//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Thread abstraction. // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001-2002. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ntsdp.hpp" // Thread specified in thread commands. Used for specific // thread stepping and execution. ThreadInfo* g_SelectedThread; SELECT_EXECUTION_THREAD g_SelectExecutionThread = SELTHREAD_ANY; ThreadInfo* g_RegContextSaved; ULONG64 g_SaveImplicitThread; ULONG64 g_SaveImplicitProcess; ContextSave* g_SavedMachineContext; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ThreadInfo. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ThreadInfo::ThreadInfo(ProcessInfo* Process, ULONG SystemId, ULONG64 DataOffset, ULONG64 Handle, ULONG Flags, ULONG64 StartOffset) { m_Process = Process; if (m_Process) { m_UserId = FindNextUserId(LAYER_THREAD); } else { m_UserId = 0xffffffff; } m_Next = NULL; m_SystemId = SystemId; m_Exited = FALSE; m_DataOffset = DataOffset; m_Handle = Handle; m_Flags = Flags; m_Name[0] = 0; ZeroMemory(&m_DataBreakBps, sizeof(m_DataBreakBps)); m_NumDataBreaks = 0; m_EventStrings = NULL; m_StartOffset = StartOffset; m_Frozen = FALSE; m_SuspendCount = 0; m_FreezeCount = 0; m_InternalFreezeCount = 0; if (m_Process) { m_Process->InsertThread(this); } } ThreadInfo::~ThreadInfo(void) { if (!m_Process) { return; } RemoveThreadBreakpoints(this); ClearEventStrings(); if (m_Flags & ENG_PROC_THREAD_CLOSE_HANDLE) { DBG_ASSERT(IS_LIVE_USER_TARGET(m_Process->m_Target) && ((LiveUserTargetInfo*)m_Process->m_Target)-> m_Services); ((LiveUserTargetInfo*)m_Process->m_Target)-> m_Services->CloseHandle(m_Handle); } if (this == m_Process->m_Target->m_RegContextThread) { m_Process->m_Target->m_RegContextThread = NULL; m_Process->m_Target->m_RegContextProcessor = -1; } if (m_Process->m_ImplicitThreadDataThread == this) { m_Process->ResetImplicitData(); } if (m_Process->m_Target->m_ImplicitProcessDataThread == this) { m_Process->m_Target->ResetImplicitData(); } m_Process->RemoveThread(this); g_UserIdFragmented[LAYER_THREAD]++; if (this == g_Thread) { g_Thread = NULL; } if (this == g_EventThread) { g_EventThread = NULL; DiscardLastEvent(); } if (g_StepTraceBp && g_StepTraceBp->m_MatchThread == this) { g_StepTraceBp->m_MatchThread = NULL; if (g_WatchFunctions.IsStarted()) { g_WatchFunctions.End(NULL); } ResetStepTrace(); g_StepTraceBp->m_Flags &= ~DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED; } if (g_DeferBp && g_DeferBp->m_MatchThread == this) { g_DeferBp->m_MatchThread = NULL; } if (g_SelectedThread == this) { SelectExecutionThread(NULL, SELTHREAD_ANY); } } EventString* ThreadInfo::AllocEventString(ULONG Len) { EventString* Str = (EventString*)malloc(sizeof(*Str) + Len); if (Str) { Str->String[0] = 0; Str->Next = NULL; } return Str; } void ThreadInfo::AppendEventString(EventString* EventStr) { // // Add at the end of the list to preserve order. // EventStr->Next = NULL; if (!m_EventStrings) { m_EventStrings = EventStr; } else { EventString* End = m_EventStrings; while (End->Next) { End = End->Next; } End->Next = EventStr; } } HRESULT ThreadInfo::AddEventString(PSTR String) { EventString* EventStr; ULONG Len = strlen(String); if (!(EventStr = AllocEventString(Len))) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } strcpy(EventStr->String, String); return S_OK; } void ThreadInfo::ClearEventStrings(void) { EventString* Str; while (m_EventStrings) { Str = m_EventStrings; m_EventStrings = Str->Next; free(Str); } } void ThreadInfo::OutputEventStrings(void) { EventString* Str; for (Str = g_EventThread->m_EventStrings; Str; Str = Str->Next) { dprintf("%s\n", Str->String); } } void ThreadInfo::OutputTimes(void) { ULONG64 Create, Exit, Kernel, User; if (m_Process->m_Target-> GetThreadTimes(this, &Create, &Exit, &Kernel, &User) == S_OK) { dprintf("Created: %s\n", TimeToStr(FileTimeToTimeDateStamp(Create))); if (m_Exited) { dprintf("Exited: %s\n", TimeToStr(FileTimeToTimeDateStamp(Exit))); } dprintf("Kernel: %s\n", DurationToStr(Kernel)); dprintf("User: %s\n", DurationToStr(User)); } else { ErrOut("Thread times not available\n"); } } void ThreadInfo::PrepareForExecution(void) { ClearEventStrings(); } #define TLS_BASE_SLOTS_32 0xe10 #define TLS_EXP_SLOTS_32 0xf94 #define TLS_BASE_SLOTS_64 0x1480 #define TLS_EXP_SLOTS_64 0x1780 HRESULT ThreadInfo::GetTlsSlotAddress(ULONG Index, PULONG64 Addr) { HRESULT Status; ULONG64 TebBase; ULONG BaseSlots, ExpSlots, PtrSize; if (m_Process->m_Target->m_PlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { return E_NOTIMPL; } if ((Status = m_Process->m_Target-> GetThreadInfoTeb(this, 0, 0, &TebBase)) != S_OK) { return Status; } if (m_Process->m_Target->m_Machine->m_Ptr64) { BaseSlots = TLS_BASE_SLOTS_64; ExpSlots = TLS_EXP_SLOTS_64; PtrSize = 8; } else { BaseSlots = TLS_BASE_SLOTS_32; ExpSlots = TLS_EXP_SLOTS_32; PtrSize = 4; } if (Index < TLS_MINIMUM_AVAILABLE) { *Addr = TebBase + BaseSlots + Index * PtrSize; return S_OK; } else { ULONG64 ExpBase; if (m_Process->m_Target->m_SystemVersion < NT_SVER_W2K) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if ((Status = m_Process->m_Target-> ReadPointer(m_Process, m_Process->m_Target->m_Machine, TebBase + ExpSlots, &ExpBase)) != S_OK) { return Status; } *Addr = ExpBase + Index * PtrSize; return S_OK; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Functions. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ThreadInfo* FindAnyThreadByUserId(ULONG Id) { TargetInfo* Target; ProcessInfo* Process; ThreadInfo* Thread; ForAllLayers() { if (Thread->m_UserId == Id) { return Thread; } } return NULL; } ThreadInfo* FindAnyThreadBySystemId(ULONG Id) { TargetInfo* Target; ProcessInfo* Process; ThreadInfo* Thread; ForAllLayers() { if (Thread->m_SystemId == Id) { return Thread; } } return NULL; } void SetCurrentThread(ThreadInfo* Thread, BOOL Hidden) { BOOL Changed = g_Thread != Thread; if (Thread != NULL) { Thread->m_Process->m_CurrentThread = Thread; Thread->m_Process->m_Target->m_CurrentProcess = Thread->m_Process; SetLayersFromThread(Thread); if (g_Target) { g_Target->ChangeRegContext(Thread); } } else { if (g_Target) { g_Target->ChangeRegContext(NULL); } SetLayersFromTarget(NULL); } // We're switching processors so invalidate // the implicit data pointers so they get refreshed. ResetImplicitData(); // In kernel targets update the page directory for the current // processor's page directory base value so that virtual // memory mappings are done according to the current processor // state. This only applies to full dumps because triage // dumps only have a single processor, so there's nothing to // switch, and summary dumps only guarantee that the crashing // processor's page directory page is saved. A user can // still manually change the directory through .context if // they wish. if (IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target) && IS_KERNEL_FULL_DUMP(g_Target)) { if (g_Target->m_Machine-> SetDefaultPageDirectories(Thread, PAGE_DIR_ALL) != S_OK) { WarnOut("WARNING: Unable to reset page directories\n"); } } if (!Hidden && Changed) { if (Thread != NULL) { g_Machine->GetPC(&g_AssemDefault); g_UnasmDefault = g_AssemDefault; } NotifyChangeEngineState(DEBUG_CES_CURRENT_THREAD, Thread != NULL ? Thread->m_UserId : DEBUG_ANY_ID, TRUE); } } void SetCurrentProcessorThread(TargetInfo* Target, ULONG Processor, BOOL Hidden) { // // Switch to the thread representing a particular processor. // This only works with the kernel virtual threads. // DBG_ASSERT(IS_KERNEL_TARGET(Target)); ThreadInfo* Thread = Target->m_ProcessHead-> FindThreadBySystemId(VIRTUAL_THREAD_ID(Processor)); DBG_ASSERT(Thread != NULL); if (Thread == NULL) { return; } SetCurrentThread(Thread, Hidden); } void SaveSetCurrentProcessorThread(TargetInfo* Target, ULONG Processor) { // This is only used for kd sessions to conserve // bandwidth when temporarily switching processors. DBG_ASSERT(IS_KERNEL_TARGET(Target)); g_RegContextSaved = Target->m_RegContextThread; g_SavedMachineContext = Target->m_EffMachine->PushContext(NULL); Target->m_RegContextThread = NULL; Target->m_RegContextProcessor = -1; g_SaveImplicitThread = Target->m_ProcessHead->m_ImplicitThreadData; g_SaveImplicitProcess = Target->m_ImplicitProcessData; // Don't notify on this change as it is only temporary. g_EngNotify++; SetCurrentProcessorThread(Target, Processor, TRUE); g_EngNotify--; } void RestoreCurrentProcessorThread(TargetInfo* Target) { // This is only used for kd sessions to conserve // bandwidth when temporarily switching processors. DBG_ASSERT(IS_KERNEL_TARGET(Target)); if (g_RegContextSaved != NULL) { Target->m_RegContextProcessor = VIRTUAL_THREAD_INDEX(g_RegContextSaved->m_Handle); } else { Target->m_RegContextProcessor = -1; } g_LastSelector = -1; Target->m_RegContextThread = g_RegContextSaved; Target->m_ProcessHead->m_ImplicitThreadData = g_SaveImplicitThread; Target->m_ImplicitProcessData = g_SaveImplicitProcess; Target->m_EffMachine->PopContext(g_SavedMachineContext); g_SavedMachineContext = NULL; // Don't notify on this change as it was only temporary. g_EngNotify++; SetCurrentThread(Target->m_RegContextThread, TRUE); g_EngNotify--; } void SetPromptThread(ThreadInfo* Thread, ULONG OciFlags) { SetCurrentThread(Thread, FALSE); ResetCurrentScope(); OutCurInfo(OciFlags, g_Machine->m_AllMask, DEBUG_OUTPUT_PROMPT_REGISTERS); // Assem/unasm defaults already reset so just update // the dump default from them. g_DumpDefault = g_AssemDefault; } void ParseThreadCmds(DebugClient* Client) { CHAR Ch; ThreadInfo* Thread, *Thrd, *OrigThread; ULONG Id; ULONG TraceFlags; BOOL FreezeThread = FALSE; PCHAR Tmp; ULONG64 Frame, Stack, Instr; ULONG NumFrames, PtrDef; if (!g_Process) { error(BADTHREAD); } Ch = PeekChar(); if (Ch == '\0' || Ch == ';') { g_Process->OutputThreadInfo(NULL, FALSE); } else { g_CurCmd++; Thread = g_Thread; FreezeThread = TRUE; if (Ch == '.') { // Current thread is the default. } else if (Ch == '#') { Thread = g_EventThread; } else if (Ch == '*') { Thread = NULL; FreezeThread = FALSE; } else if (Ch == '[') { g_CurCmd--; Id = (ULONG)GetTermExpression("Thread ID missing from"); Thread = FindAnyThreadByUserId(Id); if (Thread == NULL) { error(BADTHREAD); } } else if (Ch == '~') { if (*g_CurCmd != '[') { error(SYNTAX); } Id = (ULONG)GetTermExpression("Thread ID missing from"); Thread = FindAnyThreadBySystemId(Id); if (Thread == NULL) { error(BADTHREAD); } } else if (Ch >= '0' && Ch <= '9') { Id = 0; do { Id = Id * 10 + Ch - '0'; Ch = *g_CurCmd++; } while (Ch >= '0' && Ch <= '9'); g_CurCmd--; Thread = FindAnyThreadByUserId(Id); if (Thread == NULL) { error(BADTHREAD); } } else { g_CurCmd--; } Ch = PeekChar(); if (Ch == '\0' || Ch == ';') { g_Process->OutputThreadInfo(Thread, TRUE); } else { g_CurCmd++; switch (Ch = (CHAR)tolower(Ch)) { case 'b': Ch = (CHAR)tolower(*g_CurCmd); g_CurCmd++; if (Ch != 'p' && Ch != 'a' && Ch != 'u' && Ch != 'm') { if (Ch == '\0' || Ch == ';') { g_CurCmd--; } error(SYNTAX); } ParseBpCmd(Client, Ch, Thread); break; case 'e': Tmp = g_CurCmd; OrigThread = g_Thread; for (Thrd = g_Process->m_ThreadHead; Thrd; Thrd = Thrd->m_Next) { if (Thread == NULL || Thrd == Thread) { g_CurCmd = Tmp; SetCurrentThread(Thrd, TRUE); ProcessCommands(Client, TRUE); if (g_EngStatus & ENG_STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT) { g_EngStatus &= ~ENG_STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT; break; } } } SetCurrentThread(OrigThread, TRUE); break; case 'f': case 'u': if (Thread == NULL) { Thread = g_Process->m_ThreadHead; while (Thread) { Thread->m_Frozen = (BOOL)(Ch == 'f'); Thread = Thread->m_Next; } } else { Thread->m_Frozen = (BOOL)(Ch == 'f'); } break; case 'g': if (Thread) { g_Target->ChangeRegContext(Thread); } ParseGoCmd(Thread, FreezeThread); g_Target->ChangeRegContext(g_Thread); break; case 'k': if (Thread == NULL) { Tmp = g_CurCmd; for (Thread = g_Process->m_ThreadHead; Thread; Thread = Thread->m_Next) { g_CurCmd = Tmp; dprintf("\n"); g_Process->OutputThreadInfo(Thread, FALSE); g_Target->ChangeRegContext(Thread); ParseStackTrace(&TraceFlags, &Frame, &Stack, &Instr, &NumFrames, &PtrDef); DoStackTrace(Client, Frame, Stack, Instr, PtrDef, NumFrames, TraceFlags); if (g_EngStatus & ENG_STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT) { break; } } } else { g_Target->ChangeRegContext(Thread); ParseStackTrace(&TraceFlags, &Frame, &Stack, &Instr, &NumFrames, &PtrDef); DoStackTrace(Client, Frame, Stack, Instr, PtrDef, NumFrames, TraceFlags); } g_Target->ChangeRegContext(g_Thread); break; case 'm': case 'n': if (!IS_LIVE_USER_TARGET(g_Target)) { error(SESSIONNOTSUP); } ((LiveUserTargetInfo*)g_Target)-> SuspendResumeThreads(g_Process, Ch == 'n', Thread); break; case 'p': case 't': if (Thread) { g_Target->ChangeRegContext(Thread); } ParseStepTrace(Thread, FreezeThread, Ch); g_Target->ChangeRegContext(g_Thread); break; case 'r': if (Thread == NULL) { Tmp = g_CurCmd; for (Thread = g_Process->m_ThreadHead; Thread; Thread = Thread->m_Next) { g_CurCmd = Tmp; g_Target->ChangeRegContext(Thread); ParseRegCmd(); } } else { g_Target->ChangeRegContext(Thread); ParseRegCmd(); } g_Target->ChangeRegContext(g_Thread); break; case 's': if (Thread == NULL) { error(BADTHREAD); } SetPromptThread(Thread, SPT_DEFAULT_OCI_FLAGS); break; default: error(SYNTAX); } } } } BOOL IsSelectedExecutionThread(ThreadInfo* Thread, SELECT_EXECUTION_THREAD Type) { switch(Type) { case SELTHREAD_INTERNAL_THREAD: // If we're checking whether this is an internally // selected thread we need an exact match. return Thread && g_SelectExecutionThread == Type && Thread == g_SelectedThread; case SELTHREAD_THREAD: // For user-driven execution control there is either // a specific thread or a match-any state with no thread. return Thread && (!g_SelectedThread || Thread == g_SelectedThread); case SELTHREAD_ANY: // Check to see if any selection has been made. return !g_SelectedThread; default: DBG_ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } } void SelectExecutionThread(ThreadInfo* Thread, SELECT_EXECUTION_THREAD Type) { if (!Thread || Type == SELTHREAD_ANY) { g_SelectExecutionThread = SELTHREAD_ANY; g_SelectedThread = NULL; } else { g_SelectExecutionThread = Type; g_SelectedThread = Thread; } } BOOL ThreadWillResume(ThreadInfo* Thread) { // If the thread isn't selected for execution or // it's manually frozen it won't be resumed. return !Thread->m_Frozen && IsSelectedExecutionThread(Thread, SELTHREAD_THREAD); }