#include #if !defined(_WININETEX_) #define _WININETEX_ #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif #define MAX_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_SIZE 4096 #define INTERNET_FLAG_BGUPDATE 0x00000008 #define INTERNET_FLAG_UNUSED_4 0x00000004 // // INTERNET_PREFETCH_STATUS - // typedef struct { // // dwStatus - status of download. See INTERNET_PREFETCH_ flags // DWORD dwStatus; // // dwSize - size of file downloaded so far // DWORD dwSize; } INTERNET_PREFETCH_STATUS, * LPINTERNET_PREFETCH_STATUS; // // INTERNET_PREFETCH_STATUS - dwStatus values // #define INTERNET_PREFETCH_PROGRESS 0 #define INTERNET_PREFETCH_COMPLETE 1 #define INTERNET_PREFETCH_ABORTED 2 #define INTERNET_ONLINE_OFFLINE_INFO INTERNET_CONNECTED_INFO #define LPINTERNET_ONLINE_OFFLINE_INFO LPINTERNET_CONNECTED_INFO #define dwOfflineState dwConnectedState #define ISO_FORCE_OFFLINE ISO_FORCE_DISCONNECTED #ifdef __WINCRYPT_H__ #ifdef ALGIDDEF // // INTERNET_SECURITY_INFO - contains information about certificate // and encryption settings for a connection. // #define INTERNET_SECURITY_INFO_DEFINED typedef struct { // // dwSize - Size of INTERNET_SECURITY_INFO structure. // DWORD dwSize; // // pCertificate - Cert context pointing to leaf of certificate chain. // PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertificate; // // Start SecPkgContext_ConnectionInfo // The following members must match those // of the SecPkgContext_ConnectionInfo // sspi structure (schnlsp.h) // // // dwProtocol - Protocol that this connection was made with // (PCT, SSL2, SSL3, etc) // DWORD dwProtocol; // // aiCipher - Cipher that this connection as made with // ALG_ID aiCipher; // // dwCipherStrength - Strength (in bits) that this connection // was made with; // DWORD dwCipherStrength; // // aiHash - Hash that this connection as made with // ALG_ID aiHash; // // dwHashStrength - Strength (in bits) that this connection // was made with; // DWORD dwHashStrength; // // aiExch - Key Exchange type that this connection as made with // ALG_ID aiExch; // // dwExchStrength - Strength (in bits) that this connection // was made with; // DWORD dwExchStrength; } INTERNET_SECURITY_INFO, * LPINTERNET_SECURITY_INFO; typedef struct { // // dwSize - size of INTERNET_SECURITY_CONNECTION_INFO // DWORD dwSize; // fSecure - Is this a secure connection. BOOL fSecure; // // dwProtocol - Protocol that this connection was made with // (PCT, SSL2, SSL3, etc) // DWORD dwProtocol; // // aiCipher - Cipher that this connection as made with // ALG_ID aiCipher; // // dwCipherStrength - Strength (in bits) that this connection // was made with; // DWORD dwCipherStrength; // // aiHash - Hash that this connection as made with // ALG_ID aiHash; // // dwHashStrength - Strength (in bits) that this connection // was made with; // DWORD dwHashStrength; // // aiExch - Key Exchange type that this connection as made with // ALG_ID aiExch; // // dwExchStrength - Strength (in bits) that this connection // was made with; // DWORD dwExchStrength; } INTERNET_SECURITY_CONNECTION_INFO , * LPINTERNET_SECURITY_CONNECTION_INFO; INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetAlgIdToStringA( IN ALG_ID ai, IN LPSTR lpstr, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwReserved ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetAlgIdToStringW( IN ALG_ID ai, IN LPWSTR lpstr, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwReserved ); #ifdef UNICODE #define InternetAlgIdToString InternetAlgIdToStringW #else #define InternetAlgIdToString InternetAlgIdToStringA #endif // !UNICODE INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetSecurityProtocolToStringA( IN DWORD dwProtocol, IN LPSTR lpstr, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwReserved ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetSecurityProtocolToStringW( IN DWORD dwProtocol, IN LPWSTR lpstr, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwReserved ); #ifdef UNICODE #define InternetSecurityProtocolToString InternetSecurityProtocolToStringW #else #define InternetSecurityProtocolToString InternetSecurityProtocolToStringA #endif // !UNICODE #endif // ALGIDDEF #endif // __WINCRYPT_H__ #ifdef INTERNET_SECURITY_INFO_DEFINED INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) ShowSecurityInfo( IN HWND hWndParent, IN LPINTERNET_SECURITY_INFO pSecurityInfo ); #endif // INTERNET_SECURITY_INFO_DEFINED INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) ShowX509EncodedCertificate( IN HWND hWndParent, IN LPBYTE lpCert, IN DWORD cbCert ); INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) ShowClientAuthCerts( IN HWND hWndParent ); INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry( IN LPBYTE lpCert, IN DWORD cbCert, OUT LPSTR lpszListBoxEntry, IN LPDWORD lpdwListBoxEntry ); // // This is a private API for Trident. It displays // security info based on a URL // INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetShowSecurityInfoByURLA( IN LPSTR lpszURL, IN HWND hwndParent ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetShowSecurityInfoByURLW( IN LPWSTR lpszURL, IN HWND hwndParent ); #ifdef UNICODE #define InternetShowSecurityInfoByURL InternetShowSecurityInfoByURLW #else #ifdef _WINX32_ #define InternetShowSecurityInfoByURL InternetShowSecurityInfoByURLA #else INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetShowSecurityInfoByURL( IN LPSTR lpszURL, IN HWND hwndParent ); #endif // _WINX32_ #endif // !UNICODE //Fortezza related exports. not public // The commands that InternetFortezzaCommand supports. typedef enum { FORTCMD_LOGON = 1, FORTCMD_LOGOFF = 2, FORTCMD_CHG_PERSONALITY = 3, } FORTCMD; INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetFortezzaCommand(DWORD dwCommand, HWND hwnd, DWORD_PTR dwReserved); typedef enum { FORTSTAT_INSTALLED = 0x00000001, FORTSTAT_LOGGEDON = 0x00000002, } FORTSTAT ; INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetQueryFortezzaStatus(DWORD *pdwStatus, DWORD_PTR dwReserved); BOOLAPI InternetDebugGetLocalTime( OUT SYSTEMTIME * pstLocalTime, OUT DWORD * pdwReserved ); // causes InternetCreateUrlA to escape chars in authority components (user, pwd, host) #define ICU_ESCAPE_AUTHORITY 0x00002000 #define INTERNET_SERVICE_URL 0 // // InternetConnectUrl() - a macro which allows you to specify an URL instead of // the component parts to InternetConnect(). If any API which uses the returned // connect handle specifies a NULL path then the URL-path part of the URL // specified in InternetConnectUrl() will be used // #define InternetConnectUrl(hInternet, lpszUrl, dwFlags, dwContext) \ InternetConnect(hInternet, \ lpszUrl, \ INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER, \ NULL, \ NULL, \ INTERNET_SERVICE_URL, \ dwFlags, \ dwContext \ ) INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetWriteFileExA( IN HINTERNET hFile, IN LPINTERNET_BUFFERSA lpBuffersIn, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN DWORD_PTR dwContext ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetWriteFileExW( IN HINTERNET hFile, IN LPINTERNET_BUFFERSW lpBuffersIn, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN DWORD_PTR dwContext ); #ifdef UNICODE #define InternetWriteFileEx InternetWriteFileExW #else #define InternetWriteFileEx InternetWriteFileExA #endif // !UNICODE #define INTERNET_OPTION_CONTEXT_VALUE_OLD 10 #define INTERNET_OPTION_NET_SPEED 61 // Pass in pointer to INTERNET_SECURITY_CONNECTION_INFO to be filled in. #define INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_CONNECTION_INFO 66 #define INTERNET_OPTION_DETECT_POST_SEND 71 #define INTERNET_OPTION_DISABLE_NTLM_PREAUTH 72 #define INTERNET_LAST_OPTION_INTERNAL INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_SETTINGS_CHANGED #define INTERNET_OPTION_OFFLINE_TIMEOUT INTERNET_OPTION_DISCONNECTED_TIMEOUT #define INTERNET_OPTION_LINE_STATE INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECTED_STATE #define AUTH_FLAG_RESET 0x00000000 /* let registry decide */ /* maximum length of privacy-settings in Unicode characters */ #define MaxPrivacySettings 0x4000 // Utility for mapping P3P compact-policy tokens to unique indexes INTERNETAPI_(int) FindP3PPolicySymbol(const char *pszSymbol); #define INTERNET_STATE_ONLINE INTERNET_STATE_CONNECTED #define INTERNET_STATE_OFFLINE INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED #define INTERNET_STATE_OFFLINE_USER INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED_BY_USER #define INTERNET_LINE_STATE_MASK (INTERNET_STATE_ONLINE | INTERNET_STATE_OFFLINE) #define INTERNET_BUSY_STATE_MASK (INTERNET_STATE_IDLE | INTERNET_STATE_BUSY) // // the following are used with InternetSetOption(..., INTERNET_OPTION_CALLBACK_FILTER, ...) // to filter out unrequired callbacks. INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE cannot // be filtered out // #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_RESOLVING 0x00000001 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_RESOLVED 0x00000002 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_CONNECTING 0x00000004 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_CONNECTED 0x00000008 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_SENDING 0x00000010 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_SENT 0x00000020 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_RECEIVING 0x00000040 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_RECEIVED 0x00000080 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_CLOSING 0x00000100 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_CLOSED 0x00000200 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_HANDLE_CREATED 0x00000400 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_HANDLE_CLOSING 0x00000800 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_PREFETCH 0x00001000 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_REDIRECT 0x00002000 #define INTERNET_STATUS_FILTER_STATE_CHANGE 0x00004000 // // Note that adding any HTTP_QUERY_* codes here must be followed // by an equivlent line in wininet\http\hashgen\hashgen.cpp // please see that file for further information regarding // the addition of new HTTP headers // // These are not part of HTTP 1.1 yet. We will propose these to the // HTTP extensions working group. These are required for the client-caps support // we are doing in conjuntion with IIS. typedef struct _INTERNET_COOKIE { DWORD cbSize; LPSTR pszName; LPSTR pszData; LPSTR pszDomain; LPSTR pszPath; FILETIME *pftExpires; DWORD dwFlags; LPSTR pszUrl; LPSTR pszP3PPolicy; } INTERNET_COOKIE, *PINTERNET_COOKIE; // // DAV Detection // BOOLAPI HttpCheckDavComplianceA( IN LPCSTR lpszUrl, IN LPCSTR lpszComplianceToken, IN OUT LPBOOL lpfFound, IN HWND hWnd, IN LPVOID lpvReserved ); // // DAV Detection // BOOLAPI HttpCheckDavComplianceW( IN LPCWSTR lpszUrl, IN LPCWSTR lpszComplianceToken, IN OUT LPBOOL lpfFound, IN HWND hWnd, IN LPVOID lpvReserved ); #ifdef UNICODE #define HttpCheckDavCompliance HttpCheckDavComplianceW #else #define HttpCheckDavCompliance HttpCheckDavComplianceA #endif // !UNICODE BOOLAPI HttpCheckCachedDavStatusA( IN LPCSTR lpszUrl, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwStatus ); BOOLAPI HttpCheckCachedDavStatusW( IN LPCWSTR lpszUrl, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwStatus ); #ifdef UNICODE #define HttpCheckCachedDavStatus HttpCheckCachedDavStatusW #else #define HttpCheckCachedDavStatus HttpCheckCachedDavStatusA #endif // !UNICODE BOOLAPI HttpCheckDavCollectionA( IN LPCSTR lpszUrl, IN OUT LPBOOL lpfFound, IN HWND hWnd, IN LPVOID lpvReserved ); BOOLAPI HttpCheckDavCollectionW( IN LPCWSTR lpszUrl, IN OUT LPBOOL lpfFound, IN HWND hWnd, IN LPVOID lpvReserved ); #ifdef UNICODE #define HttpCheckDavCollection HttpCheckDavCollectionW #else #define HttpCheckDavCollection HttpCheckDavCollectionA #endif // !UNICODE // DAV detection defines #define DAV_LEVEL1_STATUS 0x00000001 #define DAV_COLLECTION_STATUS 0x00004000 #define DAV_DETECTION_REQUIRED 0x00008000 #define ERROR_INTERNET_NO_NEW_CONTAINERS (INTERNET_ERROR_BASE + 51) #define ERROR_INTERNET_OFFLINE ERROR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED // // internal error codes that are used to communicate specific information inside // of Wininet but which are meaningless at the interface // #define INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR_BASE (INTERNET_ERROR_BASE + 900) #define ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_SOCKET_ERROR (INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR_BASE + 1) #define ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_AVAILABLE (INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR_BASE + 2) #define ERROR_INTERNET_NO_KNOWN_SERVERS (INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR_BASE + 3) #define ERROR_INTERNET_PING_FAILED (INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR_BASE + 4) #define ERROR_INTERNET_NO_PING_SUPPORT (INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR_BASE + 5) #define ERROR_INTERNET_CACHE_SUCCESS (INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR_BASE + 6) #define ERROR_HTTP_COOKIE_NEEDS_CONFIRMATION_EX (INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR_BASE + 7) #define HTTP_1_1_CACHE_ENTRY 0x00000040 #define STATIC_CACHE_ENTRY 0x00000080 #define MUST_REVALIDATE_CACHE_ENTRY 0x00000100 #define COOKIE_ACCEPTED_CACHE_ENTRY 0x00001000 #define COOKIE_LEASHED_CACHE_ENTRY 0x00002000 #define COOKIE_DOWNGRADED_CACHE_ENTRY 0x00004000 #define COOKIE_REJECTED_CACHE_ENTRY 0x00008000 #define PENDING_DELETE_CACHE_ENTRY 0x00400000 #define OTHER_USER_CACHE_ENTRY 0x00800000 #define PRIVACY_IMPACTED_CACHE_ENTRY 0x02000000 #define POST_RESPONSE_CACHE_ENTRY 0x04000000 #define INSTALLED_CACHE_ENTRY 0x10000000 #define POST_CHECK_CACHE_ENTRY 0x20000000 #define IDENTITY_CACHE_ENTRY 0x80000000 // We include some entry types even if app doesn't specifically ask for them. #define INCLUDE_BY_DEFAULT_CACHE_ENTRY \ ( HTTP_1_1_CACHE_ENTRY \ | STATIC_CACHE_ENTRY \ | MUST_REVALIDATE_CACHE_ENTRY \ | PRIVACY_IMPACTED_CACHE_ENTRY \ | POST_CHECK_CACHE_ENTRY \ | COOKIE_ACCEPTED_CACHE_ENTRY \ | COOKIE_LEASHED_CACHE_ENTRY \ | COOKIE_DOWNGRADED_CACHE_ENTRY \ | COOKIE_REJECTED_CACHE_ENTRY \ ) // // Well known sticky group ID // #define CACHEGROUP_ID_BUILTIN_STICKY 0x1000000000000007 // // INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRY // typedef struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYA { CHAR CachePath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwCacheSize; // in KBytes } INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYA, * LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYA; typedef struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYW { WCHAR CachePath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwCacheSize; // in KBytes } INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYW, * LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYW INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRY; typedef LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYW LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRY; #else typedef INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYA INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRY; typedef LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYA LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRY; #endif // UNICODE // // INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFO // #if _MSC_VER >= 1200 #pragma warning(push) #endif #pragma warning(disable:4201) typedef struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA { DWORD dwStructSize; DWORD dwContainer; DWORD dwQuota; DWORD dwReserved4; BOOL fPerUser; DWORD dwSyncMode; DWORD dwNumCachePaths; union { struct { CHAR CachePath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwCacheSize; }; INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYA CachePaths[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; }; DWORD dwNormalUsage; DWORD dwExemptUsage; } INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA, * LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA; typedef struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOW { DWORD dwStructSize; DWORD dwContainer; DWORD dwQuota; DWORD dwReserved4; BOOL fPerUser; DWORD dwSyncMode; DWORD dwNumCachePaths; union { struct { WCHAR CachePath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwCacheSize; }; INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_PATH_ENTRYW CachePaths[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; }; DWORD dwNormalUsage; DWORD dwExemptUsage; } INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOW, * LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOW INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFO; typedef LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOW LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFO; #else typedef INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA INTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFO; typedef LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFO; #endif // UNICODE #if _MSC_VER >= 1200 #pragma warning(pop) #else #pragma warning(disable:4201) #endif BOOLAPI IsUrlCacheEntryExpiredA( IN LPCSTR lpszUrlName, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OUT FILETIME* pftLastModified ); BOOLAPI IsUrlCacheEntryExpiredW( IN LPCWSTR lpszUrlName, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OUT FILETIME* pftLastModified ); #ifdef UNICODE #define IsUrlCacheEntryExpired IsUrlCacheEntryExpiredW #else #define IsUrlCacheEntryExpired IsUrlCacheEntryExpiredA #endif // !UNICODE #define INTERNET_CACHE_FLAG_ALLOW_COLLISIONS 0x00000100 #define INTERNET_CACHE_FLAG_INSTALLED_ENTRY 0x00000200 #define INTERNET_CACHE_FLAG_ENTRY_OR_MAPPING 0x00000400 #define INTERNET_CACHE_FLAG_ADD_FILENAME_ONLY 0x00000800 #define INTERNET_CACHE_FLAG_GET_STRUCT_ONLY 0x00001000 #define CACHE_ENTRY_TYPE_FC 0x00001000 #define CACHE_ENTRY_MODIFY_DATA_FC 0x80000000 // this appears unused // Flags for CreateContainer #define INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_NOSUBDIRS (0x1) #define INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_AUTODELETE (0x2) #define INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_RESERVED1 (0x4) #define INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_NODESKTOPINIT (0x8) #define INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_MAP_ENABLED (0x10) BOOLAPI CreateUrlCacheContainerA( IN LPCSTR Name, IN LPCSTR lpCachePrefix, LPCSTR lpszCachePath, IN DWORD KBCacheLimit, IN DWORD dwContainerType, IN DWORD dwOptions, IN OUT LPVOID pvBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD cbBuffer ); BOOLAPI CreateUrlCacheContainerW( IN LPCWSTR Name, IN LPCWSTR lpCachePrefix, LPCWSTR lpszCachePath, IN DWORD KBCacheLimit, IN DWORD dwContainerType, IN DWORD dwOptions, IN OUT LPVOID pvBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD cbBuffer ); #ifdef UNICODE #define CreateUrlCacheContainer CreateUrlCacheContainerW #else #define CreateUrlCacheContainer CreateUrlCacheContainerA #endif // !UNICODE BOOLAPI DeleteUrlCacheContainerA( IN LPCSTR Name, IN DWORD dwOptions ); BOOLAPI DeleteUrlCacheContainerW( IN LPCWSTR Name, IN DWORD dwOptions ); #ifdef UNICODE #define DeleteUrlCacheContainer DeleteUrlCacheContainerW #else #define DeleteUrlCacheContainer DeleteUrlCacheContainerA #endif // !UNICODE // // INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO - // typedef struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA { DWORD dwCacheVersion; // version of software LPSTR lpszName; // embedded pointer to the container name string. LPSTR lpszCachePrefix; // embedded pointer to the container URL prefix LPSTR lpszVolumeLabel; // embedded pointer to the container volume label if any. LPSTR lpszVolumeTitle; // embedded pointer to the container volume title if any. } INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA, * LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA; typedef struct _INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOW { DWORD dwCacheVersion; // version of software LPWSTR lpszName; // embedded pointer to the container name string. LPWSTR lpszCachePrefix; // embedded pointer to the container URL prefix LPWSTR lpszVolumeLabel; // embedded pointer to the container volume label if any. LPWSTR lpszVolumeTitle; // embedded pointer to the container volume title if any. } INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOW, * LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOW; #ifdef UNICODE typedef INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOW INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFO; typedef LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOW LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFO; #else typedef INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA INTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFO; typedef LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFO; #endif // UNICODE // FindFirstContainer options #define CACHE_FIND_CONTAINER_RETURN_NOCHANGE (0x1) INTERNETAPI_(HANDLE) FindFirstUrlCacheContainerA( IN OUT LPDWORD pdwModified, OUT LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA lpContainerInfo, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize, IN DWORD dwOptions ); INTERNETAPI_(HANDLE) FindFirstUrlCacheContainerW( IN OUT LPDWORD pdwModified, OUT LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOW lpContainerInfo, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize, IN DWORD dwOptions ); #ifdef UNICODE #define FindFirstUrlCacheContainer FindFirstUrlCacheContainerW #else #define FindFirstUrlCacheContainer FindFirstUrlCacheContainerA #endif // !UNICODE BOOLAPI FindNextUrlCacheContainerA( IN HANDLE hEnumHandle, OUT LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA lpContainerInfo, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize ); BOOLAPI FindNextUrlCacheContainerW( IN HANDLE hEnumHandle, OUT LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOW lpContainerInfo, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize ); #ifdef UNICODE #define FindNextUrlCacheContainer FindNextUrlCacheContainerW #else #define FindNextUrlCacheContainer FindNextUrlCacheContainerA #endif // !UNICODE typedef enum { WININET_SYNC_MODE_NEVER=0, WININET_SYNC_MODE_ON_EXPIRY, // bogus WININET_SYNC_MODE_ONCE_PER_SESSION, WININET_SYNC_MODE_ALWAYS, WININET_SYNC_MODE_AUTOMATIC, WININET_SYNC_MODE_DEFAULT = WININET_SYNC_MODE_AUTOMATIC } WININET_SYNC_MODE; BOOLAPI FreeUrlCacheSpaceA( IN LPCSTR lpszCachePath, IN DWORD dwSize, IN DWORD dwFilter ); BOOLAPI FreeUrlCacheSpaceW( IN LPCWSTR lpszCachePath, IN DWORD dwSize, IN DWORD dwFilter ); #ifdef UNICODE #define FreeUrlCacheSpace FreeUrlCacheSpaceW #else #define FreeUrlCacheSpace FreeUrlCacheSpaceA #endif // !UNICODE // // config APIs. // #define CACHE_CONFIG_FORCE_CLEANUP_FC 0x00000020 #define CACHE_CONFIG_DISK_CACHE_PATHS_FC 0x00000040 #define CACHE_CONFIG_SYNC_MODE_FC 0x00000080 #define CACHE_CONFIG_CONTENT_PATHS_FC 0x00000100 #define CACHE_CONFIG_COOKIES_PATHS_FC 0x00000200 #define CACHE_CONFIG_HISTORY_PATHS_FC 0x00000400 #define CACHE_CONFIG_QUOTA_FC 0x00000800 #define CACHE_CONFIG_USER_MODE_FC 0x00001000 #define CACHE_CONFIG_CONTENT_USAGE_FC 0x00002000 #define CACHE_CONFIG_STICKY_CONTENT_USAGE_FC 0x00004000 BOOLAPI GetUrlCacheConfigInfoA( OUT LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA lpCacheConfigInfo, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwCacheConfigInfoBufferSize, IN DWORD dwFieldControl ); BOOLAPI GetUrlCacheConfigInfoW( OUT LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOW lpCacheConfigInfo, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwCacheConfigInfoBufferSize, IN DWORD dwFieldControl ); #ifdef UNICODE #define GetUrlCacheConfigInfo GetUrlCacheConfigInfoW #else #define GetUrlCacheConfigInfo GetUrlCacheConfigInfoA #endif // !UNICODE BOOLAPI SetUrlCacheConfigInfoA( IN LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOA lpCacheConfigInfo, IN DWORD dwFieldControl ); BOOLAPI SetUrlCacheConfigInfoW( IN LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONFIG_INFOW lpCacheConfigInfo, IN DWORD dwFieldControl ); #ifdef UNICODE #define SetUrlCacheConfigInfo SetUrlCacheConfigInfoW #else #define SetUrlCacheConfigInfo SetUrlCacheConfigInfoA #endif // !UNICODE INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) RunOnceUrlCache( HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, LPSTR lpszCmd, int nCmdShow); INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) DeleteIE3Cache( HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, LPSTR lpszCmd, int nCmdShow); BOOLAPI UpdateUrlCacheContentPath(LPSTR szNewPath); // Cache header data defines. #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CURRENT_SETTINGS_VERSION 0 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CONLIST_CHANGE_COUNT 1 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_COOKIE_CHANGE_COUNT 2 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_NOTIFICATION_HWND 3 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_NOTIFICATION_MESG 4 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_ROOTGROUP_OFFSET 5 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_GID_LOW 6 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_GID_HIGH 7 // beta logging stats #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CACHE_NOT_EXPIRED 8 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CACHE_NOT_MODIFIED 9 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CACHE_MODIFIED 10 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CACHE_RESUMED 11 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CACHE_NOT_RESUMED 12 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_CACHE_MISS 13 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_DOWNLOAD_PARTIAL 14 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED 15 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_DOWNLOAD_CACHED 16 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_DOWNLOAD_NOT_CACHED 17 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_DOWNLOAD_NO_FILE 18 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NEEDED 19 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_DOWNLOAD_FILE_NOT_NEEDED 20 // retail data #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_NOTIFICATION_FILTER 21 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_ROOT_LEAK_OFFSET 22 // more beta logging stats #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_SYNCSTATE_IMAGE 23 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_SYNCSTATE_VOLATILE 24 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_SYNCSTATE_IMAGE_STATIC 25 #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_SYNCSTATE_STATIC_VOLATILE 26 // retail data #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_ROOT_GROUPLIST_OFFSET 27 // offset to group list #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_ROOT_FIXUP_OFFSET 28 // offset to fixup list #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_ROOT_FIXUP_COUNT 29 // num of fixup items #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_ROOT_FIXUP_TRIGGER 30 // threshhold to fix up #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_HIGH_VERSION_STRING 31 // highest entry ver #define CACHE_HEADER_DATA_LAST 31 // options for cache notification filter #define CACHE_NOTIFY_ADD_URL 0x00000001 #define CACHE_NOTIFY_DELETE_URL 0x00000002 #define CACHE_NOTIFY_UPDATE_URL 0x00000004 #define CACHE_NOTIFY_DELETE_ALL 0x00000008 #define CACHE_NOTIFY_URL_SET_STICKY 0x00000010 #define CACHE_NOTIFY_URL_UNSET_STICKY 0x00000020 #define CACHE_NOTIFY_SET_ONLINE 0x00000100 #define CACHE_NOTIFY_SET_OFFLINE 0x00000200 #define CACHE_NOTIFY_FILTER_CHANGED 0x10000000 BOOLAPI RegisterUrlCacheNotification( IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN GROUPID gid, IN DWORD dwOpsFilter, IN DWORD dwReserved ); BOOL GetUrlCacheHeaderData(IN DWORD nIdx, OUT LPDWORD lpdwData); BOOL SetUrlCacheHeaderData(IN DWORD nIdx, IN DWORD dwData); BOOL IncrementUrlCacheHeaderData(IN DWORD nIdx, OUT LPDWORD lpdwData); BOOL LoadUrlCacheContent(); BOOL GetUrlCacheContainerInfoA( IN LPSTR lpszUrlName, OUT LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOA lpContainerInfo, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize, IN DWORD dwOptions ); BOOL GetUrlCacheContainerInfoW( IN LPWSTR lpszUrlName, OUT LPINTERNET_CACHE_CONTAINER_INFOW lpContainerInfo, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwContainerInfoBufferSize, IN DWORD dwOptions ); #ifdef UNICODE #define GetUrlCacheContainerInfo GetUrlCacheContainerInfoW #else #define GetUrlCacheContainerInfo GetUrlCacheContainerInfoA #endif // !UNICODE // // Autodial APIs // INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) InternetDialA( IN HWND hwndParent, IN LPSTR lpszConnectoid, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT DWORD_PTR *lpdwConnection, IN DWORD dwReserved ); INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) InternetDialW( IN HWND hwndParent, IN LPWSTR lpszConnectoid, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT DWORD_PTR *lpdwConnection, IN DWORD dwReserved ); #ifdef UNICODE #define InternetDial InternetDialW #else #ifdef _WINX32_ #define InternetDial InternetDialA #else INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) InternetDial( IN HWND hwndParent, IN LPSTR lpszConnectoid, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT LPDWORD lpdwConnection, IN DWORD dwReserved ); #endif // _WINX32_ #endif // !UNICODE // Flags for InternetDial - must not conflict with InternetAutodial flags // as they are valid here also. #define INTERNET_DIAL_FORCE_PROMPT 0x2000 #define INTERNET_DIAL_SHOW_OFFLINE 0x4000 #define INTERNET_DIAL_UNATTENDED 0x8000 INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) InternetHangUp( IN DWORD_PTR dwConnection, IN DWORD dwReserved); #define INTERENT_GOONLINE_REFRESH 0x00000001 #define INTERENT_GOONLINE_MASK 0x00000001 INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGoOnlineA( IN LPSTR lpszURL, IN HWND hwndParent, IN DWORD dwFlags ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGoOnlineW( IN LPWSTR lpszURL, IN HWND hwndParent, IN DWORD dwFlags ); #ifdef UNICODE #define InternetGoOnline InternetGoOnlineW #else #ifdef _WINX32_ #define InternetGoOnline InternetGoOnlineA #else INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGoOnline( IN LPSTR lpszURL, IN HWND hwndParent, IN DWORD dwFlags ); #endif // _WINX32_ #endif // !UNICODE INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetAutodial( IN DWORD dwFlags, IN HWND hwndParent); // Flags for InternetAutodial #define INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_ONLINE 1 #define INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_UNATTENDED 2 #define INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FAILIFSECURITYCHECK 4 #define INTERNET_AUTODIAL_OVERRIDE_NET_PRESENT 8 #define INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FLAGS_MASK (INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_ONLINE | INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_UNATTENDED | INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FAILIFSECURITYCHECK | INTERNET_AUTODIAL_OVERRIDE_NET_PRESENT) INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetAutodialHangup( IN DWORD dwReserved); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetConnectedState( OUT LPDWORD lpdwFlags, IN DWORD dwReserved); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetConnectedStateExA( OUT LPDWORD lpdwFlags, OUT LPSTR lpszConnectionName, IN DWORD dwNameLen, IN DWORD dwReserved ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetConnectedStateExW( OUT LPDWORD lpdwFlags, OUT LPWSTR lpszConnectionName, IN DWORD dwNameLen, IN DWORD dwReserved ); INTERNETAPI InternetGetDialEngineW( IN LPWSTR pwzConnectoid, IN IDialEventSink * pdes, OUT IDialEngine ** ppde ); INTERNETAPI InternetGetDialBrandingW( IN LPWSTR pwzConnectoid, OUT IDialBranding ** ppdb ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll( DWORD dwReserved ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) DetectAutoProxyUrl( IN OUT LPSTR lpszAutoProxyUrl, IN DWORD dwAutoProxyUrlLength, IN DWORD dwDetectFlags ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) CreateMD5SSOHash ( IN PWSTR pszChallengeInfo, IN PWSTR pwszRealm, IN PWSTR pwszTarget, OUT PBYTE pbHexHash ); #ifdef UNICODE #define InternetGetConnectedStateEx InternetGetConnectedStateExW #else #ifdef _WINX32_ #define InternetGetConnectedStateEx InternetGetConnectedStateExA #else INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetConnectedStateEx( OUT LPDWORD lpdwFlags, IN LPSTR lpszConnectionName, IN DWORD dwNameLen, IN DWORD dwReserved ); #endif // _WINX32_ #endif // !UNICODE // Flags for InternetGetConnectedState and Ex #define INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM 0x01 #define INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN 0x02 #define INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY 0x04 #define INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM_BUSY 0x08 /* no longer used */ #define INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED 0x10 #define INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE 0x20 #define INTERNET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURED 0x40 // // Custom dial handler functions // // Custom dial handler prototype typedef DWORD (CALLBACK * PFN_DIAL_HANDLER) (HWND, LPCSTR, DWORD, LPDWORD); // Flags for custom dial handler #define INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_CONNECT 0 #define INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_UNATTENDED 1 #define INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_DISCONNECT 2 #define INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_SHOWOFFLINE 4 // Custom dial handler supported functionality flags #define INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_SAFE_FOR_UNATTENDED 1 #define INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_WILL_SUPPLY_STATE 2 #define INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_CAN_HANGUP 4 INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetSetDialStateA( IN LPCSTR lpszConnectoid, IN DWORD dwState, IN DWORD dwReserved ); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetSetDialStateW( IN LPCWSTR lpszConnectoid, IN DWORD dwState, IN DWORD dwReserved ); #ifdef UNICODE #define InternetSetDialState InternetSetDialStateW #else #ifdef _WINX32_ #define InternetSetDialState InternetSetDialStateA #else INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetSetDialState( IN LPCSTR lpszConnectoid, IN DWORD dwState, IN DWORD dwReserved ); #endif // _WINX32_ #endif // !UNICODE // States for InternetSetDialState #define INTERNET_DIALSTATE_DISCONNECTED 1 // Registry entries used by the dialing code // All of these entries are in: // HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\current version\internet settings #define REGSTR_DIAL_AUTOCONNECT "AutoConnect" // Registry entries for legacy cookies #define REGSTR_LEASH_LEGACY_COOKIES "LeashLegacyCookies" // Used by security manager. INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) IsHostInProxyBypassList( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPCSTR lpszHost, IN DWORD cchHost); // Used by Shell to determine if anyone has loaded wininet yet // Shell code calls OpenMutex with this name and if no mutex is // obtained, we know that no copy of wininet has been loaded yet #define WININET_STARTUP_MUTEX "WininetStartupMutex" BOOL DoConnectoidsExist(void); // Returns TRUE if any RAS connectoids exist and FALSE otherwise BOOL GetDiskInfoA( IN PSTR pszPath, IN OUT PDWORD pdwClusterSize, IN OUT PDWORDLONG pdlAvail, IN OUT PDWORDLONG pdlTotal); typedef BOOL (*CACHE_OPERATOR)(INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO* pcei, PDWORD pcbcei, PVOID pOpData); BOOL PerformOperationOverUrlCacheA( IN PCSTR pszUrlSearchPattern, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN DWORD dwFilter, IN GROUPID GroupId, OUT PVOID pReserved1, IN OUT PDWORD pdwReserved2, IN PVOID pReserved3, IN CACHE_OPERATOR op, IN OUT PVOID pOperatorData ); BOOL IsProfilesCapable(); // in cookimp.cxx and cookexp.cxx BOOLAPI ImportCookieFileA( IN LPCSTR szFilename ); // in cookimp.cxx and cookexp.cxx BOOLAPI ImportCookieFileW( IN LPCWSTR szFilename ); #ifdef UNICODE #define ImportCookieFile ImportCookieFileW #else #define ImportCookieFile ImportCookieFileA #endif // !UNICODE BOOLAPI ExportCookieFileA( IN LPCSTR szFilename, BOOL fAppend); BOOLAPI ExportCookieFileW( IN LPCWSTR szFilename, BOOL fAppend); #ifdef UNICODE #define ExportCookieFile ExportCookieFileW #else #define ExportCookieFile ExportCookieFileA #endif // !UNICODE BOOLAPI IsDomainLegalCookieDomainA( IN LPCSTR pchDomain, IN LPCSTR pchFullDomain); // in "wininet\http\cookie.cxx" BOOLAPI IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW( IN LPCWSTR pchDomain, IN LPCWSTR pchFullDomain); // in "wininet\http\cookie.cxx" #ifdef UNICODE #define IsDomainLegalCookieDomain IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW #else #define IsDomainLegalCookieDomain IsDomainLegalCookieDomainA #endif // !UNICODE INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA(OUT LPSTR pszSiteName, IN OUT unsigned long *pcSiteNameSize, OUT unsigned long *pdwDecision, IN unsigned long dwIndex); INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionW(OUT LPWSTR pszSiteName, IN OUT unsigned long *pcSiteNameSize, OUT unsigned long *pdwDecision, IN unsigned long dwIndex); #ifdef UNICODE #define InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecision InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionW #else #define InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecision InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA #endif // !UNICODE // // Privacy settings values and APIs // #define PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_NO_COOKIES 0 #define PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_HIGH 1 #define PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_MEDIUM_HIGH 2 #define PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_MEDIUM 3 #define PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_MEDIUM_LOW 4 #define PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_LOW 5 #define PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_CUSTOM 100 #define PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_ADVANCED 101 #define PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_MAX PRIVACY_TEMPLATE_LOW #define PRIVACY_TYPE_FIRST_PARTY 0 #define PRIVACY_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY 1 INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) PrivacySetZonePreferenceW( DWORD dwZone, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwTemplate, LPCWSTR pszPreference ); INTERNETAPI_(DWORD) PrivacyGetZonePreferenceW( DWORD dwZone, DWORD dwType, LPDWORD pdwTemplate, LPWSTR pszBuffer, LPDWORD pdwBufferLength ); #define _P3PGLOBAL_H_ typedef char P3PCHAR; typedef char *P3PURL; typedef char *P3PVERB; typedef const char *P3PCURL; typedef BSTR P3PCXSL; typedef void *P3PHANDLE; #define URL_LIMIT INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH struct P3PResource { P3PCURL pszLocation; P3PVERB pszVerb; P3PCURL pszP3PHeaderRef; P3PCURL pszLinkTagRef; struct P3PResource *pContainer; }; struct P3PSignal { /* Window handle for PostMessage and corresponding msg value */ HWND hwnd; unsigned int message; /* Event handle to signal */ HANDLE hEvent; /* Application-defined context */ void *pContext; /* OUT: request handle */ P3PHANDLE hRequest; }; typedef enum { P3P_Done = 0x0, P3P_Success = 0x0, P3P_NoPolicy = 0x2, P3P_InProgress = 0x3, P3P_Failed = 0x4, P3P_NotFound = 0x5, P3P_FormatErr = 0x6, P3P_Cancelled = 0x7, P3P_NotStarted = 0x8, P3P_XMLError = 0x9, P3P_Expired = 0xA, P3P_Error = 0xFF, } P3PStatus; INTERNETAPI_(int) MapResourceToPolicy(struct P3PResource *pResource, P3PURL pszPolicy, unsigned long dwSize, struct P3PSignal *pSignal); INTERNETAPI_(int) GetP3PPolicy(P3PCURL pszPolicyURL, HANDLE hDestination, P3PCXSL pszXSLtransform, struct P3PSignal *pSignal); INTERNETAPI_(int) FreeP3PObject(P3PHANDLE hObject); INTERNETAPI_(int) GetP3PRequestStatus(P3PHANDLE hObject); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif // !define(_WININETEX_)