<%@ CODEPAGE=65001 %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------ ' ' Microsoft Internet Printing Project ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Entry page for queue view. ' '------------------------------------------------------------ option explicit %> <% Randomize Response.Expires = 0 Server.ScriptTimeOut = 6000 'Set time out to 10 minites Const L_Opening_Text = "Opening" Const L_GetADSI_Message = "Get ADSI Printers" Const L_AccessDenied_Text = "Access Denied" Const ADSI_PRINTER_NAME = 1 Const ADSI_PRINTER_LOCATION = 2 Const ADSI_PRINTER_COMMENT = 3 Const ADSI_PRINTER_MODEL = 4 Const ADSI_PRINTER_STATUS = 5 Const ADSI_PRINTER_JOBS = 6 Const ADSI_PRINTER_SHARE = 7 Const ADSI_PRINTER_ACCESS = 8 Const ADSI_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES = 8 Const PRINTER_ACCESS_DENIED = 0 Const PRINTER_OPENING = 1 Const PRINTER_OK = 2 Const iPrinterLength = 10 Function rgADSIGetPrinters(strComputer, iStart, iEnd) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objPrinter, objPrinters, iPrinters, dwStatus, rgPrinters() Dim objHelper, strServerName, i Dim iTotal, iRevStart, iRevEnd Set objHelper = Server.CreateObject(PROGID_HELPER) If strComputer = "localhost" Or strComputer = "" or Not CBool(objHelper.IsCluster) Then strComputer = objHelper.ComputerName End If Set objPrinters = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & ",computer") If Err Then Exit Function strServerName = objPrinters.Name objPrinters.filter = Array("PrintQueue") If Err Then Exit Function ' iterate through all the (shared) printers iTotal = 0 For Each objPrinter In objPrinters iTotal = iTotal + 1 Next iRevStart = iTotal - iEnd + 1 iRevEnd = iTotal - iStart + 1 If iEnd <= iTotal Then bShowNext = TRUE iPrinters = 0 i = 1 For Each objPrinter In objPrinters If i > iRevEnd Then Exit For If i > iRevStart Then iPrinters = iPrinters + 1 ReDim Preserve rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES, iPrinters) rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_STATUS, iPrinters) = objPrinter.Status If Err.Number = &H80070005 Then 'Access Denied Err.Clear rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_NAME, iPrinters) = objPrinter.Name rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_ACCESS, iPrinters) = PRINTER_ACCESS_DENIED rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_LOCATION, iPrinters) = "" rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_MODEL, iPrinters) = "" rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_COMMENT, iPrinters) = "" & L_AccessDenied_Text & "" rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_JOBS, iPrinters) = 0 Else If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_NAME, iPrinters) = objPrinter.Name rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_ACCESS, iPrinters) = PRINTER_OPENING rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_LOCATION, iPrinters) = "" rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_MODEL, iPrinters) = "" rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_COMMENT, iPrinters) = L_Opening_Text rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_JOBS, iPrinters) = 0 Else dwStatus = objPrinter.Status If objPrinter.Attributes And &H400 Then dwStatus = dwStatus Or &H80 rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_NAME, iPrinters) = GetFriendlyName (objPrinter.PrinterName, strServerName) rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_STATUS, iPrinters) = dwStatus rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_LOCATION, iPrinters) = strCleanString (objPrinter.Location) rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_MODEL, iPrinters) = strCleanString (objPrinter.Model) rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_COMMENT, iPrinters) = strCleanString (objPrinter.Description) rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_JOBS, iPrinters) = objPrinter.JobCount If Err Then Exit Function rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_ACCESS, iPrinters) = PRINTER_OK End If End If End If i = i + 1 Next if iPrinters = 0 Then ReDim rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_SHARE, 0) rgADSIGetPrinters = rgPrinters End Function Dim strLocal, rgPrinters, strTitle Dim iStart, iEnd, bShowNext 'Verify User Name If Request("v") = "1" And Session ("PASSWD_TYPED") = FALSE Then Session ("PASSWD_TYPED") = TRUE Err.Number = &H80070005 Call ErrorHandler(strADSI) End If Session ("PASSWD_TYPED") = FALSE strLocal = request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") const L_AllPrinters_Text = "All Printers on %1" strTitle = RepString1(L_AllPrinters_Text, strLocal) If Request("startid") = "" Or Request ("endid") = "" Then iStart = 1 iEnd = iStart+ iPrinterLength Else iStart = Int (Request ("startid")) iEnd = Int (Request ("endid")) If (iEnd <= iStart) Then iEnd = iStart + iPrinterLength End If End If bShowNext = FALSE rgPrinters = rgADSIGetPrinters(strLocal, iStart, iEnd) If Err.Number <> 0 Then Dim strADSI strADSI = L_GetADSI_Message Call ErrorHandler(strADSI) End If %> > <% =Write(strTitle) %> <% Dim strPrinterName strPrinterName = "

" & strTitle & "

" Function GenTableHead () Dim L_TableTitle_Text(5) Dim strTableTitle(5) 'The reason we have to do this is that when we manipulate the string , 'it is not localizable. This works around this problem Dim i Dim strHTML Dim Width 'Width = Array (200, 80, 200, 37, 194, 194) Const strSp = "  " L_TableTitle_Text(0) = "Name" L_TableTitle_Text(1) = "Status" L_TableTitle_Text(2) = "Location" L_TableTitle_Text(3) = "Jobs" L_TableTitle_Text(4) = "Model" L_TableTitle_Text(5) = "Comment" For i = 0 to 5 strTableTitle(i) = L_TableTitle_Text(i) & strSp Next strHTML = "" For i = 0 to 5 strHTML = strHTML & "" & MENU_FONT_TAG & "" &_ strTableTitle(i) & "" & END_FONT & "" Next strHTML = strHTML & "" GenTableHead = strHTML End Function Function GenTableBody () Dim i Dim strHTML Dim TdStart, TdEnd TdStart = "" & DEF_FONT_TAG TdEnd = END_FONT & "" strHTML = "" For i = ubound(rgPrinters, 2) To 1 Step -1 'For i = 1 To ubound(rgPrinters, 2) strHTML = strHTML & "" Select Case rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_ACCESS, i) Case PRINTER_OPENING strHTML = strHTML & TdStart & "" & strCleanString(rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_NAME, i)) & "" & TdEnd Case PRINTER_ACCESS_DENIED strHTML = strHTML & TdStart & strCleanString(rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_NAME, i)) & TdEnd Case Else strHTML = strHTML & TdStart & "" & strCleanString(rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_NAME, i)) & "" & TdEnd End Select If rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_ACCESS, i) = PRINTER_OK Then strHTML = strHTML &_ TdStart & strPrinterStatus (rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_STATUS, i)) & TdEnd &_ TdStart & rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_LOCATION, i) & TdEnd &_ TdStart & rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_JOBS, i ) & TdEnd &_ TdStart & rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_MODEL, i) & TdEnd &_ TdStart & rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_COMMENT, i) & TdEnd Else strHTML = strHTML &_ "" & DEF_FONT_TAG & "" & rgPrinters(ADSI_PRINTER_COMMENT, i) & "" & END_FONT & "" &_ " " &_ " " &_ " " &_ " " End If strHTML = strHTML & "" Next GenTableBody = strHTML End Function %>
printers.gif <%=Write(CLIENT_FONT & strPrinterName & END_FONT)%>
<%=Write (GenTableHead)%> <%=Write (GenTableBody)%>

<% Dim strUrl Const L_Prev_Text = "Prev %1 printers" Const L_Next_Text = "Next %1 printers" strUrl = "" & RepString1(L_Prev_Text, CStr (iPrinterLength)) & "    " If iStart > 1 Then Response.Write ( Write(DEF_FONT_TAG & strUrl & END_FONT)) End If strUrl = "" & RepString1(L_Next_Text , CStr (iPrinterLength)) & "" If bShowNext Then Response.Write ( Write(DEF_FONT_TAG & strUrl & END_FONT)) End If %>