//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by sfu.rc // #ifndef WHISTLER_BUILD #include "resourc2.h" #endif #define IDR_TELNET_USAGE 200 //will not be used. Use IDR_NEW_TELNET_USAGE. #define IDR_TELNET_ILLEGAL 201 #define IDR_NEW_TELNET_USAGE 206 #define IDR_TELNET_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_OPTIONS 207 #define IDR_MACHINE_NOT_AVAILABLE 211 #define IDR_SERVICE_NOT_INSTALLED 213 #define IDR_NOT_PRIVILEGED 214 #define IDR_TELNET_CONTROL_VALUES 221 #define IDR_TELNET_SECURITY_VALUES 222 #define IDR_CTRLAKEYMAP_VALUES 224 #define IDR_MAXFAIL_VALUES 225 #define IDR_MAXCONN_VALUES 226 #define IDR_TELNETPORT_VALUES 227 #define IDR_TIMEOUT_INTEGER_VALUES 228 #define IDR_KILLALL_VALUES 229 #define IDR_TIMEOUTACTIVE_VALUES 230 #define IDR_FILESIZE_VALUES 231 #define IDR_FOLDER_SPECIFIED 232 #define IDR_FILENAME_VALUES 237 #define IDR_UNSPECIFIED 244 #define IDR_ERROR_DRIVE_NOT_EXIST 246 #define IDR_ERROR_DRIVE_NOT_SPECIFIED 247 #define IDR_NOFILENAME 250 #define IDR_NO_AUTHENTICATION_MECHANISM 251 #define IDR_SETTINGS_UPDATED 254 #define IDR_INVALID_MODE_OF_OPERATION 255 #define IDR_SESSION 256 #define IDR_INVALID_SESSION 257 #define IDR_NO_MESSAGE 258 #define IDR_MESSAGE 259 #define IDR_NO_ACTIVE_SESSION 261 #define IDR_SERVICE_CONTROLLED 262 #define IDR_AUDITLOCATION 263 #define IDR_AUDIT 264 #define IDR_TIMEOUTACTIVE_TIMEOUT_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION 267 #define IDR_INVALID_NTDOMAIN 271 #define IDR_USERNAME 280 #define IDR_CLIENT 281 #define IDR_LOGONDATE 282 #define IDR_IDLETIME 284 #define IDR_MACHINE_SETTINGS 296 #define IDR_ALT_KEY_MAPPING 297 #define IDR_IDLE_SESSION_TIMEOUT 298 #define IDR_MAX_CONNECTIONS 299 #define IDR_TELNET_PORT 300 #define IDR_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 301 #define IDR_END_TASKS_ON_DISCONNECT 302 #define IDR_MODE_OF_OPERATION 303 #define IDR_MAX_AUDIT_FILE_SIZE 304 #define IDR_AUDIT_LOGS 305 #define IDR_AUTHENTICATION_MECHANISM 307 #define IDR_STATE 308 #define IDR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN 309 #define IDR_YES 401 #define IDR_NO 402 #define IDR_TIME_HOURS 403 #define IDR_TIME_MINUTES 404 #define IDR_TIME_SECONDS 405 #define IDR_MAPPING_NOT_ON 406 #define IDR_STATUS_STOPPED 407 #define IDR_STATUS_RUNNING 408 #define IDR_STATUS_PAUSED 409 #define IDR_STATUS_START_PENDING 410 #define IDR_STATUS_STOP_PENDING 411 #define IDR_STATUS_CONTINUE_PENDING 412 #define IDR_STATUS_PAUSE_PENDING 413 #define IDR_SERVICE_PAUSED 414 #define IDR_SERVICE_CONTINUED 415 #define IDR_SERVICE_NOT_PAUSED 416 #define IDR_SERVICE_NOT_CONTINUED 417 #define IDR_AUDITING 325 #define IDR_DOMAIN 330 #define IDR_TELNET_SESSIONS 333 #define IDR_MAXCONN_VALUES_WHISTLER 340 #define IDR_MESSAGE_SENT 351 #define IDR_MAXCONN_VALUES_WORKSTATION 357 #define IDR_SERVICE_NOT_CONTROLLED 397 #define IDR_INVALID_TELNET_SERVER_VERSION 398 #define IDS_MISSING_FILE_OR_ARGUMENT_EX 399 #define IDR_ALREADY_STARTED 400 #define IDR_NEXT_STRING_RESOURCE_RESOURCE_H 425 #define IDS_E_OPTIONGROUP 1245 #define IDS_E_OUTOFMEMORY 1246 #define IDS_E_UNEXPECTED 1258 #define IDS_DUP_OPTION_ON_CL 2285 #define IDR_LONG_COMMAND_LINE 2347 #define IDR_PASSWD_PROMPT 2348 #define IDR_VERIFY_SERVICE_INSTALLED 2359 #define IDS_E_LOGINNOTSPECIFIED 2382 #define IDS_E_CANNOT_CONTACT_TELNETSERVER 2392 #define IDS_E_CANNOT_MANAGE_TELNETSERVER 2401 #define IDS_SERVICE_STARTED 2501 #define IDS_E_SERVICE_NOT_STARTED 2502 #define IDS_E_INVALIDARG 2503 #define IDS_NEXT_STRING_RESOURCE_RESOURCE_H 2504 /********************************************************** PLEASE READ THIS Use the ranges 400 - 600 for IDR resources Use the ranges 2500 - 2700 for IDS resources When these ranges are exhausted pick new ranges based on the available ranges from resourc2.h **********************************************************/ #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 229 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32769 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 233 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 109 #endif #endif