/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved Module Name: devmode.c Abstract: Handles per-user devmode implementation. Author: Environment: User Mode -Win32 Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "local.h" #include /******************************************************************** Forward prototypes ********************************************************************/ BOOL bGetDevModeLocation( IN HKEY hKeyUser, OPTIONAL IN LPCWSTR pszPrinter, OUT PHKEY phKey, OUT LPCWSTR *ppszValue ); const WCHAR gszPrinterConnections[] = L"Printers\\Connections\\"; const WCHAR gszDevMode[] = L"DevMode"; const WCHAR gszDevModePerUserLocal[] = L"Printers\\DevModePerUser"; /******************************************************************** Private Functions ********************************************************************/ DWORD RegOpenConnectionKey( HKEY hKeyUser, LPWSTR pszPrinter, PHKEY phKey ) { PWCHAR pszPrinterScratch = NULL; DWORD dwRetValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cchSize = MAX_UNC_PRINTER_NAME + PRINTER_NAME_SUFFIX_MAX + COUNTOF( gszPrinterConnections ); if (pszPrinter && wcslen(pszPrinter) < MAX_UNC_PRINTER_NAME + PRINTER_NAME_SUFFIX_MAX) { if (pszPrinterScratch = AllocSplMem(cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR))) { StringCchCopy(pszPrinterScratch, cchSize, gszPrinterConnections); FormatPrinterForRegistryKey(pszPrinter, &pszPrinterScratch[ COUNTOF( gszPrinterConnections )-1], cchSize - COUNTOF( gszPrinterConnections ) - 1); dwRetValue = RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyUser, pszPrinterScratch, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, phKey ); FreeSplMem(pszPrinterScratch); } else { dwRetValue = GetLastError(); } } else { dwRetValue = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return dwRetValue; } /******************************************************************** Public functions ********************************************************************/ BOOL bSetDevModePerUser( HANDLE hKeyUser, LPCWSTR pszPrinter, PDEVMODE pDevMode ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets the per-user DevMode in HKCU. Arguments: hKeyUser - HKEY_CURRENT_USER handle. OPTIONAL pszPrinter - Printer to set. pDevMode - DevMode to save. If NULL, deletes value. Return Value: TRUE - Success FALSE - Failure --*/ { HKEY hKey = NULL; LPWSTR pszValue = NULL; DWORD Status; if( !pszPrinter ){ SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ); return FALSE; } // // Retrieve the location of the DevMode. // if( !bGetDevModeLocation( hKeyUser, pszPrinter, &hKey, &pszValue )){ return FALSE; } if( !pDevMode ){ // // NULL, so delete the value. // Status = RegDeleteValue( hKey, pszValue ); // // If value not found, don't fail. // if( Status == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ){ Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { Status = RegSetValueEx( hKey, pszValue, 0, REG_BINARY, (PBYTE)pDevMode, pDevMode->dmSize + pDevMode->dmDriverExtra ); if( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ){ // // Notify everyone that the DevMode has changed. // SendNotifyMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_DEVMODECHANGE, 0, (LPARAM)pszPrinter ); } } RegCloseKey( hKey ); if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ SetLastError( Status ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL bGetDevModePerUser( HKEY hKeyUser, LPCWSTR pszPrinter, PDEVMODE *ppDevMode ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieves the per-user DevMode based on the current user. Arguments: hKeyUser - HKEY_CURRENT_USER handle. OPTIONAL pszPrinter - Printer to get. ppDevMode - Receives pointer to devmode. Must be freed by callee. Return Value: TRUE - Success: able to check if per-user DevMode exists. *ppDevMode is NULL if no per-user DevMode is there. (TRUE does not indicate that a per-user DevMode was found, only that we successfully checked.) FALSE - Failure. --*/ { HKEY hKey = NULL; LPWSTR pszValue = NULL; LONG Status; *ppDevMode = NULL; if( !pszPrinter ){ SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ); return FALSE; } // // Retrieve the location of the DevMode. // if( !bGetDevModeLocation( hKeyUser, pszPrinter, &hKey, &pszValue )){ Status = GetLastError(); } else { DWORD cbDevModePerUser; // // Key exists. See if we can read it and get the per-user DevMode. // Status = RegQueryInfoKey( hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbDevModePerUser, NULL, NULL ); if( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ){ if( cbDevModePerUser >= MIN_DEVMODE_SIZEW ){ *ppDevMode = AllocSplMem( cbDevModePerUser ); if( !*ppDevMode ){ Status = GetLastError(); } else { Status = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, pszValue, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)*ppDevMode, &cbDevModePerUser ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) { Status = StatusFromHResult(SplIsValidDevmodeW(*ppDevMode, cbDevModePerUser)); // // If the devmode isn't valid, delete it and treat it // as if the devmode cannot be found. // if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { // // If we can delete the key, just consider it as if // it does not exist. // if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegDeleteValue(hKey, pszValue)) { Status = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } } if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ FreeSplMem( *ppDevMode ); *ppDevMode = NULL; } // // Allow ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND to return success. *ppDevMode // is still NULL, but we return TRUE to indicate that we // successfully checked the registry--we just didn't find one. // if( Status == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ){ Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } } RegCloseKey( hKey ); } if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ SetLastError( Status ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL bCompatibleDevMode( PPRINTHANDLE pPrintHandle, PDEVMODE pDevModeBase, PDEVMODE pDevModeNew ) /*++ Routine Description: Check if two DevModes are compatible (e.g., they can be used interchangably). This is done by checking size and version information. Not foolproof, but the best we can do since we can't look at private information. Arguments: pPrintHandle - Printer to check. pDevModeBase - Known good DevMode. pDevModeNew - DevMode to check. Return Value: TRUE - Appears compatible. FALSE - Not compatible. --*/ { if( !pDevModeBase || ! pDevModeNew ){ return FALSE; } return pDevModeBase->dmSize == pDevModeNew->dmSize && pDevModeBase->dmDriverExtra == pDevModeNew->dmDriverExtra && pDevModeBase->dmSpecVersion == pDevModeNew->dmSpecVersion && pDevModeBase->dmDriverVersion == pDevModeNew->dmDriverVersion; } /******************************************************************** Support Functions ********************************************************************/ BOOL bGetDevModeLocation( IN HKEY hKeyUser, OPTIONAL IN LPCWSTR pszPrinter, OUT PHKEY phKey, OUT LPCWSTR *ppszValue ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieves the location of the per-user DevMode. On success, caller is responsible for closing phKey. ppszValue's life is dependent on pszPrinter. Arguments: hKeyUser - HKEY_CURRENT_USER key--optional. If not specified, current impersonation used. pszPrinter - Printer to use. phKey - Receives R/W key of per-user DevMode. On success, this must be closed by caller. ppszValue - Receives value of per-user DevMode (where to read/write). Return Value: TRUE - Success FALSE - Failure, LastError set. --*/ { HANDLE hKeyClose = NULL; DWORD Status; *phKey = NULL; *ppszValue = NULL; if( !hKeyUser ){ hKeyUser = GetClientUserHandle( KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE ); hKeyClose = hKeyUser; } if( !hKeyUser ){ // // Failed to get impersonation information. Probably because // we're not impersonating, so there's no per-user information. // Status = GetLastError(); } else { // // If it starts with two backslashes, it may be either a connection // or a masq printer. // if( pszPrinter[0] == L'\\' && pszPrinter[1] == L'\\' ) { // // Query the registry for pszPrinter and look for DevMode. // First look at the HKCU:Printer\Connections. // if((Status = RegOpenConnectionKey(hKeyUser,(LPWSTR)pszPrinter,phKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *ppszValue = gszDevMode; } } // // If we didn't find it in Printer\Connection, then it // must be a local or masq printer. // if( !*ppszValue ){ DWORD dwIgnore; // // Not a connection or didn't exist in the connections key. // Look in the Printers\DevModePerUser key. // Status = RegCreateKeyEx( hKeyUser, gszDevModePerUserLocal, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, phKey, &dwIgnore ); if( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ){ *ppszValue = pszPrinter; } } } if( hKeyClose ){ RegCloseKey( hKeyClose ); } if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ SetLastError( Status ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL bGetDevModePerUserEvenForShares( HKEY hKeyUser, LPCWSTR pszPrinter, PDEVMODE *ppDevMode ) { BOOL RetVal = FALSE; HANDLE hPrinter; if(OpenPrinter((LPWSTR)pszPrinter,&hPrinter,NULL)) { DWORD PrntrInfoSize=0,PrntrInfoSizeReq=0; PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinterInfo2 = NULL; if(!GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pPrinterInfo2, PrntrInfoSize, &PrntrInfoSizeReq) && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) && (pPrinterInfo2 = (PPRINTER_INFO_2)AllocSplMem((PrntrInfoSize = PrntrInfoSizeReq))) && GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pPrinterInfo2, PrntrInfoSize, &PrntrInfoSizeReq)) { RetVal = bGetDevModePerUser( hKeyUser, pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName, ppDevMode ); } if(hPrinter) ClosePrinter(hPrinter); if(pPrinterInfo2) FreeSplMem(pPrinterInfo2); } else { RetVal = bGetDevModePerUser( hKeyUser, pszPrinter, ppDevMode ); } return(RetVal); }