#include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "private.h" #include "PortsPage.h" #include "ClusterPortsDlg.h" #include "HostPortsDlg.h" #include "MNLBUIData.h" #include "portspage.tmh" using namespace std; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(PortsPage, CPropertyPage) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_ADD, OnButtonAdd) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_DEL, OnButtonDel) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_MODIFY, OnButtonModify) ON_NOTIFY( NM_DBLCLK, IDC_LIST_PORT_RULE, OnDoubleClick ) ON_NOTIFY( LVN_ITEMCHANGED, IDC_LIST_PORT_RULE, OnSelchanged ) ON_NOTIFY( LVN_COLUMNCLICK, IDC_LIST_PORT_RULE, OnColumnClick ) ON_WM_HELPINFO() ON_WM_CONTEXTMENU() END_MESSAGE_MAP() PortsPage::PortData::PortData() { wchar_t buf[Common::BUF_SIZE]; StringCbPrintf( buf, sizeof(buf), L"%d", CVY_MIN_PORT ); start_port = buf; StringCbPrintf( buf, sizeof(buf), L"%d", CVY_MAX_PORT ); end_port = buf; virtual_ip_addr = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_VIP_ALL ); protocol = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_BOTH ); mode = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE ); load = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL ); affinity = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE ); } PortsPage::PortsPage( CPropertySheet *psh, NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION *pNlbCfg, bool fIsClusterLevel, ENGINEHANDLE ehCluster OPTIONAL // ENGINEHANDLE ehInterface OPTIONAL ) : m_pshOwner(psh), m_pNlbCfg( pNlbCfg ), m_isClusterLevel( fIsClusterLevel ), CPropertyPage(PortsPage::IDD), m_sort_column( -1 ), m_ehCluster(ehCluster) // m_ehInterface(ehInterface) {} PortsPage:: ~PortsPage() {} void PortsPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_PORT_RULE, m_portList); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_ADD, buttonAdd ); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_MODIFY, buttonModify ); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_DEL, buttonDel ); } void PortsPage::OnOK() { TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->"); CPropertyPage::OnOK(); mfn_SaveToNlbCfg(); TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <-"); } BOOL PortsPage::OnSetActive() { TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->"); BOOL fRet = CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); if (fRet) { m_pshOwner->SetWizardButtons( PSWIZB_NEXT| PSWIZB_BACK | // PSWIZB_FINISH| // PSWIZB_DISABLEDFINISH| 0 ); } TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <- returns %lu", fRet); return fRet; } BOOL PortsPage::OnKillActive() { TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->"); BOOL fRet = CPropertyPage::OnKillActive(); if (fRet) { // // Save the configuration to the NLB configuration structure // that was passed in the constructor of this dialog. // mfn_SaveToNlbCfg(); } TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <- returns %lu", fRet); return fRet; } BOOL PortsPage::OnWizardFinish( ) /* Overwridden virtual function. Will NOT be called if this is not the last page in the wizard! */ { TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->"); BOOL fRet = CPropertyPage::OnWizardFinish(); if (fRet) { // // Save the configuration to the NLB configuration structure // that was passed in the constructor of this dialog. // mfn_SaveToNlbCfg(); } TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <- returns %lu", fRet); return fRet; } BOOL PortsPage::OnInitDialog() { TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->"); CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); // Add column headers & form port rule list PortListUtils::LoadFromNlbCfg(m_pNlbCfg, REF m_portList, m_isClusterLevel, FALSE); int numItems = m_portList.GetItemCount(); if( numItems > 0 ) { buttonModify.EnableWindow( TRUE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( TRUE ); if( numItems >= CVY_MAX_USABLE_RULES ) { // greater should not happen, // but just to be sure. buttonAdd.EnableWindow( FALSE ); } else { buttonAdd.EnableWindow( TRUE ); } // make selection the first item in list. // m_portList.SetItemState( 0, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } else { buttonAdd.EnableWindow( TRUE ); // disable the edit and remove buttons. buttonModify.EnableWindow( FALSE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( FALSE ); } if (!m_isClusterLevel) { // // Can't add/remove port rules in the host version. // buttonAdd.EnableWindow( FALSE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( FALSE ); } TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <- returns %lu", TRUE); return TRUE; } void PortsPage::OnButtonAdd() { PortData portData; ClusterPortsDlg clusterPortRuleDialog( portData, this ); int rc = clusterPortRuleDialog.DoModal(); if( rc != IDOK ) { return; } else { // add this port rule. int index = 0; // cluster ip address LVITEM item; item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 0; item.iImage = 2; item.lParam = -1; item.pszText = portData.virtual_ip_addr; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.InsertItem( &item ); // start port item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 1; item.pszText = portData.start_port; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // end port item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 2; item.pszText = portData.end_port; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // protocol item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 3; item.pszText = portData.protocol; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // mode item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 4; item.pszText = portData.mode; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // priority item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 5; item.pszText = portData.priority; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // load item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 6; item.pszText = portData.load; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // affinity item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 7; item.pszText = portData.affinity; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // check if max port limit reached. if( m_portList.GetItemCount() >= CVY_MAX_USABLE_RULES ) { // as max port rule limit reached. // disable further additions. buttonAdd.EnableWindow( FALSE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( TRUE ); buttonModify.EnableWindow( TRUE ); buttonDel.SetFocus(); } else { buttonAdd.EnableWindow( TRUE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( TRUE ); buttonModify.EnableWindow( TRUE ); } // set focus to this item m_portList.SetItemState( index, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } } void PortsPage::OnButtonDel() { // get the current selection. POSITION pos = m_portList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if( pos == NULL ) { return; } int index = m_portList.GetNextSelectedItem( pos ); // delete it. m_portList.DeleteItem( index ); // if this was the last port rule. if( m_portList.GetItemCount() == 0 ) { // as no more port rules in list // disable modify and remove buttons. // also set focus to add button buttonAdd.EnableWindow( TRUE ); buttonModify.EnableWindow( FALSE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( FALSE ); buttonAdd.SetFocus(); } else { // enable the add, modify button. buttonAdd.EnableWindow( TRUE ); buttonModify.EnableWindow( TRUE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( TRUE ); // make selection the first item in list. // m_portList.SetItemState( 0, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } } void PortsPage::OnButtonModify() { // get the current selection. POSITION pos = m_portList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if( pos == NULL ) { return; } int index = m_portList.GetNextSelectedItem( pos ); PortData portData; wchar_t buffer[Common::BUF_SIZE]; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 0, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.virtual_ip_addr = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 1, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.start_port = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 2, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.end_port = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 3, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.protocol = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 4, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.mode = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 5, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.priority = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 6, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.load = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 7, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.affinity = buffer; ClusterPortsDlg clusterPortRuleDialog( portData, this, index ); HostPortsDlg hostPortRuleDialog( portData, m_ehCluster, this ); int rc; if( m_isClusterLevel == true ) { rc = clusterPortRuleDialog.DoModal(); } else { rc = hostPortRuleDialog.DoModal(); } if( rc != IDOK ) { return; } else { // delete the old item and add the new item. // before you delete the old item find its param // value DWORD key = m_portList.GetItemData( index ); m_portList.DeleteItem( index ); // as this is being modified the // key remains the old one. // start port LVITEM item; item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 0; item.iImage = 2; item.lParam = key; item.pszText = portData.virtual_ip_addr; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.InsertItem( &item ); // start port item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 1; item.pszText = portData.start_port; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // end port item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 2; item.pszText = portData.end_port; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // protocol item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 3; item.pszText = portData.protocol; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // mode item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 4; item.pszText = portData.mode; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // priority item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 5; item.pszText = portData.priority; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // load item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 6; item.pszText = portData.load; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // affinity item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 7; item.pszText = portData.affinity; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; m_portList.SetItem( &item ); // set focus to this item m_portList.SetItemState( index, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED ); } } void PortsPage::OnDoubleClick( NMHDR * pNotifyStruct, LRESULT * result ) { if( buttonModify.IsWindowEnabled() == TRUE ) { OnButtonModify(); } } void PortsPage::OnSelchanged( NMHDR * pNotifyStruct, LRESULT * result ) { LPNMLISTVIEW lv = (LPNMLISTVIEW)pNotifyStruct; POSITION pos; int index; /* When the user selects a port rule, change the port rule description. */ if (lv->uChanged & LVIF_STATE) FillPortRuleDescription(); pos = m_portList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if (pos == NULL) { /* If no port rule is selected, then disable the edit and delete buttons. */ buttonModify.EnableWindow( FALSE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( FALSE ); return; } else { /* If one is selected, make sure the edit and delete buttons are enabled. */ buttonModify.EnableWindow( TRUE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( TRUE ); } /* Find the index of the currently selected port rule. */ index = m_portList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos); // if it is not cluster level, which means host level. if( m_isClusterLevel == false ) { // initially disable all buttons buttonModify.EnableWindow( FALSE ); buttonAdd.EnableWindow( FALSE ); buttonDel.EnableWindow( FALSE ); PortData portData; wchar_t buffer[Common::BUF_SIZE]; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 4, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.mode = buffer; if( portData.mode != GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED ) ) { buttonModify.EnableWindow( TRUE ); } } } /* * Method: FillPortRuleDescription * Description: Called when the user double clicks an item in the listbox. */ void PortsPage::FillPortRuleDescription () { CLocalLogger logDesc; POSITION pos; int index; pos = m_portList.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if (pos == NULL) { /* If there is no port rule selected, then display information about how traffic not covered by the port rule set is handled. */ ::SetDlgItemText(m_hWnd, IDC_TEXT_PORT_RULE_DESCR, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_PORT_RULE_DEFAULT)); return; } /* Find the index of the currently selected port rule. */ index = m_portList.GetNextSelectedItem(pos); PortData portData; wchar_t buffer[Common::BUF_SIZE]; portData.key = m_portList.GetItemData( index ); m_portList.GetItemText( index, 0, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.virtual_ip_addr = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 1, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.start_port = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 2, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.end_port = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 3, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.protocol = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 4, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.mode = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 5, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.priority = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 6, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.load = buffer; m_portList.GetItemText( index, 7, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.affinity = buffer; ARRAYSTRCPY(buffer, portData.virtual_ip_addr); /* This code is terrible - for localization reasons, we require an essentially static string table entry for each possible port rule configuration. So, we have to if/switch ourselves to death trying to match this port rule with the correct string in the table - then we pop in stuff like port ranges. */ if (portData.virtual_ip_addr == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_VIP_ALL)) { /* No VIP is specified. */ if (portData.protocol == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_TCP)) { /* Rule covers TCP. */ if (portData.start_port == portData.end_port) { /* Rule covers a single port value, not a range. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_TCP_PORT_DISABLED, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_TCP_PORT_SINGLE, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_TCP_PORT_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_TCP_PORT_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } else { /* Rule covers a range of ports. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_TCP_PORTS_DISABLED, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_TCP_PORTS_SINGLE, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_TCP_PORTS_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_TCP_PORTS_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } } else if (portData.protocol == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_UDP)) { /* Rule covers UDP. */ if (portData.start_port == portData.end_port) { /* Rule covers a single port value, not a range. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_UDP_PORT_DISABLED, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_UDP_PORT_SINGLE, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_UDP_PORT_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_UDP_PORT_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } else { /* Rule covers a range of ports. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_UDP_PORTS_DISABLED, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_UDP_PORTS_SINGLE, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_UDP_PORTS_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_UDP_PORTS_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } } else if (portData.protocol == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_BOTH)) { /* Rule covers both TCP and UDP. */ if (portData.start_port == portData.end_port) { /* Rule covers a single port value, not a range. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_BOTH_PORT_DISABLED, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_BOTH_PORT_SINGLE, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_BOTH_PORT_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_BOTH_PORT_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } else { /* Rule covers a range of ports. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_BOTH_PORTS_DISABLED, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_BOTH_PORTS_SINGLE, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_BOTH_PORTS_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_ALL_VIP_BOTH_PORTS_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } } } else { /* VIP is specified. */ if (portData.protocol == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_TCP)) { /* Rule covers TCP. */ if (portData.start_port == portData.end_port) { /* Rule covers a single port value, not a range. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_TCP_PORT_DISABLED, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_TCP_PORT_SINGLE, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_TCP_PORT_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_TCP_PORT_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } else { /* Rule covers a range of ports. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_TCP_PORTS_DISABLED, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_TCP_PORTS_SINGLE, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_TCP_PORTS_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_TCP_PORTS_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } } else if (portData.protocol == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_UDP)) { /* Rule covers UDP. */ if (portData.start_port == portData.end_port) { /* Rule covers a single port value, not a range. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_UDP_PORT_DISABLED, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_UDP_PORT_SINGLE, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_UDP_PORT_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_UDP_PORT_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } else { /* Rule covers a range of ports. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_UDP_PORTS_DISABLED, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_UDP_PORTS_SINGLE, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_UDP_PORTS_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_UDP_PORTS_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } } else if (portData.protocol == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_BOTH)) { /* Rule covers both TCP and UDP. */ if (portData.start_port == portData.end_port) { /* Rule covers a single port value, not a range. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_BOTH_PORT_DISABLED, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_BOTH_PORT_SINGLE, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_BOTH_PORT_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_BOTH_PORT_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } else { /* Rule covers a range of ports. */ if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED)) { /* Disabled port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_BOTH_PORTS_DISABLED, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { /* Single host filtering (failover) port rule. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_BOTH_PORTS_SINGLE, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); } else if (portData.mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { /* Multiple host filtering (load-balanced) port rule. */ if (portData.load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) /* Equally balanced amongst members. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_BOTH_PORTS_MULTIPLE_EQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); else /* Unequally balanced amongst members by load weight. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_VIP_BOTH_PORTS_MULTIPLE_UNEQUAL, buffer, _wtoi(portData.start_port), _wtoi(portData.end_port)); if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE)) { /* No client affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_NONE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { /* Single affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_SINGLE); } else if (portData.affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { /* Class C affinity. */ logDesc.Log(IDS_PORT_RULE_AFFINITY_CLASSC); } } } } } /* Set the port rule description text. */ ::SetDlgItemText(m_hWnd, IDC_TEXT_PORT_RULE_DESCR, logDesc.GetStringSafe()); } BOOL PortsPage::OnHelpInfo (HELPINFO* helpInfo ) { if( helpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW ) { ::WinHelp( static_cast ( helpInfo->hItemHandle ), CVY_CTXT_HELP_FILE, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR ) g_aHelpIDs_IDD_DIALOG_PORTS); } return TRUE; } void PortsPage::OnContextMenu( CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point ) { ::WinHelp( m_hWnd, CVY_CTXT_HELP_FILE, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR ) g_aHelpIDs_IDD_DIALOG_PORTS); } void PortsPage::OnColumnClick( NMHDR * pNotifyStruct, LRESULT * result ) { PortListUtils::OnColumnClick((LPNMLISTVIEW) pNotifyStruct, REF m_portList, m_isClusterLevel, REF m_sort_ascending, REF m_sort_column); /* The rule selected has likely changed as a result of the sort, so make sure the port rule description is correct. */ FillPortRuleDescription(); } void PortListUtils::OnColumnClick(LPNMLISTVIEW lv, CListCtrl & portList, bool isClusterLevel, bool & sort_ascending, int & sort_column) { // get present port rules in list. vector ports; getPresentPorts(REF portList, &ports ); // sort these port rules depending upon the header which has // been clicked. switch( lv->iSubItem ) { case 0: // user has clicked cluster ip address. sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_vip() ); break; case 1: // user has clicked start port. sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_start_port() ); break; case 2: // user has clicked end port sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_end_port() ); break; case 3: // user has clicked protocol sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_protocol() ); break; case 4: // user has clicked mode sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_mode() ); break; case 5: // user has clicked priority if( isClusterLevel == true ) { sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_priority_string() ); } else { sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_priority_int() ); } break; case 6: // user has clicked load if( isClusterLevel == true ) { sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_load_string() ); } else { sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_load_int() ); } break; case 7: // user has clicked affinity sort( ports.begin(), ports.end(), comp_affinity() ); break; default: break; } /* If we are sorting by the same column we were previously sorting by, then we reverse the sort order. */ if( sort_column == lv->iSubItem ) { sort_ascending = !sort_ascending; } else { // default sort is ascending. sort_ascending = true; } sort_column = lv->iSubItem; int portIndex; int itemCount = portList.GetItemCount(); for( int index = 0; index < itemCount; ++index ) { if( sort_ascending == true ) { portIndex = index; } else { portIndex = ( itemCount - 1 ) - index; } portList.SetItemData( index, ports[portIndex].key ); portList.SetItemText( index, 0, ports[portIndex].virtual_ip_addr ); portList.SetItemText( index, 1, ports[portIndex].start_port ); portList.SetItemText( index, 2, ports[portIndex].end_port ); portList.SetItemText( index, 3, ports[portIndex].protocol ); portList.SetItemText( index, 4, ports[portIndex].mode ); portList.SetItemText( index, 5, ports[portIndex].priority ); portList.SetItemText( index, 6, ports[portIndex].load ); portList.SetItemText( index, 7, ports[portIndex].affinity ); } return; } void PortListUtils::getPresentPorts(CListCtrl &portList, vector* ports ) { // get all the port rules presently in the list. for( int index = 0; index < portList.GetItemCount(); ++index ) { PortsPage::PortData portData; wchar_t buffer[Common::BUF_SIZE]; portData.key = portList.GetItemData( index ); portList.GetItemText( index, 0, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.virtual_ip_addr = buffer; portList.GetItemText( index, 1, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.start_port = buffer; portList.GetItemText( index, 2, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.end_port = buffer; portList.GetItemText( index, 3, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.protocol = buffer; portList.GetItemText( index, 4, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.mode = buffer; portList.GetItemText( index, 5, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.priority = buffer; portList.GetItemText( index, 6, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.load = buffer; portList.GetItemText( index, 7, buffer, Common::BUF_SIZE ); portData.affinity = buffer; ports->push_back( portData ); } } void PortListUtils::LoadFromNlbCfg( NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION * pNlbCfg, CListCtrl & portList, bool isClusterLevel, bool isDetailsView ) { WLBS_PORT_RULE *pRules = NULL; WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pParams = NULL; UINT NumRules = 0; WBEMSTATUS wStat; TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->"); // the size of columns is equal // to core. Wish there were some defines somewhere. // if (!isDetailsView) { portList.InsertColumn( 0, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_VIP ) , LVCFMT_LEFT, 98 ); portList.InsertColumn( 1, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_START ) , LVCFMT_LEFT, 42 ); portList.InsertColumn( 2, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_END ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 42 ); portList.InsertColumn( 3, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_PROTOCOL ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 44 ); portList.InsertColumn( 4, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_MODE ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 53 ); portList.InsertColumn( 5, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_PRIORITY ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 43 ); portList.InsertColumn( 6, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_LOAD ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 52 ); portList.InsertColumn( 7, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_AFFINITY ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 50 ); } else { portList.InsertColumn( 0, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_VIP ) , LVCFMT_LEFT, 140 ); portList.InsertColumn( 1, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_START ) , LVCFMT_LEFT, 75 ); portList.InsertColumn( 2, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_END ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 75 ); portList.InsertColumn( 3, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_PROTOCOL ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 75 ); portList.InsertColumn( 4, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_MODE ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 75 ); portList.InsertColumn( 5, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_PRIORITY ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 75 ); portList.InsertColumn( 6, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_LOAD ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 75 ); portList.InsertColumn( 7, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_HEADER_P_AFFINITY ), LVCFMT_LEFT, 75 ); } portList.SetExtendedStyle( portList.GetExtendedStyle() | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT ); wStat = CfgUtilGetPortRules(&pNlbCfg->NlbParams, &pRules, &NumRules); if (FAILED(wStat)) { pRules = NULL; TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC! error 0x%08lx extracting port rules!", wStat); goto end; } for (UINT index = 0; indexvirtual_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP)) item.pszText = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_VIP_ALL); else { ARRAYSTRCPY(buf, pRule->virtual_ip_addr); item.pszText = buf; } item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 0; item.lParam = pRule->start_port; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; portList.InsertItem( &item ); // start port StringCbPrintf( buf, sizeof(buf), L"%d", pRule->start_port); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 1; item.pszText = buf; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; portList.SetItem( &item ); // end port StringCbPrintf( buf, sizeof(buf), L"%d", pRule->end_port); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 2; item.pszText = buf; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; portList.SetItem( &item ); // protocol item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 3; switch(pRule->protocol) { case CVY_TCP : item.pszText = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_TCP ); break; case CVY_UDP : item.pszText = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_UDP ); break; default: item.pszText = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_BOTH ); break; } item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; portList.SetItem( &item ); // mode switch(pRule->mode) { case CVY_SINGLE: szMode = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE ); if (!isClusterLevel) { StringCbPrintf( rgPriority, sizeof(rgPriority), L"%d", pRule->mode_data.single.priority ); szPriority = rgPriority; } break; case CVY_NEVER: szMode = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_DISABLED ); break; default: // assume multi szMode = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE ); if (isClusterLevel) { szLoad = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_EMPTY); } else { if (pRule->mode_data.multi.equal_load) { szLoad = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL); } else { UINT load = pRule->mode_data.multi.load; StringCbPrintf(rgLoad, sizeof(rgLoad), L"%d", load); szLoad = rgLoad; } } switch (pRule->mode_data.multi.affinity) { case CVY_AFFINITY_SINGLE: szAffinity =GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE); break; case CVY_AFFINITY_CLASSC: szAffinity =GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC); break; default: // assume no affinity szAffinity =GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_NONE); break; } break; } // mode item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 4; item.pszText = (LPWSTR) szMode; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; portList.SetItem( &item ); // priority item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 5; item.pszText = (LPWSTR) szPriority; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; portList.SetItem( &item ); // load item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 6; item.pszText = (LPWSTR) szLoad; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; portList.SetItem( &item ); // affinity item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = index; item.iSubItem = 7; item.pszText = (LPWSTR) szAffinity; item.cchTextMax = Common::BUF_SIZE; portList.SetItem( &item ); } end: delete pRules; // can be NULL TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <-"); } void PortsPage::mfn_SaveToNlbCfg(void) { // get present port rules vector ports; PortListUtils::getPresentPorts(m_portList, &ports ); UINT NumRules = ports.size(); WLBS_PORT_RULE PortRules[CVY_MAX_USABLE_RULES]; TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! ->"); if (NumRules > CVY_MAX_USABLE_RULES) { // should't get here, but anyway... NumRules = CVY_MAX_USABLE_RULES; } for( int i = 0; i < NumRules; ++i ) { WLBS_PORT_RULE PortRule; DWORD dwMode; ZeroMemory(&PortRule, sizeof(PortRule)); // // mode (multiple/single/disabled) // { if( ports[i].mode == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_MULTIPLE)) { dwMode = CVY_MULTI; } else if(ports[i].mode==GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_MODE_SINGLE)) { dwMode = CVY_SINGLE; } else // assume disabled. { dwMode = CVY_NEVER; } PortRule.mode = dwMode; } // // Start and end ports // { PortRule.start_port = _wtoi( ports[i].start_port ); PortRule.end_port = _wtoi( ports[i].end_port ); } // // Protocol // if (ports[i].protocol==GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_TCP)) { PortRule.protocol = CVY_TCP; } else if(ports[i].protocol==GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_PROTOCOL_UDP)) { PortRule.protocol = CVY_UDP; } else // assume both { PortRule.protocol = CVY_TCP_UDP; } // Virtual IP address. Convert "All" back to an IP address - */ if (!lstrcmpi(ports[i].virtual_ip_addr, GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_VIP_ALL))) ARRAYSTRCPY(PortRule.virtual_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP); else ARRAYSTRCPY(PortRule.virtual_ip_addr, ports[i].virtual_ip_addr); // // mode-specific data. // if (dwMode == CVY_SINGLE) { if (m_isClusterLevel) { // // CfgUtilsSetPortRules needs valid port rules, so we fill // in an arbitrary but valid value. // PortRule.mode_data.single.priority = 1; } else { PortRule.mode_data.single.priority = _wtoi(ports[i].priority); } } else if (dwMode == CVY_MULTI) { if (m_isClusterLevel) { // // Set the defaults here ... // PortRule.mode_data.multi.equal_load = TRUE; PortRule.mode_data.multi.load = CVY_DEF_LOAD; } else { if (ports[i].load == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_LOAD_EQUAL)) { PortRule.mode_data.multi.equal_load = TRUE; PortRule.mode_data.multi.load = 50; } else { PortRule.mode_data.multi.equal_load = FALSE; PortRule.mode_data.multi.load = _wtoi(ports[i].load); } } if (ports[i].affinity==GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_SINGLE)) { PortRule.mode_data.multi.affinity = CVY_AFFINITY_SINGLE; } else if (ports[i].affinity == GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_REPORT_AFFINITY_CLASSC)) { PortRule.mode_data.multi.affinity = CVY_AFFINITY_CLASSC; } else // assume no affinity... { PortRule.mode_data.multi.affinity = CVY_AFFINITY_NONE; } } PortRules[i] = PortRule; // struct copy } WBEMSTATUS wStat; wStat = CfgUtilSetPortRules(PortRules, NumRules, &m_pNlbCfg->NlbParams); if (FAILED(wStat)) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC!: Could not set port rules -- err=0x%lx!", wStat); } TRACE_INFO("%!FUNC! <-"); }