pTracker); pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); status = UdpSendNSBcast(pTracker->pNameAddr, NbtConfig.pScope, pTracker, NULL,NULL,NULL, 0,0, PduType, TRUE); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, FALSE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID RefreshRegCompletion( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles the name Refresh timeouts on packets sent to the Name Service. I.e it sends refreshes to the nameserver until a response is heard or the number of retries is exceeded. Arguments: Return Value: The function value is the status of the operation. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr; CTELockHandle OldIrq; COMPLETIONCLIENT pCompletionClient; pTracker = (tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *)pContext; if (!pTimerQEntry) { pTracker->pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState &= ~NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW; return; } CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // // check if the timer has been stopped yet, since stopping the timer // nulls the client completion routine. If not null, increment the // tracker refcount, so that the last refresh completing cannot // free the tracker out from under us. // if (!(pCompletionClient = pTimerQEntry->ClientCompletion)) { NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState &= ~NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); return; } // if still some count left and not refreshed yet // then do another refresh request // pNameAddr = pTracker->pNameAddr; if (--pTimerQEntry->Retries) { NBT_REFERENCE_TRACKER (pTracker); pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); status = UdpSendNSBcast(pTracker->pNameAddr, NbtConfig.pScope, pTracker, NULL,NULL,NULL, 0,0, pTracker->AddressType, TRUE); // always restart even if the above send fails, since it might succeed // later. NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, FALSE); } else { CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // this calls the completion routine synchronizing with the // timer expiry code. InterlockedCallCompletion(pTimerQEntry,STATUS_TIMEOUT); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS ReleaseNameOnNet( tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr, PCHAR pScope, PVOID pClientCompletion, ULONG LocalNodeType, tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine deletes a name on the network either by a broadcast or by talking to the NS depending on the type of node. (M,P or B) Arguments: Return Value: The function value is the status of the operation. Called By: ProxyQueryFromNet() in proxy.c, NbtConnect() in name.c --*/ { ULONG Timeout; USHORT Retries; NTSTATUS status=STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker; CTELockHandle OldIrq; tTIMERQENTRY *pTimer; status = GetTracker(&pTracker, NBT_TRACKER_RELEASE_NAME); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return(status); } pTracker->pDeviceContext = pDeviceContext; pTracker->pNameAddr = pNameAddr; pTracker->SendBuffer.pDgramHdr = NULL; // set to NULL to catch any erroneous frees. pTracker->RefCount = 3; // We use the same tracker for the CompletionContext + Request // Set a few values as a precursor to releasing the name either by // broadcast or with the name server // LocalNodeType = AppropriateNodeType( pNameAddr->Name, LocalNodeType ); switch (LocalNodeType & NODE_MASK) { case MSNODE: case MNODE: case PNODE: pTracker->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER; Timeout = (ULONG)pNbtGlobConfig->uRetryTimeout; Retries = (USHORT)pNbtGlobConfig->uNumRetries; break; case BNODE: default: pTracker->Flags = NBT_BROADCAST; Timeout = (ULONG)pNbtGlobConfig->uBcastTimeout; #ifndef VXD Retries = (USHORT)pNbtGlobConfig->uNumBcasts; #else Retries = (USHORT)1; #endif } // // Release name on the network // IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_NAMESRV) KdPrint(("Nbt.ReleaseNameOnNet: Doing Name Release on name %16.16s<%X>\n", pNameAddr->Name,pNameAddr->Name[15])); status = UdpSendNSBcast(pNameAddr, pScope, pTracker, ReleaseCompletion, pTracker, pClientCompletion, Retries, Timeout, eNAME_RELEASE, TRUE); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { NTSTATUS Locstatus; COMPLETIONCLIENT pCompletion; PVOID pContext; CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_NAMESRV) KdPrint(("Nbt.ReleaseNameOnNet: UdpSendNSBcast failed - retcode = %X\n", status)); // Stopping the timer will call ReleaseCompletion which will // free the tracker // pCompletion = NULL; CHECK_PTR(pNameAddr); if (pTimer = pNameAddr->pTimer) { pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; Locstatus = StopTimer(pTimer,&pCompletion,&pContext); } else { // no timer setup, so just free the tracker // FreeTracker(pTracker, RELINK_TRACKER); } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); } return(status); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID ReleaseCompletion( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is called by the timer code when the timer expires. It must decide if another name query should be done, and if not, then it calls the client's completion routine (in completion2). This routine handles both the broadcast portion of the name queries and the WINS server directed sends. Arguments: Return Value: The function value is the status of the operation. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker; ULONG LocalNodeType; BOOLEAN fRetry; CTELockHandle OldIrq; pTracker = (tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *)pContext; if (!pTimerQEntry) { pTracker->pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER (pTracker, TRUE); return; } // // There could be a scenario here where this name is currently being // released, but we just got a new client with the same name -- in that // case NbtOpenAddress will set the ReleaseMask to 0, so we stop // releasing the name on that device if that happens! // if (!(pTracker->pNameAddr->ReleaseMask)) { LocalNodeType = BNODE; pTimerQEntry->Retries = 1; } else if (IsBrowserName(pTracker->pNameAddr->Name)) { LocalNodeType = BNODE; } else { LocalNodeType = NodeType; } fRetry = TRUE; CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); if (IsEntryInList (&pTracker->pDeviceContext->Linkage, &NbtConfig.DeviceContexts)) { // if number of retries is not zero then continue trying // to contact the Name Server. // if (!(--pTimerQEntry->Retries)) { if ((LocalNodeType & MNODE) && (pTracker->Flags & NBT_NAME_SERVER)) { // // try broadcast // pTracker->Flags &= ~NBT_NAME_SERVER; pTracker->Flags |= NBT_BROADCAST; // set a different timeout for broadcast name resolution // pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = NbtConfig.uBcastTimeout; pTimerQEntry->Retries = NbtConfig.uNumBcasts; } else { fRetry = FALSE; } } } else { fRetry = FALSE; } #ifdef VXD if (fRetry) #else if ((fRetry) && (NBT_REFERENCE_DEVICE (pTracker->pDeviceContext, REF_DEV_NAME_REL, TRUE))) #endif // VXD { NBT_REFERENCE_TRACKER (pTracker); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); status = UdpSendNSBcast(pTracker->pNameAddr, NbtConfig.pScope, pTracker, NULL,NULL,NULL, 0,0, eNAME_RELEASE, TRUE); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); #ifndef VXD NBT_DEREFERENCE_DEVICE (pTracker->pDeviceContext, REF_DEV_NAME_REL, TRUE); #endif !VXD NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER (pTracker, TRUE); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; return; } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // // the timeout has expired on the name release // or the Device on which we were releasing the name // could have gone away, so call the client // status = InterlockedCallCompletion(pTimerQEntry,STATUS_TIMEOUT); // return the tracker block to its queue if we successfully // called the completion routine since someone else might // have done a Stop timer at this very moment and freed the // tracker already (i.e. the last else clause in this routine). // if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, FALSE); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID NameReleaseDone( PVOID pContext, NTSTATUS Status ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is called when a name is released on the network. Its main, role in life is to free the memory in Context, which is the pAddressEle structure. Arguments: Return Value: The function value is the status of the operation. Called By Release Completion (above) --*/ { CTELockHandle OldIrq1; tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker = (tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *) pContext; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr = pTracker->pNameAddr; CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, TRUE); pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; // Since we could be starting a new Timer below // // Before releasing this name, see if this name is registered on // any more devices // WARNING -- Do not touch the current pTracker->DeviceContext since the // the device may have gone away // while (pDeviceContext = GetAndRefNextDeviceFromNameAddr (pNameAddr)) { // // Increment the RefCounts for the structures we need to keep around // They will be Dereferenced when the Name Release has completed // CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); Status = ReleaseNameOnNet(pNameAddr, NbtConfig.pScope, NameReleaseDone, NodeType, pDeviceContext); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); #ifndef VXD NBT_DEREFERENCE_DEVICE (pDeviceContext, REF_DEV_GET_REF, TRUE); #endif // !VXD if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); return; } // // We failed to release the name on this Device, so try the // next Device! // } NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pNameAddr, REF_NAME_RELEASE, TRUE); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS StartRefresh( IN tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr, IN tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker, IN CTELockHandle *pJointLockOldIrq, IN BOOLEAN ResetDevice ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles refreshing a name with the Name server. The idea is to set the timeout to T/8 and check for names with the Refresh bit cleared - re-registering those names. At T=4 and T=0, clear all bits and refresh all names. The Inbound code sets the refresh bit when it gets a refresh response from the NS. The JointLock is held while this routine is called, and the last Irql is passed in pJointLockOldIrq Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { NTSTATUS status; tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext = NULL; BOOLEAN NewTracker = FALSE; if (!pTracker) { LOCATION(0x9); status = GetTracker(&pTracker, NBT_TRACKER_REFRESH_NAME); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } // need to prevent the tracker from being freed by a pdu from // the wire before the UdpSendNsBcast is done // pTracker->RefCount = 1; NewTracker = TRUE; } // set the name to be refreshed in the tracker block pTracker->pNameAddr = pNameAddr; // this is set true when a new name gets refreshed // if ((ResetDevice) || (NewTracker)) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry, pHead; CTEULONGLONG AdapterMask; LOCATION(0xb); // // Identify the Adapters which have not been refreshed // Then, get the lowest Adapter number and Refresh on it // pHead = &NbtConfig.DeviceContexts; AdapterMask = pNameAddr->AdapterMask & ~(pNameAddr->RefreshMask); AdapterMask = ~(AdapterMask - 1) & AdapterMask; ASSERT (AdapterMask); while (AdapterMask) { // // Travel to the actual device for this Adapter number // pEntry = pHead->Flink; while (pEntry != pHead) { pDeviceContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry,tDEVICECONTEXT,Linkage); if (pDeviceContext->AdapterMask == AdapterMask) { // // Found a valid device on which this name is registered // break; } else { pDeviceContext = NULL; } // // Go to next device // pEntry = pEntry->Flink; } if (pDeviceContext) { // // Found a Device to do a NameRefresh on // break; } // // This is an error case -- the device for this adapter number // does not exist. Remove it from the Adapter and Refresh masks // pNameAddr->AdapterMask &= ~AdapterMask; pNameAddr->RefreshMask &= ~AdapterMask; AdapterMask = pNameAddr->AdapterMask & ~(pNameAddr->RefreshMask); AdapterMask = ~(AdapterMask - 1) & AdapterMask; } if (!pDeviceContext) { IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_REFRESH) KdPrint(("Nbt.StartRefresh: Failed to Refresh <%16.16s:%x>!! no valid adapter ****\n", pNameAddr->Name, pNameAddr->Name[15])); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, TRUE); return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } #ifndef VXD IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_REFRESH) KdPrint(("Nbt.StartRefresh: Refresh adapter: %lx:%lx, dev.nm: %lx for name: %lx\n", AdapterMask, pDeviceContext->BindName.Buffer, pNameAddr)); #endif // !VXD pTracker->pDeviceContext = pDeviceContext; // // Clear the transaction Id so that CreatePdu will increment // it for this new name // CHECK_PTR(pTracker); pTracker->TransactionId = 0; } pTracker->pDeviceContext->DeviceRefreshState |= NBT_D_REFRESHING_NOW; pDeviceContext = pTracker->pDeviceContext; pTracker->AddressType = eNAME_REFRESH; // Check if we need to refresh to the primary or backup if ((pDeviceContext->IpAddress) && (pTracker->pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress == LOOP_BACK) && (pNameAddr->NameTypeState & STATE_CONFLICT) && (!pNameAddr->ConflictMask)) { // // Broadcast the Refresh to ensure no conflict // pTracker->Flags = NBT_BROADCAST; pTracker->AddressType = eNAME_REGISTRATION; } else if (pTracker->pDeviceContext->RefreshToBackup) { pTracker->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER_BACKUP; } else { pTracker->Flags = NBT_NAME_SERVER; } // this accounts for the dereference done after the call to // send the datagram below. NBT_REFERENCE_TRACKER (pTracker); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,*pJointLockOldIrq); status = UdpSendNSBcast(pNameAddr, NbtConfig.pScope, pTracker, RefreshRegCompletion, pTracker, NextRefresh, NbtConfig.uNumRetries, NbtConfig.uRetryTimeout, pTracker->AddressType, TRUE); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,*pJointLockOldIrq); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, TRUE); LOCATION(0x57); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { LOCATION(0xe); IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_REFRESH) KdPrint(("Nbt.StartRefresh: Failed to send Refresh!! status = %X****\n",status)); // // This will free the tracker. Name refresh will stop until // the next refresh timeout and at that point it will attempt // to refresh the names again. // NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, TRUE); } return(status); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID GetNextName( IN tNAMEADDR *pNameAddrIn, OUT tNAMEADDR **ppNameAddr ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine finds the next name to refresh, including incrementing the reference count so that the name cannot be deleted during the refresh. The JointLock spin lock is held before calling this routine. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY pHead; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; LONG i, iIndex; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr; tHASHTABLE *pHashTable; pHashTable = NbtConfig.pLocalHashTbl; for (i= NbtConfig.CurrentHashBucket;i < pHashTable->lNumBuckets ;i++ ) { // // use the last name as the current position in the linked list // only if that name is still resolved, otherwise start at the // begining of the hash list, incase the name got deleted in the // mean time. // if (pNameAddrIn) { // // The Address for this name is Referenced, so it has to be a valid name! // ASSERT (NBT_VERIFY_HANDLE (pNameAddrIn, LOCAL_NAME)); if ((pNameAddrIn->NameTypeState & STATE_CONFLICT) && (!pNameAddrIn->ConflictMask) && (!(pNameAddrIn->NameTypeState & REFRESH_FAILED))) { // // If we succeeded in Refreshing on all adapters, // remove the name from the Conflict state // pNameAddrIn->NameTypeState &= (~NAME_STATE_MASK); pNameAddrIn->NameTypeState |= STATE_RESOLVED; } // first hash the name to an index // take the lower nibble of the first 2 characters.. mod table size iIndex = ((pNameAddrIn->Name[0] & 0x0F) << 4) + (pNameAddrIn->Name[1] & 0x0F); iIndex = iIndex % pHashTable->lNumBuckets; if (iIndex != NbtConfig.CurrentHashBucket) { // // Someone else is refreshing right now! // *ppNameAddr = NULL; return; } pHead = &NbtConfig.pLocalHashTbl->Bucket[NbtConfig.CurrentHashBucket]; pEntry = pNameAddrIn->Linkage.Flink; pNameAddrIn = NULL; } else { pHead = &pHashTable->Bucket[i]; pEntry = pHead->Flink; } while (pEntry != pHead) { pNameAddr = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry,tNAMEADDR,Linkage); pEntry = pEntry->Flink; // don't refresh scope names or names in conflict or that are the // broadcast name "* " or quick unique names - i.e. the permanent // name is nametype quick // if ((pNameAddr->Name[0] != '*') && (!(pNameAddr->NameTypeState & NAMETYPE_QUICK)) && (pNameAddr->pAddressEle) && // Not currently being closed down! ((pNameAddr->NameTypeState & STATE_RESOLVED) || ((pNameAddr->NameTypeState & STATE_CONFLICT) && (!pNameAddr->ConflictMask)))) { // check if the name has been refreshed yet // // Refresh this name only if any of the non-refreshed bits in // the RefreshMask match any of the bits for the adapters this // device is registered on! pNameAddr->NameTypeState &= (~REFRESH_FAILED); // Will be set on Failure if (pNameAddr->AdapterMask & ~pNameAddr->RefreshMask) { // increment the reference count so that this name cannot // disappear while it is being refreshed and mess up the linked list NBT_REFERENCE_ADDRESS (pNameAddr->pAddressEle, REF_ADDR_REFRESH); NbtConfig.CurrentHashBucket = (USHORT)i; *ppNameAddr = pNameAddr; return; } else if (pNameAddr->NameTypeState & STATE_CONFLICT) { pNameAddr->NameTypeState &= (~NAME_STATE_MASK); pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= STATE_RESOLVED; } } } } *ppNameAddr = NULL; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID NextRefresh( IN PVOID pContext, IN NTSTATUS CompletionStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine queues the work to an Executive worker thread to handle refreshing the next name. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker; CTELockHandle OldIrq; pTracker = (tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *) pContext; CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); pTracker->pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; // Set the timer to NULL! if (!(NBT_VERIFY_HANDLE (pTracker->pDeviceContext, NBT_VERIFY_DEVCONTEXT))) { // // Since the Device is going away, let's assume we succeeded // CompletionStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; pTracker->pDeviceContext = NULL; } if (!NT_SUCCESS(NTQueueToWorkerThread(NULL, DelayedNextRefresh, pTracker, ULongToPtr(CompletionStatus), // Sundown: zero-extended. NULL, pTracker->pDeviceContext, TRUE))) { IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_REFRESH) KdPrint (("Nbt.NextRefresh: Failed to Enqueu DelayedNextRefresh!!!\n")); NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER (pTracker, TRUE); NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState &= ~NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW; } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID DelayedNextRefresh( IN tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker, IN PVOID pClientContext, IN PVOID pUnused1, IN tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles sending subsequent refreshes to the name server. This is the "Client Completion" routine of the Timer started above. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { CTELockHandle OldIrq; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddrNext; NTSTATUS status; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry, pHead; CTEULONGLONG AdapterMask; BOOLEAN fAbleToReachWins = FALSE; BOOLEAN fResetDevice = FALSE; NTSTATUS CompletionStatus; CompletionStatus = (NTSTATUS) (ULONG_PTR) pClientContext; pNameAddr = pTracker->pNameAddr; ASSERT(pNameAddr); // // grab the resource so that a name refresh response cannot start running this // code in a different thread before this thread has exited this routine, // otherwise the tracker can get dereferenced twice and blown away. // CTEExAcquireResourceExclusive(&NbtConfig.Resource,TRUE); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); LOCATION(0x1); // turn on the bit corresponding to this adapter, since the name refresh // completed ok // if (CompletionStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (pDeviceContext) { // // turn on the bit corresponding to this adapter, since the name refresh // completed ok // pNameAddr->RefreshMask |= pDeviceContext->AdapterMask; } fAbleToReachWins = TRUE; } else if (CompletionStatus == STATUS_TIMEOUT) { if (pNameAddr->NameTypeState & STATE_CONFLICT) { if ((!pDeviceContext->IpAddress) || (pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress == LOOP_BACK)) { // // Let us assume we succeeded fAbleToReachWins = TRUE; } else { pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= REFRESH_FAILED; } } } else // CompletionStatus != STATUS_TIMEOUT { LOCATION(0x3); // if the timer times out and we did not get to the name server, then // that is not an error. However, any other bad status // must be a negative response to a name refresh so mark the name // in conflict // pNameAddr->NameTypeState &= ~NAME_STATE_MASK; pNameAddr->NameTypeState |= STATE_CONFLICT; pNameAddr->ConflictMask |= pDeviceContext->AdapterMask; fAbleToReachWins = TRUE; } // for the multihomed case a failure to reach wins out one of the adapters // is not necessarily a failure to reach any WINS. Since this flag // is just an optimization to prevent clients from continually trying to // register all of their names if WINS is unreachable, we can ignore the // optimization for the multihomed case. The few nodes that are // multihomed will not create that much traffic compared to possibly // thousands that are singly homed clients. if (NbtConfig.MultiHomed) { fAbleToReachWins = TRUE; } LOCATION(0x8); // // still more adapters to check ... // // go to the next device context and refresh the name there // using the same tracker. // look for a device context with a valid IP address since there is // no sense in refreshing names out unconnected RAS links. // if (pDeviceContext) { // // check if any higher bits are set inthe AdapterMask // AdapterMask = pTracker->pDeviceContext->AdapterMask; AdapterMask = AdapterMask << 1; pDeviceContext = NULL; } else { // // The Device we were Refreshing on has gone away, but we don't // know which one it was, so ReRefresh! // AdapterMask = 1; } // // If we have finished refreshing on all devices for this name, get the next name // if ( (!(AdapterMask) || (AdapterMask > (pNameAddr->AdapterMask & ~pNameAddr->RefreshMask))) ) { // *** clean up the previously refreshed name *** // if we failed to reach WINS on the last refresh, stop refreshing // until the next time interval. This cuts down on network traffic. // if (fAbleToReachWins) { GetNextName(pNameAddr,&pNameAddrNext); AdapterMask = 1; fResetDevice = TRUE; } else { pNameAddrNext = NULL; } // // Dereference the previous address after calling GetNextName // since it cause the Name to get free'ed // CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); NBT_DEREFERENCE_ADDRESS (pNameAddr->pAddressEle, REF_ADDR_REFRESH); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); pNameAddr = pNameAddrNext; } pHead = &NbtConfig.DeviceContexts; while (pNameAddr) { // // Get mask of Adapters left to Refresh on; after that, get the lowest adapter number // AdapterMask = ~(AdapterMask-1) & (pNameAddr->AdapterMask & ~(pNameAddr->RefreshMask)); AdapterMask &= ~(AdapterMask - 1); // // Travel to the actual device for this Adapter number // pEntry = pHead->Flink; while (pEntry != pHead) { pDeviceContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry,tDEVICECONTEXT,Linkage); // // Check if this Device matches the AdapterMask and also has // a valid ip address and name server address // if (pDeviceContext->AdapterMask == AdapterMask) { if ((pDeviceContext->IpAddress != 0) && ((pDeviceContext->lNameServerAddress != LOOP_BACK)) || ((pNameAddr->NameTypeState & STATE_CONFLICT) && (!pNameAddr->ConflictMask))) { // // Found a valid device on which this name is registered // IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_REFRESH) KdPrint(("Nbt.DelayedNextRefresh: Adapter <%lx:%lx>, Name <%15.15s:%X>\n", AdapterMask,pNameAddr->Name,pNameAddr->Name[15])); pTracker->pDeviceContext = pDeviceContext; // remove the previous timer from the AddressEle since StartRefresh // will start a new timer - safety measure and probably not required! // CHECK_PTR(pNameAddr); pNameAddr->pTimer = NULL; // this call sends out a name registration PDU on a different adapter // to (potentially) a different name server. The Name service PDU // is the same as the last one though...no need to create a new one. // status = StartRefresh(pNameAddr, pTracker, &OldIrq, fResetDevice); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { NBT_DEREFERENCE_ADDRESS (pNameAddr->pAddressEle, REF_ADDR_REFRESH); NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState &= ~NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW; KdPrint(("Nbt.DelayedNextRefresh: ERROR -- Refreshing <%-15.15s:%x>, status=<%X>\n", pNameAddr->Name,pNameAddr->Name[15], status)); } goto ExitRoutine; } // // This Device from AdapterMask did not have a valid IP or WINS address // break; } else { pDeviceContext = NULL; } // // Go to next device // pEntry = pEntry->Flink; } // // If we reached here with a non-NULL pDeviceContext, then it means that // the Device did not have a valid IP address or Name Server address // otherwise ... // if (!pDeviceContext) { // // // Error case: // It could be that an adapter was removed while we were looping // KdPrint (("Nbt.DelayedNextRefresh: AdapterMask <%lx:%lx> no longer exists!\n", AdapterMask)); pNameAddr->AdapterMask &= ~AdapterMask; pNameAddr->RefreshMask &= ~AdapterMask; } // // Go to the next adapter // AdapterMask = AdapterMask << 1; // // Check if this name has any more adapters on which it can be refreshed // if ( (!(AdapterMask) || (AdapterMask > (pNameAddr->AdapterMask & ~pNameAddr->RefreshMask))) ) { // *** clean up the previously refreshed name *** if (fAbleToReachWins) { // // No more adapters on which to Refresh for the previous name // Get the next name in the hash table // GetNextName(pNameAddr,&pNameAddrNext); AdapterMask = 1; fResetDevice = TRUE; pHead = &NbtConfig.DeviceContexts; } else { pNameAddrNext = NULL; } // // Dereference the previous address after calling GetNextName // since it cause the Name to get free'ed // CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); NBT_DEREFERENCE_ADDRESS (pNameAddr->pAddressEle, REF_ADDR_REFRESH); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); pNameAddr = pNameAddrNext; } } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); if (!pNameAddr) { LOCATION(0x7); // we finally delete the tracker here after using it to refresh // all of the names. It is not deleted in the RefreshCompletion // routine anymore! // NBT_DEREFERENCE_TRACKER(pTracker, FALSE); NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState &= ~NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW; } ExitRoutine: CTEExReleaseResource(&NbtConfig.Resource); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID WakeupRefreshTimeout( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ) { if (NbtConfig.pWakeupRefreshTimer) { NbtConfig.pWakeupRefreshTimer = NULL; ReRegisterLocalNames (NULL, FALSE); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID RefreshTimeout( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles is the timeout handler for name refreshes to WINS. It just queues the request to the Executive worker thread so that the work can be done at non-dispatch level. If there is currently a refresh going on, then the routine simply restarts the timer and exits. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { CTELockHandle OldIrq; if (!pTimerQEntry) { NbtConfig.pRefreshTimer = NULL; return; } CHECK_PTR(pTimerQEntry); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); if (NodeType & BNODE) { pTimerQEntry->Flags = 0; // Do not restart the timer NbtConfig.pRefreshTimer = NULL; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); return; } if (!(NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState & NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW)) { // this is a global flag that prevents a second refresh // from starting when one is currently going on. // if (NT_SUCCESS(NTQueueToWorkerThread(NULL, DelayedRefreshBegin, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE))) { NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState |= NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW; } } // doing refresh now CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // set any new timeout value and restart the timer // pTimerQEntry->DeltaTime = NbtConfig.MinimumTtl/NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor; pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID DelayedRefreshBegin( IN tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pUnused1, IN PVOID pUnused2, IN PVOID pUnused3, IN tDEVICECONTEXT *pUnused4 ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles starting up sending name refreshes to the name server. The idea is to set the timeout to T/8 and check for names with the Refresh bit cleared - re-registering those names. At T=4 and T=0, clear all bits and refresh all names. The Inbound code sets the refresh bit when it gets a refresh response from the NS. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { CTELockHandle OldIrq; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr; NTSTATUS status; tHASHTABLE *pHashTable; LONG i; PLIST_ENTRY pHead; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext; CTEULONGLONG Adapter; BOOLEAN fTimeToSwitch = FALSE; BOOLEAN fTimeToRefresh = FALSE; USHORT TimeoutsBeforeSwitching; ULONG TimeoutsBeforeNextRefresh; CTESystemTime CurrentTime; ULONG TimeoutDelta; USHORT NumTimeoutIntervals; // // If the refresh timeout has been set to the maximum value then do // not send any refreshes to the name server // if (NbtConfig.MinimumTtl == NBT_MAXIMUM_TTL) { NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState &= ~NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW; return; } LOCATION(0x12); CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); CTEQuerySystemTime (CurrentTime); ExSystemTimeToLocalTime (&CurrentTime, &CurrentTime); TimeoutDelta = NbtConfig.MinimumTtl/NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor; NumTimeoutIntervals = (USHORT) (((CurrentTime.QuadPart - NbtConfig.LastRefreshTime.QuadPart) + ((LONGLONG)TimeoutDelta*10000/2)) / ((LONGLONG)TimeoutDelta*10000)); // in 100 nano second units NbtConfig.LastRefreshTime = CurrentTime; // // NumTimeoutIntervals > 1 if we were sleeping // if (NumTimeoutIntervals > 1) { // // If we crossed Ttl/2 or Ttl while sleeping, refresh all names // TimeoutsBeforeNextRefresh = (NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor/2) - (NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount % (NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor/2)); NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount += NumTimeoutIntervals; // Up the timeout count // // Refresh all of the names if // a) we crossed Ttl/2 during sleep, or // b) we are within Ttl/4 of the Ttl // if ((NumTimeoutIntervals > TimeoutsBeforeNextRefresh) || ((NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor-NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount) < (NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor/4))) { fTimeToRefresh = TRUE; } } else { NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount++; // Up the timeout count for this cycle! // // If it has been over an hour (DEFAULT_SWITCH_TTL) since we last switched, // then set fTimeToSwitch = TRUE // // If MinimumTtl is less than 2 hours, switch immediately. Otherwise, we // will never have chance to switch because we start from the very beginning // everytime we cross the MinimumTtl/2 (fTimeToRefresh will be TRUE and fTimeToSwitch // will be reset to FALSE) // if (NbtConfig.MinimumTtl > DEFAULT_SWITCH_TTL * 2) { TimeoutsBeforeSwitching =(USHORT)((DEFAULT_SWITCH_TTL*NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor)/NbtConfig.MinimumTtl); } else { TimeoutsBeforeSwitching = (USHORT)(NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor/2); } fTimeToSwitch = (NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount - NbtConfig.LastSwitchTimeoutCount) >= TimeoutsBeforeSwitching; fTimeToRefresh = (NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount >= (NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor/2)); if (fTimeToSwitch) { NbtConfig.LastSwitchTimeoutCount = NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount; } } NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount %= NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor; // // Reset the clock if we are Refreshing everything // if (fTimeToRefresh) { NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount = 0; if (NbtConfig.MinimumTtl > DEFAULT_SWITCH_TTL * 2) { fTimeToSwitch = FALSE; } } // // Set some special-case information // if (0 == NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount) { NbtConfig.LastSwitchTimeoutCount = 0; } IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_REFRESH) KdPrint(("Nbt.DelayedRefreshBegin: fTimeToRefresh=<%d>,fTimeToSwitch=<%d>, MinTtl=<%d>, RefDiv=<%d>\n" "TimeoutCount: %d, LastSwTimeoutCount: %d\n", fTimeToRefresh, fTimeToSwitch, NbtConfig.MinimumTtl, NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor, NbtConfig.sTimeoutCount, NbtConfig.LastSwitchTimeoutCount)); // // go through the local table clearing the REFRESHED bit and sending // name refreshes to the name server // pHashTable = NbtConfig.pLocalHashTbl; if (fTimeToRefresh || fTimeToSwitch) { CTEULONGLONG ToRefreshMask = 0; PLIST_ENTRY pHead1,pEntry1; for (i=0 ;i < pHashTable->lNumBuckets ;i++ ) { pHead = &pHashTable->Bucket[i]; pEntry = pHead->Flink; // // Go through each name in each bucket of the hashtable // while (pEntry != pHead) { pNameAddr = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry,tNAMEADDR,Linkage); CHECK_PTR(pNameAddr); // don't refresh scope names or names in conflict or that are the // broadcast name "* ", or Quick added names.(since these are // not registered on the network) // if (!(pNameAddr->NameTypeState & STATE_RESOLVED) || (pNameAddr->Name[0] == '*') || (IsBrowserName(pNameAddr->Name)) || (pNameAddr->NameTypeState & NAMETYPE_QUICK)) { pEntry = pEntry->Flink; continue; } if (fTimeToRefresh) { // // Clear the refreshed bits so all names get refreshed if we are // at interval 0 or interval NbtConfig.RefreshDivisor/2 // pNameAddr->RefreshMask = 0; } // // Set the ToRefreshMask to include any Devices not Refreshed previously // ToRefreshMask |= (pNameAddr->AdapterMask & ~pNameAddr->RefreshMask); pEntry = pEntry->Flink; // next hash table entry } } // for ( .. pHashTable .. ) // // Go through each adapter checking if a name needs to be Refreshed on this adapter. // pHead1 = &NbtConfig.DeviceContexts; pEntry1 = pHead1->Flink; while (pEntry1 != pHead1) { pDeviceContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry1,tDEVICECONTEXT,Linkage); pEntry1 = pEntry1->Flink; // // If we are currently switched to the backup, then try // to switch back to the primary // if (pDeviceContext->SwitchedToBackup) { SwitchToBackup(pDeviceContext); pDeviceContext->RefreshToBackup = FALSE; } else if (!fTimeToSwitch) // If this is a fresh Refresh cycle, restart from the primary { pDeviceContext->RefreshToBackup = FALSE; } else if ((pDeviceContext->AdapterMask & ToRefreshMask) && // do we need to switch on this device (pDeviceContext->lBackupServer != LOOP_BACK)) { pDeviceContext->RefreshToBackup = ~pDeviceContext->RefreshToBackup; } } } // always start at the first name in the hash table. As each name gets // refreshed NextRefresh will be hit to get the next name etc.. // NbtConfig.CurrentHashBucket = 0; GetNextName(NULL,&pNameAddr); // get the next(first) name in the hash table status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; if (pNameAddr) { LOCATION(0x13); status = StartRefresh(pNameAddr, NULL, &OldIrq, TRUE); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // // If this routine fails then the address element increment done in // GetNextName has to be undone here // if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState &= ~NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW; NBT_DEREFERENCE_ADDRESS (pNameAddr->pAddressEle, REF_ADDR_REFRESH); } } else { NbtConfig.GlobalRefreshState &= ~NBT_G_REFRESHING_NOW; CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID RemoteHashTimeout( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles deleting names in the Remote Hash table that are old. The basic alorithm scans the table looking at the Timed_out bit. If it is set then the name is deleted, otherwise the bit is set. This means the names can live as long as 2*Timeout or as little as Timeout. So set the Timeout to 6 Minutes and names live 9 minutes +- 3 minutes. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { CTELockHandle OldIrq; CTELockHandle OldIrq1; tNAMEADDR *pNameAddr; tHASHTABLE *pHashTable; LONG i; PLIST_ENTRY pHead; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PLIST_ENTRY pDeviceHead; PLIST_ENTRY pDeviceEntry; tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext; tLOWERCONNECTION *pLowerConn; ULONG TimeoutCount; if (!pTimerQEntry) { // // The Timer is being cancelled // NbtConfig.pRemoteHashTimer = NULL; return; } CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // // Update the Remote cache timestamp // NbtConfig.CacheTimeStamp++; // // go through the remote table deleting names that have timeout bits // set and setting the bits for names that have the bit clear // pHashTable = NbtConfig.pRemoteHashTbl; for (i=0;i < pHashTable->lNumBuckets ;i++ ) { pHead = &pHashTable->Bucket[i]; pEntry = pHead->Flink; while (pEntry != pHead) { pNameAddr = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry,tNAMEADDR,Linkage); pEntry = pEntry->Flink; // // do not delete scope entries, and do not delete names that // that are still resolving, and do not delete names that are // being used by someone (refcount > 1) // if ((pNameAddr->NameTypeState & (STATE_RESOLVED | STATE_RELEASED)) && (pNameAddr->RefCount <= 1)) { if ((pNameAddr->TimeOutCount == 0) || ((pContext == NbtConfig.pRemoteHashTbl) && !(pNameAddr->NameTypeState & NAMETYPE_SCOPE))) { NBT_DEREFERENCE_NAMEADDR (pNameAddr, REF_NAME_REMOTE, TRUE); } else if (!(pNameAddr->NameTypeState & NAMETYPE_SCOPE)) { pNameAddr->TimeOutCount--; } } } } // *** Inbound Connections Cleanup *** // // // Go through each Device and cleanup any lingering connections waiting in the Inbound state // Start with the SmbDevice // pDeviceHead = pDeviceEntry = &NbtConfig.DeviceContexts; if (pNbtSmbDevice) { pDeviceContext = pNbtSmbDevice; } else if ((pDeviceEntry = pDeviceEntry->Flink) != pDeviceHead) { pDeviceContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(pDeviceEntry,tDEVICECONTEXT,Linkage); } else { pDeviceContext = NULL; } while (pDeviceContext) { CTESpinLock(pDeviceContext,OldIrq1); // // Set the timeout based on the Resource usage! // if (pDeviceContext->NumWaitingForInbound > NbtConfig.MaxBackLog) { TimeoutCount = MIN_INBOUND_STATE_TIMEOUT / REMOTE_HASH_TIMEOUT; // Minimum Timeout value } else if (pDeviceContext->NumWaitingForInbound > NbtConfig.MaxBackLog/2) { TimeoutCount = MED_INBOUND_STATE_TIMEOUT / REMOTE_HASH_TIMEOUT; // Medium Timeout value } else { TimeoutCount = MAX_INBOUND_STATE_TIMEOUT / REMOTE_HASH_TIMEOUT; // Maximum Timeout Value } // // Now go through the list of Inbound connections and see if // we need to cleanup any that have lingering around for too long! // pHead = &pDeviceContext->WaitingForInbound; pEntry = pHead->Flink; while (pEntry != pHead) { pLowerConn = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry,tLOWERCONNECTION,Linkage); pEntry = pEntry->Flink; pLowerConn->TimeUnitsInLastState++; if (pLowerConn->TimeUnitsInLastState > TimeoutCount) { RemoveEntryList (&pLowerConn->Linkage); InitializeListHead (&pLowerConn->Linkage); SET_STATE_LOWER(pLowerConn, NBT_IDLE); // so that Inbound doesn't start processing it! if (pLowerConn->SpecialAlloc) { InterlockedDecrement(&pLowerConn->pDeviceContext->NumSpecialLowerConn); } else { NTQueueToWorkerThread( NULL, DelayedAllocLowerConn, NULL, NULL, NULL, pLowerConn->pDeviceContext, TRUE ); } ASSERT (pLowerConn->RefCount == 2); NBT_DEREFERENCE_LOWERCONN (pLowerConn, REF_LOWC_WAITING_INBOUND, TRUE); // RefCount: 2 -> 1 NBT_DEREFERENCE_LOWERCONN (pLowerConn, REF_LOWC_CREATE, TRUE); // Close all the Tcp handles InterlockedDecrement (&pDeviceContext->NumWaitingForInbound); } } // pDeviceContext->WaitingForInbound List CTESpinFree(pDeviceContext,OldIrq1); if ((pDeviceEntry = pDeviceEntry->Flink) != pDeviceHead) { pDeviceContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(pDeviceEntry,tDEVICECONTEXT,Linkage); } else { pDeviceContext = NULL; } } // NbtConfig.DeviceContexts List CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq); // restart the timer // pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; return; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID NextKeepAlive( IN tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker, IN NTSTATUS status, IN ULONG Info ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles sending subsequent KeepAlives for sessions. This is the "Client Completion" routine of the TdiSend that sends the keep alive on the session. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { tLOWERCONNECTION *pLowerConnLast; tLOWERCONNECTION *pLowerConn; tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext; PUSH_LOCATION(0x92); pDeviceContext = pTracker->pDeviceContext; pLowerConnLast = (tLOWERCONNECTION *)pTracker->pClientEle; // get the next session to send a keep alive on, if there is one, otherwise // free the session header block. // GetNextKeepAlive (pDeviceContext, &pDeviceContext, pLowerConnLast, &pLowerConn, pTracker); NBT_DEREFERENCE_LOWERCONN (pLowerConnLast, REF_LOWC_KEEP_ALIVE, FALSE); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; if (pLowerConn) { pTracker->pDeviceContext = pDeviceContext; pTracker->pClientEle = (tCLIENTELE *)pLowerConn; ASSERT((pTracker->SendBuffer.HdrLength + pTracker->SendBuffer.Length) == 4); PUSH_LOCATION(0x91); #ifndef VXD // this may wind up the stack if the completion occurs synchronously, // because the completion routine is this routine, so call a routine // that sets up a dpc to to the send, which will not run until this // procedure returns and we get out of raised irql. // status = NTSendSession (pTracker, pLowerConn, NextKeepAlive); #else (void) TcpSendSession (pTracker, pLowerConn, NextKeepAlive); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; #endif } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (pLowerConn) { NBT_DEREFERENCE_LOWERCONN (pLowerConn, REF_LOWC_KEEP_ALIVE, FALSE); } FreeTracker(pTracker,FREE_HDR | RELINK_TRACKER); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID GetNextKeepAlive( tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext, tDEVICECONTEXT **ppDeviceContextOut, tLOWERCONNECTION *pLowerConnIn, tLOWERCONNECTION **ppLowerConnOut, tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles sending session keep Alives to the other end of a connection about once a minute or so. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { CTELockHandle OldIrq; CTELockHandle OldIrq1; CTELockHandle OldIrq2; tLOWERCONNECTION *pLowerConn; PLIST_ENTRY pHead; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PLIST_ENTRY pHeadDevice; PLIST_ENTRY pEntryDevice; NTSTATUS status; tDEVICECONTEXT *pEntryDeviceContext; *ppLowerConnOut = NULL; // // loop through all the adapter cards looking at all connections // CTESpinLock(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); // // Verify that the Device passed in is a valid device, // otherwise either pick the next Device, or fail // status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; pEntryDevice = pHeadDevice = &NbtConfig.DeviceContexts; while ((pEntryDevice = pEntryDevice->Flink) != pHeadDevice) { pEntryDeviceContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntryDevice,tDEVICECONTEXT,Linkage); if ((pEntryDeviceContext == pDeviceContext) || (pEntryDeviceContext->AdapterNumber > pTracker->RCount)) { if (pEntryDeviceContext != pDeviceContext) { pLowerConnIn = NULL; } pDeviceContext = pEntryDeviceContext; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); return; } pEntryDevice = &pDeviceContext->Linkage; while (pEntryDevice != pHeadDevice) { pDeviceContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntryDevice,tDEVICECONTEXT,Linkage); pEntryDevice = pEntryDevice->Flink; // grab the device context spin lock so that the lower connection // element does not get removed from the Q while we are checking the // connection state // CTESpinLock(pDeviceContext,OldIrq); pHead = &pDeviceContext->LowerConnection; // // get the next lower connection after this one one the list, but // be sure this connection is still on the active list by checking // the state. // // If this connection has been cleaned up in OutOfRsrcKill, then dont trust the linkages. // if (pLowerConnIn && (!pLowerConnIn->OutOfRsrcFlag || !pLowerConnIn->bNoOutRsrcKill) && ((pLowerConnIn->State == NBT_SESSION_UP) || (pLowerConnIn->State == NBT_SESSION_INBOUND))) { pEntry = pLowerConnIn->Linkage.Flink; pLowerConnIn = NULL; } else { pEntry = pHead->Flink; } while (pEntry != pHead) { pLowerConn = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry,tLOWERCONNECTION,Linkage); // // Inbound connections can hang around forever in that state if // the session setup message never gets sent, so send keep // alives on those too. // if ((pLowerConn->State == NBT_SESSION_UP) || (pLowerConn->State == NBT_SESSION_INBOUND)) { // grab the spin lock, recheck the state and // increment the reference count so that this connection cannot // disappear while the keep alive is being sent and mess up // the linked list. CTESpinLock(pLowerConn,OldIrq2); if ((pLowerConn->State != NBT_SESSION_UP ) && (pLowerConn->State != NBT_SESSION_INBOUND)) { // this connection is probably back on the free connection // list, so we will never satisfy the pEntry = pHead and // loop forever, so just get out and send keepalives on the // next timeout // pEntry = pEntry->Flink; PUSH_LOCATION(0x91); CTESpinFree(pLowerConn,OldIrq2); break; } else if (pLowerConn->RefCount >= 3 ) { // // already a keep alive on this connection, or we // are currently in the receive handler and do not // need to send a keep alive. // pEntry = pEntry->Flink; PUSH_LOCATION(0x93); CTESpinFree(pLowerConn,OldIrq2); continue; } // // found a connection to send a keep alive on // NBT_REFERENCE_LOWERCONN (pLowerConn, REF_LOWC_KEEP_ALIVE); // // return the current position in the list of connections // pTracker->RCount = pDeviceContext->AdapterNumber; *ppLowerConnOut = pLowerConn; *ppDeviceContextOut = pDeviceContext; CTESpinFree(pLowerConn,OldIrq2); CTESpinFree(pDeviceContext,OldIrq); CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); return; } pEntry = pEntry->Flink; } CTESpinFree(pDeviceContext,OldIrq); } CTESpinFree(&NbtConfig.JointLock,OldIrq1); return; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID SessionKeepAliveTimeout( PVOID pContext, PVOID pContext2, tTIMERQENTRY *pTimerQEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles starting the non dispatch level routine to send keep alives. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { if (!pTimerQEntry) { NbtConfig.pSessionKeepAliveTimer = NULL; return; } CHECK_PTR(pTimerQEntry); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NTQueueToWorkerThread(NULL, DelayedSessionKeepAlive, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE))) { IF_DBG(NBT_DEBUG_REFRESH) KdPrint (("Nbt.SessionKeepAliveTimeout: Failed to Queue DelayedSessionKeepAlive!!!\n")); } // restart the timer // pTimerQEntry->Flags |= TIMER_RESTART; return; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID DelayedSessionKeepAlive( IN tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *Unused1, IN PVOID Unused2, IN PVOID Unused3, IN tDEVICECONTEXT *pUnused4 ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine handles sending session keep Alives to the other end of a connection about once a minute or so. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { NTSTATUS status; tLOWERCONNECTION *pLowerConn; tDEVICECONTEXT *pDeviceContext; tSESSIONHDR *pSessionHdr; tDGRAM_SEND_TRACKING *pTracker; CTEPagedCode(); if (!(pSessionHdr = (tSESSIONHDR *)NbtAllocMem(sizeof(tSESSIONERROR),NBT_TAG('S')))) { return; } // get a tracker structure, which has a SendInfo structure in it if (!NT_SUCCESS(status = GetTracker(&pTracker, NBT_TRACKER_KEEP_ALIVE))) { CTEMemFree((PVOID)pSessionHdr); return; } // // go through the list of connections attached to each adapter and // send a session keep alive pdu on each // pDeviceContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(NbtConfig.DeviceContexts.Flink, tDEVICECONTEXT,Linkage); // get the next session to send a keep alive on, if there is one, otherwise // free the session header block. // pTracker->RCount = 0; // This field keeps track of the last device GetNextKeepAlive(pDeviceContext, &pDeviceContext, NULL, &pLowerConn, pTracker); if (pLowerConn) { // if we have found a connection, send the first keep alive. Subsequent // keep alives will be sent by the completion routine, NextKeepAlive() // CHECK_PTR(pTracker); pTracker->SendBuffer.pDgramHdr = (PVOID)pSessionHdr; pTracker->SendBuffer.HdrLength = sizeof(tSESSIONHDR); pTracker->SendBuffer.Length = 0; pTracker->SendBuffer.pBuffer = NULL; pSessionHdr->Flags = NBT_SESSION_FLAGS; // always zero pTracker->pDeviceContext = pDeviceContext; pTracker->pClientEle = (tCLIENTELE *)pLowerConn; CHECK_PTR(pSessionHdr); pSessionHdr->Type = NBT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE; // 85 pSessionHdr->Length = 0; // no data following the length byte status = TcpSendSession(pTracker, pLowerConn, NextKeepAlive); } else { CTEMemFree((PVOID)pSessionHdr); FreeTracker (pTracker, RELINK_TRACKER); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID IncrementNameStats( IN ULONG StatType, IN BOOLEAN IsNameServer ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine increments statistics on names that resolve either through the WINS or through broadcast. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { // // Increment the stattype if the name server is true, that way we can // differentiate queries and registrations to the name server or not. // if (IsNameServer) { StatType += 2; } NameStatsInfo.Stats[StatType]++; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID SaveBcastNameResolved( IN PUCHAR pName ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine saves the name in LIFO list, so we can see the last N names that resolved via broadcast. Arguments: Return Value: none --*/ { ULONG Index; Index = NameStatsInfo.Index; CTEMemCopy(&NameStatsInfo.NamesReslvdByBcast[Index], pName, NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE); NameStatsInfo.Index++; if (NameStatsInfo.Index >= SIZE_RESOLVD_BY_BCAST_CACHE) { NameStatsInfo.Index = 0; } } // // These are names that should never be sent to WINS. // BOOL IsBrowserName( IN PCHAR pName ) { CHAR cNameType = pName[NETBIOS_NAME_SIZE - 1]; return ( (cNameType == 0x1E) || (cNameType == 0x1D) || (cNameType == 0x01) ); } // // Returns the node type that should be used with a request, // based on NetBIOS name type. This is intended to help the // node to behave like a BNODE for browser names only. // AppropriateNodeType( IN PCHAR pName, IN ULONG NodeType ) { ULONG LocalNodeType = NodeType; if (LocalNodeType & BNODE) { if ( IsBrowserName ( pName ) ) { LocalNodeType &= BNODE; } } return LocalNodeType; }