/*****************************************************************************\ * * * commctrl.h - - Interface for the Windows Common Controls * * * * Version 1.2 * * * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * * \*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _INC_COMMCTRL #define _INC_COMMCTRL #ifndef _WINRESRC_ #ifndef _WIN32_IE #define _WIN32_IE 0x0501 #else #if (_WIN32_IE < 0x0400) && defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) #error _WIN32_IE setting conflicts with _WIN32_WINNT setting #endif #endif #endif #ifndef _HRESULT_DEFINED #define _HRESULT_DEFINED typedef LONG HRESULT; #endif // _HRESULT_DEFINED #ifndef NOUSER // // Define API decoration for direct importing of DLL references. // #ifndef WINCOMMCTRLAPI #if !defined(_COMCTL32_) && defined(_WIN32) #define WINCOMMCTRLAPI DECLSPEC_IMPORT #else #define WINCOMMCTRLAPI #endif #endif // WINCOMMCTRLAPI // // For compilers that don't support nameless unions // #ifndef DUMMYUNIONNAME #ifdef NONAMELESSUNION #define DUMMYUNIONNAME u #define DUMMYUNIONNAME2 u2 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME3 u3 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME4 u4 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME5 u5 #else #define DUMMYUNIONNAME #define DUMMYUNIONNAME2 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME3 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME4 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME5 #endif #endif // DUMMYUNIONNAME #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // // Users of this header may define any number of these constants to avoid // the definitions of each functional group. // // NOTOOLBAR Customizable bitmap-button toolbar control. // NOUPDOWN Up and Down arrow increment/decrement control. // NOSTATUSBAR Status bar control. // NOMENUHELP APIs to help manage menus, especially with a status bar. // NOTRACKBAR Customizable column-width tracking control. // NODRAGLIST APIs to make a listbox source and sink drag&drop actions. // NOPROGRESS Progress gas gauge. // NOHOTKEY HotKey control // NOHEADER Header bar control. // NOIMAGEAPIS ImageList apis. // NOLISTVIEW ListView control. // NOTREEVIEW TreeView control. // NOTABCONTROL Tab control. // NOANIMATE Animate control. // NOBUTTON Button control. // NOSTATIC Static control. // NOEDIT Edit control. // NOLISTBOX Listbox control. // NOCOMBOBOX Combobox control. // NOSCROLLBAR Scrollbar control. // //============================================================================= #include #ifndef SNDMSG #ifdef __cplusplus #ifndef _MAC #define SNDMSG ::SendMessage #else #define SNDMSG ::AfxSendMessage #endif #else #ifndef _MAC #define SNDMSG SendMessage #else #define SNDMSG AfxSendMessage #endif //_MAC #endif #endif // ifndef SNDMSG #ifdef _MAC #ifndef RC_INVOKED #ifndef _WLM_NOFORCE_LIBS #ifndef _WLMDLL #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment(lib, "comctld.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib, "comctl.lib") #endif #pragma comment(linker, "/macres:comctl.rsc") #else #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment(lib, "msvcctld.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib, "msvcctl.lib") #endif #endif // _WLMDLL #endif // _WLM_NOFORCE_LIBS #endif // RC_INVOKED #endif //_MAC WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI InitCommonControls(void); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) typedef struct tagINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX { DWORD dwSize; // size of this structure DWORD dwICC; // flags indicating which classes to be initialized } INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX, *LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX; #define ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES 0x00000001 // listview, header #define ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES 0x00000002 // treeview, tooltips #define ICC_BAR_CLASSES 0x00000004 // toolbar, statusbar, trackbar, tooltips #define ICC_TAB_CLASSES 0x00000008 // tab, tooltips #define ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS 0x00000010 // updown #define ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS 0x00000020 // progress #define ICC_HOTKEY_CLASS 0x00000040 // hotkey #define ICC_ANIMATE_CLASS 0x00000080 // animate #define ICC_WIN95_CLASSES 0x000000FF #define ICC_DATE_CLASSES 0x00000100 // month picker, date picker, time picker, updown #define ICC_USEREX_CLASSES 0x00000200 // comboex #define ICC_COOL_CLASSES 0x00000400 // rebar (coolbar) control #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define ICC_INTERNET_CLASSES 0x00000800 #define ICC_PAGESCROLLER_CLASS 0x00001000 // page scroller #define ICC_NATIVEFNTCTL_CLASS 0x00002000 // native font control #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES 0x00004000 #define ICC_LINK_CLASS 0x00008000 #endif WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI InitCommonControlsEx(LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #define ODT_HEADER 100 #define ODT_TAB 101 #define ODT_LISTVIEW 102 //====== Ranges for control message IDs ======================================= #define LVM_FIRST 0x1000 // ListView messages #define TV_FIRST 0x1100 // TreeView messages #define HDM_FIRST 0x1200 // Header messages #define TCM_FIRST 0x1300 // Tab control messages #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define PGM_FIRST 0x1400 // Pager control messages #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define ECM_FIRST 0x1500 // Edit control messages #define BCM_FIRST 0x1600 // Button control messages #define CBM_FIRST 0x1700 // Combobox control messages #endif #define CCM_FIRST 0x2000 // Common control shared messages #define CCM_LAST (CCM_FIRST + 0x200) #define CCM_SETBKCOLOR (CCM_FIRST + 1) // lParam is bkColor typedef struct tagCOLORSCHEME { DWORD dwSize; COLORREF clrBtnHighlight; // highlight color COLORREF clrBtnShadow; // shadow color } COLORSCHEME, *LPCOLORSCHEME; #define CCM_SETCOLORSCHEME (CCM_FIRST + 2) // lParam is color scheme #define CCM_GETCOLORSCHEME (CCM_FIRST + 3) // fills in COLORSCHEME pointed to by lParam #define CCM_GETDROPTARGET (CCM_FIRST + 4) #define CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT (CCM_FIRST + 5) #define CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT (CCM_FIRST + 6) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define COMCTL32_VERSION 6 #else #define COMCTL32_VERSION 5 #endif #define CCM_SETVERSION (CCM_FIRST + 0x7) #define CCM_GETVERSION (CCM_FIRST + 0x8) #define CCM_SETNOTIFYWINDOW (CCM_FIRST + 0x9) // wParam == hwndParent. #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define CCM_SETWINDOWTHEME (CCM_FIRST + 0xb) #define CCM_DPISCALE (CCM_FIRST + 0xc) // wParam == Awareness #endif #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // for tooltips #define INFOTIPSIZE 1024 #endif //====== WM_NOTIFY Macros ===================================================== #define HANDLE_WM_NOTIFY(hwnd, wParam, lParam, fn) \ (fn)((hwnd), (int)(wParam), (NMHDR *)(lParam)) #define FORWARD_WM_NOTIFY(hwnd, idFrom, pnmhdr, fn) \ (LRESULT)(fn)((hwnd), WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)(int)(idFrom), (LPARAM)(NMHDR *)(pnmhdr)) //====== Generic WM_NOTIFY notification codes ================================= #define NM_OUTOFMEMORY (NM_FIRST-1) #define NM_CLICK (NM_FIRST-2) // uses NMCLICK struct #define NM_DBLCLK (NM_FIRST-3) #define NM_RETURN (NM_FIRST-4) #define NM_RCLICK (NM_FIRST-5) // uses NMCLICK struct #define NM_RDBLCLK (NM_FIRST-6) #define NM_SETFOCUS (NM_FIRST-7) #define NM_KILLFOCUS (NM_FIRST-8) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define NM_CUSTOMDRAW (NM_FIRST-12) #define NM_HOVER (NM_FIRST-13) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define NM_NCHITTEST (NM_FIRST-14) // uses NMMOUSE struct #define NM_KEYDOWN (NM_FIRST-15) // uses NMKEY struct #define NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE (NM_FIRST-16) #define NM_SETCURSOR (NM_FIRST-17) // uses NMMOUSE struct #define NM_CHAR (NM_FIRST-18) // uses NMCHAR struct #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0401) #define NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED (NM_FIRST-19) // notify of when the tooltips window is create #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define NM_LDOWN (NM_FIRST-20) #define NM_RDOWN (NM_FIRST-21) #define NM_THEMECHANGED (NM_FIRST-22) #endif #ifndef CCSIZEOF_STRUCT #define CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(structname, member) (((int)((LPBYTE)(&((structname*)0)->member) - ((LPBYTE)((structname*)0)))) + sizeof(((structname*)0)->member)) #endif //====== Generic WM_NOTIFY notification structures ============================ #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0401) typedef struct tagNMTOOLTIPSCREATED { NMHDR hdr; HWND hwndToolTips; } NMTOOLTIPSCREATED, * LPNMTOOLTIPSCREATED; #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) typedef struct tagNMMOUSE { NMHDR hdr; DWORD_PTR dwItemSpec; DWORD_PTR dwItemData; POINT pt; LPARAM dwHitInfo; // any specifics about where on the item or control the mouse is } NMMOUSE, *LPNMMOUSE; typedef NMMOUSE NMCLICK; typedef LPNMMOUSE LPNMCLICK; // Generic structure to request an object of a specific type. typedef struct tagNMOBJECTNOTIFY { NMHDR hdr; int iItem; #ifdef __IID_DEFINED__ const IID *piid; #else const void *piid; #endif void *pObject; HRESULT hResult; DWORD dwFlags; // control specific flags (hints as to where in iItem it hit) } NMOBJECTNOTIFY, *LPNMOBJECTNOTIFY; // Generic structure for a key typedef struct tagNMKEY { NMHDR hdr; UINT nVKey; UINT uFlags; } NMKEY, *LPNMKEY; // Generic structure for a character typedef struct tagNMCHAR { NMHDR hdr; UINT ch; DWORD dwItemPrev; // Item previously selected DWORD dwItemNext; // Item to be selected } NMCHAR, *LPNMCHAR; #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 //====== WM_NOTIFY codes (NMHDR.code values) ================================== #define NM_FIRST (0U- 0U) // generic to all controls #define NM_LAST (0U- 99U) #define LVN_FIRST (0U-100U) // listview #define LVN_LAST (0U-199U) // Property sheet reserved (0U-200U) - (0U-299U) - see prsht.h #define HDN_FIRST (0U-300U) // header #define HDN_LAST (0U-399U) #define TVN_FIRST (0U-400U) // treeview #define TVN_LAST (0U-499U) #define TTN_FIRST (0U-520U) // tooltips #define TTN_LAST (0U-549U) #define TCN_FIRST (0U-550U) // tab control #define TCN_LAST (0U-580U) // Shell reserved (0U-580U) - (0U-589U) #define CDN_FIRST (0U-601U) // common dialog (new) #define CDN_LAST (0U-699U) #define TBN_FIRST (0U-700U) // toolbar #define TBN_LAST (0U-720U) #define UDN_FIRST (0U-721) // updown #define UDN_LAST (0U-740) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define MCN_FIRST (0U-750U) // monthcal #define MCN_LAST (0U-759U) #define DTN_FIRST (0U-760U) // datetimepick #define DTN_LAST (0U-799U) #define CBEN_FIRST (0U-800U) // combo box ex #define CBEN_LAST (0U-830U) #define RBN_FIRST (0U-831U) // rebar #define RBN_LAST (0U-859U) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define IPN_FIRST (0U-860U) // internet address #define IPN_LAST (0U-879U) // internet address #define SBN_FIRST (0U-880U) // status bar #define SBN_LAST (0U-899U) #define PGN_FIRST (0U-900U) // Pager Control #define PGN_LAST (0U-950U) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #ifndef WMN_FIRST #define WMN_FIRST (0U-1000U) #define WMN_LAST (0U-1200U) #endif #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) #define BCN_FIRST (0U-1250U) #define BCN_LAST (0U-1350U) #endif #define MSGF_COMMCTRL_BEGINDRAG 0x4200 #define MSGF_COMMCTRL_SIZEHEADER 0x4201 #define MSGF_COMMCTRL_DRAGSELECT 0x4202 #define MSGF_COMMCTRL_TOOLBARCUST 0x4203 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) //==================== CUSTOM DRAW ========================================== // custom draw return flags // values under 0x00010000 are reserved for global custom draw values. // above that are for specific controls #define CDRF_DODEFAULT 0x00000000 #define CDRF_NEWFONT 0x00000002 #define CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT 0x00000004 #define CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT 0x00000010 #define CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW 0x00000020 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW 0x00000020 // flags are the same, we can distinguish by context #endif #define CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTERASE 0x00000040 // drawstage flags // values under 0x00010000 are reserved for global custom draw values. // above that are for specific controls #define CDDS_PREPAINT 0x00000001 #define CDDS_POSTPAINT 0x00000002 #define CDDS_PREERASE 0x00000003 #define CDDS_POSTERASE 0x00000004 // the 0x000010000 bit means it's individual item specific #define CDDS_ITEM 0x00010000 #define CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT (CDDS_ITEM | CDDS_PREPAINT) #define CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT (CDDS_ITEM | CDDS_POSTPAINT) #define CDDS_ITEMPREERASE (CDDS_ITEM | CDDS_PREERASE) #define CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE (CDDS_ITEM | CDDS_POSTERASE) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define CDDS_SUBITEM 0x00020000 #endif // itemState flags #define CDIS_SELECTED 0x0001 #define CDIS_GRAYED 0x0002 #define CDIS_DISABLED 0x0004 #define CDIS_CHECKED 0x0008 #define CDIS_FOCUS 0x0010 #define CDIS_DEFAULT 0x0020 #define CDIS_HOT 0x0040 #define CDIS_MARKED 0x0080 #define CDIS_INDETERMINATE 0x0100 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define CDIS_SHOWKEYBOARDCUES 0x0200 #endif typedef struct tagNMCUSTOMDRAWINFO { NMHDR hdr; DWORD dwDrawStage; HDC hdc; RECT rc; DWORD_PTR dwItemSpec; // this is control specific, but it's how to specify an item. valid only with CDDS_ITEM bit set UINT uItemState; LPARAM lItemlParam; } NMCUSTOMDRAW, *LPNMCUSTOMDRAW; typedef struct tagNMTTCUSTOMDRAW { NMCUSTOMDRAW nmcd; UINT uDrawFlags; } NMTTCUSTOMDRAW, *LPNMTTCUSTOMDRAW; #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 //====== IMAGE APIS =========================================================== #ifndef NOIMAGEAPIS #define CLR_NONE 0xFFFFFFFFL #define CLR_DEFAULT 0xFF000000L #ifndef HIMAGELIST struct _IMAGELIST; typedef struct _IMAGELIST* HIMAGELIST; #endif #ifndef IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) typedef struct _IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS { DWORD cbSize; HIMAGELIST himl; int i; HDC hdcDst; int x; int y; int cx; int cy; int xBitmap; // x offest from the upperleft of bitmap int yBitmap; // y offset from the upperleft of bitmap COLORREF rgbBk; COLORREF rgbFg; UINT fStyle; DWORD dwRop; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x501) DWORD fState; DWORD Frame; COLORREF crEffect; #endif } IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS, *LPIMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS; #define IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS_V3_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS, dwRop) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #endif #define ILC_MASK 0x00000001 #define ILC_COLOR 0x00000000 #define ILC_COLORDDB 0x000000FE #define ILC_COLOR4 0x00000004 #define ILC_COLOR8 0x00000008 #define ILC_COLOR16 0x00000010 #define ILC_COLOR24 0x00000018 #define ILC_COLOR32 0x00000020 #define ILC_PALETTE 0x00000800 // (not implemented) #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define ILC_MIRROR 0x00002000 // Mirror the icons contained, if the process is mirrored #define ILC_PERITEMMIRROR 0x00008000 // Causes the mirroring code to mirror each item when inserting a set of images, verses the whole strip #endif WINCOMMCTRLAPI HIMAGELIST WINAPI ImageList_Create(int cx, int cy, UINT flags, int cInitial, int cGrow); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_Destroy(HIMAGELIST himl); WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI ImageList_GetImageCount(HIMAGELIST himl); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_SetImageCount(HIMAGELIST himl, UINT uNewCount); #endif WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI ImageList_Add(HIMAGELIST himl, HBITMAP hbmImage, HBITMAP hbmMask); WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI ImageList_ReplaceIcon(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HICON hicon); WINCOMMCTRLAPI COLORREF WINAPI ImageList_SetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl, COLORREF clrBk); WINCOMMCTRLAPI COLORREF WINAPI ImageList_GetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_SetOverlayImage(HIMAGELIST himl, int iImage, int iOverlay); #define ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hicon) ImageList_ReplaceIcon(himl, -1, hicon) #define ILD_NORMAL 0x00000000 #define ILD_TRANSPARENT 0x00000001 #define ILD_MASK 0x00000010 #define ILD_IMAGE 0x00000020 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define ILD_ROP 0x00000040 #endif #define ILD_BLEND25 0x00000002 #define ILD_BLEND50 0x00000004 #define ILD_OVERLAYMASK 0x00000F00 #define INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK(i) ((i) << 8) #define ILD_PRESERVEALPHA 0x00001000 // This preserves the alpha channel in dest #define ILD_SCALE 0x00002000 // Causes the image to be scaled to cx, cy instead of clipped #define ILD_DPISCALE 0x00004000 #define ILD_SELECTED ILD_BLEND50 #define ILD_FOCUS ILD_BLEND25 #define ILD_BLEND ILD_BLEND50 #define CLR_HILIGHT CLR_DEFAULT #define ILS_NORMAL 0x00000000 #define ILS_GLOW 0x00000001 #define ILS_SHADOW 0x00000002 #define ILS_SATURATE 0x00000004 #define ILS_ALPHA 0x00000008 WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_Draw(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HDC hdcDst, int x, int y, UINT fStyle); #ifdef _WIN32 WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_Replace(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HBITMAP hbmImage, HBITMAP hbmMask); WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI ImageList_AddMasked(HIMAGELIST himl, HBITMAP hbmImage, COLORREF crMask); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_DrawEx(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HDC hdcDst, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, COLORREF rgbBk, COLORREF rgbFg, UINT fStyle); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_DrawIndirect(IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS* pimldp); #endif WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_Remove(HIMAGELIST himl, int i); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HICON WINAPI ImageList_GetIcon(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, UINT flags); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HIMAGELIST WINAPI ImageList_LoadImageA(HINSTANCE hi, LPCSTR lpbmp, int cx, int cGrow, COLORREF crMask, UINT uType, UINT uFlags); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HIMAGELIST WINAPI ImageList_LoadImageW(HINSTANCE hi, LPCWSTR lpbmp, int cx, int cGrow, COLORREF crMask, UINT uType, UINT uFlags); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImageList_LoadImage ImageList_LoadImageW #else #define ImageList_LoadImage ImageList_LoadImageA #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define ILCF_MOVE (0x00000000) #define ILCF_SWAP (0x00000001) WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_Copy(HIMAGELIST himlDst, int iDst, HIMAGELIST himlSrc, int iSrc, UINT uFlags); #endif WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_BeginDrag(HIMAGELIST himlTrack, int iTrack, int dxHotspot, int dyHotspot); WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI ImageList_EndDrag(); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_DragEnter(HWND hwndLock, int x, int y); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_DragLeave(HWND hwndLock); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_DragMove(int x, int y); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_SetDragCursorImage(HIMAGELIST himlDrag, int iDrag, int dxHotspot, int dyHotspot); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_DragShowNolock(BOOL fShow); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HIMAGELIST WINAPI ImageList_GetDragImage(POINT *ppt,POINT *pptHotspot); #define ImageList_RemoveAll(himl) ImageList_Remove(himl, -1) #define ImageList_ExtractIcon(hi, himl, i) ImageList_GetIcon(himl, i, 0) #define ImageList_LoadBitmap(hi, lpbmp, cx, cGrow, crMask) ImageList_LoadImage(hi, lpbmp, cx, cGrow, crMask, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0) #ifdef __IStream_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ WINCOMMCTRLAPI HIMAGELIST WINAPI ImageList_Read(LPSTREAM pstm); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_Write(HIMAGELIST himl, LPSTREAM pstm); #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) #define ILP_NORMAL 0 // Writes or reads the stream using new sematics for this version of comctl32 #define ILP_DOWNLEVEL 1 // Write or reads the stream using downlevel sematics. WINCOMMCTRLAPI HRESULT WINAPI ImageList_ReadEx(DWORD dwFlags, LPSTREAM pstm, REFIID riid, PVOID* ppv); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HRESULT WINAPI ImageList_WriteEx(HIMAGELIST himl, DWORD dwFlags, LPSTREAM pstm); #endif #endif #ifndef IMAGEINFO typedef struct _IMAGEINFO { HBITMAP hbmImage; HBITMAP hbmMask; int Unused1; int Unused2; RECT rcImage; } IMAGEINFO, *LPIMAGEINFO; #endif WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_GetIconSize(HIMAGELIST himl, int *cx, int *cy); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_SetIconSize(HIMAGELIST himl, int cx, int cy); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ImageList_GetImageInfo(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, IMAGEINFO *pImageInfo); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HIMAGELIST WINAPI ImageList_Merge(HIMAGELIST himl1, int i1, HIMAGELIST himl2, int i2, int dx, int dy); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) WINCOMMCTRLAPI HIMAGELIST WINAPI ImageList_Duplicate(HIMAGELIST himl); #endif #endif #endif //====== HEADER CONTROL ======================================================= #ifndef NOHEADER #ifdef _WIN32 #define WC_HEADERA "SysHeader32" #define WC_HEADERW L"SysHeader32" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_HEADER WC_HEADERW #else #define WC_HEADER WC_HEADERA #endif #else #define WC_HEADER "SysHeader" #endif // begin_r_commctrl #define HDS_HORZ 0x0000 #define HDS_BUTTONS 0x0002 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HDS_HOTTRACK 0x0004 #endif #define HDS_HIDDEN 0x0008 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HDS_DRAGDROP 0x0040 #define HDS_FULLDRAG 0x0080 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define HDS_FILTERBAR 0x0100 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define HDS_FLAT 0x0200 #endif // end_r_commctrl #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define HDFT_ISSTRING 0x0000 // HD_ITEM.pvFilter points to a HD_TEXTFILTER #define HDFT_ISNUMBER 0x0001 // HD_ITEM.pvFilter points to a INT #define HDFT_HASNOVALUE 0x8000 // clear the filter, by setting this bit #ifdef UNICODE #define HD_TEXTFILTER HD_TEXTFILTERW #define HDTEXTFILTER HD_TEXTFILTERW #define LPHD_TEXTFILTER LPHD_TEXTFILTERW #define LPHDTEXTFILTER LPHD_TEXTFILTERW #else #define HD_TEXTFILTER HD_TEXTFILTERA #define HDTEXTFILTER HD_TEXTFILTERA #define LPHD_TEXTFILTER LPHD_TEXTFILTERA #define LPHDTEXTFILTER LPHD_TEXTFILTERA #endif typedef struct _HD_TEXTFILTERA { LPSTR pszText; // [in] pointer to the buffer containing the filter (ANSI) INT cchTextMax; // [in] max size of buffer/edit control buffer } HD_TEXTFILTERA, *LPHD_TEXTFILTERA; typedef struct _HD_TEXTFILTERW { LPWSTR pszText; // [in] pointer to the buffer contiaining the filter (UNICODE) INT cchTextMax; // [in] max size of buffer/edit control buffer } HD_TEXTFILTERW, *LPHD_TEXTFILTERW; #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0500 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HD_ITEMA HDITEMA #define HD_ITEMW HDITEMW #else #define HDITEMW HD_ITEMW #define HDITEMA HD_ITEMA #endif #define HD_ITEM HDITEM typedef struct _HD_ITEMA { UINT mask; int cxy; LPSTR pszText; HBITMAP hbm; int cchTextMax; int fmt; LPARAM lParam; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) int iImage; // index of bitmap in ImageList int iOrder; // where to draw this item #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) UINT type; // [in] filter type (defined what pvFilter is a pointer to) void * pvFilter; // [in] fillter data see above #endif } HDITEMA, *LPHDITEMA; #define HDITEMA_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(HDITEMA, lParam) #define HDITEMW_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(HDITEMW, lParam) typedef struct _HD_ITEMW { UINT mask; int cxy; LPWSTR pszText; HBITMAP hbm; int cchTextMax; int fmt; LPARAM lParam; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) int iImage; // index of bitmap in ImageList int iOrder; #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) UINT type; // [in] filter type (defined what pvFilter is a pointer to) void * pvFilter; // [in] fillter data see above #endif } HDITEMW, *LPHDITEMW; #ifdef UNICODE #define HDITEM HDITEMW #define LPHDITEM LPHDITEMW #define HDITEM_V1_SIZE HDITEMW_V1_SIZE #else #define HDITEM HDITEMA #define LPHDITEM LPHDITEMA #define HDITEM_V1_SIZE HDITEMA_V1_SIZE #endif #define HDI_WIDTH 0x0001 #define HDI_HEIGHT HDI_WIDTH #define HDI_TEXT 0x0002 #define HDI_FORMAT 0x0004 #define HDI_LPARAM 0x0008 #define HDI_BITMAP 0x0010 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HDI_IMAGE 0x0020 #define HDI_DI_SETITEM 0x0040 #define HDI_ORDER 0x0080 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define HDI_FILTER 0x0100 #endif #define HDF_LEFT 0x0000 #define HDF_RIGHT 0x0001 #define HDF_CENTER 0x0002 #define HDF_JUSTIFYMASK 0x0003 #define HDF_RTLREADING 0x0004 #define HDF_OWNERDRAW 0x8000 #define HDF_STRING 0x4000 #define HDF_BITMAP 0x2000 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HDF_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT 0x1000 #define HDF_IMAGE 0x0800 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define HDF_SORTUP 0x0400 #define HDF_SORTDOWN 0x0200 #endif #define HDM_GETITEMCOUNT (HDM_FIRST + 0) #define Header_GetItemCount(hwndHD) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwndHD), HDM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0L) #define HDM_INSERTITEMA (HDM_FIRST + 1) #define HDM_INSERTITEMW (HDM_FIRST + 10) #ifdef UNICODE #define HDM_INSERTITEM HDM_INSERTITEMW #else #define HDM_INSERTITEM HDM_INSERTITEMA #endif #define Header_InsertItem(hwndHD, i, phdi) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwndHD), HDM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(const HD_ITEM *)(phdi)) #define HDM_DELETEITEM (HDM_FIRST + 2) #define Header_DeleteItem(hwndHD, i) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndHD), HDM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), 0L) #define HDM_GETITEMA (HDM_FIRST + 3) #define HDM_GETITEMW (HDM_FIRST + 11) #ifdef UNICODE #define HDM_GETITEM HDM_GETITEMW #else #define HDM_GETITEM HDM_GETITEMA #endif #define Header_GetItem(hwndHD, i, phdi) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndHD), HDM_GETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(HD_ITEM *)(phdi)) #define HDM_SETITEMA (HDM_FIRST + 4) #define HDM_SETITEMW (HDM_FIRST + 12) #ifdef UNICODE #define HDM_SETITEM HDM_SETITEMW #else #define HDM_SETITEM HDM_SETITEMA #endif #define Header_SetItem(hwndHD, i, phdi) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndHD), HDM_SETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(const HD_ITEM *)(phdi)) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HD_LAYOUT HDLAYOUT #else #define HDLAYOUT HD_LAYOUT #endif typedef struct _HD_LAYOUT { RECT *prc; WINDOWPOS *pwpos; } HDLAYOUT, *LPHDLAYOUT; #define HDM_LAYOUT (HDM_FIRST + 5) #define Header_Layout(hwndHD, playout) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndHD), HDM_LAYOUT, 0, (LPARAM)(HD_LAYOUT *)(playout)) #define HHT_NOWHERE 0x0001 #define HHT_ONHEADER 0x0002 #define HHT_ONDIVIDER 0x0004 #define HHT_ONDIVOPEN 0x0008 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define HHT_ONFILTER 0x0010 #define HHT_ONFILTERBUTTON 0x0020 #endif #define HHT_ABOVE 0x0100 #define HHT_BELOW 0x0200 #define HHT_TORIGHT 0x0400 #define HHT_TOLEFT 0x0800 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HD_HITTESTINFO HDHITTESTINFO #else #define HDHITTESTINFO HD_HITTESTINFO #endif typedef struct _HD_HITTESTINFO { POINT pt; UINT flags; int iItem; } HDHITTESTINFO, *LPHDHITTESTINFO; #define HDM_HITTEST (HDM_FIRST + 6) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HDM_GETITEMRECT (HDM_FIRST + 7) #define Header_GetItemRect(hwnd, iItem, lprc) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(iItem), (LPARAM)(lprc)) #define HDM_SETIMAGELIST (HDM_FIRST + 8) #define Header_SetImageList(hwnd, himl) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)(himl)) #define HDM_GETIMAGELIST (HDM_FIRST + 9) #define Header_GetImageList(hwnd) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0) #define HDM_ORDERTOINDEX (HDM_FIRST + 15) #define Header_OrderToIndex(hwnd, i) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_ORDERTOINDEX, (WPARAM)(i), 0) #define HDM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE (HDM_FIRST + 16) // wparam = which item (by index) #define Header_CreateDragImage(hwnd, i) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE, (WPARAM)(i), 0) #define HDM_GETORDERARRAY (HDM_FIRST + 17) #define Header_GetOrderArray(hwnd, iCount, lpi) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_GETORDERARRAY, (WPARAM)(iCount), (LPARAM)(lpi)) #define HDM_SETORDERARRAY (HDM_FIRST + 18) #define Header_SetOrderArray(hwnd, iCount, lpi) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_SETORDERARRAY, (WPARAM)(iCount), (LPARAM)(lpi)) // lparam = int array of size HDM_GETITEMCOUNT // the array specifies the order that all items should be displayed. // e.g. { 2, 0, 1} // says the index 2 item should be shown in the 0ths position // index 0 should be shown in the 1st position // index 1 should be shown in the 2nd position #define HDM_SETHOTDIVIDER (HDM_FIRST + 19) #define Header_SetHotDivider(hwnd, fPos, dw) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_SETHOTDIVIDER, (WPARAM)(fPos), (LPARAM)(dw)) // convenience message for external dragdrop // wParam = BOOL specifying whether the lParam is a dwPos of the cursor // position or the index of which divider to hotlight // lParam = depends on wParam (-1 and wParm = FALSE turns off hotlight) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define HDM_SETBITMAPMARGIN (HDM_FIRST + 20) #define Header_SetBitmapMargin(hwnd, iWidth) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_SETBITMAPMARGIN, (WPARAM)(iWidth), 0) #define HDM_GETBITMAPMARGIN (HDM_FIRST + 21) #define Header_GetBitmapMargin(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_GETBITMAPMARGIN, 0, 0) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define HDM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define Header_SetUnicodeFormat(hwnd, fUnicode) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, (WPARAM)(fUnicode), 0) #define HDM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #define Header_GetUnicodeFormat(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_GETUNICODEFORMAT, 0, 0) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define HDM_SETFILTERCHANGETIMEOUT (HDM_FIRST+22) #define Header_SetFilterChangeTimeout(hwnd, i) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_SETFILTERCHANGETIMEOUT, 0, (LPARAM)(i)) #define HDM_EDITFILTER (HDM_FIRST+23) #define Header_EditFilter(hwnd, i, fDiscardChanges) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_EDITFILTER, (WPARAM)(i), MAKELPARAM(fDiscardChanges, 0)) // Clear filter takes -1 as a column value to indicate that all // the filter should be cleared. When this happens you will // only receive a single filter changed notification. #define HDM_CLEARFILTER (HDM_FIRST+24) #define Header_ClearFilter(hwnd, i) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_CLEARFILTER, (WPARAM)(i), 0) #define Header_ClearAllFilters(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), HDM_CLEARFILTER, (WPARAM)-1, 0) #endif #define HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA (HDN_FIRST-0) #define HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW (HDN_FIRST-20) #define HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA (HDN_FIRST-1) #define HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW (HDN_FIRST-21) #define HDN_ITEMCLICKA (HDN_FIRST-2) #define HDN_ITEMCLICKW (HDN_FIRST-22) #define HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKA (HDN_FIRST-3) #define HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKW (HDN_FIRST-23) #define HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKA (HDN_FIRST-5) #define HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKW (HDN_FIRST-25) #define HDN_BEGINTRACKA (HDN_FIRST-6) #define HDN_BEGINTRACKW (HDN_FIRST-26) #define HDN_ENDTRACKA (HDN_FIRST-7) #define HDN_ENDTRACKW (HDN_FIRST-27) #define HDN_TRACKA (HDN_FIRST-8) #define HDN_TRACKW (HDN_FIRST-28) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HDN_GETDISPINFOA (HDN_FIRST-9) #define HDN_GETDISPINFOW (HDN_FIRST-29) #define HDN_BEGINDRAG (HDN_FIRST-10) #define HDN_ENDDRAG (HDN_FIRST-11) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define HDN_FILTERCHANGE (HDN_FIRST-12) #define HDN_FILTERBTNCLICK (HDN_FIRST-13) #endif #ifdef UNICODE #define HDN_ITEMCHANGING HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW #define HDN_ITEMCHANGED HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW #define HDN_ITEMCLICK HDN_ITEMCLICKW #define HDN_ITEMDBLCLICK HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKW #define HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKW #define HDN_BEGINTRACK HDN_BEGINTRACKW #define HDN_ENDTRACK HDN_ENDTRACKW #define HDN_TRACK HDN_TRACKW #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HDN_GETDISPINFO HDN_GETDISPINFOW #endif #else #define HDN_ITEMCHANGING HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA #define HDN_ITEMCHANGED HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA #define HDN_ITEMCLICK HDN_ITEMCLICKA #define HDN_ITEMDBLCLICK HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKA #define HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKA #define HDN_BEGINTRACK HDN_BEGINTRACKA #define HDN_ENDTRACK HDN_ENDTRACKA #define HDN_TRACK HDN_TRACKA #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HDN_GETDISPINFO HDN_GETDISPINFOA #endif #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HD_NOTIFYA NMHEADERA #define HD_NOTIFYW NMHEADERW #else #define tagNMHEADERA _HD_NOTIFY #define NMHEADERA HD_NOTIFYA #define tagHMHEADERW _HD_NOTIFYW #define NMHEADERW HD_NOTIFYW #endif #define HD_NOTIFY NMHEADER typedef struct tagNMHEADERA { NMHDR hdr; int iItem; int iButton; HDITEMA *pitem; } NMHEADERA, *LPNMHEADERA; typedef struct tagNMHEADERW { NMHDR hdr; int iItem; int iButton; HDITEMW *pitem; } NMHEADERW, *LPNMHEADERW; #ifdef UNICODE #define NMHEADER NMHEADERW #define LPNMHEADER LPNMHEADERW #else #define NMHEADER NMHEADERA #define LPNMHEADER LPNMHEADERA #endif typedef struct tagNMHDDISPINFOW { NMHDR hdr; int iItem; UINT mask; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; LPARAM lParam; } NMHDDISPINFOW, *LPNMHDDISPINFOW; typedef struct tagNMHDDISPINFOA { NMHDR hdr; int iItem; UINT mask; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; LPARAM lParam; } NMHDDISPINFOA, *LPNMHDDISPINFOA; #ifdef UNICODE #define NMHDDISPINFO NMHDDISPINFOW #define LPNMHDDISPINFO LPNMHDDISPINFOW #else #define NMHDDISPINFO NMHDDISPINFOA #define LPNMHDDISPINFO LPNMHDDISPINFOA #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) typedef struct tagNMHDFILTERBTNCLICK { NMHDR hdr; INT iItem; RECT rc; } NMHDFILTERBTNCLICK, *LPNMHDFILTERBTNCLICK; #endif #endif // NOHEADER //====== TOOLBAR CONTROL ====================================================== #ifndef NOTOOLBAR #ifdef _WIN32 #define TOOLBARCLASSNAMEW L"ToolbarWindow32" #define TOOLBARCLASSNAMEA "ToolbarWindow32" #ifdef UNICODE #define TOOLBARCLASSNAME TOOLBARCLASSNAMEW #else #define TOOLBARCLASSNAME TOOLBARCLASSNAMEA #endif #else #define TOOLBARCLASSNAME "ToolbarWindow" #endif typedef struct _TBBUTTON { int iBitmap; int idCommand; BYTE fsState; BYTE fsStyle; #ifdef _WIN64 BYTE bReserved[6]; // padding for alignment #elif defined(_WIN32) BYTE bReserved[2]; // padding for alignment #endif DWORD_PTR dwData; INT_PTR iString; } TBBUTTON, NEAR* PTBBUTTON, *LPTBBUTTON; typedef const TBBUTTON *LPCTBBUTTON; typedef struct _COLORMAP { COLORREF from; COLORREF to; } COLORMAP, *LPCOLORMAP; WINCOMMCTRLAPI HWND WINAPI CreateToolbarEx(HWND hwnd, DWORD ws, UINT wID, int nBitmaps, HINSTANCE hBMInst, UINT_PTR wBMID, LPCTBBUTTON lpButtons, int iNumButtons, int dxButton, int dyButton, int dxBitmap, int dyBitmap, UINT uStructSize); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HBITMAP WINAPI CreateMappedBitmap(HINSTANCE hInstance, INT_PTR idBitmap, UINT wFlags, LPCOLORMAP lpColorMap, int iNumMaps); #define CMB_MASKED 0x02 #define TBSTATE_CHECKED 0x01 #define TBSTATE_PRESSED 0x02 #define TBSTATE_ENABLED 0x04 #define TBSTATE_HIDDEN 0x08 #define TBSTATE_INDETERMINATE 0x10 #define TBSTATE_WRAP 0x20 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TBSTATE_ELLIPSES 0x40 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TBSTATE_MARKED 0x80 #endif #define TBSTYLE_BUTTON 0x0000 // obsolete; use BTNS_BUTTON instead #define TBSTYLE_SEP 0x0001 // obsolete; use BTNS_SEP instead #define TBSTYLE_CHECK 0x0002 // obsolete; use BTNS_CHECK instead #define TBSTYLE_GROUP 0x0004 // obsolete; use BTNS_GROUP instead #define TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP (TBSTYLE_GROUP | TBSTYLE_CHECK) // obsolete; use BTNS_CHECKGROUP instead #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN 0x0008 // obsolete; use BTNS_DROPDOWN instead #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE 0x0010 // obsolete; use BTNS_AUTOSIZE instead #define TBSTYLE_NOPREFIX 0x0020 // obsolete; use BTNS_NOPREFIX instead #endif #define TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS 0x0100 #define TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE 0x0200 #define TBSTYLE_ALTDRAG 0x0400 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TBSTYLE_FLAT 0x0800 #define TBSTYLE_LIST 0x1000 #define TBSTYLE_CUSTOMERASE 0x2000 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TBSTYLE_REGISTERDROP 0x4000 #define TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT 0x8000 #define TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS 0x00000001 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define BTNS_BUTTON TBSTYLE_BUTTON // 0x0000 #define BTNS_SEP TBSTYLE_SEP // 0x0001 #define BTNS_CHECK TBSTYLE_CHECK // 0x0002 #define BTNS_GROUP TBSTYLE_GROUP // 0x0004 #define BTNS_CHECKGROUP TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP // (TBSTYLE_GROUP | TBSTYLE_CHECK) #define BTNS_DROPDOWN TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN // 0x0008 #define BTNS_AUTOSIZE TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE // 0x0010; automatically calculate the cx of the button #define BTNS_NOPREFIX TBSTYLE_NOPREFIX // 0x0020; this button should not have accel prefix #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) #define BTNS_SHOWTEXT 0x0040 // ignored unless TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS is set #endif // 0x0501 #define BTNS_WHOLEDROPDOWN 0x0080 // draw drop-down arrow, but without split arrow section #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) #define TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS 0x00000008 #define TBSTYLE_EX_HIDECLIPPEDBUTTONS 0x00000010 // don't show partially obscured buttons #endif // 0x0501 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define TBSTYLE_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER 0x00000080 // Double Buffer the toolbar #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // Custom Draw Structure typedef struct _NMTBCUSTOMDRAW { NMCUSTOMDRAW nmcd; HBRUSH hbrMonoDither; HBRUSH hbrLines; // For drawing lines on buttons HPEN hpenLines; // For drawing lines on buttons COLORREF clrText; // Color of text COLORREF clrMark; // Color of text bk when marked. (only if TBSTATE_MARKED) COLORREF clrTextHighlight; // Color of text when highlighted COLORREF clrBtnFace; // Background of the button COLORREF clrBtnHighlight; // 3D highlight COLORREF clrHighlightHotTrack; // In conjunction with fHighlightHotTrack // will cause button to highlight like a menu RECT rcText; // Rect for text int nStringBkMode; int nHLStringBkMode; #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) int iListGap; #endif } NMTBCUSTOMDRAW, * LPNMTBCUSTOMDRAW; // Toolbar custom draw return flags #define TBCDRF_NOEDGES 0x00010000 // Don't draw button edges #define TBCDRF_HILITEHOTTRACK 0x00020000 // Use color of the button bk when hottracked #define TBCDRF_NOOFFSET 0x00040000 // Don't offset button if pressed #define TBCDRF_NOMARK 0x00080000 // Don't draw default highlight of image/text for TBSTATE_MARKED #define TBCDRF_NOETCHEDEFFECT 0x00100000 // Don't draw etched effect for disabled items #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TBCDRF_BLENDICON 0x00200000 // Use ILD_BLEND50 on the icon image #define TBCDRF_NOBACKGROUND 0x00400000 // Use ILD_BLEND50 on the icon image #endif #define TB_ENABLEBUTTON (WM_USER + 1) #define TB_CHECKBUTTON (WM_USER + 2) #define TB_PRESSBUTTON (WM_USER + 3) #define TB_HIDEBUTTON (WM_USER + 4) #define TB_INDETERMINATE (WM_USER + 5) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TB_MARKBUTTON (WM_USER + 6) #endif #define TB_ISBUTTONENABLED (WM_USER + 9) #define TB_ISBUTTONCHECKED (WM_USER + 10) #define TB_ISBUTTONPRESSED (WM_USER + 11) #define TB_ISBUTTONHIDDEN (WM_USER + 12) #define TB_ISBUTTONINDETERMINATE (WM_USER + 13) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TB_ISBUTTONHIGHLIGHTED (WM_USER + 14) #endif #define TB_SETSTATE (WM_USER + 17) #define TB_GETSTATE (WM_USER + 18) #define TB_ADDBITMAP (WM_USER + 19) #ifdef _WIN32 typedef struct tagTBADDBITMAP { HINSTANCE hInst; UINT_PTR nID; } TBADDBITMAP, *LPTBADDBITMAP; #define HINST_COMMCTRL ((HINSTANCE)-1) #define IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR 0 #define IDB_STD_LARGE_COLOR 1 #define IDB_VIEW_SMALL_COLOR 4 #define IDB_VIEW_LARGE_COLOR 5 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define IDB_HIST_SMALL_COLOR 8 #define IDB_HIST_LARGE_COLOR 9 #endif // icon indexes for standard bitmap #define STD_CUT 0 #define STD_COPY 1 #define STD_PASTE 2 #define STD_UNDO 3 #define STD_REDOW 4 #define STD_DELETE 5 #define STD_FILENEW 6 #define STD_FILEOPEN 7 #define STD_FILESAVE 8 #define STD_PRINTPRE 9 #define STD_PROPERTIES 10 #define STD_HELP 11 #define STD_FIND 12 #define STD_REPLACE 13 #define STD_PRINT 14 // icon indexes for standard view bitmap #define VIEW_LARGEICONS 0 #define VIEW_SMALLICONS 1 #define VIEW_LIST 2 #define VIEW_DETAILS 3 #define VIEW_SORTNAME 4 #define VIEW_SORTSIZE 5 #define VIEW_SORTDATE 6 #define VIEW_SORTTYPE 7 #define VIEW_PARENTFOLDER 8 #define VIEW_NETCONNECT 9 #define VIEW_NETDISCONNECT 10 #define VIEW_NEWFOLDER 11 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define VIEW_VIEWMENU 12 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define HIST_BACK 0 #define HIST_FORWARD 1 #define HIST_FAVORITES 2 #define HIST_ADDTOFAVORITES 3 #define HIST_VIEWTREE 4 #endif #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TB_ADDBUTTONSA (WM_USER + 20) #define TB_INSERTBUTTONA (WM_USER + 21) #else #define TB_ADDBUTTONS (WM_USER + 20) #define TB_INSERTBUTTON (WM_USER + 21) #endif #define TB_DELETEBUTTON (WM_USER + 22) #define TB_GETBUTTON (WM_USER + 23) #define TB_BUTTONCOUNT (WM_USER + 24) #define TB_COMMANDTOINDEX (WM_USER + 25) #ifdef _WIN32 typedef struct tagTBSAVEPARAMSA { HKEY hkr; LPCSTR pszSubKey; LPCSTR pszValueName; } TBSAVEPARAMSA, *LPTBSAVEPARAMSA; typedef struct tagTBSAVEPARAMSW { HKEY hkr; LPCWSTR pszSubKey; LPCWSTR pszValueName; } TBSAVEPARAMSW, *LPTBSAVEPARAMW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TBSAVEPARAMS TBSAVEPARAMSW #define LPTBSAVEPARAMS LPTBSAVEPARAMSW #else #define TBSAVEPARAMS TBSAVEPARAMSA #define LPTBSAVEPARAMS LPTBSAVEPARAMSA #endif #endif // _WIN32 #define TB_SAVERESTOREA (WM_USER + 26) #define TB_SAVERESTOREW (WM_USER + 76) #define TB_CUSTOMIZE (WM_USER + 27) #define TB_ADDSTRINGA (WM_USER + 28) #define TB_ADDSTRINGW (WM_USER + 77) #define TB_GETITEMRECT (WM_USER + 29) #define TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE (WM_USER + 30) #define TB_SETBUTTONSIZE (WM_USER + 31) #define TB_SETBITMAPSIZE (WM_USER + 32) #define TB_AUTOSIZE (WM_USER + 33) #define TB_GETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER + 35) #define TB_SETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER + 36) #define TB_SETPARENT (WM_USER + 37) #define TB_SETROWS (WM_USER + 39) #define TB_GETROWS (WM_USER + 40) #define TB_SETCMDID (WM_USER + 42) #define TB_CHANGEBITMAP (WM_USER + 43) #define TB_GETBITMAP (WM_USER + 44) #define TB_GETBUTTONTEXTA (WM_USER + 45) #define TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW (WM_USER + 75) #define TB_REPLACEBITMAP (WM_USER + 46) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TB_SETINDENT (WM_USER + 47) #define TB_SETIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 48) #define TB_GETIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 49) #define TB_LOADIMAGES (WM_USER + 50) #define TB_GETRECT (WM_USER + 51) // wParam is the Cmd instead of index #define TB_SETHOTIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 52) #define TB_GETHOTIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 53) #define TB_SETDISABLEDIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 54) #define TB_GETDISABLEDIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 55) #define TB_SETSTYLE (WM_USER + 56) #define TB_GETSTYLE (WM_USER + 57) #define TB_GETBUTTONSIZE (WM_USER + 58) #define TB_SETBUTTONWIDTH (WM_USER + 59) #define TB_SETMAXTEXTROWS (WM_USER + 60) #define TB_GETTEXTROWS (WM_USER + 61) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #ifdef UNICODE #define TB_GETBUTTONTEXT TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW #define TB_SAVERESTORE TB_SAVERESTOREW #define TB_ADDSTRING TB_ADDSTRINGW #else #define TB_GETBUTTONTEXT TB_GETBUTTONTEXTA #define TB_SAVERESTORE TB_SAVERESTOREA #define TB_ADDSTRING TB_ADDSTRINGA #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TB_GETOBJECT (WM_USER + 62) // wParam == IID, lParam void **ppv #define TB_GETHOTITEM (WM_USER + 71) #define TB_SETHOTITEM (WM_USER + 72) // wParam == iHotItem #define TB_SETANCHORHIGHLIGHT (WM_USER + 73) // wParam == TRUE/FALSE #define TB_GETANCHORHIGHLIGHT (WM_USER + 74) #define TB_MAPACCELERATORA (WM_USER + 78) // wParam == ch, lParam int * pidBtn typedef struct { int iButton; DWORD dwFlags; } TBINSERTMARK, * LPTBINSERTMARK; #define TBIMHT_AFTER 0x00000001 // TRUE = insert After iButton, otherwise before #define TBIMHT_BACKGROUND 0x00000002 // TRUE iff missed buttons completely #define TB_GETINSERTMARK (WM_USER + 79) // lParam == LPTBINSERTMARK #define TB_SETINSERTMARK (WM_USER + 80) // lParam == LPTBINSERTMARK #define TB_INSERTMARKHITTEST (WM_USER + 81) // wParam == LPPOINT lParam == LPTBINSERTMARK #define TB_MOVEBUTTON (WM_USER + 82) #define TB_GETMAXSIZE (WM_USER + 83) // lParam == LPSIZE #define TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER + 84) // For TBSTYLE_EX_* #define TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER + 85) // For TBSTYLE_EX_* #define TB_GETPADDING (WM_USER + 86) #define TB_SETPADDING (WM_USER + 87) #define TB_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR (WM_USER + 88) #define TB_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR (WM_USER + 89) #define TB_SETCOLORSCHEME CCM_SETCOLORSCHEME // lParam is color scheme #define TB_GETCOLORSCHEME CCM_GETCOLORSCHEME // fills in COLORSCHEME pointed to by lParam #define TB_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define TB_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #define TB_MAPACCELERATORW (WM_USER + 90) // wParam == ch, lParam int * pidBtn #ifdef UNICODE #define TB_MAPACCELERATOR TB_MAPACCELERATORW #else #define TB_MAPACCELERATOR TB_MAPACCELERATORA #endif #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 typedef struct { HINSTANCE hInstOld; UINT_PTR nIDOld; HINSTANCE hInstNew; UINT_PTR nIDNew; int nButtons; } TBREPLACEBITMAP, *LPTBREPLACEBITMAP; #ifdef _WIN32 #define TBBF_LARGE 0x0001 #define TB_GETBITMAPFLAGS (WM_USER + 41) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TBIF_IMAGE 0x00000001 #define TBIF_TEXT 0x00000002 #define TBIF_STATE 0x00000004 #define TBIF_STYLE 0x00000008 #define TBIF_LPARAM 0x00000010 #define TBIF_COMMAND 0x00000020 #define TBIF_SIZE 0x00000040 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TBIF_BYINDEX 0x80000000 // this specifies that the wparam in Get/SetButtonInfo is an index, not id #endif typedef struct { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwMask; int idCommand; int iImage; BYTE fsState; BYTE fsStyle; WORD cx; DWORD_PTR lParam; LPSTR pszText; int cchText; } TBBUTTONINFOA, *LPTBBUTTONINFOA; typedef struct { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwMask; int idCommand; int iImage; BYTE fsState; BYTE fsStyle; WORD cx; DWORD_PTR lParam; LPWSTR pszText; int cchText; } TBBUTTONINFOW, *LPTBBUTTONINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TBBUTTONINFO TBBUTTONINFOW #define LPTBBUTTONINFO LPTBBUTTONINFOW #else #define TBBUTTONINFO TBBUTTONINFOA #define LPTBBUTTONINFO LPTBBUTTONINFOA #endif // BUTTONINFO APIs do NOT support the string pool. #define TB_GETBUTTONINFOW (WM_USER + 63) #define TB_SETBUTTONINFOW (WM_USER + 64) #define TB_GETBUTTONINFOA (WM_USER + 65) #define TB_SETBUTTONINFOA (WM_USER + 66) #ifdef UNICODE #define TB_GETBUTTONINFO TB_GETBUTTONINFOW #define TB_SETBUTTONINFO TB_SETBUTTONINFOW #else #define TB_GETBUTTONINFO TB_GETBUTTONINFOA #define TB_SETBUTTONINFO TB_SETBUTTONINFOA #endif #define TB_INSERTBUTTONW (WM_USER + 67) #define TB_ADDBUTTONSW (WM_USER + 68) #define TB_HITTEST (WM_USER + 69) // New post Win95/NT4 for InsertButton and AddButton. if iString member // is a pointer to a string, it will be handled as a string like listview // (although LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK is not supported). #ifdef UNICODE #define TB_INSERTBUTTON TB_INSERTBUTTONW #define TB_ADDBUTTONS TB_ADDBUTTONSW #else #define TB_INSERTBUTTON TB_INSERTBUTTONA #define TB_ADDBUTTONS TB_ADDBUTTONSA #endif #define TB_SETDRAWTEXTFLAGS (WM_USER + 70) // wParam == mask lParam == bit values #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TB_GETSTRINGW (WM_USER + 91) #define TB_GETSTRINGA (WM_USER + 92) #ifdef UNICODE #define TB_GETSTRING TB_GETSTRINGW #else #define TB_GETSTRING TB_GETSTRINGA #endif #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0500 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define TBMF_PAD 0x00000001 #define TBMF_BARPAD 0x00000002 #define TBMF_BUTTONSPACING 0x00000004 typedef struct { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwMask; int cxPad; // PAD int cyPad; int cxBarPad; // BARPAD int cyBarPad; int cxButtonSpacing; // BUTTONSPACING int cyButtonSpacing; } TBMETRICS, * LPTBMETRICS; #define TB_GETMETRICS (WM_USER + 101) #define TB_SETMETRICS (WM_USER + 102) #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define TB_SETWINDOWTHEME CCM_SETWINDOWTHEME #endif #define TBN_GETBUTTONINFOA (TBN_FIRST-0) #define TBN_BEGINDRAG (TBN_FIRST-1) #define TBN_ENDDRAG (TBN_FIRST-2) #define TBN_BEGINADJUST (TBN_FIRST-3) #define TBN_ENDADJUST (TBN_FIRST-4) #define TBN_RESET (TBN_FIRST-5) #define TBN_QUERYINSERT (TBN_FIRST-6) #define TBN_QUERYDELETE (TBN_FIRST-7) #define TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE (TBN_FIRST-8) #define TBN_CUSTHELP (TBN_FIRST-9) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TBN_DROPDOWN (TBN_FIRST - 10) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TBN_GETOBJECT (TBN_FIRST - 12) // Structure for TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE notification // typedef struct tagNMTBHOTITEM { NMHDR hdr; int idOld; int idNew; DWORD dwFlags; // HICF_* } NMTBHOTITEM, * LPNMTBHOTITEM; // Hot item change flags #define HICF_OTHER 0x00000000 #define HICF_MOUSE 0x00000001 // Triggered by mouse #define HICF_ARROWKEYS 0x00000002 // Triggered by arrow keys #define HICF_ACCELERATOR 0x00000004 // Triggered by accelerator #define HICF_DUPACCEL 0x00000008 // This accelerator is not unique #define HICF_ENTERING 0x00000010 // idOld is invalid #define HICF_LEAVING 0x00000020 // idNew is invalid #define HICF_RESELECT 0x00000040 // hot item reselected #define HICF_LMOUSE 0x00000080 // left mouse button selected #define HICF_TOGGLEDROPDOWN 0x00000100 // Toggle button's dropdown state #define TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE (TBN_FIRST - 13) #define TBN_DRAGOUT (TBN_FIRST - 14) // this is sent when the user clicks down on a button then drags off the button #define TBN_DELETINGBUTTON (TBN_FIRST - 15) // uses TBNOTIFY #define TBN_GETDISPINFOA (TBN_FIRST - 16) // This is sent when the toolbar needs some display information #define TBN_GETDISPINFOW (TBN_FIRST - 17) // This is sent when the toolbar needs some display information #define TBN_GETINFOTIPA (TBN_FIRST - 18) #define TBN_GETINFOTIPW (TBN_FIRST - 19) #define TBN_GETBUTTONINFOW (TBN_FIRST - 20) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TBN_RESTORE (TBN_FIRST - 21) #define TBN_SAVE (TBN_FIRST - 22) #define TBN_INITCUSTOMIZE (TBN_FIRST - 23) #define TBNRF_HIDEHELP 0x00000001 #define TBNRF_ENDCUSTOMIZE 0x00000002 #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) typedef struct tagNMTBSAVE { NMHDR hdr; DWORD* pData; DWORD* pCurrent; UINT cbData; int iItem; int cButtons; TBBUTTON tbButton; } NMTBSAVE, *LPNMTBSAVE; typedef struct tagNMTBRESTORE { NMHDR hdr; DWORD* pData; DWORD* pCurrent; UINT cbData; int iItem; int cButtons; int cbBytesPerRecord; TBBUTTON tbButton; } NMTBRESTORE, *LPNMTBRESTORE; #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) typedef struct tagNMTBGETINFOTIPA { NMHDR hdr; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iItem; LPARAM lParam; } NMTBGETINFOTIPA, *LPNMTBGETINFOTIPA; typedef struct tagNMTBGETINFOTIPW { NMHDR hdr; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iItem; LPARAM lParam; } NMTBGETINFOTIPW, *LPNMTBGETINFOTIPW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TBN_GETINFOTIP TBN_GETINFOTIPW #define NMTBGETINFOTIP NMTBGETINFOTIPW #define LPNMTBGETINFOTIP LPNMTBGETINFOTIPW #else #define TBN_GETINFOTIP TBN_GETINFOTIPA #define NMTBGETINFOTIP NMTBGETINFOTIPA #define LPNMTBGETINFOTIP LPNMTBGETINFOTIPA #endif #define TBNF_IMAGE 0x00000001 #define TBNF_TEXT 0x00000002 #define TBNF_DI_SETITEM 0x10000000 typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; DWORD dwMask; // [in] Specifies the values requested .[out] Client ask the data to be set for future use int idCommand; // [in] id of button we're requesting info for DWORD_PTR lParam; // [in] lParam of button int iImage; // [out] image index LPSTR pszText; // [out] new text for item int cchText; // [in] size of buffer pointed to by pszText } NMTBDISPINFOA, *LPNMTBDISPINFOA; typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; DWORD dwMask; //[in] Specifies the values requested .[out] Client ask the data to be set for future use int idCommand; // [in] id of button we're requesting info for DWORD_PTR lParam; // [in] lParam of button int iImage; // [out] image index LPWSTR pszText; // [out] new text for item int cchText; // [in] size of buffer pointed to by pszText } NMTBDISPINFOW, *LPNMTBDISPINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TBN_GETDISPINFO TBN_GETDISPINFOW #define NMTBDISPINFO NMTBDISPINFOW #define LPNMTBDISPINFO LPNMTBDISPINFOW #else #define TBN_GETDISPINFO TBN_GETDISPINFOA #define NMTBDISPINFO NMTBDISPINFOA #define LPNMTBDISPINFO LPNMTBDISPINFOA #endif // Return codes for TBN_DROPDOWN #define TBDDRET_DEFAULT 0 #define TBDDRET_NODEFAULT 1 #define TBDDRET_TREATPRESSED 2 // Treat as a standard press button #endif #ifdef UNICODE #define TBN_GETBUTTONINFO TBN_GETBUTTONINFOW #else #define TBN_GETBUTTONINFO TBN_GETBUTTONINFOA #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TBNOTIFYA NMTOOLBARA #define TBNOTIFYW NMTOOLBARW #define LPTBNOTIFYA LPNMTOOLBARA #define LPTBNOTIFYW LPNMTOOLBARW #else #define tagNMTOOLBARA tagTBNOTIFYA #define NMTOOLBARA TBNOTIFYA #define LPNMTOOLBARA LPTBNOTIFYA #define tagNMTOOLBARW tagTBNOTIFYW #define NMTOOLBARW TBNOTIFYW #define LPNMTOOLBARW LPTBNOTIFYW #endif #define TBNOTIFY NMTOOLBAR #define LPTBNOTIFY LPNMTOOLBAR #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) typedef struct tagNMTOOLBARA { NMHDR hdr; int iItem; TBBUTTON tbButton; int cchText; LPSTR pszText; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x500) RECT rcButton; #endif } NMTOOLBARA, *LPNMTOOLBARA; #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) typedef struct tagNMTOOLBARW { NMHDR hdr; int iItem; TBBUTTON tbButton; int cchText; LPWSTR pszText; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x500) RECT rcButton; #endif } NMTOOLBARW, *LPNMTOOLBARW; #endif #ifdef UNICODE #define NMTOOLBAR NMTOOLBARW #define LPNMTOOLBAR LPNMTOOLBARW #else #define NMTOOLBAR NMTOOLBARA #define LPNMTOOLBAR LPNMTOOLBARA #endif #endif #endif // NOTOOLBAR #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) //====== REBAR CONTROL ======================================================== #ifndef NOREBAR #ifdef _WIN32 #define REBARCLASSNAMEW L"ReBarWindow32" #define REBARCLASSNAMEA "ReBarWindow32" #ifdef UNICODE #define REBARCLASSNAME REBARCLASSNAMEW #else #define REBARCLASSNAME REBARCLASSNAMEA #endif #else #define REBARCLASSNAME "ReBarWindow" #endif #define RBIM_IMAGELIST 0x00000001 // begin_r_commctrl #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define RBS_TOOLTIPS 0x0100 #define RBS_VARHEIGHT 0x0200 #define RBS_BANDBORDERS 0x0400 #define RBS_FIXEDORDER 0x0800 #define RBS_REGISTERDROP 0x1000 #define RBS_AUTOSIZE 0x2000 #define RBS_VERTICALGRIPPER 0x4000 // this always has the vertical gripper (default for horizontal mode) #define RBS_DBLCLKTOGGLE 0x8000 #else #define RBS_TOOLTIPS 0x00000100 #define RBS_VARHEIGHT 0x00000200 #define RBS_BANDBORDERS 0x00000400 #define RBS_FIXEDORDER 0x00000800 #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 // end_r_commctrl typedef struct tagREBARINFO { UINT cbSize; UINT fMask; #ifndef NOIMAGEAPIS HIMAGELIST himl; #else HANDLE himl; #endif } REBARINFO, *LPREBARINFO; #define RBBS_BREAK 0x00000001 // break to new line #define RBBS_FIXEDSIZE 0x00000002 // band can't be sized #define RBBS_CHILDEDGE 0x00000004 // edge around top & bottom of child window #define RBBS_HIDDEN 0x00000008 // don't show #define RBBS_NOVERT 0x00000010 // don't show when vertical #define RBBS_FIXEDBMP 0x00000020 // bitmap doesn't move during band resize #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // #define RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT 0x00000040 // allow autosizing of this child vertically #define RBBS_GRIPPERALWAYS 0x00000080 // always show the gripper #define RBBS_NOGRIPPER 0x00000100 // never show the gripper #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) // #define RBBS_USECHEVRON 0x00000200 // display drop-down button for this band if it's sized smaller than ideal width #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) // #define RBBS_HIDETITLE 0x00000400 // keep band title hidden #define RBBS_TOPALIGN 0x00000800 // keep band title hidden #endif // 0x0501 // #endif // 0x0500 // #endif // 0x0400 // #define RBBIM_STYLE 0x00000001 #define RBBIM_COLORS 0x00000002 #define RBBIM_TEXT 0x00000004 #define RBBIM_IMAGE 0x00000008 #define RBBIM_CHILD 0x00000010 #define RBBIM_CHILDSIZE 0x00000020 #define RBBIM_SIZE 0x00000040 #define RBBIM_BACKGROUND 0x00000080 #define RBBIM_ID 0x00000100 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define RBBIM_IDEALSIZE 0x00000200 #define RBBIM_LPARAM 0x00000400 #define RBBIM_HEADERSIZE 0x00000800 // control the size of the header #endif typedef struct tagREBARBANDINFOA { UINT cbSize; UINT fMask; UINT fStyle; COLORREF clrFore; COLORREF clrBack; LPSTR lpText; UINT cch; int iImage; HWND hwndChild; UINT cxMinChild; UINT cyMinChild; UINT cx; HBITMAP hbmBack; UINT wID; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) UINT cyChild; UINT cyMaxChild; UINT cyIntegral; UINT cxIdeal; LPARAM lParam; UINT cxHeader; #endif } REBARBANDINFOA, *LPREBARBANDINFOA; typedef REBARBANDINFOA CONST *LPCREBARBANDINFOA; #define REBARBANDINFOA_V3_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(REBARBANDINFOA, wID) #define REBARBANDINFOW_V3_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(REBARBANDINFOW, wID) typedef struct tagREBARBANDINFOW { UINT cbSize; UINT fMask; UINT fStyle; COLORREF clrFore; COLORREF clrBack; LPWSTR lpText; UINT cch; int iImage; HWND hwndChild; UINT cxMinChild; UINT cyMinChild; UINT cx; HBITMAP hbmBack; UINT wID; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) UINT cyChild; UINT cyMaxChild; UINT cyIntegral; UINT cxIdeal; LPARAM lParam; UINT cxHeader; #endif } REBARBANDINFOW, *LPREBARBANDINFOW; typedef REBARBANDINFOW CONST *LPCREBARBANDINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE #define REBARBANDINFO REBARBANDINFOW #define LPREBARBANDINFO LPREBARBANDINFOW #define LPCREBARBANDINFO LPCREBARBANDINFOW #define REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZE REBARBANDINFOW_V3_SIZE #else #define REBARBANDINFO REBARBANDINFOA #define LPREBARBANDINFO LPREBARBANDINFOA #define LPCREBARBANDINFO LPCREBARBANDINFOA #define REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZE REBARBANDINFOA_V3_SIZE #endif #define RB_INSERTBANDA (WM_USER + 1) #define RB_DELETEBAND (WM_USER + 2) #define RB_GETBARINFO (WM_USER + 3) #define RB_SETBARINFO (WM_USER + 4) #if (_WIN32_IE < 0x0400) #define RB_GETBANDINFO (WM_USER + 5) #endif #define RB_SETBANDINFOA (WM_USER + 6) #define RB_SETPARENT (WM_USER + 7) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define RB_HITTEST (WM_USER + 8) #define RB_GETRECT (WM_USER + 9) #endif #define RB_INSERTBANDW (WM_USER + 10) #define RB_SETBANDINFOW (WM_USER + 11) #define RB_GETBANDCOUNT (WM_USER + 12) #define RB_GETROWCOUNT (WM_USER + 13) #define RB_GETROWHEIGHT (WM_USER + 14) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define RB_IDTOINDEX (WM_USER + 16) // wParam == id #define RB_GETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER + 17) #define RB_SETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER + 18) #define RB_SETBKCOLOR (WM_USER + 19) // sets the default BK color #define RB_GETBKCOLOR (WM_USER + 20) // defaults to CLR_NONE #define RB_SETTEXTCOLOR (WM_USER + 21) #define RB_GETTEXTCOLOR (WM_USER + 22) // defaults to 0x00000000 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) #define RBSTR_CHANGERECT 0x0001 // flags for RB_SIZETORECT #endif #define RB_SIZETORECT (WM_USER + 23) // resize the rebar/break bands and such to this rect (lparam) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #define RB_SETCOLORSCHEME CCM_SETCOLORSCHEME // lParam is color scheme #define RB_GETCOLORSCHEME CCM_GETCOLORSCHEME // fills in COLORSCHEME pointed to by lParam #ifdef UNICODE #define RB_INSERTBAND RB_INSERTBANDW #define RB_SETBANDINFO RB_SETBANDINFOW #else #define RB_INSERTBAND RB_INSERTBANDA #define RB_SETBANDINFO RB_SETBANDINFOA #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // for manual drag control // lparam == cursor pos // -1 means do it yourself. // -2 means use what you had saved before #define RB_BEGINDRAG (WM_USER + 24) #define RB_ENDDRAG (WM_USER + 25) #define RB_DRAGMOVE (WM_USER + 26) #define RB_GETBARHEIGHT (WM_USER + 27) #define RB_GETBANDINFOW (WM_USER + 28) #define RB_GETBANDINFOA (WM_USER + 29) #ifdef UNICODE #define RB_GETBANDINFO RB_GETBANDINFOW #else #define RB_GETBANDINFO RB_GETBANDINFOA #endif #define RB_MINIMIZEBAND (WM_USER + 30) #define RB_MAXIMIZEBAND (WM_USER + 31) #define RB_GETDROPTARGET (CCM_GETDROPTARGET) #define RB_GETBANDBORDERS (WM_USER + 34) // returns in lparam = lprc the amount of edges added to band wparam #define RB_SHOWBAND (WM_USER + 35) // show/hide band #define RB_SETPALETTE (WM_USER + 37) #define RB_GETPALETTE (WM_USER + 38) #define RB_MOVEBAND (WM_USER + 39) #define RB_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define RB_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define RB_GETBANDMARGINS (WM_USER + 40) #define RB_SETWINDOWTHEME CCM_SETWINDOWTHEME #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define RB_PUSHCHEVRON (WM_USER + 43) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0500 #define RBN_HEIGHTCHANGE (RBN_FIRST - 0) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define RBN_GETOBJECT (RBN_FIRST - 1) #define RBN_LAYOUTCHANGED (RBN_FIRST - 2) #define RBN_AUTOSIZE (RBN_FIRST - 3) #define RBN_BEGINDRAG (RBN_FIRST - 4) #define RBN_ENDDRAG (RBN_FIRST - 5) #define RBN_DELETINGBAND (RBN_FIRST - 6) // Uses NMREBAR #define RBN_DELETEDBAND (RBN_FIRST - 7) // Uses NMREBAR #define RBN_CHILDSIZE (RBN_FIRST - 8) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define RBN_CHEVRONPUSHED (RBN_FIRST - 10) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0500 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define RBN_MINMAX (RBN_FIRST - 21) #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) #define RBN_AUTOBREAK (RBN_FIRST - 22) #endif typedef struct tagNMREBARCHILDSIZE { NMHDR hdr; UINT uBand; UINT wID; RECT rcChild; RECT rcBand; } NMREBARCHILDSIZE, *LPNMREBARCHILDSIZE; typedef struct tagNMREBAR { NMHDR hdr; DWORD dwMask; // RBNM_* UINT uBand; UINT fStyle; UINT wID; LPARAM lParam; } NMREBAR, *LPNMREBAR; // Mask flags for NMREBAR #define RBNM_ID 0x00000001 #define RBNM_STYLE 0x00000002 #define RBNM_LPARAM 0x00000004 typedef struct tagNMRBAUTOSIZE { NMHDR hdr; BOOL fChanged; RECT rcTarget; RECT rcActual; } NMRBAUTOSIZE, *LPNMRBAUTOSIZE; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) typedef struct tagNMREBARCHEVRON { NMHDR hdr; UINT uBand; UINT wID; LPARAM lParam; RECT rc; LPARAM lParamNM; } NMREBARCHEVRON, *LPNMREBARCHEVRON; #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) #define RBAB_AUTOSIZE 0x0001 // These are not flags and are all mutually exclusive #define RBAB_ADDBAND 0x0002 typedef struct tagNMREBARAUTOBREAK { NMHDR hdr; UINT uBand; UINT wID; LPARAM lParam; UINT uMsg; UINT fStyleCurrent; BOOL fAutoBreak; } NMREBARAUTOBREAK, *LPNMREBARAUTOBREAK; #endif #define RBHT_NOWHERE 0x0001 #define RBHT_CAPTION 0x0002 #define RBHT_CLIENT 0x0003 #define RBHT_GRABBER 0x0004 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define RBHT_CHEVRON 0x0008 #endif typedef struct _RB_HITTESTINFO { POINT pt; UINT flags; int iBand; } RBHITTESTINFO, *LPRBHITTESTINFO; #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #endif // NOREBAR #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 //====== TOOLTIPS CONTROL ===================================================== #ifndef NOTOOLTIPS #ifdef _WIN32 #define TOOLTIPS_CLASSW L"tooltips_class32" #define TOOLTIPS_CLASSA "tooltips_class32" #ifdef UNICODE #define TOOLTIPS_CLASS TOOLTIPS_CLASSW #else #define TOOLTIPS_CLASS TOOLTIPS_CLASSA #endif #else #define TOOLTIPS_CLASS "tooltips_class" #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LPTOOLINFOA LPTTTOOLINFOA #define LPTOOLINFOW LPTTTOOLINFOW #define TOOLINFOA TTTOOLINFOA #define TOOLINFOW TTTOOLINFOW #else #define TTTOOLINFOA TOOLINFOA #define LPTTTOOLINFOA LPTOOLINFOA #define TTTOOLINFOW TOOLINFOW #define LPTTTOOLINFOW LPTOOLINFOW #endif #define LPTOOLINFO LPTTTOOLINFO #define TOOLINFO TTTOOLINFO #define TTTOOLINFOA_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOA, lpszText) #define TTTOOLINFOW_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOW, lpszText) #define TTTOOLINFOA_V2_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOA, lParam) #define TTTOOLINFOW_V2_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOW, lParam) #define TTTOOLINFOA_V3_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOA, lpReserved) #define TTTOOLINFOW_V3_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOW, lpReserved) typedef struct tagTOOLINFOA { UINT cbSize; UINT uFlags; HWND hwnd; UINT_PTR uId; RECT rect; HINSTANCE hinst; LPSTR lpszText; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) LPARAM lParam; #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) void *lpReserved; #endif } TTTOOLINFOA, NEAR *PTOOLINFOA, *LPTTTOOLINFOA; typedef struct tagTOOLINFOW { UINT cbSize; UINT uFlags; HWND hwnd; UINT_PTR uId; RECT rect; HINSTANCE hinst; LPWSTR lpszText; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) LPARAM lParam; #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) void *lpReserved; #endif } TTTOOLINFOW, NEAR *PTOOLINFOW, *LPTTTOOLINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TTTOOLINFO TTTOOLINFOW #define PTOOLINFO PTOOLINFOW #define LPTTTOOLINFO LPTTTOOLINFOW #define TTTOOLINFO_V1_SIZE TTTOOLINFOW_V1_SIZE #else #define PTOOLINFO PTOOLINFOA #define TTTOOLINFO TTTOOLINFOA #define LPTTTOOLINFO LPTTTOOLINFOA #define TTTOOLINFO_V1_SIZE TTTOOLINFOA_V1_SIZE #endif // begin_r_commctrl #define TTS_ALWAYSTIP 0x01 #define TTS_NOPREFIX 0x02 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TTS_NOANIMATE 0x10 #define TTS_NOFADE 0x20 #define TTS_BALLOON 0x40 #define TTS_CLOSE 0x80 #endif // end_r_commctrl #define TTF_IDISHWND 0x0001 // Use this to center around trackpoint in trackmode // -OR- to center around tool in normal mode. // Use TTF_ABSOLUTE to place the tip exactly at the track coords when // in tracking mode. TTF_ABSOLUTE can be used in conjunction with TTF_CENTERTIP // to center the tip absolutely about the track point. #define TTF_CENTERTIP 0x0002 #define TTF_RTLREADING 0x0004 #define TTF_SUBCLASS 0x0010 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TTF_TRACK 0x0020 #define TTF_ABSOLUTE 0x0080 #define TTF_TRANSPARENT 0x0100 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) #define TTF_PARSELINKS 0x1000 #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0501 #define TTF_DI_SETITEM 0x8000 // valid only on the TTN_NEEDTEXT callback #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #define TTDT_AUTOMATIC 0 #define TTDT_RESHOW 1 #define TTDT_AUTOPOP 2 #define TTDT_INITIAL 3 // ToolTip Icons (Set with TTM_SETTITLE) #define TTI_NONE 0 #define TTI_INFO 1 #define TTI_WARNING 2 #define TTI_ERROR 3 // Tool Tip Messages #define TTM_ACTIVATE (WM_USER + 1) #define TTM_SETDELAYTIME (WM_USER + 3) #define TTM_ADDTOOLA (WM_USER + 4) #define TTM_ADDTOOLW (WM_USER + 50) #define TTM_DELTOOLA (WM_USER + 5) #define TTM_DELTOOLW (WM_USER + 51) #define TTM_NEWTOOLRECTA (WM_USER + 6) #define TTM_NEWTOOLRECTW (WM_USER + 52) #define TTM_RELAYEVENT (WM_USER + 7) #define TTM_GETTOOLINFOA (WM_USER + 8) #define TTM_GETTOOLINFOW (WM_USER + 53) #define TTM_SETTOOLINFOA (WM_USER + 9) #define TTM_SETTOOLINFOW (WM_USER + 54) #define TTM_HITTESTA (WM_USER +10) #define TTM_HITTESTW (WM_USER +55) #define TTM_GETTEXTA (WM_USER +11) #define TTM_GETTEXTW (WM_USER +56) #define TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA (WM_USER +12) #define TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW (WM_USER +57) #define TTM_GETTOOLCOUNT (WM_USER +13) #define TTM_ENUMTOOLSA (WM_USER +14) #define TTM_ENUMTOOLSW (WM_USER +58) #define TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLA (WM_USER + 15) #define TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLW (WM_USER + 59) #define TTM_WINDOWFROMPOINT (WM_USER + 16) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TTM_TRACKACTIVATE (WM_USER + 17) // wParam = TRUE/FALSE start end lparam = LPTOOLINFO #define TTM_TRACKPOSITION (WM_USER + 18) // lParam = dwPos #define TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR (WM_USER + 19) #define TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR (WM_USER + 20) #define TTM_GETDELAYTIME (WM_USER + 21) #define TTM_GETTIPBKCOLOR (WM_USER + 22) #define TTM_GETTIPTEXTCOLOR (WM_USER + 23) #define TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH (WM_USER + 24) #define TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH (WM_USER + 25) #define TTM_SETMARGIN (WM_USER + 26) // lParam = lprc #define TTM_GETMARGIN (WM_USER + 27) // lParam = lprc #define TTM_POP (WM_USER + 28) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TTM_UPDATE (WM_USER + 29) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TTM_GETBUBBLESIZE (WM_USER + 30) #define TTM_ADJUSTRECT (WM_USER + 31) #define TTM_SETTITLEA (WM_USER + 32) // wParam = TTI_*, lParam = char* szTitle #define TTM_SETTITLEW (WM_USER + 33) // wParam = TTI_*, lParam = wchar* szTitle #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) #define TTM_POPUP (WM_USER + 34) #define TTM_GETTITLE (WM_USER + 35) // wParam = 0, lParam = TTGETTITLE* typedef struct _TTGETTITLE { DWORD dwSize; UINT uTitleBitmap; UINT cch; WCHAR* pszTitle; } TTGETTITLE, *PTTGETTITLE; #endif #ifdef UNICODE #define TTM_ADDTOOL TTM_ADDTOOLW #define TTM_DELTOOL TTM_DELTOOLW #define TTM_NEWTOOLRECT TTM_NEWTOOLRECTW #define TTM_GETTOOLINFO TTM_GETTOOLINFOW #define TTM_SETTOOLINFO TTM_SETTOOLINFOW #define TTM_HITTEST TTM_HITTESTW #define TTM_GETTEXT TTM_GETTEXTW #define TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW #define TTM_ENUMTOOLS TTM_ENUMTOOLSW #define TTM_GETCURRENTTOOL TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLW #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TTM_SETTITLE TTM_SETTITLEW #endif #else #define TTM_ADDTOOL TTM_ADDTOOLA #define TTM_DELTOOL TTM_DELTOOLA #define TTM_NEWTOOLRECT TTM_NEWTOOLRECTA #define TTM_GETTOOLINFO TTM_GETTOOLINFOA #define TTM_SETTOOLINFO TTM_SETTOOLINFOA #define TTM_HITTEST TTM_HITTESTA #define TTM_GETTEXT TTM_GETTEXTA #define TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA #define TTM_ENUMTOOLS TTM_ENUMTOOLSA #define TTM_GETCURRENTTOOL TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLA #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TTM_SETTITLE TTM_SETTITLEA #endif #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define TTM_SETWINDOWTHEME CCM_SETWINDOWTHEME #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LPHITTESTINFOW LPTTHITTESTINFOW #define LPHITTESTINFOA LPTTHITTESTINFOA #else #define LPTTHITTESTINFOA LPHITTESTINFOA #define LPTTHITTESTINFOW LPHITTESTINFOW #endif #define LPHITTESTINFO LPTTHITTESTINFO typedef struct _TT_HITTESTINFOA { HWND hwnd; POINT pt; TTTOOLINFOA ti; } TTHITTESTINFOA, *LPTTHITTESTINFOA; typedef struct _TT_HITTESTINFOW { HWND hwnd; POINT pt; TTTOOLINFOW ti; } TTHITTESTINFOW, *LPTTHITTESTINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TTHITTESTINFO TTHITTESTINFOW #define LPTTHITTESTINFO LPTTHITTESTINFOW #else #define TTHITTESTINFO TTHITTESTINFOA #define LPTTHITTESTINFO LPTTHITTESTINFOA #endif #define TTN_GETDISPINFOA (TTN_FIRST - 0) #define TTN_GETDISPINFOW (TTN_FIRST - 10) #define TTN_SHOW (TTN_FIRST - 1) #define TTN_POP (TTN_FIRST - 2) #define TTN_LINKCLICK (TTN_FIRST - 3) #ifdef UNICODE #define TTN_GETDISPINFO TTN_GETDISPINFOW #else #define TTN_GETDISPINFO TTN_GETDISPINFOA #endif #define TTN_NEEDTEXT TTN_GETDISPINFO #define TTN_NEEDTEXTA TTN_GETDISPINFOA #define TTN_NEEDTEXTW TTN_GETDISPINFOW #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TOOLTIPTEXTW NMTTDISPINFOW #define TOOLTIPTEXTA NMTTDISPINFOA #define LPTOOLTIPTEXTA LPNMTTDISPINFOA #define LPTOOLTIPTEXTW LPNMTTDISPINFOW #else #define tagNMTTDISPINFOA tagTOOLTIPTEXTA #define NMTTDISPINFOA TOOLTIPTEXTA #define LPNMTTDISPINFOA LPTOOLTIPTEXTA #define tagNMTTDISPINFOW tagTOOLTIPTEXTW #define NMTTDISPINFOW TOOLTIPTEXTW #define LPNMTTDISPINFOW LPTOOLTIPTEXTW #endif #define TOOLTIPTEXT NMTTDISPINFO #define LPTOOLTIPTEXT LPNMTTDISPINFO #define NMTTDISPINFOA_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(NMTTDISPINFOA, uFlags) #define NMTTDISPINFOW_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(NMTTDISPINFOW, uFlags) typedef struct tagNMTTDISPINFOA { NMHDR hdr; LPSTR lpszText; char szText[80]; HINSTANCE hinst; UINT uFlags; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) LPARAM lParam; #endif } NMTTDISPINFOA, *LPNMTTDISPINFOA; typedef struct tagNMTTDISPINFOW { NMHDR hdr; LPWSTR lpszText; WCHAR szText[80]; HINSTANCE hinst; UINT uFlags; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) LPARAM lParam; #endif } NMTTDISPINFOW, *LPNMTTDISPINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE #define NMTTDISPINFO NMTTDISPINFOW #define LPNMTTDISPINFO LPNMTTDISPINFOW #define NMTTDISPINFO_V1_SIZE NMTTDISPINFOW_V1_SIZE #else #define NMTTDISPINFO NMTTDISPINFOA #define LPNMTTDISPINFO LPNMTTDISPINFOA #define NMTTDISPINFO_V1_SIZE NMTTDISPINFOA_V1_SIZE #endif #endif // NOTOOLTIPS //====== STATUS BAR CONTROL =================================================== #ifndef NOSTATUSBAR // begin_r_commctrl #define SBARS_SIZEGRIP 0x0100 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define SBARS_TOOLTIPS 0x0800 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // this is a status bar flag, preference to SBARS_TOOLTIPS #define SBT_TOOLTIPS 0x0800 #endif // end_r_commctrl WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI DrawStatusTextA(HDC hDC, LPRECT lprc, LPCSTR pszText, UINT uFlags); WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI DrawStatusTextW(HDC hDC, LPRECT lprc, LPCWSTR pszText, UINT uFlags); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HWND WINAPI CreateStatusWindowA(LONG style, LPCSTR lpszText, HWND hwndParent, UINT wID); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HWND WINAPI CreateStatusWindowW(LONG style, LPCWSTR lpszText, HWND hwndParent, UINT wID); #ifdef UNICODE #define CreateStatusWindow CreateStatusWindowW #define DrawStatusText DrawStatusTextW #else #define CreateStatusWindow CreateStatusWindowA #define DrawStatusText DrawStatusTextA #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define STATUSCLASSNAMEW L"msctls_statusbar32" #define STATUSCLASSNAMEA "msctls_statusbar32" #ifdef UNICODE #define STATUSCLASSNAME STATUSCLASSNAMEW #else #define STATUSCLASSNAME STATUSCLASSNAMEA #endif #else #define STATUSCLASSNAME "msctls_statusbar" #endif #define SB_SETTEXTA (WM_USER+1) #define SB_SETTEXTW (WM_USER+11) #define SB_GETTEXTA (WM_USER+2) #define SB_GETTEXTW (WM_USER+13) #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA (WM_USER+3) #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW (WM_USER+12) #ifdef UNICODE #define SB_GETTEXT SB_GETTEXTW #define SB_SETTEXT SB_SETTEXTW #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTH SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define SB_SETTIPTEXT SB_SETTIPTEXTW #define SB_GETTIPTEXT SB_GETTIPTEXTW #endif #else #define SB_GETTEXT SB_GETTEXTA #define SB_SETTEXT SB_SETTEXTA #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTH SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define SB_SETTIPTEXT SB_SETTIPTEXTA #define SB_GETTIPTEXT SB_GETTIPTEXTA #endif #endif #define SB_SETPARTS (WM_USER+4) #define SB_GETPARTS (WM_USER+6) #define SB_GETBORDERS (WM_USER+7) #define SB_SETMINHEIGHT (WM_USER+8) #define SB_SIMPLE (WM_USER+9) #define SB_GETRECT (WM_USER+10) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define SB_ISSIMPLE (WM_USER+14) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define SB_SETICON (WM_USER+15) #define SB_SETTIPTEXTA (WM_USER+16) #define SB_SETTIPTEXTW (WM_USER+17) #define SB_GETTIPTEXTA (WM_USER+18) #define SB_GETTIPTEXTW (WM_USER+19) #define SB_GETICON (WM_USER+20) #define SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #define SBT_OWNERDRAW 0x1000 #define SBT_NOBORDERS 0x0100 #define SBT_POPOUT 0x0200 #define SBT_RTLREADING 0x0400 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define SBT_NOTABPARSING 0x0800 #endif #define SB_SETBKCOLOR CCM_SETBKCOLOR // lParam = bkColor /// status bar notifications #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define SBN_SIMPLEMODECHANGE (SBN_FIRST - 0) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) // refers to the data saved for simple mode #define SB_SIMPLEID 0x00ff #endif #endif // NOSTATUSBAR //====== MENU HELP ============================================================ #ifndef NOMENUHELP WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI MenuHelp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, HMENU hMainMenu, HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwndStatus, UINT *lpwIDs); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI ShowHideMenuCtl(HWND hWnd, UINT_PTR uFlags, LPINT lpInfo); WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI GetEffectiveClientRect(HWND hWnd, LPRECT lprc, LPINT lpInfo); #define MINSYSCOMMAND SC_SIZE #endif //====== TRACKBAR CONTROL ===================================================== #ifndef NOTRACKBAR #ifdef _WIN32 #define TRACKBAR_CLASSA "msctls_trackbar32" #define TRACKBAR_CLASSW L"msctls_trackbar32" #ifdef UNICODE #define TRACKBAR_CLASS TRACKBAR_CLASSW #else #define TRACKBAR_CLASS TRACKBAR_CLASSA #endif #else #define TRACKBAR_CLASS "msctls_trackbar" #endif // begin_r_commctrl #define TBS_AUTOTICKS 0x0001 #define TBS_VERT 0x0002 #define TBS_HORZ 0x0000 #define TBS_TOP 0x0004 #define TBS_BOTTOM 0x0000 #define TBS_LEFT 0x0004 #define TBS_RIGHT 0x0000 #define TBS_BOTH 0x0008 #define TBS_NOTICKS 0x0010 #define TBS_ENABLESELRANGE 0x0020 #define TBS_FIXEDLENGTH 0x0040 #define TBS_NOTHUMB 0x0080 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TBS_TOOLTIPS 0x0100 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TBS_REVERSED 0x0200 // Accessibility hint: the smaller number (usually the min value) means "high" and the larger number (usually the max value) means "low" #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) #define TBS_DOWNISLEFT 0x0400 // Down=Left and Up=Right (default is Down=Right and Up=Left) #endif // end_r_commctrl #define TBM_GETPOS (WM_USER) #define TBM_GETRANGEMIN (WM_USER+1) #define TBM_GETRANGEMAX (WM_USER+2) #define TBM_GETTIC (WM_USER+3) #define TBM_SETTIC (WM_USER+4) #define TBM_SETPOS (WM_USER+5) #define TBM_SETRANGE (WM_USER+6) #define TBM_SETRANGEMIN (WM_USER+7) #define TBM_SETRANGEMAX (WM_USER+8) #define TBM_CLEARTICS (WM_USER+9) #define TBM_SETSEL (WM_USER+10) #define TBM_SETSELSTART (WM_USER+11) #define TBM_SETSELEND (WM_USER+12) #define TBM_GETPTICS (WM_USER+14) #define TBM_GETTICPOS (WM_USER+15) #define TBM_GETNUMTICS (WM_USER+16) #define TBM_GETSELSTART (WM_USER+17) #define TBM_GETSELEND (WM_USER+18) #define TBM_CLEARSEL (WM_USER+19) #define TBM_SETTICFREQ (WM_USER+20) #define TBM_SETPAGESIZE (WM_USER+21) #define TBM_GETPAGESIZE (WM_USER+22) #define TBM_SETLINESIZE (WM_USER+23) #define TBM_GETLINESIZE (WM_USER+24) #define TBM_GETTHUMBRECT (WM_USER+25) #define TBM_GETCHANNELRECT (WM_USER+26) #define TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH (WM_USER+27) #define TBM_GETTHUMBLENGTH (WM_USER+28) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TBM_SETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER+29) #define TBM_GETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER+30) #define TBM_SETTIPSIDE (WM_USER+31) // TrackBar Tip Side flags #define TBTS_TOP 0 #define TBTS_LEFT 1 #define TBTS_BOTTOM 2 #define TBTS_RIGHT 3 #define TBM_SETBUDDY (WM_USER+32) // wparam = BOOL fLeft; (or right) #define TBM_GETBUDDY (WM_USER+33) // wparam = BOOL fLeft; (or right) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TBM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define TBM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #define TB_LINEUP 0 #define TB_LINEDOWN 1 #define TB_PAGEUP 2 #define TB_PAGEDOWN 3 #define TB_THUMBPOSITION 4 #define TB_THUMBTRACK 5 #define TB_TOP 6 #define TB_BOTTOM 7 #define TB_ENDTRACK 8 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) // custom draw item specs #define TBCD_TICS 0x0001 #define TBCD_THUMB 0x0002 #define TBCD_CHANNEL 0x0003 #endif #endif // trackbar //====== DRAG LIST CONTROL ==================================================== #ifndef NODRAGLIST typedef struct tagDRAGLISTINFO { UINT uNotification; HWND hWnd; POINT ptCursor; } DRAGLISTINFO, *LPDRAGLISTINFO; #define DL_BEGINDRAG (WM_USER+133) #define DL_DRAGGING (WM_USER+134) #define DL_DROPPED (WM_USER+135) #define DL_CANCELDRAG (WM_USER+136) #define DL_CURSORSET 0 #define DL_STOPCURSOR 1 #define DL_COPYCURSOR 2 #define DL_MOVECURSOR 3 #define DRAGLISTMSGSTRING TEXT("commctrl_DragListMsg") WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI MakeDragList(HWND hLB); WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI DrawInsert(HWND handParent, HWND hLB, int nItem); WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI LBItemFromPt(HWND hLB, POINT pt, BOOL bAutoScroll); #endif //====== UPDOWN CONTROL ======================================================= #ifndef NOUPDOWN #ifdef _WIN32 #define UPDOWN_CLASSA "msctls_updown32" #define UPDOWN_CLASSW L"msctls_updown32" #ifdef UNICODE #define UPDOWN_CLASS UPDOWN_CLASSW #else #define UPDOWN_CLASS UPDOWN_CLASSA #endif #else #define UPDOWN_CLASS "msctls_updown" #endif typedef struct _UDACCEL { UINT nSec; UINT nInc; } UDACCEL, *LPUDACCEL; #define UD_MAXVAL 0x7fff #define UD_MINVAL (-UD_MAXVAL) // begin_r_commctrl #define UDS_WRAP 0x0001 #define UDS_SETBUDDYINT 0x0002 #define UDS_ALIGNRIGHT 0x0004 #define UDS_ALIGNLEFT 0x0008 #define UDS_AUTOBUDDY 0x0010 #define UDS_ARROWKEYS 0x0020 #define UDS_HORZ 0x0040 #define UDS_NOTHOUSANDS 0x0080 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define UDS_HOTTRACK 0x0100 #endif // end_r_commctrl #define UDM_SETRANGE (WM_USER+101) #define UDM_GETRANGE (WM_USER+102) #define UDM_SETPOS (WM_USER+103) #define UDM_GETPOS (WM_USER+104) #define UDM_SETBUDDY (WM_USER+105) #define UDM_GETBUDDY (WM_USER+106) #define UDM_SETACCEL (WM_USER+107) #define UDM_GETACCEL (WM_USER+108) #define UDM_SETBASE (WM_USER+109) #define UDM_GETBASE (WM_USER+110) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define UDM_SETRANGE32 (WM_USER+111) #define UDM_GETRANGE32 (WM_USER+112) // wParam & lParam are LPINT #define UDM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define UDM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define UDM_SETPOS32 (WM_USER+113) #define UDM_GETPOS32 (WM_USER+114) #endif WINCOMMCTRLAPI HWND WINAPI CreateUpDownControl(DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HWND hParent, int nID, HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hBuddy, int nUpper, int nLower, int nPos); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define NM_UPDOWN NMUPDOWN #define LPNM_UPDOWN LPNMUPDOWN #else #define NMUPDOWN NM_UPDOWN #define LPNMUPDOWN LPNM_UPDOWN #endif typedef struct _NM_UPDOWN { NMHDR hdr; int iPos; int iDelta; } NMUPDOWN, *LPNMUPDOWN; #define UDN_DELTAPOS (UDN_FIRST - 1) #endif // NOUPDOWN //====== PROGRESS CONTROL ===================================================== #ifndef NOPROGRESS #ifdef _WIN32 #define PROGRESS_CLASSA "msctls_progress32" #define PROGRESS_CLASSW L"msctls_progress32" #ifdef UNICODE #define PROGRESS_CLASS PROGRESS_CLASSW #else #define PROGRESS_CLASS PROGRESS_CLASSA #endif #else #define PROGRESS_CLASS "msctls_progress" #endif // begin_r_commctrl #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define PBS_SMOOTH 0x01 #define PBS_VERTICAL 0x04 #endif // end_r_commctrl #define PBM_SETRANGE (WM_USER+1) #define PBM_SETPOS (WM_USER+2) #define PBM_DELTAPOS (WM_USER+3) #define PBM_SETSTEP (WM_USER+4) #define PBM_STEPIT (WM_USER+5) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define PBM_SETRANGE32 (WM_USER+6) // lParam = high, wParam = low typedef struct { int iLow; int iHigh; } PBRANGE, *PPBRANGE; #define PBM_GETRANGE (WM_USER+7) // wParam = return (TRUE ? low : high). lParam = PPBRANGE or NULL #define PBM_GETPOS (WM_USER+8) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define PBM_SETBARCOLOR (WM_USER+9) // lParam = bar color #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #define PBM_SETBKCOLOR CCM_SETBKCOLOR // lParam = bkColor #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) #define PBS_MARQUEE 0x08 #define PBM_SETMARQUEE (WM_USER+10) #endif // _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501 #endif // NOPROGRESS //====== HOTKEY CONTROL ======================================================= #ifndef NOHOTKEY #define HOTKEYF_SHIFT 0x01 #define HOTKEYF_CONTROL 0x02 #define HOTKEYF_ALT 0x04 #ifdef _MAC #define HOTKEYF_EXT 0x80 #else #define HOTKEYF_EXT 0x08 #endif #define HKCOMB_NONE 0x0001 #define HKCOMB_S 0x0002 #define HKCOMB_C 0x0004 #define HKCOMB_A 0x0008 #define HKCOMB_SC 0x0010 #define HKCOMB_SA 0x0020 #define HKCOMB_CA 0x0040 #define HKCOMB_SCA 0x0080 #define HKM_SETHOTKEY (WM_USER+1) #define HKM_GETHOTKEY (WM_USER+2) #define HKM_SETRULES (WM_USER+3) #ifdef _WIN32 #define HOTKEY_CLASSA "msctls_hotkey32" #define HOTKEY_CLASSW L"msctls_hotkey32" #ifdef UNICODE #define HOTKEY_CLASS HOTKEY_CLASSW #else #define HOTKEY_CLASS HOTKEY_CLASSA #endif #else #define HOTKEY_CLASS "msctls_hotkey" #endif #endif // NOHOTKEY // begin_r_commctrl //====== COMMON CONTROL STYLES ================================================ #define CCS_TOP 0x00000001L #define CCS_NOMOVEY 0x00000002L #define CCS_BOTTOM 0x00000003L #define CCS_NORESIZE 0x00000004L #define CCS_NOPARENTALIGN 0x00000008L #define CCS_ADJUSTABLE 0x00000020L #define CCS_NODIVIDER 0x00000040L #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define CCS_VERT 0x00000080L #define CCS_LEFT (CCS_VERT | CCS_TOP) #define CCS_RIGHT (CCS_VERT | CCS_BOTTOM) #define CCS_NOMOVEX (CCS_VERT | CCS_NOMOVEY) #endif // end_r_commctrl //====== LISTVIEW CONTROL ===================================================== #ifndef NOLISTVIEW #ifdef _WIN32 #define WC_LISTVIEWA "SysListView32" #define WC_LISTVIEWW L"SysListView32" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_LISTVIEW WC_LISTVIEWW #else #define WC_LISTVIEW WC_LISTVIEWA #endif #else #define WC_LISTVIEW "SysListView" #endif // begin_r_commctrl #define LVS_ICON 0x0000 #define LVS_REPORT 0x0001 #define LVS_SMALLICON 0x0002 #define LVS_LIST 0x0003 #define LVS_TYPEMASK 0x0003 #define LVS_SINGLESEL 0x0004 #define LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS 0x0008 #define LVS_SORTASCENDING 0x0010 #define LVS_SORTDESCENDING 0x0020 #define LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS 0x0040 #define LVS_NOLABELWRAP 0x0080 #define LVS_AUTOARRANGE 0x0100 #define LVS_EDITLABELS 0x0200 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LVS_OWNERDATA 0x1000 #endif #define LVS_NOSCROLL 0x2000 #define LVS_TYPESTYLEMASK 0xfc00 #define LVS_ALIGNTOP 0x0000 #define LVS_ALIGNLEFT 0x0800 #define LVS_ALIGNMASK 0x0c00 #define LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 0x0400 #define LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER 0x4000 #define LVS_NOSORTHEADER 0x8000 // end_r_commctrl #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define LVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define ListView_SetUnicodeFormat(hwnd, fUnicode) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, (WPARAM)(fUnicode), 0) #define LVM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #define ListView_GetUnicodeFormat(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETUNICODEFORMAT, 0, 0) #endif #define LVM_GETBKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 0) #define ListView_GetBkColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETBKCOLOR, 0, 0L) #define LVM_SETBKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 1) #define ListView_SetBkColor(hwnd, clrBk) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(COLORREF)(clrBk)) #define LVM_GETIMAGELIST (LVM_FIRST + 2) #define ListView_GetImageList(hwnd, iImageList) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETIMAGELIST, (WPARAM)(INT)(iImageList), 0L) #define LVSIL_NORMAL 0 #define LVSIL_SMALL 1 #define LVSIL_STATE 2 #define LVM_SETIMAGELIST (LVM_FIRST + 3) #define ListView_SetImageList(hwnd, himl, iImageList) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETIMAGELIST, (WPARAM)(iImageList), (LPARAM)(HIMAGELIST)(himl)) #define LVM_GETITEMCOUNT (LVM_FIRST + 4) #define ListView_GetItemCount(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0L) #define LVIF_TEXT 0x0001 #define LVIF_IMAGE 0x0002 #define LVIF_PARAM 0x0004 #define LVIF_STATE 0x0008 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LVIF_INDENT 0x0010 #define LVIF_NORECOMPUTE 0x0800 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define LVIF_GROUPID 0x0100 #define LVIF_COLUMNS 0x0200 #endif #define LVIS_FOCUSED 0x0001 #define LVIS_SELECTED 0x0002 #define LVIS_CUT 0x0004 #define LVIS_DROPHILITED 0x0008 #define LVIS_GLOW 0x0010 #define LVIS_ACTIVATING 0x0020 #define LVIS_OVERLAYMASK 0x0F00 #define LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK 0xF000 #define INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(i) ((i) << 12) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define I_INDENTCALLBACK (-1) #define LV_ITEMA LVITEMA #define LV_ITEMW LVITEMW #else #define tagLVITEMA _LV_ITEMA #define LVITEMA LV_ITEMA #define tagLVITEMW _LV_ITEMW #define LVITEMW LV_ITEMW #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define I_GROUPIDCALLBACK (-1) #define I_GROUPIDNONE (-2) #endif #define LV_ITEM LVITEM #define LVITEMA_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(LVITEMA, lParam) #define LVITEMW_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(LVITEMW, lParam) typedef struct tagLVITEMA { UINT mask; int iItem; int iSubItem; UINT state; UINT stateMask; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; LPARAM lParam; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) int iIndent; #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) int iGroupId; UINT cColumns; // tile view columns PUINT puColumns; #endif } LVITEMA, *LPLVITEMA; typedef struct tagLVITEMW { UINT mask; int iItem; int iSubItem; UINT state; UINT stateMask; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; LPARAM lParam; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) int iIndent; #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) int iGroupId; UINT cColumns; // tile view columns PUINT puColumns; #endif } LVITEMW, *LPLVITEMW; #ifdef UNICODE #define LVITEM LVITEMW #define LPLVITEM LPLVITEMW #define LVITEM_V1_SIZE LVITEMW_V1_SIZE #else #define LVITEM LVITEMA #define LPLVITEM LPLVITEMA #define LVITEM_V1_SIZE LVITEMA_V1_SIZE #endif #define LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW ((LPWSTR)-1L) #define LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKA ((LPSTR)-1L) #ifdef UNICODE #define LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW #else #define LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKA #endif #define I_IMAGECALLBACK (-1) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) #define I_IMAGENONE (-2) #endif // 0x0501 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) // For tileview #define I_COLUMNSCALLBACK ((UINT)-1) #endif #define LVM_GETITEMA (LVM_FIRST + 5) #define LVM_GETITEMW (LVM_FIRST + 75) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_GETITEM LVM_GETITEMW #else #define LVM_GETITEM LVM_GETITEMA #endif #define ListView_GetItem(hwnd, pitem) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define LVM_SETITEMA (LVM_FIRST + 6) #define LVM_SETITEMW (LVM_FIRST + 76) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_SETITEM LVM_SETITEMW #else #define LVM_SETITEM LVM_SETITEMA #endif #define ListView_SetItem(hwnd, pitem) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(const LV_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define LVM_INSERTITEMA (LVM_FIRST + 7) #define LVM_INSERTITEMW (LVM_FIRST + 77) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_INSERTITEM LVM_INSERTITEMW #else #define LVM_INSERTITEM LVM_INSERTITEMA #endif #define ListView_InsertItem(hwnd, pitem) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(const LV_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define LVM_DELETEITEM (LVM_FIRST + 8) #define ListView_DeleteItem(hwnd, i) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), 0L) #define LVM_DELETEALLITEMS (LVM_FIRST + 9) #define ListView_DeleteAllItems(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0L) #define LVM_GETCALLBACKMASK (LVM_FIRST + 10) #define ListView_GetCallbackMask(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETCALLBACKMASK, 0, 0) #define LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK (LVM_FIRST + 11) #define ListView_SetCallbackMask(hwnd, mask) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK, (WPARAM)(UINT)(mask), 0) #define LVNI_ALL 0x0000 #define LVNI_FOCUSED 0x0001 #define LVNI_SELECTED 0x0002 #define LVNI_CUT 0x0004 #define LVNI_DROPHILITED 0x0008 #define LVNI_ABOVE 0x0100 #define LVNI_BELOW 0x0200 #define LVNI_TOLEFT 0x0400 #define LVNI_TORIGHT 0x0800 #define LVM_GETNEXTITEM (LVM_FIRST + 12) #define ListView_GetNextItem(hwnd, i, flags) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), MAKELPARAM((flags), 0)) #define LVFI_PARAM 0x0001 #define LVFI_STRING 0x0002 #define LVFI_PARTIAL 0x0008 #define LVFI_WRAP 0x0020 #define LVFI_NEARESTXY 0x0040 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LV_FINDINFOA LVFINDINFOA #define LV_FINDINFOW LVFINDINFOW #else #define tagLVFINDINFOA _LV_FINDINFOA #define LVFINDINFOA LV_FINDINFOA #define tagLVFINDINFOW _LV_FINDINFOW #define LVFINDINFOW LV_FINDINFOW #endif #define LV_FINDINFO LVFINDINFO typedef struct tagLVFINDINFOA { UINT flags; LPCSTR psz; LPARAM lParam; POINT pt; UINT vkDirection; } LVFINDINFOA, *LPFINDINFOA; typedef struct tagLVFINDINFOW { UINT flags; LPCWSTR psz; LPARAM lParam; POINT pt; UINT vkDirection; } LVFINDINFOW, *LPFINDINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE #define LVFINDINFO LVFINDINFOW #else #define LVFINDINFO LVFINDINFOA #endif #define LVM_FINDITEMA (LVM_FIRST + 13) #define LVM_FINDITEMW (LVM_FIRST + 83) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_FINDITEM LVM_FINDITEMW #else #define LVM_FINDITEM LVM_FINDITEMA #endif #define ListView_FindItem(hwnd, iStart, plvfi) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_FINDITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(iStart), (LPARAM)(const LV_FINDINFO *)(plvfi)) #define LVIR_BOUNDS 0 #define LVIR_ICON 1 #define LVIR_LABEL 2 #define LVIR_SELECTBOUNDS 3 #define LVM_GETITEMRECT (LVM_FIRST + 14) #define ListView_GetItemRect(hwnd, i, prc, code) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(int)(i), \ ((prc) ? (((RECT *)(prc))->left = (code),(LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc)) : (LPARAM)(RECT *)NULL)) #define LVM_SETITEMPOSITION (LVM_FIRST + 15) #define ListView_SetItemPosition(hwndLV, i, x, y) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMPOSITION, (WPARAM)(int)(i), MAKELPARAM((x), (y))) #define LVM_GETITEMPOSITION (LVM_FIRST + 16) #define ListView_GetItemPosition(hwndLV, i, ppt) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETITEMPOSITION, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(POINT *)(ppt)) #define LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHA (LVM_FIRST + 17) #define LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHW (LVM_FIRST + 87) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHW #else #define LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHA #endif #define ListView_GetStringWidth(hwndLV, psz) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)(psz)) #define LVHT_NOWHERE 0x0001 #define LVHT_ONITEMICON 0x0002 #define LVHT_ONITEMLABEL 0x0004 #define LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON 0x0008 #define LVHT_ONITEM (LVHT_ONITEMICON | LVHT_ONITEMLABEL | LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON) #define LVHT_ABOVE 0x0008 #define LVHT_BELOW 0x0010 #define LVHT_TORIGHT 0x0020 #define LVHT_TOLEFT 0x0040 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LV_HITTESTINFO LVHITTESTINFO #else #define tagLVHITTESTINFO _LV_HITTESTINFO #define LVHITTESTINFO LV_HITTESTINFO #endif #define LVHITTESTINFO_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(LVHITTESTINFO, iItem) typedef struct tagLVHITTESTINFO { POINT pt; UINT flags; int iItem; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) int iSubItem; // this is was NOT in win95. valid only for LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST #endif } LVHITTESTINFO, *LPLVHITTESTINFO; #define LVM_HITTEST (LVM_FIRST + 18) #define ListView_HitTest(hwndLV, pinfo) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(LV_HITTESTINFO *)(pinfo)) #define LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE (LVM_FIRST + 19) #define ListView_EnsureVisible(hwndLV, i, fPartialOK) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, (WPARAM)(int)(i), MAKELPARAM((fPartialOK), 0)) #define LVM_SCROLL (LVM_FIRST + 20) #define ListView_Scroll(hwndLV, dx, dy) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SCROLL, (WPARAM)(int)(dx), (LPARAM)(int)(dy)) #define LVM_REDRAWITEMS (LVM_FIRST + 21) #define ListView_RedrawItems(hwndLV, iFirst, iLast) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_REDRAWITEMS, (WPARAM)(int)(iFirst), (LPARAM)(int)(iLast)) #define LVA_DEFAULT 0x0000 #define LVA_ALIGNLEFT 0x0001 #define LVA_ALIGNTOP 0x0002 #define LVA_SNAPTOGRID 0x0005 #define LVM_ARRANGE (LVM_FIRST + 22) #define ListView_Arrange(hwndLV, code) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_ARRANGE, (WPARAM)(UINT)(code), 0L) #define LVM_EDITLABELA (LVM_FIRST + 23) #define LVM_EDITLABELW (LVM_FIRST + 118) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_EDITLABEL LVM_EDITLABELW #else #define LVM_EDITLABEL LVM_EDITLABELA #endif #define ListView_EditLabel(hwndLV, i) \ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_EDITLABEL, (WPARAM)(int)(i), 0L) #define LVM_GETEDITCONTROL (LVM_FIRST + 24) #define ListView_GetEditControl(hwndLV) \ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0L) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LV_COLUMNA LVCOLUMNA #define LV_COLUMNW LVCOLUMNW #else #define tagLVCOLUMNA _LV_COLUMNA #define LVCOLUMNA LV_COLUMNA #define tagLVCOLUMNW _LV_COLUMNW #define LVCOLUMNW LV_COLUMNW #endif #define LV_COLUMN LVCOLUMN #define LVCOLUMNA_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(LVCOLUMNA, iSubItem) #define LVCOLUMNW_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(LVCOLUMNW, iSubItem) typedef struct tagLVCOLUMNA { UINT mask; int fmt; int cx; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iSubItem; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) int iImage; int iOrder; #endif } LVCOLUMNA, *LPLVCOLUMNA; typedef struct tagLVCOLUMNW { UINT mask; int fmt; int cx; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iSubItem; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) int iImage; int iOrder; #endif } LVCOLUMNW, *LPLVCOLUMNW; #ifdef UNICODE #define LVCOLUMN LVCOLUMNW #define LPLVCOLUMN LPLVCOLUMNW #define LVCOLUMN_V1_SIZE LVCOLUMNW_V1_SIZE #else #define LVCOLUMN LVCOLUMNA #define LPLVCOLUMN LPLVCOLUMNA #define LVCOLUMN_V1_SIZE LVCOLUMNA_V1_SIZE #endif #define LVCF_FMT 0x0001 #define LVCF_WIDTH 0x0002 #define LVCF_TEXT 0x0004 #define LVCF_SUBITEM 0x0008 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LVCF_IMAGE 0x0010 #define LVCF_ORDER 0x0020 #endif #define LVCFMT_LEFT 0x0000 #define LVCFMT_RIGHT 0x0001 #define LVCFMT_CENTER 0x0002 #define LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK 0x0003 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LVCFMT_IMAGE 0x0800 #define LVCFMT_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT 0x1000 #define LVCFMT_COL_HAS_IMAGES 0x8000 #endif #define LVM_GETCOLUMNA (LVM_FIRST + 25) #define LVM_GETCOLUMNW (LVM_FIRST + 95) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_GETCOLUMN LVM_GETCOLUMNW #else #define LVM_GETCOLUMN LVM_GETCOLUMNA #endif #define ListView_GetColumn(hwnd, iCol, pcol) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETCOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), (LPARAM)(LV_COLUMN *)(pcol)) #define LVM_SETCOLUMNA (LVM_FIRST + 26) #define LVM_SETCOLUMNW (LVM_FIRST + 96) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_SETCOLUMN LVM_SETCOLUMNW #else #define LVM_SETCOLUMN LVM_SETCOLUMNA #endif #define ListView_SetColumn(hwnd, iCol, pcol) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETCOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), (LPARAM)(const LV_COLUMN *)(pcol)) #define LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA (LVM_FIRST + 27) #define LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW (LVM_FIRST + 97) #ifdef UNICODE # define LVM_INSERTCOLUMN LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW #else # define LVM_INSERTCOLUMN LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA #endif #define ListView_InsertColumn(hwnd, iCol, pcol) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), (LPARAM)(const LV_COLUMN *)(pcol)) #define LVM_DELETECOLUMN (LVM_FIRST + 28) #define ListView_DeleteColumn(hwnd, iCol) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_DELETECOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), 0) #define LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH (LVM_FIRST + 29) #define ListView_GetColumnWidth(hwnd, iCol) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), 0) #define LVSCW_AUTOSIZE -1 #define LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER -2 #define LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH (LVM_FIRST + 30) #define ListView_SetColumnWidth(hwnd, iCol, cx) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), MAKELPARAM((cx), 0)) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LVM_GETHEADER (LVM_FIRST + 31) #define ListView_GetHeader(hwnd)\ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0L) #endif #define LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE (LVM_FIRST + 33) #define ListView_CreateDragImage(hwnd, i, lpptUpLeft) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(LPPOINT)(lpptUpLeft)) #define LVM_GETVIEWRECT (LVM_FIRST + 34) #define ListView_GetViewRect(hwnd, prc) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETVIEWRECT, 0, (LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc)) #define LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 35) #define ListView_GetTextColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR, 0, 0L) #define LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 36) #define ListView_SetTextColor(hwnd, clrText) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(COLORREF)(clrText)) #define LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 37) #define ListView_GetTextBkColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR, 0, 0L) #define LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 38) #define ListView_SetTextBkColor(hwnd, clrTextBk) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(COLORREF)(clrTextBk)) #define LVM_GETTOPINDEX (LVM_FIRST + 39) #define ListView_GetTopIndex(hwndLV) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0) #define LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE (LVM_FIRST + 40) #define ListView_GetCountPerPage(hwndLV) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE, 0, 0) #define LVM_GETORIGIN (LVM_FIRST + 41) #define ListView_GetOrigin(hwndLV, ppt) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETORIGIN, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)(POINT *)(ppt)) #define LVM_UPDATE (LVM_FIRST + 42) #define ListView_Update(hwndLV, i) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_UPDATE, (WPARAM)(i), 0L) #define LVM_SETITEMSTATE (LVM_FIRST + 43) #define ListView_SetItemState(hwndLV, i, data, mask) \ { LV_ITEM _ms_lvi;\ _ms_lvi.stateMask = mask;\ _ms_lvi.state = data;\ SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)(i), (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM *)&_ms_lvi);\ } #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define ListView_SetCheckState(hwndLV, i, fCheck) \ ListView_SetItemState(hwndLV, i, INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK((fCheck)?2:1), LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) #endif #define LVM_GETITEMSTATE (LVM_FIRST + 44) #define ListView_GetItemState(hwndLV, i, mask) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)(i), (LPARAM)(mask)) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define ListView_GetCheckState(hwndLV, i) \ ((((UINT)(SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)(i), LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK))) >> 12) -1) #endif #define LVM_GETITEMTEXTA (LVM_FIRST + 45) #define LVM_GETITEMTEXTW (LVM_FIRST + 115) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_GETITEMTEXT LVM_GETITEMTEXTW #else #define LVM_GETITEMTEXT LVM_GETITEMTEXTA #endif #define ListView_GetItemText(hwndLV, i, iSubItem_, pszText_, cchTextMax_) \ { LV_ITEM _ms_lvi;\ _ms_lvi.iSubItem = iSubItem_;\ _ms_lvi.cchTextMax = cchTextMax_;\ _ms_lvi.pszText = pszText_;\ SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)(i), (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM *)&_ms_lvi);\ } #define LVM_SETITEMTEXTA (LVM_FIRST + 46) #define LVM_SETITEMTEXTW (LVM_FIRST + 116) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_SETITEMTEXT LVM_SETITEMTEXTW #else #define LVM_SETITEMTEXT LVM_SETITEMTEXTA #endif #define ListView_SetItemText(hwndLV, i, iSubItem_, pszText_) \ { LV_ITEM _ms_lvi;\ _ms_lvi.iSubItem = iSubItem_;\ _ms_lvi.pszText = pszText_;\ SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)(i), (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM *)&_ms_lvi);\ } #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) // these flags only apply to LVS_OWNERDATA listviews in report or list mode #define LVSICF_NOINVALIDATEALL 0x00000001 #define LVSICF_NOSCROLL 0x00000002 #endif #define LVM_SETITEMCOUNT (LVM_FIRST + 47) #define ListView_SetItemCount(hwndLV, cItems) \ SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMCOUNT, (WPARAM)(cItems), 0) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define ListView_SetItemCountEx(hwndLV, cItems, dwFlags) \ SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMCOUNT, (WPARAM)(cItems), (LPARAM)(dwFlags)) #endif typedef int (CALLBACK *PFNLVCOMPARE)(LPARAM, LPARAM, LPARAM); #define LVM_SORTITEMS (LVM_FIRST + 48) #define ListView_SortItems(hwndLV, _pfnCompare, _lPrm) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SORTITEMS, (WPARAM)(LPARAM)(_lPrm), \ (LPARAM)(PFNLVCOMPARE)(_pfnCompare)) #define LVM_SETITEMPOSITION32 (LVM_FIRST + 49) #define ListView_SetItemPosition32(hwndLV, i, x0, y0) \ { POINT ptNewPos; \ ptNewPos.x = x0; ptNewPos.y = y0; \ SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMPOSITION32, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)&ptNewPos); \ } #define LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT (LVM_FIRST + 50) #define ListView_GetSelectedCount(hwndLV) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT, 0, 0L) #define LVM_GETITEMSPACING (LVM_FIRST + 51) #define ListView_GetItemSpacing(hwndLV, fSmall) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETITEMSPACING, fSmall, 0L) #define LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA (LVM_FIRST + 52) #define LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW (LVM_FIRST + 117) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVM_GETISEARCHSTRING LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW #else #define LVM_GETISEARCHSTRING LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA #endif #define ListView_GetISearchString(hwndLV, lpsz) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETISEARCHSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)(lpsz)) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LVM_SETICONSPACING (LVM_FIRST + 53) // -1 for cx and cy means we'll use the default (system settings) // 0 for cx or cy means use the current setting (allows you to change just one param) #define ListView_SetIconSpacing(hwndLV, cx, cy) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETICONSPACING, 0, MAKELONG(cx,cy)) #define LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE (LVM_FIRST + 54) // optional wParam == mask #define ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(hwndLV, dw)\ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, 0, dw) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(hwndLV, dwMask, dw)\ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, dwMask, dw) #endif #define LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE (LVM_FIRST + 55) #define ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle(hwndLV)\ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, 0, 0) #define LVS_EX_GRIDLINES 0x00000001 #define LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES 0x00000002 #define LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES 0x00000004 #define LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT 0x00000008 #define LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP 0x00000010 #define LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT 0x00000020 // applies to report mode only #define LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE 0x00000040 #define LVS_EX_TWOCLICKACTIVATE 0x00000080 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define LVS_EX_FLATSB 0x00000100 #define LVS_EX_REGIONAL 0x00000200 #define LVS_EX_INFOTIP 0x00000400 // listview does InfoTips for you #define LVS_EX_UNDERLINEHOT 0x00000800 #define LVS_EX_UNDERLINECOLD 0x00001000 #define LVS_EX_MULTIWORKAREAS 0x00002000 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define LVS_EX_LABELTIP 0x00004000 // listview unfolds partly hidden labels if it does not have infotip text #define LVS_EX_BORDERSELECT 0x00008000 // border selection style instead of highlight #endif // End (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER 0x00010000 #define LVS_EX_HIDELABELS 0x00020000 #define LVS_EX_SINGLEROW 0x00040000 #define LVS_EX_SNAPTOGRID 0x00080000 // Icons automatically snap to grid. #define LVS_EX_SIMPLESELECT 0x00100000 // Also changes overlay rendering to top right for icon mode. #endif #define LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT (LVM_FIRST + 56) #define ListView_GetSubItemRect(hwnd, iItem, iSubItem, code, prc) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(int)(iItem), \ ((prc) ? ((((LPRECT)(prc))->top = iSubItem), (((LPRECT)(prc))->left = code), (LPARAM)(prc)) : (LPARAM)(LPRECT)NULL)) #define LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST (LVM_FIRST + 57) #define ListView_SubItemHitTest(hwnd, plvhti) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(LPLVHITTESTINFO)(plvhti)) #define LVM_SETCOLUMNORDERARRAY (LVM_FIRST + 58) #define ListView_SetColumnOrderArray(hwnd, iCount, pi) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETCOLUMNORDERARRAY, (WPARAM)(iCount), (LPARAM)(LPINT)(pi)) #define LVM_GETCOLUMNORDERARRAY (LVM_FIRST + 59) #define ListView_GetColumnOrderArray(hwnd, iCount, pi) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETCOLUMNORDERARRAY, (WPARAM)(iCount), (LPARAM)(LPINT)(pi)) #define LVM_SETHOTITEM (LVM_FIRST + 60) #define ListView_SetHotItem(hwnd, i) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETHOTITEM, (WPARAM)(i), 0) #define LVM_GETHOTITEM (LVM_FIRST + 61) #define ListView_GetHotItem(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETHOTITEM, 0, 0) #define LVM_SETHOTCURSOR (LVM_FIRST + 62) #define ListView_SetHotCursor(hwnd, hcur) \ (HCURSOR)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETHOTCURSOR, 0, (LPARAM)(hcur)) #define LVM_GETHOTCURSOR (LVM_FIRST + 63) #define ListView_GetHotCursor(hwnd) \ (HCURSOR)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETHOTCURSOR, 0, 0) #define LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT (LVM_FIRST + 64) #define ListView_ApproximateViewRect(hwnd, iWidth, iHeight, iCount) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT, iCount, MAKELPARAM(iWidth, iHeight)) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define LV_MAX_WORKAREAS 16 #define LVM_SETWORKAREAS (LVM_FIRST + 65) #define ListView_SetWorkAreas(hwnd, nWorkAreas, prc) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETWORKAREAS, (WPARAM)(int)(nWorkAreas), (LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc)) #define LVM_GETWORKAREAS (LVM_FIRST + 70) #define ListView_GetWorkAreas(hwnd, nWorkAreas, prc) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETWORKAREAS, (WPARAM)(int)(nWorkAreas), (LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc)) #define LVM_GETNUMBEROFWORKAREAS (LVM_FIRST + 73) #define ListView_GetNumberOfWorkAreas(hwnd, pnWorkAreas) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETNUMBEROFWORKAREAS, 0, (LPARAM)(UINT *)(pnWorkAreas)) #define LVM_GETSELECTIONMARK (LVM_FIRST + 66) #define ListView_GetSelectionMark(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETSELECTIONMARK, 0, 0) #define LVM_SETSELECTIONMARK (LVM_FIRST + 67) #define ListView_SetSelectionMark(hwnd, i) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETSELECTIONMARK, 0, (LPARAM)(i)) #define LVM_SETHOVERTIME (LVM_FIRST + 71) #define ListView_SetHoverTime(hwndLV, dwHoverTimeMs)\ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETHOVERTIME, 0, (LPARAM)(dwHoverTimeMs)) #define LVM_GETHOVERTIME (LVM_FIRST + 72) #define ListView_GetHoverTime(hwndLV)\ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETHOVERTIME, 0, 0) #define LVM_SETTOOLTIPS (LVM_FIRST + 74) #define ListView_SetToolTips(hwndLV, hwndNewHwnd)\ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETTOOLTIPS, (WPARAM)(hwndNewHwnd), 0) #define LVM_GETTOOLTIPS (LVM_FIRST + 78) #define ListView_GetToolTips(hwndLV)\ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_GETTOOLTIPS, 0, 0) #define LVM_SORTITEMSEX (LVM_FIRST + 81) #define ListView_SortItemsEx(hwndLV, _pfnCompare, _lPrm) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SORTITEMSEX, (WPARAM)(LPARAM)(_lPrm), (LPARAM)(PFNLVCOMPARE)(_pfnCompare)) typedef struct tagLVBKIMAGEA { ULONG ulFlags; // LVBKIF_* HBITMAP hbm; LPSTR pszImage; UINT cchImageMax; int xOffsetPercent; int yOffsetPercent; } LVBKIMAGEA, *LPLVBKIMAGEA; typedef struct tagLVBKIMAGEW { ULONG ulFlags; // LVBKIF_* HBITMAP hbm; LPWSTR pszImage; UINT cchImageMax; int xOffsetPercent; int yOffsetPercent; } LVBKIMAGEW, *LPLVBKIMAGEW; #define LVBKIF_SOURCE_NONE 0x00000000 #define LVBKIF_SOURCE_HBITMAP 0x00000001 #define LVBKIF_SOURCE_URL 0x00000002 #define LVBKIF_SOURCE_MASK 0x00000003 #define LVBKIF_STYLE_NORMAL 0x00000000 #define LVBKIF_STYLE_TILE 0x00000010 #define LVBKIF_STYLE_MASK 0x00000010 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define LVBKIF_FLAG_TILEOFFSET 0x00000100 #define LVBKIF_TYPE_WATERMARK 0x10000000 #endif #define LVM_SETBKIMAGEA (LVM_FIRST + 68) #define LVM_SETBKIMAGEW (LVM_FIRST + 138) #define LVM_GETBKIMAGEA (LVM_FIRST + 69) #define LVM_GETBKIMAGEW (LVM_FIRST + 139) #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define LVM_SETSELECTEDCOLUMN (LVM_FIRST + 140) #define ListView_SetSelectedColumn(hwnd, iCol) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETSELECTEDCOLUMN, (WPARAM)iCol, 0) #define LVM_SETTILEWIDTH (LVM_FIRST + 141) #define ListView_SetTileWidth(hwnd, cpWidth) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETTILEWIDTH, (WPARAM)cpWidth, 0) #define LV_VIEW_ICON 0x0000 #define LV_VIEW_DETAILS 0x0001 #define LV_VIEW_SMALLICON 0x0002 #define LV_VIEW_LIST 0x0003 #define LV_VIEW_TILE 0x0004 #define LV_VIEW_MAX 0x0004 #define LVM_SETVIEW (LVM_FIRST + 142) #define ListView_SetView(hwnd, iView) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETVIEW, (WPARAM)(DWORD)iView, 0) #define LVM_GETVIEW (LVM_FIRST + 143) #define ListView_GetView(hwnd) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETVIEW, 0, 0) #define LVGF_NONE 0x00000000 #define LVGF_HEADER 0x00000001 #define LVGF_FOOTER 0x00000002 #define LVGF_STATE 0x00000004 #define LVGF_ALIGN 0x00000008 #define LVGF_GROUPID 0x00000010 #define LVGS_NORMAL 0x00000000 #define LVGS_COLLAPSED 0x00000001 #define LVGS_HIDDEN 0x00000002 #define LVGA_HEADER_LEFT 0x00000001 #define LVGA_HEADER_CENTER 0x00000002 #define LVGA_HEADER_RIGHT 0x00000004 // Don't forget to validate exclusivity #define LVGA_FOOTER_LEFT 0x00000008 #define LVGA_FOOTER_CENTER 0x00000010 #define LVGA_FOOTER_RIGHT 0x00000020 // Don't forget to validate exclusivity typedef struct tagLVGROUP { UINT cbSize; UINT mask; LPWSTR pszHeader; int cchHeader; LPWSTR pszFooter; int cchFooter; int iGroupId; UINT stateMask; UINT state; UINT uAlign; } LVGROUP, *PLVGROUP; #define LVM_INSERTGROUP (LVM_FIRST + 145) #define ListView_InsertGroup(hwnd, index, pgrp) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_INSERTGROUP, (WPARAM)index, (LPARAM)pgrp) #define LVM_SETGROUPINFO (LVM_FIRST + 147) #define ListView_SetGroupInfo(hwnd, iGroupId, pgrp) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETGROUPINFO, (WPARAM)iGroupId, (LPARAM)pgrp) #define LVM_GETGROUPINFO (LVM_FIRST + 149) #define ListView_GetGroupInfo(hwnd, iGroupId, pgrp) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETGROUPINFO, (WPARAM)iGroupId, (LPARAM)pgrp) #define LVM_REMOVEGROUP (LVM_FIRST + 150) #define ListView_RemoveGroup(hwnd, iGroupId) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_REMOVEGROUP, (WPARAM)iGroupId, 0) #define LVM_MOVEGROUP (LVM_FIRST + 151) #define ListView_MoveGroup(hwnd, iGroupId, toIndex) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_MOVEGROUP, (WPARAM)iGroupId, (LPARAM)toIndex) #define LVM_MOVEITEMTOGROUP (LVM_FIRST + 154) #define ListView_MoveItemToGroup(hwnd, idItemFrom, idGroupTo) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_MOVEITEMTOGROUP, (WPARAM)idItemFrom, (LPARAM)idGroupTo) #define LVGMF_NONE 0x00000000 #define LVGMF_BORDERSIZE 0x00000001 #define LVGMF_BORDERCOLOR 0x00000002 #define LVGMF_TEXTCOLOR 0x00000004 typedef struct tagLVGROUPMETRICS { UINT cbSize; UINT mask; UINT Left; UINT Top; UINT Right; UINT Bottom; COLORREF crLeft; COLORREF crTop; COLORREF crRight; COLORREF crBottom; COLORREF crHeader; COLORREF crFooter; } LVGROUPMETRICS, *PLVGROUPMETRICS; #define LVM_SETGROUPMETRICS (LVM_FIRST + 155) #define ListView_SetGroupMetrics(hwnd, pGroupMetrics) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETGROUPMETRICS, 0, (LPARAM)pGroupMetrics) #define LVM_GETGROUPMETRICS (LVM_FIRST + 156) #define ListView_GetGroupMetrics(hwnd, pGroupMetrics) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETGROUPMETRICS, 0, (LPARAM)pGroupMetrics) #define LVM_ENABLEGROUPVIEW (LVM_FIRST + 157) #define ListView_EnableGroupView(hwnd, fEnable) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_ENABLEGROUPVIEW, (WPARAM)fEnable, 0) typedef int (CALLBACK *PFNLVGROUPCOMPARE)(int, int, void *); #define LVM_SORTGROUPS (LVM_FIRST + 158) #define ListView_SortGroups(hwnd, _pfnGroupCompate, _plv) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SORTGROUPS, (WPARAM)_pfnGroupCompate, (LPARAM)_plv) typedef struct tagLVINSERTGROUPSORTED { PFNLVGROUPCOMPARE pfnGroupCompare; void *pvData; LVGROUP lvGroup; }LVINSERTGROUPSORTED, *PLVINSERTGROUPSORTED; #define LVM_INSERTGROUPSORTED (LVM_FIRST + 159) #define ListView_InsertGroupSorted(hwnd, structInsert) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_INSERTGROUPSORTED, (WPARAM)structInsert, 0) #define LVM_REMOVEALLGROUPS (LVM_FIRST + 160) #define ListView_RemoveAllGroups(hwnd) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_REMOVEALLGROUPS, 0, 0) #define LVM_HASGROUP (LVM_FIRST + 161) #define ListView_HasGroup(hwnd, dwGroupId) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_HASGROUP, dwGroupId, 0) #define LVTVIF_AUTOSIZE 0x00000000 #define LVTVIF_FIXEDWIDTH 0x00000001 #define LVTVIF_FIXEDHEIGHT 0x00000002 #define LVTVIF_FIXEDSIZE 0x00000003 #define LVTVIM_TILESIZE 0x00000001 #define LVTVIM_COLUMNS 0x00000002 #define LVTVIM_LABELMARGIN 0x00000004 typedef struct tagLVTILEVIEWINFO { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwMask; //LVTVIM_* DWORD dwFlags; //LVTVIF_* SIZE sizeTile; int cLines; RECT rcLabelMargin; } LVTILEVIEWINFO, *PLVTILEVIEWINFO; typedef struct tagLVTILEINFO { UINT cbSize; int iItem; UINT cColumns; PUINT puColumns; } LVTILEINFO, *PLVTILEINFO; #define LVM_SETTILEVIEWINFO (LVM_FIRST + 162) #define ListView_SetTileViewInfo(hwnd, ptvi) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETTILEVIEWINFO, 0, (LPARAM)ptvi) #define LVM_GETTILEVIEWINFO (LVM_FIRST + 163) #define ListView_GetTileViewInfo(hwnd, ptvi) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETTILEVIEWINFO, 0, (LPARAM)ptvi) #define LVM_SETTILEINFO (LVM_FIRST + 164) #define ListView_SetTileInfo(hwnd, pti) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETTILEINFO, 0, (LPARAM)pti) #define LVM_GETTILEINFO (LVM_FIRST + 165) #define ListView_GetTileInfo(hwnd, pti) \ SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETTILEINFO, 0, (LPARAM)pti) typedef struct { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; int iItem; DWORD dwReserved; } LVINSERTMARK, * LPLVINSERTMARK; #define LVIM_AFTER 0x00000001 // TRUE = insert After iItem, otherwise before #define LVM_SETINSERTMARK (LVM_FIRST + 166) #define ListView_SetInsertMark(hwnd, lvim) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETINSERTMARK, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) (lvim)) #define LVM_GETINSERTMARK (LVM_FIRST + 167) #define ListView_GetInsertMark(hwnd, lvim) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETINSERTMARK, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) (lvim)) #define LVM_INSERTMARKHITTEST (LVM_FIRST + 168) #define ListView_InsertMarkHitTest(hwnd, point, lvim) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_INSERTMARKHITTEST, (WPARAM)(LPPOINT)(point), (LPARAM)(LPLVINSERTMARK)(lvim)) #define LVM_GETINSERTMARKRECT (LVM_FIRST + 169) #define ListView_GetInsertMarkRect(hwnd, rc) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETINSERTMARKRECT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)(LPRECT)(rc)) #define LVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 170) #define ListView_SetInsertMarkColor(hwnd, color) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)(COLORREF)(color)) #define LVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 171) #define ListView_GetInsertMarkColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0) typedef struct tagLVSETINFOTIP { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; LPWSTR pszText; int iItem; int iSubItem; } LVSETINFOTIP, *PLVSETINFOTIP; #define LVM_SETINFOTIP (LVM_FIRST + 173) #define ListView_SetInfoTip(hwndLV, plvInfoTip)\ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndLV), LVM_SETINFOTIP, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)plvInfoTip) #define LVM_GETSELECTEDCOLUMN (LVM_FIRST + 174) #define ListView_GetSelectedColumn(hwnd) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETSELECTEDCOLUMN, 0, 0) #define LVM_ISGROUPVIEWENABLED (LVM_FIRST + 175) #define ListView_IsGroupViewEnabled(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_ISGROUPVIEWENABLED, 0, 0) #define LVM_GETOUTLINECOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 176) #define ListView_GetOutlineColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETOUTLINECOLOR, 0, 0) #define LVM_SETOUTLINECOLOR (LVM_FIRST + 177) #define ListView_SetOutlineColor(hwnd, color) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETOUTLINECOLOR, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)(COLORREF)(color)) #define LVM_CANCELEDITLABEL (LVM_FIRST + 179) #define ListView_CancelEditLabel(hwnd) \ (VOID)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_CANCELEDITLABEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0) // These next to methods make it easy to identify an item that can be repositioned // within listview. For example: Many developers use the lParam to store an identifier that is // unique. Unfortunatly, in order to find this item, they have to iterate through all of the items // in the listview. Listview will maintain a unique identifier. The upper bound is the size of a DWORD. #define LVM_MAPINDEXTOID (LVM_FIRST + 180) #define ListView_MapIndexToID(hwnd, index) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_MAPINDEXTOID, (WPARAM)index, (LPARAM)0) #define LVM_MAPIDTOINDEX (LVM_FIRST + 181) #define ListView_MapIDToIndex(hwnd, id) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_MAPIDTOINDEX, (WPARAM)id, (LPARAM)0) #endif #ifdef UNICODE #define LVBKIMAGE LVBKIMAGEW #define LPLVBKIMAGE LPLVBKIMAGEW #define LVM_SETBKIMAGE LVM_SETBKIMAGEW #define LVM_GETBKIMAGE LVM_GETBKIMAGEW #else #define LVBKIMAGE LVBKIMAGEA #define LPLVBKIMAGE LPLVBKIMAGEA #define LVM_SETBKIMAGE LVM_SETBKIMAGEA #define LVM_GETBKIMAGE LVM_GETBKIMAGEA #endif #define ListView_SetBkImage(hwnd, plvbki) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_SETBKIMAGE, 0, (LPARAM)(plvbki)) #define ListView_GetBkImage(hwnd, plvbki) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), LVM_GETBKIMAGE, 0, (LPARAM)(plvbki)) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LPNM_LISTVIEW LPNMLISTVIEW #define NM_LISTVIEW NMLISTVIEW #else #define tagNMLISTVIEW _NM_LISTVIEW #define NMLISTVIEW NM_LISTVIEW #define LPNMLISTVIEW LPNM_LISTVIEW #endif typedef struct tagNMLISTVIEW { NMHDR hdr; int iItem; int iSubItem; UINT uNewState; UINT uOldState; UINT uChanged; POINT ptAction; LPARAM lParam; } NMLISTVIEW, *LPNMLISTVIEW; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x400) // NMITEMACTIVATE is used instead of NMLISTVIEW in IE >= 0x400 // therefore all the fields are the same except for extra uKeyFlags // they are used to store key flags at the time of the single click with // delayed activation - because by the time the timer goes off a user may // not hold the keys (shift, ctrl) any more typedef struct tagNMITEMACTIVATE { NMHDR hdr; int iItem; int iSubItem; UINT uNewState; UINT uOldState; UINT uChanged; POINT ptAction; LPARAM lParam; UINT uKeyFlags; } NMITEMACTIVATE, *LPNMITEMACTIVATE; // key flags stored in uKeyFlags #define LVKF_ALT 0x0001 #define LVKF_CONTROL 0x0002 #define LVKF_SHIFT 0x0004 #endif //(_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define NMLVCUSTOMDRAW_V3_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(NMLVCUSTOMDRW, clrTextBk) typedef struct tagNMLVCUSTOMDRAW { NMCUSTOMDRAW nmcd; COLORREF clrText; COLORREF clrTextBk; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) int iSubItem; #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) DWORD dwItemType; // Item custom draw COLORREF clrFace; int iIconEffect; int iIconPhase; int iPartId; int iStateId; // Group Custom Draw RECT rcText; UINT uAlign; // Alignment. Use LVGA_HEADER_CENTER, LVGA_HEADER_RIGHT, LVGA_HEADER_LEFT #endif } NMLVCUSTOMDRAW, *LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW; // dwItemType #define LVCDI_ITEM 0x00000000 #define LVCDI_GROUP 0x00000001 // ListView custom draw return values #define LVCDRF_NOSELECT 0x00010000 #define LVCDRF_NOGROUPFRAME 0x00020000 typedef struct tagNMLVCACHEHINT { NMHDR hdr; int iFrom; int iTo; } NMLVCACHEHINT, *LPNMLVCACHEHINT; #define LPNM_CACHEHINT LPNMLVCACHEHINT #define PNM_CACHEHINT LPNMLVCACHEHINT #define NM_CACHEHINT NMLVCACHEHINT typedef struct tagNMLVFINDITEMA { NMHDR hdr; int iStart; LVFINDINFOA lvfi; } NMLVFINDITEMA, *LPNMLVFINDITEMA; typedef struct tagNMLVFINDITEMW { NMHDR hdr; int iStart; LVFINDINFOW lvfi; } NMLVFINDITEMW, *LPNMLVFINDITEMW; #define PNM_FINDITEMA LPNMLVFINDITEMA #define LPNM_FINDITEMA LPNMLVFINDITEMA #define NM_FINDITEMA NMLVFINDITEMA #define PNM_FINDITEMW LPNMLVFINDITEMW #define LPNM_FINDITEMW LPNMLVFINDITEMW #define NM_FINDITEMW NMLVFINDITEMW #ifdef UNICODE #define PNM_FINDITEM PNM_FINDITEMW #define LPNM_FINDITEM LPNM_FINDITEMW #define NM_FINDITEM NM_FINDITEMW #define NMLVFINDITEM NMLVFINDITEMW #define LPNMLVFINDITEM LPNMLVFINDITEMW #else #define PNM_FINDITEM PNM_FINDITEMA #define LPNM_FINDITEM LPNM_FINDITEMA #define NM_FINDITEM NM_FINDITEMA #define NMLVFINDITEM NMLVFINDITEMA #define LPNMLVFINDITEM LPNMLVFINDITEMA #endif typedef struct tagNMLVODSTATECHANGE { NMHDR hdr; int iFrom; int iTo; UINT uNewState; UINT uOldState; } NMLVODSTATECHANGE, *LPNMLVODSTATECHANGE; #define PNM_ODSTATECHANGE LPNMLVODSTATECHANGE #define LPNM_ODSTATECHANGE LPNMLVODSTATECHANGE #define NM_ODSTATECHANGE NMLVODSTATECHANGE #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #define LVN_ITEMCHANGING (LVN_FIRST-0) #define LVN_ITEMCHANGED (LVN_FIRST-1) #define LVN_INSERTITEM (LVN_FIRST-2) #define LVN_DELETEITEM (LVN_FIRST-3) #define LVN_DELETEALLITEMS (LVN_FIRST-4) #define LVN_BEGINLABELEDITA (LVN_FIRST-5) #define LVN_BEGINLABELEDITW (LVN_FIRST-75) #define LVN_ENDLABELEDITA (LVN_FIRST-6) #define LVN_ENDLABELEDITW (LVN_FIRST-76) #define LVN_COLUMNCLICK (LVN_FIRST-8) #define LVN_BEGINDRAG (LVN_FIRST-9) #define LVN_BEGINRDRAG (LVN_FIRST-11) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LVN_ODCACHEHINT (LVN_FIRST-13) #define LVN_ODFINDITEMA (LVN_FIRST-52) #define LVN_ODFINDITEMW (LVN_FIRST-79) #define LVN_ITEMACTIVATE (LVN_FIRST-14) #define LVN_ODSTATECHANGED (LVN_FIRST-15) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVN_ODFINDITEM LVN_ODFINDITEMW #else #define LVN_ODFINDITEM LVN_ODFINDITEMA #endif #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define LVN_HOTTRACK (LVN_FIRST-21) #endif #define LVN_GETDISPINFOA (LVN_FIRST-50) #define LVN_GETDISPINFOW (LVN_FIRST-77) #define LVN_SETDISPINFOA (LVN_FIRST-51) #define LVN_SETDISPINFOW (LVN_FIRST-78) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT LVN_BEGINLABELEDITW #define LVN_ENDLABELEDIT LVN_ENDLABELEDITW #define LVN_GETDISPINFO LVN_GETDISPINFOW #define LVN_SETDISPINFO LVN_SETDISPINFOW #else #define LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT LVN_BEGINLABELEDITA #define LVN_ENDLABELEDIT LVN_ENDLABELEDITA #define LVN_GETDISPINFO LVN_GETDISPINFOA #define LVN_SETDISPINFO LVN_SETDISPINFOA #endif #define LVIF_DI_SETITEM 0x1000 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LV_DISPINFOA NMLVDISPINFOA #define LV_DISPINFOW NMLVDISPINFOW #else #define tagLVDISPINFO _LV_DISPINFO #define NMLVDISPINFOA LV_DISPINFOA #define tagLVDISPINFOW _LV_DISPINFOW #define NMLVDISPINFOW LV_DISPINFOW #endif #define LV_DISPINFO NMLVDISPINFO typedef struct tagLVDISPINFO { NMHDR hdr; LVITEMA item; } NMLVDISPINFOA, *LPNMLVDISPINFOA; typedef struct tagLVDISPINFOW { NMHDR hdr; LVITEMW item; } NMLVDISPINFOW, *LPNMLVDISPINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE #define NMLVDISPINFO NMLVDISPINFOW #else #define NMLVDISPINFO NMLVDISPINFOA #endif #define LVN_KEYDOWN (LVN_FIRST-55) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LV_KEYDOWN NMLVKEYDOWN #else #define tagLVKEYDOWN _LV_KEYDOWN #define NMLVKEYDOWN LV_KEYDOWN #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif typedef struct tagLVKEYDOWN { NMHDR hdr; WORD wVKey; UINT flags; } NMLVKEYDOWN, *LPNMLVKEYDOWN; #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LVN_MARQUEEBEGIN (LVN_FIRST-56) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) typedef struct tagNMLVGETINFOTIPA { NMHDR hdr; DWORD dwFlags; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iItem; int iSubItem; LPARAM lParam; } NMLVGETINFOTIPA, *LPNMLVGETINFOTIPA; typedef struct tagNMLVGETINFOTIPW { NMHDR hdr; DWORD dwFlags; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iItem; int iSubItem; LPARAM lParam; } NMLVGETINFOTIPW, *LPNMLVGETINFOTIPW; // NMLVGETINFOTIPA.dwFlag values #define LVGIT_UNFOLDED 0x0001 #define LVN_GETINFOTIPA (LVN_FIRST-57) #define LVN_GETINFOTIPW (LVN_FIRST-58) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVN_GETINFOTIP LVN_GETINFOTIPW #define NMLVGETINFOTIP NMLVGETINFOTIPW #define LPNMLVGETINFOTIP LPNMLVGETINFOTIPW #else #define LVN_GETINFOTIP LVN_GETINFOTIPA #define NMLVGETINFOTIP NMLVGETINFOTIPA #define LPNMLVGETINFOTIP LPNMLVGETINFOTIPA #endif #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) typedef struct tagNMLVSCROLL { NMHDR hdr; int dx; int dy; } NMLVSCROLL, *LPNMLVSCROLL; #define LVN_BEGINSCROLL (LVN_FIRST-80) #define LVN_ENDSCROLL (LVN_FIRST-81) #endif #endif // NOLISTVIEW //====== TREEVIEW CONTROL ===================================================== #ifndef NOTREEVIEW #ifdef _WIN32 #define WC_TREEVIEWA "SysTreeView32" #define WC_TREEVIEWW L"SysTreeView32" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_TREEVIEW WC_TREEVIEWW #else #define WC_TREEVIEW WC_TREEVIEWA #endif #else #define WC_TREEVIEW "SysTreeView" #endif // begin_r_commctrl #define TVS_HASBUTTONS 0x0001 #define TVS_HASLINES 0x0002 #define TVS_LINESATROOT 0x0004 #define TVS_EDITLABELS 0x0008 #define TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP 0x0010 #define TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS 0x0020 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TVS_RTLREADING 0x0040 #define TVS_NOTOOLTIPS 0x0080 #define TVS_CHECKBOXES 0x0100 #define TVS_TRACKSELECT 0x0200 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TVS_SINGLEEXPAND 0x0400 #define TVS_INFOTIP 0x0800 #define TVS_FULLROWSELECT 0x1000 #define TVS_NOSCROLL 0x2000 #define TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT 0x4000 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x500) #define TVS_NOHSCROLL 0x8000 // TVS_NOSCROLL overrides this #endif #endif // end_r_commctrl typedef struct _TREEITEM *HTREEITEM; #define TVIF_TEXT 0x0001 #define TVIF_IMAGE 0x0002 #define TVIF_PARAM 0x0004 #define TVIF_STATE 0x0008 #define TVIF_HANDLE 0x0010 #define TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE 0x0020 #define TVIF_CHILDREN 0x0040 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TVIF_INTEGRAL 0x0080 #endif #define TVIS_SELECTED 0x0002 #define TVIS_CUT 0x0004 #define TVIS_DROPHILITED 0x0008 #define TVIS_BOLD 0x0010 #define TVIS_EXPANDED 0x0020 #define TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE 0x0040 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TVIS_EXPANDPARTIAL 0x0080 #endif #define TVIS_OVERLAYMASK 0x0F00 #define TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK 0xF000 #define TVIS_USERMASK 0xF000 #define I_CHILDRENCALLBACK (-1) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LPTV_ITEMW LPTVITEMW #define LPTV_ITEMA LPTVITEMA #define TV_ITEMW TVITEMW #define TV_ITEMA TVITEMA #else #define tagTVITEMA _TV_ITEMA #define TVITEMA TV_ITEMA #define LPTVITEMA LPTV_ITEMA #define tagTVITEMW _TV_ITEMW #define TVITEMW TV_ITEMW #define LPTVITEMW LPTV_ITEMW #endif #define LPTV_ITEM LPTVITEM #define TV_ITEM TVITEM typedef struct tagTVITEMA { UINT mask; HTREEITEM hItem; UINT state; UINT stateMask; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; int iSelectedImage; int cChildren; LPARAM lParam; } TVITEMA, *LPTVITEMA; typedef struct tagTVITEMW { UINT mask; HTREEITEM hItem; UINT state; UINT stateMask; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; int iSelectedImage; int cChildren; LPARAM lParam; } TVITEMW, *LPTVITEMW; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // only used for Get and Set messages. no notifies typedef struct tagTVITEMEXA { UINT mask; HTREEITEM hItem; UINT state; UINT stateMask; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; int iSelectedImage; int cChildren; LPARAM lParam; int iIntegral; } TVITEMEXA, *LPTVITEMEXA; // only used for Get and Set messages. no notifies typedef struct tagTVITEMEXW { UINT mask; HTREEITEM hItem; UINT state; UINT stateMask; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; int iSelectedImage; int cChildren; LPARAM lParam; int iIntegral; } TVITEMEXW, *LPTVITEMEXW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef TVITEMEXW TVITEMEX; typedef LPTVITEMEXW LPTVITEMEX; #else typedef TVITEMEXA TVITEMEX; typedef LPTVITEMEXA LPTVITEMEX; #endif // UNICODE #endif #ifdef UNICODE #define TVITEM TVITEMW #define LPTVITEM LPTVITEMW #else #define TVITEM TVITEMA #define LPTVITEM LPTVITEMA #endif #define TVI_ROOT ((HTREEITEM)(ULONG_PTR)-0x10000) #define TVI_FIRST ((HTREEITEM)(ULONG_PTR)-0x0FFFF) #define TVI_LAST ((HTREEITEM)(ULONG_PTR)-0x0FFFE) #define TVI_SORT ((HTREEITEM)(ULONG_PTR)-0x0FFFD) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LPTV_INSERTSTRUCTA LPTVINSERTSTRUCTA #define LPTV_INSERTSTRUCTW LPTVINSERTSTRUCTW #define TV_INSERTSTRUCTA TVINSERTSTRUCTA #define TV_INSERTSTRUCTW TVINSERTSTRUCTW #else #define tagTVINSERTSTRUCTA _TV_INSERTSTRUCTA #define TVINSERTSTRUCTA TV_INSERTSTRUCTA #define LPTVINSERTSTRUCTA LPTV_INSERTSTRUCTA #define tagTVINSERTSTRUCTW _TV_INSERTSTRUCTW #define TVINSERTSTRUCTW TV_INSERTSTRUCTW #define LPTVINSERTSTRUCTW LPTV_INSERTSTRUCTW #endif #define TV_INSERTSTRUCT TVINSERTSTRUCT #define LPTV_INSERTSTRUCT LPTVINSERTSTRUCT #define TVINSERTSTRUCTA_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TVINSERTSTRUCTA, item) #define TVINSERTSTRUCTW_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TVINSERTSTRUCTW, item) typedef struct tagTVINSERTSTRUCTA { HTREEITEM hParent; HTREEITEM hInsertAfter; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) union { TVITEMEXA itemex; TV_ITEMA item; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; #else TV_ITEMA item; #endif } TVINSERTSTRUCTA, *LPTVINSERTSTRUCTA; typedef struct tagTVINSERTSTRUCTW { HTREEITEM hParent; HTREEITEM hInsertAfter; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) union { TVITEMEXW itemex; TV_ITEMW item; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; #else TV_ITEMW item; #endif } TVINSERTSTRUCTW, *LPTVINSERTSTRUCTW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TVINSERTSTRUCT TVINSERTSTRUCTW #define LPTVINSERTSTRUCT LPTVINSERTSTRUCTW #define TVINSERTSTRUCT_V1_SIZE TVINSERTSTRUCTW_V1_SIZE #else #define TVINSERTSTRUCT TVINSERTSTRUCTA #define LPTVINSERTSTRUCT LPTVINSERTSTRUCTA #define TVINSERTSTRUCT_V1_SIZE TVINSERTSTRUCTA_V1_SIZE #endif #define TVM_INSERTITEMA (TV_FIRST + 0) #define TVM_INSERTITEMW (TV_FIRST + 50) #ifdef UNICODE #define TVM_INSERTITEM TVM_INSERTITEMW #else #define TVM_INSERTITEM TVM_INSERTITEMA #endif #define TreeView_InsertItem(hwnd, lpis) \ (HTREEITEM)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTV_INSERTSTRUCT)(lpis)) #define TVM_DELETEITEM (TV_FIRST + 1) #define TreeView_DeleteItem(hwnd, hitem) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_DeleteAllItems(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, (LPARAM)TVI_ROOT) #define TVM_EXPAND (TV_FIRST + 2) #define TreeView_Expand(hwnd, hitem, code) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_EXPAND, (WPARAM)(code), (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TVE_COLLAPSE 0x0001 #define TVE_EXPAND 0x0002 #define TVE_TOGGLE 0x0003 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TVE_EXPANDPARTIAL 0x4000 #endif #define TVE_COLLAPSERESET 0x8000 #define TVM_GETITEMRECT (TV_FIRST + 4) #define TreeView_GetItemRect(hwnd, hitem, prc, code) \ (*(HTREEITEM *)prc = (hitem), (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(code), (LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc))) #define TVM_GETCOUNT (TV_FIRST + 5) #define TreeView_GetCount(hwnd) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) #define TVM_GETINDENT (TV_FIRST + 6) #define TreeView_GetIndent(hwnd) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETINDENT, 0, 0) #define TVM_SETINDENT (TV_FIRST + 7) #define TreeView_SetIndent(hwnd, indent) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETINDENT, (WPARAM)(indent), 0) #define TVM_GETIMAGELIST (TV_FIRST + 8) #define TreeView_GetImageList(hwnd, iImage) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETIMAGELIST, iImage, 0) #define TVSIL_NORMAL 0 #define TVSIL_STATE 2 #define TVM_SETIMAGELIST (TV_FIRST + 9) #define TreeView_SetImageList(hwnd, himl, iImage) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETIMAGELIST, iImage, (LPARAM)(HIMAGELIST)(himl)) #define TVM_GETNEXTITEM (TV_FIRST + 10) #define TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, code) \ (HTREEITEM)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM)(code), (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TVGN_ROOT 0x0000 #define TVGN_NEXT 0x0001 #define TVGN_PREVIOUS 0x0002 #define TVGN_PARENT 0x0003 #define TVGN_CHILD 0x0004 #define TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE 0x0005 #define TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE 0x0006 #define TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE 0x0007 #define TVGN_DROPHILITE 0x0008 #define TVGN_CARET 0x0009 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TVGN_LASTVISIBLE 0x000A #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define TVSI_NOSINGLEEXPAND 0x8000 // Should not conflict with TVGN flags. #endif #define TreeView_GetChild(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_CHILD) #define TreeView_GetNextSibling(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_NEXT) #define TreeView_GetPrevSibling(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_PREVIOUS) #define TreeView_GetParent(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_PARENT) #define TreeView_GetFirstVisible(hwnd) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, NULL, TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetNextVisible(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetPrevVisible(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetSelection(hwnd) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, NULL, TVGN_CARET) #define TreeView_GetDropHilight(hwnd) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, NULL, TVGN_DROPHILITE) #define TreeView_GetRoot(hwnd) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, NULL, TVGN_ROOT) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TreeView_GetLastVisible(hwnd) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, NULL, TVGN_LASTVISIBLE) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #define TVM_SELECTITEM (TV_FIRST + 11) #define TreeView_Select(hwnd, hitem, code) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SELECTITEM, (WPARAM)(code), (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_SelectItem(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_Select(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_CARET) #define TreeView_SelectDropTarget(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_Select(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_DROPHILITE) #define TreeView_SelectSetFirstVisible(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_Select(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE) #define TVM_GETITEMA (TV_FIRST + 12) #define TVM_GETITEMW (TV_FIRST + 62) #ifdef UNICODE #define TVM_GETITEM TVM_GETITEMW #else #define TVM_GETITEM TVM_GETITEMA #endif #define TreeView_GetItem(hwnd, pitem) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(TV_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TVM_SETITEMA (TV_FIRST + 13) #define TVM_SETITEMW (TV_FIRST + 63) #ifdef UNICODE #define TVM_SETITEM TVM_SETITEMW #else #define TVM_SETITEM TVM_SETITEMA #endif #define TreeView_SetItem(hwnd, pitem) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(const TV_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TVM_EDITLABELA (TV_FIRST + 14) #define TVM_EDITLABELW (TV_FIRST + 65) #ifdef UNICODE #define TVM_EDITLABEL TVM_EDITLABELW #else #define TVM_EDITLABEL TVM_EDITLABELA #endif #define TreeView_EditLabel(hwnd, hitem) \ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_EDITLABEL, 0, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TVM_GETEDITCONTROL (TV_FIRST + 15) #define TreeView_GetEditControl(hwnd) \ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0) #define TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT (TV_FIRST + 16) #define TreeView_GetVisibleCount(hwnd) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT, 0, 0) #define TVM_HITTEST (TV_FIRST + 17) #define TreeView_HitTest(hwnd, lpht) \ (HTREEITEM)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTV_HITTESTINFO)(lpht)) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LPTV_HITTESTINFO LPTVHITTESTINFO #define TV_HITTESTINFO TVHITTESTINFO #else #define tagTVHITTESTINFO _TV_HITTESTINFO #define TVHITTESTINFO TV_HITTESTINFO #define LPTVHITTESTINFO LPTV_HITTESTINFO #endif typedef struct tagTVHITTESTINFO { POINT pt; UINT flags; HTREEITEM hItem; } TVHITTESTINFO, *LPTVHITTESTINFO; #define TVHT_NOWHERE 0x0001 #define TVHT_ONITEMICON 0x0002 #define TVHT_ONITEMLABEL 0x0004 #define TVHT_ONITEM (TVHT_ONITEMICON | TVHT_ONITEMLABEL | TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON) #define TVHT_ONITEMINDENT 0x0008 #define TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON 0x0010 #define TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT 0x0020 #define TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON 0x0040 #define TVHT_ABOVE 0x0100 #define TVHT_BELOW 0x0200 #define TVHT_TORIGHT 0x0400 #define TVHT_TOLEFT 0x0800 #define TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE (TV_FIRST + 18) #define TreeView_CreateDragImage(hwnd, hitem) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE, 0, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TVM_SORTCHILDREN (TV_FIRST + 19) #define TreeView_SortChildren(hwnd, hitem, recurse) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SORTCHILDREN, (WPARAM)(recurse), (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE (TV_FIRST + 20) #define TreeView_EnsureVisible(hwnd, hitem) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB (TV_FIRST + 21) #define TreeView_SortChildrenCB(hwnd, psort, recurse) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB, (WPARAM)(recurse), \ (LPARAM)(LPTV_SORTCB)(psort)) #define TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW (TV_FIRST + 22) #define TreeView_EndEditLabelNow(hwnd, fCancel) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW, (WPARAM)(fCancel), 0) #define TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA (TV_FIRST + 23) #define TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW (TV_FIRST + 64) #ifdef UNICODE #define TVM_GETISEARCHSTRING TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW #else #define TVM_GETISEARCHSTRING TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TVM_SETTOOLTIPS (TV_FIRST + 24) #define TreeView_SetToolTips(hwnd, hwndTT) \ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETTOOLTIPS, (WPARAM)(hwndTT), 0) #define TVM_GETTOOLTIPS (TV_FIRST + 25) #define TreeView_GetToolTips(hwnd) \ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETTOOLTIPS, 0, 0) #endif #define TreeView_GetISearchString(hwndTV, lpsz) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndTV), TVM_GETISEARCHSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)(lpsz)) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TVM_SETINSERTMARK (TV_FIRST + 26) #define TreeView_SetInsertMark(hwnd, hItem, fAfter) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETINSERTMARK, (WPARAM) (fAfter), (LPARAM) (hItem)) #define TVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define TreeView_SetUnicodeFormat(hwnd, fUnicode) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, (WPARAM)(fUnicode), 0) #define TVM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #define TreeView_GetUnicodeFormat(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETUNICODEFORMAT, 0, 0) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT (TV_FIRST + 27) #define TreeView_SetItemHeight(hwnd, iHeight) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT, (WPARAM)(iHeight), 0) #define TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT (TV_FIRST + 28) #define TreeView_GetItemHeight(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0) #define TVM_SETBKCOLOR (TV_FIRST + 29) #define TreeView_SetBkColor(hwnd, clr) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(clr)) #define TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR (TV_FIRST + 30) #define TreeView_SetTextColor(hwnd, clr) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(clr)) #define TVM_GETBKCOLOR (TV_FIRST + 31) #define TreeView_GetBkColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETBKCOLOR, 0, 0) #define TVM_GETTEXTCOLOR (TV_FIRST + 32) #define TreeView_GetTextColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETTEXTCOLOR, 0, 0) #define TVM_SETSCROLLTIME (TV_FIRST + 33) #define TreeView_SetScrollTime(hwnd, uTime) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETSCROLLTIME, uTime, 0) #define TVM_GETSCROLLTIME (TV_FIRST + 34) #define TreeView_GetScrollTime(hwnd) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETSCROLLTIME, 0, 0) #define TVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR (TV_FIRST + 37) #define TreeView_SetInsertMarkColor(hwnd, clr) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(clr)) #define TVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR (TV_FIRST + 38) #define TreeView_GetInsertMarkColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR, 0, 0) #endif /* (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) */ #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) // tvm_?etitemstate only uses mask, state and stateMask. // so unicode or ansi is irrelevant. #define TreeView_SetItemState(hwndTV, hti, data, _mask) \ { TVITEM _ms_TVi;\ _ms_TVi.mask = TVIF_STATE; \ _ms_TVi.hItem = hti; \ _ms_TVi.stateMask = _mask;\ _ms_TVi.state = data;\ SNDMSG((hwndTV), TVM_SETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(TV_ITEM *)&_ms_TVi);\ } #define TreeView_SetCheckState(hwndTV, hti, fCheck) \ TreeView_SetItemState(hwndTV, hti, INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK((fCheck)?2:1), TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) #define TVM_GETITEMSTATE (TV_FIRST + 39) #define TreeView_GetItemState(hwndTV, hti, mask) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwndTV), TVM_GETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)(hti), (LPARAM)(mask)) #define TreeView_GetCheckState(hwndTV, hti) \ ((((UINT)(SNDMSG((hwndTV), TVM_GETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)(hti), TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK))) >> 12) -1) #define TVM_SETLINECOLOR (TV_FIRST + 40) #define TreeView_SetLineColor(hwnd, clr) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_SETLINECOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(clr)) #define TVM_GETLINECOLOR (TV_FIRST + 41) #define TreeView_GetLineColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_GETLINECOLOR, 0, 0) #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) #define TVM_MAPACCIDTOHTREEITEM (TV_FIRST + 42) #define TreeView_MapAccIDToHTREEITEM(hwnd, id) \ (HTREEITEM)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_MAPACCIDTOHTREEITEM, id, 0) #define TVM_MAPHTREEITEMTOACCID (TV_FIRST + 43) #define TreeView_MapHTREEITEMToAccID(hwnd, htreeitem) \ (UINT)SNDMSG((hwnd), TVM_MAPHTREEITEMTOACCID, (WPARAM)htreeitem, 0) #endif typedef int (CALLBACK *PFNTVCOMPARE)(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LPTV_SORTCB LPTVSORTCB #define TV_SORTCB TVSORTCB #else #define tagTVSORTCB _TV_SORTCB #define TVSORTCB TV_SORTCB #define LPTVSORTCB LPTV_SORTCB #endif typedef struct tagTVSORTCB { HTREEITEM hParent; PFNTVCOMPARE lpfnCompare; LPARAM lParam; } TVSORTCB, *LPTVSORTCB; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LPNM_TREEVIEWA LPNMTREEVIEWA #define LPNM_TREEVIEWW LPNMTREEVIEWW #define NM_TREEVIEWW NMTREEVIEWW #define NM_TREEVIEWA NMTREEVIEWA #else #define tagNMTREEVIEWA _NM_TREEVIEWA #define tagNMTREEVIEWW _NM_TREEVIEWW #define NMTREEVIEWA NM_TREEVIEWA #define NMTREEVIEWW NM_TREEVIEWW #define LPNMTREEVIEWA LPNM_TREEVIEWA #define LPNMTREEVIEWW LPNM_TREEVIEWW #endif #define LPNM_TREEVIEW LPNMTREEVIEW #define NM_TREEVIEW NMTREEVIEW typedef struct tagNMTREEVIEWA { NMHDR hdr; UINT action; TVITEMA itemOld; TVITEMA itemNew; POINT ptDrag; } NMTREEVIEWA, *LPNMTREEVIEWA; typedef struct tagNMTREEVIEWW { NMHDR hdr; UINT action; TVITEMW itemOld; TVITEMW itemNew; POINT ptDrag; } NMTREEVIEWW, *LPNMTREEVIEWW; #ifdef UNICODE #define NMTREEVIEW NMTREEVIEWW #define LPNMTREEVIEW LPNMTREEVIEWW #else #define NMTREEVIEW NMTREEVIEWA #define LPNMTREEVIEW LPNMTREEVIEWA #endif #define TVN_SELCHANGINGA (TVN_FIRST-1) #define TVN_SELCHANGINGW (TVN_FIRST-50) #define TVN_SELCHANGEDA (TVN_FIRST-2) #define TVN_SELCHANGEDW (TVN_FIRST-51) #define TVC_UNKNOWN 0x0000 #define TVC_BYMOUSE 0x0001 #define TVC_BYKEYBOARD 0x0002 #define TVN_GETDISPINFOA (TVN_FIRST-3) #define TVN_GETDISPINFOW (TVN_FIRST-52) #define TVN_SETDISPINFOA (TVN_FIRST-4) #define TVN_SETDISPINFOW (TVN_FIRST-53) #define TVIF_DI_SETITEM 0x1000 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TV_DISPINFOA NMTVDISPINFOA #define TV_DISPINFOW NMTVDISPINFOW #else #define tagTVDISPINFOA _TV_DISPINFOA #define NMTVDISPINFOA TV_DISPINFOA #define tagTVDISPINFOW _TV_DISPINFOW #define NMTVDISPINFOW TV_DISPINFOW #endif #define TV_DISPINFO NMTVDISPINFO typedef struct tagTVDISPINFOA { NMHDR hdr; TVITEMA item; } NMTVDISPINFOA, *LPNMTVDISPINFOA; typedef struct tagTVDISPINFOW { NMHDR hdr; TVITEMW item; } NMTVDISPINFOW, *LPNMTVDISPINFOW; #ifdef UNICODE #define NMTVDISPINFO NMTVDISPINFOW #define LPNMTVDISPINFO LPNMTVDISPINFOW #else #define NMTVDISPINFO NMTVDISPINFOA #define LPNMTVDISPINFO LPNMTVDISPINFOA #endif #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGA (TVN_FIRST-5) #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGW (TVN_FIRST-54) #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDA (TVN_FIRST-6) #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDW (TVN_FIRST-55) #define TVN_BEGINDRAGA (TVN_FIRST-7) #define TVN_BEGINDRAGW (TVN_FIRST-56) #define TVN_BEGINRDRAGA (TVN_FIRST-8) #define TVN_BEGINRDRAGW (TVN_FIRST-57) #define TVN_DELETEITEMA (TVN_FIRST-9) #define TVN_DELETEITEMW (TVN_FIRST-58) #define TVN_BEGINLABELEDITA (TVN_FIRST-10) #define TVN_BEGINLABELEDITW (TVN_FIRST-59) #define TVN_ENDLABELEDITA (TVN_FIRST-11) #define TVN_ENDLABELEDITW (TVN_FIRST-60) #define TVN_KEYDOWN (TVN_FIRST-12) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TVN_GETINFOTIPA (TVN_FIRST-13) #define TVN_GETINFOTIPW (TVN_FIRST-14) #define TVN_SINGLEEXPAND (TVN_FIRST-15) #define TVNRET_DEFAULT 0 #define TVNRET_SKIPOLD 1 #define TVNRET_SKIPNEW 2 #endif // 0x400 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TV_KEYDOWN NMTVKEYDOWN #else #define tagTVKEYDOWN _TV_KEYDOWN #define NMTVKEYDOWN TV_KEYDOWN #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif typedef struct tagTVKEYDOWN { NMHDR hdr; WORD wVKey; UINT flags; } NMTVKEYDOWN, *LPNMTVKEYDOWN; #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #ifdef UNICODE #define TVN_SELCHANGING TVN_SELCHANGINGW #define TVN_SELCHANGED TVN_SELCHANGEDW #define TVN_GETDISPINFO TVN_GETDISPINFOW #define TVN_SETDISPINFO TVN_SETDISPINFOW #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDING TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGW #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDED TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDW #define TVN_BEGINDRAG TVN_BEGINDRAGW #define TVN_BEGINRDRAG TVN_BEGINRDRAGW #define TVN_DELETEITEM TVN_DELETEITEMW #define TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT TVN_BEGINLABELEDITW #define TVN_ENDLABELEDIT TVN_ENDLABELEDITW #else #define TVN_SELCHANGING TVN_SELCHANGINGA #define TVN_SELCHANGED TVN_SELCHANGEDA #define TVN_GETDISPINFO TVN_GETDISPINFOA #define TVN_SETDISPINFO TVN_SETDISPINFOA #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDING TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGA #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDED TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDA #define TVN_BEGINDRAG TVN_BEGINDRAGA #define TVN_BEGINRDRAG TVN_BEGINRDRAGA #define TVN_DELETEITEM TVN_DELETEITEMA #define TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT TVN_BEGINLABELEDITA #define TVN_ENDLABELEDIT TVN_ENDLABELEDITA #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define NMTVCUSTOMDRAW_V3_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(NMTVCUSTOMDRAW, clrTextBk) typedef struct tagNMTVCUSTOMDRAW { NMCUSTOMDRAW nmcd; COLORREF clrText; COLORREF clrTextBk; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) int iLevel; #endif } NMTVCUSTOMDRAW, *LPNMTVCUSTOMDRAW; #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // for tooltips typedef struct tagNMTVGETINFOTIPA { NMHDR hdr; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; HTREEITEM hItem; LPARAM lParam; } NMTVGETINFOTIPA, *LPNMTVGETINFOTIPA; typedef struct tagNMTVGETINFOTIPW { NMHDR hdr; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; HTREEITEM hItem; LPARAM lParam; } NMTVGETINFOTIPW, *LPNMTVGETINFOTIPW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TVN_GETINFOTIP TVN_GETINFOTIPW #define NMTVGETINFOTIP NMTVGETINFOTIPW #define LPNMTVGETINFOTIP LPNMTVGETINFOTIPW #else #define TVN_GETINFOTIP TVN_GETINFOTIPA #define NMTVGETINFOTIP NMTVGETINFOTIPA #define LPNMTVGETINFOTIP LPNMTVGETINFOTIPA #endif // treeview's customdraw return meaning don't draw images. valid on CDRF_NOTIFYITEMPREPAINT #define TVCDRF_NOIMAGES 0x00010000 #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #endif // NOTREEVIEW #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #ifndef NOUSEREXCONTROLS //////////////////// ComboBoxEx //////////////////////////////// #define WC_COMBOBOXEXW L"ComboBoxEx32" #define WC_COMBOBOXEXA "ComboBoxEx32" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_COMBOBOXEX WC_COMBOBOXEXW #else #define WC_COMBOBOXEX WC_COMBOBOXEXA #endif #define CBEIF_TEXT 0x00000001 #define CBEIF_IMAGE 0x00000002 #define CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE 0x00000004 #define CBEIF_OVERLAY 0x00000008 #define CBEIF_INDENT 0x00000010 #define CBEIF_LPARAM 0x00000020 #define CBEIF_DI_SETITEM 0x10000000 typedef struct tagCOMBOBOXEXITEMA { UINT mask; INT_PTR iItem; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; int iSelectedImage; int iOverlay; int iIndent; LPARAM lParam; } COMBOBOXEXITEMA, *PCOMBOBOXEXITEMA; typedef COMBOBOXEXITEMA CONST *PCCOMBOEXITEMA; typedef struct tagCOMBOBOXEXITEMW { UINT mask; INT_PTR iItem; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; int iSelectedImage; int iOverlay; int iIndent; LPARAM lParam; } COMBOBOXEXITEMW, *PCOMBOBOXEXITEMW; typedef COMBOBOXEXITEMW CONST *PCCOMBOEXITEMW; #ifdef UNICODE #define COMBOBOXEXITEM COMBOBOXEXITEMW #define PCOMBOBOXEXITEM PCOMBOBOXEXITEMW #define PCCOMBOBOXEXITEM PCCOMBOBOXEXITEMW #else #define COMBOBOXEXITEM COMBOBOXEXITEMA #define PCOMBOBOXEXITEM PCOMBOBOXEXITEMA #define PCCOMBOBOXEXITEM PCCOMBOBOXEXITEMA #endif #define CBEM_INSERTITEMA (WM_USER + 1) #define CBEM_SETIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 2) #define CBEM_GETIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 3) #define CBEM_GETITEMA (WM_USER + 4) #define CBEM_SETITEMA (WM_USER + 5) #define CBEM_DELETEITEM CB_DELETESTRING #define CBEM_GETCOMBOCONTROL (WM_USER + 6) #define CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL (WM_USER + 7) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define CBEM_SETEXSTYLE (WM_USER + 8) // use SETEXTENDEDSTYLE instead #define CBEM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER + 14) // lparam == new style, wParam (optional) == mask #define CBEM_GETEXSTYLE (WM_USER + 9) // use GETEXTENDEDSTYLE instead #define CBEM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER + 9) #define CBEM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define CBEM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #else #define CBEM_SETEXSTYLE (WM_USER + 8) #define CBEM_GETEXSTYLE (WM_USER + 9) #endif #define CBEM_HASEDITCHANGED (WM_USER + 10) #define CBEM_INSERTITEMW (WM_USER + 11) #define CBEM_SETITEMW (WM_USER + 12) #define CBEM_GETITEMW (WM_USER + 13) #ifdef UNICODE #define CBEM_INSERTITEM CBEM_INSERTITEMW #define CBEM_SETITEM CBEM_SETITEMW #define CBEM_GETITEM CBEM_GETITEMW #else #define CBEM_INSERTITEM CBEM_INSERTITEMA #define CBEM_SETITEM CBEM_SETITEMA #define CBEM_GETITEM CBEM_GETITEMA #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define CBEM_SETWINDOWTHEME CCM_SETWINDOWTHEME #endif #define CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGE 0x00000001 #define CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGEINDENT 0x00000002 #define CBES_EX_PATHWORDBREAKPROC 0x00000004 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define CBES_EX_NOSIZELIMIT 0x00000008 #define CBES_EX_CASESENSITIVE 0x00000010 typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; COMBOBOXEXITEMA ceItem; } NMCOMBOBOXEXA, *PNMCOMBOBOXEXA; typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; COMBOBOXEXITEMW ceItem; } NMCOMBOBOXEXW, *PNMCOMBOBOXEXW; #ifdef UNICODE #define NMCOMBOBOXEX NMCOMBOBOXEXW #define PNMCOMBOBOXEX PNMCOMBOBOXEXW #define CBEN_GETDISPINFO CBEN_GETDISPINFOW #else #define NMCOMBOBOXEX NMCOMBOBOXEXA #define PNMCOMBOBOXEX PNMCOMBOBOXEXA #define CBEN_GETDISPINFO CBEN_GETDISPINFOA #endif #else typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; COMBOBOXEXITEM ceItem; } NMCOMBOBOXEX, *PNMCOMBOBOXEX; #define CBEN_GETDISPINFO (CBEN_FIRST - 0) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define CBEN_GETDISPINFOA (CBEN_FIRST - 0) #endif #define CBEN_INSERTITEM (CBEN_FIRST - 1) #define CBEN_DELETEITEM (CBEN_FIRST - 2) #define CBEN_BEGINEDIT (CBEN_FIRST - 4) #define CBEN_ENDEDITA (CBEN_FIRST - 5) #define CBEN_ENDEDITW (CBEN_FIRST - 6) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define CBEN_GETDISPINFOW (CBEN_FIRST - 7) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define CBEN_DRAGBEGINA (CBEN_FIRST - 8) #define CBEN_DRAGBEGINW (CBEN_FIRST - 9) #ifdef UNICODE #define CBEN_DRAGBEGIN CBEN_DRAGBEGINW #else #define CBEN_DRAGBEGIN CBEN_DRAGBEGINA #endif #endif //(_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // lParam specifies why the endedit is happening #ifdef UNICODE #define CBEN_ENDEDIT CBEN_ENDEDITW #else #define CBEN_ENDEDIT CBEN_ENDEDITA #endif #define CBENF_KILLFOCUS 1 #define CBENF_RETURN 2 #define CBENF_ESCAPE 3 #define CBENF_DROPDOWN 4 #define CBEMAXSTRLEN 260 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // CBEN_DRAGBEGIN sends this information ... typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; int iItemid; WCHAR szText[CBEMAXSTRLEN]; }NMCBEDRAGBEGINW, *LPNMCBEDRAGBEGINW, *PNMCBEDRAGBEGINW; typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; int iItemid; char szText[CBEMAXSTRLEN]; }NMCBEDRAGBEGINA, *LPNMCBEDRAGBEGINA, *PNMCBEDRAGBEGINA; #ifdef UNICODE #define NMCBEDRAGBEGIN NMCBEDRAGBEGINW #define LPNMCBEDRAGBEGIN LPNMCBEDRAGBEGINW #define PNMCBEDRAGBEGIN PNMCBEDRAGBEGINW #else #define NMCBEDRAGBEGIN NMCBEDRAGBEGINA #define LPNMCBEDRAGBEGIN LPNMCBEDRAGBEGINA #define PNMCBEDRAGBEGIN PNMCBEDRAGBEGINA #endif #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 // CBEN_ENDEDIT sends this information... // fChanged if the user actually did anything // iNewSelection gives what would be the new selection unless the notify is failed // iNewSelection may be CB_ERR if there's no match typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; BOOL fChanged; int iNewSelection; WCHAR szText[CBEMAXSTRLEN]; int iWhy; } NMCBEENDEDITW, *LPNMCBEENDEDITW, *PNMCBEENDEDITW; typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; BOOL fChanged; int iNewSelection; char szText[CBEMAXSTRLEN]; int iWhy; } NMCBEENDEDITA, *LPNMCBEENDEDITA,*PNMCBEENDEDITA; #ifdef UNICODE #define NMCBEENDEDIT NMCBEENDEDITW #define LPNMCBEENDEDIT LPNMCBEENDEDITW #define PNMCBEENDEDIT PNMCBEENDEDITW #else #define NMCBEENDEDIT NMCBEENDEDITA #define LPNMCBEENDEDIT LPNMCBEENDEDITA #define PNMCBEENDEDIT PNMCBEENDEDITA #endif #endif #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 //====== TAB CONTROL ========================================================== #ifndef NOTABCONTROL #ifdef _WIN32 #define WC_TABCONTROLA "SysTabControl32" #define WC_TABCONTROLW L"SysTabControl32" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_TABCONTROL WC_TABCONTROLW #else #define WC_TABCONTROL WC_TABCONTROLA #endif #else #define WC_TABCONTROL "SysTabControl" #endif // begin_r_commctrl #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE 0x0001 // assumes multiline tab #define TCS_BOTTOM 0x0002 #define TCS_RIGHT 0x0002 #define TCS_MULTISELECT 0x0004 // allow multi-select in button mode #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TCS_FLATBUTTONS 0x0008 #endif #define TCS_FORCEICONLEFT 0x0010 #define TCS_FORCELABELLEFT 0x0020 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TCS_HOTTRACK 0x0040 #define TCS_VERTICAL 0x0080 #endif #define TCS_TABS 0x0000 #define TCS_BUTTONS 0x0100 #define TCS_SINGLELINE 0x0000 #define TCS_MULTILINE 0x0200 #define TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY 0x0000 #define TCS_FIXEDWIDTH 0x0400 #define TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT 0x0800 #define TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN 0x1000 #define TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 0x2000 #define TCS_TOOLTIPS 0x4000 #define TCS_FOCUSNEVER 0x8000 // end_r_commctrl #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) // EX styles for use with TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE #define TCS_EX_FLATSEPARATORS 0x00000001 #define TCS_EX_REGISTERDROP 0x00000002 #endif #define TCM_GETIMAGELIST (TCM_FIRST + 2) #define TabCtrl_GetImageList(hwnd) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0L) #define TCM_SETIMAGELIST (TCM_FIRST + 3) #define TabCtrl_SetImageList(hwnd, himl) \ (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)(HIMAGELIST)(himl)) #define TCM_GETITEMCOUNT (TCM_FIRST + 4) #define TabCtrl_GetItemCount(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0L) #define TCIF_TEXT 0x0001 #define TCIF_IMAGE 0x0002 #define TCIF_RTLREADING 0x0004 #define TCIF_PARAM 0x0008 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TCIF_STATE 0x0010 #define TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED 0x0001 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TCIS_HIGHLIGHTED 0x0002 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TC_ITEMHEADERA TCITEMHEADERA #define TC_ITEMHEADERW TCITEMHEADERW #else #define tagTCITEMHEADERA _TC_ITEMHEADERA #define TCITEMHEADERA TC_ITEMHEADERA #define tagTCITEMHEADERW _TC_ITEMHEADERW #define TCITEMHEADERW TC_ITEMHEADERW #endif #define TC_ITEMHEADER TCITEMHEADER typedef struct tagTCITEMHEADERA { UINT mask; UINT lpReserved1; UINT lpReserved2; LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; } TCITEMHEADERA, *LPTCITEMHEADERA; typedef struct tagTCITEMHEADERW { UINT mask; UINT lpReserved1; UINT lpReserved2; LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; } TCITEMHEADERW, *LPTCITEMHEADERW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TCITEMHEADER TCITEMHEADERW #define LPTCITEMHEADER LPTCITEMHEADERW #else #define TCITEMHEADER TCITEMHEADERA #define LPTCITEMHEADER LPTCITEMHEADERA #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TC_ITEMA TCITEMA #define TC_ITEMW TCITEMW #else #define tagTCITEMA _TC_ITEMA #define TCITEMA TC_ITEMA #define tagTCITEMW _TC_ITEMW #define TCITEMW TC_ITEMW #endif #define TC_ITEM TCITEM typedef struct tagTCITEMA { UINT mask; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) DWORD dwState; DWORD dwStateMask; #else UINT lpReserved1; UINT lpReserved2; #endif LPSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; LPARAM lParam; } TCITEMA, *LPTCITEMA; typedef struct tagTCITEMW { UINT mask; #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) DWORD dwState; DWORD dwStateMask; #else UINT lpReserved1; UINT lpReserved2; #endif LPWSTR pszText; int cchTextMax; int iImage; LPARAM lParam; } TCITEMW, *LPTCITEMW; #ifdef UNICODE #define TCITEM TCITEMW #define LPTCITEM LPTCITEMW #else #define TCITEM TCITEMA #define LPTCITEM LPTCITEMA #endif #define TCM_GETITEMA (TCM_FIRST + 5) #define TCM_GETITEMW (TCM_FIRST + 60) #ifdef UNICODE #define TCM_GETITEM TCM_GETITEMW #else #define TCM_GETITEM TCM_GETITEMA #endif #define TabCtrl_GetItem(hwnd, iItem, pitem) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(iItem), (LPARAM)(TC_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TCM_SETITEMA (TCM_FIRST + 6) #define TCM_SETITEMW (TCM_FIRST + 61) #ifdef UNICODE #define TCM_SETITEM TCM_SETITEMW #else #define TCM_SETITEM TCM_SETITEMA #endif #define TabCtrl_SetItem(hwnd, iItem, pitem) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(iItem), (LPARAM)(TC_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TCM_INSERTITEMA (TCM_FIRST + 7) #define TCM_INSERTITEMW (TCM_FIRST + 62) #ifdef UNICODE #define TCM_INSERTITEM TCM_INSERTITEMW #else #define TCM_INSERTITEM TCM_INSERTITEMA #endif #define TabCtrl_InsertItem(hwnd, iItem, pitem) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(iItem), (LPARAM)(const TC_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TCM_DELETEITEM (TCM_FIRST + 8) #define TabCtrl_DeleteItem(hwnd, i) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), 0L) #define TCM_DELETEALLITEMS (TCM_FIRST + 9) #define TabCtrl_DeleteAllItems(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0L) #define TCM_GETITEMRECT (TCM_FIRST + 10) #define TabCtrl_GetItemRect(hwnd, i, prc) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc)) #define TCM_GETCURSEL (TCM_FIRST + 11) #define TabCtrl_GetCurSel(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) #define TCM_SETCURSEL (TCM_FIRST + 12) #define TabCtrl_SetCurSel(hwnd, i) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)(i), 0) #define TCHT_NOWHERE 0x0001 #define TCHT_ONITEMICON 0x0002 #define TCHT_ONITEMLABEL 0x0004 #define TCHT_ONITEM (TCHT_ONITEMICON | TCHT_ONITEMLABEL) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define LPTC_HITTESTINFO LPTCHITTESTINFO #define TC_HITTESTINFO TCHITTESTINFO #else #define tagTCHITTESTINFO _TC_HITTESTINFO #define TCHITTESTINFO TC_HITTESTINFO #define LPTCHITTESTINFO LPTC_HITTESTINFO #endif typedef struct tagTCHITTESTINFO { POINT pt; UINT flags; } TCHITTESTINFO, *LPTCHITTESTINFO; #define TCM_HITTEST (TCM_FIRST + 13) #define TabCtrl_HitTest(hwndTC, pinfo) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwndTC), TCM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(TC_HITTESTINFO *)(pinfo)) #define TCM_SETITEMEXTRA (TCM_FIRST + 14) #define TabCtrl_SetItemExtra(hwndTC, cb) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndTC), TCM_SETITEMEXTRA, (WPARAM)(cb), 0L) #define TCM_ADJUSTRECT (TCM_FIRST + 40) #define TabCtrl_AdjustRect(hwnd, bLarger, prc) \ (int)SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_ADJUSTRECT, (WPARAM)(BOOL)(bLarger), (LPARAM)(RECT *)prc) #define TCM_SETITEMSIZE (TCM_FIRST + 41) #define TabCtrl_SetItemSize(hwnd, x, y) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0, MAKELPARAM(x,y)) #define TCM_REMOVEIMAGE (TCM_FIRST + 42) #define TabCtrl_RemoveImage(hwnd, i) \ (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_REMOVEIMAGE, i, 0L) #define TCM_SETPADDING (TCM_FIRST + 43) #define TabCtrl_SetPadding(hwnd, cx, cy) \ (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETPADDING, 0, MAKELPARAM(cx, cy)) #define TCM_GETROWCOUNT (TCM_FIRST + 44) #define TabCtrl_GetRowCount(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETROWCOUNT, 0, 0L) #define TCM_GETTOOLTIPS (TCM_FIRST + 45) #define TabCtrl_GetToolTips(hwnd) \ (HWND)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETTOOLTIPS, 0, 0L) #define TCM_SETTOOLTIPS (TCM_FIRST + 46) #define TabCtrl_SetToolTips(hwnd, hwndTT) \ (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETTOOLTIPS, (WPARAM)(hwndTT), 0L) #define TCM_GETCURFOCUS (TCM_FIRST + 47) #define TabCtrl_GetCurFocus(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETCURFOCUS, 0, 0) #define TCM_SETCURFOCUS (TCM_FIRST + 48) #define TabCtrl_SetCurFocus(hwnd, i) \ SNDMSG((hwnd),TCM_SETCURFOCUS, i, 0) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH (TCM_FIRST + 49) #define TabCtrl_SetMinTabWidth(hwnd, x) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH, 0, x) #define TCM_DESELECTALL (TCM_FIRST + 50) #define TabCtrl_DeselectAll(hwnd, fExcludeFocus)\ (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_DESELECTALL, fExcludeFocus, 0) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM (TCM_FIRST + 51) #define TabCtrl_HighlightItem(hwnd, i, fHighlight) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM, (WPARAM)(i), (LPARAM)MAKELONG (fHighlight, 0)) #define TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE (TCM_FIRST + 52) // optional wParam == mask #define TabCtrl_SetExtendedStyle(hwnd, dw)\ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, dw) #define TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE (TCM_FIRST + 53) #define TabCtrl_GetExtendedStyle(hwnd)\ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0) #define TCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define TabCtrl_SetUnicodeFormat(hwnd, fUnicode) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, (WPARAM)(fUnicode), 0) #define TCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #define TabCtrl_GetUnicodeFormat(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT, 0, 0) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #define TCN_KEYDOWN (TCN_FIRST - 0) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define TC_KEYDOWN NMTCKEYDOWN #else #define tagTCKEYDOWN _TC_KEYDOWN #define NMTCKEYDOWN TC_KEYDOWN #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif typedef struct tagTCKEYDOWN { NMHDR hdr; WORD wVKey; UINT flags; } NMTCKEYDOWN; #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #define TCN_SELCHANGE (TCN_FIRST - 1) #define TCN_SELCHANGING (TCN_FIRST - 2) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define TCN_GETOBJECT (TCN_FIRST - 3) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define TCN_FOCUSCHANGE (TCN_FIRST - 4) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0500 #endif // NOTABCONTROL //====== ANIMATE CONTROL ====================================================== #ifndef NOANIMATE #ifdef _WIN32 #define ANIMATE_CLASSW L"SysAnimate32" #define ANIMATE_CLASSA "SysAnimate32" #ifdef UNICODE #define ANIMATE_CLASS ANIMATE_CLASSW #else #define ANIMATE_CLASS ANIMATE_CLASSA #endif // begin_r_commctrl #define ACS_CENTER 0x0001 #define ACS_TRANSPARENT 0x0002 #define ACS_AUTOPLAY 0x0004 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) #define ACS_TIMER 0x0008 // don't use threads... use timers #endif // end_r_commctrl #define ACM_OPENA (WM_USER+100) #define ACM_OPENW (WM_USER+103) #ifdef UNICODE #define ACM_OPEN ACM_OPENW #else #define ACM_OPEN ACM_OPENA #endif #define ACM_PLAY (WM_USER+101) #define ACM_STOP (WM_USER+102) #define ACN_START 1 #define ACN_STOP 2 #define Animate_Create(hwndP, id, dwStyle, hInstance) \ CreateWindow(ANIMATE_CLASS, NULL, \ dwStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, hwndP, (HMENU)(id), hInstance, NULL) #define Animate_Open(hwnd, szName) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hwnd, ACM_OPEN, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)(szName)) #define Animate_OpenEx(hwnd, hInst, szName) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hwnd, ACM_OPEN, (WPARAM)(hInst), (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)(szName)) #define Animate_Play(hwnd, from, to, rep) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hwnd, ACM_PLAY, (WPARAM)(rep), (LPARAM)MAKELONG(from, to)) #define Animate_Stop(hwnd) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hwnd, ACM_STOP, 0, 0) #define Animate_Close(hwnd) Animate_Open(hwnd, NULL) #define Animate_Seek(hwnd, frame) Animate_Play(hwnd, frame, frame, 1) #endif #endif // NOANIMATE #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) //====== MONTHCAL CONTROL ====================================================== #ifndef NOMONTHCAL #ifdef _WIN32 #define MONTHCAL_CLASSW L"SysMonthCal32" #define MONTHCAL_CLASSA "SysMonthCal32" #ifdef UNICODE #define MONTHCAL_CLASS MONTHCAL_CLASSW #else #define MONTHCAL_CLASS MONTHCAL_CLASSA #endif // bit-packed array of "bold" info for a month // if a bit is on, that day is drawn bold typedef DWORD MONTHDAYSTATE, *LPMONTHDAYSTATE; #define MCM_FIRST 0x1000 // BOOL MonthCal_GetCurSel(HWND hmc, LPSYSTEMTIME pst) // returns FALSE if MCS_MULTISELECT // returns TRUE and sets *pst to the currently selected date otherwise #define MCM_GETCURSEL (MCM_FIRST + 1) #define MonthCal_GetCurSel(hmc, pst) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)(pst)) // BOOL MonthCal_SetCurSel(HWND hmc, LPSYSTEMTIME pst) // returns FALSE if MCS_MULTISELECT // returns TURE and sets the currently selected date to *pst otherwise #define MCM_SETCURSEL (MCM_FIRST + 2) #define MonthCal_SetCurSel(hmc, pst) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_SETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)(pst)) // DWORD MonthCal_GetMaxSelCount(HWND hmc) // returns the maximum number of selectable days allowed #define MCM_GETMAXSELCOUNT (MCM_FIRST + 3) #define MonthCal_GetMaxSelCount(hmc) (DWORD)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETMAXSELCOUNT, 0, 0L) // BOOL MonthCal_SetMaxSelCount(HWND hmc, UINT n) // sets the max number days that can be selected iff MCS_MULTISELECT #define MCM_SETMAXSELCOUNT (MCM_FIRST + 4) #define MonthCal_SetMaxSelCount(hmc, n) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_SETMAXSELCOUNT, (WPARAM)(n), 0L) // BOOL MonthCal_GetSelRange(HWND hmc, LPSYSTEMTIME rgst) // sets rgst[0] to the first day of the selection range // sets rgst[1] to the last day of the selection range #define MCM_GETSELRANGE (MCM_FIRST + 5) #define MonthCal_GetSelRange(hmc, rgst) SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETSELRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)(rgst)) // BOOL MonthCal_SetSelRange(HWND hmc, LPSYSTEMTIME rgst) // selects the range of days from rgst[0] to rgst[1] #define MCM_SETSELRANGE (MCM_FIRST + 6) #define MonthCal_SetSelRange(hmc, rgst) SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_SETSELRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)(rgst)) // DWORD MonthCal_GetMonthRange(HWND hmc, DWORD gmr, LPSYSTEMTIME rgst) // if rgst specified, sets rgst[0] to the starting date and // and rgst[1] to the ending date of the the selectable (non-grayed) // days if GMR_VISIBLE or all the displayed days (including grayed) // if GMR_DAYSTATE. // returns the number of months spanned by the above range. #define MCM_GETMONTHRANGE (MCM_FIRST + 7) #define MonthCal_GetMonthRange(hmc, gmr, rgst) (DWORD)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETMONTHRANGE, (WPARAM)(gmr), (LPARAM)(rgst)) // BOOL MonthCal_SetDayState(HWND hmc, int cbds, DAYSTATE *rgds) // cbds is the count of DAYSTATE items in rgds and it must be equal // to the value returned from MonthCal_GetMonthRange(hmc, GMR_DAYSTATE, NULL) // This sets the DAYSTATE bits for each month (grayed and non-grayed // days) displayed in the calendar. The first bit in a month's DAYSTATE // corresponts to bolding day 1, the second bit affects day 2, etc. #define MCM_SETDAYSTATE (MCM_FIRST + 8) #define MonthCal_SetDayState(hmc, cbds, rgds) SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_SETDAYSTATE, (WPARAM)(cbds), (LPARAM)(rgds)) // BOOL MonthCal_GetMinReqRect(HWND hmc, LPRECT prc) // sets *prc the minimal size needed to display one month // To display two months, undo the AdjustWindowRect calculation already done to // this rect, double the width, and redo the AdjustWindowRect calculation -- // the monthcal control will display two calendars in this window (if you also // double the vertical size, you will get 4 calendars) // NOTE: if you want to gurantee that the "Today" string is not clipped, // get the MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH and use the max of that width and this width #define MCM_GETMINREQRECT (MCM_FIRST + 9) #define MonthCal_GetMinReqRect(hmc, prc) SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETMINREQRECT, 0, (LPARAM)(prc)) // set colors to draw control with -- see MCSC_ bits below #define MCM_SETCOLOR (MCM_FIRST + 10) #define MonthCal_SetColor(hmc, iColor, clr) SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_SETCOLOR, iColor, clr) #define MCM_GETCOLOR (MCM_FIRST + 11) #define MonthCal_GetColor(hmc, iColor) SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETCOLOR, iColor, 0) #define MCSC_BACKGROUND 0 // the background color (between months) #define MCSC_TEXT 1 // the dates #define MCSC_TITLEBK 2 // background of the title #define MCSC_TITLETEXT 3 #define MCSC_MONTHBK 4 // background within the month cal #define MCSC_TRAILINGTEXT 5 // the text color of header & trailing days // set what day is "today" send NULL to revert back to real date #define MCM_SETTODAY (MCM_FIRST + 12) #define MonthCal_SetToday(hmc, pst) SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_SETTODAY, 0, (LPARAM)(pst)) // get what day is "today" // returns BOOL for success/failure #define MCM_GETTODAY (MCM_FIRST + 13) #define MonthCal_GetToday(hmc, pst) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETTODAY, 0, (LPARAM)(pst)) // determine what pinfo->pt is over #define MCM_HITTEST (MCM_FIRST + 14) #define MonthCal_HitTest(hmc, pinfo) \ SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(PMCHITTESTINFO)(pinfo)) typedef struct { UINT cbSize; POINT pt; UINT uHit; // out param SYSTEMTIME st; } MCHITTESTINFO, *PMCHITTESTINFO; #define MCHT_TITLE 0x00010000 #define MCHT_CALENDAR 0x00020000 #define MCHT_TODAYLINK 0x00030000 #define MCHT_NEXT 0x01000000 // these indicate that hitting #define MCHT_PREV 0x02000000 // here will go to the next/prev month #define MCHT_NOWHERE 0x00000000 #define MCHT_TITLEBK (MCHT_TITLE) #define MCHT_TITLEMONTH (MCHT_TITLE | 0x0001) #define MCHT_TITLEYEAR (MCHT_TITLE | 0x0002) #define MCHT_TITLEBTNNEXT (MCHT_TITLE | MCHT_NEXT | 0x0003) #define MCHT_TITLEBTNPREV (MCHT_TITLE | MCHT_PREV | 0x0003) #define MCHT_CALENDARBK (MCHT_CALENDAR) #define MCHT_CALENDARDATE (MCHT_CALENDAR | 0x0001) #define MCHT_CALENDARDATENEXT (MCHT_CALENDARDATE | MCHT_NEXT) #define MCHT_CALENDARDATEPREV (MCHT_CALENDARDATE | MCHT_PREV) #define MCHT_CALENDARDAY (MCHT_CALENDAR | 0x0002) #define MCHT_CALENDARWEEKNUM (MCHT_CALENDAR | 0x0003) // set first day of week to iDay: // 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday, ..., 6 for Sunday // -1 for means use locale info #define MCM_SETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK (MCM_FIRST + 15) #define MonthCal_SetFirstDayOfWeek(hmc, iDay) \ SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_SETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK, 0, iDay) // DWORD result... low word has the day. high word is bool if this is app set // or not (FALSE == using locale info) #define MCM_GETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK (MCM_FIRST + 16) #define MonthCal_GetFirstDayOfWeek(hmc) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK, 0, 0) // DWORD MonthCal_GetRange(HWND hmc, LPSYSTEMTIME rgst) // modifies rgst[0] to be the minimum ALLOWABLE systemtime (or 0 if no minimum) // modifies rgst[1] to be the maximum ALLOWABLE systemtime (or 0 if no maximum) // returns GDTR_MIN|GDTR_MAX if there is a minimum|maximum limit #define MCM_GETRANGE (MCM_FIRST + 17) #define MonthCal_GetRange(hmc, rgst) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)(rgst)) // BOOL MonthCal_SetRange(HWND hmc, DWORD gdtr, LPSYSTEMTIME rgst) // if GDTR_MIN, sets the minimum ALLOWABLE systemtime to rgst[0], otherwise removes minimum // if GDTR_MAX, sets the maximum ALLOWABLE systemtime to rgst[1], otherwise removes maximum // returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error (such as invalid parameters) #define MCM_SETRANGE (MCM_FIRST + 18) #define MonthCal_SetRange(hmc, gd, rgst) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_SETRANGE, (WPARAM)(gd), (LPARAM)(rgst)) // int MonthCal_GetMonthDelta(HWND hmc) // returns the number of months one click on a next/prev button moves by #define MCM_GETMONTHDELTA (MCM_FIRST + 19) #define MonthCal_GetMonthDelta(hmc) \ (int)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETMONTHDELTA, 0, 0) // int MonthCal_SetMonthDelta(HWND hmc, int n) // sets the month delta to n. n==0 reverts to moving by a page of months // returns the previous value of n. #define MCM_SETMONTHDELTA (MCM_FIRST + 20) #define MonthCal_SetMonthDelta(hmc, n) \ (int)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_SETMONTHDELTA, n, 0) // DWORD MonthCal_GetMaxTodayWidth(HWND hmc, LPSIZE psz) // sets *psz to the maximum width/height of the "Today" string displayed // at the bottom of the calendar (as long as MCS_NOTODAY is not specified) #define MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH (MCM_FIRST + 21) #define MonthCal_GetMaxTodayWidth(hmc) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG(hmc, MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH, 0, 0) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define MCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define MonthCal_SetUnicodeFormat(hwnd, fUnicode) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), MCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, (WPARAM)(fUnicode), 0) #define MCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #define MonthCal_GetUnicodeFormat(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), MCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT, 0, 0) #endif // MCN_SELCHANGE is sent whenever the currently displayed date changes // via month change, year change, keyboard navigation, prev/next button // typedef struct tagNMSELCHANGE { NMHDR nmhdr; // this must be first, so we don't break WM_NOTIFY SYSTEMTIME stSelStart; SYSTEMTIME stSelEnd; } NMSELCHANGE, *LPNMSELCHANGE; #define MCN_SELCHANGE (MCN_FIRST + 1) // MCN_GETDAYSTATE is sent for MCS_DAYSTATE controls whenever new daystate // information is needed (month or year scroll) to draw bolding information. // The app must fill in cDayState months worth of information starting from // stStart date. The app may fill in the array at prgDayState or change // prgDayState to point to a different array out of which the information // will be copied. (similar to tooltips) // typedef struct tagNMDAYSTATE { NMHDR nmhdr; // this must be first, so we don't break WM_NOTIFY SYSTEMTIME stStart; int cDayState; LPMONTHDAYSTATE prgDayState; // points to cDayState MONTHDAYSTATEs } NMDAYSTATE, *LPNMDAYSTATE; #define MCN_GETDAYSTATE (MCN_FIRST + 3) // MCN_SELECT is sent whenever a selection has occured (via mouse or keyboard) // typedef NMSELCHANGE NMSELECT, *LPNMSELECT; #define MCN_SELECT (MCN_FIRST + 4) // begin_r_commctrl #define MCS_DAYSTATE 0x0001 #define MCS_MULTISELECT 0x0002 #define MCS_WEEKNUMBERS 0x0004 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE 0x0008 #define MCS_NOTODAY 0x0010 #else #define MCS_NOTODAY 0x0008 #endif // end_r_commctrl #define GMR_VISIBLE 0 // visible portion of display #define GMR_DAYSTATE 1 // above plus the grayed out parts of // partially displayed months #endif // _WIN32 #endif // NOMONTHCAL //====== DATETIMEPICK CONTROL ================================================== #ifndef NODATETIMEPICK #ifdef _WIN32 #define DATETIMEPICK_CLASSW L"SysDateTimePick32" #define DATETIMEPICK_CLASSA "SysDateTimePick32" #ifdef UNICODE #define DATETIMEPICK_CLASS DATETIMEPICK_CLASSW #else #define DATETIMEPICK_CLASS DATETIMEPICK_CLASSA #endif #define DTM_FIRST 0x1000 // DWORD DateTimePick_GetSystemtime(HWND hdp, LPSYSTEMTIME pst) // returns GDT_NONE if "none" is selected (DTS_SHOWNONE only) // returns GDT_VALID and modifies *pst to be the currently selected value #define DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME (DTM_FIRST + 1) #define DateTime_GetSystemtime(hdp, pst) (DWORD)SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME, 0, (LPARAM)(pst)) // BOOL DateTime_SetSystemtime(HWND hdp, DWORD gd, LPSYSTEMTIME pst) // if gd==GDT_NONE, sets datetimepick to None (DTS_SHOWNONE only) // if gd==GDT_VALID, sets datetimepick to *pst // returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error (such as bad params) #define DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME (DTM_FIRST + 2) #define DateTime_SetSystemtime(hdp, gd, pst) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, (WPARAM)(gd), (LPARAM)(pst)) // DWORD DateTime_GetRange(HWND hdp, LPSYSTEMTIME rgst) // modifies rgst[0] to be the minimum ALLOWABLE systemtime (or 0 if no minimum) // modifies rgst[1] to be the maximum ALLOWABLE systemtime (or 0 if no maximum) // returns GDTR_MIN|GDTR_MAX if there is a minimum|maximum limit #define DTM_GETRANGE (DTM_FIRST + 3) #define DateTime_GetRange(hdp, rgst) (DWORD)SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_GETRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)(rgst)) // BOOL DateTime_SetRange(HWND hdp, DWORD gdtr, LPSYSTEMTIME rgst) // if GDTR_MIN, sets the minimum ALLOWABLE systemtime to rgst[0], otherwise removes minimum // if GDTR_MAX, sets the maximum ALLOWABLE systemtime to rgst[1], otherwise removes maximum // returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error (such as invalid parameters) #define DTM_SETRANGE (DTM_FIRST + 4) #define DateTime_SetRange(hdp, gd, rgst) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_SETRANGE, (WPARAM)(gd), (LPARAM)(rgst)) // BOOL DateTime_SetFormat(HWND hdp, LPCTSTR sz) // sets the display formatting string to sz (see GetDateFormat and GetTimeFormat for valid formatting chars) // NOTE: 'X' is a valid formatting character which indicates that the application // will determine how to display information. Such apps must support DTN_WMKEYDOWN, // DTN_FORMAT, and DTN_FORMATQUERY. #define DTM_SETFORMATA (DTM_FIRST + 5) #define DTM_SETFORMATW (DTM_FIRST + 50) #ifdef UNICODE #define DTM_SETFORMAT DTM_SETFORMATW #else #define DTM_SETFORMAT DTM_SETFORMATA #endif #define DateTime_SetFormat(hdp, sz) (BOOL)SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_SETFORMAT, 0, (LPARAM)(sz)) #define DTM_SETMCCOLOR (DTM_FIRST + 6) #define DateTime_SetMonthCalColor(hdp, iColor, clr) SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_SETMCCOLOR, iColor, clr) #define DTM_GETMCCOLOR (DTM_FIRST + 7) #define DateTime_GetMonthCalColor(hdp, iColor) SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_GETMCCOLOR, iColor, 0) // HWND DateTime_GetMonthCal(HWND hdp) // returns the HWND of the MonthCal popup window. Only valid // between DTN_DROPDOWN and DTN_CLOSEUP notifications. #define DTM_GETMONTHCAL (DTM_FIRST + 8) #define DateTime_GetMonthCal(hdp) (HWND)SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_GETMONTHCAL, 0, 0) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #define DTM_SETMCFONT (DTM_FIRST + 9) #define DateTime_SetMonthCalFont(hdp, hfont, fRedraw) SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_SETMCFONT, (WPARAM)(hfont), (LPARAM)(fRedraw)) #define DTM_GETMCFONT (DTM_FIRST + 10) #define DateTime_GetMonthCalFont(hdp) SNDMSG(hdp, DTM_GETMCFONT, 0, 0) #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 // begin_r_commctrl #define DTS_UPDOWN 0x0001 // use UPDOWN instead of MONTHCAL #define DTS_SHOWNONE 0x0002 // allow a NONE selection #define DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT 0x0000 // use the short date format (app must forward WM_WININICHANGE messages) #define DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT 0x0004 // use the long date format (app must forward WM_WININICHANGE messages) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x500) #define DTS_SHORTDATECENTURYFORMAT 0x000C// short date format with century (app must forward WM_WININICHANGE messages) #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x500) #define DTS_TIMEFORMAT 0x0009 // use the time format (app must forward WM_WININICHANGE messages) #define DTS_APPCANPARSE 0x0010 // allow user entered strings (app MUST respond to DTN_USERSTRING) #define DTS_RIGHTALIGN 0x0020 // right-align popup instead of left-align it // end_r_commctrl #define DTN_DATETIMECHANGE (DTN_FIRST + 1) // the systemtime has changed typedef struct tagNMDATETIMECHANGE { NMHDR nmhdr; DWORD dwFlags; // GDT_VALID or GDT_NONE SYSTEMTIME st; // valid iff dwFlags==GDT_VALID } NMDATETIMECHANGE, *LPNMDATETIMECHANGE; #define DTN_USERSTRINGA (DTN_FIRST + 2) // the user has entered a string #define DTN_USERSTRINGW (DTN_FIRST + 15) typedef struct tagNMDATETIMESTRINGA { NMHDR nmhdr; LPCSTR pszUserString; // string user entered SYSTEMTIME st; // app fills this in DWORD dwFlags; // GDT_VALID or GDT_NONE } NMDATETIMESTRINGA, *LPNMDATETIMESTRINGA; typedef struct tagNMDATETIMESTRINGW { NMHDR nmhdr; LPCWSTR pszUserString; // string user entered SYSTEMTIME st; // app fills this in DWORD dwFlags; // GDT_VALID or GDT_NONE } NMDATETIMESTRINGW, *LPNMDATETIMESTRINGW; #ifdef UNICODE #define DTN_USERSTRING DTN_USERSTRINGW #define NMDATETIMESTRING NMDATETIMESTRINGW #define LPNMDATETIMESTRING LPNMDATETIMESTRINGW #else #define DTN_USERSTRING DTN_USERSTRINGA #define NMDATETIMESTRING NMDATETIMESTRINGA #define LPNMDATETIMESTRING LPNMDATETIMESTRINGA #endif #define DTN_WMKEYDOWNA (DTN_FIRST + 3) // modify keydown on app format field (X) #define DTN_WMKEYDOWNW (DTN_FIRST + 16) typedef struct tagNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNA { NMHDR nmhdr; int nVirtKey; // virtual key code of WM_KEYDOWN which MODIFIES an X field LPCSTR pszFormat; // format substring SYSTEMTIME st; // current systemtime, app should modify based on key } NMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNA, *LPNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNA; typedef struct tagNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNW { NMHDR nmhdr; int nVirtKey; // virtual key code of WM_KEYDOWN which MODIFIES an X field LPCWSTR pszFormat; // format substring SYSTEMTIME st; // current systemtime, app should modify based on key } NMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNW, *LPNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNW; #ifdef UNICODE #define DTN_WMKEYDOWN DTN_WMKEYDOWNW #define NMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWN NMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNW #define LPNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWN LPNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNW #else #define DTN_WMKEYDOWN DTN_WMKEYDOWNA #define NMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWN NMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNA #define LPNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWN LPNMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWNA #endif #define DTN_FORMATA (DTN_FIRST + 4) // query display for app format field (X) #define DTN_FORMATW (DTN_FIRST + 17) typedef struct tagNMDATETIMEFORMATA { NMHDR nmhdr; LPCSTR pszFormat; // format substring SYSTEMTIME st; // current systemtime LPCSTR pszDisplay; // string to display CHAR szDisplay[64]; // buffer pszDisplay originally points at } NMDATETIMEFORMATA, *LPNMDATETIMEFORMATA; typedef struct tagNMDATETIMEFORMATW { NMHDR nmhdr; LPCWSTR pszFormat; // format substring SYSTEMTIME st; // current systemtime LPCWSTR pszDisplay; // string to display WCHAR szDisplay[64]; // buffer pszDisplay originally points at } NMDATETIMEFORMATW, *LPNMDATETIMEFORMATW; #ifdef UNICODE #define DTN_FORMAT DTN_FORMATW #define NMDATETIMEFORMAT NMDATETIMEFORMATW #define LPNMDATETIMEFORMAT LPNMDATETIMEFORMATW #else #define DTN_FORMAT DTN_FORMATA #define NMDATETIMEFORMAT NMDATETIMEFORMATA #define LPNMDATETIMEFORMAT LPNMDATETIMEFORMATA #endif #define DTN_FORMATQUERYA (DTN_FIRST + 5) // query formatting info for app format field (X) #define DTN_FORMATQUERYW (DTN_FIRST + 18) typedef struct tagNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYA { NMHDR nmhdr; LPCSTR pszFormat; // format substring SIZE szMax; // max bounding rectangle app will use for this format string } NMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYA, *LPNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYA; typedef struct tagNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYW { NMHDR nmhdr; LPCWSTR pszFormat; // format substring SIZE szMax; // max bounding rectangle app will use for this format string } NMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYW, *LPNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYW; #ifdef UNICODE #define DTN_FORMATQUERY DTN_FORMATQUERYW #define NMDATETIMEFORMATQUERY NMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYW #define LPNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERY LPNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYW #else #define DTN_FORMATQUERY DTN_FORMATQUERYA #define NMDATETIMEFORMATQUERY NMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYA #define LPNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERY LPNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERYA #endif #define DTN_DROPDOWN (DTN_FIRST + 6) // MonthCal has dropped down #define DTN_CLOSEUP (DTN_FIRST + 7) // MonthCal is popping up #define GDTR_MIN 0x0001 #define GDTR_MAX 0x0002 #define GDT_ERROR -1 #define GDT_VALID 0 #define GDT_NONE 1 #endif // _WIN32 #endif // NODATETIMEPICK #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) #ifndef NOIPADDRESS /////////////////////////////////////////////// /// IP Address edit control // Messages sent to IPAddress controls #define IPM_CLEARADDRESS (WM_USER+100) // no parameters #define IPM_SETADDRESS (WM_USER+101) // lparam = TCP/IP address #define IPM_GETADDRESS (WM_USER+102) // lresult = # of non black fields. lparam = LPDWORD for TCP/IP address #define IPM_SETRANGE (WM_USER+103) // wparam = field, lparam = range #define IPM_SETFOCUS (WM_USER+104) // wparam = field #define IPM_ISBLANK (WM_USER+105) // no parameters #define WC_IPADDRESSW L"SysIPAddress32" #define WC_IPADDRESSA "SysIPAddress32" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_IPADDRESS WC_IPADDRESSW #else #define WC_IPADDRESS WC_IPADDRESSA #endif #define IPN_FIELDCHANGED (IPN_FIRST - 0) typedef struct tagNMIPADDRESS { NMHDR hdr; int iField; int iValue; } NMIPADDRESS, *LPNMIPADDRESS; // The following is a useful macro for passing the range values in the // IPM_SETRANGE message. #define MAKEIPRANGE(low, high) ((LPARAM)(WORD)(((BYTE)(high) << 8) + (BYTE)(low))) // And this is a useful macro for making the IP Address to be passed // as a LPARAM. #define MAKEIPADDRESS(b1,b2,b3,b4) ((LPARAM)(((DWORD)(b1)<<24)+((DWORD)(b2)<<16)+((DWORD)(b3)<<8)+((DWORD)(b4)))) // Get individual number #define FIRST_IPADDRESS(x) ((x>>24) & 0xff) #define SECOND_IPADDRESS(x) ((x>>16) & 0xff) #define THIRD_IPADDRESS(x) ((x>>8) & 0xff) #define FOURTH_IPADDRESS(x) (x & 0xff) #endif // NOIPADDRESS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// ====================== Pager Control ============================= //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef NOPAGESCROLLER //Pager Class Name #define WC_PAGESCROLLERW L"SysPager" #define WC_PAGESCROLLERA "SysPager" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_PAGESCROLLER WC_PAGESCROLLERW #else #define WC_PAGESCROLLER WC_PAGESCROLLERA #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pager Control Styles //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // begin_r_commctrl #define PGS_VERT 0x00000000 #define PGS_HORZ 0x00000001 #define PGS_AUTOSCROLL 0x00000002 #define PGS_DRAGNDROP 0x00000004 // end_r_commctrl //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pager Button State //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //The scroll can be in one of the following control State #define PGF_INVISIBLE 0 // Scroll button is not visible #define PGF_NORMAL 1 // Scroll button is in normal state #define PGF_GRAYED 2 // Scroll button is in grayed state #define PGF_DEPRESSED 4 // Scroll button is in depressed state #define PGF_HOT 8 // Scroll button is in hot state // The following identifiers specifies the button control #define PGB_TOPORLEFT 0 #define PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT 1 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pager Control Messages //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define PGM_SETCHILD (PGM_FIRST + 1) // lParam == hwnd #define Pager_SetChild(hwnd, hwndChild) \ (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_SETCHILD, 0, (LPARAM)(hwndChild)) #define PGM_RECALCSIZE (PGM_FIRST + 2) #define Pager_RecalcSize(hwnd) \ (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_RECALCSIZE, 0, 0) #define PGM_FORWARDMOUSE (PGM_FIRST + 3) #define Pager_ForwardMouse(hwnd, bForward) \ (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_FORWARDMOUSE, (WPARAM)(bForward), 0) #define PGM_SETBKCOLOR (PGM_FIRST + 4) #define Pager_SetBkColor(hwnd, clr) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(clr)) #define PGM_GETBKCOLOR (PGM_FIRST + 5) #define Pager_GetBkColor(hwnd) \ (COLORREF)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_GETBKCOLOR, 0, 0) #define PGM_SETBORDER (PGM_FIRST + 6) #define Pager_SetBorder(hwnd, iBorder) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_SETBORDER, 0, (LPARAM)(iBorder)) #define PGM_GETBORDER (PGM_FIRST + 7) #define Pager_GetBorder(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_GETBORDER, 0, 0) #define PGM_SETPOS (PGM_FIRST + 8) #define Pager_SetPos(hwnd, iPos) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_SETPOS, 0, (LPARAM)(iPos)) #define PGM_GETPOS (PGM_FIRST + 9) #define Pager_GetPos(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_GETPOS, 0, 0) #define PGM_SETBUTTONSIZE (PGM_FIRST + 10) #define Pager_SetButtonSize(hwnd, iSize) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_SETBUTTONSIZE, 0, (LPARAM)(iSize)) #define PGM_GETBUTTONSIZE (PGM_FIRST + 11) #define Pager_GetButtonSize(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_GETBUTTONSIZE, 0,0) #define PGM_GETBUTTONSTATE (PGM_FIRST + 12) #define Pager_GetButtonState(hwnd, iButton) \ (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_GETBUTTONSTATE, 0, (LPARAM)(iButton)) #define PGM_GETDROPTARGET CCM_GETDROPTARGET #define Pager_GetDropTarget(hwnd, ppdt) \ (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), PGM_GETDROPTARGET, 0, (LPARAM)(ppdt)) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Pager Control Notification Messages //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PGN_SCROLL Notification Message #define PGN_SCROLL (PGN_FIRST-1) #define PGF_SCROLLUP 1 #define PGF_SCROLLDOWN 2 #define PGF_SCROLLLEFT 4 #define PGF_SCROLLRIGHT 8 //Keys down #define PGK_SHIFT 1 #define PGK_CONTROL 2 #define PGK_MENU 4 #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif // This structure is sent along with PGN_SCROLL notifications typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; WORD fwKeys; // Specifies which keys are down when this notification is send RECT rcParent; // Contains Parent Window Rect int iDir; // Scrolling Direction int iXpos; // Horizontal scroll position int iYpos; // Vertical scroll position int iScroll; // [in/out] Amount to scroll }NMPGSCROLL, *LPNMPGSCROLL; #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif // PGN_CALCSIZE Notification Message #define PGN_CALCSIZE (PGN_FIRST-2) #define PGF_CALCWIDTH 1 #define PGF_CALCHEIGHT 2 typedef struct { NMHDR hdr; DWORD dwFlag; int iWidth; int iHeight; }NMPGCALCSIZE, *LPNMPGCALCSIZE; // PGN_HOTITEMCHANGE Notification Message #define PGN_HOTITEMCHANGE (PGN_FIRST-3) /* The PGN_HOTITEMCHANGE notification uses these notification flags defined in TOOLBAR: #define HICF_ENTERING 0x00000010 // idOld is invalid #define HICF_LEAVING 0x00000020 // idNew is invalid */ // Structure for PGN_HOTITEMCHANGE notification // typedef struct tagNMPGHOTITEM { NMHDR hdr; int idOld; int idNew; DWORD dwFlags; // HICF_* } NMPGHOTITEM, * LPNMPGHOTITEM; #endif // NOPAGESCROLLER ////====================== End Pager Control ========================================== // // === Native Font Control === // #ifndef NONATIVEFONTCTL //NativeFont Class Name #define WC_NATIVEFONTCTLW L"NativeFontCtl" #define WC_NATIVEFONTCTLA "NativeFontCtl" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_NATIVEFONTCTL WC_NATIVEFONTCTLW #else #define WC_NATIVEFONTCTL WC_NATIVEFONTCTLA #endif // begin_r_commctrl // style definition #define NFS_EDIT 0x0001 #define NFS_STATIC 0x0002 #define NFS_LISTCOMBO 0x0004 #define NFS_BUTTON 0x0008 #define NFS_ALL 0x0010 #define NFS_USEFONTASSOC 0x0020 // end_r_commctrl #endif // NONATIVEFONTCTL // === End Native Font Control === /// ====================== Button Control ============================= #ifndef NOBUTTON #ifdef _WIN32 // Button Class Name #define WC_BUTTONA "Button" #define WC_BUTTONW L"Button" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_BUTTON WC_BUTTONW #else #define WC_BUTTON WC_BUTTONA #endif #else #define WC_BUTTON "Button" #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_LEFT 0 #define BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_RIGHT 1 #define BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_TOP 2 #define BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_BOTTOM 3 #define BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_CENTER 4 // Doesn't draw text typedef struct { HIMAGELIST himl; // Index: Normal, hot pushed, disabled. If count is less than 4, we use index 1 RECT margin; // Margin around icon. UINT uAlign; } BUTTON_IMAGELIST, *PBUTTON_IMAGELIST; #define BCM_GETIDEALSIZE (BCM_FIRST + 0x0001) #define Button_GetIdealSize(hwnd, psize)\ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), BCM_GETIDEALSIZE, 0, (LPARAM)(psize)) #define BCM_SETIMAGELIST (BCM_FIRST + 0x0002) #define Button_SetImageList(hwnd, pbuttonImagelist)\ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), BCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)(pbuttonImagelist)) #define BCM_GETIMAGELIST (BCM_FIRST + 0x0003) #define Button_GetImageList(hwnd, pbuttonImagelist)\ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), BCM_GETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)(pbuttonImagelist)) #define BCM_SETTEXTMARGIN (BCM_FIRST + 0x0004) #define Button_SetTextMargin(hwnd, pmargin)\ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), BCM_SETTEXTMARGIN, 0, (LPARAM)(pmargin)) #define BCM_GETTEXTMARGIN (BCM_FIRST + 0x0005) #define Button_GetTextMargin(hwnd, pmargin)\ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), BCM_GETTEXTMARGIN, 0, (LPARAM)(pmargin)) typedef struct tagNMBCHOTITEM { NMHDR hdr; DWORD dwFlags; // HICF_* } NMBCHOTITEM, * LPNMBCHOTITEM; #define BCN_HOTITEMCHANGE (BCN_FIRST + 0x0001) #define BST_HOT 0x0200 #endif #endif // NOBUTTON /// ===================== End Button Control ========================= /// ====================== Static Control ============================= #ifndef NOSTATIC #ifdef _WIN32 // Static Class Name #define WC_STATICA "Static" #define WC_STATICW L"Static" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_STATIC WC_STATICW #else #define WC_STATIC WC_STATICA #endif #else #define WC_STATIC "Static" #endif #endif // NOSTATIC /// ===================== End Static Control ========================= /// ====================== Edit Control ============================= #ifndef NOEDIT #ifdef _WIN32 // Edit Class Name #define WC_EDITA "Edit" #define WC_EDITW L"Edit" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_EDIT WC_EDITW #else #define WC_EDIT WC_EDITA #endif #else #define WC_EDIT "Edit" #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define EM_SETCUEBANNER (ECM_FIRST + 1) // Set the cue banner with the lParm = LPCWSTR #define Edit_SetCueBannerText(hwnd, lpcwText) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), EM_SETCUEBANNER, 0, (LPARAM)(lpcwText)) #define EM_GETCUEBANNER (ECM_FIRST + 2) // Set the cue banner with the lParm = LPCWSTR #define Edit_GetCueBannerText(hwnd, lpwText, cchText) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), EM_GETCUEBANNER, (WPARAM)(lpwText), (LPARAM)(cchText)) typedef struct _tagEDITBALLOONTIP { DWORD cbStruct; LPCWSTR pszTitle; LPCWSTR pszText; INT ttiIcon; // From TTI_* } EDITBALLOONTIP, *PEDITBALLOONTIP; #define EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP (ECM_FIRST + 3) // Show a balloon tip associated to the edit control #define Edit_ShowBalloonTip(hwnd, peditballoontip) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP, 0, (LPARAM)(peditballoontip)) #define EM_HIDEBALLOONTIP (ECM_FIRST + 4) // Hide any balloon tip associated with the edit control #define Edit_HideBalloonTip(hwnd) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), EM_HIDEBALLOONTIP, 0, 0) #endif #endif // NOEDIT /// ===================== End Edit Control ========================= /// ====================== Listbox Control ============================= #ifndef NOLISTBOX #ifdef _WIN32 // Listbox Class Name #define WC_LISTBOXA "ListBox" #define WC_LISTBOXW L"ListBox" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_LISTBOX WC_LISTBOXW #else #define WC_LISTBOX WC_LISTBOXA #endif #else #define WC_LISTBOX "ListBox" #endif #endif // NOLISTBOX /// ===================== End Listbox Control ========================= /// ====================== Combobox Control ============================= #ifndef NOCOMBOBOX #ifdef _WIN32 // Combobox Class Name #define WC_COMBOBOXA "ComboBox" #define WC_COMBOBOXW L"ComboBox" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_COMBOBOX WC_COMBOBOXW #else #define WC_COMBOBOX WC_COMBOBOXA #endif #else #define WC_COMBOBOX "ComboBox" #endif #endif // NOCOMBOBOX #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) // custom combobox control messages #define CB_SETMINVISIBLE (CBM_FIRST + 1) #define CB_GETMINVISIBLE (CBM_FIRST + 2) #define ComboBox_SetMinVisible(hwnd, iMinVisible) \ (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), CB_SETMINVISIBLE, (WPARAM)iMinVisible, 0) #define ComboBox_GetMinVisible(hwnd) \ (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), CB_GETMINVISIBLE, 0, 0) #endif /// ===================== End Combobox Control ========================= /// ====================== Scrollbar Control ============================ #ifndef NOSCROLLBAR #ifdef _WIN32 // Scrollbar Class Name #define WC_SCROLLBARA "ScrollBar" #define WC_SCROLLBARW L"ScrollBar" #ifdef UNICODE #define WC_SCROLLBAR WC_SCROLLBARW #else #define WC_SCROLLBAR WC_SCROLLBARA #endif #else #define WC_SCROLLBAR "ScrollBar" #endif #endif // NOSCROLLBAR /// ===================== End Scrollbar Control ========================= //====== SysLink control ========================================= #ifdef _WIN32 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) #define INVALID_LINK_INDEX (-1) #define MAX_LINKID_TEXT 48 #define L_MAX_URL_LENGTH (2048 + 32 + sizeof("://")) #define WC_LINK L"SysLink" #define LWS_TRANSPARENT 0x0001 #define LWS_IGNORERETURN 0x0002 #define LIF_ITEMINDEX 0x00000001 #define LIF_STATE 0x00000002 #define LIF_ITEMID 0x00000004 #define LIF_URL 0x00000008 #define LIS_FOCUSED 0x00000001 #define LIS_ENABLED 0x00000002 #define LIS_VISITED 0x00000004 typedef struct tagLITEM { UINT mask ; int iLink ; UINT state ; UINT stateMask ; WCHAR szID[MAX_LINKID_TEXT] ; WCHAR szUrl[L_MAX_URL_LENGTH] ; } LITEM, * PLITEM ; typedef struct tagLHITTESTINFO { POINT pt ; LITEM item ; } LHITTESTINFO, *PLHITTESTINFO ; typedef struct tagNMLINK { NMHDR hdr; LITEM item ; } NMLINK, *PNMLINK; // SysLink notifications // NM_CLICK // wParam: control ID, lParam: PNMLINK, ret: ignored. // LinkWindow messages #define LM_HITTEST (WM_USER+0x300) // wParam: n/a, lparam: PLHITTESTINFO, ret: BOOL #define LM_GETIDEALHEIGHT (WM_USER+0x301) // wParam: n/a, lparam: n/a, ret: cy #define LM_SETITEM (WM_USER+0x302) // wParam: n/a, lparam: LITEM*, ret: BOOL #define LM_GETITEM (WM_USER+0x303) // wParam: n/a, lparam: LITEM*, ret: BOOL #endif #endif // _WIN32 //====== End SysLink control ========================================= // // === MUI APIs === // #ifndef NOMUI void WINAPI InitMUILanguage(LANGID uiLang); LANGID WINAPI GetMUILanguage(void); #endif // NOMUI #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #define DA_LAST (0x7FFFFFFF) #define DPA_APPEND (0x7fffffff) #define DPA_ERR (-1) #define DSA_APPEND (0x7fffffff) #define DSA_ERR (-1) // Dynamic structure array typedef struct _DSA *HDSA; typedef int (CALLBACK *PFNDPAENUMCALLBACK)(void *p, void *pData); typedef int (CALLBACK *PFNDSAENUMCALLBACK)(void *p, void *pData); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HDSA WINAPI DSA_Create(int cbItem, int cItemGrow); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI DSA_Destroy(HDSA hdsa); WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI DSA_DestroyCallback(HDSA hdsa, PFNDSAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB, void *pData); WINCOMMCTRLAPI PVOID WINAPI DSA_GetItemPtr(HDSA hdsa, int i); WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI DSA_InsertItem(HDSA hdsa, int i, void *pitem); // Dynamic pointer array typedef struct _DPA *HDPA; WINCOMMCTRLAPI HDPA WINAPI DPA_Create(int cItemGrow); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI DPA_Destroy(HDPA hdpa); WINCOMMCTRLAPI PVOID WINAPI DPA_DeletePtr(HDPA hdpa, int i); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI DPA_DeleteAllPtrs(HDPA hdpa); WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI DPA_EnumCallback(HDPA hdpa, PFNDPAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB, void *pData); WINCOMMCTRLAPI void WINAPI DPA_DestroyCallback(HDPA hdpa, PFNDPAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB, void *pData); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI DPA_SetPtr(HDPA hdpa, int i, void *p); WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI DPA_InsertPtr(HDPA hdpa, int i, void *p); WINCOMMCTRLAPI PVOID WINAPI DPA_GetPtr(HDPA hdpa, INT_PTR i); typedef int (CALLBACK *PFNDPACOMPARE)(void *p1, void *p2, LPARAM lParam); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI DPA_Sort(HDPA hdpa, PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParam); // Search array. If DPAS_SORTED, then array is assumed to be sorted // according to pfnCompare, and binary search algorithm is used. // Otherwise, linear search is used. // // Searching starts at iStart (0 to start search at beginning). // // DPAS_INSERTBEFORE/AFTER govern what happens if an exact match is not // found. If neither are specified, this function returns -1 if no exact // match is found. Otherwise, the index of the item before or after the // closest (including exact) match is returned. // // Search option flags // #define DPAS_SORTED 0x0001 #define DPAS_INSERTBEFORE 0x0002 #define DPAS_INSERTAFTER 0x0004 WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI DPA_Search(HDPA hdpa, void *pFind, int iStart, PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParam, UINT options); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI Str_SetPtrW(LPWSTR * ppsz, LPCWSTR psz); #ifdef _WIN32 //====== TrackMouseEvent ===================================================== #ifndef NOTRACKMOUSEEVENT // // If the messages for TrackMouseEvent have not been defined then define them // now. // #ifndef WM_MOUSEHOVER #define WM_MOUSEHOVER 0x02A1 #define WM_MOUSELEAVE 0x02A3 #endif // // If the TRACKMOUSEEVENT structure and associated flags havent been declared // then declare them now. // #ifndef TME_HOVER #define TME_HOVER 0x00000001 #define TME_LEAVE 0x00000002 #if (WINVER >= 0x0500) #define TME_NONCLIENT 0x00000010 #endif /* WINVER >= 0x0500 */ #define TME_QUERY 0x40000000 #define TME_CANCEL 0x80000000 #define HOVER_DEFAULT 0xFFFFFFFF typedef struct tagTRACKMOUSEEVENT { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; HWND hwndTrack; DWORD dwHoverTime; } TRACKMOUSEEVENT, *LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT; #endif // !TME_HOVER // // Declare _TrackMouseEvent. This API tries to use the window manager's // implementation of TrackMouseEvent if it is present, otherwise it emulates. // WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI _TrackMouseEvent( LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT lpEventTrack); #endif // !NOTRACKMOUSEEVENT #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400) //====== Flat Scrollbar APIs========================================= #ifndef NOFLATSBAPIS #define WSB_PROP_CYVSCROLL 0x00000001L #define WSB_PROP_CXHSCROLL 0x00000002L #define WSB_PROP_CYHSCROLL 0x00000004L #define WSB_PROP_CXVSCROLL 0x00000008L #define WSB_PROP_CXHTHUMB 0x00000010L #define WSB_PROP_CYVTHUMB 0x00000020L #define WSB_PROP_VBKGCOLOR 0x00000040L #define WSB_PROP_HBKGCOLOR 0x00000080L #define WSB_PROP_VSTYLE 0x00000100L #define WSB_PROP_HSTYLE 0x00000200L #define WSB_PROP_WINSTYLE 0x00000400L #define WSB_PROP_PALETTE 0x00000800L #define WSB_PROP_MASK 0x00000FFFL #define FSB_FLAT_MODE 2 #define FSB_ENCARTA_MODE 1 #define FSB_REGULAR_MODE 0 WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI FlatSB_EnableScrollBar(HWND, int, UINT); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI FlatSB_ShowScrollBar(HWND, int code, BOOL); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI FlatSB_GetScrollRange(HWND, int code, LPINT, LPINT); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI FlatSB_GetScrollInfo(HWND, int code, LPSCROLLINFO); WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI FlatSB_GetScrollPos(HWND, int code); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI FlatSB_GetScrollProp(HWND, int propIndex, LPINT); #ifdef _WIN64 WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI FlatSB_GetScrollPropPtr(HWND, int propIndex, PINT_PTR); #else #define FlatSB_GetScrollPropPtr FlatSB_GetScrollProp #endif WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI FlatSB_SetScrollPos(HWND, int code, int pos, BOOL fRedraw); WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI FlatSB_SetScrollInfo(HWND, int code, LPSCROLLINFO, BOOL fRedraw); WINCOMMCTRLAPI int WINAPI FlatSB_SetScrollRange(HWND, int code, int min, int max, BOOL fRedraw); WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI FlatSB_SetScrollProp(HWND, UINT index, INT_PTR newValue, BOOL); #define FlatSB_SetScrollPropPtr FlatSB_SetScrollProp WINCOMMCTRLAPI BOOL WINAPI InitializeFlatSB(HWND); WINCOMMCTRLAPI HRESULT WINAPI UninitializeFlatSB(HWND); #endif // NOFLATSBAPIS #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400 #endif /* _WIN32 */ #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) // // subclassing stuff // typedef LRESULT (CALLBACK *SUBCLASSPROC)(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData); BOOL WINAPI SetWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR dwRefData); BOOL WINAPI GetWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass, DWORD_PTR *pdwRefData); BOOL WINAPI RemoveWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd, SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass, UINT_PTR uIdSubclass); LRESULT WINAPI DefSubclassProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501) int WINAPI DrawShadowText(HDC hdc, LPCWSTR pszText, UINT cch, RECT* prc, DWORD dwFlags, COLORREF crText, COLORREF crShadow, int ixOffset, int iyOffset); #endif #if !defined(RC_INVOKED) /* RC complains about long symbols in #ifs */ #if defined(ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED) && (ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED != 0) #if !defined(ISOLATION_AWARE_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY) #define ISOLATION_AWARE_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY 0 #endif #if !defined(ISOLATION_AWARE_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY) #define ISOLATION_AWARE_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY 0 #endif #if !defined(ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE) #if ISOLATION_AWARE_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY #define ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE /* nothing */ #else #if defined(__cplusplus) #define ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE inline #else #define ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE __inline #endif #endif #endif #if !ISOLATION_AWARE_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY FARPROC WINAPI CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY(LPCSTR pszProcName); #endif /* ISOLATION_AWARE_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY */ #if !defined(ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM) #if !defined(__IStream_INTERFACE_DEFINED__) #if defined(interface) interface IStream; typedef interface IStream IStream; #else struct IStream; typedef struct IStream IStream; #endif #endif typedef IStream *ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM; #define ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM #endif void WINAPI IsolationAwareInitCommonControls(void); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareInitCommonControlsEx(LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX unnamed1); HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Create(int cx,int cy,UINT flags,int cInitial,int cGrow); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Destroy(HIMAGELIST himl); int WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetImageCount(HIMAGELIST himl); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetImageCount(HIMAGELIST himl,UINT uNewCount); int WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Add(HIMAGELIST himl,HBITMAP hbmImage,HBITMAP hbmMask); int WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_ReplaceIcon(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HICON hicon); COLORREF WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl,COLORREF clrBk); COLORREF WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetOverlayImage(HIMAGELIST himl,int iImage,int iOverlay); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Draw(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HDC hdcDst,int x,int y,UINT fStyle); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Replace(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HBITMAP hbmImage,HBITMAP hbmMask); int WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_AddMasked(HIMAGELIST himl,HBITMAP hbmImage,COLORREF crMask); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DrawEx(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HDC hdcDst,int x,int y,int dx,int dy,COLORREF rgbBk,COLORREF rgbFg,UINT fStyle); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DrawIndirect(IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS*pimldp); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Remove(HIMAGELIST himl,int i); HICON WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetIcon(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,UINT flags); HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImageA(HINSTANCE hi,LPCSTR lpbmp,int cx,int cGrow,COLORREF crMask,UINT uType,UINT uFlags); HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImageW(HINSTANCE hi,LPCWSTR lpbmp,int cx,int cGrow,COLORREF crMask,UINT uType,UINT uFlags); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Copy(HIMAGELIST himlDst,int iDst,HIMAGELIST himlSrc,int iSrc,UINT uFlags); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_BeginDrag(HIMAGELIST himlTrack,int iTrack,int dxHotspot,int dyHotspot); void WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_EndDrag(void); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DragEnter(HWND hwndLock,int x,int y); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DragLeave(HWND hwndLock); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DragMove(int x,int y); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetDragCursorImage(HIMAGELIST himlDrag,int iDrag,int dxHotspot,int dyHotspot); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DragShowNolock(BOOL fShow); HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetDragImage(POINT*ppt,POINT*pptHotspot); HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Read(ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Write(HIMAGELIST himl,ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm); #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) HRESULT WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_ReadEx(DWORD dwFlags,ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm,REFIID riid,PVOID*ppv); HRESULT WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_WriteEx(HIMAGELIST himl,DWORD dwFlags,ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm); #endif /* (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) */ BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetIconSize(HIMAGELIST himl,int*cx,int*cy); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetIconSize(HIMAGELIST himl,int cx,int cy); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetImageInfo(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,IMAGEINFO*pImageInfo); HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Merge(HIMAGELIST himl1,int i1,HIMAGELIST himl2,int i2,int dx,int dy); HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Duplicate(HIMAGELIST himl); HWND WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateToolbarEx(HWND hwnd,DWORD ws,UINT wID,int nBitmaps,HINSTANCE hBMInst,UINT_PTR wBMID,LPCTBBUTTON lpButtons,int iNumButtons,int dxButton,int dyButton,int dxBitmap,int dyBitmap,UINT uStructSize); HBITMAP WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateMappedBitmap(HINSTANCE hInstance,INT_PTR idBitmap,UINT wFlags,LPCOLORMAP lpColorMap,int iNumMaps); void WINAPI IsolationAwareDrawStatusTextA(HDC hDC,LPRECT lprc,LPCSTR pszText,UINT uFlags); void WINAPI IsolationAwareDrawStatusTextW(HDC hDC,LPRECT lprc,LPCWSTR pszText,UINT uFlags); HWND WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindowA(long style,LPCSTR lpszText,HWND hwndParent,UINT wID); HWND WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindowW(long style,LPCWSTR lpszText,HWND hwndParent,UINT wID); void WINAPI IsolationAwareMenuHelp(UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam,HMENU hMainMenu,HINSTANCE hInst,HWND hwndStatus,UINT*lpwIDs); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareShowHideMenuCtl(HWND hWnd,UINT_PTR uFlags,LPINT lpInfo); void WINAPI IsolationAwareGetEffectiveClientRect(HWND hWnd,LPRECT lprc,LPINT lpInfo); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareMakeDragList(HWND hLB); void WINAPI IsolationAwareDrawInsert(HWND handParent,HWND hLB,int nItem); int WINAPI IsolationAwareLBItemFromPt(HWND hLB,POINT pt,BOOL bAutoScroll); HWND WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateUpDownControl(DWORD dwStyle,int x,int y,int cx,int cy,HWND hParent,int nID,HINSTANCE hInst,HWND hBuddy,int nUpper,int nLower,int nPos); void WINAPI IsolationAwareInitMUILanguage(LANGID uiLang); LANGID WINAPI IsolationAwareGetMUILanguage(void); HDSA WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_Create(int cbItem,int cItemGrow); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_Destroy(HDSA hdsa); void WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_DestroyCallback(HDSA hdsa,PFNDSAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB,void*pData); PVOID WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_GetItemPtr(HDSA hdsa,int i); int WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_InsertItem(HDSA hdsa,int i,void*pitem); HDPA WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_Create(int cItemGrow); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_Destroy(HDPA hdpa); PVOID WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_DeletePtr(HDPA hdpa,int i); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_DeleteAllPtrs(HDPA hdpa); void WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_EnumCallback(HDPA hdpa,PFNDPAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB,void*pData); void WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_DestroyCallback(HDPA hdpa,PFNDPAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB,void*pData); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_SetPtr(HDPA hdpa,int i,void*p); int WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_InsertPtr(HDPA hdpa,int i,void*p); PVOID WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_GetPtr(HDPA hdpa,INT_PTR i); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_Sort(HDPA hdpa,PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare,LPARAM lParam); int WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_Search(HDPA hdpa,void*pFind,int iStart,PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare,LPARAM lParam,UINT options); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareStr_SetPtrW(LPWSTR*ppsz,LPCWSTR psz); #if !defined(NOTRACKMOUSEEVENT) BOOL WINAPI IsolationAware_TrackMouseEvent(LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT lpEventTrack); #endif /* !defined(NOTRACKMOUSEEVENT) */ BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_EnableScrollBar(HWND unnamed1,int unnamed2,UINT unnamed3); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_ShowScrollBar(HWND unnamed1,int code,BOOL unnamed2); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollRange(HWND unnamed1,int code,LPINT unnamed2,LPINT unnamed3); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollInfo(HWND unnamed1,int code,LPSCROLLINFO unnamed2); int WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollPos(HWND unnamed1,int code); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollProp(HWND unnamed1,int propIndex,LPINT unnamed2); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollPropPtr(HWND unnamed1,int propIndex,PINT_PTR unnamed2); int WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollPos(HWND unnamed1,int code,int pos,BOOL fRedraw); int WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollInfo(HWND unnamed1,int code,LPSCROLLINFO unnamed2,BOOL fRedraw); int WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollRange(HWND unnamed1,int code,int min,int max,BOOL fRedraw); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollProp(HWND unnamed1,UINT index,INT_PTR newValue,BOOL unnamed2); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareInitializeFlatSB(HWND unnamed1); HRESULT WINAPI IsolationAwareUninitializeFlatSB(HWND unnamed1); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x560) BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareSetWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd,SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass,UINT_PTR uIdSubclass,DWORD_PTR dwRefData); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareGetWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd,SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass,UINT_PTR uIdSubclass,DWORD_PTR*pdwRefData); BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareRemoveWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd,SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass,UINT_PTR uIdSubclass); #endif /* (_WIN32_IE >= 0x560) */ LRESULT WINAPI IsolationAwareDefSubclassProc(HWND hWnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); int WINAPI IsolationAwareDrawShadowText(HDC hdc,LPCWSTR pszText,UINT cch,RECT*prc,DWORD dwFlags,COLORREF crText,COLORREF crShadow,int ixOffset,int iyOffset); ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HRESULT CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivateJVaQPGbueRfhYg(void) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); if (dwLastError == NO_ERROR) dwLastError = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError); } #if defined(UNICODE) #define IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindow IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindowW #define IsolationAwareDrawStatusText IsolationAwareDrawStatusTextW #define IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImage IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImageW #else /* UNICODE */ #define IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindow IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindowA #define IsolationAwareDrawStatusText IsolationAwareDrawStatusTextA #define IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImage IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImageA #endif /* UNICODE */ #if !ISOLATION_AWARE_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareInitCommonControls(void) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(void); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("InitCommonControls"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareInitCommonControlsEx(LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX unnamed1) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX unnamed1); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("InitCommonControlsEx"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(unnamed1); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Create(int cx,int cy,UINT flags,int cInitial,int cGrow) { HIMAGELIST imagelistResult = NULL; typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI* PFN)(int cx,int cy,UINT flags,int cInitial,int cGrow); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return imagelistResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Create"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } imagelistResult = s_pfn(cx,cy,flags,cInitial,cGrow); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (imagelistResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return imagelistResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Destroy(HIMAGELIST himl) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Destroy"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetImageCount(HIMAGELIST himl) { int nResult = 0 ; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_GetImageCount"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(himl); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == 0 ); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetImageCount(HIMAGELIST himl,UINT uNewCount) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,UINT uNewCount); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_SetImageCount"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,uNewCount); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Add(HIMAGELIST himl,HBITMAP hbmImage,HBITMAP hbmMask) { int nResult = -1; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,HBITMAP hbmImage,HBITMAP hbmMask); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Add"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(himl,hbmImage,hbmMask); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == -1); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_ReplaceIcon(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HICON hicon) { int nResult = -1; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HICON hicon); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_ReplaceIcon"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(himl,i,hicon); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == -1); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE COLORREF WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl,COLORREF clrBk) { COLORREF colorResult = RGB(0,0,0); typedef COLORREF (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,COLORREF clrBk); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return colorResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_SetBkColor"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } colorResult = s_pfn(himl,clrBk); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (colorResult == RGB(0,0,0)); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return colorResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE COLORREF WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl) { COLORREF colorResult = RGB(0,0,0); typedef COLORREF (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return colorResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_GetBkColor"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } colorResult = s_pfn(himl); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (colorResult == RGB(0,0,0)); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return colorResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetOverlayImage(HIMAGELIST himl,int iImage,int iOverlay) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int iImage,int iOverlay); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_SetOverlayImage"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,iImage,iOverlay); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Draw(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HDC hdcDst,int x,int y,UINT fStyle) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HDC hdcDst,int x,int y,UINT fStyle); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Draw"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,i,hdcDst,x,y,fStyle); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Replace(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HBITMAP hbmImage,HBITMAP hbmMask) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HBITMAP hbmImage,HBITMAP hbmMask); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Replace"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,i,hbmImage,hbmMask); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_AddMasked(HIMAGELIST himl,HBITMAP hbmImage,COLORREF crMask) { int nResult = -1; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,HBITMAP hbmImage,COLORREF crMask); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_AddMasked"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(himl,hbmImage,crMask); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == -1); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DrawEx(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HDC hdcDst,int x,int y,int dx,int dy,COLORREF rgbBk,COLORREF rgbFg,UINT fStyle) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,HDC hdcDst,int x,int y,int dx,int dy,COLORREF rgbBk,COLORREF rgbFg,UINT fStyle); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_DrawEx"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,i,hdcDst,x,y,dx,dy,rgbBk,rgbFg,fStyle); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DrawIndirect(IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS*pimldp) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS*pimldp); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_DrawIndirect"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(pimldp); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Remove(HIMAGELIST himl,int i) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int i); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Remove"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,i); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HICON WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetIcon(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,UINT flags) { HICON iconResult = NULL; typedef HICON (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,UINT flags); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return iconResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_GetIcon"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } iconResult = s_pfn(himl,i,flags); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (iconResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return iconResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImageA(HINSTANCE hi,LPCSTR lpbmp,int cx,int cGrow,COLORREF crMask,UINT uType,UINT uFlags) { HIMAGELIST imagelistResult = NULL; typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI* PFN)(HINSTANCE hi,LPCSTR lpbmp,int cx,int cGrow,COLORREF crMask,UINT uType,UINT uFlags); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return imagelistResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_LoadImageA"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } imagelistResult = s_pfn(hi,lpbmp,cx,cGrow,crMask,uType,uFlags); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (imagelistResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return imagelistResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImageW(HINSTANCE hi,LPCWSTR lpbmp,int cx,int cGrow,COLORREF crMask,UINT uType,UINT uFlags) { HIMAGELIST imagelistResult = NULL; typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI* PFN)(HINSTANCE hi,LPCWSTR lpbmp,int cx,int cGrow,COLORREF crMask,UINT uType,UINT uFlags); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return imagelistResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_LoadImageW"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } imagelistResult = s_pfn(hi,lpbmp,cx,cGrow,crMask,uType,uFlags); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (imagelistResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return imagelistResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Copy(HIMAGELIST himlDst,int iDst,HIMAGELIST himlSrc,int iSrc,UINT uFlags) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himlDst,int iDst,HIMAGELIST himlSrc,int iSrc,UINT uFlags); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Copy"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himlDst,iDst,himlSrc,iSrc,uFlags); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_BeginDrag(HIMAGELIST himlTrack,int iTrack,int dxHotspot,int dyHotspot) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himlTrack,int iTrack,int dxHotspot,int dyHotspot); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_BeginDrag"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himlTrack,iTrack,dxHotspot,dyHotspot); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_EndDrag(void) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(void); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_EndDrag"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DragEnter(HWND hwndLock,int x,int y) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hwndLock,int x,int y); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_DragEnter"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hwndLock,x,y); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DragLeave(HWND hwndLock) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hwndLock); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_DragLeave"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hwndLock); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DragMove(int x,int y) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(int x,int y); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_DragMove"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(x,y); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetDragCursorImage(HIMAGELIST himlDrag,int iDrag,int dxHotspot,int dyHotspot) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himlDrag,int iDrag,int dxHotspot,int dyHotspot); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_SetDragCursorImage"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himlDrag,iDrag,dxHotspot,dyHotspot); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_DragShowNolock(BOOL fShow) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(BOOL fShow); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_DragShowNolock"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(fShow); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetDragImage(POINT*ppt,POINT*pptHotspot) { HIMAGELIST imagelistResult = NULL; typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI* PFN)(POINT*ppt,POINT*pptHotspot); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return imagelistResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_GetDragImage"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } imagelistResult = s_pfn(ppt,pptHotspot); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (imagelistResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return imagelistResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Read(ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm) { HIMAGELIST imagelistResult = NULL; typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI* PFN)(ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return imagelistResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Read"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } imagelistResult = s_pfn(pstm); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (imagelistResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return imagelistResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Write(HIMAGELIST himl,ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Write"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,pstm); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HRESULT WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_ReadEx(DWORD dwFlags,ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm,REFIID riid,PVOID*ppv) { HRESULT result = S_OK; typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* PFN)(DWORD dwFlags,ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm,REFIID riid,PVOID*ppv); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivateJVaQPGbueRfhYg(); __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_ReadEx"); if (s_pfn == NULL) { result = CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivateJVaQPGbueRfhYg(); __leave; } } result = s_pfn(dwFlags,pstm,riid,ppv); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return result; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HRESULT WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_WriteEx(HIMAGELIST himl,DWORD dwFlags,ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm) { HRESULT result = S_OK; typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,DWORD dwFlags,ISOLATIONAWARECOMMCTRL_LPSTREAM pstm); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivateJVaQPGbueRfhYg(); __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_WriteEx"); if (s_pfn == NULL) { result = CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivateJVaQPGbueRfhYg(); __leave; } } result = s_pfn(himl,dwFlags,pstm); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return result; } #endif /* (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) */ ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetIconSize(HIMAGELIST himl,int*cx,int*cy) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int*cx,int*cy); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_GetIconSize"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,cx,cy); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_SetIconSize(HIMAGELIST himl,int cx,int cy) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int cx,int cy); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_SetIconSize"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,cx,cy); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_GetImageInfo(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,IMAGEINFO*pImageInfo) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl,int i,IMAGEINFO*pImageInfo); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_GetImageInfo"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(himl,i,pImageInfo); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Merge(HIMAGELIST himl1,int i1,HIMAGELIST himl2,int i2,int dx,int dy) { HIMAGELIST imagelistResult = NULL; typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl1,int i1,HIMAGELIST himl2,int i2,int dx,int dy); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return imagelistResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Merge"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } imagelistResult = s_pfn(himl1,i1,himl2,i2,dx,dy); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (imagelistResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return imagelistResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HIMAGELIST WINAPI IsolationAwareImageList_Duplicate(HIMAGELIST himl) { HIMAGELIST imagelistResult = NULL; typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI* PFN)(HIMAGELIST himl); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return imagelistResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ImageList_Duplicate"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } imagelistResult = s_pfn(himl); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (imagelistResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return imagelistResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HWND WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateToolbarEx(HWND hwnd,DWORD ws,UINT wID,int nBitmaps,HINSTANCE hBMInst,UINT_PTR wBMID,LPCTBBUTTON lpButtons,int iNumButtons,int dxButton,int dyButton,int dxBitmap,int dyBitmap,UINT uStructSize) { HWND windowResult = NULL; typedef HWND (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hwnd,DWORD ws,UINT wID,int nBitmaps,HINSTANCE hBMInst,UINT_PTR wBMID,LPCTBBUTTON lpButtons,int iNumButtons,int dxButton,int dyButton,int dxBitmap,int dyBitmap,UINT uStructSize); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return windowResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("CreateToolbarEx"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } windowResult = s_pfn(hwnd,ws,wID,nBitmaps,hBMInst,wBMID,lpButtons,iNumButtons,dxButton,dyButton,dxBitmap,dyBitmap,uStructSize); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (windowResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return windowResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HBITMAP WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateMappedBitmap(HINSTANCE hInstance,INT_PTR idBitmap,UINT wFlags,LPCOLORMAP lpColorMap,int iNumMaps) { HBITMAP bitmapResult = NULL; typedef HBITMAP (WINAPI* PFN)(HINSTANCE hInstance,INT_PTR idBitmap,UINT wFlags,LPCOLORMAP lpColorMap,int iNumMaps); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return bitmapResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("CreateMappedBitmap"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } bitmapResult = s_pfn(hInstance,idBitmap,wFlags,lpColorMap,iNumMaps); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (bitmapResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return bitmapResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareDrawStatusTextA(HDC hDC,LPRECT lprc,LPCSTR pszText,UINT uFlags) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(HDC hDC,LPRECT lprc,LPCSTR pszText,UINT uFlags); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DrawStatusTextA"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(hDC,lprc,pszText,uFlags); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareDrawStatusTextW(HDC hDC,LPRECT lprc,LPCWSTR pszText,UINT uFlags) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(HDC hDC,LPRECT lprc,LPCWSTR pszText,UINT uFlags); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DrawStatusTextW"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(hDC,lprc,pszText,uFlags); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HWND WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindowA(long style,LPCSTR lpszText,HWND hwndParent,UINT wID) { HWND windowResult = NULL; typedef HWND (WINAPI* PFN)(long style,LPCSTR lpszText,HWND hwndParent,UINT wID); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return windowResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("CreateStatusWindowA"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } windowResult = s_pfn(style,lpszText,hwndParent,wID); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (windowResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return windowResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HWND WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindowW(long style,LPCWSTR lpszText,HWND hwndParent,UINT wID) { HWND windowResult = NULL; typedef HWND (WINAPI* PFN)(long style,LPCWSTR lpszText,HWND hwndParent,UINT wID); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return windowResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("CreateStatusWindowW"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } windowResult = s_pfn(style,lpszText,hwndParent,wID); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (windowResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return windowResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareMenuHelp(UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam,HMENU hMainMenu,HINSTANCE hInst,HWND hwndStatus,UINT*lpwIDs) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam,HMENU hMainMenu,HINSTANCE hInst,HWND hwndStatus,UINT*lpwIDs); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("MenuHelp"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(uMsg,wParam,lParam,hMainMenu,hInst,hwndStatus,lpwIDs); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareShowHideMenuCtl(HWND hWnd,UINT_PTR uFlags,LPINT lpInfo) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hWnd,UINT_PTR uFlags,LPINT lpInfo); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("ShowHideMenuCtl"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hWnd,uFlags,lpInfo); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareGetEffectiveClientRect(HWND hWnd,LPRECT lprc,LPINT lpInfo) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hWnd,LPRECT lprc,LPINT lpInfo); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("GetEffectiveClientRect"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(hWnd,lprc,lpInfo); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareMakeDragList(HWND hLB) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hLB); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("MakeDragList"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hLB); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareDrawInsert(HWND handParent,HWND hLB,int nItem) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND handParent,HWND hLB,int nItem); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DrawInsert"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(handParent,hLB,nItem); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareLBItemFromPt(HWND hLB,POINT pt,BOOL bAutoScroll) { int nResult = -1; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hLB,POINT pt,BOOL bAutoScroll); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("LBItemFromPt"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(hLB,pt,bAutoScroll); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == -1); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HWND WINAPI IsolationAwareCreateUpDownControl(DWORD dwStyle,int x,int y,int cx,int cy,HWND hParent,int nID,HINSTANCE hInst,HWND hBuddy,int nUpper,int nLower,int nPos) { HWND windowResult = NULL; typedef HWND (WINAPI* PFN)(DWORD dwStyle,int x,int y,int cx,int cy,HWND hParent,int nID,HINSTANCE hInst,HWND hBuddy,int nUpper,int nLower,int nPos); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return windowResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("CreateUpDownControl"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } windowResult = s_pfn(dwStyle,x,y,cx,cy,hParent,nID,hInst,hBuddy,nUpper,nLower,nPos); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (windowResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return windowResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareInitMUILanguage(LANGID uiLang) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(LANGID uiLang); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("InitMUILanguage"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(uiLang); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE LANGID WINAPI IsolationAwareGetMUILanguage(void) { LANGID languageIdResult = MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL); typedef LANGID (WINAPI* PFN)(void); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return languageIdResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("GetMUILanguage"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } languageIdResult = s_pfn(); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (languageIdResult == MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL)); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return languageIdResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HDSA WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_Create(int cbItem,int cItemGrow) { HDSA result = NULL; typedef HDSA (WINAPI* PFN)(int cbItem,int cItemGrow); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return result; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DSA_Create"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } result = s_pfn(cbItem,cItemGrow); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (result == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return result; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_Destroy(HDSA hdsa) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HDSA hdsa); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DSA_Destroy"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hdsa); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_DestroyCallback(HDSA hdsa,PFNDSAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB,void*pData) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(HDSA hdsa,PFNDSAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB,void*pData); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DSA_DestroyCallback"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(hdsa,pfnCB,pData); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE PVOID WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_GetItemPtr(HDSA hdsa,int i) { PVOID vResult = NULL; typedef PVOID (WINAPI* PFN)(HDSA hdsa,int i); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return vResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DSA_GetItemPtr"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } vResult = s_pfn(hdsa,i); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (vResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return vResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareDSA_InsertItem(HDSA hdsa,int i,void*pitem) { int nResult = -1; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HDSA hdsa,int i,void*pitem); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DSA_InsertItem"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(hdsa,i,pitem); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == -1); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HDPA WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_Create(int cItemGrow) { HDPA result = NULL; typedef HDPA (WINAPI* PFN)(int cItemGrow); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return result; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_Create"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } result = s_pfn(cItemGrow); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (result == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return result; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_Destroy(HDPA hdpa) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_Destroy"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hdpa); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE PVOID WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_DeletePtr(HDPA hdpa,int i) { PVOID vResult = NULL; typedef PVOID (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa,int i); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return vResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_DeletePtr"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } vResult = s_pfn(hdpa,i); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (vResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return vResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_DeleteAllPtrs(HDPA hdpa) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_DeleteAllPtrs"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hdpa); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_EnumCallback(HDPA hdpa,PFNDPAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB,void*pData) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa,PFNDPAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB,void*pData); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_EnumCallback"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(hdpa,pfnCB,pData); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE void WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_DestroyCallback(HDPA hdpa,PFNDPAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB,void*pData) { typedef void (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa,PFNDPAENUMCALLBACK pfnCB,void*pData); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_DestroyCallback"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } s_pfn(hdpa,pfnCB,pData); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_SetPtr(HDPA hdpa,int i,void*p) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa,int i,void*p); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_SetPtr"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hdpa,i,p); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_InsertPtr(HDPA hdpa,int i,void*p) { int nResult = -1; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa,int i,void*p); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_InsertPtr"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(hdpa,i,p); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == -1); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE PVOID WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_GetPtr(HDPA hdpa,INT_PTR i) { PVOID vResult = NULL; typedef PVOID (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa,INT_PTR i); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return vResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_GetPtr"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } vResult = s_pfn(hdpa,i); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (vResult == NULL); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return vResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_Sort(HDPA hdpa,PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare,LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa,PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare,LPARAM lParam); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_Sort"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hdpa,pfnCompare,lParam); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareDPA_Search(HDPA hdpa,void*pFind,int iStart,PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare,LPARAM lParam,UINT options) { int nResult = -1; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HDPA hdpa,void*pFind,int iStart,PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare,LPARAM lParam,UINT options); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DPA_Search"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(hdpa,pFind,iStart,pfnCompare,lParam,options); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == -1); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareStr_SetPtrW(LPWSTR*ppsz,LPCWSTR psz) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(LPWSTR*ppsz,LPCWSTR psz); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("Str_SetPtrW"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(ppsz,psz); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } #if !defined(NOTRACKMOUSEEVENT) ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAware_TrackMouseEvent(LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT lpEventTrack) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT lpEventTrack); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("_TrackMouseEvent"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(lpEventTrack); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } #endif /* !defined(NOTRACKMOUSEEVENT) */ ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_EnableScrollBar(HWND unnamed1,int unnamed2,UINT unnamed3) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int unnamed2,UINT unnamed3); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_EnableScrollBar"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,unnamed2,unnamed3); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_ShowScrollBar(HWND unnamed1,int code,BOOL unnamed2) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int code,BOOL unnamed2); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_ShowScrollBar"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,code,unnamed2); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollRange(HWND unnamed1,int code,LPINT unnamed2,LPINT unnamed3) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int code,LPINT unnamed2,LPINT unnamed3); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_GetScrollRange"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,code,unnamed2,unnamed3); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollInfo(HWND unnamed1,int code,LPSCROLLINFO unnamed2) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int code,LPSCROLLINFO unnamed2); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_GetScrollInfo"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,code,unnamed2); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollPos(HWND unnamed1,int code) { int nResult = 0 ; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int code); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_GetScrollPos"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,code); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == 0 ); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollProp(HWND unnamed1,int propIndex,LPINT unnamed2) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int propIndex,LPINT unnamed2); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_GetScrollProp"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,propIndex,unnamed2); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollPropPtr(HWND unnamed1,int propIndex,PINT_PTR unnamed2) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int propIndex,PINT_PTR unnamed2); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY( #if defined(_WIN64) "FlatSB_GetScrollPropPtr" #else "FlatSB_GetScrollProp" #endif ); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,propIndex,unnamed2); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollPos(HWND unnamed1,int code,int pos,BOOL fRedraw) { int nResult = 0 ; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int code,int pos,BOOL fRedraw); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_SetScrollPos"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,code,pos,fRedraw); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == 0 ); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollInfo(HWND unnamed1,int code,LPSCROLLINFO unnamed2,BOOL fRedraw) { int nResult = 0 ; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int code,LPSCROLLINFO unnamed2,BOOL fRedraw); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_SetScrollInfo"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,code,unnamed2,fRedraw); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == 0 ); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollRange(HWND unnamed1,int code,int min,int max,BOOL fRedraw) { int nResult = 0 ; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,int code,int min,int max,BOOL fRedraw); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_SetScrollRange"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,code,min,max,fRedraw); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == 0 ); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollProp(HWND unnamed1,UINT index,INT_PTR newValue,BOOL unnamed2) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1,UINT index,INT_PTR newValue,BOOL unnamed2); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("FlatSB_SetScrollProp"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(unnamed1,index,newValue,unnamed2); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareInitializeFlatSB(HWND unnamed1) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("InitializeFlatSB"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(unnamed1); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE HRESULT WINAPI IsolationAwareUninitializeFlatSB(HWND unnamed1) { HRESULT result = S_OK; typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND unnamed1); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivateJVaQPGbueRfhYg(); __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("UninitializeFlatSB"); if (s_pfn == NULL) { result = CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivateJVaQPGbueRfhYg(); __leave; } } result = s_pfn(unnamed1); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); } } return result; } #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x560) ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareSetWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd,SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass,UINT_PTR uIdSubclass,DWORD_PTR dwRefData) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hWnd,SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass,UINT_PTR uIdSubclass,DWORD_PTR dwRefData); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("SetWindowSubclass"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hWnd,pfnSubclass,uIdSubclass,dwRefData); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareGetWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd,SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass,UINT_PTR uIdSubclass,DWORD_PTR*pdwRefData) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hWnd,SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass,UINT_PTR uIdSubclass,DWORD_PTR*pdwRefData); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("GetWindowSubclass"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hWnd,pfnSubclass,uIdSubclass,pdwRefData); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE BOOL WINAPI IsolationAwareRemoveWindowSubclass(HWND hWnd,SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass,UINT_PTR uIdSubclass) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hWnd,SUBCLASSPROC pfnSubclass,UINT_PTR uIdSubclass); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return fResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("RemoveWindowSubclass"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } fResult = s_pfn(hWnd,pfnSubclass,uIdSubclass); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (fResult == FALSE); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return fResult; } #endif /* (_WIN32_IE >= 0x560) */ ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE LRESULT WINAPI IsolationAwareDefSubclassProc(HWND hWnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT result = 0 ; typedef LRESULT (WINAPI* PFN)(HWND hWnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return result; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DefSubclassProc"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } result = s_pfn(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (result == 0 ); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return result; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE int WINAPI IsolationAwareDrawShadowText(HDC hdc,LPCWSTR pszText,UINT cch,RECT*prc,DWORD dwFlags,COLORREF crText,COLORREF crShadow,int ixOffset,int iyOffset) { int nResult = -1; typedef int (WINAPI* PFN)(HDC hdc,LPCWSTR pszText,UINT cch,RECT*prc,DWORD dwFlags,COLORREF crText,COLORREF crShadow,int ixOffset,int iyOffset); static PFN s_pfn; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY || IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) return nResult; __try { if (s_pfn == NULL) { s_pfn = (PFN)CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY("DrawShadowText"); if (s_pfn == NULL) __leave; } nResult = s_pfn(hdc,pszText,cch,prc,dwFlags,crText,crShadow,ixOffset,iyOffset); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (nResult == -1); const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (fPreserveLastError) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return nResult; } ISOLATION_AWARE_INLINE FARPROC WINAPI CommctrlIsolationAwarePrivatetRgCebPnQQeRff_pbZPgYQP_QYY(LPCSTR pszProcName) /* This function is shared by the other stubs in this header. */ { FARPROC proc = NULL; static HMODULE s_module; BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = FALSE; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; const static IsolationAwarePrivatepBAFGnAG_zBqHyr_vAsB c = { IsolationAwarePrivatezlybNQyVOeNeln, IsolationAwarePrivatezlybNQyVOeNelJ, "Comctl32.dll", L"Comctl32.dll" }; static IsolationAwarePrivatezHGnoyr_zBqHyr_vAsB m; __try { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY) { fActivateActCtxSuccess = IsolationAwarePrivatenPgViNgRzlnPgpgk(&ulpCookie); if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess) __leave; } proc = IsolationAwarePrivatezltRgCebPnQQeRff(&c, &m, pszProcName); } __finally { if (!IsolationAwarePrivateT_SqbjaYRiRY && fActivateActCtxSuccess) { const DWORD dwLastError = (proc == NULL) ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR; (void)IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, ulpCookie); if (proc == NULL) SetLastError(dwLastError); } } return proc; } #endif /* ISOLATION_AWARE_USE_STATIC_LIBRARY */ #define CreateMappedBitmap IsolationAwareCreateMappedBitmap #define CreateStatusWindowA IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindowA #define CreateStatusWindowW IsolationAwareCreateStatusWindowW #define CreateToolbarEx IsolationAwareCreateToolbarEx #define CreateUpDownControl IsolationAwareCreateUpDownControl #define DPA_Create IsolationAwareDPA_Create #define DPA_DeleteAllPtrs IsolationAwareDPA_DeleteAllPtrs #define DPA_DeletePtr IsolationAwareDPA_DeletePtr #define DPA_Destroy IsolationAwareDPA_Destroy #define DPA_DestroyCallback IsolationAwareDPA_DestroyCallback #define DPA_EnumCallback IsolationAwareDPA_EnumCallback #define DPA_GetPtr IsolationAwareDPA_GetPtr #define DPA_InsertPtr IsolationAwareDPA_InsertPtr #define DPA_Search IsolationAwareDPA_Search #define DPA_SetPtr IsolationAwareDPA_SetPtr #define DPA_Sort IsolationAwareDPA_Sort #define DSA_Create IsolationAwareDSA_Create #define DSA_Destroy IsolationAwareDSA_Destroy #define DSA_DestroyCallback IsolationAwareDSA_DestroyCallback #define DSA_GetItemPtr IsolationAwareDSA_GetItemPtr #define DSA_InsertItem IsolationAwareDSA_InsertItem #define DefSubclassProc IsolationAwareDefSubclassProc #define DrawInsert IsolationAwareDrawInsert #define DrawShadowText IsolationAwareDrawShadowText #define DrawStatusTextA IsolationAwareDrawStatusTextA #define DrawStatusTextW IsolationAwareDrawStatusTextW #define FlatSB_EnableScrollBar IsolationAwareFlatSB_EnableScrollBar #define FlatSB_GetScrollInfo IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollInfo #define FlatSB_GetScrollPos IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollPos #define FlatSB_GetScrollProp IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollProp #if defined(FlatSB_GetScrollPropPtr) #undef FlatSB_GetScrollPropPtr #endif #define FlatSB_GetScrollPropPtr IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollPropPtr #define FlatSB_GetScrollRange IsolationAwareFlatSB_GetScrollRange #define FlatSB_SetScrollInfo IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollInfo #define FlatSB_SetScrollPos IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollPos #define FlatSB_SetScrollProp IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollProp #define FlatSB_SetScrollRange IsolationAwareFlatSB_SetScrollRange #define FlatSB_ShowScrollBar IsolationAwareFlatSB_ShowScrollBar #define GetEffectiveClientRect IsolationAwareGetEffectiveClientRect #define GetMUILanguage IsolationAwareGetMUILanguage #define GetWindowSubclass IsolationAwareGetWindowSubclass #define ImageList_Add IsolationAwareImageList_Add #define ImageList_AddMasked IsolationAwareImageList_AddMasked #define ImageList_BeginDrag IsolationAwareImageList_BeginDrag #define ImageList_Copy IsolationAwareImageList_Copy #define ImageList_Create IsolationAwareImageList_Create #define ImageList_Destroy IsolationAwareImageList_Destroy #define ImageList_DragEnter IsolationAwareImageList_DragEnter #define ImageList_DragLeave IsolationAwareImageList_DragLeave #define ImageList_DragMove IsolationAwareImageList_DragMove #define ImageList_DragShowNolock IsolationAwareImageList_DragShowNolock #define ImageList_Draw IsolationAwareImageList_Draw #define ImageList_DrawEx IsolationAwareImageList_DrawEx #define ImageList_DrawIndirect IsolationAwareImageList_DrawIndirect #define ImageList_Duplicate IsolationAwareImageList_Duplicate #define ImageList_EndDrag IsolationAwareImageList_EndDrag #define ImageList_GetBkColor IsolationAwareImageList_GetBkColor #define ImageList_GetDragImage IsolationAwareImageList_GetDragImage #define ImageList_GetIcon IsolationAwareImageList_GetIcon #define ImageList_GetIconSize IsolationAwareImageList_GetIconSize #define ImageList_GetImageCount IsolationAwareImageList_GetImageCount #define ImageList_GetImageInfo IsolationAwareImageList_GetImageInfo #define ImageList_LoadImageA IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImageA #define ImageList_LoadImageW IsolationAwareImageList_LoadImageW #define ImageList_Merge IsolationAwareImageList_Merge #define ImageList_Read IsolationAwareImageList_Read #define ImageList_ReadEx IsolationAwareImageList_ReadEx #define ImageList_Remove IsolationAwareImageList_Remove #define ImageList_Replace IsolationAwareImageList_Replace #define ImageList_ReplaceIcon IsolationAwareImageList_ReplaceIcon #define ImageList_SetBkColor IsolationAwareImageList_SetBkColor #define ImageList_SetDragCursorImage IsolationAwareImageList_SetDragCursorImage #define ImageList_SetIconSize IsolationAwareImageList_SetIconSize #define ImageList_SetImageCount IsolationAwareImageList_SetImageCount #define ImageList_SetOverlayImage IsolationAwareImageList_SetOverlayImage #define ImageList_Write IsolationAwareImageList_Write #define ImageList_WriteEx IsolationAwareImageList_WriteEx #define InitCommonControls IsolationAwareInitCommonControls #define InitCommonControlsEx IsolationAwareInitCommonControlsEx #define InitMUILanguage IsolationAwareInitMUILanguage #define InitializeFlatSB IsolationAwareInitializeFlatSB #define LBItemFromPt IsolationAwareLBItemFromPt #define MakeDragList IsolationAwareMakeDragList #define MenuHelp IsolationAwareMenuHelp #define RemoveWindowSubclass IsolationAwareRemoveWindowSubclass #define SetWindowSubclass IsolationAwareSetWindowSubclass #define ShowHideMenuCtl IsolationAwareShowHideMenuCtl #define Str_SetPtrW IsolationAwareStr_SetPtrW #define UninitializeFlatSB IsolationAwareUninitializeFlatSB #define _TrackMouseEvent IsolationAware_TrackMouseEvent #endif /* ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED */ #endif /* RC */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif #endif // _INC_COMMCTRL