/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rndsec.h Abstract: Security utilities for Rendezvous Control. Author: KrishnaG (from OLEDS team) Environment: User Mode - Win32 Revision History: 12-Dec-1997 DonRyan Munged KrishnaG's code to work with Rendezvous Control. --*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Include files // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Public prototypes // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT ConvertSDToVariant( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, OUT VARIANT * pVarSec ); HRESULT ConvertSDToIDispatch( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, OUT IDispatch ** ppIDispatch ); HRESULT ConvertObjectToSD( IN IADsSecurityDescriptor FAR * pSecDes, OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * ppSecurityDescriptor, OUT PDWORD pdwSDLength ); HRESULT ConvertObjectToSDDispatch( IN IDispatch * pDisp, OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * ppSecurityDescriptor, OUT PDWORD pdwSDLength ); HRESULT ConvertACLToVariant( PACL pACL, LPVARIANT pvarACL ); HRESULT ConvertSidToFriendlyName( PSID pSid, LPWSTR * ppszAccountName ); HRESULT ConvertTrusteeToSid( BSTR bstrTrustee, PSID * ppSid, PDWORD pdwSidSize ); HRESULT ConvertStringToSid( IN PWSTR string, OUT PSID *sid, OUT PDWORD pdwSidSize, OUT PWSTR *end );