/* Copyright (c) 1993, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved ** ** rasipcp.c ** Remote Access PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol ** Core routines ** ** 11/05/93 Steve Cobb */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define INCL_HOSTWIRE #define INCL_PARAMBUF #define INCL_RASAUTHATTRIBUTES #include #include #include #include #include "rassrvr.h" #include "tcpreg.h" #include "helper.h" #include "rastcp.h" #define RASIPCPGLOBALS #include "rasipcp.h" #define REGKEY_Ipcp \ "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RasMan\\PPP\\ControlProtocols\\BuiltIn" #define REGKEY_Params "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess\\Parameters\\IP" #define REGKEY_Linkage "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess\\Linkage" #define REGKEY_Disabled "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess\\Linkage\\Disabled" #define REGVAL_NsAddrs "RequestNameServerAddresses" #define REGVAL_Unnumbered "Unnumbered" #define REGVAL_VjComp "RequestVJCompression" #define REGVAL_VjComp2 "AcceptVJCompression" #define REGVAL_AllowVJOverVPN "AllowVJOverVPN" #define REGVAL_HardIp "AllowClientIPAddresses" #define REGVAL_RegisterRoutersWithWINS "RegisterRoutersWithWINSServers" #define REGVAL_Bind "Bind" #define ID_NetBTNdisWan "NetBT_NdisWan" // DHCP Options. (from dhcp.h) // dhcp.h lives in the sockets project. These are standard and // cannot change, so its safe to put them here. #define OPTION_SUBNET_MASK 1 #define OPTION_DNS_NAME_SERVERS 6 #define OPTION_NETBIOS_NAME_SERVERS 44 #define OPTION_DNS_DOMAIN_NAME 15 #define OPTION_VENDOR_SPEC_INFO 43 //Route Plumbing option #define OPTION_VENDOR_ROUTE_PLUMB 249 #define CLASSA_ADDR(a) (( (*((unsigned char *)&(a))) & 0x80) == 0) #define CLASSB_ADDR(a) (( (*((unsigned char *)&(a))) & 0xc0) == 0x80) #define CLASSC_ADDR(a) (( (*((unsigned char *)&(a))) & 0xe0) == 0xc0) #define CLASSE_ADDR(a) ((( (*((uchar *)&(a))) & 0xf0) == 0xf0) && \ ((a) != 0xffffffff)) /* Gurdeepian dword byte-swapping macro. ** ** Note that in this module all IP addresses are stored in on the net form ** which is the opposite of Intel format. */ #define net_long(x) (((((unsigned long)(x))&0xffL)<<24) | \ ((((unsigned long)(x))&0xff00L)<<8) | \ ((((unsigned long)(x))&0xff0000L)>>8) | \ ((((unsigned long)(x))&0xff000000L)>>24)) typedef struct _IPCP_DHCP_INFORM { WCHAR* wszDevice; HCONN hConnection; BOOL fUseDhcpInformDomainName; } IPCP_DHCP_INFORM; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** External entry points **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DWORD IpcpInit( IN BOOL fInitialize) /* Called to initialize/uninitialize this CP. In the former case, ** fInitialize will be TRUE; in the latter case, it will be FALSE. */ { static DWORD dwRefCount = 0; DWORD dwErr; if (fInitialize) { if (0 == dwRefCount) { if ((dwErr = HelperInitialize(&HDhcpDll)) != NO_ERROR) { return(dwErr); } PDhcpRequestOptions = (DHCPREQUESTOPTIONS) GetProcAddress(HDhcpDll, "DhcpRequestOptions"); if (NULL == PDhcpRequestOptions) { return(GetLastError()); } PDhcpNotifyConfigChange2 = (DHCPNOTIFYCONFIGCHANGEEX) GetProcAddress(HDhcpDll, "DhcpNotifyConfigChangeEx"); if (NULL == PDhcpNotifyConfigChange2) { return(GetLastError()); } PDhcpRequestParams = (DHCPREQUESTPARAMS) GetProcAddress(HDhcpDll, "DhcpRequestParams"); if(NULL == PDhcpRequestParams) { return (GetLastError()); } ClearTcpipInfo(); DwIpcpTraceId = TraceRegister("RASIPCP"); } dwRefCount++; } else { dwRefCount--; if (0 == dwRefCount) { HelperUninitialize(); // Ignore errors HDhcpDll = NULL; PDhcpRequestOptions = NULL; PDhcpNotifyConfigChange2 = NULL; PDhcpRequestParams = NULL; if (HRasArp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( HRasArp ); HRasArp = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TraceDeregister(DwIpcpTraceId); DwIpcpTraceId = INVALID_TRACEID; } } return(NO_ERROR); } DWORD IpcpGetInfo( IN DWORD dwProtocolId, OUT PPPCP_INFO* pInfo ) /* IpcpGetInfo entry point called by the PPP engine by name. See RasCp ** interface documentation. */ { ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(*pInfo) ); pInfo->Protocol = (DWORD )PPP_IPCP_PROTOCOL; lstrcpy(pInfo->SzProtocolName, "IPCP"); pInfo->Recognize = 7; pInfo->RasCpInit = IpcpInit; pInfo->RasCpBegin = IpcpBegin; pInfo->RasCpReset = IpcpReset; pInfo->RasCpEnd = IpcpEnd; pInfo->RasCpThisLayerFinished = IpcpThisLayerFinished; pInfo->RasCpThisLayerUp = IpcpThisLayerUp; pInfo->RasCpPreDisconnectCleanup = IpcpPreDisconnectCleanup; pInfo->RasCpMakeConfigRequest = IpcpMakeConfigRequest; pInfo->RasCpMakeConfigResult = IpcpMakeConfigResult; pInfo->RasCpConfigAckReceived = IpcpConfigAckReceived; pInfo->RasCpConfigNakReceived = IpcpConfigNakReceived; pInfo->RasCpConfigRejReceived = IpcpConfigRejReceived; pInfo->RasCpGetNegotiatedInfo = IpcpGetNegotiatedInfo; pInfo->RasCpProjectionNotification = IpcpProjectionNotification; pInfo->RasCpChangeNotification = IpcpChangeNotification; return 0; } DWORD IpcpChangeNotification( VOID ) { HelperChangeNotification(); return(NO_ERROR); } DWORD IpcpBegin( OUT VOID** ppWorkBuf, IN VOID* pInfo ) /* RasCpBegin entry point called by the PPP engine thru the passed ** address. See RasCp interface documentation. */ { DWORD dwErr; PPPCP_INIT* pInit = (PPPCP_INIT* )pInfo; IPCPWB* pwb; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttribute; BOOL fVPN = FALSE; BOOL fVJAttributePresent = FALSE; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpBegin"); /* Allocate work buffer. */ if (!(pwb = (IPCPWB* )LocalAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(IPCPWB) ))) { return( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } pwb->fServer = pInit->fServer; pwb->hport = pInit->hPort; pwb->hConnection = pInit->hConnection; pwb->hIPInterface = pInit->hInterface; pwb->IfType = pInit->IfType; pwb->fDisableNetbt = pInit->fDisableNetbt; if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pInit->pszUserName, -1, pwb->wszUserName, UNLEN+1 ) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TraceIp("MultiByteToWideChar(%s) failed: %d", pInit->pszUserName, dwErr); LocalFree( pwb ); return( dwErr ); } if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pInit->pszPortName, -1, pwb->wszPortName, MAX_PORT_NAME+1 ) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TraceIp("MultiByteToWideChar(%s) failed: %d", pInit->pszPortName, dwErr); LocalFree( pwb ); return( dwErr ); } if ( pwb->fServer ) { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD cb = sizeof(DWORD); BOOL FClientMaySelectIpAddress = FALSE; if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_Params, &hkey ) == 0) { if (RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REGVAL_HardIp, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE )&dwValue, &cb ) == 0 && dwType == REG_DWORD && cb == sizeof(DWORD) && dwValue) { FClientMaySelectIpAddress = TRUE; } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } TraceIp("IPCP: Hard IP=%d",FClientMaySelectIpAddress); pwb->IpAddressToHandout = ( FClientMaySelectIpAddress ) ? net_long( 0xFFFFFFFF ) : net_long( 0xFFFFFFFE ); // // Is there an IP address parameter ? // pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGet( raatFramedIPAddress, pInit->pAttributes ); if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { pwb->IpAddressToHandout = net_long( PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value) ); TraceIp("IPCP: Using IP address attribute 0x%x", pwb->IpAddressToHandout ); } } else { // // We are a router or client dialing out, let other side always choose // their address // pwb->IpAddressToHandout = net_long( 0xFFFFFFFF ); } pwb->fRegisterWithWINS = 1; if ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD cb = sizeof(DWORD); pwb->fRegisterWithWINS = 0; if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_Ipcp, &hkey ) == 0) { if (RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REGVAL_RegisterRoutersWithWINS, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE )&dwValue, &cb ) == 0 && dwType == REG_DWORD && cb == sizeof(DWORD) && dwValue != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: Will register routers with WINS"); pwb->fRegisterWithWINS = 1; } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } } /* Allocate a route between the MAC and the TCP/IP stack. */ if ((dwErr = RasAllocateRoute( pwb->hport, IP, !pwb->fServer, &pwb->routeinfo )) != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: RasAllocateRoute=%d",dwErr); LocalFree( (HLOCAL )pwb ); return dwErr; } /* Lookup the compression capabilities. */ if ((dwErr = RasPortGetProtocolCompression( pwb->hport, IP, &pwb->rpcSend, &pwb->rpcReceive )) != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: RasPortGetProtocolCompression=%d",dwErr); pwb->dwErrInBegin = dwErr; *ppWorkBuf = pwb; return 0; } if (0 == pwb->rpcSend.RP_ProtocolType.RP_IP.RP_IPCompressionProtocol) { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD cb = sizeof(DWORD); fVPN = TRUE; if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_Ipcp, &hkey ) == 0) { /* VJ header compression is a history based scheme and since we can't reliably detect lost frames over vpn's we have dropped support for vj over vpn's. */ if (RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REGVAL_AllowVJOverVPN, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE )&dwValue, &cb ) == 0 && dwType == REG_DWORD && cb == sizeof(DWORD) && dwValue == 1) { TraceIp("IPCP: AllowVJOverVPN is TRUE"); pwb->rpcSend.RP_ProtocolType.RP_IP.RP_IPCompressionProtocol = 0x2D; pwb->rpcReceive.RP_ProtocolType.RP_IP.RP_IPCompressionProtocol = 0x2D; fVPN = FALSE; } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } } if ( pwb->fServer ) { HANDLE hAttribute; pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetFirst(raatFramedCompression, pInit->pAttributes, &hAttribute ); while (NULL != pAttribute) { switch (PtrToUlong(pAttribute->Value)) { case 0: /* Don't request or accept VJ compression. */ TraceIp("IPCP: VJ disabled by RADIUS"); pwb->fIpCompressionRejected = TRUE; memset( &pwb->rpcSend, '\0', sizeof(pwb->rpcSend) ); fVJAttributePresent = TRUE; break; case 1: TraceIp("IPCP: VJ required by RADIUS"); fVJAttributePresent = TRUE; break; default: break; } if (fVJAttributePresent) { break; } pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetNext(&hAttribute, raatFramedCompression); } } if (fVJAttributePresent) { // Nothing } else if (fVPN) { TraceIp("IPCP: VJ disabled for VPN"); pwb->fIpCompressionRejected = TRUE; memset( &pwb->rpcSend, '\0', sizeof(pwb->rpcSend) ); } else { /* Look up "request VJ compresion" flag in registry. */ { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD cb = sizeof(DWORD); if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_Ipcp, &hkey ) == 0) { if (RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REGVAL_VjComp, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE )&dwValue, &cb ) == 0 && dwType == REG_DWORD && cb == sizeof(DWORD) && dwValue == 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: VJ requests disabled"); pwb->fIpCompressionRejected = TRUE; } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } } /* Look up "accept VJ compresion" flag in registry. */ { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD cb = sizeof(DWORD); if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_Ipcp, &hkey ) == 0) { if (RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REGVAL_VjComp2, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE )&dwValue, &cb ) == 0 && dwType == REG_DWORD && cb == sizeof(DWORD) && dwValue == 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: VJ will not be accepted"); memset( &pwb->rpcSend, '\0', sizeof(pwb->rpcSend) ); } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } } } TraceIp("IPCP: Compress capabilities: s=$%x,%d,%d r=$%x,%d,%d", (int)Protocol(pwb->rpcSend),(int)MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcSend), (int)CompSlotId(pwb->rpcSend),(int)Protocol(pwb->rpcReceive), (int)MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive),CompSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive)); // // If we are receiving a call from a client or another router, or we // are a router dialing out. // if ( ( pwb->fServer ) || ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) ) { /* Look up the DNS server, WINS server, and "this server" addresses. ** This is done once at the beginning since these addresses are the ** same for a given route regardless of the IP addresses. */ TraceIp("IPCP: Server address lookup..."); TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrQueryServerAddresses..."); dwErr = RasSrvrQueryServerAddresses( &(pwb->IpInfoRemote) ); TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrQueryServerAddresses done(%d)",dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) { pwb->dwErrInBegin = dwErr; *ppWorkBuf = pwb; return 0; } else { TraceIp("IPCP:Dns=%08x,Wins=%08x,DnsB=%08x,WinsB=%08x," "Server=%08x,Mask=%08x", pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboDNSAddress, pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboWINSAddress, pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboDNSAddressBackup, pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboWINSAddressBackup, pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboServerIpAddress, pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboServerSubnetMask); } // // If this is not a router interface, then we use the server address // as a local address // if ( ( pwb->fServer ) && ( pwb->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) ) { /* Request server's own IP address. (RAS client's don't care what ** the server's address is, but some other vendors like ** MorningStar won't connect unless you tell them) */ pwb->IpAddressLocal = pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboServerIpAddress; } } // // We are a client\router dialing out or a router dialing in, // if ( ( !pwb->fServer ) || ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) ) { // // See if registry indicates "no WINS/DNS requests" mode for clients // dialing out. // HKEY hkey; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD cb = sizeof(DWORD); if ( RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_Ipcp, &hkey ) == 0) { if ( RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REGVAL_NsAddrs, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE )&dwValue, &cb ) == 0 && dwType == REG_DWORD && cb == sizeof(DWORD) && dwValue == 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: WINS/DNS requests disabled"); pwb->fIpaddrDnsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrWinsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrDnsBackupRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrWinsBackupRejected = TRUE; } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } /* Read the parameters sent from the UI in the parameters buffer. */ pwb->fPrioritizeRemote = TRUE; if (pInit->pszzParameters) { DWORD dwIpSource; CHAR szIpAddress[ 16 ]; WCHAR wszIpAddress[ 16 ]; BOOL fVjCompression; DWORD dwDnsFlags; CHAR szDnsSuffix[DNS_SUFFIX_SIZE + 1]; TraceIp("IPCP: UI parameters..."); DUMPB(pInit->pszzParameters,PARAMETERBUFLEN); FindFlagInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpPrioritizeRemote, &pwb->fPrioritizeRemote ); pwb->fUnnumbered = FALSE; if ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) { if ( RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_Ipcp, &hkey ) == 0) { if ( RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REGVAL_Unnumbered, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE )&dwValue, &cb ) == 0 && dwType == REG_DWORD && cb == sizeof(DWORD) && dwValue != 0) { TraceIp("Unnumbered"); pwb->fUnnumbered = TRUE; } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } } { if (FindLongInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpDnsFlags, &dwDnsFlags )) { if (dwDnsFlags & 0x1) { pwb->fRegisterWithDNS = 1; } if ( (dwDnsFlags & 0x2) || (dwDnsFlags & 0x4) ) { pwb->fRegisterAdapterDomainName = 1; } } } { if (FindStringInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpDnsSuffix, szDnsSuffix, DNS_SUFFIX_SIZE + 1 )) { strncpy(pwb->szDnsSuffix, szDnsSuffix, DNS_SUFFIX_SIZE); } } { fVjCompression = TRUE; FindFlagInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpVjCompression, &fVjCompression ); if (!fVjCompression) { /* Don't request or accept VJ compression. */ TraceIp("IPCP: VJ disabled"); pwb->fIpCompressionRejected = TRUE; memset( &pwb->rpcSend, '\0', sizeof(pwb->rpcSend) ); } } if( !pwb->fIpCompressionRejected && !Protocol(pwb->rpcReceive)) { pwb->fIpCompressionRejected = TRUE; } dwIpSource = PBUFVAL_ServerAssigned; FindLongInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpAddressSource, &dwIpSource ); if (dwIpSource == PBUFVAL_RequireSpecific) { if (FindStringInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpAddress, szIpAddress, 16 )) { mbstowcs( wszIpAddress, szIpAddress, 16 ); pwb->IpAddressLocal = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz( wszIpAddress ); } } dwIpSource = PBUFVAL_ServerAssigned; FindLongInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpNameAddressSource, &dwIpSource ); if (dwIpSource == PBUFVAL_RequireSpecific) { // //check to see if DNS or WINS or both have been //requested specific and set the flags accordingly //so that we only request proper addresses //from the server // if (FindStringInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpDnsAddress, szIpAddress, 16 )) { mbstowcs( wszIpAddress, szIpAddress, 16 ); pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddress = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz( wszIpAddress ); } if (FindStringInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpDns2Address, szIpAddress, 16 )) { mbstowcs( wszIpAddress, szIpAddress, 16 ); pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddressBackup = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz( wszIpAddress ); } if (FindStringInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpWinsAddress, szIpAddress, 16 )) { mbstowcs( wszIpAddress, szIpAddress, 16 ); pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddress = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz( wszIpAddress ); } if (FindStringInParamBuf( pInit->pszzParameters, PBUFKEY_IpWins2Address, szIpAddress, 16 )) { mbstowcs( wszIpAddress, szIpAddress, 16 ); pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddressBackup = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz( wszIpAddress ); } if ( pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddress || pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddressBackup ) { //Specific DNS address has been passed in pwb->fIpaddrDnsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrDnsBackupRejected = TRUE; } if ( pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddress || pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddressBackup ) { //Specific WINS address has been requested pwb->fIpaddrWinsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrWinsBackupRejected = TRUE; } } } TraceIp( "IPCP:a=%08x,f=%d", pwb->IpAddressLocal,pwb->fPrioritizeRemote); } /* Register work buffer with engine. */ *ppWorkBuf = pwb; return 0; } DWORD IpcpThisLayerFinished( IN VOID* pWorkBuf ) /* RasCpThisLayerFinished entry point called by the PPP engine thru the ** passed address. See RasCp interface documentation. */ { DWORD dwErr = 0; IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpThisLayerFinished..."); // // If this is a server or a router dialing in or out then we release this // address // if ( ( pwb->fServer ) || ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER )) { if (pwb->IpAddressRemote != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrReleaseAddress..."); RasSrvrReleaseAddress(pwb->IpAddressRemote, pwb->wszUserName, pwb->wszPortName, ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) ? FALSE : TRUE); TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrReleaseAddress done"); pwb->IpAddressRemote = 0; } // // Set ConfigActive to false only for server // if ( ( pwb->fServer ) && ( pwb->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER )) { pwb->fRasConfigActive = FALSE; } } // // If we are a client dialing out or a router dialing in or out then we // notify DHCP of releasing this address. // if ( ( !pwb->fServer ) || ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER )) { dwErr = DeActivateRasConfig( pwb ); if (dwErr == 0) { pwb->fRasConfigActive = FALSE; } } if (pwb->fRouteActivated) { TraceIp("IPCP: RasDeAllocateRoute..."); RasDeAllocateRoute( pwb->hConnection, IP ); pwb->fRouteActivated = FALSE; } if ( pwb->pbDhcpRoutes ) { //Parse the dhcp routes and remove the routes from stack TraceIp("IPCP: RasDeAllocateDhcpRoute..."); RasTcpSetDhcpRoutes ( pwb->pbDhcpRoutes , pwb->IpAddressLocal, FALSE ); LocalFree (pwb->pbDhcpRoutes ); pwb->pbDhcpRoutes = NULL; } TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpThisLayerFinished done(%d)",dwErr); return dwErr; } DWORD IpcpEnd( IN VOID* pWorkBuf ) /* RasCpEnd entry point called by the PPP engine thru the passed address. ** See RasCp interface documentation. */ { DWORD dwErr = 0; IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpEnd..."); dwErr = IpcpThisLayerFinished( pWorkBuf ); LocalFree( (HLOCAL )pWorkBuf ); TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpEnd done(%d)",dwErr); return dwErr; } DWORD IpcpReset( IN VOID* pWorkBuf ) /* Called to reset negotiations. See RasCp interface documentation. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { /* RasPpp.dll requires this to exist even though it does nothing ** (complaints to Gibbs). */ return 0; } DWORD IpcpThisLayerUp( IN VOID* pWorkBuf ) /* Called when the CP is entering Open state. See RasCp interface ** documentation. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpThisLayerUp"); if (pwb->fRasConfigActive || pwb->fExpectingProjection) { TraceIp("IPCP: Link already up...ignored."); return 0; } /* Can't route until we know the result of the projection. Shouldn't ** activate until just before we route or WANARP reports errors. See ** IpcpProjectionResult. */ pwb->fExpectingProjection = TRUE; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpThisLayerUp done"); return 0; } DWORD IpcpPreDisconnectCleanup( IN VOID* pWorkBuf ) { IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpPreDisconnectCleanup"); if ( ( pwb->fServer ) || ( pwb->pwszDevice == NULL ) || ( !pwb->fRegisterWithDNS )) { return( NO_ERROR ); } if ( ( dwErr = ResetNetBTConfigInfo( pwb ) ) != NO_ERROR ) { TraceIp("IPCP: ResetNetBTConfigInfo=%d",dwErr); } else { if ((dwErr = ReconfigureTcpip( pwb->pwszDevice, FALSE, 0, 0)) != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: ReconfigureTcpip=%d", dwErr); } } return(dwErr); } DWORD IpcpMakeConfigRequest( IN VOID* pWorkBuf, OUT PPP_CONFIG* pSendBuf, IN DWORD cbSendBuf ) /* Makes a configure-request packet in 'pSendBuf'. See RasCp interface ** documentation. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; WORD cbPacket = PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; BYTE* pbThis = pSendBuf->Data; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpMakeConfigRequest"); RTASSERT(cbSendBuf>PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN+(IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN*3)); if (pwb->dwErrInBegin != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: Deferred IpcpBegin error=%d",pwb->dwErrInBegin); return pwb->dwErrInBegin; } if (++pwb->cRequestsWithoutResponse >= 5) { TraceIp("IPCP: Tossing MS options (request timeouts)"); pwb->fTryWithoutExtensions = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrDnsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrWinsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrDnsBackupRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrWinsBackupRejected = TRUE; } if (!pwb->fIpCompressionRejected ) { /* Request IP compression for both client and server. */ AddIpCompressionOption( pbThis, &pwb->rpcReceive ); cbPacket += IPCOMPRESSIONOPTIONLEN; pbThis += IPCOMPRESSIONOPTIONLEN; } // // We always negotiate this option, it will be 0 for clients and routers // dialing out and routers dialing in, it will be the server's address // for clients dialing in. We don't negotiate this option if we want // unnumbered IPCP. // if (!pwb->fIpaddrRejected && !pwb->fUnnumbered) { AddIpAddressOption( pbThis, OPTION_IpAddress, pwb->IpAddressLocal ); cbPacket += IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; pbThis += IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; } // // If we are client dialing out we need WINS and DNS addresses // if ( !pwb->fServer ) { /* The client asks the server to provide a DNS address and WINS ** address (and depending on user's UI selections, an IP address) by ** sending 0's for these options. */ if (!pwb->fIpaddrDnsRejected) { AddIpAddressOption( pbThis, OPTION_DnsIpAddress, pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddress ); cbPacket += IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; pbThis += IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; } if (!pwb->fIpaddrWinsRejected) { AddIpAddressOption( pbThis, OPTION_WinsIpAddress, pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddress ); cbPacket += IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; pbThis += IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; } if (!pwb->fIpaddrDnsBackupRejected) { AddIpAddressOption( pbThis, OPTION_DnsBackupIpAddress, pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddressBackup ); cbPacket += IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; pbThis += IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; } if (!pwb->fIpaddrWinsBackupRejected) { AddIpAddressOption( pbThis, OPTION_WinsBackupIpAddress, pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddressBackup ); cbPacket += IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; } } pSendBuf->Code = CONFIG_REQ; HostToWireFormat16( cbPacket, pSendBuf->Length ); TraceIp("IPCP: ConfigRequest..."); DUMPB(pSendBuf,cbPacket); return 0; } DWORD IpcpMakeConfigResult( IN VOID* pWorkBuf, IN PPP_CONFIG* pReceiveBuf, OUT PPP_CONFIG* pSendBuf, IN DWORD cbSendBuf, IN BOOL fRejectNaks ) /* Makes a configure-ack, -nak, or -reject packet in 'pSendBuf'. See ** RasCp interface documentation. ** ** Implements the Stefanian rule, i.e. accept only configure requests that ** exactly match the previously acknowledged request after this layer up ** has been called. This is necessary because the RAS route cannot be ** deallocated when the port is open (NDISWAN driver limitation), so ** renegotiation with different parameters is not possible once the route ** has been activated. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { DWORD dwErr; BOOL f; IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpMakeConfigResult for..."); DUMPB(pReceiveBuf,(pReceiveBuf)?WireToHostFormat16(pReceiveBuf->Length):0); pwb->cRequestsWithoutResponse = 0; /* Check if there's reason to reject the request and if so, do it. */ if ((dwErr = RejectCheck( pwb, pReceiveBuf, pSendBuf, cbSendBuf, &f )) != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: ConfigResult..."); DUMPB(pSendBuf,WireToHostFormat16(pSendBuf->Length)); return dwErr; } if (f) return (pwb->fRasConfigActive) ? ERROR_PPP_NOT_CONVERGING : 0; /* Check if there's reason to nak the request and if so, do it (or ** reject instead of nak if indicated by engine). */ if ((dwErr = NakCheck( pwb, pReceiveBuf, pSendBuf, cbSendBuf, &f, fRejectNaks )) != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: ConfigResult..."); DUMPB(pSendBuf,WireToHostFormat16(pSendBuf->Length)); return dwErr; } if (f) return (pwb->fRasConfigActive) ? ERROR_PPP_NOT_CONVERGING : 0; /* Acknowledge the request. */ { WORD cbPacket = WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ); CopyMemory( pSendBuf, pReceiveBuf, cbPacket ); pSendBuf->Code = CONFIG_ACK; } TraceIp("IPCP: ConfigResult..."); DUMPB(pSendBuf,WireToHostFormat16(pSendBuf->Length)); return 0; } DWORD IpcpConfigAckReceived( IN VOID* pWorkBuf, IN PPP_CONFIG* pReceiveBuf ) /* Examines received configure-ack in 'pReceiveBuf'. See RasCp interface ** documentation. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { DWORD dwErr = 0; IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; WORD cbPacket = WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ); WORD cbLeft = cbPacket - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* pROption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )pReceiveBuf->Data; BOOL fIpCompressionOk = pwb->fIpCompressionRejected; BOOL fIpaddrOk = pwb->fIpaddrRejected || pwb->fUnnumbered; BOOL fIpaddrDnsOk = pwb->fIpaddrDnsRejected; BOOL fIpaddrWinsOk = pwb->fIpaddrWinsRejected; BOOL fIpaddrDnsBackupOk = pwb->fIpaddrDnsBackupRejected; BOOL fIpaddrWinsBackupOk = pwb->fIpaddrWinsBackupRejected; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpConfigAckReceived..."); DUMPB(pReceiveBuf,cbPacket); pwb->cRequestsWithoutResponse = 0; while (cbLeft > 0) { if (cbLeft < pROption->Length) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; if (pROption->Type == OPTION_IpCompression) { WORD wProtocol; if (pROption->Length != IPCOMPRESSIONOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; wProtocol = WireToHostFormat16U(pROption->Data ); if (wProtocol != Protocol(pwb->rpcReceive) || pROption->Data[ 2 ] != MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive) || pROption->Data[ 3 ] != CompSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive)) { return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; } fIpCompressionOk = TRUE; } else if (pROption->Type == OPTION_IpAddress) { IPADDR ipaddr; if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; CopyMemory( &ipaddr, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if (ipaddr != 0 && ipaddr == pwb->IpAddressLocal ) fIpaddrOk = TRUE; } else if (!pwb->fServer) { // // We are a client dialing out // switch (pROption->Type) { case OPTION_DnsIpAddress: { IPADDR ipaddr; if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; CopyMemory( &ipaddr, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if (ipaddr == pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddress) fIpaddrDnsOk = TRUE; break; } case OPTION_WinsIpAddress: { IPADDR ipaddr; if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; CopyMemory( &ipaddr, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if (ipaddr == pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddress) fIpaddrWinsOk = TRUE; break; } case OPTION_DnsBackupIpAddress: { IPADDR ipaddr; if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; CopyMemory( &ipaddr, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if (ipaddr == pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddressBackup) { fIpaddrDnsBackupOk = TRUE; } break; } case OPTION_WinsBackupIpAddress: { IPADDR ipaddr; if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; CopyMemory( &ipaddr, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if (ipaddr == pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddressBackup) { fIpaddrWinsBackupOk = TRUE; } break; } default: { TraceIp("IPCP: Unrecognized option ACKed?"); return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; } } } else { TraceIp("IPCP: Unrecognized option ACKed?"); return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; } if (pROption->Length && pROption->Length < cbLeft) cbLeft -= pROption->Length; else cbLeft = 0; pROption = (PPP_OPTION* )((BYTE* )pROption + pROption->Length); } if ( !fIpCompressionOk || !fIpaddrOk || ( !pwb->fServer && ( !fIpaddrDnsOk || !fIpaddrWinsOk || !fIpaddrDnsBackupOk || !fIpaddrWinsBackupOk))) { dwErr = ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; } TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpConfigAckReceived done(%d)",dwErr); return dwErr; } DWORD IpcpConfigNakReceived( IN VOID* pWorkBuf, IN PPP_CONFIG* pReceiveBuf ) /* Examines received configure-nak in 'pReceiveBuf'. See RasCp interface ** documentation. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; PPP_OPTION* pROption = (PPP_OPTION* )pReceiveBuf->Data; WORD cbPacket = WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ); WORD cbLeft = cbPacket - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpConfigNakReceived"); TraceIp("IPCP: Nak received..."); DUMPB(pReceiveBuf,(pReceiveBuf)?WireToHostFormat16(pReceiveBuf->Length):0); pwb->cRequestsWithoutResponse = 0; while (cbLeft > 0) { if (cbLeft < pROption->Length) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; if (pROption->Type == OPTION_IpCompression) { WORD wProtocol = WireToHostFormat16( pROption->Data ); if (wProtocol == COMPRESSION_VanJacobson) { /* He can send Van Jacobson but not with the slot parameters ** we suggested. */ if (pROption->Length != IPCOMPRESSIONOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; if (pROption->Data[ 2 ] <= MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive)) { /* We can accept his suggested MaxSlotID when it is less ** than or the same as what we can do. */ MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive) = pROption->Data[ 2 ]; } if (CompSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive)) { /* We can compress the slot-ID or not, so just accept ** whatever he wants to do. */ CompSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive) = pROption->Data[ 3 ]; } } } else if ( ( !pwb->fServer ) || ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) ) { switch (pROption->Type) { case OPTION_IpAddress: { IPADDR ipaddr; if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; CopyMemory( &ipaddr, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if (ipaddr == 0) { if (pwb->IpAddressLocal == 0) { /* Server naked us with zero when we asked it to ** assign us an address, meaning he doesn't know ** how to assign us an address but we can provide ** an alternate address if we want. Currently we ** don't support a backup address here. */ return ERROR_PPP_NO_ADDRESS_ASSIGNED; } else { /* Server naked us with zero when we asked for a ** specific address, meaning he doesn't know how ** to assign us an address but we can provide an ** alternate address if we want. Currently we ** don't support a backup address here. */ return ERROR_PPP_REQUIRED_ADDRESS_REJECTED; } } if (pwb->IpAddressLocal != 0) { /* We asked for a specific address (per user's ** instructions) but server says we can't have it and ** is trying to give us another. No good, tell user ** we can't get the address he requires. */ return ERROR_PPP_REQUIRED_ADDRESS_REJECTED; } /* Accept the address suggested by server. */ pwb->IpAddressLocal = ipaddr; break; } case OPTION_DnsIpAddress: { if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; // // Use this only if we asked for it // if ( !pwb->fIpaddrDnsRejected ) { /* Accept the DNS address suggested by server. */ CopyMemory( &pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddress, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); } break; } case OPTION_WinsIpAddress: { if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; // // Use this only if we asked for it // if ( !pwb->fIpaddrWinsRejected ) { /* Accept the WINS address suggested by server. */ CopyMemory( &pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddress, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); } break; } case OPTION_DnsBackupIpAddress: { if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; // // Use this only if we asked for it // if ( !pwb->fIpaddrDnsBackupRejected ) { /* Accept the DNS backup address suggested by server. */ CopyMemory( &pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddressBackup, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); } break; } case OPTION_WinsBackupIpAddress: { if (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; // // Use this only if we asked for it // if ( !pwb->fIpaddrWinsBackupRejected ) { /* Accept the WINS backup address suggested by server. */ CopyMemory( &pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddressBackup, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); } break; } default: TraceIp("IPCP: Unrequested option NAKed?"); break; } } if (pROption->Length && pROption->Length < cbLeft) cbLeft -= pROption->Length; else cbLeft = 0; pROption = (PPP_OPTION* )((BYTE* )pROption + pROption->Length); } return 0; } DWORD IpcpConfigRejReceived( IN VOID* pWorkBuf, IN PPP_CONFIG* pReceiveBuf ) /* Examines received configure-reject in 'pReceiveBuf'. See RasCp ** interface documentation. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; PPP_OPTION* pROption = (PPP_OPTION* )pReceiveBuf->Data; WORD cbPacket = WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ); WORD cbLeft = cbPacket - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpConfigRejReceived"); TraceIp("IPCP: Rej received..."); DUMPB(pReceiveBuf,(pReceiveBuf)?WireToHostFormat16(pReceiveBuf->Length):0); pwb->cRequestsWithoutResponse = 0; while (cbLeft > 0) { if (pROption->Type == OPTION_IpCompression) { TraceIp("IPCP: IP compression was rejected"); pwb->fIpCompressionRejected = TRUE; Protocol(pwb->rpcReceive) = 0; MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive) = 0; CompSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive) = 0; } else if ( ( pwb->fServer ) && ( pwb->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) ) { switch (pROption->Type) { case OPTION_IpAddress: { /* He can't handle a server address option. No problem, ** it's informational only. */ TraceIp("IPCP: Server IP address was rejected"); pwb->fIpaddrRejected = TRUE; break; } default: TraceIp("IPCP: Unrequested option rejected?"); break; } } else { switch (pROption->Type) { case OPTION_IpAddress: { TraceIp("IPCP: IP was rejected"); if (pwb->IpAddressLocal != 0) { /* We accept rejection of the IP address if we know ** what address we want to use and use it anyway. ** Some router implementations require a ** certain IP address but can't handle this option to ** confirm that. */ pwb->fIpaddrRejected = TRUE; break; } if ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) { pwb->fUnnumbered = TRUE; break; } else if (pwb->fTryWithoutExtensions) { /* He doesn't know how to give us an IP address, but ** we can't accept no for an answer. Have to bail. */ return ERROR_PPP_NO_ADDRESS_ASSIGNED; } else { /* When we request that server assign us an address, ** this is a required option. If it's rejected assume ** all the Microsoft extension options were rejected ** and try again. Other vendors will not test this ** case explicitly and may have bugs in their reject ** code. */ TraceIp("IPCP: Tossing MS options (no address)"); pwb->fTryWithoutExtensions = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrDnsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrWinsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrDnsBackupRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrWinsBackupRejected = TRUE; return 0; } } case OPTION_DnsIpAddress: { /* He doesn't know how to give us a DNS address, but we ** can live with that. */ TraceIp("IPCP: DNS was rejected"); pwb->fIpaddrDnsRejected = TRUE; break; } case OPTION_WinsIpAddress: { /* He doesn't know how to give us a WINS address, but we ** can live with that. */ TraceIp("IPCP: WINS was rejected"); pwb->fIpaddrWinsRejected = TRUE; break; } case OPTION_DnsBackupIpAddress: { /* He doesn't know how to give us a backup DNS address, ** but we can live with that. */ TraceIp("IPCP: DNS backup was rejected"); pwb->fIpaddrDnsBackupRejected = TRUE; break; } case OPTION_WinsBackupIpAddress: { /* He doesn't know how to give us a backup WINS address, ** but we can live with that. */ TraceIp("IPCP: WINS backup was rejected"); pwb->fIpaddrWinsBackupRejected = TRUE; break; } default: TraceIp("IPCP: Unrequested option rejected?"); break; } } if (pROption->Length && pROption->Length <= cbLeft) cbLeft -= pROption->Length; else { if (pwb->fTryWithoutExtensions) cbLeft = 0; else { /* If an invalid packet is detected, assume all the Microsoft ** extension options were rejected and try again. Other ** vendors will not test this case explicitly and may have ** bugs in their reject code. */ TraceIp("IPCP: Tossing MS options (length)"); pwb->fTryWithoutExtensions = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrDnsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrWinsRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrDnsBackupRejected = TRUE; pwb->fIpaddrWinsBackupRejected = TRUE; return 0; } } pROption = (PPP_OPTION* )((BYTE* )pROption + pROption->Length); } return 0; } DWORD IpcpGetNegotiatedInfo( IN VOID* pWorkBuf, OUT PPP_IPCP_RESULT * pIpCpResult ) /* Returns the negotiated IP address in string form followed by the ** server's IP address, if known. The two addresses are null-terminated ** strings in back to back 15 + 1 character arrays. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. "No address ** active" is considered successful, and an empty address string is ** returned. */ { IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpGetNetworkAddress..."); if (pwb->fRasConfigActive || pwb->fExpectingProjection) { pIpCpResult->fSendVJHCompression = Protocol(pwb->rpcSend); pIpCpResult->fReceiveVJHCompression = Protocol(pwb->rpcReceive); pIpCpResult->dwLocalAddress = pwb->IpAddressLocal; pIpCpResult->dwLocalWINSAddress = pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddress; pIpCpResult->dwLocalWINSBackupAddress = pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddressBackup; pIpCpResult->dwLocalDNSAddress = pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddress; pIpCpResult->dwLocalDNSBackupAddress = pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddressBackup; pIpCpResult->dwRemoteAddress = pwb->IpAddressRemote; pIpCpResult->dwRemoteWINSAddress = pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboWINSAddress; pIpCpResult->dwRemoteWINSBackupAddress = pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboWINSAddressBackup; pIpCpResult->dwRemoteDNSAddress = pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboDNSAddress; pIpCpResult->dwRemoteDNSBackupAddress = pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboDNSAddressBackup; } TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpGetNetworkAddress done"); return 0; } DWORD IpcpDhcpInform( IN IPCPWB* pwb, IN PPP_DHCP_INFORM* pDhcpInform) { TCPIP_INFO* ptcpip = NULL; IPADDR nboMask; IPADDR nboIpAddr; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwDomainNameSize; size_t size; DWORD dwIndex; // Get current TCPIP setup info from registry. TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform:LoadTcpipInfo(Device=%ws)",pDhcpInform->wszDevice); dwErr = LoadTcpipInfo( &ptcpip, pDhcpInform->wszDevice, FALSE /* fAdapterOnly */ ); TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform:LoadTcpipInfo done(%d)",dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) { goto LDone; } TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: Old Dns=%ws", ptcpip->wszDNSNameServers ? ptcpip->wszDNSNameServers : L""); for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < pDhcpInform->dwNumDNSAddresses; dwIndex++) { dwErr = PrependDwIpAddress( &ptcpip->wszDNSNameServers, pDhcpInform->pdwDNSAddresses[dwIndex]); if (dwErr) { TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: PrependDwIpAddress done(%d)",dwErr); goto LDone; } } TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: New Dns=%ws", ptcpip->wszDNSNameServers ? ptcpip->wszDNSNameServers : L""); if (pDhcpInform->dwWINSAddress1) { PrintMwsz("IpcpDhcpInform: Old Wins=", ptcpip->mwszNetBIOSNameServers); if (pDhcpInform->dwWINSAddress2) { dwErr = PrependDwIpAddressToMwsz( &ptcpip->mwszNetBIOSNameServers, pDhcpInform->dwWINSAddress2); if (dwErr) { TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: PrependDwIpAddress done(%d)",dwErr); goto LDone; } } dwErr = PrependDwIpAddressToMwsz( &ptcpip->mwszNetBIOSNameServers, pDhcpInform->dwWINSAddress1); if (dwErr) { TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: PrependDwIpAddress done(%d)",dwErr); goto LDone; } PrintMwsz("IpcpDhcpInform: New Wins=", ptcpip->mwszNetBIOSNameServers); } if (pDhcpInform->szDomainName) { dwDomainNameSize = strlen(pDhcpInform->szDomainName) + 1; LocalFree(ptcpip->wszDNSDomainName); ptcpip->wszDNSDomainName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * dwDomainNameSize); if (NULL == ptcpip->wszDNSDomainName) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: LocalAlloc done(%d)", dwErr); goto LDone; } if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pDhcpInform->szDomainName, -1, ptcpip->wszDNSDomainName, dwDomainNameSize ) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: Error %d converting domain name %s", dwErr, pDhcpInform->szDomainName); goto LDone; } } ptcpip->fDisableNetBIOSoverTcpip = pwb->fDisableNetbt; // Set TCPIP setup info in registry and release the buffer. TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: SaveTcpipInfo..."); dwErr = SaveTcpipInfo( ptcpip ); TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: SaveTcpipInfo done(%d)",dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) { goto LDone; } dwErr = ReconfigureTcpip(pDhcpInform->wszDevice, FALSE, 0, 0); if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { TraceIp("IpcpDhcpInform: ReconfigureTcpip=%d",dwErr); goto LDone; } nboIpAddr = pwb->IpAddressLocal; if ( !pwb->fPrioritizeRemote ) { // We have added this route only if there is // no default route and so remove it if // there is no default route // Remove the old route with the guessed mask nboMask = RasTcpDeriveMask(nboIpAddr); if (nboMask != 0) { RasTcpSetRoute( nboIpAddr & nboMask, nboIpAddr, nboMask, nboIpAddr, FALSE, 1, TRUE); } } // Add the new route with the precise mask nboMask = pDhcpInform->dwSubnetMask; if (nboMask != 0) { RasTcpSetRoute( nboIpAddr & nboMask, nboIpAddr, nboMask, nboIpAddr, TRUE, 1, TRUE); } pwb->dwNumDNSAddresses = pDhcpInform->dwNumDNSAddresses; pwb->pdwDNSAddresses = pDhcpInform->pdwDNSAddresses; if ( pDhcpInform->pbDhcpRoutes ) { //Parse the dhcp routes and plumb ths stack RasTcpSetDhcpRoutes ( pDhcpInform->pbDhcpRoutes, pwb->IpAddressLocal, TRUE ); pwb->pbDhcpRoutes = pDhcpInform->pbDhcpRoutes; } LDone: FreeTcpipInfo(&ptcpip); return(dwErr); } DWORD ResetNetBTConfigInfo( IN IPCPWB* pwb ) /* ** Will reset all the NetBT information in the registry to 0 */ { TCPIP_INFO* ptcpip = NULL; DWORD dwErr; /* Get current TCPIP setup info from registry. */ TraceIp("IPCP: LoadTcpipInfo..."); dwErr = LoadTcpipInfo( &ptcpip, pwb->pwszDevice, TRUE /* fAdapterOnly */ ); TraceIp("IPCP: LoadTcpipInfo done(%d)",dwErr); if (dwErr) { goto LDone; } ptcpip->fChanged = TRUE ; /* Set TCPIP setup info in registry and release the buffer. */ TraceIp("IPCP: SaveTcpipInfo..."); dwErr = SaveTcpipInfo( ptcpip ); TraceIp("IPCP: SaveTcpipInfo done(%d)",dwErr); LDone: FreeTcpipInfo( &ptcpip ); pwb->dwNumDNSAddresses = 0; LocalFree(pwb->pdwDNSAddresses); pwb->pdwDNSAddresses = NULL; return( dwErr ); } VOID DhcpInform( PVOID pContext ) { IPCP_DHCP_INFORM* pIpcpDhcpInform = (IPCP_DHCP_INFORM*)pContext; PPPE_MESSAGE PppMessage; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwCurOffset; DWORD dwDomainNameSize; DWORD dwNumDNSAddresses = 0; IPADDR* pnboDNSAddresses = NULL; IPADDR nboWINSAddress1 = 0; IPADDR nboWINSAddress2 = 0; IPADDR nboSubnetMask = 0; CHAR* szDomainName = NULL; // // Route Information obtained from DHCP option 133 // PBYTE pbRouteInfo = NULL; DWORD dwErr; BOOL fFree = TRUE; BOOL fSendMessage = FALSE; int i; DHCPCAPI_PARAMS DhcpRequestedOptions[6] = { { 0, OPTION_DNS_NAME_SERVERS, FALSE, NULL, 0 }, { 0, OPTION_NETBIOS_NAME_SERVERS, FALSE, NULL, 0 }, { 0, OPTION_VENDOR_SPEC_INFO, FALSE, NULL, 0 }, { 0, OPTION_SUBNET_MASK, FALSE, NULL, 0 }, { 0, OPTION_VENDOR_ROUTE_PLUMB, FALSE, NULL, 0 }, { 0, OPTION_DNS_DOMAIN_NAME, FALSE, NULL, 0 } }; DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY DhcpRequestedOptionsArray = { 5, DhcpRequestedOptions }; DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY DhcpSendOptionsArray = { 0, NULL }; PBYTE pRequestBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwBufferSize = 2048; DHCPCAPI_PARAMS *pParam; if(pIpcpDhcpInform->fUseDhcpInformDomainName) { DhcpRequestedOptionsArray.nParams = 6; } // // Allocate a 2k buffer upfront and pass it to the // api. Loop allocating if buffer is not big enough. // pRequestBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwBufferSize); if(NULL == pRequestBuffer) { TraceIp("DhcpInform:LocalAlloc=%d", GetLastError()); goto LDhcpInformEnd; } TraceIp("DhcpRequestParams(%ws)...", pIpcpDhcpInform->wszDevice); do { dwErr = PDhcpRequestParams( DHCPCAPI_REQUEST_SYNCHRONOUS, NULL, pIpcpDhcpInform->wszDevice, NULL, DhcpSendOptionsArray, DhcpRequestedOptionsArray, pRequestBuffer, &dwBufferSize, NULL); if(ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwErr) { LocalFree(pRequestBuffer); pRequestBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwBufferSize); if(NULL == pRequestBuffer) { dwErr = GetLastError(); } } } while(ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwErr); TraceIp("DhcpRequestParams done(%d)", dwErr); if(NO_ERROR != dwErr) { goto LDhcpInformEnd; } // // DhcpRequestParams fills in all the available parameters // and leaves the other parameters alone. Since the // parameters are NULL initialized, its fine to quit the // for loop when we get the first parameter with NULL data // or 0 nBytesData. This is per DHCP dev - information is not // correct in msdn. // for(dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < DhcpRequestedOptionsArray.nParams; dwIndex++) { pParam = &DhcpRequestedOptions[dwIndex]; switch(pParam->OptionId) { case OPTION_DNS_DOMAIN_NAME: dwDomainNameSize = pParam->nBytesData; if(0 == dwDomainNameSize) { goto LDhcpInformEnd; } if(NULL != szDomainName) { LocalFree(szDomainName); } szDomainName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwDomainNameSize + 1); if(NULL == szDomainName) { fSendMessage = FALSE; TraceIp("DhcpInform: LocalAlloc=%d", GetLastError()); goto LDhcpInformEnd; } CopyMemory(szDomainName, pParam->Data, pParam->nBytesData); fSendMessage = TRUE; TraceIp("DhcpInform: DOMAIN_NAME %s", szDomainName); break; case OPTION_DNS_NAME_SERVERS: if( 0 == pParam->nBytesData) { goto LDhcpInformEnd; } if(0 != (pParam->nBytesData % 4)) { TraceIp("Invalid DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS size %d", pParam->nBytesData); fSendMessage = FALSE; goto LDhcpInformEnd; } if(NULL != pnboDNSAddresses) { LocalFree(pnboDNSAddresses); dwNumDNSAddresses = 0; } pnboDNSAddresses = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(IPADDR) * pParam->nBytesData / 4); if(NULL == pnboDNSAddresses) { fSendMessage = FALSE; TraceIp("DhcpInform: LocalAlloc=%d', GetLastError()"); goto LDhcpInformEnd; } for(dwCurOffset = 0; dwCurOffset < pParam->nBytesData; dwCurOffset += 4, dwNumDNSAddresses++) { pnboDNSAddresses[dwNumDNSAddresses] = (pParam->Data[dwCurOffset]) + (pParam->Data[dwCurOffset + 1] << 8) + (pParam->Data[dwCurOffset + 2] << 16) + (pParam->Data[dwCurOffset + 3] << 24); TraceIp("DhcpInform: DOMAIN_NAME_SERVER 0x%x", pnboDNSAddresses[dwNumDNSAddresses]); fSendMessage = TRUE; } RTASSERT((pParam->nBytesData / 4) == dwNumDNSAddresses); break; case OPTION_NETBIOS_NAME_SERVERS: if(0 == pParam->nBytesData) { goto LDhcpInformEnd; } if(0 != (pParam->nBytesData % 4)) { fSendMessage = FALSE; TraceIp("Invalid NETBIOS_NAME_SERVER size %d", pParam->nBytesData); goto LDhcpInformEnd; } dwCurOffset = 0; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { IPADDR *paddr; if(0 == i) { paddr = &nboWINSAddress1; } else { paddr = &nboWINSAddress2; } *paddr = (pParam->Data[dwCurOffset]) + (pParam->Data[dwCurOffset + 1] << 8) + (pParam->Data[dwCurOffset + 2] << 16) + (pParam->Data[dwCurOffset + 3] << 24); TraceIp("DhcpInform: NETBIOS_NAME_SERVER 0x%x", *paddr); fSendMessage = TRUE; dwCurOffset += 4; if(dwCurOffset == pParam->nBytesData) { break; } } break; case OPTION_SUBNET_MASK: if(0 == pParam->nBytesData) { goto LDhcpInformEnd; } if(0 != (pParam->nBytesData % 4)) { fSendMessage = FALSE; TraceIp("Invalid OPTION_SUBNET_MASK size %d", pParam->nBytesData); goto LDhcpInformEnd; } nboSubnetMask = pParam->Data[0] + (pParam->Data[1] << 8) + (pParam->Data[2] << 16) + (pParam->Data[3] << 24); TraceIp("DhcpInform: OPTION_SUBNET_MASK 0x%x", nboSubnetMask); fSendMessage = TRUE; break; case OPTION_VENDOR_ROUTE_PLUMB: if(0 == pParam->nBytesData) { goto LDhcpInformEnd; } // // This option should be at least 5 bytes in length. // if(pParam->nBytesData < 5) { fSendMessage = FALSE; TraceIp("Invalid OPTION_VENDOR_ROUTE_PLUMB size %d", pParam->nBytesData); goto LDhcpInformEnd; } TraceIp("DhcpInform: OPTION_VENDOR_ROUTE_PLUMB Code " "Len 0x%x", pParam->nBytesData); pbRouteInfo = LocalAlloc(LPTR, pParam->nBytesData + sizeof(DWORD)); if(NULL == pbRouteInfo) { fSendMessage = FALSE; TraceIp("DhcpInform: LocalAlloc=%d", GetLastError()); goto LDhcpInformEnd; } CopyMemory(pbRouteInfo + sizeof(DWORD), pParam->Data, pParam->nBytesData); *((DWORD *) pbRouteInfo) = pParam->nBytesData; fSendMessage = TRUE; break; default: break; } } LDhcpInformEnd: if (fSendMessage) { PppMessage.dwMsgId = PPPEMSG_DhcpInform; PppMessage.hConnection = pIpcpDhcpInform->hConnection; PppMessage.ExtraInfo.DhcpInform.wszDevice = pIpcpDhcpInform->wszDevice; PppMessage.ExtraInfo.DhcpInform.dwNumDNSAddresses = dwNumDNSAddresses; PppMessage.ExtraInfo.DhcpInform.pdwDNSAddresses = pnboDNSAddresses; PppMessage.ExtraInfo.DhcpInform.dwWINSAddress1 = nboWINSAddress1; PppMessage.ExtraInfo.DhcpInform.dwWINSAddress2 = nboWINSAddress2; PppMessage.ExtraInfo.DhcpInform.dwSubnetMask = nboSubnetMask; PppMessage.ExtraInfo.DhcpInform.szDomainName = szDomainName; PppMessage.ExtraInfo.DhcpInform.pbDhcpRoutes = pbRouteInfo; dwErr = SendPPPMessageToEngine(&PppMessage); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { TraceIp("DhcpInform: SendPPPMessageToEngine=%d",dwErr); goto LDhcpInformEnd; } fFree = FALSE; } if (fFree) { LocalFree(pIpcpDhcpInform->wszDevice); LocalFree(pnboDNSAddresses); LocalFree(szDomainName); LocalFree(pbRouteInfo); } if(NULL != pRequestBuffer) { LocalFree(pRequestBuffer); } LocalFree(pIpcpDhcpInform); } DWORD IpcpProjectionNotification( IN VOID* pWorkBuf, IN VOID* pProjectionResult ) /* Called when projection result of all CPs is known. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { DWORD dwErr = 0; IPCPWB* pwb = (IPCPWB* )pWorkBuf; BOOL fSetDefaultRoute = FALSE; TraceIp("IPCP: IpcpProjectionNotification"); if (pwb->fExpectingProjection) { CHAR szBuf[sizeof(PROTOCOL_CONFIG_INFO) + sizeof(IP_WAN_LINKUP_INFO)]; PROTOCOL_CONFIG_INFO* pProtocol = (PROTOCOL_CONFIG_INFO* )szBuf; IP_WAN_LINKUP_INFO UNALIGNED *pLinkUp = (PIP_WAN_LINKUP_INFO)pProtocol->P_Info; PPP_PROJECTION_RESULT* p = (PPP_PROJECTION_RESULT* )pProjectionResult; /* Activate the route between the TCP/IP stack and the RAS MAC. */ pProtocol->P_Length = sizeof(IP_WAN_LINKUP_INFO); pLinkUp->duUsage = ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) ? DU_ROUTER : (pwb->fServer) ? DU_CALLIN : DU_CALLOUT; pLinkUp->dwUserIfIndex = HandleToULong(pwb->hIPInterface); pLinkUp->dwLocalMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; pLinkUp->dwLocalAddr = pwb->IpAddressLocal; pLinkUp->dwRemoteAddr = pwb->IpAddressRemote; pLinkUp->fFilterNetBios = (pwb->fServer && p->nbf.dwError == 0); pLinkUp->fDefaultRoute = pwb->fPrioritizeRemote; TraceIp("IPCP: RasActivateRoute(u=%x,a=%x,nf=%d)...", pLinkUp->duUsage,pLinkUp->dwLocalAddr, pLinkUp->fFilterNetBios); TraceIp("IPCP: RasActivateRoute ICB# == %d", pLinkUp->dwUserIfIndex); dwErr = RasActivateRoute(pwb->hport,IP,&pwb->routeinfo,pProtocol); TraceIp("IPCP: RasActivateRoute done(%d)",dwErr); if ( dwErr == 0 ) { pwb->fRouteActivated = TRUE; /* Find the device name within the adapter name, e.g. ndiswan00. ** This is used to identify adapters in the TcpipInfo calls later. */ pwb->pwszDevice = wcschr(&pwb->routeinfo.RI_AdapterName[1], L'\\'); if ( !pwb->pwszDevice ) { TraceIp("IPCP: No device?"); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { ++pwb->pwszDevice; } } // // If we are a client or a router dialing in or out we need to plumb // the registry. // if ( ( dwErr == 0 ) && ((!pwb->fServer) || (pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER))) { do { TCPIP_INFO* ptcpip; /* Get current TCPIP setup info from registry. */ TraceIp("IPCP:LoadTcpipInfo(Device=%ws)",pwb->pwszDevice); dwErr = LoadTcpipInfo( &ptcpip, pwb->pwszDevice, TRUE /* fAdapterOnly */ ); TraceIp("IPCP: LoadTcpipInfo done(%d)",dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) break; // // We first save the IP address and call // DhcpNotifyConfigChange, then set WINS/DNS and call // DhcpNotifyConfigChange to work around Windows 2000 bug // 381884. // AbcdWszFromIpAddress(pwb->IpAddressLocal, ptcpip->wszIPAddress); AbcdWszFromIpAddress(pLinkUp->dwLocalMask, ptcpip->wszSubnetMask); ptcpip->fDisableNetBIOSoverTcpip = pwb->fDisableNetbt; ptcpip->fChanged = TRUE ; TraceIp("IPCP: SaveTcpipInfo..."); dwErr = SaveTcpipInfo( ptcpip ); TraceIp("IPCP: SaveTcpipInfo done(%d)",dwErr); if (dwErr) { ResetNetBTConfigInfo( pwb ); FreeTcpipInfo( &ptcpip ); break; } #if 0 if (!pwb->fUnnumbered) { /* Tell TCPIP components to reconfigure themselves. */ if ((dwErr = ReconfigureTcpip(pwb->pwszDevice, TRUE, pwb->IpAddressLocal, pLinkUp->dwLocalMask)) != NO_ERROR) { TraceIp("IPCP: ReconfigureTcpip=%d",dwErr); ResetNetBTConfigInfo( pwb ); FreeTcpipInfo( &ptcpip ); break; } } #endif /* Make the LAN the default interface in multi-homed case. */ if(pLinkUp->duUsage != DU_ROUTER) { BOOL fAddRoute = TRUE; RASMAN_INFO *pInfo = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(RASMAN_INFO)); if(NULL != pInfo) { dwErr = RasGetInfo(NULL, pwb->hport, pInfo); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { TraceIp("IPCP: HelperSetDefaultInterfaceNet, RasGetInfo " "failed 0x%x", dwErr); } if(RAS_DEVICE_CLASS(pInfo->RI_rdtDeviceType) == RDT_Tunnel) { fAddRoute = FALSE; } LocalFree(pInfo); } // // Do the change metric and add subnet route stuff // for non router cases only // TraceIp("IPCP: HelperSetDefaultInterfaceNet(a=%08x,f=%d)", pwb->IpAddressLocal,pwb->fPrioritizeRemote); dwErr = HelperSetDefaultInterfaceNet( pwb->IpAddressLocal, (fAddRoute) ? pwb->IpAddressRemote : 0, pwb->fPrioritizeRemote, pwb->pwszDevice); TraceIp("IPCP: HelperSetDefaultInterfaceNet done(%d)", dwErr); if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { // ResetNetBTConfigInfo( pwb ); // FreeTcpipInfo( &ptcpip ); break; } fSetDefaultRoute = TRUE; } #if 0 /* Get current TCPIP setup info from registry. */ TraceIp("IPCP:LoadTcpipInfo(Device=%ws)",pwb->pwszDevice); dwErr = LoadTcpipInfo( &ptcpip, pwb->pwszDevice, TRUE /* fAdapterOnly */ ); TraceIp("IPCP: LoadTcpipInfo done(%d)",dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) break; AbcdWszFromIpAddress(pwb->IpAddressLocal, ptcpip->wszIPAddress); AbcdWszFromIpAddress(pLinkUp->dwLocalMask, ptcpip->wszSubnetMask); #endif ptcpip->fChanged = FALSE ; /* Add the negotiated DNS and backup DNS server (if any) ** at the head of the list of DNS servers. (Backup is ** done first so the the non-backup will wind up first) */ if (pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddressBackup) { dwErr = PrependDwIpAddress( &ptcpip->wszDNSNameServers, pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddressBackup ); if (dwErr) { FreeTcpipInfo( &ptcpip ); break; } } if (pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddress) { dwErr = PrependDwIpAddress( &ptcpip->wszDNSNameServers, pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboDNSAddress ); if (dwErr) { FreeTcpipInfo( &ptcpip ); break; } } TraceIp("IPCP: New Dns=%ws", ptcpip->wszDNSNameServers ? ptcpip->wszDNSNameServers : L""); if (!pwb->fRegisterWithWINS) { // Ignore the WINS server addresses. If we save them, then // registration will happen automatically. } else { /* Set the WINS and backup WINS server addresses to ** the negotiated addresses (if any). */ if (pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddressBackup) { dwErr = PrependDwIpAddressToMwsz( &ptcpip->mwszNetBIOSNameServers, pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddressBackup ); if (dwErr) { FreeTcpipInfo( &ptcpip ); break; } } if (pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddress) { dwErr = PrependDwIpAddressToMwsz( &ptcpip->mwszNetBIOSNameServers, pwb->IpInfoLocal.nboWINSAddress ); if (dwErr) { FreeTcpipInfo( &ptcpip ); break; } } PrintMwsz("IPCP: New Wins=", ptcpip->mwszNetBIOSNameServers); } // The DNS API's are called in rasSrvrInitAdapterName also. if (pwb->fRegisterWithDNS) { DnsEnableDynamicRegistration(pwb->pwszDevice); TraceIp("DnsEnableDynamicRegistration"); } else { DnsDisableDynamicRegistration(pwb->pwszDevice); TraceIp("DnsDisableDynamicRegistration"); } if (pwb->fRegisterAdapterDomainName) { DnsEnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration(pwb->pwszDevice); TraceIp("DnsEnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration"); } else { DnsDisableAdapterDomainNameRegistration(pwb->pwszDevice); TraceIp("DnsDisableAdapterDomainNameRegistration"); } if (pwb->szDnsSuffix[0] != 0) { DWORD dwDomainNameSize; dwDomainNameSize = strlen(pwb->szDnsSuffix) + 1; ptcpip->wszDNSDomainName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * dwDomainNameSize); if (NULL != ptcpip->wszDNSDomainName) { MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pwb->szDnsSuffix, -1, ptcpip->wszDNSDomainName, dwDomainNameSize ); } } TraceIp("IPCP: SaveTcpipInfo..."); dwErr = SaveTcpipInfo( ptcpip ); TraceIp("IPCP: SaveTcpipInfo done(%d)",dwErr); FreeTcpipInfo( &ptcpip ); if (dwErr != 0) { break; } if (!pwb->fUnnumbered) { /* Tell TCPIP components to reconfigure themselves. */ if ((dwErr = ReconfigureTcpip(pwb->pwszDevice, TRUE, pwb->IpAddressLocal, pLinkUp->dwLocalMask)) != NO_ERROR) { TraceIp("IPCP: ReconfigureTcpip=%d",dwErr); // This will fail if the dhcp client is not running. // dwErr = NO_ERROR; ResetNetBTConfigInfo( pwb ); break; } } /* Adjust the metric for Multicast class D Addresses */ if ( (!pwb->fServer) ) { dwErr = RasTcpAdjustMulticastRouteMetric ( pwb->IpAddressLocal, TRUE ); if ( NO_ERROR != dwErr ) { TraceIp("IPCP: =RasTcpAdjustMulticastRouteMetric%d",dwErr); dwErr = NO_ERROR; } } /* Do DHCPINFORM only for clients */ while ((!pwb->fServer) && (pwb->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER)) { IPCP_DHCP_INFORM* pIpcpDhcpInform = NULL; BOOL fErr = TRUE; pIpcpDhcpInform = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(IPCP_DHCP_INFORM)); if (NULL == pIpcpDhcpInform) { TraceIp("IPCP: LocalAlloc 1 =%d",GetLastError()); goto LWhileEnd; } pIpcpDhcpInform->fUseDhcpInformDomainName = (pwb->szDnsSuffix[0] == 0); pIpcpDhcpInform->wszDevice = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pwb->pwszDevice) + 1)); if (NULL == pIpcpDhcpInform->wszDevice) { TraceIp("IPCP: LocalAlloc 2 =%d",GetLastError()); goto LWhileEnd; } wcscpy(pIpcpDhcpInform->wszDevice, pwb->pwszDevice); pIpcpDhcpInform->hConnection = pwb->hConnection; dwErr = RtlQueueWorkItem(DhcpInform, pIpcpDhcpInform, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION); if (dwErr != STATUS_SUCCESS) { TraceIp("IPCP: RtlQueueWorkItem=%d",dwErr); goto LWhileEnd; } fErr = FALSE; LWhileEnd: if (fErr) { if (pIpcpDhcpInform) { LocalFree(pIpcpDhcpInform->wszDevice); } LocalFree(pIpcpDhcpInform); } break; } } while (FALSE); } if (dwErr == 0) { pwb->fRasConfigActive = TRUE; /* Tell MAC about any negotiated compression parameters. */ if (pwb->fIpCompressionRejected) { Protocol(pwb->rpcReceive) = NO_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION; MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive) = 0; CompSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive) = 0; } if (!pwb->fSendCompression) { Protocol(pwb->rpcSend) = NO_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION; MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcSend) = 0; CompSlotId(pwb->rpcSend) = 0; } //if (Protocol(pwb->rpcSend) != 0 || Protocol(pwb->rpcReceive) != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP:RasPortSetProtocolCompression(s=%d,%d r=%d,%d)", (int)MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcSend),(int)CompSlotId(pwb->rpcSend), (int)MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive), (int)CompSlotId(pwb->rpcReceive)); dwErr = RasPortSetProtocolCompression( pwb->hport, IP, &pwb->rpcSend, &pwb->rpcReceive ); TraceIp("IPCP: RasPortSetProtocolCompression done(%d)",dwErr); } if ( ( ( pwb->fServer ) || ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) ) && ( pwb->IpAddressRemote != 0 )) { WCHAR* pwsz[5]; WCHAR wszIPAddress[MAXIPSTRLEN + 1]; WCHAR wszSubnet[MAXIPSTRLEN + 1]; WCHAR wszMask[MAXIPSTRLEN + 1]; /* Register addresses in server's routing tables. */ TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrActivateIp..."); dwErr = RasSrvrActivateIp( pwb->IpAddressRemote, pLinkUp->duUsage ); TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrActivateIp done(%d)",dwErr); } if ( pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) { WCHAR* pwsz[2]; if ( pwb->IpAddressRemote == 0 ) { pwsz[0] = pwb->wszPortName; pwsz[1] = pwb->wszUserName; LogEventW(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, ROUTERLOG_REMOTE_UNNUMBERED_IPCP, 2, pwsz); } if ( pwb->IpAddressLocal == 0 ) { pwsz[0] = pwb->wszPortName; pwsz[1] = pwb->wszUserName; LogEventW(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, ROUTERLOG_LOCAL_UNNUMBERED_IPCP, 2, pwsz); } } } pwb->fExpectingProjection = FALSE; if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { if(pwb->fRouteActivated) { TraceIp("IPCP: RasDeAllocateRoute..."); RasDeAllocateRoute( pwb->hConnection, IP ); pwb->fRouteActivated = FALSE; } if(fSetDefaultRoute) { HelperResetDefaultInterfaceNet( pwb->IpAddressLocal, pwb->fPrioritizeRemote); } } } return dwErr; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Internal routines (alphabetically) **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID AddIpAddressOption( OUT BYTE UNALIGNED* pbBuf, IN BYTE bOption, IN IPADDR ipaddr ) /* Write an IP address 'ipaddr' configuration option of type 'bOption' at ** location 'pbBuf'. */ { *pbBuf++ = bOption; *pbBuf++ = IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN; *((IPADDR UNALIGNED* )pbBuf) = ipaddr; } VOID AddIpCompressionOption( OUT BYTE UNALIGNED* pbBuf, IN RAS_PROTOCOLCOMPRESSION* prpc ) /* Write an IP compression protocol configuration as described in '*prpc' ** at location 'pbBuf'. */ { *pbBuf++ = OPTION_IpCompression; *pbBuf++ = IPCOMPRESSIONOPTIONLEN; HostToWireFormat16U( Protocol(*prpc), pbBuf ); pbBuf += 2; *pbBuf++ = MaxSlotId(*prpc); *pbBuf = CompSlotId(*prpc); } /* Notes: DeActivates the active RAS configuration, if any. */ DWORD DeActivateRasConfig( IN IPCPWB* pwb ) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; if (!pwb->fRasConfigActive) { goto LDone; } TraceIp("DeActivateRasConfig"); dwErr = ResetNetBTConfigInfo(pwb); if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { goto LDone; } /* Adjust the metric for Multicast class D Addresses */ if ( (!pwb->fServer) ) { RasTcpAdjustMulticastRouteMetric ( pwb->IpAddressLocal, FALSE ); //The route will be automatically removed when the interface disapperars } dwErr = ReconfigureTcpip(pwb->pwszDevice, TRUE, 0, 0); if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { // Ignore errors. You may get a 15 here. dwErr = NO_ERROR; } if (pwb->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER) { TraceIp("HelperResetDefaultInterfaceNet(0x%x, %sPrioritizeRemote)", pwb->IpAddressLocal, pwb->fPrioritizeRemote ? "" : "!"); dwErr = HelperResetDefaultInterfaceNet( pwb->IpAddressLocal, pwb->fPrioritizeRemote); if (NO_ERROR != dwErr) { TraceIp("HelperResetDefaultInterfaceNet failed and returned %d", dwErr); } } LDone: return(dwErr); } DWORD NakCheck( IN IPCPWB* pwb, IN PPP_CONFIG* pReceiveBuf, OUT PPP_CONFIG* pSendBuf, IN DWORD cbSendBuf, OUT BOOL* pfNak, IN BOOL fRejectNaks ) /* Check to see if received packet 'pReceiveBuf' should be Naked and if ** so, build a Nak packet with suggested values in 'pSendBuf'. If ** 'fRejectNaks' is set the original options are placed in a Reject packet ** instead. '*pfNak' is set true if either a Nak or Rej packet was ** created. ** ** Note: This routine assumes that corrupt packets have already been ** weeded out. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* pROption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )pReceiveBuf->Data; PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )pSendBuf->Data; /* (server only) The address the client requests, then if NAKed, the non-0 ** address we NAK with. If this is 0 after the packet has been processed, ** the IP-Address option was not negotiated. */ IPADDR ipaddrClient = 0; DWORD dwErr = 0; WORD cbPacket = WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ); WORD cbLeft = cbPacket - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; TraceIp("IPCP: NakCheck"); *pfNak = FALSE; while (cbLeft > 0) { RTASSERT(cbLeft>=pROption->Length); if (pROption->Type == OPTION_IpCompression) { BOOL fNakCompression = FALSE; if (WireToHostFormat16U(pROption->Data ) == COMPRESSION_VanJacobson) { RTASSERT((pROption->Length==IPCOMPRESSIONOPTIONLEN)); /* He wants to receive Van Jacobson. We know we can do it or ** it would have already been rejected, but make sure we can ** handle his slot parameters. */ if (pROption->Data[ 2 ] <= MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcSend)) { /* We can accept his suggested MaxSlotID when it is less ** than or the same as what we can send. */ MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcSend) = pROption->Data[ 2 ]; } else fNakCompression = TRUE; if (CompSlotId(pwb->rpcSend)) { /* We can compress the slot-ID or not, so just accept ** whatever he wants us to send. */ CompSlotId(pwb->rpcSend) = pROption->Data[ 3 ]; } else if (pROption->Data[ 3 ]) fNakCompression = TRUE; } else fNakCompression = TRUE; if (fNakCompression) { TraceIp("IPCP: Naking IP compression"); *pfNak = TRUE; if (fRejectNaks) { CopyMemory( (VOID* )pSOption, (VOID* )pROption, pROption->Length ); } else { pSOption->Type = OPTION_IpCompression; pSOption->Length = IPCOMPRESSIONOPTIONLEN; HostToWireFormat16U( (WORD )COMPRESSION_VanJacobson, pSOption->Data ); pSOption->Data[ 2 ] = MaxSlotId(pwb->rpcSend); pSOption->Data[ 3 ] = CompSlotId(pwb->rpcSend); pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pSOption + pSOption->Length); } pwb->fSendCompression = FALSE; } else { pwb->fSendCompression = TRUE; } } else if ((pwb->fServer) || (pwb->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER)) { switch (pROption->Type) { case OPTION_IpAddress: { RTASSERT(pROption->Length==IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN); CopyMemory( &ipaddrClient, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if (pwb->IpAddressRemote != 0) { if ( ipaddrClient == pwb->IpAddressRemote ) { // // If we have already allocated what the user // wants, we are done with this option. // break; } else if ( ipaddrClient == 0 ) { ipaddrClient = pwb->IpAddressRemote; *pfNak = TRUE; CopyMemory( (VOID* )pSOption, (VOID* )pROption, pROption->Length ); if (!fRejectNaks) { TraceIp("IPCP: Naking IP"); CopyMemory( pSOption->Data, &pwb->IpAddressRemote, sizeof(IPADDR) ); } pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pSOption + pROption->Length); break; } else { TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrReleaseAddress..."); RasSrvrReleaseAddress( pwb->IpAddressRemote, pwb->wszUserName, pwb->wszPortName, FALSE ); TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrReleaseAddress done"); pwb->IpAddressRemote = 0; } } // // If client is requesting an IP address, check to see // if we are allowed to give it to him. // if ( ( ipaddrClient != 0 ) && ( pwb->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) && ( pwb->IpAddressToHandout == net_long( 0xFFFFFFFE ) ) ) { TraceIp("IPCP: Clients not allowed to request IPaddr"); ipaddrClient = 0; } TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrAcquireAddress(%08x)...", ipaddrClient); dwErr = RasSrvrAcquireAddress( pwb->hport, ((pwb->IpAddressToHandout != net_long(0xFFFFFFFF))&& (pwb->IpAddressToHandout != net_long(0xFFFFFFFE))) ? pwb->IpAddressToHandout : ipaddrClient, &(pwb->IpAddressRemote), pwb->wszUserName, pwb->wszPortName ); TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrAcquireAddress done(%d)", dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) { return dwErr; } if (ipaddrClient != 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: Hard IP requested"); if ( ipaddrClient == pwb->IpAddressRemote ) { /* Good. Client's asking for the address we ** want to give him. */ TraceIp("IPCP: Accepting IP"); break; } else { // // Otherwise we could not give the user the // address he/she requested. Nak with this address. // TraceIp("IPCP: 3rd party DLL changed IP"); } } else { TraceIp("IPCP: Server IP requested"); } ipaddrClient = pwb->IpAddressRemote; *pfNak = TRUE; CopyMemory( (VOID* )pSOption, (VOID* )pROption, pROption->Length ); if (!fRejectNaks) { TraceIp("IPCP: Naking IP"); CopyMemory( pSOption->Data, &pwb->IpAddressRemote, sizeof(IPADDR) ); } pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pSOption + pROption->Length); break; } case OPTION_DnsIpAddress: case OPTION_WinsIpAddress: case OPTION_DnsBackupIpAddress: case OPTION_WinsBackupIpAddress: { if (NakCheckNameServerOption( pwb, fRejectNaks, pROption, &pSOption )) { *pfNak = TRUE; } break; } default: TraceIp("IPCP: Unknown option?"); break; } } if (pROption->Length && pROption->Length < cbLeft) cbLeft -= pROption->Length; else cbLeft = 0; pROption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pROption + pROption->Length); } if ( pwb->fServer && ( pwb->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) && ipaddrClient == 0 ) { /* ipaddrClient is 0 iff there is no OPTION_IpAddress */ TraceIp("IPCP: No IP option"); /* If client doesn't provide or asked to be assigned an IP address, ** suggest one so he'll tell us what he wants. */ if ( pwb->IpAddressRemote == 0 ) { TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrAcquireAddress(0)..."); dwErr = RasSrvrAcquireAddress( pwb->hport, 0, &(pwb->IpAddressRemote), pwb->wszUserName, pwb->wszPortName ); TraceIp("IPCP: RasSrvrAcquireAddress done(%d)",dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) return dwErr; } /* Time to reject instead of nak and client is still not requesting an ** IP address. We simply allocate an IP address and ACK this request */ if ( !fRejectNaks ) { AddIpAddressOption( (BYTE UNALIGNED* )pSOption, OPTION_IpAddress, pwb->IpAddressRemote ); pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pSOption + IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN); *pfNak = TRUE; } } if (*pfNak) { pSendBuf->Code = (fRejectNaks) ? CONFIG_REJ : CONFIG_NAK; HostToWireFormat16( (WORD )((BYTE* )pSOption - (BYTE* )pSendBuf), pSendBuf->Length ); } return 0; } BOOL NakCheckNameServerOption( IN IPCPWB* pwb, IN BOOL fRejectNaks, IN PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* pROption, OUT PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED** ppSOption ) /* Check a name server option for possible naking. 'pwb' the work buffer ** stored for us by the engine. 'fRejectNaks' is set the original options ** are placed in a Reject packet instead. 'pROption' is the address of ** the received option. '*ppSOption' is the address of the option to be ** sent, if there's a problem. ** ** Returns true if the name server address option should be naked or ** rejected, false if it's OK. */ { IPADDR ipaddr; IPADDR* pipaddrWant; switch (pROption->Type) { case OPTION_DnsIpAddress: pipaddrWant = &pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboDNSAddress; break; case OPTION_WinsIpAddress: pipaddrWant = &pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboWINSAddress; break; case OPTION_DnsBackupIpAddress: pipaddrWant = &pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboDNSAddressBackup; break; case OPTION_WinsBackupIpAddress: pipaddrWant = &pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboWINSAddressBackup; break; default: RTASSERT((!"Bogus option")); return FALSE; } RTASSERT(pROption->Length==IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN); CopyMemory( &ipaddr, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if (ipaddr == *pipaddrWant) { /* Good. Client's asking for the address we want to give him. */ return FALSE; } /* Not our expected address value, so Nak it. */ TraceIp("IPCP: Naking $%x",(int)pROption->Type); CopyMemory( (VOID* )*ppSOption, (VOID* )pROption, pROption->Length ); if (!fRejectNaks) CopyMemory( (*ppSOption)->Data, pipaddrWant, sizeof(IPADDR) ); *ppSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )*ppSOption + pROption->Length); return TRUE; } DWORD RejectCheck( IN IPCPWB* pwb, IN PPP_CONFIG* pReceiveBuf, OUT PPP_CONFIG* pSendBuf, IN DWORD cbSendBuf, OUT BOOL* pfReject ) /* Check received packet 'pReceiveBuf' options to see if any should be ** rejected and if so, build a Rej packet in 'pSendBuf'. '*pfReject' is ** set true if a Rej packet was created. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* pROption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )pReceiveBuf->Data; PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )pSendBuf->Data; WORD cbPacket = WireToHostFormat16( pReceiveBuf->Length ); WORD cbLeft = cbPacket - PPP_CONFIG_HDR_LEN; TraceIp("IPCP: RejectCheck"); *pfReject = FALSE; while (cbLeft > 0) { if (cbLeft < pROption->Length) return ERROR_PPP_INVALID_PACKET; if (pROption->Type == OPTION_IpCompression) { WORD wProtocol = WireToHostFormat16U(pROption->Data ); if (wProtocol != COMPRESSION_VanJacobson || pROption->Length != IPCOMPRESSIONOPTIONLEN || Protocol(pwb->rpcSend) == 0) { TraceIp("IPCP: Rejecting IP compression"); *pfReject = TRUE; CopyMemory( (VOID* )pSOption, (VOID* )pROption, pROption->Length ); pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pSOption + pROption->Length); } } else if (pwb->fServer) { // // This is a client/router dialing in // switch (pROption->Type) { case OPTION_IpAddress: case OPTION_DnsIpAddress: case OPTION_WinsIpAddress: case OPTION_DnsBackupIpAddress: case OPTION_WinsBackupIpAddress: { IPADDR ipaddr; BOOL fBadLength = (pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN); if (!fBadLength) CopyMemory( &ipaddr, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if (fBadLength || (!ipaddr && ((pROption->Type == OPTION_DnsIpAddress && !pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboDNSAddress) || (pROption->Type == OPTION_WinsIpAddress && !pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboWINSAddress) || (pROption->Type == OPTION_DnsBackupIpAddress && !pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboDNSAddressBackup) || (pROption->Type == OPTION_WinsBackupIpAddress && !pwb->IpInfoRemote.nboWINSAddressBackup)))) { /* messed up IP address option, reject it. */ TraceIp("IPCP: Rejecting $%x",(int )pROption->Type); *pfReject = TRUE; CopyMemory( (VOID* )pSOption, (VOID* )pROption, pROption->Length ); pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pSOption + pROption->Length); } break; } default: { /* Unknown option, reject it. */ TraceIp("IPCP: Rejecting $%x",(int )pROption->Type); *pfReject = TRUE; CopyMemory( (VOID* )pSOption, (VOID* )pROption, pROption->Length ); pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pSOption + pROption->Length); break; } } } else { // // This is a client/router dialing out // IPADDR ipaddr; BOOL fBad = (pROption->Type != OPTION_IpAddress || pROption->Length != IPADDRESSOPTIONLEN); if (!fBad) CopyMemory( &ipaddr, pROption->Data, sizeof(IPADDR) ); if ( fBad || ( !ipaddr && (pwb->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER))) { /* Client rejects everything except a non-zero IP address ** which is accepted because some peers (such as Shiva) can't ** handle rejection of this option. */ TraceIp("IPCP: Rejecting %d",(int )pROption->Type); *pfReject = TRUE; CopyMemory( (VOID* )pSOption, (VOID* )pROption, pROption->Length ); pSOption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pSOption + pROption->Length); } else { /* Store the server's IP address as some applications may be ** able to make use of it (e.g. Compaq does), though they are ** not guaranteed to receive it from all IPCP implementations. */ if (pwb->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER) { pwb->IpAddressRemote = ipaddr; } } } if (pROption->Length && pROption->Length < cbLeft) cbLeft -= pROption->Length; else cbLeft = 0; pROption = (PPP_OPTION UNALIGNED* )((BYTE* )pROption + pROption->Length); } if (*pfReject) { pSendBuf->Code = CONFIG_REJ; HostToWireFormat16( (WORD )((BYTE* )pSOption - (BYTE* )pSendBuf), pSendBuf->Length ); } return 0; } DWORD ReconfigureTcpip( IN WCHAR* pwszDevice, IN BOOL fNewIpAddress, IN IPADDR ipaddr, IN IPADDR ipMask ) /* Reconfigure running TCP/IP components. ** ** Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a non-0 error code. */ { DWORD dwErr; TraceIp("IPCP: ReconfigureTcpip(%08x, %08x)", ipaddr, ipMask); dwErr = PDhcpNotifyConfigChange2(NULL, pwszDevice, fNewIpAddress, 0, ipaddr, ipMask, IgnoreFlag, NOTIFY_FLG_DO_DNS); TraceIp("IPCP: ReconfigureTcpip done(%d)",dwErr); return dwErr; } VOID TraceIp( CHAR * Format, ... ) { va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, Format); TraceVprintfEx( DwIpcpTraceId, PPPIPCP_TRACE | TRACE_USE_MASK | TRACE_USE_MSEC | TRACE_USE_DATE, Format, arglist); va_end(arglist); } VOID TraceIpDump( LPVOID lpData, DWORD dwByteCount ) { TraceDumpEx( DwIpcpTraceId, PPPIPCP_TRACE | TRACE_USE_MASK | TRACE_USE_MSEC, lpData, dwByteCount, 1, FALSE, NULL ); } VOID PrintMwsz( CHAR* sz, WCHAR* mwsz ) { WCHAR* wsz; DWORD dwLength; if (NULL == mwsz) { TraceIp("%s", sz); return; } dwLength = MwszLength(mwsz); wsz = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == wsz) { TraceIp("LocalAlloc failed and returned %d", GetLastError()); return; } CopyMemory(wsz, mwsz, dwLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); dwLength -= 2; while (dwLength != 0) { dwLength--; if (0 == wsz[dwLength]) { wsz[dwLength] = L' '; } } TraceIp("%s %ws", sz, wsz); LocalFree(wsz); }