[Strings] (0,"MSG",1,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")="%1:TLOOK returned %2!d!%0 " (0,"MSG",2,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")="%1:TLI Error %2!d! " (0,"MSG",5,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")="t_look returned %1!d! " (0,"MSG",10001,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=" Runs commands on remote hosts running the RSH service. RSH host [-l username] [-n] command host Specifies the remote host on which to run command. -l username Specifies the user name to use on the remote host. If omitted, the logged on user name is used. -n Redirects the input of RSH to NULL. command Specifies the command to run. " (0,"MSG",10002,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=" Runs commands on remote hosts running the RSH service. RSH host [-l username] [-n] command host Specifies the remote host on which to run command. -l username Specifies the user name to use on the remote host. If omitted, the logged on user name is used. -n Redirects the input of RSH to NULL. command Specifies the command to run. " [Checksum] (0,"MSG",1,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=1836 (0,"MSG",2,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=1240 (0,"MSG",5,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=1861 (0,"MSG",10001,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=32093 (0,"MSG",10002,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=32093 [Constraints] (0,"MSG",1,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")={Placeholder=0:1}{Placeholder=18:24}{NoRules} (0,"MSG",2,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")={Placeholder=0:1}{Placeholder=13:17}{NoRules} (0,"MSG",5,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")={Placeholder=16:20}{NoRules} (0,"MSG",10001,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")={NoRules} (0,"MSG",10002,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")={NoRules}