/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/ //*** // // Filename: mediaobj.c // // Description: // // History: May 11,1995 NarenG Created original version. // #include #include #include #include #include #include "ddm.h" #include "objects.h" #include #include "rasmanif.h" #include //** // // Call: MediaObjInitializeTable // // Returns: NO_ERROR - success // else - failure // // Description: Allocates and initializes the media table // DWORD MediaObjInitializeTable( VOID ) { gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize = 5; gblMediaTable.pMediaList = (MEDIA_OBJECT *)LOCAL_ALLOC( LPTR, gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize * sizeof( MEDIA_OBJECT )); if ( gblMediaTable.pMediaList == (MEDIA_OBJECT *)NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); } return( NO_ERROR ); } //** // // Call: MediaObjAddToTable // // Returns: NO_ERROR - success // ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - Failure // // Description: Will increment the number of available resources for the // specified media. // DWORD MediaObjAddToTable( IN LPWSTR lpwsMedia ) { DWORD dwIndex; MEDIA_OBJECT * pFreeEntry = NULL; // // Iterate through the media table // EnterCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize; dwIndex++ ) { if ( _wcsicmp( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].wchMediaName, lpwsMedia ) == 0 ) { // // If there was no device available and there is now we need to // notify the interfaces. // if ( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].dwNumAvailable == 0 ) { gblMediaTable.fCheckInterfaces = TRUE; } gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].dwNumAvailable++; DDMTRACE1( "Added instance of %ws media to media table", lpwsMedia ); LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); return( NO_ERROR ); } else if ( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].wchMediaName[0]==(WCHAR)0 ) { if ( pFreeEntry == (MEDIA_OBJECT *)NULL ) { pFreeEntry = &(gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex]); } } } // // If we couldn't find this media in the table we need to add it to the // table. Check if there is space for it // if ( dwIndex == gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize ) { if ( pFreeEntry == (MEDIA_OBJECT *)NULL ) { PVOID pTemp; // // We need to expand the table // gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize += 5; pTemp = LOCAL_REALLOC( gblMediaTable.pMediaList, gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize * sizeof( MEDIA_OBJECT ) ); if ( pTemp == NULL ) { LOCAL_FREE( gblMediaTable.pMediaList ); gblMediaTable.pMediaList = NULL; LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); return( GetLastError() ); } else { gblMediaTable.pMediaList = pTemp; } pFreeEntry = &(gblMediaTable.pMediaList[gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize-5]); } } // // Add the new media // wcscpy( pFreeEntry->wchMediaName, lpwsMedia ); pFreeEntry->dwNumAvailable++; gblMediaTable.fCheckInterfaces = TRUE; DDMTRACE1( "Added %ws to available media table", lpwsMedia ); LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); return( NO_ERROR ); } //** // // Call: MediaObjRemoveFromTable // // Returns: None // // Description: Will decrement the number of avaialble resources of this // media type. // VOID MediaObjRemoveFromTable( IN LPWSTR lpwsMedia ) { DWORD dwIndex; EnterCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); // // Iterate through the media table // for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize; dwIndex++ ) { if ( _wcsicmp( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].wchMediaName, lpwsMedia ) == 0 ) { // // If there was device available and there are none now we need to // notify the interfaces. // if ( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].dwNumAvailable > 0 ) { gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].dwNumAvailable--; DDMTRACE1( "Removed instance of %ws media from media table", lpwsMedia ); if ( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].dwNumAvailable == 0 ) { gblMediaTable.fCheckInterfaces = TRUE; DDMTRACE1( "Removed %ws from available media table", lpwsMedia ); } } } } LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); } //** // // Call: MediaObjGetAvailableMediaBits // // Returns: None // // Description: Will retrieve a DWORD of bits, each of which represent a // media od which resources are still available. // VOID MediaObjGetAvailableMediaBits( DWORD * pfAvailableMedia ) { DWORD dwIndex; *pfAvailableMedia = 0; EnterCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); // // Iterate through the media table // if (gblMediaTable.pMediaList != NULL) { for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize; dwIndex++ ) { if ( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].wchMediaName[0] != (WCHAR)0 ) { if ( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].dwNumAvailable > 0 ) { *pfAvailableMedia |= ( 1 << dwIndex ); } } } } LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); } //** // // Call: MediaObjSetMediaBit // // Returns: NO_ERROR - Success // Non-zero returns - Failure // // Description: Sets the appropriate bit for the given media // DWORD MediaObjSetMediaBit( IN LPWSTR lpwsMedia, IN DWORD * pfMedia ) { DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; // // Iterate through the media table // EnterCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize; dwIndex++ ) { if ( _wcsicmp( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].wchMediaName, lpwsMedia ) == 0 ) { *pfMedia |= ( 1 << dwIndex ); LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); return( NO_ERROR ); } } // // If we get here that means that we do not have this media in the table so add it // MediaObjAddToTable( lpwsMedia ); // // Now set the correct bit. // for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < gblMediaTable.cMediaListSize; dwIndex++ ) { if ( _wcsicmp( gblMediaTable.pMediaList[dwIndex].wchMediaName, lpwsMedia ) == 0 ) { *pfMedia |= ( 1 << dwIndex ); LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); // // Let the caller know that there is no such device // return( ERROR_DEVICETYPE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ); } } LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); return( ERROR_DEVICETYPE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ); } //** // // Call: MediaObjFreeTable // // Returns: NO_ERROR - Success // Non-zero returns - Failure // // Description: Cleans up the media object table // VOID MediaObjFreeTable( VOID ) { DeleteCriticalSection( &(gblMediaTable.CriticalSection) ); if ( gblMediaTable.pMediaList != NULL ) { LOCAL_FREE( gblMediaTable.pMediaList ); gblMediaTable.pMediaList = NULL; } }