/* Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved Description: History: */ #ifndef _RASSTAT__H_ #define _RASSTAT__H_ #include "rasiphlp_.h" #include #include #include #include #include "helper.h" #include "tcpreg.h" #include "rastcp.h" #include "rasstat.h" typedef struct _IPADDR_NODE { struct _IPADDR_NODE* pNext; HPORT hPort; // For diagnostic purposes IPADDR hboIpAddr; } IPADDR_NODE; IPADDR_NODE* RasStatAllocPool = NULL; IPADDR_NODE* RasStatFreePool = NULL; ADDR_POOL* RasStatCurrentPool = NULL; // This critical section controls access to the above global variables extern CRITICAL_SECTION RasStatCriticalSection; VOID rasStatDeleteLists( VOID ); VOID rasStatAllocateAddresses( VOID ); BOOL rasStatBadAddress( IPADDR hboIpAddr ); VOID rasStatCreatePoolListFromOldValues( IN OUT ADDR_POOL** ppAddrPoolOut ); IPADDR rasStatMaskFromAddrPair( IN IPADDR hboFirstIpAddr, IN IPADDR hboLastIpAddr ); #endif // #ifndef _RASSTAT__H_