#include "stdGSD.gsd" // script for control of HP SCL scanners function VOID DeviceAction_DeviceActionEvent() { // Handle initialization of device properties if(DeviceAction.Action == INITIALIZE_ID) { // this will call the device's specific property // initialization script function specified in the // product line file. InitializeDeviceProperties(); } // Handle setting a device property else if(DeviceAction.Action == SETVALUE_ID) { if(DeviceAction.ValueID == XRESOLUTION) { LONG DataLength = 0; DataLength = (4 + LEN(STR(DeviceAction.Value))); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0, CHR(27) + "*a" + STR(DeviceAction.Value) + "R",DataLength,100) } else if(DeviceAction.ValueID == YRESOLUTION) { LONG DataLength = 0; DataLength = (4 + LEN(STR(DeviceAction.Value))); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0, CHR(27) + "*a" + STR(DeviceAction.Value) + "S",DataLength,100) } else if(DeviceAction.ValueID == XPOSITION) { LONG XresSetting = 0; DeviceProperty.GetCurrentValue(XRESOLUTION, XResSetting); LONG NewXPos = DeviceAction.Value; NewXPos = ((NewXPos * 300) / XResSetting); LONG DataLength = 0; DataLength = (4 + LEN(STR(NewXPos))); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*f" + STR(NewXPos) + "X",DataLength,100) } else if(DeviceAction.ValueID == YPOSITION) { LONG YResSetting = 0; DeviceProperty.GetCurrentValue(YRESOLUTION, YResSetting); LONG NewYPos = DeviceAction.Value; NewYPos = ((NewYPos * 300) / YResSetting); LONG DataLength = 0; DataLength = (4 + LEN(STR(NewYPos))); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*f" + STR(NewYPos) + "Y",DataLength,100) } else if(DeviceAction.ValueID == XEXTENT) { LONG XresSetting = 0; DeviceProperty.GetCurrentValue(XRESOLUTION, XResSetting); LONG NewXExt = DeviceAction.Value; NewXExt = ((NewXExt * 300) / XResSetting); LONG DataLength = 0; DataLength = (4 + LEN(STR(NewXExt))); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*f" + STR(NewXExt) + "P",DataLength,100) } else if(DeviceAction.ValueID == YEXTENT) { LONG YResSetting = 0; DeviceProperty.GetCurrentValue(YRESOLUTION, YResSetting); LONG NewYExt = DeviceAction.Value; NewYExt = ((NewYExt * 300) / YResSetting); LONG DataLength = 0; DataLength = (4 + LEN(STR(NewYExt))); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*f" + STR(NewYExt) + "Q",DataLength,100) } else if(DeviceAction.ValueID == DATATYPE) { if(DeviceAction.Value == 0) { DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*a0T",5,100); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*a1G",5,100); } if(DeviceAction.Value == 2) { DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*a4T",5,100); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*a8G",5,100); } if(DeviceAction.Value == 3) { DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*a5T",5,100); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + "*a24G",6,100); } else { // unsupported data type, FAIL this call } } else if(DeviceAction.ValueID == BRIGHTNESS) { LONG DataLength = 0; DataLength = (4 + LEN(STR(DeviceAction.Value))); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0, CHR(27) + "*a" + STR(DeviceAction.Value) + "K",DataLength,100) } else if(DeviceAction.ValueID == CONTRAST) { LONG DataLength = 0; DataLength = (4 + LEN(STR(DeviceAction.Value))); DeviceControl.RawWrite(0, CHR(27) + "*a" + STR(DeviceAction.Value) + "L",DataLength,100) } else if(DeviceAction.ValueID == NEGATIVE) { DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,chr(27) + "*a1I",5,100); } } // Handle getting a device property else if(DeviceAction.Action == GETVALUE_ID) { } // Handle getting a device property else if(DeviceAction.Action == RESETDEVICE_ID) { } // Handle starting a scan else if(DeviceAction.Action == SCAN_FIRST_ID) { DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27)+"*f0S",5,100); GetDataFromDevice(DeviceAction.Value); } // Handle scanning data else if(DeviceAction.Action == SCAN_NEXT_ID) { GetDataFromDevice(DeviceAction.Value); } // Handle finishing a scan else if(DeviceAction.Action == SCANFINISHED_ID) { DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + CHR(69),2,100); } // Handle canceling a scan else if(DeviceAction.Action == SCAN_CANCEL_ID) { DeviceControl.RawWrite(0,CHR(27) + CHR(69),2,100); } // Handle default case else { // unknown action ID } } function BOOL GetDataFromDevice(LONG lBytesToRead) { LONG lBytesRead = 0; LONG lErrorCode = S_OK; DeviceControl.ScanRead(0,lBytesToRead,lBytesRead,100); lErrorCode = LastError.GetLastError(); if(lErrorCode == S_OK) return TRUE; }