/*++ Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: oid.c Abstract: Contains routines to manipulatee object identifiers. SnmpUtilOidCpy SnmpUtilOidAppend SnmpUtilOidNCmp SnmpUtilOidCmp SnmpUtilOidFree Environment: User Mode - Win32 Revision History: --*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Include files // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Public Procedures // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNMPAPI SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpUtilOidCpy( AsnObjectIdentifier * pOidDst, AsnObjectIdentifier * pOidSrc ) /*++ Routine Description: Copy an object identifier. Arguments: pOidDst - pointer to structure to receive OID. pOidSrc - pointer to OID to copy. Return Values: Returns SNMPAPI_NOERROR if successful. --*/ { SNMPAPI nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; // validate pointers if (pOidDst != NULL) { // initialize pOidDst->ids = NULL; pOidDst->idLength = 0; // check for subids if ((pOidSrc != NULL) && (pOidSrc->ids != NULL) && (pOidSrc->idLength != 0)) { // check for arithmetic overflow if (pOidSrc->idLength > UINT_MAX/sizeof(UINT)) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: API: pOidSrc->idLength 0x%x will overflow.\n", pOidSrc->idLength )); SetLastError(SNMP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); return nResult; } // attempt to allocate the subids pOidDst->ids = (UINT *)SnmpUtilMemAlloc( pOidSrc->idLength * sizeof(UINT) ); // validate pointer if (pOidDst->ids != NULL) { // transfer the oid length pOidDst->idLength = pOidSrc->idLength; // transfer subids memcpy(pOidDst->ids, pOidSrc->ids, pOidSrc->idLength * sizeof(UINT) ); nResult = SNMPAPI_NOERROR; // success... } else { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: API: could not allocate oid.\n" )); SetLastError(SNMP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); } } else { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_WARNING, "SNMP: API: copying a null oid.\n" )); nResult = SNMPAPI_NOERROR; // success... } } else { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: API: null oid pointer during copy.\n" )); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } return nResult; } SNMPAPI SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpUtilOidAppend( AsnObjectIdentifier * pOidDst, AsnObjectIdentifier * pOidSrc ) /*++ Routine Description: Append source OID to destination OID Arguments: pOidDst - pointer to structure to receive combined OID. pOidSrc - pointer to OID to append. Return Values: Returns SNMPAPI_NOERROR if successful. --*/ { SNMPAPI nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; // validate pointers if (pOidDst != NULL) { // check if there are subids if ((pOidSrc != NULL) && (pOidSrc->ids != NULL) && (pOidSrc->idLength != 0)) { // calculate the total number of subidentifiers UINT nIds; // check for arithmetic overflow if (pOidDst->idLength > (UINT_MAX - pOidSrc->idLength)) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: API: combined oid too large. Dst oid len 0x%x, Src oid len 0x%x.\n", pOidDst->idLength, pOidSrc->idLength )); SetLastError(SNMP_BERAPI_OVERFLOW); return nResult; } nIds = pOidDst->idLength + pOidSrc->idLength; // validate number of subids if (nIds <= SNMP_MAX_OID_LEN) { // attempt to allocate the subidentifiers UINT * pIds = (UINT *)SnmpUtilMemReAlloc( pOidDst->ids, nIds * sizeof(UINT) ); // validate pointer if (pIds != NULL) { // transfer pointer pOidDst->ids = pIds; // transfer subids memcpy(&pOidDst->ids[pOidDst->idLength], pOidSrc->ids, pOidSrc->idLength * sizeof(UINT) ); // transfer oid length pOidDst->idLength = nIds; nResult = SNMPAPI_NOERROR; // success... } else { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: API: could not allocate oid.\n" )); SetLastError(SNMP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR); } } else { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: API: combined oid too large.\n" )); SetLastError(SNMP_BERAPI_OVERFLOW); } } else { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_WARNING, "SNMP: API: appending a null oid.\n" )); nResult = SNMPAPI_NOERROR; // success... } } else { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: API: null oid pointer during copy.\n" )); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } return nResult; } SNMPAPI SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpUtilOidNCmp( AsnObjectIdentifier * pOid1, AsnObjectIdentifier * pOid2, UINT nSubIds ) /*++ Routine Description: Compares two OIDs up to a certain subidentifier. Arguments: pOid1 - pointer to first OID. pOid2 - pointer to second OID. nSubIds - maximum subidentifiers to compare. Return Values: < 0 first parameter is 'less than' second. 0 first parameter is 'equal to' second. > 0 first parameter is 'greater than' second. --*/ { UINT i = 0; // INT nResult = 0; // validate pointers if ((pOid1 != NULL) && (pOid2 != NULL)) { // calculate maximum number of subidentifiers to compare UINT nMaxIds = min(nSubIds, min(pOid1->idLength, pOid2->idLength)); while(i < nMaxIds) { if (pOid1->ids[i] != pOid2->ids[i]) break; i++; } // comparision length less than either OID lengths; components equals if (i == nSubIds) return 0; // difference encountered before either OID endings and before the // requested comparision length if (i < nMaxIds) return (pOid1->ids[i] < pOid2->ids[i])? -1 : 1; // one OID is shorter than the requested comparision length return pOid1->idLength - pOid2->idLength; } return 0; } SNMPAPI SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpUtilOidCmp( AsnObjectIdentifier * pOid1, AsnObjectIdentifier * pOid2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Compares two OIDs. Arguments: pOid1 - pointer to first OID. pOid2 - pointer to second OID. Return Values: < 0 first parameter is 'less than' second. 0 first parameter is 'equal to' second. > 0 first parameter is 'greater than' second. --*/ { // forward request to the function above return SnmpUtilOidNCmp(pOid1,pOid2,max(pOid1->idLength,pOid2->idLength)); } VOID SNMP_FUNC_TYPE SnmpUtilOidFree( AsnObjectIdentifier * pOid ) /*++ Routine Description: Releases memory associated with OID. Arguments: pOid - pointer to OID to free. Return Values: None. --*/ { // validate if (pOid != NULL) { // release subids memory SnmpUtilMemFree(pOid->ids); // re-initialize pOid->idLength = 0; pOid->ids = NULL; } }