/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ia64 psr Abstract: KD Extension Api Author: Thierry Fevrier (v-thief) Environment: User Mode. Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "psr.h" // // EmPsrFields: EM register fields for the Processor Status Register. // EM_REG_FIELD EmPsrFields[] = { { "rv", "reserved0" , 0x1, 0 }, // 0 { "be", "Big-Endian" , 0x1, 1 }, // 1 { "up", "User Performance monitor enable", 0x1, 2 }, // 2 { "ac", "Alignment Check", 0x1, 3 }, // 3 { "mfl", "Lower floating-point registers written", 0x1, 4 }, // 4 { "mfh", "Upper floating-point registers written", 0x1, 5 }, // 5 { "rv", "reserved1", 0x7, 6 }, // 6-12 { "ic", "Interruption Collection", 0x1, 13 }, // 13 { "i", "Interrupt enable", 0x1, 14 }, // 14 { "pk", "Protection Key enable", 0x1, 15 }, // 15 { "rv", "reserved2", 0x1, 16 }, // 16 { "dt", "Data Address Translation enable", 0x1, 17 }, // 17 { "dfl", "Disabled Floating-point Low register set", 0x1, 18 }, // 18 { "dfh", "Disabled Floating-point High register set", 0x1, 19 }, // 19 { "sp", "Secure Performance monitors", 0x1, 20 }, // 20 { "pp", "Privileged Performance monitor enable", 0x1, 21 }, // 21 { "di", "Disable Instruction set transition", 0x1, 22 }, // 22 { "si", "Secure Interval timer", 0x1, 23 }, // 23 { "db", "Debug Breakpoint fault enable", 0x1, 24 }, // 24 { "lp", "Lower Privilege transfer trap enable", 0x1, 25 }, // 25 { "tb", "Taken Branch trap enable", 0x1, 26 }, // 26 { "rt", "Register stack translation enable", 0x1, 27 }, // 27 { "rv", "reserved3", 0x4, 28 }, // 28-31 { "cpl", "Current Privilege Level", 0x2, 32 }, // 32-33 { "is", "Instruction Set", 0x1, 34 }, // 34 { "mc", "Machine Abort Mask delivery disable", 0x1, 35 }, // 35 { "it", "Instruction address Translation enable", 0x1, 36 }, // 36 { "id", "Instruction Debug fault disable", 0x1, 37 }, // 37 { "da", "Disable Data Access and Dirty-bit faults", 0x1, 38 }, // 38 { "dd", "Data Debug fault disable", 0x1, 39 }, // 39 { "ss", "Single Step enable", 0x1, 40 }, // 40 { "ri", "Restart Instruction", 0x2, 41 }, // 41-42 { "ed", "Exception Deferral", 0x1, 43 }, // 43 { "bn", "register Bank", 0x1, 44 }, // 44 { "ia", "Disable Instruction Access-bit faults", 0x1, 45 }, // 45 { "rv", "reserved4", 0x12, 46 } // 46-63 }; VOID DisplayFullEmRegField( ULONG64 EmRegValue, EM_REG_FIELD EmRegFields[], ULONG Field ) { dprintf( "\n %3.3s : %I64x : %-s", EmRegFields[Field].SubName, (EmRegValue >> EmRegFields[Field].Shift) & ((1 << EmRegFields[Field].Length) - 1), EmRegFields[Field].Name ); return; } // DisplayFullEmRegField() VOID DisplayFullEmReg( IN ULONG64 Val, IN EM_REG_FIELD EmRegFields[], IN DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode ) { ULONG i, j; i = j = 0; if ( DisplayMode >= DISPLAY_MAX ) { while( j < EM_REG_BITS ) { DisplayFullEmRegField( Val, EmRegFields, i ); j += EmRegFields[i].Length; i++; } } else { while( j < EM_REG_BITS ) { if ( !strstr(EmRegFields[i].Name, "reserved" ) && !strstr(EmRegFields[i].Name, "ignored" ) ) { DisplayFullEmRegField( Val, EmRegFields, i ); } j += EmRegFields[i].Length; i++; } } dprintf("\n"); return; } // DisplayFullEmReg() VOID DisplayPsrIA64( IN const PCHAR Header, IN EM_PSR EmPsr, IN DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode ) { dprintf("%s", Header ? Header : "" ); if ( DisplayMode >= DISPLAY_MED ) { DisplayFullEmReg( EM_PSRToULong64(EmPsr), EmPsrFields, DisplayMode ); } else { dprintf( "ia bn ed ri ss dd da id it mc is cpl rt tb lp db\n\t\t " "%1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x\n\t\t" "si di pp sp dfh dfl dt pk i ic | mfh mfl ac up be\n\t\t " "%1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x | %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x\n", EmPsr.ia, EmPsr.bn, EmPsr.ed, EmPsr.ri, EmPsr.ss, EmPsr.dd, EmPsr.da, EmPsr.id, EmPsr.it, EmPsr.mc, EmPsr.is, EmPsr.cpl, EmPsr.rt, EmPsr.tb, EmPsr.lp, EmPsr.db, EmPsr.si, EmPsr.di, EmPsr.pp, EmPsr.sp, EmPsr.dfh, EmPsr.dfl, EmPsr.dt, EmPsr.pk, EmPsr.i, EmPsr.ic, EmPsr.mfh, EmPsr.mfl, EmPsr.ac, EmPsr.up, EmPsr.be ); } return; } // DisplayPsrIA64() DECLARE_API( psr ) /*++ Routine Description: Dumps an IA64 Processor Status Word Arguments: args - Supplies the address in hex. Return Value: None --*/ { ULONG64 psrValue; ULONG result; ULONG flags = 0; char *header; result = sscanf(args,"%X %lx", &psrValue, &flags); psrValue = GetExpression(args); if ((result != 1) && (result != 2)) { // // If user specified "@ipsr"... // char ipsrStr[16]; result = sscanf(args, "%15s %lx", ipsrStr, &flags); if ( ((result != 1) && (result != 2)) || strcmp(ipsrStr,"@ipsr") ) { dprintf("USAGE: !psr 0xValue [display_mode:0,1,2]\n"); dprintf("USAGE: !psr @ipsr [display_mode:0,1,2]\n"); return E_INVALIDARG; } psrValue = GetExpression("@ipsr"); } header = (flags > DISPLAY_MIN) ? NULL : "\tpsr:\t"; if (TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64) { dprintf("!psr not implemented for this architecture.\n"); } else { DisplayPsrIA64( header, ULong64ToEM_PSR(psrValue), flags ); } return S_OK; } // !psr